SP 34 116 97 updated edition. Departmental building codes

SP 34 116 97 updated edition. Departmental building codes





Instructions For Design,

Construction and Redesign of Field Oil and Gas Pipelines

Date of introduction 1998-04-01


1. DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for the Construction of Pipelines and Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities (JSC VNIIST), with the participation of the All-Russian Research Institute natural gases And gas technologies(VNIIGAZ LLC) and the design and research institute "GazNIIproekt".

2. AGREED BY the State Construction Committee of Russia, letter No. 13-754 dated 12/02/97; Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, letter No. 10-03/723 dated December 4, 1997.

3. DEVELOPED on the instructions of the Department of Petroleum and gas industry and the Coordination Directorate investment programs in the fuel and energy complex under an agreement with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on April 1, 1998 by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated December 23, 1997 No. 441.

5. The developers express their gratitude to the specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense, Gaznadzor of RAO Gazprom, State Enterprise of Rosneft, Giprospetsgaz, JSC "Sibproektstroy"and VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs for useful comments and suggestions presented on the first edition of "Instructions +".


“Instructions for the design, construction and reconstruction of field oil and gas pipelines” establishes specifications field oil and gas pipelines, ensuring the safety of people, structures and the environment in the areas where these pipelines are laid when they perform their main task of transporting the planned amount of product.

Achieving the required performance characteristics is carried out through regulation constructive solutions, purpose of the system of calculation coefficients ensuring required level reliability, purpose safe distances between parallel pipelines and from pipelines to surface engineering structures, ensuring the regulatory level of risk, assigning requirements to technological operations construction of pipelines providing high quality construction of pipelines in various natural conditions with minimal impact on environment and compliance with safety regulations through the use of advanced technological solutions.

The validity period of the “Instructions” is until the release of SNiP “Field Pipelines”.


1.1. These standards apply to projected, constructed and reconstructed field steel pipelines with a diameter of up to 1400 mm inclusive overpressure environment not higher than 32.0 MPa in oil, gas, gas condensate fields and underground gas storage facilities (UGS).

1.2. Composition of field pipelines covered by these standards:

1.2.1. For gas and gas condensate fields:

gas pipelines-strips designed for transporting gas and gas condensate from field wells and underground gas storage facilities to gas treatment facilities, gas processing facilities and from underground gas storage compressor stations to wells for gas injection into the reservoir;

gas pipelines, raw gas gas collectors, interfield collectors, pipelines for transporting gas and gas condensate from the gas treatment facility, gas processing facility to the gas station, booster compressor station, compressor station, underground gas storage facility, gas processing plant, regardless of their length;

pipelines for supplying purified gas and inhibitor to wells and other field development facilities;

pipelines Wastewater a pressure of more than 10 MPa for supplying it to wells for injection into absorbent formations;

methanol pipelines.

1.2.2. For oil fields:

flow pipelines from oil wells, with the exception of areas located on well clusters (well clusters), for transporting well products to metering installations;

oil and gas gathering pipelines for transporting oil well products from metering installations to points of the first stage of oil separation (oil and gas pipelines);

gas pipelines for transportation oil gas from oil separation plants to gas treatment facilities, gas processing plants or to consumers;

oil pipelines for transporting gas-saturated or degassed watered or anhydrous oil from the oil substation and booster station to the central station;

gas pipelines for transporting gas to production wells with gas-lift production method;

gas pipelines for supplying gas to productive formations in order to increase oil recovery;

pipelines for oil reservoir flooding systems and systems for disposal of formation and waste water into deep absorption horizons;

oil pipelines for transporting commercial oil from the central pumping station to the construction of the main transport;

gas pipelines for transporting gas from the central processing station to the construction of the main gas transport;

inhibitor pipelines for supplying inhibitors to wells or other oil field facilities.

Abbreviated names of fishing objects are given in reference Application 1.

In the further text of the standards, except for specially specified cases, instead of the words “field pipeline(s)” the word “pipeline(s)” will be used.



Instructions For Design,
Construction and Redesign of Field Oil and Gas Pipelines

Date of introduction 1998-04-01


1. DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for the Construction of Pipelines and Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities (JSC VNIIST), with the participation of the All-Russian Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas Technologies (VNIIGAZ LLC) and the design and research institute "GazNIIproekt".

2. AGREED BY the State Construction Committee of Russia, letter No. 13-754 dated 12/02/97; Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, letter No. 10-03/723 dated December 4, 1997.

3. DEVELOPED on the instructions of the Department of Oil and Gas Industry and the Office for Coordination of Investment Programs in the Fuel and Energy Complex under an agreement with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on April 1, 1998 by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated December 23, 1997 No. 441.

5. The developers express their gratitude to the specialists of the VNII GOChS, Gaznadzor RAO Gazprom, State Enterprise Rosneft, Giprospetsgaz, JSC Sibproektstroy and VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs for the useful comments and suggestions presented on the first edition of the “Instructions +”.


"Instructions for the design, construction and reconstruction of field oil and gas pipelines" establishes the technical characteristics of field oil and gas pipelines that ensure the safety of people, structures and the environment in the areas where these pipelines are laid when they perform the main task of transporting the planned amount of product.
Achieving the required operational characteristics is carried out by regulating design solutions, assigning a system of design coefficients that ensure the required level of reliability, assigning safe distances between parallel pipelines and from pipelines to ground engineering structures that ensure a standard level of risk, assigning requirements for technological operations of pipeline construction that ensure high quality construction of pipelines in various natural conditions with minimal impact on the environment and compliance with safety regulations, through the use of progressive technological solutions.
The validity period of the “Instructions” is until the release of SNiP “Field Pipelines”.


1.1. These standards apply to projected construction and reconstruction of field steel pipelines with a diameter of up to 1400 mm inclusive with an excess pressure of the environment not exceeding 32.0 MPa for oil, gas, gas condensate fields and underground gas storage facilities (UGS).
1.2. Composition of field pipelines covered by these standards:
1.2.1. For gas and gas condensate fields:
gas pipelines designed for transporting gas and gas condensate from field wells and underground gas storage facilities to the gas processing facility, gas processing facility and from the underground gas storage compressor station to wells for pumping gas into the reservoir;
gas pipelines, raw gas gas collectors, interfield collectors, pipelines for transporting gas and gas condensate from the gas treatment facility, gas processing facility to the gas station, booster compressor station, compressor station, underground gas storage facility, gas processing plant, regardless of their length;
pipelines for supplying purified gas and inhibitor to wells and other field development facilities;
wastewater pipelines with a pressure of more than 10 MPa for supplying it to wells for injection into absorbent formations;
methanol pipelines.
1.2.2. For oil fields:
flow pipelines from oil wells, with the exception of areas located on well clusters (well clusters), for transporting well products to metering installations;
oil and gas gathering pipelines for transporting oil well products from metering installations to points of the first stage of oil separation (oil and gas pipelines);
gas pipelines for transporting petroleum gas from oil separation plants to gas treatment facilities, gas treatment plants or to consumers;
oil pipelines for transporting gas-saturated or degassed watered or anhydrous oil from the oil substation and booster station to the central station;
gas pipelines for transporting gas to production wells using the gas lift method of production;
gas pipelines for supplying gas to productive formations in order to increase oil recovery;
pipelines for oil reservoir flooding systems and systems for disposal of formation and waste water into deep absorption horizons;
oil pipelines for transporting commercial oil from the central pumping station to the construction of the main transport;
gas pipelines for transporting gas from the central processing station to the construction of the main gas transport;
inhibitor pipelines for supplying inhibitors to wells or other oil field facilities.
Abbreviated names of fishing objects are given in reference Appendix 1.
In the further text of the standards, except for specially specified cases, instead of the words “field pipeline(s)” the word “pipeline(s)” will be used.

1. The boundaries of field pipelines are the fences of the corresponding sites, and in the absence of a fence within the edge of the fill of the corresponding sites or the conditional boundary of the site.
2. Collectors (collection, interfield pipelines) include pipelines transporting the product from preparation (collection) points to head structures or gas processing plants.
3. Pipelines transporting oil and gas in a dissolved state at an absolute vapor elastic pressure at 20 °C above 0.2 MPa and in a free state are classified as oil and gas pipelines, and those transporting degassed oil are classified as oil pipelines.

1.3. These standards do not apply to pipelines for transporting products with a high content of hydrogen sulfide (partial pressure above 1 MPa) and products with temperatures above 100 ° C, water pipelines for maintaining reservoir pressure for transporting fresh, formation and produced water to the pumping station.


2.1. Field pipelines can be designed underground, above-ground with subsequent filling of the embankment, or above-ground on supports. The main type of pipeline installation should be underground.
2.2. Pipelines transporting the same and different products can be laid parallel to existing or planned field pipelines.
2.3. The temperature of gas, oil (petroleum products) entering the pipeline must be set based on the possibility of transporting the product and the requirements for the safety of insulating coatings, strength, stability and reliability of the pipeline.
2.4. When designing pipelines intended for transporting gas, oil and petroleum products that have a corrosive effect on metal and welded joints of pipes and fittings installed on pipelines, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the protection of pipelines from corrosion or hydrogen sulfide cracking.
2.5. Pipelines for transporting gas and gas condensate from gas and gas condensate fields and underground storage facilities, as well as oil gas, depending on the operating pressure, are divided into four classes:
Class I - at operating pressure over 20 MPa up to 32 MPa inclusive;
Class II - at operating pressure over 10 MPa to 20 MPa inclusive;
Class III - at operating pressure over 2.5 MPa up to 10 MPa inclusive;
Class IV - at operating pressures above and up to 2.5 MPa inclusive.
2.6. Pipelines for the transport of oil, petroleum products and other liquid products of oil fields, depending on the diameter, are divided into three classes:
Class I - pipelines with a nominal diameter of 600 mm or more;
Class II - pipelines with a nominal diameter of less than 600 mm up to 300 mm inclusive;
Class III - pipelines with a nominal diameter of less than 300 mm.
2.7. Field pipelines must be designed and constructed in such a way that their reliable and safe operation is ensured throughout their entire service life by selecting appropriate starting materials, ensuring the required level of reliability and regulatory level of risk, ensuring the quality of construction.
2.8. Pipelines for oil gathering of oil fields, as well as pipelines for flooding systems of oil reservoirs and systems for the disposal of formation and waste water in deep absorption horizons, oil pipelines for transporting commercial oil from the central processing plant to facilities, main transport, must be made of pipes with an internal anti-corrosion coating.
2.9. The main criteria characteristics of pipeline structures are:
properties of raw materials for pipeline construction (pipes, connecting parts, fittings, insulating coatings, thermal insulation, ballasting devices, etc.), which are determined by compliance with their requirements current standards, GOST, TU for these products;
reliability of pipelines under given operating conditions in terms of pressure and temperature, which is determined by the compliance of the adopted pipeline design solutions (pipeline wall thickness, laying depth, bending radii, spans at overhead installation, insulating coatings etc.) requirements of current standards;
safety, incl. fire safety, which is determined by the designation of appropriate safe distances from field pipelines to buildings and structures located in the areas where pipelines pass;
quality of construction, which is determined by the compliance of the results of quality control during the construction of pipelines with the requirements of current standards;
stability of the pipeline position in space and time throughout its entire service life. This performance characteristics especially important for above-ground pipeline installations. Here, during operation, it should be possible to inspect the position of the pipeline on supports in order to restore, if necessary, its design position;
preservation of the required level of corrosion protection of the pipeline throughout the entire period of its operation, which is ensured by maintaining the parameters that determine the security of the pipeline at the required level.
2.10. Hydraulic and thermal calculations of pipelines are carried out in accordance with current methods or requirements. The list of recommended methods is given in RD 39-132-94.


3.1. Materials and products used for the construction of field pipelines must meet the requirements state standards, technical conditions and others regulatory documents, approved in in the prescribed manner, as well as the requirements of this section.
3.2. The use of materials and products that do not have an accompanying document confirming their compliance with the requirements of state standards or technical specifications is not permitted.

Pipes and connecting parts

3.3. For field pipelines, seamless steel pipes, longitudinally welded and spiral welded pipes, made of mild and semi-mild steels, should be used, in accordance with GOSTs and technical specifications, approved in accordance with the established procedure in compliance with the requirements of this section.
It is allowed to use imported pipes that meet the requirements of this section.
3.4. The ovality of pipe ends (the ratio of the difference between the largest and smallest diameters in one section to the nominal diameter) should not exceed 1% for pipes with a wall thickness of less than 20 mm and 0.8% for pipes with a wall thickness of 20 mm or more.
3.5. The curvature of the pipes should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of length: the total curvature should not exceed 0.15% of the pipe length.
3.6. In the metal of pipes and products, cracks, stains, flaws and declines, as well as delaminations exceeding the limits established by the relevant regulatory documents for their supply are not allowed. In a zone with a width of at least 40 mm from the ends of the pipes, delaminations exceeding 6.5 mm are not allowed. No delaminations extending to the ends of pipes and welded products are allowed.
Cleaning of surface defects, except cracks, is allowed, provided that the wall thickness after cleaning does not exceed its minimum value.
3.7. The ends of the pipes must be cut at right angles. Deviation from the perpendicularity of the ends (cut bevel) should not exceed 1.6 mm for pipes with a nominal outer diameter of 1020 mm or more and 1.2 mm for pipes with a nominal outer diameter of less than 1020 mm.
3.8. The ends of the pipes must have a chamfer made mechanically. For pipes with a nominal wall thickness of less than 15 mm, a chamfer with a bevel angle of 30° and a permissible deviation of minus 5° is used. For pipes with a nominal wall thickness of 15 mm or more, a shaped groove should be used

System of regulatory documents in construction

Departmental building codes

for design, construction
and reconstruction of field oil and gas pipelines

SP 34-116-97

Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia)



1. Developed by the All-Russian Research Institute for the Construction of Pipelines and Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities (JSC VNIIST), with the participation of the All-Russian Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas Technologies (VNIIGAZ LLC) and the design and research institute "GazNIIproekt".

2. Agreed:

Gosstroy of Russia, letter No. 13-754 dated 02.12.97 Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, letter No. 10-03/723 dated 04.12.97

3. The “Instructions” were developed on the instructions of the Department of Oil and Gas Industry and the Directorate for Coordination of Investment Programs in the Fuel and Energy Complex under an agreement with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4. Approved and put into effect on April 1, 1998 by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated December 23, 1997 No. 441.

5. The developers express their gratitude to the specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies, Gaznadzor of RAO Gazprom, State Enterprise Rosneft, Giprospetsgaz, JSC Sibproektstroy and VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs for useful comments and suggestions presented on the first edition of the “Instructions...”

Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia 1997

Introduction. 3

1 area of ​​use. 3

2. General provisions and performance characteristics. 4

3. Materials and products. 5

Pipes and connecting parts. 5

Welding materials.. 8

Products for securing pipelines against floating. 9

Anti-corrosion coating materials. 9

4. Ensuring the required level of reliability and safety. 16

5. Basic requirements for pipeline routes. 28

6. Design requirements to pipelines.. 28

Placement of shut-off and other valves.. 29

Underground laying of pipelines. 29

Ground (in embankment) laying of pipelines. thirty

Aboveground pipeline laying. thirty

Laying pipelines on permafrost soils (vmg)31

Laying pipelines in subsidence and heaving soils. 32

Laying pipelines in seismic areas. 34

7. Pipeline crossings through natural and artificial barriers.. 34

Pipeline crossings through water barriers and swamps. 34

Pipeline crossings through iron and car roads. 37

8. Calculation of pipelines for strength and stability. 38

Loads and impacts. 38

Determination of wall thicknesses of pipes and connecting parts. 40

Checking the stress state and stability of underground and surface (embankment) pipelines. 41

Checking the stress state and stability of overhead pipelines. 44

Checking the strength of pipelines under seismic influences. 45

Definition bearing capacity anchor devices. 46

9. Basic requirements for environmental protection.. 47

10. Protection of pipelines from corrosion. 48

Protection of pipelines from underground corrosion protective coatings. 49

Protection of above-ground pipelines from atmospheric corrosion. 49

Electrochemical protection of pipelines from underground corrosion. 49

Thermal insulation. 50

11. Organizational - technical training pipeline construction. 51

12. Preparatory work on objects. 52

13. Construction of temporary roads and technological passages. 54

14. Transportation and storage of pipes. 57

15. Pipeline welding. 58

Technology certification. Welding and inspection of acceptance joints. 58

Certification of welders. Welding of tolerance joints. 61

Preparation of edges and assembly of joints. 62

Welding technology. 66

Welding overlaps. 67

Welding patches. 68

Repair welded joints using welding. 69

16. Inspection of welded joints. 69

Inspection of butt welded joints resistance welding reflow.. 73

Control of solder connections. 74

Inspection of welded joints made by rotating arc welding (RAW)75

Inspection of welded joints after their repair. 75

Inspection of welded joints of pipelines transporting hydrogen sulfide-containing products... 75

17. Excavation.. 76

Soil preparation in quarries. 76

Development of a trench and preparation of the bottom for laying the pipeline. 77

Backfilling of the pipeline. 77

Construction of soil embankments on permafrost soils. 79

Filling dams (embankments) in swamps. 80

18. Insulation work and quality control. 80

Pipeline route insulation technology. 80

Technology external insulation pipes in factory and basic conditions. 81

Repair of damaged areas of insulating coatings. 83

Insulation of welded annular pipe joints. 84

Quality control of insulating coatings. 85

Connection parts insulation technology and shut-off valves.. 86

Protection of above-ground pipelines from atmospheric corrosion. 86

Technology of internal pipe insulation in factory (basic) conditions. 86

19. Application technology thermal insulation coatings under basic conditions. 88

20. Installation of pile supports. 90

21. Installation of above-ground pipelines. 91

22. Overhead pipeline laying technology. 94

23. Styling underground pipeline. 95

Laying using the trenchless method. 98

24. Construction of pipelines at crossings. 99

Crossing roads. 99

Underwater crossings.. 100

25. Cavity cleaning and testing. 101

Cleaning the pipeline cavity. 101

Testing the pipeline for strength and tightness. 102

26. Installation of means electrochemical protection.. 110

27. Implementation of environmental protection measures. 111

28. Acceptance into operation of completed pipelines. 112

Production commissioning works. 112

Appendix 1 Accepted abbreviated names of fishing objects given in these standards. 113

Appendix 2 Letter designations quantities 113

Appendix 3 Terms and definitions. 114

Appendix 4 List of current regulatory documents recommended for use in the design and construction of field pipelines. 116

Appendix 5 Division of swamps into types... 119


"Instructions for the design, construction and reconstruction of field oil and gas pipelines" establishes the technical characteristics of field oil and gas pipelines that ensure the safety of people, structures and the environment in the areas where these pipelines are laid when they perform the main task of transporting the planned amount of product.

Achieving the required operational characteristics is carried out by regulating design solutions, assigning a system of design coefficients that ensure the required level of reliability, assigning safe distances between parallel pipelines and from pipelines to ground engineering structures that ensure a standard level of risk, assigning requirements for technological operations of pipeline construction that ensure high quality construction of pipelines in various natural conditions with minimal impact on the environment and compliance with safety regulations, through the use of progressive technological solutions.

The validity period of the “Instructions” is until the release of SNiP “Field Pipelines”.

Departmental building codes

Instructions for the design, construction and reconstruction of field oil and gas pipelines

Instructions For Design, Construction and Redesign of Field Oil and Gas Pipelines

Date of introduction 01.04. 1998


1.1. These standards apply to projected construction and reconstruction of field steel pipelines with a diameter of up to 1400 mm inclusive with an excess pressure of the environment not exceeding 32.0 MPa for oil, gas, gas condensate fields and underground gas storage facilities (UGS).

1.2. Composition of field pipelines covered by these standards:

1.2.1. For gas and gas condensate fields:

gas pipelines designed for transporting gas and gas condensate from field wells and underground gas storage facilities to the gas processing facility, gas processing facility and from the underground gas storage compressor station to wells for pumping gas into the reservoir;

gas pipelines, raw gas gas collectors, interfield collectors, pipelines for transporting gas and gas condensate from the gas treatment facility, gas processing facility to the gas station, booster compressor station, compressor station, underground gas storage facility, gas processing plant, regardless of their length;

pipelines for supplying purified gas and inhibitor to wells and other field development facilities;

wastewater pipelines with a pressure of more than 10 MPa for supplying it to wells for injection into absorbent formations;

methanol pipelines;

1.2.2. For oil fields:

flow pipelines from oil wells, with the exception of areas located on well clusters (well clusters), for transporting well products to metering installations;

oil and gas gathering pipelines for transporting oil well products from metering installations to points of the first stage of oil separation (oil and gas pipelines);

gas pipelines for transporting petroleum gas from oil separation plants to gas treatment facilities, gas treatment plants or to consumers;

oil pipelines for transporting gas-saturated or degassed watered or anhydrous oil from the oil substation and booster station to the central station;

gas pipelines for transporting gas to production wells using the gas lift method of production;

gas pipelines for supplying gas to productive formations in order to increase oil recovery;

pipelines for oil reservoir flooding systems and systems for disposal of formation and waste water into deep absorption horizons;

oil pipelines for transporting commercial oil from the central pumping station to the construction of the main transport;

gas pipelines for transporting gas from the central processing station to the construction of the main gas transport;

inhibitor pipelines for supplying inhibitors to wells or other oil field facilities.

Abbreviated names of fishing objects are given in reference Appendix 1.

In the further text of the standards, except for specially specified cases, instead of the words “field pipeline(s)” the word “pipeline(s)” will be used.


1. The boundaries of field pipelines are the fences of the corresponding sites, and in the absence of a fence within the edge of the fill of the corresponding sites or the conditional boundary of the site.

2. Collectors (collection, interfield pipelines) include pipelines transporting the product from preparation (collection) points to head structures or gas processing plants.

3. Pipelines transporting oil and gas in a dissolved state at an absolute vapor elastic pressure at 20 °C above 0.2 MPa and in a free state are classified as oil and gas pipelines, and those transporting degassed oil are classified as oil pipelines.

1.3. These standards do not apply to pipelines for transporting products with a high content of hydrogen sulfide (partial pressure above 1 MPa) and products with temperatures above 100 ° C, water pipelines for maintaining reservoir pressure for transporting fresh, formation and produced water to the pumping station.


2.1. Field pipelines can be designed underground, above-ground with subsequent filling of the embankment, or above-ground on supports. The main type of pipeline installation should be underground.

2.2. Pipelines transporting the same and different products can be laid parallel to existing or projected field pipelines.

2.3. The temperature of gas, oil (petroleum products) entering the pipeline must be set based on the possibility of transporting the product and the requirements for the safety of insulating coatings, strength, stability and reliability of the pipeline.

2.4. When designing pipelines intended for transporting gas, oil and petroleum products that have a corrosive effect on metal and welded joints of pipes and fittings installed on pipelines, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the protection of pipelines from corrosion or hydrogen sulfide cracking.

2.5. Pipelines for transporting gas and gas condensate from gas and gas condensate fields and underground storage facilities, as well as oil gas, depending on the operating pressure, are divided into four classes:

Class I - at operating pressure over 20 MPa up to 32 MPa inclusive;

Class II - at operating pressure over 10 MPa to 20 MPa inclusive;

Class III - at operating pressure over 2.5 MPa up to 10 MPa inclusive;

Class IV - at operating pressures above and up to 2.5 MPa inclusive.

2.6. Pipelines for the transport of oil, petroleum products and other liquid products of oil fields, depending on the diameter, are divided into three classes:

Class I - pipelines with a nominal diameter of 600 mm or more;

Class II - pipelines with a nominal diameter of less than 600 mm up to 300 mm inclusive;

Class III - pipelines with a nominal diameter of less than 300 mm.

2.7. Field pipelines must be designed and constructed in such a way that their reliable and safe operation is ensured throughout their entire service life by selecting appropriate starting materials, ensuring the required level of reliability and regulatory level of risk, and ensuring the quality of construction.

2.8. Pipelines for oil gathering of oil fields, as well as pipelines for flooding systems of oil reservoirs and systems for the disposal of formation and waste water in deep absorption horizons, oil pipelines for transporting commercial oil from the central processing plant to facilities, main transport, must be made of pipes with an internal anti-corrosion coating.

2.9. The main criteria characteristics of pipeline structures are:

properties of source materials for the construction of pipelines (pipes, connecting parts, fittings, insulating coatings, thermal insulation, ballasting devices, etc.), which are determined by their compliance with the requirements of current standards, GOST, TU for these products;

reliability of pipelines under given operating conditions in terms of pressure and temperature, which is determined by the compliance of the adopted pipeline design solutions (pipeline wall thickness, laying depth, bending radii, spans for overhead installation, insulating coatings, etc.) with the requirements of current standards;

safety, incl. fire safety, which is determined by the designation of appropriate safe distances from field pipelines to buildings and structures located in the areas where pipelines pass;

quality of construction, which is determined by the compliance of the results of quality control during the construction of pipelines with the requirements of current standards;

stability of the pipeline position in space and time throughout its entire service life. This performance characteristic is especially important for above-ground pipeline installations. Here, during operation, it should be provided for an inspection of the position of the pipeline on the supports in order to restore, if necessary, its design position;

preservation of the required level of corrosion protection of the pipeline throughout the entire period of its operation, which is ensured by maintaining the parameters that determine the security of the pipeline at the required level.

2.10. Hydraulic and thermal calculations of pipelines are carried out in accordance with current methods or requirements. The list of recommended methods is given in RD 39-132-94.