Drying mint, as well as how to properly store mint. How to Dry Mint for Tea Peppermint Drying

Drying mint, as well as how to properly store mint.  How to Dry Mint for Tea Peppermint Drying
Drying mint, as well as how to properly store mint. How to Dry Mint for Tea Peppermint Drying

Mint is known to all housewives, because on its basis you can make delicious tea, as well as a medicinal decoction. It is used in herbal medicine, cooking and even as natural flavor. Unfortunately, this plant fades very quickly, so many are wondering how to dry mint for tea at home.

plant collection

In order to prepare mint for the winter, you should not miss the harvest period. Mint blooms for two months a year - June and July.

It is necessary to collect not young, but mature plants that have managed to gain taste and aroma.

When choosing a plant, the following rules must be observed:

  • Don't Harvest Nearby industrial enterprises and along polluted areas.
  • It is necessary to cut the mint after it has bloomed, while the plant is dried along with the stem. If buds have already appeared on the shoots, individual leaves can be cut from them.
  • When harvesting, the weather should be reasonably dry. If the plants are harvested after dew, then the color of the dried mint will be brown, not green.
  • After the stems are cut, they should be immediately removed from sun rays.
  • It is better to cut the stem to the middle of the length in order to get a double crop before the end of flowering.
  • Choose quality undamaged plants.

How to dry mint

After the crop is harvested, it must be properly dried. It is better to wash the plants the day before drying so that they have time to dry. Mint with stems is harvested in bunches, which are tied up and hung out in a dark, ventilated room (an attic, a barn or a balcony will do).

You can dry mint leaves by laying them out on a clean cloth or piece of paper in a well-ventilated area. Periodically harvested leaves are mixed for uniform drying.

If mint is harvested to be consumed with tea, it is worth trying to dry the stems along with others. fragrant plants- thyme, blackcurrant, cherry leaves.

It is not recommended to dry mint in the oven, as artificial hot air completely kills the aromatic properties of dried herbs. It is permissible to use a modern electric dryer if the drying temperature is not more than 30 degrees.

How to store the harvest

The mint crop should not only be properly harvested, but also properly stored. As a rule, the drying process takes about a week.

It is easy to check if the workpiece is dry - the leaves should be rustling to the touch and separate well from the stem, but they should not crumble

For more storage convenience winter harvest it is better to produce in a glass sealed container. The stems can be left whole or ground into powder. Such mint can be packaged in disposable bags, so it will better retain its properties. It is better not to take plastic bags and plastic containers for packaging, because they absorb essential oils well, which means they degrade the quality of the dried herb itself.

Harvested mint is stored for about two years, subject to the rules - dark room away from heating appliances and direct sunlight.

Periodically, it is necessary to review your stocks in order to sort out spoiled leaves, if any. If moisture appears in the workpiece, then it is better to refuse further use.

Phytotherapy, ethnoscience, cooking - areas of application of a spicy herb called mint. And since it is distributed everywhere in the wild or grown in the home "medicinal garden", there are no problems with raw materials. But the question is how to properly dry mint so that it retains its appearance and aroma all winter.

The first and most important step is to properly prepare the raw materials.

If you need not just a herb, but a plant with spicy and medicinal properties, then there are several simple rules collection:

  • Collection along roads and industrial sites is not recommended. Mint grown here will contain impurities of various chemical compounds which are not beneficial to health.
  • Young shoots are also unsuitable for drying: they quickly dry out and lose their aroma. Blooming specimens that contain maximum amount essential oils.
  • A third of the length of the main stem is taken for cutting. At the same time, the plant does not suffer, it can grow back and give a new “harvest”.
  • Do not take diseased or damaged plants, as they lose their medicinal properties.
  • When harvested in damp weather, the spice takes a long time to dry. At the same time, her leaves turn brown, which is reflected in the commodity appearance. Heat is also not an ideal time to harvest when mint leaves wilt from lack of moisture.

If the leaves of the plant are covered with dust, then before collecting it is better to carry out artificial sprinkling, let the leaves dry out and only then proceed to the collection.

When to harvest mint for drying

The time for collecting mint is June-July. It all depends on the specific region where the collection is held. The main criterion is the beginning of budding. At this time, leaves rich in essential oils are harvested. During flowering, leaves and shoots are suitable for collection. But after flowering, the collection should be stopped, since the amount useful substances decreases, and the shoots become rough and hard.

The ideal time to collect is in the morning and evening when there is no rain or extreme heat. It is during this period that high-quality raw materials suitable for subsequent storage can be obtained.

Since ancient times, mint has been dried, added to dishes, used as a drug, and flavored the air of dwellings. But the most popular mint was as a tea leaves.

Plant drying

After collecting the aromatic herb, it is washed, slightly dried, laid out on paper (fabric) towels and the drying procedure itself is started:

  • at home, if the mint is collected with stems, loose bundles are tied and tied with ropes;
  • the leaves are evenly placed on paper or fabric under a canopy in a draft (I use an attic, balcony, barn);
  • shade and good ventilation are the main allies in drying medicinal raw materials;
  • make sure that there is no road nearby and dust does not fall on the raw materials:
  • the leaves are periodically stirred and turned over, otherwise they will become moldy.

It is important that the sun's rays do not fall on the plants, otherwise part of the useful properties. Canopies are used for leaves, paper caps are prepared for grass bunches. Caps are worn loosely for free access of air.

To dry the mint optimum temperature about +20, +30 С.

Sometimes they use accelerated drying in a conventional oven or electric dryer. At the same time, the display shows a temperature not higher than +30 C. At higher rates, aromatic odors “evaporate”. This method is far from ideal and is only used during rainy summers. The best are natural conditions preparation of raw materials.

If necessary, use a food dehydrator, dehumidifier, microwave. Applying them, you need to know the rules of drying, so as not to spoil the plant material.

Features of drying mint

There is a special technique that amateurs use mint tea is its fermentation. In this case, the leaf structure is destroyed and juice comes out of it. To do this, the leaves are twisted between the palms, scrolled in a meat grinder or frozen. Further:

  • the fermentation process starts under the influence of bacteria;
  • leaf oxidation occurs;
  • the color of the fermented mass changes over time;
  • the scent becomes more intense.

The leaves obtained by fermentation should be dried and sent to winter storage for making aromatic teas. For herbal tea, you can create a fragrant bouquet of mint leaves, currants, raspberries, cherries. You can come up with your own combinations, the taste of which you especially like.

How to store dried mint

The entire drying process takes about a week. If the raw material is ready for storage, then the leaves rustle, break off easily, crumble. All these are signs that the mint is dried qualitatively.

It is usually ground into a powder for the winter: this way it is easier to store. But it is preferable to keep the steles with leaves, because in this form their taste qualities are not lost. It is most convenient to store dried spice in jars with tight lids or linen bags. Sealed ceramic vessels or wooden containers are suitable.

It is undesirable to use plastic or paper bags, cardboard containers that “pull out” the aroma of mint and subsequently the dish with the addition of spices will lose its rich smell.

The storage place is selected dark and dry, away from heating appliances. Shelf life - 2 years. During this time, you need to check your stocks, and mark the jars or containers, indicating the date of collection.

Any spicy plants, including mint, I want to save so that their use is possible in winter period. As a rule, drying is chosen for this. Drying refers to the cessation of the biochemical processes that occur in plant cells. This method of harvesting is good in that it prevents the development of various microorganisms and mold in the raw material. But under the action of cellular enzymes during drying, a significant decrease in the taste and aromatic properties of plants is possible. To avoid this, herbs such as mint must be dried properly. How to dry mint at home?

Preparation and collection of mint

Mint is harvested because it has unique properties. It is not only an excellent spice that is added to food or tea, but is also a cure for many diseases. Preparation and harvesting of mint should be carried out at certain times of the year, depending on which part of the plant you want to dry and for what purpose.

  • If you are going to dry the stems, then most favorable time for this is the period of full flowering.
  • If you plan to harvest the leaves, then these plant parts are collected before flowering begins. But it is necessary to wait until the inflorescences begin to set on the mint stems. The main thing is not to collect leaves from young mint for drying, since they do not retain aroma during drying, they will not bring much benefit.

Mint should be harvested in dry weather, otherwise it may turn brown after drying.

Time to pick mint

For the purpose of storage mint harvest time is only 2 months a year - June July . You can cut the plant at a time when it has already fully bloomed, otherwise its aromatic properties will not be able to fully manifest. But in the case of the appearance of buds on young shoots of mint, it is possible to collect individual leaves from them.

Of great importance at the time of harvesting mint is the humidity of the air, and therefore it is best to harvest mint in dry weather. If mint is harvested on a day when there is dew on the leaves even in the late morning, then after drying it will acquire a brown color, not green. Cut mint stalks should be immediately removed from direct sunlight.

Care must be taken with the workpiece medicinal plants on a territory that is abundantly fertilized, as well as on land located in close proximity to livestock complexes and highways.

Rules for drying mint at home

Before you start drying mint at home, it is recommended not to wash the leaves or twigs of the plant, but to rinse the plant itself on the eve of harvesting and let it dry.

When drying mint at home, several rules must be observed. Once you have cut the stems of the plant, they must be removed from sunlight, since the sun has an adverse effect on mint, as a result of which healing herb their essential oils are lost, therefore, the benefit is also lost. To carry out drying, the stems of the collected mint must be combined into rare bunches. Each of the bundles is tied up and placed in a suspended state in a covered room, in which it is necessary to ensure proper ventilation. An attic, balcony or veranda can work well for this purpose. This method of drying does not allow the debate of the plant, it contributes to good drying.

If you harvest mint leaves separately from the stems, then they need to be dried in a dark place. The leaves are placed on clean paper or a rag. During harvesting, mint leaves should occasionally be turned over. The rules for drying mint at home state that the plant must be protected from dampness so that the natural medicine does not rot. To check the readiness of the product, you need to take dried mint in your hands. If the stems or leaves crumble when they are slightly rubbed in the fingers, then the spice is ready.

How to dry mint for the winter?

To preserve dried mint throughout the winter, it should be ground, after which the resulting product is placed in a jar for storage. The container must have a tight-fitting lid. But the plant can also be stored as a whole. How to dry mint for the winter as a whole? To do this, you will need to prepare bags made of thin linen and place dried mint there.

Benefits of dried mint

The use of mint is useful for flatulence and heartburn. For this, medicinal tea is prepared from the plant. To prepare this tea, you need to pour 1 tbsp. hot water 1 tbsp well-dried mint, let it brew for 10 minutes. When a small amount of honey is added to such an infusion, it turns out excellent tool, which can be used for angina pectoris. In addition, the use of dried mint is when taking baths, in which mint decoction is added. This procedure can be useful in case of skin inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of mint

A contraindication to the use of mint is the presence. Shouldn't get carried away mint tea representatives of the stronger sex, because by doing so they endanger their male power.

Summer ends quickly and only preparations will help to use the healing properties of a home pharmacy garden in winter. How to dry mint and others fragrant herbs There are several ways to preserve essential oils. The main condition is the timely collection of plants and compliance with the recommendations of specialists.

Terms of harvesting mint for the winter

The term for harvesting raw materials is the stage when it has reached commercial maturity. This means that the harvesting of green mass should be carried out at the moment when there will be the highest concentration of nutrients. When to collect mint for drying for the winter? The time for collecting medicinal raw materials is the flowering period. It is at this moment that the plant is filled with life-giving force. Mint grows on one plantation for up to five years, with the highest yield in the second and third years.

For mint, the period of harvesting leaves and stems begins in June, July, depending on the region. If for the first time the tops of plants are cut off by a third, then at the end of July a second crop will grow. Cleaning should be carried out in the first half of the day, before the onset of heat, in order to preserve as many essential oils as possible. Between the time of cutting the plant and the beginning of drying, no more than two hours should pass. Later, the leaves will already lose their bright green color, and the dried mass will be grayish.

In the old days in Rus', mint was an obligatory attribute of the bath. With a birch broom with mint steam in the bathhouse, commoners and Tsar Peter I himself took a black steam bath. After the bath, they drank “jelly”, an infusion of mint.

The harvested mint crop will be healing if the rules are followed:

  • the plant was not treated with pesticides during the growth period;
  • a busy road runs no closer than 200 meters from the place where plants are collected;
  • the leaves are collected not earlier than the beginning of the flowering of the bush;
  • branches with leaves are cut when the plantation is in full bloom;
  • cleaning is carried out in the morning in dry weather.

How to dry mint for the winter at home?

Drying is conservation, a way to remove moisture. This stops biochemical processes. In a dry material, microbes and mold do not develop, they are active only in a humid environment. To preserve the aroma of spicy herbs, you need to dry them correctly:

  • without access to sunlight;
  • in a ventilated darkened room with air temperature up to 30 0;
  • the stem bundle is suspended with a broom;
  • leaves spread out thin layer and periodically stir.

There are several ways to dry mint at home. The old classical method involved hanging bundles on ropes in a ventilated attic room. AT good weather such beams dry out in a natural state in a week. In this case, all aromatic substances move during drying into the leaf blades. The plant is considered dry if the leaves easily break off, separating from the stem. This is exactly what needs to be done after the end of drying.

If only leaves are collected, then they need to be dried in dark place and faster. Ideally, if the drying is completed in two days. It would be useful to use a fan to quickly remove moisture.

In order to dry the collection at home, you can use a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. The device has different modes heating, you must use the weakest. In addition, the layer of leaves should be thin so that drying is faster.

Since ancient times, plants in rural homes have been dried over a Russian stove. Warm dry air dries whisks perfectly medicinal fees. The only thing that will prevent you from getting bright greens will be the lack of dimming. In this case, the beams are covered from daylight with paper caps.

How to dry mint for the winter if there is a protracted bad weather outside? You can use the microwave. In this case, the leaves are laid out in one layer, the stove is turned on periodically for 10 seconds. In total, the leaves will dry in 15-45 seconds. Properly dried mint will remain green.

If the mint is dried in the oven, then you need to heat it up to the minimum temperature and turn on the ventilation mode. Overheating the green mass will change not only the color, but will destroy the aroma. The leaves, drying, begin to warp, the edges rise. In order not to overdry the material, you need to check the moisture content of the leaves more often. Ideally, if the drying takes about 20 minutes.

You can use a household dehydrator on the lowest setting for drying. temperature regime. Do not fill all trays at the same time to ensure quick drying. The leaves in the dehydrator should be dried within five minutes.

The leaves are put into a glass container with a ground stopper; in this form, they retain their aroma for up to two years. Can be stored in bundles in paper bags, tightly tied canvas bags . How to store mint depends on the number of blanks. If different herbs are prepared, then the glassware will be the best option storage. But you can make a collection from several herbs, which will be a vitamin tea. Dry mint for tea as usual, later mixing with others - thyme, oregano, fireweed.

Storing mint in a dry, dark, cool place will allow the plant to be used for a long time as a fragrant seasoning or for medicinal purposes. At first, it is necessary to check the moisture content of the product, if necessary, dry it.

Harvesting mint in agricultural enterprises

At large areas mint is harvested using special devices, which mow the tops of plants and collect them in containers. Subsequently, the loose mass is placed in special cabinets with blowing, in cyclone dryers or dehydrated in vacuum apparatuses. After that, the raw material is crushed and sent for further processing. Part of the mass is used in medical preparations or packed in pure form. Large quantity sent to the production of dosage forms.

Video: How to dry mint for the winter in the Isidri dryer?

Peppermint is an ingredient in many herbal preparations that help in the treatment of cardiovascular, gynecological, dental, gastrointestinal diseases. It soothes, relieves pain, relieves skin itching due to its vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties. Therefore, every gardener certainly strives to plant this plant on his site and prepare mint for the whole winter. The main thing is to do this in a timely manner in order to preserve all the healing properties of mint.

When to Harvest Mint for Winter Storage

As soon as the first mint sprouts appear in the spring, 2-3 leaves can be plucked to brew fragrant tea, because it is a prophylactic against headaches, frequent colds, and gastrointestinal disorders. However, for harvesting, you need to wait until mid-June, when the plant will increase its volume. July is the peak of the season, when the green mass has grown, and the plant has gained a maximum of mint aroma. All summer months are the period of mint cutting, and this must be done repeatedly, 1-3 times a month, depending on how many years the plant has been in its place.

From the second year of life on one area, mint grows with a thick carpet, and it can stay without a transplant for 4-5 years. A longer growth is also possible, but, as a rule, the plant begins to be affected by diseases. Some believe that to collect mint, you need to wait for the period of budding and flowering. However, leaves with branches, like inflorescences, have all healing properties. Do not cut stems in rainy weather or early in the morning when there are still drops of dew on the leaves. As a result of drying, the color will be unnatural, brownish.

Ways to dry peppermint

Cut stems with leaves and flowers can be collected in bunches and hung in a ventilated area without direct sunlight. To do this, you can use a barn, attic, ordinary room where the draft "walks". The sun is detrimental to the aromatic substances inherent in mint. It is not forbidden to spread the raw material in a thin layer on a clean cloth or paper. Sometimes an oven is used for quick drying, but experts do not advise resorting to its help. In this case, mint will lose a significant proportion of nutrients. I must say that even in bunches it dries very quickly. If the mint is laid out on the floor, and not suspended, then it is recommended to turn it over 2-3 times during the drying time.

Dried mint can be stored over the winter with the twigs, or the leaves and flowers can be peeled off and put in a cloth bag, cardboard box or a glass jar with a lid. Some purveyors grind the dried product into powder, but it must be borne in mind that when crushed, mint loses its beneficial properties faster and you need to put it in a tightly closed container. Dried sprigs of mint or mint powder should not be stored for more than 2 years, as after this period its medicinal properties decrease.


  • When to pick mint
  • How to prepare mint for the winter
  • How to dry mint

Everyone knows what mint is. It is more commonly added to teas for a rich flavor, however, it is important to know when to pick the right mint for drying.

Mint plant is not whimsical and it is easy to grow it on your site. In order to enjoy delicious and invigorating tea with the addition of mint in winter, as in the warm season, it is harvested and dried. However, in order for mint to retain its color and rich aroma, it is important to know when to harvest it and how to properly dry it.

Aromatic strength of mint directly depends on how saturated its leaves and stem are with essential oils. The peak of saturation falls on the end of June - the beginning of July. It is during this period that preparation begins.

If for drying are harvested mint leaves, then they need to be cut before the plant begins to bloom, but flower ovaries have already appeared. During this period, the largest amount of useful properties accumulates in the leaves. When harvesting stems mint cut begins already during its flowering.

In both cases, you do not need to cut the mint before flowering, since there are very few essential oils in it, and when dried, it will dry out and lose color. It is already useless to use such mint in treatment. Just like the already faded mint. Such a plant has rough stems and wilted leaves that have lost their fragrance.

Need to collect mint in dry weather. It should not be covered after rain. It is also not advisable to collect during the hot time of the day - at this moment the leaves seem sluggish and very steamed. Best time collection - in the evening, when the intense heat subsides, or early in the morning, when the sun has just risen.

When standing for a long time hot weather and there was no rain, it is better to wash the mint with water, wait for it complete drying and only after the collection. When cutting, it is necessary to leave small shoots about 5 centimeters above the soil. Leaves will grow back on them by September and it will be possible to prepare a second "harvest", albeit not as plentiful as the first.

Dry mint needed in the shade. After it dries, pack into glass jars or paper bags. Thus, you will collect a double harvest, which in winter will delight you with delicious tea and healing properties.

Melissa, like mint, is quite common. Many even grow it on their own household plots, and later harvested for the winter in dried form.

Melissa tea is not only fragrant and tasty, but also very healthy. The melissa plant itself is a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements that help fight many ailments. The calming effect of lemon balm is especially good, and therefore it is often recommended to be taken for various neuroses, hysteria, depression, insomnia, and even excessive excitability. One cup of tea with lemon balm is able to restore peace to the body and set it in the right way.

Melissa is a perennial shrub. Having planted it on your site, flowering can be seen already in the second year. Her smell is strongly minty with slight hints of lemon, and the taste of lemon balm is spicy and even slightly bitter.

The tops of the plant and lemon balm leaves are usually harvested. The cut begins at the beginning of flowering, which occurs in early June - early August. Therefore, during the season it is possible to harvest from two to three crops from the bushes. However, after the cuts, the plant must be fed so that it regains strength and pleases with another harvest. In the case when one collection is enough, the plant can be left alone and returned to the collection as early as next summer.

Collection is made only in dry weather, there should be no dew on the leaves. It should also not be washed before drying - otherwise its quality is lost, and during drying the leaves may rot or become moldy. However, if you observe dirty leaves, then they can be washed with water while still on the plant, allowed to dry completely, and only then cut off.

Dry in a well-ventilated area in the shade. After the leaves dry slightly, you can transfer to permanent place drying. Store preferably in a glass container for no more than 2 years.