Time to plant strawberries from seeds. How to grow strawberries from seeds at home. Optimal timing and technology of planting

Time to plant strawberries from seeds.  How to grow strawberries from seeds at home.  Optimal timing and technology of planting
Time to plant strawberries from seeds. How to grow strawberries from seeds at home. Optimal timing and technology of planting

Nowadays, thanks to the abundance of high-quality seed material, which can be bought at any gardening store, growing various crops from seeds has become very popular. A striking example is strawberries. Growing strawberries from seeds is an interesting and exciting process, from sowing seedlings to picking and planting in the ground.

In order for the plants to develop normally and be ready for planting in open ground, it is important to carry out the procedure on time. When is it better to plant strawberry seeds for seedlings at home, in what month? It is optimal to sow the crop in February and March.

You also need to take into account the fact that different zones of our country have different climatic conditions and the time of onset of heat and increase in solar activity. Therefore, the time for planting garden strawberries must be chosen taking into account climatic conditions: For example, on South you can sow as early as early February, in the middle zone (Moscow region) It is optimal to sow strawberries in early March, in Siberia, the Urals, Leningrad region It is better to plant at the end of March.

By the way, an excellent guideline when choosing timing can be Lunar calendar 2020:

Favorable days for the procedure:

  • January - 27, 28, 29, 30, 31;
  • February - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29;
  • March - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 26, 27, 28, 29;
  • April - 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27.

Unfavorable days for planting:

  • January - 10, 25, 26;
  • February - 9, 21, 22, 23;
  • March - 9, 19, 20, 21, 24;
  • April - 8, 15, 16, 17, 23.

How to properly sow garden strawberries for seedlings

It is not at all difficult to carry out the procedure according to all the rules at home, but you need to know certain features and tricks. Let's talk about them and all the stages in more detail.

Soil preparation

Garden strawberry seedlings prefer light, loose, nutritious soil that has good air and water permeability. Preferably neutral or slightly acidic soil. It is in such a substrate that plants will be most comfortable and will be able to develop normally.

you can buy universal soil for seedlings. By the way, you can find special soil for strawberries and wild strawberries.

A little trick! To improve the quality, structure, water and breathability of purchased soil, it is recommended to add perlite, vermiculite or calcined river sand(in proportion - 1 part of the substance to 3 parts of the earth).

You can prepare the soil mixture for planting garden strawberries for seedlings with your own hands. There are several soil recipes that can be made at home without any problems. For example:

  • humus (1 part)
  • sand (1 part);
  • peat (3 parts).

You can also make soil with the following ingredients:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • humus or compost (0.5 parts);
  • wood ash (half a glass of substance per 5 liters of soil).

Or make the following soil composition for strawberries:

  • Turf land (2 parts);
  • Peat (1 part);
  • Sand (1 part).

Advice! Garden strawberry seedlings grow well in soil that is intended for growing indoor begonias and violets. This soil can be purchased at almost any garden store.

Selection of capacity

You can sow strawberry seeds for seedlings in a common box, some kind of bowl- a food container, a container for any products. The optimal height is 7-10 centimeters.

Or you can plant garden strawberries and in individual containers, for example, plastic cups, cassettes, peat pots, tablets. By the way, if you choose large enough containers, you can do without picking. You can make a container with your own hands, for example, by taking a milk carton, a kefir container, or an egg carton.

Advice! It is believed that strawberry seedlings are not very good at picking, so it is optimal to immediately plant one seed at a time in separate cups or cassettes.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid of seating either. If you are confident that you will do everything carefully, then you can safely sow in a common bowl or box.

Seed preparation

Strawberry seeds are difficult to germinate, this means that they germinate slowly, and if planted incorrectly, many of them do not germinate at all. To protect yourself from such troubles, it is recommended to prepare planting material for garden strawberries.

Important! Strawberry seed material needs preliminary stratification(i.e. kept in conditions of low temperatures and humidity for a month).

It is recommended to stratify strawberry seeds before sowing according to the following rules:

1) Place the cotton pad on a small tray and moisten it.

2) Carefully transfer the seeds onto a damp disc.

3) Cover the top with another wet disk.

4) Place the products in a plastic bag, leaving air in it.

5) Transfer to a room where the temperature is stably maintained at +1-4 degrees Celsius (optimally suited fridge). Ideally, you should keep cotton pads in the refrigerator. 4-5 weeks (or at least three weeks).

6) Open the bag about once a week to bring in fresh air.

Advice! After stratification and before direct planting, it is recommended as preparation. soak strawberry seeds in any preparation that stimulates germination, improves germination. Popular drugs are, for example, growth stimulator "Zircon", "HB-101", "Epin-Extra", "Energen". The instructions for the drug describe the preparation of the solution and the soaking time.

Master class on the standard planting method

So, if you have waited for the optimal time and prepared everything you need - soil mixture, planting material, containers, then you can start the event. Step-by-step instructions with photographs will help you properly plant strawberry seeds for seedlings at home:

Step 1: Make drainage holes (if there are none) and place.

Making holes is very convenient using small scissors, a nail, or an awl.

Not only are holes for removing excess moisture important, but also drainage layer, which will prevent acidification of the soil at the bottom of the container. For these purposes, you can use broken bricks, eggshells, expanded clay, and perlite (it’s in the photo). The thickness of the material is approximately 1.5-2 centimeters.

Step 2: Fill the container with soil.

Distribute the soil evenly in the container, leaving a small distance to the edges (2-3 centimeters).

Important! Be sure to lightly compact the surface of the soil with your hand or a spoon so that small seeds do not fall into the voids (if this happens, they most likely will not sprout, since they only needsurface sowing).

Step 3: Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

Mandatory landing stage. First of all, this is necessary to ensure that the planting material does not penetrate into the areas between the pieces of soil and does not go deep.

Step 4: Direct landing.

Important! As you can see in the photo, the strawberry seeds are quite small, so it is only possible surface sowing!

The most convenient way to sow strawberries is with a regular toothpick. The technology is simple - you need to moisten the end of the product in water, and then pick up the seed and, as it were, wipe it on the ground, then it will easily remain on the soil surface.

Maintain a distance between seeds of approximately 2 centimeters. This gap is most suitable; it will help avoid thickening.

It is also very convenient to sow garden strawberries using tweezers.

By the way! If you want to plant strawberries in individual cassettes, cups, peat tablets, then you need to place one seed at a time in the center of the container. Or sow 2-3 seeds, then choose the strongest seedling, and pinch off the rest of the weak ones.

Step 5: Watering.

After sowing, you need to water very carefully so that under the pressure of water the seeds do not become buried and washed away. In this case, you can use a spray bottle.

Step 6: Cover the container with a lid, glass or film.

The covering material will create a mini-greenhouse, which is necessary to maintain optimal conditions for seedling germination.

Step 7: Sign the future strawberry seedlings.

It is advisable to mark the container with any seedlings somehow (for example, sign it with a marker, attach a sticker). Knowing where each plant is, you can find an individual approach and provide the most suitable conditions and care.

Step 7: Place the container in a warm and bright place for seedlings to germinate.

By the way! You can stratify planting material after planting in the ground - you just need to put the container with soil in the refrigerator for 4 weeks (or at least 2-3), and then take it out and move it to a warm room.

Other methods of sowing garden strawberries for seedlings

The standard method has been described above. But there are other ways to plant strawberries for seedlings:

1) Can be planted in rows. The method is a little similar to the classic version. Make rows at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other, their depth is 3-5 millimeters (but no more!). By the way, it’s convenient to make them with a regular ruler. Then place the seeds in the grooves, maintaining the optimal spacing (1.5-2 cm). And then you need to use the same object that you used to make the grooves to very slightly press the planting material for better contact with the ground.

2) Strawberry seeds can be planted in(products made of pressed peat and non-woven material). If you initially choose volumetric products, you can do without picking. To plant, you need to prepare the products - place them on a tray with warm water for half an hour, during which time they will swell, and then transfer the seed to a small depression in the center of the product and cover with a lid. In the future, when growing strawberry seedlings in tablets, you need to carefully monitor the humidity, since when the products dry out they can shrink and destroy the seedlings.

3) It is very convenient to sow on snow. The planting material of the berry crop is small, and sometimes it is difficult to distribute it evenly over the soil surface, and dark strawberry seeds are clearly visible on white snow. But not only this feature is an advantage of the method of planting on snow: when it melts, the material itself will be drawn in to the required depth.

You can plant strawberry seeds in the snow according to the following correct scheme:

  1. In the same way as described above, place drainage and soil in a container.
  2. Distribute clean snow evenly over the surface of the earth (its thickness is about 1-1.5 cm).
  3. Transfer the seeds onto it (using a toothpick, tweezers or your hands - whichever is more convenient for you). Maintain the optimal distance between them - 2 cm.
  4. If there are still a lot of seeds in one place, you can lightly scatter them with a toothpick in different directions.

How to care for garden strawberry seedlings

It is necessary to maintain optimal conditions and care for seedlings at home, both before and after germination. You cannot ignore the needs of such a capricious plant, otherwise success in growing a crop from seeds will not be achieved. So, let's consider the main aspects and rules for caring for garden strawberry seedlings:

  • Mini-greenhouse. Before emergence, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse daily for 15-25 minutes, removing the covering material and wiping off condensation from it. As soon as you see the first plants hatching, you need to remove the glass, lid or film. But this must be done strictly gradually to minimize stress: first you need to open the container for 30 minutes, then increase the time over three days, and then remove the lid, glass or film forever.
  • Temperature conditions. The optimal temperature for strawberries after planting is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius, and then, after germination, 20 degrees Celsius (lowering t will help avoid stretching of plants).

  • Lighting. It is very important for this culture, so pay special attention to this aspect of care.
    • Seeds germinate in the light, so immediately after planting you need to transfer the container to a bright windowsill.
    • From the first day of emergence, be sure to add light to strawberry seedlings in the morning, evening and on cloudy days. For additional lighting, a phytolamp should be used, or at least an LED lamp. A 12-14 hour daylight period should be maintained.
  • Watering. In this matter, you need to observe moderation - excessive watering can provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases (including the dangerous black leg) or mold. But just like waterlogging, you should not allow the soil to dry out, which can be disastrous. Basic rules for watering strawberries at home that must be followed:
    • Water can only be used that is settled, clean, and at room temperature. Liquid straight from the tap can do more harm than good.
    • Before germination, you should water with a syringe so that the water pressure does not wash out the seeds.
    • When the shoots appear, the number of waterings should be increased slightly, and this should be done using other tools, for example, a small syringe, a syringe (not a watering can or spray bottle). But water should not fall on the plants themselves and erode the soil around the roots; apply moisture carefully.
    • The main guideline that will help determine the frequency of watering is soil moisture; it is necessary to constantly maintain moderate (!) soil moisture.
  • If you see mold on the ground, you need to carefully remove it and spill the soil with a fungicide solution, for example, Fitosporin-M. By the way, watering with this drug will help prevent the “black leg” disease, which is fatal to strawberry seedlings.
  • If, after emergence, you notice plants on a long stem that are too elongated, it is recommended to add a little soil around them.
  • After watering, it is recommended to very carefully loosen the soil between the seedlings; this can be done conveniently with a toothpick. Thus, the root system will receive more oxygen.

By the way! The first strawberry seeds germinate approximately 14 days after sowing. But the speed and speed of germination depends on the quality of care.

Maintaining all the above conditions will help you grow healthy, good, strong strawberries at home.

Picking strawberry seedlings at home

When to plant strawberry seedlings? Procedures should be carried out at the moment when the plants have their 3rd true leaf.

The container for diving should be chosen individually - plastic cassettes, cups, peat pots, their volume - 200-300 milliliters, no less. The new container must have drainage holes.

Advice! The soil for replanting can be used the same as for planting. Only here you can use a little trick - add part of the garden soil from the area where you plan to plant it in open ground to the soil mixture. This way the plants adapt faster and better to their permanent location.

Picking strawberries at home is done according to the following scheme:

  • A couple of hours before the event, you should moisten the soil with the plants so that it softens and there are no difficulties with removing the seedlings.
  • Fill the new containers with soil (but not completely, leaving a small distance to the edges) and make a hole in the middle.
  • Pry up the plant along with a lump of earth (you can use a wooden stick, a fork, or any tool convenient for you). Do this carefully so as not to damage the young roots.

Advice! If the root is too long, you can pinch it a little.

  • Carefully immerse the seedling in the hole, the roots with a lump of earth should be freely located in the recess, and the roots should not bend!

Important! When picking, the plant's growth point (heart) is not buried. Otherwise, this may cause the death of the seedling.

  • If necessary, fill the hole with soil and carefully compact the soil around it.
  • Water with a syringe around the plant.

Care after picking

It is recommended to care for garden strawberry seedlings after the procedure as follows:

  • Immediately after the procedure, you should move the plants to a bright place, but with diffused light. Under no circumstances should disturbed plants be placed in direct sunlight.
  • If the soil settles after watering, then it needs to be added, but also without filling the heart (growing point).
  • About six hours after transplanting, you can spray the plants with a growth stimulator, for example, Epin-Extra, Zircon. Spraying will reduce stress and speed up adaptation.
  • The temperature is dropping: now you need to maintain 18 degrees Celsius during the day, and 16 degrees at night.
  • After picking, you need to fertilize approximately 2-3 weeks later. It is necessary to feed strawberries grown from seeds at home with complex mineral fertilizer for seedlings, for example, “Fertika Lux”, “Aquarin” and others.
  • Two to three weeks before planting in open ground, you should gradually open the window to harden the seedlings. When the temperature rises, more than 10 degrees Celsius, you can begin to move the plants onto a glazed balcony or loggia (but the time spent there must be increased gradually!). And when the temperature is more than 15 degrees, you can start hardening the plants outside or on an open balcony, also starting small.

Problems with strawberry seedlings: why do they stretch out and die?

Sometimes, despite our efforts, strawberry seedlings die, and we are left without planting material and future seedlings. To prevent this from happening, you need to know about the reasons that can be prevented and prevent the death of seedlings:

  • You initially planted in the wrong soil or did not disinfect the soil before use.
  • The shelter (cover, glass or film) was abruptly removed after germination. Capricious plants may wilt due to stress. Remember to open them gradually to reduce stress.
  • Strawberry seedlings have developed the “black leg” disease, it is dangerous because it cannot be cured, the plants fall and die. Signs of the disease - the stem turns black, thins and the plant falls. Low temperature and excessive humidity can trigger the disease. If this has already happened, then you need to remove the strawberry seedling along with the soil and destroy it, and fill this place with a mixture of sand and ash and spill it with a solution of Fitosporin-M. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to disinfect the soil, containers, and you can spill them with phytosporin. It is also recommended that after watering, loosen the soil around the plants and add sand between them.
  • Improper care: too low or high temperatures, waterlogging or lack of moisture.
  • If strawberry seedlings dry out or fall over, this will help indicate a lack of watering. Also, excessively dry air in the room can cause such destructive phenomena.

Another popular problem is that strawberry seedlings have stopped growing after picking. If it does not grow or does not grow well after replanting, then most likely you damaged the roots or did not compact the soil around the plant during replanting and voids formed there.

Another very common problem when growing strawberry seedlings is that they stretch out.(appears in the form of elongated and thin stems). This can happen if sowing is too early, but the most common cause is lack of light and increased temperature. What to do if the seedlings stretch out? It is necessary to provide suitable conditions and to supplement the plants with phytolamps.

There is also a possible annoying problem - seeds do not germinate for a long time. There may be several reasons: the seed is too old or simply of poor quality, or the preparation - stratification and processing - has not been done.

In order to grow a rich and high-quality strawberry crop, you need to know agrotechnical standards, choose the right variety and take into account the climate. To please your household with homemade strawberries next season, experts recommend familiarizing yourself with some tips now.

Which varieties are best propagated by seeds?

Today you can choose the optimal variety for each territory and climate zone. Experienced gardeners identify 9 main ones, the propagation and cultivation of which will bring pleasure and a bountiful harvest.

The variety belongs to the hybrid category. The main feature of the Moscow delicacy is its high yield. They are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. The yield of a standard bush is 1-1.5 kg of berries. Experts highlight the following characteristics:

  • the berries are large and juicy, weight - from 60 g;
  • first harvest in June;
  • tolerates sudden drops in temperature well.

Sarian F1

A hybrid variety that is well suited for growing in cold areas. The main advantage is that the fruits will even be on the “mustache” of the plant. If agrotechnical standards are observed, the bush can produce up to 1.5 kg of berries. The main characteristics include:

  • The harvest can be harvested throughout the season.
  • The bush requires care; the better the gardener takes care of it, the more berries there will be.
  • The variety is frost-resistant and can be grown in open ground.

Queen Elizabeth

The variety has gained popularity due to its good yield and minimal care. Over the course of 20 years of existence, bushes have been found in almost every summer cottage. Main positive features:

  • Large and sweet berries.
  • The harvest is harvested from May to the end of September.
  • The plant is resistant to moving even at a young age. The bush can be dug up and transported.
  • Average whole berries - from 60 g.
  • The plant has strong immunity.

The main feature of the hybrid is that the bushes are powerful and strong. The plant survives cold well; it is an acceptable option for northern zones. The name is true, the average weight of the berries is 70-80 g. With proper care, it produces a record harvest. Peculiarities:

  • large bushes - this point must be taken into account in advance so that adult plants do not suppress each other;
  • an abundance of berries requires a large amount of light;
  • With proper care, the bush will be able to produce a high-quality harvest for 8 years.

The variety has been used for 30 years. The main feature is that it does not require scrupulous care. Experts highlight Geneva as the most successful option for visiting summer residents who will provide care on weekends. Characteristics of the variety:

  • Each bush produces 5-6 tendrils, so the gardener does not need to trim the excess.
  • The berries are large and juicy, but they should not touch the ground. This point must be taken into account in advance.
  • Bright and unusual taste.

The frost-resistant variety is ideal for northern territories. The main feature is that the berries are sweet and aromatic. Tristar will not be able to boast of its large size, but the harvest will be plentiful. Characteristics:

  • a high-quality and abundant harvest will only be in the spring; by autumn the bush begins to produce a minimum, retaining strength for the winter;
  • the plant is strong, has good immunity;
  • average berry weight is 30 g.


The hybrid has the main distinguishing feature - the plant produces crops early. This is an ideal option for greenhouse growing. Growing strawberries for sale will be a pleasure. However, in order to propagate correctly, it is necessary to take into account all agrotechnical standards.

With proper care, the berries will:

  • Medium size from 40 to 50 g.
  • The plant will delight you for more than 4 years.
  • First harvest in mid-spring.

Variety of Polish origin. The main feature is that the soil does not matter. It can be propagated if the minimum requirements are met. The first harvest will be at the end of spring, from each bush - 1.5-2 kg. Characteristic:

  • Bright red berries.
  • Does not lose the stability of aroma and taste after heat treatment.
  • For the winter, the bushes are protected from frost.


Despite the fact that the berries will not surprise you with their large size, the harvest will be stable. The plant tolerates frost and cold well and adapts to any terrain. For gardeners who do not have time to monitor the plant, this is an ideal option. Main characteristics:

  • The average weight of berries is 30 g;
  • Due to its density, it is stored for a long time and does not wrinkle.
  • The berries are beautiful and bright and sell well.

Benefits of growing strawberries from seeds

After choosing the right seeds, even a novice gardener can grow a strawberry bush with his own hands. The main advantages of such cultivation:

  • There is a high probability that future seedlings will survive. The gardener will monitor the plant from the very beginning, which means that he will be able to control all the nuances from weather conditions to soil nutrition.
  • The gardener himself controls the time of sowing and obtaining the first harvest.
  • Seeds are stored longer than purchased seedlings. If you are short of time, you will not need to worry about the money spent and the death of the purchased seedlings.

With proper care, the gardener will be confident in the variety he is growing. Often, to save money, commercial seedlings are subjected to poor quality care, the result is small berries and a frail plant.

Difficulties in growing strawberries from seeds

Any cultivation of crops from seeds requires special and proper care. The first thing a novice gardener will encounter when growing strawberries from seeds is their proper preparation and lighting.

The health and fertility of the future plant depends on proper care in early childhood. The gardener must follow a number of standard rules:

  • Select high-quality soil and fertilizers.
  • Disinfect the seeds.
  • Take care of artificial lighting and thermal conditions.

Failure to comply with one of the points will lead to low cultivation efficiency. The yield will be low, and the plant itself will often begin to get sick or even die when transplanted into open ground.

Seed preparation

The basis of cultivation and propagation is the correct preparation of seeds. Despite the cost and manufacturer, the gardener in any case must comply with agrotechnical rules. The main ones can be identified in a separate list:

  1. Calibration - only high-quality and whole seeds are selected.
  2. Seeds must be disinfected. To do this, just soak them in a special solution of potassium permanganate and water.
  3. Steaming seeds is carried out to control germination. Before placing the seed in the soil, it is necessary to soak it in warm water or wet gauze. To achieve the best result, the seeds are placed in wet cotton pads in the refrigerator for several weeks.

How to stratify strawberry seeds before planting is described in the video below:

Each variety should be labeled and ensure that the cotton pads are damp. After such preparation, even the largest-fruited variety will be able to produce an early harvest.

Sowing dates

Experienced gardeners adhere to the old and proven method of determining the sowing date - the lunar calendar. However, after much research, experts were able to identify a more accurate time, since the lunar calendar does not take into account the characteristics of individual territories and climatic zones. The following deadlines are allocated:

  • February is a good month for sowing seedlings of large-fruited varieties. If a gardener is faced with the task of getting a harvest in the new season, it is advisable to sow during this period, but care must be taken about lighting.
  • April – you won’t get a quick harvest, but the plant will have more time to gain strength. The best option for the northern territories. Within a year, the gardener will be able to get a high-quality and abundant harvest of berries.

The timing of sowing depends only on the needs of the gardener. The sooner the seeds sprout, the sooner the harvest will be. However, it will take more effort to grow a full-fledged bush in one season; energy costs must be taken into account.

For successful seed germination, you will need to create a 12-hour daylight hours.

Soil preparation

The soil affects the productivity and immunity of the plant. Often, dead lands that were previously used by the state for commercial purposes are allocated for dacha lands. Therefore, taking soil from the plot will not be enough; strawberries require special fertile soil. Strawberries do not like an abundance of clay; it puts pressure on the roots and prevents the plant from developing.

To sow seeds, sandy and loamy soil is required, which can protect the roots from excessive moisture. Peat should be avoided, as an excess of minerals becomes a favorable environment for the development of diseases.

To achieve a positive result, you can use ready-made mixtures, or mix chernozem with sifted sand. In the latter option, you need to add ash and compost.

Choosing the right container

When it comes to choosing a container for growing seedlings, everything that is at hand is used. However, the gardener should take into account that seedlings develop quickly, and too small a container will not allow the roots to develop.

Each container should be treated against diseases and viruses. To do this, the container is washed and treated with manganese. It is advisable not to use wood; it often becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus.

To achieve a positive result, it is better to use special silicone containers; they are easy to clean, lightweight, durable, and maintain temperature conditions. It is necessary to make holes in advance that will help excess moisture escape. The standard side is 10 cm, the length and shape are selected by the gardener independently.

Sowing in separate containers

The best option if seedlings are grown for sale. Then the gardener will not have to once again disturb the young plant by separating it from the rest. Moreover, this option is more convenient for transplanting into open ground. The likelihood of damaging the root is minimal.

You can use special single-phase pots or special containers with separate cells. The number of seeds for germination should not exceed the number of containers.

Sowing in boxes

This option is more suitable for home germination of seedlings. If the gardener is not sure about the quality of the seeds, the box provides more opportunities to grow strong seedlings. It is worth considering that even with ideal care, not all seeds survive.

Boxes are easier to artificially illuminate, they do not take up much space and are easy to transport. Today you can purchase ready-made containers with a measuring line for convenience.

How to sow strawberry seeds correctly?

In order to make it easier for a novice gardener to germinate the first seedlings, experts have prepared detailed instructions. By following agrotechnical rules and regulations, you will have a greater chance of getting a high-quality and tasty harvest. How to sow correctly:

  1. Prepare the seeds in advance. The process takes more than 2 weeks; this point should be taken into account in advance when choosing the sowing date.
  2. Once the seeds and soil are ready, assess the size of the seedlings - if they are small, they are sown on the surface. There is no need to sprinkle it with soil; weak seeds will not germinate. If the seeds are standard, then feel free to sprinkle them with 2-3 mm of soil.
  3. After sowing, the gardener sprays the seedlings and covers the container with film.
  4. In the first few days, the room temperature should not be lower than +25 degrees.
  5. Once a day, remove the film for 5 minutes. The soil must be saturated with oxygen.
  6. As soon as the first shoots appear and the temperature is stable at at least +22 degrees, remove the film.

The appearance of the first shoots means that the gardener managed to go through all the stages correctly. Next, you just need to maintain the temperature and water the seedlings on time.

In the video below, a gardening blogger explains how to sow and grow strawberries in peat tablets:

Features of caring for young seedlings

In order for the plant to grow healthy and strong, properly care for it at the seedling stage. Overwatering is as bad as drought, and overloading with minerals can lead to bacterial growth.

Prepare a small plant for planting in open ground; a slight temperature fluctuation will lead to the death of the entire bush. How to properly care for seedlings - read on.


Watering the seedlings is easy - the soil is dry, which means it needs watering. If germination is carried out in special tablets in containers, then water must be poured into it, the tablet itself will absorb the required amount.

If in boxes, it is advisable to spray the soil as it dries. As soon as the seedlings gain strength and grow, they can be fully watered at the root.

Top dressing

You can feed the plant when the first few leaves appear. The plant must be watered before this; young shoots can be watered with rainwater and droppings. There is no need to overfeed at the seedling stage.

It is worth feeding the soil where the seedlings will be transplanted. With the first warmth, the place where the bush will produce a crop is dug up and fertilized with compost.

Picking strawberry seedlings

Picking is the separation of plants into different containers. Strawberries are picked when the sprouts have produced 3-4 leaves. Transplantation is carried out in special cups, the main thing is not to damage the young root.

For convenience, use tweezers. If the roots are intertwined, they can be separated by washing with water. There is no need to fertilize after transplanting; the main thing is not to let the soil dry out.

Preparing seedlings for planting in the ground

The young plant is ready for transplanting into open ground within 2 months after the first leaves appear. The most important thing is to harden off the seedlings before planting, as sudden changes in temperature can kill them. To do this, pots or already picked seedlings are taken outside for a few minutes, increasing the time over 2 weeks.

Before replanting the plant, it is advisable to leave it overnight next to the garden bed and water it. If seedlings are planted in May, then for safety you can cover them with film.

Diseases and pests of strawberry seedlings

Choosing the right hybrid will protect you from 70% of diseases and pests. However, using an untreated tool can lead to dire consequences. Today, several main diseases can be distinguished: brown and white spot, ramularia, root fungus, verticillium.

Pests: strawberry leaf beetle, spider and strawberry mites, ants, weevils. Proper care and inspection of the plant will help get rid of them at the initial stage.

Growing strawberries from seeds is an interesting and enjoyable activity. Seeing the fruits of your own labor is the main reward for a gardener. Following the recommendations, you will be able to get the first harvest at the beginning of summer. A healthy and tasty berry will help restore the vitamin balance of your household.

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Growing strawberries, also called garden strawberries, has become increasingly popular in recent years. And this is not surprising, because the fruits of this widespread crop are not only extremely tasty, but can also bring a certain profit. There are several ways to obtain strawberry seedlings, each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. But planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings still deserves special attention.

If you visit your dacha only on weekends, then you can sow strawberries at the end of February or beginning of March. The fact is that in winter there is always time for thorough care of seedlings, and in this case you get the plants out of the garden before the drought (which is especially important if the summer in your region is hot). It is also possible for home cultivation, but more on that later.

If you live in a suburban area throughout the summer and are able to pay due attention to caring for your plantings, you can sow strawberries in March or June. Even later sowing is allowed if the summer is not hot. But the seedlings, most likely, will not have time to grow enough to be transplanted to a permanent place before the end of the season. This means that they will spend the next winter in pots or boxes.

Stage No2. Deciding on varieties

So, if you are planning to get healthy and strong seedlings, you should not use the first strawberry seeds you come across. There are several proven, so to speak, options, let’s consider each of them in more detail.

  1. Small-fruited remontant strawberry(both hybrids and varieties) are sold in almost every specialty store. It is relatively cheap, so you will have the opportunity to experiment with new products every year and choose only the best options for yourself.
  2. Large-fruited garden strawberry is also popular, but also quite expensive. But the seedlings from such seeds turn out strong and healthy.
  3. Self-collected seeds. Obviously, they need to be collected not from F1 hybrids, but from varieties - only in this case the quality of the offspring will be in no way inferior to the parent plants.

Below is a more original way to collect strawberry seeds at home.

Video - An original way to collect strawberry seeds

Stage No3. Preparing the soil for seedlings

Ready-made soil for seedlings can be purchased in a store without any problems, but experienced gardeners still prefer to prepare the soil mixture with their own hands. Let's look at two popular ways to do this.

Soil for seedlings is an important element of success

Method one. Take sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2, add a little complex mineral fertilizer (alternatively, you can replace it with rotted manure and ash). But note that the soil contains a lot of weed seeds, various types of bacteria, and insect larvae/eggs. To get rid of all this, steam the soil for half an hour over a pan of boiling water. After this, leave it for another 3 days to restore microbiological properties.

Method two. Take vermicompost, peat and sand (necessarily coarse-grained) in a ratio of 1:3:1. Another possible option is peat with sand in a 4:1 ratio.

Soil prices

soil for plants

Stage No4. Preparing seed material

Thanks to seed germination, you will be able to further control the germination process. To do this, soak the seeds in rain or melt water for about 2-3 days and change it twice daily. Because of this, germination inhibitors in the seed, which slow down the growth of the embryo, will be destroyed. After this period, spread the swollen seeds on damp toilet or filter paper, previously laid on a saucer, in a thin layer. Then place it all in a plastic bag and move it to a warm, lighted area (but away from direct sunlight, otherwise it will require frequent watering).

Note! Take the hatched seeds one at a time using a toothpick or a sharpened match and plant them in a container with loose sifted soil.

There is another preparatory procedure - stratification. It helps to obtain stronger, more friendly and healthy seedlings. To carry out stratification, take a container with wet sown seeds, place it in the refrigerator and keep it there for 21-28 days, then put it in a warm place for subsequent germination.

Stage No5. Sow strawberry seeds for seedlings

Video - How to plant strawberry seedlings in the fall

Reading time: 5 minutes

If you have a small garden plot that does not accommodate strawberry plantations, currant bushes or raspberries, then the best solution would be to plant strawberries. This delicious berry is not particularly picky about growing conditions, but at the same time bears fruit abundantly and produces very tasty fruits.

Depending on the variety, strawberries will have different colors, sizes and even tastes. Most often, strawberries are propagated by mustaches and young bushes are planted separately from the mother bushes in the fall or spring.

But there are also special varieties of dugout that are recommended to be propagated by seeds.

Garden varieties

Today you can find garden strawberries of various varieties for different tastes. You can choose those varieties that bear fruit only in spring and autumn, or you can plant those that will bear fruit all summer long. The varieties also differ in taste, level of sweetness, hardness and ripening time.

This is what garden strawberry seeds look like.

Experienced gardeners plant not only classic strawberry varieties that have been proven over the years, but also new varieties that have only recently been bred by breeders and are resistant to various diseases, temperature changes and are capable of producing abundant harvests. If you live in the northern part of the country, then it is better to choose a strawberry variety"Vima Zanta" - This is a frost-resistant breed and begins to bear fruit in early June. Variety"Deroyal" is resistant to diseases, and for strawberries"Camarosa" It is easy to care for, as it produces few whiskers as it grows, so it does not need to be constantly trimmed and replanted. For those who love very sweet berries, we recommend paying attention to the variety"Kimberly"

its sugar berries tolerate transportation well.

Best time: when to sow?

In order to decide when to sow strawberry seeds, you must first understand when you want to plant the seedlings in the ground - in spring or autumn. If you plant a succession of strawberries with the goal of planting them in the ground in the fall, then you can count on the first harvest the following summer. If you decide to plant strawberry seedlings in the spring

, begin planting work at the end of January - beginning of February. Thus, when the earth has warmed up sufficiently, the seedlings will have a fairly strong root system and formed leaves. Such seedlings will take root well and perhaps by the end of summer they will produce the first few berries.

Soil for planting seed material., then the ideal time for sowing seeds will be the end of April - the beginning of May. Grown seedlings can be planted in the ground by the end of August.

Favorable days for sowing

Depending on the year and region, the favorable time for sowing strawberry seeds will differ. For example, the most favorable time for sowing seeds for strawberry seedlings in the Urals is early March. But to grow dugouts in Siberia, you need to sow the seeds in early April. In the Moscow region, mid-February will be a favorable time.

How to plant correctly?

Soil treatment

In order for seedlings to appear soon after sowing, it is necessary to pre-treat the soil. This is done under a quartz lamp. Under its light, various fungi and molds will be destroyed, and an optimal environment for seed germination will be created. If you don’t have a quartz lamp on hand, you can put the soil in the oven for half an hour, preheating it to 150°C.

Seed preparation

If you want your seeds to germinate quickly after sowing, remove them before planting for 5 days in a room where the temperature is between 0°C and 5°C. Another way to speed up seed germination is place them in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day.

Sowing procedure

After the seeds have been treated with a growth stimulant and the soil has been prepared, you can start sowing. Sow strawberries at a depth of 2-5 centimeters. This can be done using a toothpick or tweezers. After the seeds are planted, until the shoots emerge, the soil you need to spray it daily with a spray bottle and make sure that the room has normal humidity. Otherwise, the soil will dry out and the seeds will not sprout.

Seedlings planted in pots.

The ideal containers for germinating dugout seeds are transparent glass containers. In such containers the risk of mold will be minimized, which means the seeds will not rot and will grow with a strong and good root system.

Seedling care

For good growth of strawberry seedlings you need a lot of light
, therefore, provide it with a sufficient level of natural light by placing containers with seeds on the windowsill. And if daylight hours are still quite short in your region, then place them near containers with soil.

With proper care, you can expect the emergence of dugout seedlings within 14 days, but even if they sprouted after a month, it’s okay. The timing of germination will depend on the age of the seeds and the variety of this berry.

After the sprouts have appeared, it is necessary to water them regularly, but in order not to wash away the still weak root system, this should be done with a syringe, and then covered with cling film with holes that will not allow condensation to accumulate. The film should be removed from the pot as soon as the seedling has its first pair of true leaves.

When the third leaf of the seedling has grown, it is necessary to pick it. This is done using tweezers. Having transplanted the seedlings into separate pots, it is worth watering them moderately, but feeding them before transplanting into the ground is not recommended. Strawberry seedlings can be planted in the ground 1.5-2 months after germination.

Useful video

In conclusion, watch an interesting video about the timing of sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings:

Depending on what variety of strawberries you choose will depend on how long it will take you to bear fruit. There are species that do well at home on a windowsill in a pot and do not require transplanting into the ground in order to produce berries. Moreover, such bushes bear fruit even in winter. Therefore, you can treat yourself to fresh berries only from the bush, even on a January evening.

It is difficult to find a garden plot where it does not grow. And, of course, you want the berries to be large, tasty and beautiful. Planting material, which is used for propagation, plays a major role in growing plants. Gardeners most often use the vegetative method of propagating strawberries, but the seed propagation method, although quite troublesome, has its own quite significant advantages.

Preparation and correct timing of planting seeds

Collect ripe berries from strong, good bushes that produce good fruit. It is best to take seeds from the base of the berry or from its middle part, since it is in these parts of the fruit that the seeds are large and germinate well. Strawberries that grow from these are characterized by high yield. Separate the layer of berry pulp with seeds, place on a paper napkin and dry. Gently rub the dried mass with your palms, releasing the seeds. It is best to store them in a glass jar.

The seeds do not lose their germination properties for 4 years.

You can buy seeds in a store, but seeds of elite varieties are usually sold in very small quantities (3-5 pieces) in one bag. But you will know exactly what variety you will grow. Two days before planting, soak the seeds by placing them on damp gauze or cloth. Water should not completely cover the seeds. After two days, when the seeds have swelled, they can be planted in the ground.

To make the strawberries more resistant to temperature changes and the seeds to germinate faster, three months before sowing you can carry out the (hardening) procedure:

  • Place the seeds in a small container.
  • Wet them with water.
  • Place the moistened seeds in the refrigerator or any cool place with a temperature of +2 - +4 degrees.
  • Make sure that the seeds do not dry out.
  • Just before planting, dry the seeds a little.
  • Seeds are stratified within 14 days.

If you want to get a harvest of berries already in the first year, then the best time for planting is January - February. Strawberries sown in May-June will produce a harvest only in the second year.

Place a 1-2 cm layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the planting container for drainage, pour soil on top and compact it. Make grooves half a centimeter deep and water them. Sow the seeds at a distance of two centimeters from each other, cover them with a layer of soil no more than one centimeter. You don’t have to sprinkle it with soil, but lightly press the seeds into the soil.

To prepare the soil, take in equal parts:

  • Humus
  • Sand
  • Chernozem

Another soil preparation option:

  • Turf – 2 parts
  • Peat – 1 part
  • Sand – 1 part

It is advisable to add complex (or rotted manure) and wood ash to the soil. To prevent the larvae of which may be in the soil, seeds, pathogens, calcine the soil in the oven or steam it over a pan of boiling water for 20-30 minutes.

This must be done at least three weeks before planting, during which time the soil will restore its microbiological properties.

You can try landing “in the snow”:

  • Place a layer of snow about a centimeter high on top of the soil
  • Place the seeds on the snow
  • Let the snow melt

There is no need to cover the seeds with soil; with the melted snow, they will go deeper into the soil on their own. Planting “in the snow” promotes more uniform germination of seeds. Cover the container with polyethylene. Place the resulting greenhouse next to the window so that sunlight falls on it. The first shoots appear after 25-30 days, even possibly after 40 days.

After stratification, place the container with strawberry seeds in a room where the temperature is maintained at 20 degrees until germination. Seeds need to be constantly moistened.

Fill with water and leave until it swells. Place them in a plastic box or pallet. Make a hole in the tablets and place one sprouted seed at a time, lightly pressing it into the peat. Cover the top with plastic and place in a warm, bright place. Water as needed, avoiding drying out of the peat tablets.

After the first 2-3 leaves appear, plant the seedlings.

The seedlings need to be transplanted into separate small pots with a diameter of about 9 cm or into larger boxes at a distance of at least 8 cm from each other. Be sure to place expanded clay at the bottom of the pots for drainage. Make small depressions in the soil, pour water into it and carefully place the sprout there so that the leaves are on the surface.

It is best to plant it in peat pots, with which it will be easy to transplant it into a garden bed in a permanent place. Water the transplanted seedlings carefully with a stream of water under low pressure.

How to properly grow good strawberry seedlings:

  1. Strawberries love warmth, moisture and light. It is important that the soil in containers with seedlings is always moist. The seedlings should be kept in a warm (20-25 degrees) and bright room.
  2. You need to water the seedlings either through a tray or by spraying from a spray bottle.
  3. The condensation formed on the film and leaves must be removed to avoid rotting and fungal diseases. You can make small holes in the film for ventilation.
  4. After the second pair of leaves appears, remove the film. This should not be done all at once, but gradually accustoming the seedlings to fresh air. First, remove the film for an hour, and every day increase the time the plants are outside the greenhouse. Also, carefully acclimate the seedlings to sunlight.
  5. When the seedlings have 5 leaves (around the end of May), the plants can be planted in the ground in a garden bed. Do not place strawberries deep in the ground so as not to close the apical bud. In this case, the plant may die. At the same time, make sure that when watering the roots are not exposed, which also has a detrimental effect on.
  6. If mold appears on the surface of the soil, carefully remove it, ventilate, dry and treat with an antifungal agent.
  7. Before planting in the garden, the seedlings are hardened off by exposing them to fresh air in the shade. In this way, the strawberries gradually get used to the sun.
  8. It is recommended to remove the first strawberry flowers to allow the bushes to get stronger and grow. In addition, this procedure allows you to increase productivity, and strawberries can withstand winter more easily. In the first year after sowing, remove all tendrils.
  9. When strawberry seedlings are grown outdoors in the summer, they can be planted in the beds until the end of August. If the seedlings are too small, you can bury the pots with plants in the beds until spring; in case of a snowless winter, cover them with spruce branches or covering material.

The easiest way to propagate strawberries is through mustaches with rosettes or dividing the bush into parts (if the strawberry is without mustache). But these simple methods have disadvantages:

  • The shoots may become infected with some disease.
  • , which has been propagated by vegetation for a long time, gradually degenerates.
  • The main advantage of growing strawberries from seeds is that they are not transmitted through the seeds.

Thus, when planting seeds, you will be absolutely sure that the plant is not sick with anything. And another important factor is the possibility of their long-term storage. Any variety of strawberries can be propagated by seeds, with the exception of hybrid ones. You can pick up seeds of different varieties of strawberries and harvest the berries throughout the summer.

More information can be found in the video.