Sports game program heroes of the Russian land. Scenario of the game program "Russian heroes". Competition "The most fearless and wise"

Sports game program heroes of the Russian land. Scenario of the game program "Russian heroes". Competition "The most fearless and wise"

Drawing “Native spaces. My Motherland" by Ekaterina Anikeeva (1 “A” class MBOU Glazunov secondary school). Teacher: Temnova E.S.

Continuation of the story "Balloon Journey". Start in the article "".

“Motherland” - drawing by Ekaterina Anikeeva, 7 years old

To work we will need:

  • watercolor paper (in our case A3),
  • gouache,
  • watercolor paints,
  • brush,
  • simple pencil,
  • foam sponge,
  • cotton buds.

The exciting moment came - the balloon took off from the ground and began to slowly gain altitude.

He rose higher and higher, taking the children with him towards adventure.

A distant birch grove has already become visible. How beautiful our land is!

1. First, we outline the main objects of the composition: hills, river.

2. Draw the sky. To do this, add a little blue to the white gouache and mix. We work with a foam sponge. We paint over using printing movements, leaving unpainted areas between the prints. This coloring method allows you to convey the effect of clouds in the sky.

3. The sky is ready.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 1

4. While the sky is drying, paint the river. To convey the fluidity of water, we will use the method of painting on wet.

5. First, let's color the river with clean water.

6. Now, on a wet sheet, paint with watercolor paint.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 2

7. We draw the sun moving in a spiral.

8. We draw rays using the dipping method.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 3

9. After the sky and river have dried, draw the hills. We're working raw again.

10. The imprint of a clenched palm is very similar to the crown of a birch tree.

11. We make several such prints.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 4

12. With a brush we draw a distant grove. Because the trees in the distance look like a solid wall, so we draw them with a solid, uneven line.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 5

13. The crowns of the birch trees have dried, now we draw the trunks. Apply white gouache to your finger and make an imprint.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 6

14. Draw grass along the river bank with a brush.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 7

15. Draw reeds (or, to be precise, cattails) by dipping.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 8

16. Paint the reeds with greenery.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 9

17. Using fingerprints we draw geese.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 10

18. Use a brush to paint on the necks.

“Motherland” - drawing - step 11

19. Draw waves on the river.

    Draw what you see around you every day. If you live near a river somewhere in a field, draw this:

    Or depict the church in your town and the area around it:

    Show the nature of your homeland, the place where you grew up, the region you love:

    You can draw a lot of things on the topic of my homeland. As an option, draw the Kremlin. But it is quite difficult to draw, so I would limit myself to drawing my house. After all, this is my small homeland. Here are examples of drawings, they are not complicated:

    Drawing your homeland is not difficult, but since it will be a drawing about your homeland, the theme for drawing should come from the heart, because you must put your soul into the drawing. As an example, I’ll say that for many people, homeland is a very common way to draw forests and rivers, fields, meadows, family, in a word, it’s best to imagine what’s around you and draw it, here are examples:

    Everyone’s homeland is different, it can be a village with birch trees and a noisy metropolis, the seashore or palm trees outside the window, permafrost and night for half a year. How to understand what can be drawn on the topic My Homeland? There is so much around that, at first glance, it seems impossible to fit everything on the A4 format.

    You can take the traditions of your area: Tula, let’s draw a samovar with gingerbread, Yaroslavl, let’s draw a bear and the Volga River, but in general, what to draw, you can look at a given topic in the city’s coat of arms, if there is one.

    But what if your city is small or it’s a village, let’s look at the view from the window. Maybe you can see a church or a school or a pond overgrown with water lilies? You can always find something to draw, the main thing is to look at the world around you with slightly different eyes, like a discoverer.

    Whatever seems interesting to us, we draw.

    Here are some examples of children's work on the theme My Motherland.

    Nowadays such a theme as My Motherland is very common and in schools children write essays, draw wall newspapers, prepare presentations, participate in various competitions with this theme, and in kindergarten children are offered this theme for drawings.

    Fantasies on the topic My Motherland is a place to roam... After all, the Motherland is home, and family, and nature, and the street on which you live... Therefore, choose something that the child can easily do, that he loves to draw, explain tell him what the Motherland is and how his drawing can be associated with this concept.

    Here are just some examples of work to guide your and your child’s thoughts on this topic.

    The Motherland is primarily associated with Russia. And one of the symbols of Russia is the tricolor. This is exactly what not only a schoolchild, but also a kindergarten student can draw. With birch it looks more original:

    The Motherland is also associated with Moscow and its main attraction - the Kremlin.

    You can simply draw nature.

    Be sure to draw a Russian birch tree and a church.

    You can draw pictures on this topic in completely different ways, based on your imagination and the places in which you live.

    So you can draw the following picture about your homeland:

    At the first stage, you will be required to make sketches, and at the second, begin a detailed drawing of the Kremlin, family, and sun. Well, color it at the very end.

    You can also draw such moments as:

    Works for kindergarten and school. The symbol of the Motherland for a child is his home with his mother. The child and the mother are one whole, so in the picture we will draw a woman with a child. Or they walk in the park, sit on a bench, or walk along the road.

    Draw a waist-deep mother reading a book to her baby. Draw a mother walking with her child to school. The task is more difficult, to draw a monument to the Motherland - this is a symbol of victory in the war. Everyone has their own homeland. There are different associations - house, courtyard, capital.

    Drawings. Draw from the drawings your vision of your mother, yourself and your Motherland.

    The native landscape is the place where we walked in childhood.

    Drawing with mom.

    The patriotic theme is one of the most important. Competitions or exhibitions of drawings on this topic can be held both in kindergarten and school.

    So in Russia this topic sounds like My homeland is Russia, for Belarus, accordingly, My homeland is Belarus, etc.

    It is better to draw a picture first with a simple pencil, and then decorate it with colored pencils, paints/gouache, etc.

    What can you draw on this topic? Think about what you associate your homeland with.

    Maybe it’s beautiful nature, some sights, even your street with your house - after all, this is part of your homeland, both small and large.

    Here is a selection of video lessons on how to draw the motifs of the great Motherland step by step

    Moscow Red Square


06.11.12, 09:50

Last week, a drawing competition called “My Motherland is Russia” was held at Ramenskaya school No. 8. Fourth-graders from schools in our area took part in it. Why them? The thing is that these guys - fourth grade students - on September 1 of this year began to study a new subject, “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics,” one of the first lessons of which was devoted to the theme of the Motherland.

Natalya Mikhailovna Semenenko, a methodologist at the Ramensky Teacher's House and a teacher of local history and fundamentals of Orthodoxy at the Novoselskaya school, says: “The district drawing competition was organized by the Ramensky Methodological Center together with the Education Committee. For what purpose is it carried out? We decided to get, through images embodied in paints, children’s direct response to how they see their Motherland, how important this topic is for children, what colors they will choose for their drawings and what images are closest to them.”

For creativity, you could use a variety of techniques - gouache, watercolors, and pencils.

The children's works pleasantly surprised the teachers with their diversity. And rightly so, because the Motherland is the whole world for a child. Ancient rituals and holidays, fairy tales and epics came to life in the drawings. The children depicted their native nature - from light, almost transparent Russian birch trees, to the southern scarlet sunset over the sea and sails, and modern lively city streets with high-rise buildings, intersections and cars. Many children drew Orthodox churches. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the Motherland, but what united the children’s works were bright, warm, vibrant colors. The drawings turned out to be emotional and kind: the young artists created with inspiration...

Student of gymnasium No. 48 Sasha Sigaeva:

“I drew a warrior because he is the defender of the Motherland. – Tell me, do you like the new subject (Fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics) at school? - Yes, he is interesting. – Why is he interesting to you? – We talk about the qualities of a person, what he should be – kind, sympathetic. We will learn a lot of new things."

Student of gymnasium No. 2 in Ramenskoye Alena Kozlova depicted an Orthodox church and angels above it, the result was a bright, spiritual image:

« How is the theme of the competition “My Motherland – Russia” connected with the theme of your drawing? – Temples and angels protect our Motherland. It’s impossible to imagine Russia without churches.”

Professional artists from the Ramensky district will evaluate the students’ work, and the winners will receive a reward. But that’s later, but for now all the guys who took part in the competition received memorable certificates.

Yana Garbuzova