Bedroom for a young man. Interior and design of a men's room. Bedroom zoning for a man

Bedroom for a young man. Interior and design of a men's room. Bedroom zoning for a man

A modern men's bedroom should be functional, comfortable, practical and at the same time stylish and cozy. Interior design should reflect the character and wishes of a man. A bachelor's bedroom is a room with unobtrusive luxury, brutality, simplicity of lines, filled with various functional items.

It is possible to create a truly masculine interior that matches the age, lifestyle and preferences of the owner with the help of properly selected materials, furniture and decor. In this article we will tell you in detail how to decorate a bedroom for a man.

The spirit of freedom, a minimal amount of decor, cool colors, strict forms and laconic design distinguish the masculine bedroom interior from the boudoir of the fair half of humanity.

The main principles for arranging the space of the most intimate room in a bachelor’s house:

  • simplicity and rationality;
  • lack of graceful and elaborate forms;
  • modest and sparse decor;
  • strict finishing in cool colors;
  • functional furniture;
  • discreet textiles;
  • muted, diffused light.

Bedroom zoning for a man

A functional bedroom for a man, as a rule, consists of two zones, one of which is intended for rest and sleep, and the other is a workplace.

The seating area contains the main piece of furniture – a bed or sofa. It is advisable to install in this part of the room a spacious wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedside tables, which, in turn, will serve as a stand for bedside lamps.

In the men's bedroom it occupies a small part of the room. It usually contains a non-bulky table, a comfortable chair, shelves, cabinets with drawers and office equipment.

You can visually highlight each zone in the overall design of a men’s room using finishes that differ in texture and color. A good solution would be to arrange the ceiling and floor with different levels.

Selecting the interior style

The choice of style for a man's bedroom depends on the age, temperament, character and life principles of its owner. As a rule, mature men prefer minimalist interiors with classic elements.

Middle-aged men who lead an active lifestyle usually decorate their bedrooms in a modern style or in African, m and ethnic styles. For young energetic guys, a room decorated in high-tech or style is more suitable. Eccentric and creative people will most likely choose the art deco style.


The men's bedroom is characterized by freedom of space, strict furniture shapes, restrained decor or its complete absence. There is nothing superfluous in such a bedroom. A comfortable sleeping and working space, compact storage systems, a lounge chair, lamps, a TV - that’s all a man needs for relaxation after a frantically paced day.

Furniture, decor and textiles should be harmoniously combined and united into a single ensemble. Various materials are used in decoration: wallpaper, both smooth and textured, natural stone, wood, glass, plastic. The color scheme of the interior is kept in restrained cold shades. Designers recommend using two or three colors: for example, chocolate, black.

Modern style

Modern masculine style in the bedroom interior is suitable for young people who are actively developing in all areas of life. This room combines minimalism and comfortable furniture, functional zoning, stylish and expensive decor.

Natural wood, glass and metal are most often used in decoration and furniture making. The best colors for interiors in a modern style: white, gray, beige, and black. You can also use dark blue and metallic.

The bedroom furnishings consist of a bed or a folding sofa, a wardrobe, a pair of bedside tables, and, of course, modern technology: a large or home theater. A prerequisite for arranging a modern interior is clear edges of all objects.

High tech

High-tech style is usually used in bedroom decoration for boys and young creative people. Well-chosen finishing materials, furniture, textiles and correctly placed accents will soften the coldness and deliberate brutality of the interior. As a result, the atmosphere in the bedroom will be conducive to relaxation and restful sleep.

Characteristic features are multi-level ceilings with built-in lamps, plain walls with a pronounced texture, discreet textiles on the windows, which, if desired, can be replaced with stylish blinds. The decoration is dominated by steel, brick, natural stone, wood and glass. The most suitable colors: black, silver, metallic, white.

A bedroom in this style is filled with rough, massive furniture, a lot of equipment, and stylish and ultra-modern decor.


The loft style is best used in decorating a bedroom for a young man with an active lifestyle. The main principle of this style is individuality and a lot of free space. This interior harmoniously combines modern technology and raw concrete surfaces, brickwork, open communications such as electrical wires, water pipes and ventilation pipes.

The main subject of a loft bedroom should be a bed of a simple, but not ascetic shape. Also convenient and spacious storage systems that can be open are appropriate here. It is recommended to use paintings, posters and graffiti as decoration.

The nuances of furnishing a men's bedroom

The main principle of furnishing the interior of a men's bedroom is the minimum number of pieces of furniture. This will allow you to save as much free space as possible, which is so necessary for every representative of the stronger sex.

Should be large and spacious.

If necessary, you can install a sofa instead, which can easily be transformed into a sleeping place.

Hinged wardrobes or wardrobes with a sufficient number of shelves, drawers for linen and shoes, as well as compartments for hanging clothes are perfect for storing things. Bedside tables and a chest of drawers for linen will be useful pieces of furniture.

The filling of the work area depends on the needs of the owner of the room. For some, a small table and chair will be enough. And some will need additional hanging shelves, cabinets with drawers and racks for placing equipment, books and documents.

Bedroom design ideas for men of different ages

Bedroom designs for men of different ages, although they have common features, are still significantly different from each other. After all, with age, every person’s taste preferences, life principles and even character change.

Bachelor's bedroom decor

When decorating a bedroom for a bachelor, designers recommend strictly following the chosen style and theme in order to create an impeccable, harmonious and cozy interior.

Subtle shades of decoration and textiles, strict forms of furniture and dim lighting will help to emphasize the brutality and masculinity of a bachelor’s den.

Truly masculine decor includes antique weapons and figurines chosen in accordance with the style of the bedroom. There should not be too many decorative items in the room, because the main principle of a masculine interior is restraint in everything.

Fashionable interior for a guy 20-25 years old

The bedroom for young guys is often intended not only for sleeping and relaxing, but also for receiving guests, playing sports and studying. Therefore, its interior should be as functional and comfortable as possible.

It is better to decorate a bedroom for a guy in high-tech, loft or art deco style. Zoning and furniture should be given special attention. The recreation area should have a comfortable sleeping place, storage systems, lamps and additional seating for guests, for example, soft modern poufs, frameless chairs or a bench with a soft seat. You also need to take care of stands for equipment and other modern devices that are so necessary for young guys.

The filling of the work area is usually standard: a table, a chair, racks or hanging shelves.

Bedroom design for a 30 year old man

Middle-aged men prefer monochrome and restrained interiors. Modern style and minimalism are ideal for them.

Most often, men of this age decorate their rooms in white, gray and black colors. According to psychologists, the color black is positioned with authority, seriousness and significance in society. Therefore, successful men subconsciously choose this color.

Representatives of this age category prefer to relax on a spacious bed, opposite which there is usually a TV. There should be no unnecessary furniture in the room. A couple of bedside tables, a spacious closet and a comfortable workplace will be enough. The presence of decorative items is possible, but not at all necessary.

Bedroom decoration for a man over 50 years old

It is better to decorate a bedroom for a mature man in a classic or minimalist style. The use of expensive materials, high-quality wooden furniture, noble colors and shades, and antique decor will allow you to create a respectable and exclusive interior.

In a classic men's interior, the main emphasis is on furniture: a massive bed, wardrobe, cabinets, and chest of drawers should be made in a restrained style from expensive wood.

It is imperative to have thick curtains and bedspreads made of expensive and luxurious fabrics.

To illuminate the room, a classic chandelier, table lamps and sconces are best suited.

Decor that will highlight masculine interior design is paintings, weapons, watches and figurines.

As you can see, there are many different ways to arrange a man’s bedroom, allowing you to achieve the desired level of space organization, elegance and comfort, while maintaining the rigor and brutality of the interior.

We hope that this article will help you successfully arrange your men’s bedroom. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

Here you will learn how to arrange the interior for a one-room apartment or a separate room for a young man and see photos of successful design ideas. Many people think that a guy’s personal space looks monotonous and boring. In fact, this is not so, because the interior of the room is a complete reflection of the individuality of the young man and, in most cases, is distinguished by creativity. It is in his own room that a student or high school student meets with friends, does homework, sleeps and relaxes, so it should be divided into separate zones.

Interior for a young man’s room and color scheme

Designers often recommend decorating a young man’s personal space in neutral colors, since with their help it is much easier to emphasize the rigor and restraint of a man’s interior. Unfortunately, this approach leads to the creation of a dull and monotonous design. Add some expression and dynamics to your interior with bright colors and contrasts.

A guy’s room is at the same time a bedroom, a living room and an office, so the decor should promote a positive attitude and at the same time be original.

Use bright colors in the interior of a young man’s room in small quantities in order to highlight the transition from one zone to another or to place accents. Recently, different colors are increasingly used for wall decoration, because with their help you can correct the shortcomings of the room and highlight functional areas.

Try to make the sleeping area in warm colors so that the atmosphere in it is conducive to relaxation.

Bright colors in the work area will stimulate activity, while neutral colors are ideal for arranging storage space.

If you decide to use bright shades, then remember that only one wall can be painted in a saturated color, otherwise the room will be visually significantly smaller.

Stylish interior design for a young man’s room – photo

Properly selected wall decoration will help hide the shortcomings of the room. For example, wallpaper with vertical stripes is often used in a room with low ceilings. Neutral striped wall decoration makes the ceiling visually higher.

A dark floor is a practical option for a guy’s room, but it’s easy to refresh the flooring with a light carpet.

A bright chandelier adds zest to the interior and breaks up the monotony. Furniture in a fashionable wooden shade of Chamonix oak will fit perfectly into a young man’s room.

Tired of bright colors? Then give them up completely. Today, monochrome interiors are in fashion, so don’t be afraid to show your individuality. A monochrome interior can be created based on grey, black, white or brown. Some men prefer rich purple, blue or marsh colors, which are also used to create monochrome interiors.

When creating an interior, monochrome colors create flexibility, so a guy in such a room will be able to hang paintings, photos, musical instruments and transform the interior. Decorative elements not only add zest to the atmosphere, but also emphasize the taste and character of the owner of the apartment.

How to arrange a fashionable interior in a guy's room

At the moment, only a few styles are very popular and are definitely suitable for decorating a young guy’s room. This is minimalism, hi-tech, constructivism, modern, eco-style. If a young man is purposeful and knows what he wants, then he can safely combine several styles in his own room. Do you think it will be chaos? Think through everything down to the smallest detail, then achieve an interesting combination of different design trends. Try to combine loft and classic.

Although electronic books are gradually replacing regular books, bookcases are still in demand in interiors.

Fashion is changeable, so you can't keep up with it. Use the basic techniques of experienced designers, look at photos of the interiors of a young man’s room, and then the resulting furnishings will not become outdated in a short time. The main thing is that the room is comfortable, so feel free to abandon any stereotypes.

How to furnish a young man's room with furniture

In men's interiors, comfort and functionality are especially valued. When choosing furniture, give preference to roomy and simple designs that will fit perfectly into any interior.

First, decide on the furniture for the sleeping area: sofa or bed? After that, you can go to the study area and pick up a desk or computer desk.

Cabinets and shelves should not take up a lot of free space, because a guy most often has few things.

Start arranging furniture by choosing a place for a bed or sofa. In most cases, the sleeping area is located near a window or near a wall. Bedside tables may not be used in a guy's room.

In order for the work area to be naturally illuminated most of the time, it is located near the window. When designing a guy’s room, it is very important to arrange the work area as efficiently as possible and at the same time make sure that it does not clutter the interior.

When decorating the interior of a young man’s room, taste, character and age are taken into account. A teenage boy wants to be more different from others and thinks little about the practicality of the interior, while a mature young man values ​​functionality.

Interior of a small room for a young man – photo

The interior of a small room (10-15 sq.m.) also has its own characteristics for a young man who is attracted by original and quite bold design solutions.

Place a wardrobe against a free wall or in a niche if you buy each piece of furniture separately. Bedroom sets most often include conventional hinged wardrobes. If there is a computer in the room, then you should not equip a separate place for a TV that will be rarely used.

Among the variety of stylistic trends, most representatives of the stronger sex prefer only a few ways of designing a place to sleep.

  1. Minimalism. Here is a laconic room with only the essentials: a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe. It is better to choose curtains that are thick and dark in color. The color scheme is soft, implying brown, bluish and gray tones. Experts recommend this design for a men's bedroom to people who spend most of their time at work and need a good night's rest.
  2. High tech. Many people see this style as something cold, “steel” and uncomfortable. But if you choose the right combination of textiles and furniture with finishing materials in the room and correctly accentuate the decorative elements, then the bedroom will be conducive to relaxation after a hard day. It is better to make the ceiling multi-level and with built-in lighting. The walls should be the same shade, but they can be given different textures. Cover the window opening with translucent curtains or leave it open. Finishing materials: steel (preferably chrome-plated), brick, wood, as well as their high-quality imitation.
  3. Art Deco. Unites wealth and the luxury that accompanies it. The last word means not only financial well-being, but also a huge selection of geometric shapes, decorative elements, finishing materials and their textures. The furniture is luxurious, with many finishing details. The bed (you can make a designer accent on it) is made of natural wood, decorated with gilding. The palette of colors includes gold, silver, milky and burgundy shades. The materials used, including textiles, include:
  • wood (black and red);
  • natural semi-precious stones;
  • crystal;
  • Ivory;
  • from fabrics: silk, satin and velvet.

Classicism. The main difference between the style is consistency: this trend has not gone out of fashion for centuries. To create a bedroom with a masculine "character" and a classic style, use oak or maple flooring. The walls can be finished with Venetian plaster or matte wallpaper. The ceiling needs to be given solidity, which can be done through false beams. Decor has a wide choice:

  • figurines and vases on the bedside table;
  • paintings and photos with calm motifs on the walls;
  • luxurious classic multi-lamp chandelier;
  • thick heavy curtains.
Sea style. Suitable for romantic men. One of the main points here is color. It should consist of shades of the sun, sea and be the same. Turquoise, pearl, gold and white tones are welcome. Furniture is made of natural wood, preferably aged. The floor of the men's bedroom should resemble a deck, that is, be made of planks.

Interior design for a room for a young man 20-23 years old with an area of ​​10 meters or 12 square meters. m implies the selection of certain elements: color palette, decorative items and furniture. When choosing them, you should focus on the wishes of the owner of the room, which, most likely, will come down to simplicity, convenience and style. The predominant shades can also be easily determined: non-staining shades are suitable. However, the arrangement should be controlled by carefully considering every aspect.


Depending on the size of the room, it is determined how many zones with their specific functions will be in it. The main ones are places to sleep and work, but they can also be multifunctional and serve other purposes at the same time. A bedroom does not necessarily imply the presence of a bed. In its place there may be a corner or folding sofa. Then this area is also suitable for receiving guests or spending leisure time.

A closet is best for storing things, as other types take up too much space. You can also find a dressing room of a suitable size.

In the work area it is common to see a computer desk with appropriate equipment, a chair, bookcases and shelving. A personal corner can be moved here, especially if the young man is seriously interested in something: music, sports, drawing or collecting. For each hobby you should select the necessary attributes. It is also worth listening to a few tips:

  • sliding doors will increase the space;
  • furniture with the possibility of transformation is much more functional than usual;
  • a separate closet will help keep the room clutter-free, as it will contain items that are not used daily.


Black and white colors are one of the most popular among men, as are dark blue, green and other cold colors. Please note that when using these colors, it doesn't hurt to add brighter accents. Their role can be, for example, decorative pillows, chairs, bright photo frames or various paintings. There are also some recommendations for a harmonious combination of shades:

  • light pastel colors, which can be used, for example, for walls, look great against dark furniture;
  • the interior in black and white should be diluted with bright “spots”;
  • Different tones of the same color look beautiful together.


A living space should always contain exclusively high-quality materials. An equally important factor is their practicality, as well as ease of cleaning. Knowing a few of the tricks below will help you choose the best:

  • installing suspended ceilings will eliminate many problems;
  • washable wallpaper is a real salvation. Instead, you can use wall paint;
  • Laminate or parquet are perfect for the floor. A small rug is allowed;
  • It is worth using the lightest types of curtains and drapes so that the space near the window does not look heavy.

The chosen design of the room and the personal preferences of the guy who lives in it determine the type of textiles and decorative elements. The level of lighting should correspond to the size of the room: if the room occupies, for example, 16 or 18 square meters. m, you need to find the optimal amount of light for it. It should be enough, but not too much.

In case of renovation in two men's rooms, you cannot use the same lighting option, especially if the footage in them differs.


For men's rooms, certain styles are used more often than others.


This style is easy to recognize by its restraint and brevity. The main thing about it is the absence of a large number of details. It is perfect for creating comfortable conditions for a young person, as it provides a clear division into the necessary zones. Although there is not much furniture here, a mandatory attribute is a good dressing room, where you can store many items of clothing and more. This interior is especially suitable for a person for whom work is truly important. No extraneous elements will distract you from your work, and you will be able to fully concentrate on work, and then relax peacefully, still without simply scattering your attention.

In minimalism, all things have a connection with each other, as if they continue each other. They are relatively similar. This is expressed in the clarity of simple lines, uncomplicated shapes and the almost complete absence of decor. The color palette here is also extremely harmonious and, more often than not, is not “screamingly” bright. There are no unexpected saturated “spots”. The predominant colors are black, grey, brown and blue.

If you still want to somehow decorate the decor, use, for example, black and white photographs in simple frames.

High tech

Manufacturability is what this style is based on, which, despite popular belief, is excellent for residential premises. Those who believe that it is impossible to create a warm and cozy atmosphere with its help are skeptical of high-tech, but they are greatly mistaken. Here it is important to correctly place the few decor and select fabrics, mix textures in the right proportions and accurately place color accents. If you approach the process correctly, then you definitely won’t regret this choice.

It is high-tech that modern men choose more and more often, because it reflects the essence of many of them, being concise, clear and rational. It is appreciated by young people who have confidence and are able to keep their word. One of the rules is the need to choose a “color spot” that should become the basis. You can use it as a place to sleep, store things, or some decorative item, be it a lamp or a painting. This is done to facilitate subsequent steps.

Sea style

Everything here is filled with the wonderful atmosphere of hot summer days by the seashore; the surrounding space seems airy. To do this, select pieces of furniture and decoration in the same color, thereby emphasizing the exaggerated lightness. This base creates a feeling of flight. This option is suitable for a romantic person who dreams of traveling a lot and seeing all corners of the planet.

The colors of the presented interior correspond to the shades of sea waves and sun in all possible manifestations. There are all tones of blue, blue, yellow, sand and other suitable colors. Such a room cannot do without decor that emphasizes the chosen theme: seascapes in beautiful frames, ship models, figurines of sea creatures, maps and many other elements. The lighting fixtures used are models of lamps and bedside lamps, similar to those usually found, for example, on ships. It is preferable to use not very dark wood that has undergone special aging, or no treatment at all, as materials.

A real deck style floor will look great. “Sea” photo wallpapers will also not be superfluous.


A classic style, done according to all the rules, will look relevant for many years, so repairs will only be required in emergency cases. This option is perhaps the most universal of all, but even he can show a predominantly “male” character, and this is quite easy to achieve. You will need dark wood furniture, a wooden floorboard, and Venetian plaster for the walls, which has a neutral shade. Instead of the latter, matte wallpaper is suitable. False beams on the ceiling will add a special twist to the appearance of the room.

The decor here is quite important, and its variety will allow everyone to establish something that does not contradict their taste preferences. There should not be too many decoration elements. In addition to the already familiar paintings and figurines, flowers in impressive-looking pots, vases of interesting shapes or heavy curtains with a pattern, which will not fit well into every interior, are suitable. Classics also welcome carpets on the floor and massive chandeliers.

Another detail of luxury and wealth is the skillful contrast of dark and light shades.

When arranging the design of an apartment for a young man, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Age category.

For example, an 18-year-old student and a 25-year-old man will have different wishes and needs in their home environment. We will tell you more about age categories below.

  • More space and less clutter with decor and details.
  • Interests and preferences.

Listen to yourself and your own desires, imagine your ideal home.
Present all this to the designer, who will polish the information and create the cozy apartment you have always dreamed of.

  • Layout type.

Zoning ideas

We propose to consider the basic ideas of zoning, regardless of age category.

  • Wardrobe

Throw away the stereotype that a dressing room is not for interior design for a guy, and that a closet is enough for him. If space allows, make a dressing room in which you can store clothes in an orderly manner. Firstly, fewer things will be in sight, and secondly, in the dressing room, where things are sorted, it will be easier to find something.

If the layout does not provide for a dressing area, you can make it yourself from plasterboard.

  • Rest zone

The recreation area is an equally important part of modern design for a young man. The living room is well suited for its implementation.

Consider what type of pastime you like.

Do you like watching movies? Install a large TV on one of the walls, and opposite it a comfortable sofa, complemented by transformable armrests: under them there is space for a minibar, and the armrests themselves can be transformed into a small table.

Do you like board games with friends? Then you will need a table for company and appropriate furniture. Friends can sit at the table either on chairs or on a sofa and armchairs.

As already mentioned in the previous section, the design of an apartment for a guy should include a work area. At student age, it is needed for study, and when a person works, there are likely to be periods when work has to be taken home, and it is inconvenient to do it at the dining table or on the sofa.

  • Kitchen

In the kitchen area, everything should be as simple and functional as possible. If you use various household appliances for cooking, hide them behind cabinet doors or build them into a unit so that the kitchen does not seem overloaded with items and the idea of ​​minimalism is respected.

Provide a good hood that can also be well camouflaged. Young guys rarely resort to complex culinary recipes (baking, stewing), preferring to fry foods that produce a lot of fumes.

  • Sleep zone

The design of a bedroom for a young guy should be conducive to relaxation. In a studio apartment, the sleeping area can be distinguished by a partition or screen, other floor covering (pleasant for bare feet) and lighting. In a separate room in the bedroom interior for a guy, you can make wallpaper in warm colors with inexpressive patterns.

You can make an image of a city at night on the walls, complementing it with lighting with adjustable brightness levels.

Color selection

Discard the stereotype that for a modern room design for a young man you need to choose “masculine colors” - restrained and mostly dark.

The color palette should first of all please you and evoke positive emotions, and the designer will take into account the features of your home and the chosen style, and will help make your favorite color scheme as harmonious as possible in the room.

Your preferred style and interests can help you decide on a color choice.

  • Do you love the freshness of the sea and Mediterranean beauty?

Bring blue and light blue to the forefront, complementing it with white. Olive and a little azure tones are also perfect.

  • Are you an extrovert with an active lifestyle?

Then use rich and bright colors, as well as contrasts. Blue, yellow, green, purple will awaken energy and improve your mood.

  • Do you prefer minimalism?

Use light colors: all shades of white, beige, pastels, brown, black and gray. But even in this option, it is advisable to make at least one or several bright inclusions.

  • Do you want the interior of the guy's room to embody winter freshness?

Choose a snowy white color, complement it with blue, and use blue or a warmer tone as splashes.