Properties of stones and minerals lithotherapy. Lithotherapy is a useful addition to traditional medicine. How stones and minerals work

Properties of stones and minerals lithotherapy.  Lithotherapy is a useful addition to traditional medicine.  How stones and minerals work
Properties of stones and minerals lithotherapy. Lithotherapy is a useful addition to traditional medicine. How stones and minerals work

We live in an era of striving for self-development, which concerns both society as a whole and the individual. This is a great time to combine modern developments and ancient practices in search of the best ways to strengthen and maintain health. One of these methods is lithotherapy - treatment with stones or minerals. In the article we will talk about the principle by which stones work, what beneficial properties they have, the rules for choosing and working with crystals, and methods of therapeutic effects. You will also learn how lithotherapy is used in speech therapy.

From the Greek lithos (stones), lithotherapy or stone healing is a gentle form of therapy in which stones and crystals are used to restore balance and harmonization to the body. This is an ancient practice of alternative medicine, originating from the East. It is based on treatment not only through the impact on the body of natural minerals and stones, but also clay, silt, and metals.

How do stones and minerals affect humans?

It is based on the energetic effect of minerals on the body, chakras and mind of a person, his psycho-emotional state.

Tibetan monks used about a hundred types of healing stones, making pyramids, massagers, and rosaries from them. They also widely used the method of charging water using minerals.

Chinese healers increased the level of vital energy Qi and achieved harmony in the energy of Yin and Yang by stimulating special points of the body with stones. In addition, stones and minerals are widely used in feng shui as one of the powerful means of harmonizing the energy space of a home.

How can a stone have such a strong effect on the human body and the space around it? Modern lithotherapists explain the phenomenon through the theory of energy-information fields.

Important! Every object has the ability to accumulate some energy vibrations. In stones this ability is most clearly expressed.

Stones and minerals accumulate unique vibrations near them that are capable of interacting with living organisms. Moreover, each stone has its own degree of resonance with the body and is capable of influencing the cellular and organ levels.

Healing properties of stones

Rocks and minerals are complex geological formations formed under various conditions. Some rocks were formed under pressure and the direct influence of the Earth's magma, others were born closer to the surface. Based on such dissimilar conditions, they acquired unique properties. Depending on environmental conditions, it is customary to classify the energy of stones as follows:

Strong energy

It is possessed by stones that were born under the influence of strong, stormy, extreme natural phenomena. These include diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, peridot, moonstone, tourmaline and others.

Diamond- a gemstone, one of the most powerful in terms of energy impact. It is believed that it enhances the state in which the person wearing it is. For example, if a person is prone to sad thoughts, then constantly wearing a diamond can provoke depression. This stone actively affects cognitive abilities and is used in the treatment of eye diseases.

Ruby affects the circulatory system and heart function. Indicated for anemia and low blood pressure.

Emerald Known as a powerful antiseptic, helps in treating wounds. Normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on cognitive functions - intelligence, attention, memory.

Medium energy

Such stones were formed in calmer natural conditions. These are agates, carnelians, flint, rose quartz, malachite.

Agate helps in the fight against addictions, harmonizes a person’s general condition, relieves sadness and depression.

Cornelian have a beneficial effect on the immune system and endocrine system.

Malachite treats allergies, skin diseases. Restores physical and emotional strength.

Weak energy

These are stones that formed closest to the surface of the earth: obsidian, aragonite, opal, etc.

Opal has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps with insomnia.

Obsidian normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system, and helps with colds.

Special energy

These are stones of organic origin and they have taken on the power due to which they were formed. These are stones such as amber, pearls, shungite, as well as all kinds of corals.

Shungite- a stone that can only be mined in Karelia. A powerful antiseptic, it perfectly treats allergic reactions, skin rashes and other dermatological ailments.

Amber- a biostimulant that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Pearl used to normalize blood pressure, as well as harmonize the functioning of the nervous system.

We invite you to watch an interesting video “Properties of minerals and semi-precious stones”. Lecture by a strong, charismatic, intelligent esotericist Isset Kotelnikova. From the video you will learn how to choose the right stone jewelry and not buy a fake

How to choose a healing mineral?

It is very important to understand not only the general nature of the origin of stones, the minerals in which they were formed over billions of years, but also their “modern” history. A stone, like a “sponge,” absorbs the information in which it is located. The region where the stone was brought from, the environment in which it lay for centuries, is important. For example, if a stone lay in an area where wars had been going on for centuries and blood had been shed, then it is unlikely to be charged with positive energy.

A simple seller in a jewelry store is unlikely to tell you where the stone was brought from or what its history is. He will also not say that only unprocessed stones have beneficial properties.

Important! In a specialized store, a specialist knows both about the nature of origin and the specific properties of a particular natural material.

That is why only a professional lithotherapist can give competent advice on choosing a stone.

If this is not possible, you can choose a specific stone to work on any chakra:

Or choose a stone according to your zodiac sign:

Rules for working with crystals

A crystal is a shaped stone that can be used for energetic and healing work. The crystal has a top and 6 faces. When working with crystals, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. We use only crystals without damage, chips or stains;
  2. Before use, the crystal must be “cleansed” of previous energy. To do this, put in a solution for about 24 hours: a liter of water and 1 glass of coarse sea salt;
  3. Crystals should be stored in soft natural fabric;
  4. If a person wants to receive energy from a crystal, he must hold it in his left hand in order to give his energy in his right.

Lithotherapy methods, how are minerals and stones used?

In lithotherapy, there are a number of stone treatment methods that can be used at home or by contacting a lithotherapist.

Mineral-based healing water

This is the simplest treatment with stones at home. The method consists of infusing ordinary water on certain stones, as a result of which it acquires beneficial properties. This water is otherwise called a mineral elixir and is already used for:

  • ingestion and cooking;
  • washing. The elixir improves trophism in the skin, heals wounds, and improves complexion.
  • bathing. A bath of mineral elixir generally has a beneficial effect on the skin and the condition of the body.
  • rinsing. Relieves gum inflammation, heals microcracks.
  • applying compresses.

Healing crystals

To receive the effect of a crystal, you need to hold it in your left hand, and to give out your energy - in your right. For left-handers, the hands change accordingly.

There are a number of techniques for working with crystals based on visualization and thought forms. For example, if a person is cold, he can take the crystal in his left hand and imagine how red warmth is softly and evenly distributed along the right side. If it’s hot, you need to imagine how blue energy circulates. To cheer up and improve your mood, you need to imagine yellow energy filling the body. The color violet will calm you down and give you a feeling of relaxation.

Stone massage balls

This method comes from Chinese practical medicine, in which banshee crystals were used for massage. The principle of the method is the impact of a stone ball on biologically active points of the body. This method is used by lithotherapists and specialists in reflexology and acupuncture.

Massage balls come in different sizes. There are both large balls and small balls that are convenient to roll independently in your hand. Since the palm contains many important active points, simply rolling small stone balls can quickly improve a person’s well-being.

Talisman stones

It is best to seek help from a lithotherapist in choosing a talisman stone. Sometimes talismans are selected according to the zodiac sign, and sometimes according to the individual characteristics of a person. But we should not forget that a stone can affect each person in its own way. That is why, after a competent consultation with a lithotherapist, you should listen to your “inner voice.”

Give yourself time and be alone with the stone, try to feel its energy, listen to the response of your soul. Often the most faithful adviser will be your own feeling of comfort or discomfort.

In the next video, Natalya Egoshina talks about talisman stones according to the signs of the Zodiac - these are special stone magical objects. They suit their owners according to their horoscope and date of birth. And in order for the talisman to suit a person, its choice should be treated with special attention

Lithotherapy in speech therapy

The use of stones and minerals is becoming increasingly common in the practice of specialists. For example, lithotherapy is also used in speech therapy. Handling stones, games, massage of hands and fingers - all this develops fine motor skills of the hands, and this in turn develops the speech apparatus in children.

Side effects and contraindications

The method has no contraindications or side effects. The disadvantages include the high cost of natural stones and the lack of official, licensed specialists. Unfortunately, very often you can fall for unscrupulous people, charlatans.


Lithotherapy(from Greek λίθος - stone, θεραπεία - treatment) - one of the methods of alternative medicine, treatment using stones. This is an unconventional medical practice based on a set of historically and conceptually disparate subjective ideas about the therapeutic properties of minerals and stones. Lithotherapy is not based on scientific research, but despite this, it has found a large number of fans and admirers who are convinced that each stone has certain properties of influencing one or more aspects of the mental or physical state of the human body. Lithotherapists claim, although completely unfounded, that each stone has certain “vibrations and radiations” (correct definitions of the terms are not given and the physical essence of the phenomena is not specified), corresponding to the “vibrations and radiations” of human organs, due to which, supposedly, there is an effect on the physical , mental, astral and karmic bodies, and healing can occur. Neither scientific nor clinical justifications for the proposed methods are given by their authors; everything must be taken on faith and is based primarily on suggestion and self-hypnosis.

Lithotherapy refers to any use of minerals and natural stones (minerals, crystals, precious stones, rocks, silts, clays, etc.) for the purpose of their effect on the human body or consciousness.

Lithotherapy includes mineral therapy, crystal therapy, metal therapy, gemmotherapy, stone therapy, clay treatment [ source?], the impact of stones on the chakras, massage with crystals and druses, the so-called. "astromineralogy" and others.

Since lithotherapy is not based on scientific evidence, it is impossible to confirm or refute the beliefs of its adherents that each stone has supernatural properties and is capable of influencing the mental or physical state of the human body and its consciousness. But the approach proposed by lithotherapy opens up wide scope for manipulation of people's consciousness and for the activities of all kinds of swindlers and charlatans.


  • Lawrence E. Jerome. Crystal Power: The Ultimate Placebo Effect. Prometheus Books, 1989.


  • Crystal power in the Skeptic's Dictionary
  • Lithotherapy. Ru - a specialized site on lithotherapy.
  • “Lithotherapy” - chapter from the book: R. K. Balandin. Encyclopedia of precious stones and minerals. // M.: Veche, 2000.

Wikimedia Foundation.


In the modern world, the practice of healing with stones is popular. This treatment also involves the use of clay and metals. All these natural substances are medicines for healing the sick body and soul.

The procedure involves the effect of certain minerals on each individual person. Treatment occurs due to the energy emitted by the stones. Energy is activated due to the body’s heat. Belief in these wonderful properties only multiplies the positive result.

History of lithotherapy

Like many unconventional practices, lithotherapy is based on the experience of our ancestors. Rocks have been studied for several centuries. In ancient times, Indians considered stones to be living matter. Moreover, they were taken as gifts from the Gods falling from the sky. There are also plenty of recipes for healing with minerals from the times of ancient Egyptian medicine. Aristotle and Herodotus mentioned the unique properties of stones.

Now oriental therapy is quite actively used in many countries and is used in sanatoriums. Despite the huge number of pharmaceutical remedies for various diseases, this treatment is still actively used today.

How do stones affect a person?

  • Many of them have truly wonderful properties:
  • treat unhealthy joints and organs;
  • improve digestion and vascular function;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • treat skin diseases;
  • help preserve and improve vision;

promote rejuvenation;

How is lithotherapy performed?

Some of the stones are worn as body jewelry. Others purify the water instead of using a filter. With the help of others, massage is performed, and others are crushed and taken orally.

A healing elixir is obtained by infusing ordinary water with certain minerals. The resulting water is drunk and used for cooking. It has an antimicrobial effect when washed, relieves eye fatigue if used as a compress.

During the massage, stones of various shapes, colors and weights are used. Using aromatic oils, a relaxing massage is first performed. The entire session lasts from half an hour to 60 minutes. This treatment helps get rid of anxiety and fatigue, enriches cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Each has active centers, which are nerve nodes and blood vessels. They are called chakras. In total, a person has seven of them. They are the ones who are exposed to mineral rocks.

Efficacy of therapy

The effectiveness of this practice has not been proven by science and medicine. That is why lithotherapy is not a generally accepted method of healing. However, modern research once again proves the ability of natural minerals to store information and accumulate energy. Many people who have undergone this treatment report improved physical and mental well-being.

What stones are useful?

Almost all minerals. They are used in their pure, unprocessed form as decoration. To understand which one is suitable for a person, in the old days they used a simple method. Before going to bed, the stone was tied to the outer part of the arm near the left shoulder. If you had a nightmare or a bad dream at night, it means it’s not suitable. If you had a pleasant, good dream, the stone will bring happiness and good luck, and help maintain health. If you didn’t have a dream at all, there is no impact, neither positive nor negative.

Try holding a solid mineral in your hand. If it becomes warm, it suits you, if it becomes cold, it doesn’t. It is believed that a person feels “his” stone intuitively, feels its power. Surely, many have favorite earrings, bracelets, amulets from various breeds.

It is very important to choose the right natural substance depending on the problem. It is better to contact a real lithotherapist, so as not to harm yourself.

It turns out that even the most famous stones have amazing properties:

And this is not the entire list of minerals and their amazing properties.

Features of stone treatment, side effects and contraindications

When choosing medicinal minerals, two points must be taken into account:

  1. They must be mined in an environmentally friendly area.
  2. Proper processing is important. You should not drill or damage the integrity.

A full treatment process requires several sessions. Complex diseases will require a longer period of time. The following side effects occur:

  1. Stomach upset.
  2. Loss of sensation.
  3. Headaches and dizziness.
  4. Negative emotions.

Most side effects are short-lived. They manifest themselves purely individually. It will be necessary to adjust the recovery plan.

Despite the fact that there is no evidence of a negative effect from stone treatment and they do not cause allergic reactions, healers advise using them responsibly. It is important to know your diagnosis accurately in order to use one or another stone.

As for massage, such treatment cannot be performed on pregnant women, diabetics, with varicose veins, as well as other patients for whom thermal procedures are prohibited. It is not recommended to resort to lithotherapy methods for hypertensive patients.

Harm or benefit?

Speaking about the advantages, we should highlight:

  • safety of the composition of natural substances;
  • no contraindications;
  • the treatment does not bring pain, and even, on the contrary, pleasant sensations;
  • wearing jewelry is effortless and adds beauty to your appearance.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  • high price of some breeds;
  • lithotherapy has no scientific evidence and is not officially recognized in traditional medicine;
  • There are few real specialists in this field in our country. There is a risk of being treated by a charlatan.

What are amulets for?

Amulets made of stones are amulets against misfortunes, illnesses, and dangers, and talismans enhance these protective qualities. You can make amulets yourself. Various rocks are used to make amulets. For example, a talisman from

Try turning your thoughts to the talisman, then perhaps you will be able to fully feel its magical power.

What do patients need to know and remember?

Lithotherapy is only a type of alternative medicine, but not a panacea. You should not be fanatical about this method of healing. It is better to contact real specialists who have sufficient knowledge in the field of this therapy. You should not use such treatment yourself in the absence of medical literacy, without fully understanding the principles of the effects of stones on the body.

First, if problems are detected, you need to consult a doctor and undergo treatment in the traditional way. You need to understand that in many cases the help of classical medicine and medical supervision are necessary.

Nowadays there are many seminars on the topic of stone healing. Anyone can attend the training and learn about the amazing properties of natural substances and their effect on humans. In any case, knowledge of the method of magical healing will bring only positive results and favorable emotions.

Lithotherapy: stone treatment part 2

Obsidian was revered as a cleansing stone that helps fight various negative phenomena at the level of the physical body. Obsidian can resolve “energy jams”. According to the recommendation of the famous lithotherapist Catherine Raphael, obsidian is placed on the groin area or on the navel to energetically charge the body. Pieces of obsidian placed along the center line of the body help align the energy of the meridians. It is useful, in her opinion, to place small crystals of rock crystal next to obsidian; the latter help fight mental and emotional “blocks”. It is believed that rosaries, beads and pendants made of obsidian have a positive effect on the stomach, and also stimulate kidney function, stabilize blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

Onyx is used for diseases of the nervous system and depression. It is believed to relieve stress, relieve pain, and promote emotional balance and self-control. Products made from onyx sharpen hearing, rejuvenate and strengthen memory. Lithotherapists advise applying striped onyx to inflamed areas.

Ayurveda says that opal contains three elements: water, fire and heat and can be useful as a healer for people. Hindus believed that opals helped children grow. In the 17th century, Boethius de Boot, the court physician of the Bohemian Emperor Rudolph, wrote that opal “calms the nerves, helps with heart disease, melancholy, fainting, protects against violent passions, irritations, restores visual acuity and shine to the eyes.” In India, they believed that opal promotes communication between people and the establishment of friendly relations. It was believed that opals lose their shine, foreshadowing the illness of their owner.
Modern lithotherapists believe that opals develop intuition and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, pituitary gland, and pineal gland. It is believed that opals harmonize all functions of the body and protect it from infectious diseases.

In ancient times, ruby ​​was prescribed supernatural properties, including the ability to protect against serious diseases and provide the body with energy. It was believed that rubies heal the heart, brain, and improve human strength and memory. In an old Russian book on precious stones, it was said about ruby ​​that this stone “keeps the human body healthy from all sorts of illnesses.” Antitoxic properties were also attributed to rubies; these stones supposedly saved owners from various poisons.
Modern lithotherapists assign this stone a large role in the healing of various ailments. It is believed that it helps heal blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine and joints. In addition, ruby’s ability to prevent epileptic seizures and have a positive effect on the nervous system is noted. This stone can relieve depression, it helps with insomnia and schizophrenia. In case of nervous breakdowns and high blood pressure, wearing ruby ​​is not recommended. In this case, it is appropriate to replace it with a stone of the Water element to “cool” and harmonize the energy balance.
For the healing properties of a stone to manifest, its owner must be chaste and kind. It is no coincidence that sapphire was called the “stone of nuns”, which helped them protect their virginity. It is believed that sapphires lower blood pressure, help with insomnia, back pain, colds and even cancer. A ring or bracelet with sapphire on the left hand helps with asthma, heart disease and neuralgia. It was believed that sapphires could cure leprosy and “all kinds of evil growths.” The water in which sapphires were found helps with eye diseases.

Carnelians were also used for medicinal purposes by healers of Ancient Egypt, who considered this stone one of the most magical and healing. They added carnelian powder into powders and mixtures, which had a calming effect and helped restore strength.
Ayurveda says that the orange color of carnelian can restore nervous tissue, it helps with diseases of the genitourinary and pulmonary systems, stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, improves blood circulation and skin color.
Modern lithotherapists believe that carnelians improve cerebral circulation, strengthen the immune system, relieve headaches, and help with skin and thyroid diseases. Yellow carnelians are useful for poor bowel function, in particular constipation, and they also help with kidney disease. There is even a separate direction in the treatment with these stones - carnelian therapy. Perhaps the healing property of carnelians, which cannot be denied, is explained by the weak radioactivity of some samples of these stones. In biology and medicine, the stimulating effect of low doses of radiation is well known.

Eye of the Tiger
It has long been believed that this stone is capable of transforming the flow of solar energy and directing it into the body in the form of a healing emanation. Magicians believed that the “tiger's eye” controls solar energy, transforming its flow into a healing “emanation” and directing it into the human body. Therefore, tiger eye was recommended to be worn by sick and weakened people with bronchial asthma and psoriasis. Jewelry with a tiger's eye will help you quickly cope with fatigue and overcome stress.

In ancient India, topaz was considered one of the 12 most important gems with medicinal properties. This stone is mentioned more than once in the texts of Ayurveda. Modern lithotherapists believe that topazes protect a person from colds, accelerate tissue regeneration, and treat the digestive organs, liver, gall bladder, and spleen. Topazes help with insomnia, nervous exhaustion, and relieve stress. These stones strengthen the immune system and are used as protection against mental illness. It is useful for gourmets to remember that topaz enhances the sense of taste.

Tourmaline is believed to be a powerful healer and purifier. Various varieties of tourmalines were used in Indian lithotherapy. Green stones help with diseases of the liver, nervous system, organ system, blood circulation and skin. They support oxygen exchange in the blood and strengthen the immune system. Of all green gemstones, tourmaline has the most powerful anti-aging properties. It is useful for everyone to wear (especially during severe nervous and physical stress) to restore the aura after negative external influences. Blue tourmalines have a beneficial effect on the human lymphatic, hormonal and immune systems.
Black tourmaline forms a protective aura around itself, reflecting all harmful influences. In American lithotherapy, to remove negative energy from the human physical body, black tourmaline is rotated counterclockwise over the sore spot. Blue tourmaline is considered a stone of peace and restful sleep. Colorless tourmalines create a balance of spiritual and physical forces and cleanse the mind.

These stones have a positive effect on a person’s physical and emotional state. They normalize cardiac activity, protect against changes in blood pressure and drive away nightmares. It is believed that chrysolites are also useful in the treatment of colds, eye and spine diseases. They say that peridot can cure stuttering. Like turquoise, peridot helps with eye diseases, as well as blood diseases.

Citrine was highly revered in Ancient India as a stone with projective Yang energy. In yoga healing practice, it was considered one of the main stones of the navel chakra - Manipura, which stimulates the solar plexus and the gastrointestinal tract. Citrine is useful for gastritis, pyelonephritis, and cystitis. Citrine activates the brain and accumulates vital energy in the body. In addition, with its vibrations, citrine creates a protective aura around the body, which can protect a person from external adverse influences.

Zircon instills in a person self-confidence, optimism and good spirits. Minerologists suggest that the strong energetic impact of zircon can be explained by the bipyramidal shape of its crystals (the “double pyramid effect”). It is believed that yellow-red zircons have a positive effect on the pituitary gland, pineal gland and stimulate the liver (therefore, zircons improve appetite). They help with constipation, decreased gastric secretion and intestinal atony. Zircons - hyacinths are universal healers that can cleanse the entire body. They help achieve emotional balance and treat insomnia
The stone has a good effect on the physical and emotional state of the body. According to lithotherapists, it strengthens the immune system, increases blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, and treats infectious, skin, and gastric diseases.

Amber helps with headaches, toothaches and changes in blood pressure. Amber can protect against magnetic storms and improve vision. Amber preparations have an anti-inflammatory effect. Amber has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, spleen and heart. Amber cigarette holders reduce the risk of cancer in smokers. It has been established that one of the causes of thyroid diseases is a lack of iodine in the body. Amber contains iodine, so wearing amber beads can be beneficial for thyroid diseases. In addition to iodine, amber also contains other microelements that are beneficial to the human body: iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and others. Amber contains salts of succinic acid, which activates metabolic processes, stimulates the digestive system, and also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
Amber therapy techniques are used in oncology to inhibit the growth of tumors. Amber is the source of creative forces, faith and optimism. It gives the owner physical strength, good spirits, brings good luck and maintains health.

In the old days, jasper was revered as a sure remedy for epilepsy and fever. It was believed that jasper could improve vision, cure epilepsy and relieve toothache.
Chinese healers considered jasper one of the most important pharmacological agents for cleansing internal organs. According to them, red jasper was able to stop bleeding and heal women's diseases. Green jasper was useful for concentrating attention, as a result of which a person opened up what was invisible to the eye.
According to Taoist ideas, jasper was considered the “stone of life,” because it strengthened the physical body and prolonged life. Products made from red jasper are supposedly able to stop bleeding and heal women's diseases. Jasper was also credited with the ability to protect against poisoning.

Recently, treatment with stones (including precious ones) has become widespread in Russia; elite salons are opening where they treat with lapis lazuli, quartz, malachite and even diamonds. Lithotherapy came to us from Ancient Egypt, then was forgotten for a long period of time and only recently was revived in countries rich in oil and natural minerals, from where this now fashionable treatment reached Russia. How can stones heal?

The thing is that the vibrations of stones are almost identical to the vibrations of a person, so they stimulate energy flows in the body. Lithotherapists, applying stones to the desired energy points on the body, thus achieve the necessary healing effect. It must be said that such lithotherapy salons are eagerly visited not only by women, but also by men, for whom diamond rain and treatment with stones that help preserve and increase male strength are in great demand. Women say that after visiting such a salon you really feel precious.

Of course, you can use stones without going to expensive salons. Now they can be freely purchased at exhibitions or in jewelry stores made from natural stones. The most common one now is undoubtedly amber. In general, amber is the resin of ancient pine trees fossilized over many millennia. It contains succinic acid - an active biological stimulant that stabilizes internal enzymes that are responsible for metabolic processes. Once in the body (when amber jewelry comes into contact with the skin), succinic acid suppresses toxins, penetrating only into unhealthy cells. It is beneficial for diseases of the throat, thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, joints, and does not accumulate in the body and has no negative side effects. Rose quartz (a translucent mineral with admixtures of manganese and titanium) helps with almost any pain. In ancient times, women wore it around the abdomen to relieve menstrual pain.

It is believed that if you wear this stone constantly, it promotes conception and generally protects against female sexual disorders. Quartz powder is used for cosmetic purposes and added to many creams. Aquamarine is used for various respiratory diseases, and pearl massage is used for the treatment and prevention of cellulite. Crushed pearls are used as an antiseptic and tonic. When treating with stones at home, please note that lithotherapy specialists advise that before using the stones, soak them for at least three hours in distilled water with the addition of sea salt so that the stones are cleansed.

Because the vibrations of the stone are almost identical to those of a human being, they can optimally stimulate energy flows in the body. Minerals are the oldest “inhabitants” of the Earth, having accumulated a huge amount of energy in their crystals over several billion years. The energy exchange of minerals with the environment occurs constantly. When in contact with a stone, the energy it emits affects our body, cells and tissues, creating vibrations that are absolutely imperceptible to humans. Moreover, in some cases they are in resonance with our body, in others - vice versa. Therefore, it is important to choose your stone correctly so that it enters into bioresonance with the natural energy of the human body.
In lithotherapy, to achieve maximum success, it is very important that the stone, firstly, is subjected to minimal processing, since up to 80% of its healing properties are lost during cutting and polishing.
Secondly, the surface of the stone should be as open as possible. If the stone is tightly enclosed in a metal frame, then it loses much of its power.
Thirdly, the stone must be in direct contact with the skin, and the place of contact also matters and must be chosen correctly (neck, ears, fingers, etc.).
Lithotherapy methods
This massage is carried out for preventive and health purposes: it relieves nervous tension, fatigue, and eliminates pain due to polyarthritis. Shungite chips are poured into a metal tray or box. Then you should stand on it with your bare feet and stand there for 1-2 minutes, stepping slightly with your feet. When the crumbs are pressed on certain points of the foot, a person may feel severe pain. This is a signal about the presence of a hidden or obvious disease. By performing an additional massage of this area with a stone for 15-20 minutes, you can significantly improve the condition of the diseased organ. With the help of this massage, rheumatic joint diseases and osteochondrosis are cured, the well-being of varicose veins is significantly improved, and the number and duration of asthmatic attacks is reduced. Massage helps to get rid of excess weight, helps solve problems with potency, and has a positive effect on people whose work is in one way or another connected with stress on the musculoskeletal system.
Balls of various sizes made of semi-precious stones are used for massage: obsidian, jade, jasper, carnelian, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, smoky quartz. The effect occurs by stimulating active points on the palms of the hands.
This method gives excellent healing results: eliminates fatigue, relieves stress, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens bones, heals internal organs, improves memory. Regular training with balls helps with hypertension, nervous hand tremors, muscle spasms, and treatment of the consequences of a stroke. Jade enjoys a well-deserved reputation as a healing stone. Research by Chinese lithotherapists has shown that the mineral has a miraculous effect on the entire body. White jade normalizes breathing, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, protects hair from drying out, strengthens the liver, stomach, spleen, kidneys, heart, and circulatory system. It was not for nothing that Chinese emperors were distinguished by good health: jade was actively used in the decoration of palaces and for the manufacture of dishes, vases and interior decoration items.

This healing method has great advantages, since it can be used independently, without the help of a healer. This effective way to relieve headaches is taken from the practice of Chinese medicine. Crystal is a generator and conductor of pure cosmic energy. It cleanses the human biofield, charges the chakras, normalizes blood pressure, and helps get rid of headaches. You can use rock crystal beads. Before starting the procedure, the healing beads must be cleared of negative energy by holding them under running water for 10-15 minutes. Then, taking a sitting position, you need to put the buttoned beads on your head like a wreath. You should take a small piece of rock crystal in each hand and remain in a relaxed state for 20-30 minutes. Amethyst beads can be used for the same purpose.

According to the Ayurveda system, you can prepare a healing drink.
Method of preparation: pour 4-5 pearls or beads made of natural pearls with a glass of water and leave overnight. Drink a glass once a day 30 minutes before meals. While drinking water, it is advisable to wear a ring with pearls in a silver frame on your ring finger.
Water “on a pearl basis” helps with any bleeding, conjunctivitis, inflammatory and febrile conditions, liver diseases and cholelithiasis, and has a pronounced general strengthening and biostimulating effect.

Nowadays, the practice of organizing treatment with stones and minerals is becoming increasingly popular. Such natural substances are capable of healing the body and soul of the patient. The procedure consists of the impact of a specific gem on a person. The therapy is provided by the energy emitted by the stones, which is activated by the body’s heat. Thanks to it, the wonderful properties of minerals are multiplied.

Lithotherapy concept

There is an area of ​​alternative medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases with precious and semi-precious stones. Lithotherapy with minerals has several areas of its activity:

  • stone therapy;
  • radionics;
  • crystal therapy;
  • mineral therapy;
  • astromineralogy;
  • hemotherapy.

Methods of using stones

Treatment with stones at home can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Use an amulet with minerals in the form of jewelry to protect against evil forces, diseases, and misfortunes.
  2. Wear a talisman with a stone to strengthen or weaken any character trait. The energy field of the mineral helps calm passion and provides a charge of optimism. A talisman passed down by inheritance is considered a strong talisman.
  3. Meditation is a method that allows you to relax and tune into the necessary energy channel of the Universe.
  4. Art therapy. Psychotherapists often use just this method. It is easy to use at home. While walking along the shore of a pond, using your intuition, collect pebbles of any color, shape or size that you like. Make a mound of them. This technique will organize your thoughts. The Japanese everywhere use the technique to create famous gardens.
  5. Games. Using pebbles for entertainment, you can quickly calm down, relax, and get a positive charge of strength.
  6. Infusions of stones. Healers use concentrated, gem-infused compounds to treat diseases to improve the body’s defenses, well-being, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. By using pomegranate water, you get rid of harmful toxins accumulated in the body. Pearl liquid will relieve unpleasant symptoms of pathological disorders in the bladder. Lapis lazuli tincture will help reduce the temperature.
  7. Stone therapy is a type of healing massage procedures using products. It is necessary to prepare 54 hot, 18 cold, and one stone at room temperature. First, hot stones are applied to the active points of the body, then a massage is performed using all the others. This procedure allows you to restore blood pressure and relieve muscle and nervous tension. The respiratory and circulatory systems have a more beneficial effect. You can simply apply it to a sore spot or carry amulets in your pocket, then not only the healing process will occur, but also protection from dark energy.


Among the advantages of this practice is that stone therapy can help with various disorders and pathological conditions:

  • frequent headaches or joint pains;
  • obesity;
  • muscle tissue atrophy;
  • stress;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • insomnia;
  • acute bursitis;
  • anorexia;
  • constipation;
  • Crick;
  • sunburn;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • colitis;
  • menopause;
  • painful menstruation.

Magic, which has a positive effect on the state of the physical and spiritual body, is provided not by chemical, but by energetic (informational and psychotherapeutic) effects. It is believed that the vibrations of gems practically correspond to similar vibrations within a person. This allows them to optimally stimulate energy power, trigger metabolic and recovery mechanisms.


The presence of many positive effects of gems does not give reason to use the properties of stones without the advice of a doctor. They are prohibited for use in acute infectious pathologies, hypertension, acute pain, and also during pregnancy. It is also undesirable to resort to folk remedies for serious cardiovascular problems (acute angina, after a stroke or heart attack) without consulting a specialist. Oncological problems are also undesirable to treat through lithotherapy.

Gems in lithotherapy

Gems that have special properties are called precious. They are commonly used by jewelers to make fine jewelry. There are 4 classes of them:

  • s, s;
  • , some shades of sapphire, noble jadeite;
  • either white opal, and ;
  • , and sunstone, some shades;
  • , citron, and also.

The category of semi-precious minerals includes, with, some others. All of them have healing, even magical properties. To provide yourself with a positive charge of energy, it is important to navigate the rules for choosing minerals to suit your requirements.

How to choose stones for the procedure

Lithotherapists argue that products with similar properties have some individual differences. The same species can behave differently towards different people. Astrologers recommend that you take into account whether a particular gem is suitable for a person.

The task of choosing a talisman is not an easy one. Here are some useful recommendations that solve a similar problem:

  1. First of all, you should tune in to your inner sensations. It is necessary to “turn off” information heard earlier, trusting only your own intuition.
  2. It is important that sympathy arises for the mineral. Be sure to consider it. Preference should be given only to a product that you like and that evokes positive emotions.
  3. Tactile sensations. Take the product in your hand, try to listen to your feelings.
  4. You cannot choose products that are chipped, scratched, or with cracks. This may have a negative impact on their future impact.

There are other tips - taking into account the horoscope, date of birth, name. Even when using them, remember that this procedure is very individual, you should focus only on internal sensations.


To achieve results, it is important to do several lithotherapy procedures. In the presence of more complex diseases, long-term treatment is required. Sometimes patients may experience side effects due to this:

  • dizziness;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • headache;
  • insomnia.

To avoid such conditions, you need to consult a specialist and choose the product responsibly. It must be taken into account that the product is a chemical compound that contains both beneficial and harmful substances. If you don’t know this, you can use amulets that are harmful to you, which will provoke various problems.

Using stones for treatment at home

To achieve the result, you must first activate the product by heating it in the sun for about 3 hours. Then you should dip it in heated aromatic oil and place it on the windowsill at night so that it is charged by the waxing moon. Using it further, you can perform a massage with it, press on active points, make applications or acupuncture, disinfect wounds with it, and perform treatment with light radiation from the mineral. Even simply wearing an amulet can charge a person with positive energy. Different colors of talismans provide a certain healing effect:

  • blue agate helps restore the thyroid gland;
  • yellow agate normalizes the condition of the liver and gall bladder, treats the respiratory system;
  • red agate helps with cardiovascular diseases, saves from viral infections;
  • moss agate enhances potency and heals the skin;
  • diamond activates metabolism, cerebral circulation, eliminates fatigue, lowers temperature;
  • blue turquoise restores vision, eliminates insomnia, and reduces headaches;
  • pomegranates help pregnant women;
  • dolomite restores the skeletal system;
  • pearls normalize blood pressure, relieve inflammation, kill harmful microbes;
  • malachite is able to open the chakras, improve hormonal levels, restore the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and pancreas;
  • ruby helps with blood pathologies, it is effective for tonsillitis, depression, epilepsy attacks and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • sapphire lowers blood pressure, saves from colds and insomnia, helps with neuralgia, asthma and heart pathologies;
  • Jasper cleanses the body well, protects against female diseases, relieves toothache, and quickly stops bleeding;
  • emerald relieves tension from the eyes, calms the nerves, treats inflammation that affects the urine outflow system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart and spleen, eliminates inflammation, helps with oncology;
  • awakens hidden reserves in the body, activates cellular metabolism, treats pulmonary diseases, anemia and rheumatism.