Opening Surah. Cashew nuts. How much can you eat per day

Opening Surah.  Cashew nuts.  How much can you eat per day
Opening Surah. Cashew nuts. How much can you eat per day
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In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

On this page you can listen to Surah al Fatiha online, read it in Arabic, transcription and translation of meanings, and also download it in mp3 format.

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Transcription of Surah al Fatiha (text in Russian)

  1. Bismil-lyahi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-'aalamiin.
  3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.
  4. Myaliki yaumid-diin.
  5. Iyayakya na’budu wa iyayayakya nasta’iin.
  6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustaqiyim.
  7. Syraatol-lyaz iina an’amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduubi ‘alaihim wa lad-doolliin. Amine

Meaningful translation of Surah Al-Fatihah

1. In the name of Allah[in the name of God, the Creator of all things, the One and Only for everyone and everything], whose mercy is limitless and eternal.

The sura begins with the name of Allah, the One, the Perfect, the Almighty, the Impeccable. He is the Merciful, the Giver of Good (great and small, general and private).

2. True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

All kinds of most beautiful praise to Allah the One for everything that He has ordained for His slaves. All glory to Allah, the Creator and Lord of the inhabitants of the worlds. In this revelation, the Almighty called himself the Lord of the worlds, thereby emphasizing that He alone creates, controls and bestows blessings on whomever He wishes. All kinds of natural phenomena, economic and political crises, great scientific discoveries and striking historical events - the Almighty controls and disposes of all this what is happening on this Earth, leading Life according to a single plan. He is the only Holder of real power.

3.Whose mercy is limitless and eternal.

Allah is All Merciful. He alone is the Source of Grace and the Giver of every Good (great and small).

4. Lord of the Day of Judgment.

Allah alone is the Lord of the Day of Judgment - the Day of reckoning and retribution. And no one except Him has power over anything on this Day.
On the Day of Judgment, everyone will receive retribution for all the actions, words and deeds that he has done in this worldly life, good or bad. “And who
has done even an atom's worth of good [without a doubt], he will see it. And whoever has committed even an atom’s worth of evil [certainly and without a doubt] will also see this” (Holy Quran, 99:7-8).

5. We worship You and ask You for help[support, God's blessing in our affairs].

Worship is a concept that unites all the words and deeds of a person with which the Almighty is pleased. An act of worship can be a kind word
to a loved one, helping another, for example, with advice, a good deed towards him, providing one or another opportunity, providing material assistance, etc., while doing all this selflessly, and sometimes to the detriment of oneself, one’s interests, and never without expecting gratitude for the good done. When a person’s soul and mind are free from the expectation of gratitude, filled only with love and awe of the Creator, and this awe is not at the level of words, but precisely of the hearts (“and their hearts are trembling”), this is one of the infinite number of facets of worshiping the Almighty. Correctness, verified intentions and sincerity of a heart filled with love for the Lord of the worlds are qualities that raise an ordinary, most mundane matter to the level of “accepted worship” of the Almighty and give a person the right to count on reciprocal Divine love. Despite the fact that asking for help is one of the forms of worship, Allah Almighty mentioned it separately in His last Scripture, because when performing any ritual (deed), the servant of Allah needs the help of his Lord. Without His help, a person will never be able to properly carry out God’s commands, patiently go through difficulties that arise and avoid sins.

6. Guide us on the right path.[Lead us on the straight path of truth, goodness and happiness, direct us to it and help us follow it.]

7. By the way of Your servants[from among the prophets, messengers, righteous people and all those who were awarded such an honor], whom You guided to believe in You and to whom You showed Your mercy, guiding them to the straight path and showed them Your favor, but do not [lead us on the path] those who caused Your anger and went astray from the path of truth and goodness[not fulfilling or following the obligations prescribed by You] .

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Description of Surah al-Fatiha

The greatest surah of the Quran is Surah Fatiha (Opening the Book). She is also called the Mother of the Koran. The Great Prophet (PBUH) spoke about the value of this surah and its importance: “Whoever has not read the Opening Book (i.e. surah al-Fatihah) has not prayed” and also “That a prayer in which the person praying has not read the Opening Book.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whoever makes a prayer without reading the Opening Book in it, then it (i.e. the prayer) is not complete, not complete, not complete, not complete.” Surah Fatiha is obligatory when reading prayer. This surah is worthy of standing before any of the surahs of the Koran and is the most repeated of all, because the worshiper recites these verses in every rak'ah of prayer.

The hadith says that the reward for Surah Fatihah is equal to two thirds of the Quran. In another, that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “I received 4 things from the special treasures of the Arsha (Throne), from which no one has ever received anything. These are Surah “Fatiha”, “Ayatul Kursi”, the last verses of Surah “Bakara” and Surah “Kausar”. The great significance of Surah Fatiha is stated in the hadith: “Iblis had to grieve, cry and tear out his hair 4 times: the first when he was cursed, the second when he was driven from heaven to earth, the third when the Prophet (PBUH) received the fourth prophecy when Surah Fatihah was revealed.”

There is a hadith in Muslim Sharif that states that the Great Prophet (PBUH) once said: “Today one of the doors of heaven has opened, which has never been opened before. And one angel descended from her, who had never descended before. And the angel said: “Receive the good news about two nurs that have never been given to anyone before you. One is Surah “Fatihah”, and the second is the end of Surah “Bakara (last three verses)”. They are called nurs (light) because on the Day of Judgment they will go before those who read them.

It is written that the text of Surah Fatiha is Ismi A'zam, and it must be read for any need. The benefits of writing this surah with rose oil, musk and saffron on porcelain dishes, and dissolving it in water and giving it to a chronic patient for 40 days, have been confirmed. And also that reading it seven times and blowing helps with toothache, headaches and stomach pain.

Praise be to Allah, the Most High Master, in whose hand is power over everything and to whom you will be returned!

The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “A Muslim reading a surah "Al-Fatiha"("Opener"), will be rewarded in the same way as the one who reads two-thirds of the Qur'an. His reward will be the same as if he gave a voluntary donation to every devout Muslim, be it a man or a woman” (“Majma’ al-Bayan”, vol. 1, p. 17).

Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opener)

2. The Most Merciful [to all created things in this world], the Most Merciful [to the righteous slaves on the Day of Resurrection]

Ar-rahma ni-r-rahim

الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

3. To the Lord of the Day of Retribution

Maliki ya umi-d-di n

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

6. The path of those whom You have blessed, not [the path] of those who find themselves under [Your] wrath, and not the [path] of those who have strayed [from the right path]

Sira ta-l-lyazi na an’a mta ‘ale yhim gha iri-l-maghdu bi ‘ale yhim wa la-d-dallin

صِرَاطَ الَّذِيْنَ أَنعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّآلِّينَ


  1. The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “I swear by the name of Him in Whose Hand my life is, there is nothing like this surah (Al-Fatiha) Allah did not send down either in the Torah, or in the Gospel, or in the Psalms, or even in the Quran itself. Truly, she is "Umm al-kitab"(“Mother of Scripture”)” (“Majma’ al-bayan”, vol. 1, p. 17). And Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “All the secrets of Allah are hidden in the Holy Books, the content of all the Holy Books is contained in the Koran, the whole meaning of the Koran is concentrated in the Surah "Al-Fatiha", the whole essence of the sura "Al-Fatiha" expressed in "Bismillah x", and everything that contains “bismillah x” is expressed by the letter "b"(the first letter of the phrase "Bismillah x")..." (Nusrat Amin, "Makhzan al-'irfan", vol. 1, p. 28).
  2. The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “If this or that important matter begins without words "Bismillah x", it is doomed to failure” (Bihar al-anwar, vol. 76, p. 305). In another tradition, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “As soon as the teacher tells the child to read “ , and the child utters these words, Allah makes him, his parents and teacher invulnerable [to the fiery Genna]” (“Majma’ al-Bayan”, vol. 1, p. 18). And Imam Sadiq, may peace be upon him, said: “There is not a single Holy book sent down to people from heaven that does not begin with the words “ bismillya hi-r-rahma ni-r-rahi m"».
  3. The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “When a faithful slave says, “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,” glorifying the Lord as He deserves, the angels will not be able to write anything down for him about this praise. Allah will ask them why they did not credit His faithful servant with any reward for his spoken words. And the angels, explaining why they did not write down any reward, will ask how they can understand and by what standard measure the highest value of words containing praise that can only be awarded to Him? Then Allah Almighty will tell them to write down the spoken words, and He will reward His servant for praise as He sees fit” (“Ma’ani al-Akhbar”, p. 32, hadith 8).
  4. One of the legends says: “When a faithful servant of God encounters a difficulty, he reads this sacred verse and everything becomes simple and easy” (Kashani, “Minhaj al-Sadikin”, vol. 1).
  5. One of the legends says: “The “straight path” is the path of Muhammad and his descendants” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 24, p. 16). You can also find the following words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family: “My family is like Noah’s ark. The one who stepped on it was saved [from death], but the one who did not want to climb it was doomed to death” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 23, p. 124). Also, one of the hadiths from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, says: “I leave you something that will help you, after my departure, never to lose the right path. This is the Book of Allah and my family is Ahl al-Bayt” (Tustari, “Ihqaq al-Haqq”, vol. 9, p. 309).
  6. Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “The Shiites (followers of Ali) are those to whom Allah has bestowed the gift of guidance (wilayat) Ali ibn Abu Talib. There is no wrath of Allah on them, and they have not strayed from the straight path” (“Ma’ani al-akhbar”, p. 32).

Traditions about the virtues of Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening One)

1. Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abu Hamza Bataini reported from his father the words of Imam Sadiq, may peace be upon him: “The great name of Allah is hidden in parts in the Mother of the Book (surah "Al-Fatiha") (“Sawab al-a’mal”, hadith 372).

2. Imam Sadiq, may peace be upon him, said: “If you read Surah Al-Fatiha seventy times to a deceased person, then do not be surprised if the spirit suddenly returns to his body” (“Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 623).

Transcription of Surah al Fatiha into Russian

  1. Bismil-lyahi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-'aalamiin.
  3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.
  4. Myaliki yaumid-diin.
  5. Iyayakya na’budu wa iyayayakya nasta’iin.
  6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustaqiyim.
  7. Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduubi ‘alaihim wa lad-doolliin. Amine

Meaningful translation of Surah Al-Fatihah

  1. In the name of Allah, whose mercy is limitless and eternal.
  2. True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
  3. Whose mercy is limitless and eternal.
  4. Lord of Doomsday.
  5. We worship You and ask You for help
  6. Lead us on the right path.
  7. The path of Your servants, whom You guided to believe in You and to whom You showed Your mercy, directing them to the straight path and showed them Your favor, but not those who caused Your anger and went astray.

Al-Fatihah is the greatest surah of the Quran, which is also a useful, powerful and comprehensive prayer. Allah has obligated people to call upon Him with these words in every rak'ah of prayer.

Al-Fatiha - treatment for any disease except death

Prophet Muhammad, may the Almighty bless him and greet him, especially emphasized the power of this surah, saying: “Al-Fatihah” is a cure for any disease except death.” The following hadith is given to confirm his words.

One day, a group of companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, passed by an oasis, the leader of whose tribe was bitten by a scorpion. A resident of the oasis came out to meet them and said: “Are there any among you who know how to heal with prayer? There is a man in the oasis who was bitten by a scorpion.” A companion of the Prophet came to the head of the tribe and began to read Surah Al-Fatiha, blowing and spitting on the bite site. Very quickly this man began to come to his senses. After some time, the leader seemed to be freed from his bonds and began to walk, completely free of pain. When the patient fully recovered, the companions returned to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and told him about what had happened, to which the Prophet asked: “How did you know that Al-Fatihah can serve as a conspiracy (medicine) ? And then he said: “You did everything right, divide what you got and give me one sheep.”

Imam an-Nawawi said: “Sura Al-Fatihah is a ruqya spell (along with other forms of its benefit and grace). Therefore, it is advisable to read this surah for those who have suffered a harmful, poisonous bite, as well as for anyone suffering from one or another illness or disease.”

This surah is an effective supplication addressed to a world where there are no concepts of time and space, the correct appeal to which can result in indescribable forms of happiness in the worldly and eternal.

If you need anything, then read Surah Al-Fatihah from beginning to end, and Allah Almighty will give you help if He wishes

There are several more hadiths that show the merits of reading Surah Al-Fatihah. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that in Surah Al-Fatihah there is a cure for any misfortune.

Abu Suleiman (may Allah be pleased with him!) reports that the companions of the prophet, during one battle, read Surah Al-Fatiha to a man who fell to the ground from epilepsy. After reading Fatiha, the person immediately recovered. To this, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Sura Al-Fatihah is a cure for any disease.”

Kharij Ibn-i Salt At-Tamimi (may Allah be pleased with him!) conveyed the following story from his uncle: One day I came to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After I left him, I went to a certain community. Among them there was one insane person, he was kept on a chain. People close to this patient asked me: “Do you have any medicine with you that will help this madman? We were told that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) brought goodness with him.” For 3 days, I read Surah Al-Fatiha to him in the morning and evening, and after reading, without swallowing my drool, I blew on him. Then, when this patient recovered, they gave me 100 sheep. I immediately returned to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and told him this story. To this he ordered: “Eat these sheep! I swear, there are also people who eat what was given to them for doing bad things. And you did a good job.”

Abdul-Malik (may Allah be pleased with him!) conveyed the following words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “In Surah Fatiha there is recovery from all diseases.” He also said: “If you fall ill or complain about anything, then turn to Surah Al-Fatiha, which is the basis of the Holy Quran.”

Abud-Darda (may Allah be pleased with him!) conveyed the following words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Sura Fatiha is different from all the suras of the Holy Quran. If you place it on one pan of the scales, and put the entire Quran on the other pan, then Surah Al-Fatiha will be 7 times heavier.”

The following words of Ata (may Allah be pleased with him!) are narrated: “If you need anything, then read Surah Al-Fatihah from beginning to end, and Allah will help you if He wishes.”

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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ . اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ. لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ . وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ. Sura al Ikhlas text in Russian letters Bismi-llayahi-rrahmaani-rrahhiim 1. Kul hu Allahu ahad. 2. Allahu s-samad. 3. Lam yalid wa lam yulyad.

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Prayers recited in namaz

"Iftitah"; "tashahhud"; “as-salat al-Ibrahimiya”; "kunut"

“IFTITAH” is a prayer that is recommended to be read after the introductory “Allahu Akbar” before reading Surah Al-Fatihah

اَللهُ أَكْبَرْ كَبيرًا، وَالْحَمْدُ الِلهِ كَثيرًا، وَسُبْحانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصيلاً

And then they read “Iftitah”:

« Allahu akbar kabira, wal-hamdu lillahi kasira, wa subhanallahi bukratan wa asyl.

Vajahtu vajhiya lillazi fatara-ssamavati wal-arz, hanifa-mmuslima, wa ma ana minal-mushrikina. Inna salati va nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati lillahi rabbil-‘alamina, la sharika lyahu, wa bizalika umirtu, wa ana minal-muslimin».

(Allah is great, all praise is to Him, He is pure from all shortcomings. I, a devoted Muslim, and not a pagan, turn to the One who created the heavens and the earth. My prayer, my worship, my life and my death - everything was created by Allah - the Lord worlds, He has no partner. And this was commanded to me, and I am among the Muslims.)


اَلتَّحِيّاتُ الْمُبارَكاتُ الصَّلَواتُ الطَّيِّباتُ لِلهِ، اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ، اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْنا وَعَلى عِبادِ اللهِ الصّالِحينَ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لآ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ الله،ِ اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَما صَلَّيْتَ عَلى إِبْراهيمَ وَعَلى آلِ إِبْراهيمَ، وَبارِكْ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَما بارَكْتَ عَلى إِبْراهيمَ وَعَلى آلِ إِبْراهيمَ، فِي الْعالَمينَ، إِنَّكَ حَميدٌ مَجيد

“At-Tahiyyatul-mubarakatu-salawatu-ttayyibatu lillah. As-Salamu ‘alaika ayyuha-nnabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. As-Salamu ‘alaina wa ‘ala ‘ibadillahi-salihin. Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammad-rrasulullah.

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad (these words are pronounced after the first “Tashahhud”, and they are obligatory in the last “Tashahhud”), wa ‘ala ali Muhammad, kama sallayta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim. Wa barik ‘ala Muhammad, wa ‘ala ali Muhammad, kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim, fil-‘alamina, innaka hamidu-mmajid.”

“All greetings, blessings, prayers and good deeds belong to Allah. Prophet, peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessing. Peace be upon us and the God-fearing, pious servants of Allah. I testify with my tongue, acknowledge and believe in my heart that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify, acknowledge and believe in my heart that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

“O Allah! Grant more honor and greatness to Prophet Muhammad and his family, just as You gave honor and greatness to Prophet Ibrahim and his family. O Allah! Give more blessings to Prophet Muhammad and his family, just as you gave blessings to Prophet Ibrahim and his family - in all the worlds. Verily, You are the Praised One and We praise You.”

PRAYER "KUNUT", read when straightening (in i'tidal) the second rak'ah of morning prayer:

اَللّهُمَّ اهْدِني فيمَنْ هَدَيْتَ * وَعافِني فيمَنْ عافَيْتَ * وَتَوَلَّني فيمَنْ تَوَلَّيْتَ* وَبارِكْ لي فيمآ أَعْطَيْتَ * وَقِني بِرَحْمَتِكَ شَرَّ ما قَضَيْت * فَإِنَّكَ تَقْضي وَلا يُقْضى عَلَيْكَ * وَإِنَّهُ لا يَذِلُّ مَنْ والَيْتَ * وَلا يَعِزُّ مَنْ عادَيْتَ* تَبارَكْتَ رَبَّنا وَتَعالَيْتَ * فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ عَلى ما قَضَيْتَ * أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ * وَصَلَّى اللهُ تَعالى وَسَلَّمَ عَلى خَيْرِ خَلْقِه مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلى آلِه وَأَصْحابِه أَجْمَعينَ * رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرّاحِمينَ

“Allahummahdini fiman hadait (a), wa ‘afini fiman ‘afayt (a), wa tawallani fiman tawal-layt (a), wa barik li fima a’tait (a). Wa kini birahmatika sharra ma kazait(a), fainnaka takzy valya yukza ‘alaik(a). Wa innahu la yazilu maw-wa-layt(a), wa la ya‘izzu man ‘adait(a). Tabarakta Rabbana wa ta'alait(a). Falyakal-hamdu ‘ala ma kazayt (a). Astaghfiruqa wa atubu ilayk(a). Wa sallallahu ta'ala wa sallama 'ala khairi halkihi Muhammadiv-va 'ala alihi wa askhabihi ajma'ina, Rabbigfir warham wa anta khairu-rrahimin."

« O Allah! Keep me on the true path, as you saved the pious. Protect me from diseases, like those whom You protected. Support me as well as those whom You have supported. Bless what You have given me. Protect me by Your mercy from the evil that You have created. You command everyone, but no one commands You. Whom You have exalted, no one will humiliate, and whom You have not supported will not be exalted.

O our Lord! You are above all shortcomings. Praise be to You. I ask You for forgiveness and repent before You. O Allah Almighty! Give Prophet Muhammad, the best of creation, more honor and greatness, and give mercy to the family of the Prophet, his companions and pious Muslims. O Lord! Forgive my sins, have mercy on me, truly You are the most merciful».

Prayer "KUNUT" in the plural

اَللّهُمَّ اهْدِنا فيمَنْ هَدَيْتَ * وَعافِنا فيمَنْ عافَيْتَ * وَتَوَلَّنا فيمَنْ تَوَلَّيْتَ * وَبارِكْ لَنا فيمآ أَعْطَيْتَ * وَقِنا بِرَحْمَتِكَ شَرَّما قَضَيْتَ * فَإِنَّكَ تَقْضي وَلا يُقْضى عَلَيْكَ * وَإِنَّهُ لا يَذِلُّ مَنْ والَيْتَ * وَلا يَعِزُّ مَنْ عادَيْتَ* تَبارَكْتَ رَبَّنا وَتَعالَيْتَ * فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ عَلى ما قَضَيْتَ * نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ * وَصَلَّى اللهُ تَعالى وَسَلَّمَ عَلى خَيْرِ خَلْقِه مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلى آلِه وَأَصْحابِه أَجْمَعينَ * رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرّاحِمينَ

Fatiha prayer read

This surah relieves all diseases except death

Let us turn to the hadiths that talk about the merits of Surah Al-Fatiha.

“Sura Al-Fatiha eliminates all diseases except death.”

“Whoever reads Surahs Al-Fatihah and Al-‘Ikhlas is as if he had read one third of the Qur’an.”

“If anyone, upon entering a house, reads surahs Al-Fatiha and Al-‘Ikhlas, Allah will avert poverty from this house and send down peace and contentment.”

“Whoever reads Surahs Al-Fatiha and Al-Ikhlas before going to bed will be far from all troubles except death.”

Surah Al-Fatiha also contains its own secrets - we report on some of them below, of course, again relying on hadiths.

If something threatens you and you are tormented by confusion and anxiety, read Surah Al-Fatiha 10 times.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious. Merciful! Praise be to Allah - the Lord [of the inhabitants] of the worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, the Ruler of the Day of Judgment! We worship You and cry to You for help: lead us on the straight path, the path of those whom You have blessed, not those who [fell under Your] wrath, and not [the path of] the lost. (1:1-7)

If you read this surah until “ayat iyaka nasta’yn”, and after that read the following du’a 3 times, then your wishes will come true and your prayers will be accepted:

God, bring closer to me what I need, as (inextricably) close are Your Names and Attributes, O Possessor of Greatness and Nobility. To those who make it a habit to read Surah Al-Fatiha 18 times after each fard prayer, and to read it 28 times after the night prayer (total 100 per day), Allah will bestow special prosperity.

The wishes of the one who, in each rak’at of prayer, consisting of 2 rak’ats, reads Surah Al-Fatihah 7 times and Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 times, will be fulfilled. Surah Al-Fatihah in the Qur'an is followed by Surah Al-Baqarah, the meaning and merits of which are noted both in the Qur'an itself and in the hadiths.

Here's one of them.

According to Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) it is reported: “When the Messenger of Allah was sitting with (the angel) Jabrail, he heard a creaking sound above him.

Zhabra'il looked up and said:

This (sound) is from the gate that was opened today in heaven and has never been opened before.

Then an angel came down through the gate.

This angel who descended to earth had never descended before. He (i.e. the descended angel) approached the Prophet (ﷺ), greeted him and said:

Rejoice in the good news of the two lights given to you (by Allah), which were not given to any of the Prophets before you. (These are) Surah Al-Fatiha and the last two verses from Surah Al-Baqarah. For every word you read in them, you will be given a reward” (Muslim).

Complete collection and description: prayer sura al fatiha for good luck for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires in Islam (Du'a)

There are a lot of verses in the Koran revealed regarding the reading of du'a (prayer) and if you read the surahs to fulfill desires, you can soon get what you want. A prayer to the Almighty for the fulfillment of a desire - dua - is worship, and Allah loves that you ask Him, and He will answer your prayer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Du'a is worship,” i.e., just as the body does not exist without the brain, so there is no worship without du'a. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family) told Muslims: “Do not be careless about the first night of Friday in the month of Rajab. The angels call this night the night of Ragaib” or the night of fulfillment of all desires. It is at this time that it is best to read surahs and verses from the Koran to fulfill desires.

– Fast on the first Thursday of the month of Rajab

– In the evening from Thursday to Friday, during the time between the Maghrib prayer and the Isha prayer, perform the prayer as follows:

12 rak'ahs (2 rak'ahs 6 times) with niyat Rija (trans. hope). In each rak'ah, read these surahs to fulfill desires:

Surah Al-Fatihah 1 time

Surah Al-Qadr 3 times

Surah Al-Ikhlas 12 times.

Allahumma solli ala Muhammadinin-Nabiyil-Ummiyi Wa ala aalihi wa sallim

Then lower yourself into sujud (prostration) and pronounce the following words 70 times (in sajdud):

Then raise your head and say 70 times:

Rabbi gfir va rham va tajaavaz ma ta”lam fainnakya Anta-l-Aziizul-Azam

And finally, go down into the 2nd Sujud and say the prayer - dua 70 times:

Subbuukhun Qudduusun Rabbil-Malyayaikati va-r-Ruuh

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Al Fatiha.

The main prayer of Muslims.

First sura (chapter) of the Koran

All-merciful and merciful!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

We bow our knees only before You

And we cry only to You for help:

"Guide us to the straight path,

and those who wander in unbelief."

Translation by Iman Porokhova (

Transcription of Arabic into Kazakh language

Ajuzu billa i minesh-shєitanir-razhim

Bismillaqir rahmanir rahim!

El-hemdu lil-llєєћi robil aalamiin.

Ar-rokhmenir-rohiim. Meeliki yaumid-diin.

I will come and it will come.

Syrootal-leziina єnаmtє аleћim.

Goiril-Maѓduubi aleyim uє lєd-doolliin!

Transmitted by Elder Hapas

Transcription of Arabic into Russian

Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-razhim

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim!

Al-hamdu lil-llayahi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rokhmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-diin.

Iyaaka nabudu ya iyaaka nastaiin.

Syrootal-laziina an'amta aleikhim.

Goiril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

Transmitted by Elder Hapas

Listen to audio

For all questions and requests, please contact:

Date last modified: May 12, 2004

Surah Al Fatiha (Opening of the Book)

Transcription of Surah Al Fatiha

Translation of Surah Al Fatiha by Iman Porokhova

1. Bismil-lyahi rrahmaani rrahiim.

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful!

2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamiin.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.

He alone is All-Merciful and Merciful,

4. Myaliki yaumid-diin.

The Day of Judgment alone He is the Lord.

5. Iyayakya na’budu wa iyayayakya nasta’iin.

Only before You do we bow our knees, and only to You do we cry for help:

6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustaqiyim.

“Guide us to the straight path,

7. Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alayhim,

What have You chosen for those who are gifted with Your mercy,

Protect us from the path of those who anger You

And those who wander in unbelief.”

Translation of Surah Al Fatiha into Russian

1. I start with the Name of Allah - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for everyone in this World, and the Merciful only for the believers in the Akhirat.

2. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for everything that He has given to His servants (Angels, people, jinn). All glory goes to Allah, the Creator and Lord of the worlds.

3. He is Ar-Rahman (Merciful for everyone in this World) and He is Ar-Rahim (Merciful only for believers in the Next World).

4. Allah is the One Lord of the Day of Judgment, the Day of Reckoning and Retribution. And no one except Him has power over anything on this Day. Allah rules over everything.

5. To You alone we offer the highest degree of worship and to You we cry for help.

6. Keep us on the Path of Truth (on the Path of Islam), goodness and happiness.

7. Lead us along the Path of Your pious servants, to whom You granted to believe in You and to whom You showed Your Grace, directing them along the straight Path (the path of Islam), along the path of those whom You have blessed (along the Path of the Prophets and Angels). But not along the path of those whom You punished, and who strayed from the Path of Truth and Good, deviating from faith in You, and not showing obedience to You.

Surah Al Fatiha in Arabic

Listen to Surah Al Fatiha

Download Surah Al Fatiha in mp3 format

Video: Sura Al Fatiha is read by Sheikh Mishari Rashid al-Afasi, Russian translation by E. Kuliev

Al Fatiha is the first surah of the Holy Quran. This page provides a translation of the sura in Russian and its transcription. You have the opportunity to download an mp3 file or listen to it online. A version of reading Al Fatiha in Arabic is given, the text of the Russian translation is given. In Islam there are suras - chapters of the Holy Koran, and prayers (duas) - requests that people make to Allah Almighty. Al Fatiha is the first (opening) surah of the Quran. Its text consists of seven verses (elementary semantic parts). You can listen to the sura on this page. Audio and video materials located here will be useful to people who are interested in reading, words, text of the sura.

Muslim prayers

Muslim prayers are the basis of the life of every believer. With their help, any believer maintains contact with the Almighty. The Muslim tradition provides not only for the obligatory five times daily prayers, but also for personal appeals to God at any time, through the reading of dua. For a pious Muslim, praying in both joy and sorrow is a characteristic feature of a righteous life. No matter what difficulties a true believer faces, he knows that Allah always remembers him and will protect him if he prays to him and glorifies the Almighty.

The Koran is the holy book of the Muslim people

The Koran is the main book in the Muslim religion; it is the basis of the Muslim faith. The name of the holy book comes from the Arabic word for “reading aloud,” and it can also be translated as “edification.” Muslims are very sensitive to the Koran and believe that the holy book is the direct speech of Allah, and it has existed forever. According to Islamic law, the Koran can only be taken into clean hands.

Believers believe that the Koran was written down by the disciples of Muhammad from the words of the prophet himself. And the transmission of the Koran to believers was carried out through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad's first revelation came when he was 40 years old. After this, over the course of 23 years, he received other revelations at different times and in different places. The latter was received by him in the year of his death. All suras were recorded by the prophet's companions, but were first collected together after the death of Muhammad - during the reign of the first caliph Abu Bakr.

For some time, Muslims have used individual suras to pray to Allah. Only after Osman became the third caliph did he order the individual records to be systematized and created a single book (644-656). Collected together, all the suras formed the canonical text of the holy book, which has survived unchanged to this day. Systematization was carried out primarily according to the records of Muhammad’s companion, Zayd. According to legend, it was in this order that the prophet bequeathed the suras for use.

During the day, every Muslim must pray five times:

  • Morning prayer is performed from dawn to sunrise;
  • The midday prayer is performed during the period when the sun is at its zenith until the length of the shadows reaches their height;
  • The pre-evening prayer is read from the moment when the length of the shadows reaches their height until sunset;
  • Sunset prayer is performed during the period from sunset to the moment when the evening dawn goes out;
  • Twilight prayers are read between evening and morning dawn.

This fivefold prayer is called namaz. In addition, there are other prayers in the Koran that a true believer can read at any time as needed. Islam offers prayers for all occasions. For example, Muslims often use prayer to repent of sins. Special prayers are read before eating and when leaving or entering the house.

The Koran consists of 114 chapters, which are revelations and are called suras. Each sura includes separate short statements that reveal an aspect of divine wisdom - verses. There are 6500 of them in the Koran. Moreover, the second sura is the longest, it has 286 verses. On average, each individual verse contains from 1 to 68 words.

The meaning of the suras is very diverse. There are biblical stories, mythological plots and descriptions of certain historical events. The Koran attaches great importance to the fundamentals of Islamic law.

For ease of reading, the holy book is divided as follows:

  • For thirty approximately equal-sized pieces - juzes;
  • Into sixty smaller units - Hizbs.

To simplify the reading of the Koran during the week, there is also a conditional division into seven manazils.

The Koran, as the sacred scripture of one of the world's significant religions, contains the advice and instructions necessary for a believer. The Qur'an allows every person to communicate directly with God. But despite this, people sometimes forget what they should do and how they should live correctly. Therefore, the Koran enjoins obedience to divine laws and the will of God himself.

How to read Muslim prayers correctly

It is recommended to perform namaz in a place specially designated for prayer. But this condition must be met only if there is such a possibility. Men and women pray separately. If this is not possible, then the woman should not say the prayer words out loud so as not to distract the man.

A prerequisite for prayer is ritual purity, so ablution is required before prayer. The person praying must be dressed in clean clothes and face the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba. He must have a sincere intention to pray.

Muslim prayer is performed on your knees on a special rug. It is in Islam that much attention is paid to the visual design of prayer. For example, while reciting sacred words, your feet should be held so that your toes are not pointed in different directions. Your arms should be crossed over your chest. It is necessary to bow so that your legs do not bend and your feet remain straight.

Prostration should be performed as follows:

  • Get down on your knees;
  • Bend over;
  • Kiss the floor;
  • Freeze for a certain time in this position.

Any prayer - an appeal to Allah - should sound confident. But at the same time, you should understand that the solution to all your problems depends on God.

Muslim prayers can only be used by true believers. But if you need to pray for a Muslim, you can do this with the help of Orthodox prayer. But you should remember that this can only be done at home.

But even in this case, it is necessary to add the words at the end of the prayer:

You need to perform namaz only in Arabic, but all other prayers can be read in translation.

Below is an example of performing morning prayer in Arabic and translated into Russian:

  • The person praying turns towards Mecca and begins the prayer with the words: “Allahu Akbar,” which translated means: “Allah is the Greatest.” This phrase is called "takbir". After this, the worshiper folds his hands on his chest, while the right hand should be on top of the left.
  • Next, the Arabic words “A'uzu3 billahi mina-shshaitani-rrajim” are pronounced, which translated means “I turn to Allah for protection from the damned shaitan.”
  • Next read Surah Al-Fatiha:

You should know that if any Muslim prayer is read in Russian, then you must delve into the meaning of the spoken phrases. It is very useful to listen to audio recordings of Muslim prayers in the original, downloading them for free from the Internet. This will help you learn how to pronounce prayers correctly with the right intonation.

Arabic prayer options

In the Quran, Allah says to the believer: “Call upon Me with dua and I will help you.” Dua literally means “supplication”. And this method is one of the types of worship of Allah. With the help of dua, believers call on Allah and turn to God with certain requests, both for themselves and for their loved ones. For any Muslim, dua is considered a very powerful weapon. But it is very important that any prayer comes from the heart.

Dua for damage and evil eye

Islam completely denies magic, so witchcraft is considered a sin. Dua against damage and the evil eye is, perhaps, the only way to protect yourself from negativity. Such appeals to Allah should be read at night, from midnight to dawn.

The best place to turn to Allah with dua against damage and the evil eye is the desert. But it is clear that this is not a mandatory condition. This is generally accepted because in such a place a believer can be absolutely alone and no one or nothing will interfere with his communication with God. To read the dua against damage and the evil eye, a separate room in the house, into which no one will enter, is quite suitable.

Important condition: this type of dua should be read only if you are sure that there is a negative impact on you. If you are haunted by minor failures, then you should not pay attention to them, since they can be sent to you from heaven, as retribution for some misdeed.

Effective duas will help you overcome the evil eye and damage:

  • The first sura of the Quran Al-Fatiha, consisting of 7 verses;
  • 112 of the Quran Al-Ikhlas, consisting of 4 verses;
  • 113 sura of the Quran Al-Falyak, consisting of 5 verses;
  • 114th sura of the Quran An-Nas.

Conditions for reading dua against damage and the evil eye:

  • The text must be read in the original language;
  • You should hold the Koran in your hands during the action;
  • During prayer, you must be of sound and sober mind, and in no case should you drink alcohol before you begin to pray;
  • Thoughts during the prayer ritual should be pure and the mood positive. You need to give up the desire to take revenge on your offenders;
  • The above suras cannot be interchanged;
  • The ritual of getting rid of damage should be carried out at night for a week.

The first sura is the opening one. It glorifies God:

The text of the prayer is as follows:

Surah Al-Ikhlas talks about human sincerity, eternity, as well as the power and superiority of Allah over everything on the sinful earth.

112th surah of the Quran Al-Ikhlas:

The words of the dua are as follows:

In Surah Al-Falyak, the believer asks Allah to grant the whole world a dawn, which will become salvation from all evil. Prayer words help to free oneself from all negativity and drive out evil spirits.

113th surah of the Quran Al-Falyak:

The words of the prayer are:

Surah An-Nas contains prayer words that concern all people. By pronouncing them, the believer begs for protection from Allah for himself and his family.

114th sura of the Quran An-Nas:

The words of the prayer sound like this:

Dua to cleanse the house

Home occupies a significant place in the life of every person. Therefore, housing always needs reliable protection at all levels. There are certain suras in the Koran that will allow you to do this.

The Koran contains a very strong universal prayer-amulet from the Prophet Muhammad, which must be recited in the morning and evening every day. It can conditionally be considered a preventative measure, since it will protect the believer and his home from the devils and other evil spirits.

Listen to the dua to cleanse the house:

In Arabic the prayer goes like this:

Translated, this prayer sounds like this:

Ayah 255 “Al-Kursi” of Surah “Al-Bakara” is considered the most powerful for protecting the home. Its text has a deep meaning with a mystical orientation. In this verse, in accessible words, the Lord tells people about Himself, he indicates that He cannot be compared with anything or anyone in the world He created. By reading this verse, a person reflects on its meaning and comprehends its meaning. When pronouncing prayer words, the believer’s heart is filled with sincere conviction and faith that Allah will help him resist the evil machinations of Satan and protect his home.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

Translation into Russian sounds like this:

Muslim prayer for good luck

The Koran contains many surahs that are used as prayers for good luck. They can be used every day. In this way you can protect yourself from all sorts of everyday troubles. There is a sign that you should cover your mouth when yawning. Otherwise, the shaitan may penetrate you and begin to harm you. In addition, you should remember the advice of the Prophet Muhammad - in order for adversity to bypass a person, you need to keep your own body in ritual purity. It is believed that an Angel protects a pure person and asks Allah for mercy for him.

Before reading the next prayer, it is imperative to perform a ritual ablution.

The text of the prayer in Arabic is as follows:

This prayer will help to cope with any difficulties and will attract good luck into the life of a believer.

Its text translated into Russian reads as follows:

You can choose suras from the Koran according to their content, listening to your own intuition. It is important to pray with full concentration, realizing that the will of Allah must be obeyed.

Surah Al-Fatihah is the first surah of the Holy Quran.Her the name translated from Arabic means “Opening the Book”, since it is not only the first in order of location in the Koran, but also the first sura , sent down in its entirety.

Al-Fatihah, consisting of seven verses, was revealed during the Meccan period of the life of the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.). This is narrated in one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), transmitted from the words of Ibn Abbas: “Once, when we were sitting next to the Messenger of Allah, the angel Gabriel was next to him. Suddenly he heard a creaking overhead, after which Gabriel looked at the heavens and said: “This has opened a gate in heaven that has never been opened before.” Through them, he went down to the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) and said: “Rejoice in the two lights that were given to you, but were not given to any of the previous Prophets. These are Surah Al-Fatihah and the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. Everything that you read in them will certainly be given to you” (Muslim, Nasai).

Expand description of the sura

Despite its seemingly small volume, Surah Al-Fatihah carries great meaning and has great significance in people’s lives, and no other verse of any of the Books of the Creator can compare with it. God's Messenger (s.g.v.) once said: “I swear by Him in Whose Hand my soul is! Nothing similar to Surah Al-Fatiha (Tirmidhi, Ahmad) was revealed either in the Taurat (Torah), or in the Injil (Gospel), or in the Zabur (Psalter), or in the Furqan (Quran).

Every Muslim reads Surah Al-Fatihah at least 15 times daily, since its reading is necessary in every rak'ah. The Prophet Muhammad (s.w.w.) taught: “If someone prays without reading the Mother of Scripture in it, then his prayer is imperfect” (Muslim).

While reading this surah, the believer enters into a dialogue with the Lord, as narrated in the following hadith: “The Great Allah said: “I have divided the prayer into two parts between Me and My servant, who will receive what he asks. When a slave says the words “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,” the Creator replies: “My slave gave Me praise.” When a believer says: “To the Most Gracious and Merciful,” the Lord replies: “My servant has praised Me.” When a person says: “To the Lord of the Day of Judgment,” the Almighty replies: “My servant glorified Me.” When the person praying says: “You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help,” the Creator replies: “This will be divided between Me and My servant, and My servant will receive what he asks.” When the believer says: “Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have blessed, not those on whom anger has fallen and those who are lost,” then Allah answers: “This is for My servant, and he will receive what he asks.” (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Daud, Nasai).