Conscience, love and desire. There are two bowls on the scales of judgment. Creativity of Akhmadulina B.A.

Conscience, love and desire.  There are two bowls on the scales of judgment. Creativity of Akhmadulina B.A.
Conscience, love and desire. There are two bowls on the scales of judgment. Creativity of Akhmadulina B.A.

Conscience, Love and Desire started a conversation. The conversation ended in a quarrel.
Conscience said that it has a place in everyone.
Love said: “And everyone is always looking for me!”
Desire was upset, but found something to answer: “People often change you for me!”
All three of them sat and did not even want to look at each other.
Conscience tried to explain: “When good is done or evil is done, people need me! I'm like a judge. The decision depends on me, which means I am more important than you!”
Love answered: “Darling, everyone dreams of me from birth to old age. Everyone wants to touch me at least for a second. And when it comes to me, you’re already in second place!”
Desire thought and said: “Are you trying to say that I’m in third place?” And she gave an example: “A person at a young age is subordinate only to me. I am the reason for the search for his soul mate. I take honorable first place! He won’t even pay attention to his conscience, but when he gets confused and calls me love! If successful, there will be no price for me. I am a reward for a person! When it comes to me, everyone becomes deaf and blind. Nobody hears your cries, conscience, worries, jealousy! My status is true love!
In case of failure, you will be to blame, dear Conscience. After all, this person did not hear you, and you are the first to blame, dear love! This person will remember you with bitterness for the rest of his life as his first bad experience! I’m in the lead again, as soon as a new person appears on the horizon. Tell me, am I wrong?
Love was offended by such harsh feedback.
“Are you saying that I bring misfortune?” cried love! “How can you compare me to yourself? You are just a desire, and I am LOVE! You stupid! I not only connect two people, I open my eyes to the world. I am in children, in nature, in God, in the word Motherland! Nobody can replace me! Yes, I can bring pain, but this is not my fault, but the merit of youth, which can confuse you and me!
Desire is silent
Conscience added: “Yes, Love is right! You, Desire, are not Love yet! Yes, Desire, it is you who can make people deaf and blind. It is you who do not give many people a chance to feel what the taste of true love is. You are the cause of many separations and troubles. It is because of you that children are abandoned, crying, searching and waiting. It's because of you that many people are ready to sell out! How dare you still offend Love? Remember once and for all that love never brings anything but happiness!”
Desire realized that Love was right and conscience was on its side. But despite the bewilderment, a smile flashed across the face of desire!”
“I am eternal, you grow old and lose importance over time. Conscience remains with us until the end of our lives and in the next world tells the whole truth about us, about our deeds,” whispered Love!
Desire in the next world dissolves into thin air. It turns out that Conscience and I are sisters, and you are a stranger!
After hearing this, Desire felt ashamed, it felt abandoned and thought: “Love and Conscience are life partners, and I’m just Desire?”
Conscience and Love took pity on Desire and said: “You, too, are necessary! Without you, no one would be able to love each other and Conscience would forever be silent! You are the first step to finding happiness!”
They forgot about all the grievances, hugged each other and began to live as before!”

Current page: 9 (book has 16 pages in total)

End of summer

Summer has gone downhill.
August. Quiet days.
Putting the mists under my head,
The springs wander sleepily.

Milky Way crayfish claw
Quietly moving towards dawn
Turning carefully
Gate of slow summer.

Be careful, be careful
Blow, winds, over me,
To month newborn
I was not afraid of the darkness of the night.

“Having reckoned with thirst and trash...”

Having reckoned with thirst and trash,
Having settled with faith and the temple,
I'm waiting for you, farewell star.
How I once waited for inspiration,
So now I'm waiting for some rest
From love and bitter labor.

But, apparently, the last kochet did not sing
And the soul still wants something,
He doesn’t give away his own.
Thirsts to merge with the century and the crowd.
This is how birds strive to flock together,
Getting ready for a long flight.

“I got everything...”

“I was naive then...”

I was naive then
I didn’t know what the point was.
Buy for five hryvnia,
And if necessary, borrow it.

Then I was exalted
Like a rider on a horse.
I didn’t know we were writing ten
And let's keep two in mind.

That's not what I was then -
I was completely different.
I didn't know why we were shining
And why are we burning?

I was beautiful then
Young slacker.
Then I didn't fall to the ground
Before any trouble.

“It’s already become heavy. I don’t want to go anywhere..."

It has already become heavy. I don't want to go anywhere.
I'd like to light a fireplace and light a candle
And listen and listen like the night wind
It hums and hums over the vast country.
I love the country. By her powerful destiny
Once captured, I became myself.
And with her I am. I don't exist without her.
I am scattered by the storm and inveterate by the wind.
And there is no tree under which I can sleep.
And I have no memory of what I’ll take with me.

“There is a fog in front of you...”

There is fog in front of you,
And behind is water,
And the ground is damp under you,
And above you is a star.

But you are not alone in the world,
As long as you feel
The movement of sea and land,
Fogs and stars;

As long as you know about yourself,
How do you spend your days
Like an inanimate creature
Just like them.

And you don't need to know more
Everything else is deception.
The star sings, the surf flies,
The earth has gone into fog...

“When the gardens are in full bloom...”

When the gardens are in bloom,
The soul, having forgotten itself, rests
From vanity and enmity
And inhales the freshness of the apple tree.

She's tired of seeing
The future. She is tired
Reliving the past
To repeat the past from the beginning.

She's tired of the shackles
And, resting, I’m ready again
Believe in the freshness of the clouds
And in the holiness of the human image.

“A garden is not nature at all...”

A garden is not nature at all,
And the meaning of transition
From sad autumn to winter,
From the gray sky to the earth.

The garden is the dawn in the windows,
Through the window - the enormity of linden trees,
Where silence lies, wet,
And the cold is equal to her.

Oh, how tired I am of this -
Cold winter and summer,
Time is a creaky transition,
What a year this has been going on!..

June 1984

“Write a piece into my life...”

Write a piece into my life
March with a long snowstorm.
Bring in some more wood,
Where is the birch next to the spruce?

Make another snowdrift,
What is lilac from the dusk.
Then sum it up
Wind, snow and trees.

Put it all together
In the winter form of nature
In the final days
Cold and bad weather.

"In the trees near the water..."

In the trees near the water
The spring thrushes began to sing.
There are fewer of them every year.
A stream between the stones
Every spring it gets cloudier
And every summer it gets smaller.
And every year that grove,
Losing a tree, a bush,
It's becoming less and less common.
Thus comes emptiness;
This is how places change.
And they say: still the same.

"Swimming in spring water..."

Swim in spring water
Breathe in clean air
And with a glance at the shadowy dawn
Aim for a young star.

What else? Lie in the grass
All night listening to the field.
And slowly unclench your hand,
To let your heart go free.

It rolls in from afar.
First, with the thunder of a horse train
Along the pavement. The hum of a draft.
Then the fall of heavy barrels from the cart.
Then a high explosive explosion. And behind him
A turn of a supersonic aircraft.
And soon - hell, where there is blow and smoke.
And a tree falling into a swamp.

Rage, rage! Hit me, hit me
To fall near the foamy edge of the ocean,
Where resin turns into amber
And death, like life, is light and pristine.

Oh, how I love spring birds,
Without knowing them by name.

I'm a city dweller. In turmoil
Have we ever had this before?

I am a resident of the streets, a resident of the parks,
And not taiga and not steppes.
And modest city gifts
I wait for the birds and the melting days.

March 1983

Music plays
In a quiet cafeteria.
Sparrow flutters
Outside the window on a tree.

Have fun, little one,
April is around the corner.
We'll probably live
Few weeks.

No later than 1983

Like a motley cow
March grazes by the river.
There from the snow cover
There are islands left.

Waiting for ice drift
Seen everywhere.
Curiosity of the sky
To the forest, field and water.

No later than 1983

I love March.
Crow caw.
Winter's last splash.
Rook cry,
Where did the dispute arise?
About the benefits of writing.

And the wind is fresh.
And here's the line
Between winter and March.
Wind's destiny
On the shore
They tell us fortunes using cards.

In the layout of the cards -
Crow caw
And the cries of greedy seagulls,
Rook noise,
whose mind
And the heart answers.

March 1983

“And at dawn the blackbird sings...”

And at dawn the blackbird sings.
Waking up, I feel sad again.
It's impossible to turn around
Back to worldly life.

There is something inhuman about
How I live trying
Draw yourself with a pen
And as I write, in despair.

And at dawn the thrush whistles
And the tits shade.
And dew falls from the stars
Trees on the eyelashes.

June 1984

“Dear life! The passage of time..."

Sweet life! The passage of time.
The slow decline of the garden.
I'm not burdened with anything.
The word has been spoken, the saga has been written.

It seems like there's still something in it...
In a slow, inevitable flow,
Maybe there's a secret message about eternity
And the glow of the neighboring world...

Autumn. The starlings have already flown away.
The wind in the trees sounds with many strings.
Sad. But precisely at these hours
So good, lonely, crazy.


“How many spells have appeared here...”

How many spells appeared here:
The wind shook the maples,
I dropped the leaves from the linden tree -
Autumn has come.

Everything seemed to be over.
But today my heart is happy:
After all, just one minute
Until winter and snowfall.

“The storm howled all night today...”

The storm howled all night today
And the winter sea was furious.
And that’s why it was so vague,
And I thought about our orphanhood.

Is there really an end, a beginning,
But in the world there are no others like us?
And that's why it became so scary
For a lonely planet.

And in the morning the waves roared,
The snow sparkled from the sun.
And that’s why we’re so careless
The days ahead appeared before me.

Organ Grinder

The organ grinder walks around the world,
Wandering through Moscow courtyards.
Sharmanochka this music
Plays with sin in half.

The organ grinder gets up early
And he works until dark.
“My organ organ, feverish woman!” -
And then the frets jam.

“It’s windy and bad weather outside.
And you, my organ, play.
And you are happiness from a box
Get it quickly, parrot!”

For your happiness, city dweller
Will pay the last nickel.
“My organ organ, feverish woman,
Play your music like this:

Tarats, tarats, tarats,
Taratam, taratam, tara...
With my crested parrot
I'm standing in the middle of the yard.

Organ organ, organ organ, organ organ
Got me into trouble.
My organ organ, feverish woman..." -
And then the frets jam.

Then, after a difficult autumn,
When the boulevards are black,
He sits in the basement on Trubnaya,
Gives the parrot grain.

Over a cup of hot tea
He sits, silent and tired.
After all, giving happiness to others,
He didn't bring himself happiness.

"Someday I will come to you..."

Someday I will come to you,
Someday, someday
When I feel victory
When I open a new path.

Someday I'll see you
Someday, someday
And I will hate my life,
And I will fall on your chest in tears.

Someday I'll catch you
Confused, as always.
Someday I'll end up with you
In my past years.

December 1980–1981

“To some new distances...”

To some new distances
They called me from you
Some new news
Both joy and sorrow.

I took the white road
Compete with evil fate
Following the barefoot spring,
Behind her gypsy shawl.

- You will never be mine,
You will never be mine
You won't love me in reality
And you can’t deceive me in a dream...

The leaves on the Jurassic will light up,
Behind the mountain the sea will light up.
They'll trot along the road
There are two black-feathered riders.

Their horses will run between the hills
Through the forests in autumn attire,
And they will disappear in the fog,
And behind them the sea will go out.

There will be tart, unsteady leaves
On the oak trees of the ancient forest.
And only scraps will remain
Their unclear conversation:

- You will never be mine,
You will never be mine.
You won't destroy me in reality
And you can’t lure me in a dream.

“Do you remember, you were then...”

Do you remember when you were
More memoryless than water -
Not a trace on the bright surface,
Not a fold, not a line.

We won't stay anywhere
And let's go into the depths of centuries,
Like a reflection on the water
Heavens and clouds.

“And we were rushing somewhere...”

And we were rushing somewhere
On the train together
Without any sorrow
About your future.

Along the telegraph lines
Under frequent knocking
We looked into the blue expanse,
Without unclenching your hands.

How your strand flew up!
And the air was tight
It smelled like metal
And with a smoke pipe.

And we didn’t know then
That the station is close
And what sorrows threaten
With separation for centuries.

As children, nannies scared us,
What the gypsies will take away.
Oh, you stealing nannies,
It's a shame I wasn't kidnapped.

I would wander with a lunar camp
(Strangely vague).
Horses under the young moon.
The smell of thyme.

Where are you, my gypsies,
Dancers, horse thieves?
Where are you, my gypsies,
Where are you, hearts of joy?

In our great poetry
There is a gypsy note.
And this note sounds
When you no longer feel like living.

“It’s strangely foggy.
We parted unexpectedly.
There's a wound in the heart
And life is not desirable.”

Until the moon goes out
There will be gypsyism in the world:
Song, deception, deceit,
Violin and consistency.

I remember the gypsy Ignat
In the city of Chisinau.
He once played for me
About my old love.

“It’s strangely foggy.
Early in the evening.
We parted unexpectedly
And there’s a wound in my heart!”

The knot of my sadness
Violin, pull it tight...
Oh, if only the nannies knew
How to save our souls!

Spell it, gypsy,
Tell fortunes on the cards
Rob me completely
But give away your youth!

Stripped down to the skin
Awkward, young,
I'll go in a cab
With a bay horse.

- Tell me, cab driver,
Where are you taking me?
After all, it's in my pocket
One unfortunate penny.

The driver will answer me:
– If you can’t, don’t pay.
After all, you don’t know, little one,
Where to take you!

Not young, not old,
Not dead, not alive,
Stripped down to the skin
I'll wander around Moscow.

And suddenly - a familiar courtyard,
Where clothes are dried.
– Hello, my friend Tatyana,
Let me into the house.

- Forgive me, my dear,
That I can't let go.
For not loving
You can't forgive me.

I'll leave sad -
I remembered everything, forgot everything.
- You, my friend Tatyana,
I loved so little!

Forgotten - not forgotten.
And it hurts. And it's light.
And what comes after
Already happened.

"Life weaves its own story..."


Life weaves its own story.
But when you look back,
A fresh light arises
Far away - in nine fields.

According to which five
It was early June.
And the imperishable five
I was lit up by their efforts.

How much blood has been shed
How many things have been accomplished
How much hair has fallen out
And the hearts stopped!

But it shines in the distance
The fresh light of that June
Like in the early morning river
The sharp glow of the new moon.

“Yes, I’m lucky in this world...”

Yes, I'm lucky in this world -
Come and hug people
And be a toastmaster at a feast
Intelligence, nobility, love.

And malice and intricacies
Almost nothing to notice.
And only high moments
See the stamp on life.

“I had the good fortune to be a Russian poet...”

I had the good fortune to be a Russian poet.
I had the honor of touching victories.

I had the misfortune of being born in my twenties,
In a damned year and in a damned century.

I got everything. And with that I fell out,
Like a drunk from a truck on a great hike.

I’m lying in a ditch like a frozen felt boot.
It's good to have nothing in Rus'.

“Here, in the distance, it is unknown who died, who is alive...”

Here, in the distance, it is unknown who died and who is alive.
They just don't write letters.
Here the Gulf is always breathing in front of the windows.
And my friends are no longer breathing.

Let the breath of the Gulf merge with mine.
He is embraced by the wind,
Together with him we will quench with an ocean tear
The bitterness of every loss.

May 1983 – late 1983 or early 1984

“Take me to Georgia! This is where I want to die..."


But first I want to look from the cliff above Sighnaghi
To the valley where autumn forges grape copper
And the mountains stand in a semicircle, with their hats pulled up.

In the Alazani Valley, feed me local wine,
Then I will chew golden churchkhela for a long time.
Take me to Georgia, friend, bring me to the house.
Only here will I be able to devote myself to the last task.

Only here, where Shota and Vazha once sang,
Only here, where there was an obstacle to the omnipotence of Islam,
Only here, where fate will bring me to the line,
Only in Georgia, here, will the final drama begin.

May I be refreshed by the breath of her hills.
Let me be embraced, drunk with her share and will,
Byzantine tenderness of delicate Georgian princesses
And the slow politeness of good peasant feasts.

Take me to Georgia! This is where I want to die.
Here, with friends, the feeling of being a foreign land will suddenly end.
And I also want, and I also want to see
From the Sighnahi Heights to the depths of the Alazani Valley.

January–February 1984

“Don’t stop me from drinking wine...”

Don't stop me from drinking wine.
It contains inspiration.
Inspiration. And extensions
We can't achieve it.

Without wine, fate is dark.
My lamp is going out.
Death is not a drinking buddy,
She calls for sobriety.

Is it possible to live by preserving yourself,
With a sense of self-preservation?
No, you can't in the middle of a battle
Protect yourself from fire!

Let me live like this,
So as not to pay attention
For intermittency of breathing
And a dull pain in my heart!..

March 1983

“Not a confession, not a sermon...”

Not a confession, not a sermon,
Not the music of success -
The desire to try
How does the echo respond?

Like our present
Sings in the frosty early
And how worthwhile it sounds
Beyond the centuries.

“And no matter what you listen to, it’s all a repeat…”

And no matter what you listen to, it’s all a repeat.
Yes, my quail, you quail yourself too.
But one day, dumbfounded with joy,
You put a special note in the space.

The one who is unfaithful and contrary to the rest...
But, my quail, I will not reproach you
A break in the motive, a break in the line,
I won’t blame all the nonsense.

Even if that note is somehow not the same,
Yes, my quail, blow it like a glassblower
And when the height is too much for you,
Rip apart the gaping beak with bubbling.

“I went far away. I was sad…"

I went into the distance. I was sad.
Love is gone. The wine is gone.
And I thought about art:
But is it really necessary?

Then why does a genius strive
To know the uselessness of existence,
After all, everything is more and more instantaneous
And my secret life!..

March 1983

“I know: this tree is in June...”

I know: this tree is in June
Reaches spiritual heights.
How luxurious it is on the new moon,
How strong is his smell and sweat!

The lunar pasture is spreading out,
Dissolving in the dawn smoke.
Silently the tree will say something
The month will answer him silently.

They look at each other with a smile
And they will see that dawn is coming soon.
And then the birds will strike
Following the passing month.

Duo for violin and viola


Mozart is slightly intoxicated
I was going home.
There was a wonderful excitement
Crazy day.

And looked with a cheerful eye
On people
Composer Mozart Wolfgang

There were linden leaves around him
Light ringing.
“Tara-tara, tili-tiki,”
He thought. -

Yes! Company, drinks,
But a duet for violin
And viola."

Let them take his art
For free.
How much feeling does it take
And crazy!

Composer Mozart Wolfgang,
He is very good -
As much as required
And he will give...

Oh, and there will be Amadeus
Flying home.
And for a whole week -
Black ice.

Not a word, not a smile.
But a duet for violin
And viola.

Yes! You have to pay
On the world
For fun and joy
At the feast

For wine and for mistakes -
But a duet for violin
And viola!

About Vanyushka

Vanyushka asks his mother:
- Bake me some cakes -
A whole pood.

- Why do you need, Vanyushka,
A whole pound?
- I’ll take the shanezhki
Yes, I'll go to the bargaining.
I'll sell shanezhki,
I'll get money for them.

- Why do you need money, Vanya?
- I’ll buy a velvet caftan,
Yes, goat boots,
Yes, I’ll buy a gun with notches.
As soon as I throw back the hem of my caftan,
Like stamping my boots three times,
As soon as I start firing from a gun,
The boyars in the city are afraid,
The boyar servants run away.
I'll take their treasury,
I'll take it for myself.
- Oh, Vanyushka, stupid Vanyushka.
The boyars in the city are strong.
They won't give you the treasury.
You better go to bed.

“The miracle is the knowability of the universe...”

Miracle - the knowability of the universe
And a wonderful dialogue with nature.
This one is pure, dark and healing
Rivers, skies, deserts and seas.

These mountains are sublime odes,
Motley elegies of forests,
Conversation of meaningful Nature,
Notes of bird voices.

Be careful when accepting confessions
And a confusing story about secrets.
Let something remain beyond the bounds,
Curiosity holding us back.

Later poems



They say Beatrice was a city girl,
Ugly, fat, angry.
But love fell on the stern Dante,
A golden earring like a stone.

He picked her up. And I looked at it for a long time.
And he looked and held it in the palm of his hand.
And he took it forever. And he sang with delight
About your ugly Madonna.

And she, despite her ignorance,
Suddenly I heard in the kitchen noise
Secret call. And she recognized her doom.
And she put on a set with pearls.

And, feeling my doom modestly,
She became prettier, thinner, paler,
Has acquired a pinkish dullness, as if
Dead pearls near a warm body.

From afar he complained about the lack of response
And I didn’t know, illuminated by centuries,
What was it like for her, doomed for eternity,
Arguing in shops with greengrocers.

In a noisy house, pugnacious children were screaming,
Servants were running and doors were slamming.
But there were two of them. There was no need for a third
This woman and Alighieri.

Bus stop "Lauri"

You and I are on vacation
In a year-round school
Mutual learning.
There are forests and pastures all around.
The road winds through a field.
Early evening bus.

And the Lauri stop
Suddenly she might become Laura,
Against a background of flat grass
Possibly in a light aura
Among the gloomy nature
Petrarch's appearance.

Where is it from? In the dark.
But somewhere beyond the meadows,
Where they don't suspect
"Divine Comedy"
Ominous circles
The district is brewing.

The soul in its difference.
Divine poetry
Two victims. Two graves.
Laura. Beatrice.

“I can’t wait! Instantly! After a minute…"

I can't wait! Instantly! After a minute!
After all, every moment I change myself.
And now for some reason I dreamed,
That we live by the sundial.

But there is no sun. It's dark in the soul, like a gallery.
And the moon's dial is hidden by fog.
And only at the Viljandi bell tower
Twelfth strike. The bell ringer doesn't sleep.

“Desire and conscience are two cups...”

Desire and conscience - two bowls
Libra. If there is no balance,
Our desires are shameless.
And conscience is a complete mutilation.
And in a suicidal rage,
Like a terrible fire of black forest,
The human insides are smoking.

I'll see the dawn outside the venous window,
I understand that there is no need to compete with sleep.
Now you can no longer sleep, no longer doze,
But just pester yourself with waiting.

And the rain does not subside even during the day.

First I'll wait for an inspired line.
But the rhymes crack like rafters.
Yes! My gods are burning pots,
And I just sculpt them sadly.

Then I start waiting for letters.
And I wait for the children to wake up from their sleep.
And for you to make coffee.
And for you to speak.

But we both begin to wait for the enemy.
You dropped salt near the hearth.
Oh, it’s a pity that I broke the salt shaker!

First I would like to kill him.
And after that I would like to forget him.
And after that I would like to love him.
How the grave loves the dead.
Or maybe even a hundred times stronger.
But soon the sunset comes.

And the rain is still noisy outside the venous window.
And you can only console yourself with wine,
Or maybe with a blow from damask steel.
All wait, wait and wait again,
And wait for everything to happen again.
May this end someday.

Don Quixote

So within a day I get tired of fighting with windmills
And from the Spanish fantasy,
What do I want in the evening in a tavern with men?
Become Sancho Panza.

Funny old man, thin, gray-haired,
I'm silent. Who needs exquisite prose!
I remain silent and listen. But suddenly I turn pale,
When they start talking about Dulcinea,
About Dulcinea from Tobozo!

What do they say about her, about the girl from the hayloft!
Funny hidalgo, get up, because the night is not over,
Peck your heavenly grain until the morning.
And in the morning you will again go to war against imaginary monsters.
But you won't fight Sancho Panza.
And he won’t be able to fight you.

"You gave me guilt..."

You gave me guilt
Like the strength of old wine.

At first I was crushed in the vat,
Like Kakheti peasants
Tight bunches of Alazani
They reap, merciless to the fruit.

Then she deprived me of my flesh.
And what will you drink of my blood,
I'll serve it to you at the feast.

In passions in which there is no talent,
Suicide plotted
Or murder. Dante's Passion
Equal to him. They grow branchily.

Passion is not at all a prototype of adultery.
In it, blindness coexists with sight,
With immensity - an exquisite measure:
The merging of God with his creation.

There is no lust in her. And it doesn't smell like flesh.
There is a spiritual passion. Everything else is a lie.
And the twisted image of Lady Macbeth,
Who hides a knife under her apron.

“At this time of leaf fall...”

At this time of leaf fall,
Where the wind is sour wine,
When there is no need for extra tears -
The garden's eye sockets are full of them,

I can feel sorry for you.
I can understand. But until now
Nobody could overcome
Your caring pride.

You yourself have no power over her,
How everyone has no control over fate.
And autumn is dangerous with death.
And the surf hits you right in the throat.

“Lie that you love! If it's a lie..."

Lie that you love! If it's a lie
Good, then be blessed!
Is it really better than a rusty knife?
And a cut vein?

Yes! Pretend! I need to know the truth
Unbearable, impossible.
Cherish the grace of untruths,
Like in a cradle, be careful.

Desire and conscience are two sides of the scale. (David Samoilov).
A person is able to justify almost any of his actions. Doing the wrong thing, getting into conflict with his conscience, he is able to find dozens of reasons that forced, pushed, forced him to commit this act. But there are probably very few people who would be guided by evil in their actions, because even the most terrible murderers did not want to cause evil as such, it was only a means to achieve their goals.
Terrorists believe that killing people is necessary to liberate their people, and Hitler justified his actions (mass genocide of millions of Jews, their murder in camps, wars that killed millions of people) by the fact that for him there was only one chosen nation, for the sake of exaltation which could destroy all the others.
Does absolute evil exist at all? Is it possible to say that a person in his actions was guided by the intention to cause evil? I think this is not entirely true. The concepts of good and evil are relative and gain meaning only in comparison with each other, it all depends on what is considered good and what is evil. In modern human society, these concepts are more or less clearly defined (for example, murder is traditionally considered one of the most condemned actions (both from the point of view of law and from the point of view of morality), although there are a number of categories (accident, murder in self-defense, revenge, war, finally) when it can be justified or can cause a certain leniency towards the criminal.
A person cannot completely exist alone, on his own, and since a person largely depends on and influences other people, the so-called public opinion (universal morality) has formed, which is what most people are guided by, whose morality in life is determined precisely by this.
Life is a great roaring stream of water: some people surrender to it, moving according to its will, but remaining in place relative to it, and it carries them, dragging them through rapids and waterfalls. Some people seem to be resisting it, but even as they move upstream, they are still ultimately carried down. There are very few people who are able to “fall out of reality”, to find themselves outside the river called life. They know how to achieve their life goals; they do not depend on circumstances, but rather, circumstances depend on them; from dozens of behavior options, they choose the right one, calmly watching how the sand flows through the sieve, discarding what is unnecessary in search of a golden nugget. In Victor Pelevin's story "The Yellow Arrow" people's entire lives pass on a train in which they are born, live and die. This train, which has neither end nor beginning, moves all the time, never stopping, and it is possible to get off it only by dying. Their only life reality, philosophy, is a train, where all the attributes of life are present (work, leisure, family). But sometimes from the train window, instead of a continuous green line of trees, you can see houses, fields, cities inhabited by other people, so close and at the same time unattainable. The goal of the main character is to escape from his reality, which determines his existence, and, accordingly, to discover a new world, which only he himself is capable of achieving. Our life does not stand still, and we must move along with it; it depends on you whether you will find a quiet, calm island of your happiness or find yourself drawn into a fetid quagmire.
But, often, in order to achieve what is necessary, you must first come to an agreement with your conscience. Often he commits his base acts (which a person would never do for himself) “in the name of public goals, interests” - this is how he tries to drown out his conscience. (I don’t care about my happiness, but about the happiness of others, which means I can be stingy with my principles and go into conflict with my conscience. Even though I cause evil, but this is done for the sake of good in the future. Most people justify their actions by the fact that she acts “like everyone else” (and why am I worse than others?), forgetting at the same time that each of these “everyone” can reason in exactly the same way.
Public opinion is a very uncertain thing. It is not clear what depends on whom, public opinion on the person, or the person on public opinion. When a person performs his actions, guided by “common” goals, can it be said that society is always right, because it consists of individual people, and for the main part of them this opinion is imposed from the outside; Often the correctness of a decision is determined by the number of people who support it. Previously, when there were no mass sources of information, it was much more difficult to manipulate public consciousness (the parliamentary and presidential elections, which half the country supported in six months, once again showed how easy it is to manipulate public opinion).

The only dogma is conscience. The only God is within. The only way is through conscience and inside. OSHO

We all have the experience that recently, at some stage of our lives, sometimes very suddenly, our relationships with someone specific or entire groups cease. And it seems that everything is already clear in the light of new knowledge, and yet I would like to take a deeper look at this process. Any of our relationships with the outside world once began at that level of vibrations when we “matched” in all respects. These relationships grew and developed or simply “were” as a given, in the family, for example. Relationships could be very different: from very contradictory - to the most intimate, existing for years, and maybe a whole life or short-term. There are many patterns and examples of existing types of relationships, but that’s not the point. They have one thing in common: at some stage in our lives, these relationships suddenly end, often suddenly, and most importantly, quietly. Quiet, i.e. without pretending to sort things out, to “save” us, or in any other way. As well, we intuitively no longer pretend to anything and allow it to be. Later, listening to ourselves, we note that deep inside we were already ready for this event, we were only afraid to admit it to ourselves. From here, the process itself occurs as naturally as possible. Of course, for some time, at the level of thoughts and feelings, all participants in the events undergo a reconfiguration - this is also natural. There is a common thing: these events have become massive and occur more easily than if it happened in an “older” energy. And yet, what is happening to us? If we take as a basis the concept of new energies and rising vibrations, we can consider this process at the energetic level. At this stage of our evolution, we have entered a phase when each of us has the opportunity to gain understanding of our True Essence, Life Mission. Perhaps not everyone is yet clearly aware of this, or not yet aware of it at all. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that at some point we “register” this cosmic call at the level of our Soul and begin the internal reconfiguration of all our life programs in accordance with the activated True Self and spiritual destiny. Let not everyone yet realize their Mission as some kind of manifested result, it is important that this process is activated in us and is already happening at deeper levels. Full conscious reunification with the innermost knowledge of yourself is a matter of time and readiness for this event. Willingness to Accept Responsibility for the True Purpose of Ourselves. From the moment we awaken our inner knowledge about ourselves and our purpose, we begin to quickly raise our vibrations. Reading spiritual literature, attending seminars, communities, etc. is part of this process. We notice how quickly we and everything around us are changing, how our and collective consciousness is expanding. It is especially joyful and easy to experience this in a circle of like-minded people. We all evolve quickly, and even if this process occurs at different speeds and can periodically lead to “painful” discrepancies in vibrations, we gradually level out and move forward together again. In this situation, the result is determined by the willingness of the partners to move on, and this happens if the partners maintain an internal connection “from heart to heart.” The evolution of the Soul is currently happening at a colossal speed and this is a very difficult process for us. The Spirit informs that in this incarnation we make such a vibrational shift in our development, which in previous energies we could only make within 5-6 consecutive incarnations. The essence of the evolution of the Soul is to recognize all aspects of ourselves, living the experience of different Life Lessons, accept them and integrate them, restoring our Integrity. And then, one day, we grow to such a level of self-awareness when in any of our relationships we are faced with a certain dilemma : to follow oneself or continue to be a shadow of someone; develop your own life or be part of someone else's life. We share living space with many partners, family members. Now we begin to think: on what principles do we develop partnerships? On the principles of interaction between whole people, standing firmly on their own two feet or half-hearted ones, who are trying to rely on each other and, therefore, have a chance to fall. What unites us in partnerships: either the commonality of life themes, the similarity of life lessons, or the contradictions contained in these life circumstances. In relationships built on contradictions, there is a special mechanism of relationships, but it is very significant for our internal development. At the stages of awakening and initial self-awareness, the mechanism of contradictions helps us, through the pain caused by these contradictions, to recognize our Truth, gain Faith in ourselves, etc., and as a result, to enter into our Power. Mental pain is always an echo of an existing There is an internal wound in us, acquired in past incarnations and waiting for its moment of release and healing. Hence, relationships “with contradictions”, which reflect to us our unhealed aspects, are very important for the evolution of the Soul, as an internal engine of progress. And we can leave as much as we want, run away from this partner, “causing” us pain, until we realize our inner wound and release the distorted energy, we will “need” such relationships and unconsciously attract them again and again. In relationships with “ contradictions,” we one day come to understand that it is not someone outside who is to blame for our difficult relationships, but it is our own unhealed aspect that is reflected in the other person. For example, a person with a matrix of self-doubt will always attract a person with a matrix of very self-confidence. It would seem that a very confident person is great. Yes, great, only in this context - this confidence is just a mask created by ego distortions, trying to cover up the same self-doubt.
Any form of self-doubt is a fact of non-acceptance of oneself, ignoring many aspects of oneself that are trying to reach our heart and consciousness in all ways. And the more complex our relationships with the outside world, the greater the degree of non-acceptance of the True Self they reflect to us. In the most persistent cases of non-acceptance of ourselves, the outside world “with pleasure” does not accept us, which only opens up our internal wounds. And all this fully reflects to us dislike for ourselves, artificial attempts to live “on the periphery of ourselves,” but not from our own center, not from the heart united with the Soul. Having lived through all the stages of “contradictions” and achieving healing, partners either discover a New World Unconditional Love as a physical reality, or they end their relationship, ready to nevertheless enter this world, only with another - a “potential” partner.
The initial commonality of life programs helps us to consider similar life circumstances not only with our own eyes, but also through the eyes of a friend. By connecting in pairs or large communities, we rely on collective strength, i.e. We are guided more by the opinions of others than by our own. As we grow internally, we gradually increase our Own Strength and need less and less reliance on another person. We begin to develop a Relationship with Ourselves. We become comfortable from being alone with ourselves. In this phase of development, we realize that we are able to receive any answers to our questions from our own Higher Self, i.e. - not from the outside, but within yourself. Hence, our initially friendly relationships may fall apart, since we no longer need to receive confirmation of our thoughts and feelings from surrounding partners. From this moment on, we no longer need “mirrors” in the person of other people who would reflect to us our best sides, qualities, aspects that strengthen our faith in ourselves. Or we realize that we no longer want to be a donor of energy for others, even beloved Souls, providing them with a disservice rather than a friendly one. At the same time, it is very important to understand for ourselves that all the friendly support that existed in the old energies was appropriate for that period and provided us with invaluable assistance on the path of our formation and self-discovery. It’s just that now the paradigms are changing: we are developing a New Relationship with Ourselves. It is good that we can meet bright reflections of ourselves around, and further, in the process of our development, there will be even more such reflections, because our inner light intensifies. There is one important nuance in this moment: now we can confidently walk through life and not depend on whether we meet a “good” reflection at any given moment or not, because we obviously don’t need this in order to maintain faith in ourselves. Having started to develop relationship with ourselves, we gradually learn to see our True reflection in our Soul, in the inner mirror, therefore we become free from external, even the best, most beautiful and true reflections. So, an important criterion in this process is gaining inner freedom, through liberation from “attachment” to any opinion, gaining independence from other energies.

In the process of development and formation of such quality as Discrimination, at any stage of self-knowledge, we can use the information that others reflect to us. But, in the end, dive into the deep level of yourself and allow your own internal work to take place to analyze the information received from all sources and channels, the result of which will be a new reflection of yourself as a purer, clear image of the True Self.

It is very important to allow such analytical work to happen at the level of the heart, but not the mind. Our mind then receives already processed information from the level of the heart in relation to its own Soul and true life goals. In this case, through the mirror of our Soul we see our True reflection and the quality of what we see improves with each new


As for our friendships, initially built at the level of the heart, these relationships persist, perhaps cease for some time, but in due time they are restored again and grow to a qualitatively higher level.

The heartfelt connection between Holistic partners only develops, becomes stronger, and on the physical level we feel greater freedom and ease in our relationships. Now we also reflect to those around them the most beautiful aspects and qualities of the Soul, with pleasure we see our own reflections in their open hearts and shining eyes. Only all this comes from inner freedom and the desire to joyfully interact and Create together, but not from a painful need to receive support as confirmation of one’s own worth. In this case, we are not talking about a conscious intention to receive healing, friendly support at any transitional stage of life, stage of self-knowledge. We are talking about the unconscious patterns of our behavior that we used to manipulate each other, consume each other’s energy resource, violating the laws of equal energy exchange. We are discovering the benefits that relationships built on new principles give us: now such forms of communication and relationships are becoming very deep in essence and time-consuming, which frees up a lot of energy and physical time for us to creatively develop our Relationship with ourselves and develop our own lives.

Partners who have built relationships out of their inner Integrity develop a qualitatively different life.

The union of such Souls generates joint energy of a higher order, which opens up new horizons of Creation for all partners. This is always the energy of joyful and loving interaction. Sometimes it is enough just to understand and accept these principles of being on your Path in order to forever turn towards your heart, facing your True Self. This is the long-awaited moment of Meeting Yourself, accompanied by alchemical transformation and reunification in your Wholeness.

And indeed it is! The appearance of every thought is the will of the Creator. And in its deepest essence, there is contained energy for the embodiment of the thought that has appeared, its possible disclosure and manifestation in all dimensions of existence. The mastery of creating reality lies in conscious concentration and fixation of the vector of intention on one or another thought. And all that remains is to use the freedom of choice, maintaining your integrity, listen to the tuning fork “do no harm” and choose this thought. / M. Polyakova /


Peace in love

Marina Polyakova Eagle CUP OF THE GRAIL WITH THE NECTAR OF LOVE chapter: Insight of the Dimiurge - flight of the avatar


The skies opened again. The night is over and the morning is over.


That you love me, said... the only one, dear, desired.

And I listened to my soul. What impulse will he respond with? Otherwise he’ll start singing already? Or will a trill sound in the heart of happiness with the same joyful motive? Will it jump inside and explode?

Soul, the Lord's cradle will open again for the world From short words about Love?...

Today the joy is not so great... Yes, the nightingales chirped, you sang something again, I don’t know... But... the ocean flooded my soul like a big wave today,

And in its depths the peace sparkled with its greatness.

And in the depths of my soul, from the words of your Love, so tender, silence opened up... in silence... like the same ocean - boundless.

Love...there can be a hurricane! Game of planets in the sky,

Like a fire-breathing volcano, it is strong in fire in its nature.

A gambling whirlwind of crazy passions in hearts sometimes excites...

But the storm passes, the calm calms down...then you pacify. Love can be like that. And majestic and worthy, Deep bringing peace... yes, stops wars,

Yes, it stops thought with its immeasurable greatness.

And dooms everyone to... life!!! Consciously, naturally.

Peace in Love! Wow! I never dreamed of guessing it.

But this is a reward, yes I deserved! Proved

That I am worthy, in the end. Calmly rejoice in happiness, beating evenly and in unison, without a storm of passion.

And with the warm tenderness of one and with the sensitivity of charm, Which only gives the peace of the depths of Love and the Universe.

And the thin canopy of existence seems weightless and unsteady,

And the Ego, the Self, disappears, and the mind becomes so flexible,

And he falls silent at the end. The whole world is so light and transparent...

And smiling, God the Father solves all problems for us......

How can I express in my heart the happiness I have found with you? When Love, with its power, suddenly beckoned My dreaming soul, which contained the Love of times...

You became my husband before God and you are so tenderly in love with me.

How to express the immeasurable peace that suddenly blossomed in the heart?

He is natural for Love, he came from the depths of Love.

How can I express the joy in my heart that has caressed my soul? She regained her former strength, youth, and reigned in the depths

A soul, grateful with happiness to all heavens and all Gods For a moment in life, such a gorgeous one: Love given to us.

This is balance in motion, harmony in process. This is the relationship of forces, the balance of the physical and spiritual, objective and subjective. It is a combination of hardness and softness.

For scales, a line is impossible without a sheet of paper on which it is drawn. They understand that there is no convexity of one without the concavity of another, an object without a background, a world without an observer. Libra implements the principle of supreme justice in the world - incomprehensible, difficult to explain by simple human logic.

Their path is the path to peace. Their life is impossible without fulfilling social roles, partnerships, and communication, Libras always keep up with the times. Libras perceive the world primarily with their minds, deal with the factual side of what is happening, measuring and assessing the complex relationships between phenomena.

Libra is a measure of everything that happens around. This is a sense of rhythm, nuances, shades, halftones, sensitivity to vibrations and subtle vibrations. Their body - an accurate instrument for determining any imbalances - immediately responds to an unfavorable external situation with internal imbalance, a drop in mood and a deterioration in well-being.

Any little thing can throw them off balance, causing Libra to act actively or disappear from sight. Therefore, Libras have a very sensitive body. They love themselves and their body, they are ready to pamper, pamper and cherish themselves. Protecting themselves from possible accidents, Libras often take a distant position and keep their distance or enter into battle with a violator of the existing harmony.

On the scales.

Libras do not like excess and strive for balance between the parts of one whole. They have a developed desire for justice and objectivity. They are distinguished by prudence, diplomacy, prudence, balance, Libra - good mental abilities, but emotional coldness, quick thinking, but logic. They are rational, their strength lies in their sense of proportion.

On the one side. Libras are poetic, subtle and strive for beauty, refined, elegant, and delicate. Libra is a sincere, vulnerable, fragile person. Therefore, they are kind, unforgiving, and tactful. Libras do not like rudeness or quarrels, they put on a good face when they play poorly and are used to giving in.

On the other side. Libra is independence, individualism, determination, activity, composure and calmness in disputes. They can go to extremes in the name of justice.

Measure seven times.

Libras usually make half-hearted decisions in order to be able to replay or correct a possible mistake. They do not like to cut from the shoulder and give an answer right away. It is difficult for them to say a categorical “yes” or “no”.

Any dispute, hostility and war - even if they are won - do not bring much joy. The internal balance will still be disrupted. Thus. Libras can't beat anyone outright. They know well that truth is not born in disputes, and any victory is Pyrrhic.

Libras are accustomed to smoothing out contradictions and taking into account other people's opinions; they can look at the situation from the outside, enter into the position of another person, understand and explain his motives and actions. And this is the case when the detached mind gains objectivity.

The concepts of truth and untruth, evil and good in Libra are not strictly defined. They can see a hidden higher meaning in bad things, and negative consequences in good things. And they understand that any coin has two sides.

So that the sheep are fed and the wolves are safe.

Tolerance and intelligence lead to the fact that Libras are ready to justify even the most unsightly actions, they want to reconcile the irreconcilable and, as a result, they are prone to conciliation.

Libras feel good when there is peace and beauty around them, or when everything is around, but it doesn’t bother them. They are not emotionally involved and are largely indifferent to others. There is a good reason for this. This manifests their instinct of self-preservation.

Violation of the internal balance for Libra means a bad mood and well-being, loss of strength and desire to live. A hard life can destroy Libra. Or it can make them heroes who go against everything and are not afraid of anything.

Thus, if everything is good from their point of view, Libra is open; if everything is bad, Libra protects itself from problems, negative emotions and facts. They try not to pay attention to blatant things, so as not to damage their internal balance.

Such connivance makes Libras insensitive to the concerns of others, and themselves truly unhappy. Libras are increasingly mired in unresolved problems to which they so stubbornly turned a blind eye.

Peace and freedom.

The uncertainty and indecisiveness of Libra is best left to the conscience of astrologers. Libras are indecisive not because they are weak. Weakness and low self-esteem?

Libras do not suffer from such shortcomings. They objectively evaluate themselves and others, and themselves are usually higher than others.

Libras are indecisive because they choose the most acceptable option, and do not suffer from their own powerlessness. This is a problem of choice, not a problem of cowardice. Libra is still a masculine zodiac sign. It doesn’t hurt to remember this when describing this character.

Libra is not an outside observer and recorder of situations. They are proactive and purposeful in their sense of harmony, and can forcefully restore order, making it the way they understand it.

Libras know how to negotiate, but behind the outer softness lies a strong character. And here again I would like to note: Libras are soft not because they are weak-willed, but because they need harmony and balance for a full existence. And any imbalance is immediately reflected in their body. Libra begins to complain about life and health.

An equally interesting feature of Libra is that Libra men can display a purely feminine softness and delicacy. And women - Libra - demonstrate masculine will and determination.

Only if the scales have decided something is it useless to argue with them. Their softness disappears like morning mist. Libra rejects an option that is unacceptable to them boldly and decisively. Libras, being nervous and worried themselves, are capable of committing harsh actions towards others. In this case, two circumstances come into force.

First. Libra does this out of a sense of justice.

Second. Out of necessity, out of a sense of self-preservation.

Libra represents the extra-human, faceless force of the highest harmony, the highest justice. But there is nothing personal or malicious in their cruelty. The harmony of the world is neither soft nor hard. The world treats a person neither lovingly nor hostilely, but rather indifferently. The harmony of the world is what it is. And Libra is clearly aware of this.

A pleasant person in every way.

Libras are sociable and social people. They love holidays, outfits, decorations, gossip, conversations, small talk; they are usually elegant, well-mannered, and friendly. Their integral feature is the desire to please. Libras need to be treated well. They are looking for recognition and love. After all, love and friendship are the most harmonious types of relationships.

Libras need to be loved, sympathized with, helped, shown signs of attention, accepted for who they are; they need a person they can rely on, who would understand them as a kindred spirit. Libras have a hard time tolerating other people's antipathy; they worry mentally and even physically because of other people's rudeness and inattention. They are afraid of being rejected and do not want to infringe on others.

Libra needs to remain in the center of attention, within the process, only in this way can they maintain the harmony of the situation and receive the positive emotions they need; Libra is prudent and can take advantage of those whom they like. Libras know their worth; to tell the truth, they are big snobs. Arrogance is also characteristic of them, and this is determined by the fact that Libras see how everything is connected to each other, they see the situation in its development, and the rest, in their opinion, are in ignorance and ignorance.

Libras have few feelings of their own, and they will not worship anyone out of principle. Feelings are poorly expressed, what is passion. Libras simply don’t understand or know from erotic films that Libra’s emotions are controlled by a cold mind, because hot feelings immediately throw the psyche out of balance, and this harms Libra.

They love with their heads, aesthetically everything should be beautiful, noble, according to etiquette and polite treatment, they need to give expensive gifts, show signs of attention, and then Libra will consider that they are loved or pretend that they are loved, because they do not want to disappoint their partner - this is a property can lead to mistakes in personal life Libras often confuse friendship with love, partners with friends, public with personal, strangers with their own, right with left.

Libras do not strive for possessions, allowing people to be themselves. But this applies to the material world. In the world of ideas, Libras can be unprincipled, selfish, and competitive. Here Libra needs success, recognition, here they can fight tooth and nail. And whoever is not with them is against them.

Why are the scales like this?

Libras perceive the world in a peculiarly aesthetic, cold, detached way. What is important to them is not so much the form and content, but the quality of the relationships between the component parts. If we are talking about people, then first their education, upbringing, manners, appearance. And only then personal qualities. At the same time, Libras are guided not by their own scale of values, but by public opinion and generally accepted views. Libras usually do not have their own firm opinion about a problem.

They are characterized by vanity and a certain indifference to others associated with it. But Libras are designed this way and cannot go against their nature. If they are not indifferent, they will destroy their inner world, depriving themselves of peace. Any indifference immediately tips the scales in one direction. Harmony and internal order disappear. Namely, Libra stands up for them in everyday life and communication.

Thus, their coldness is unconscious, natural and justified by the magical essence. Libras have no malicious intent; on the contrary, they want goodness and peace, since only under such conditions can they live.

Libras themselves perceive an unfavorable psychological atmosphere very painfully. They suffer from poor living conditions and hard work.

Libras do not know how to empathize, but they are able to understand the reasons for what another person is experiencing and take into account his claims about them in order to do everything necessary for the triumph of justice. Poorly expressed feelings do not give them depth; Libra, whatever you say, are quite superficial.

The path to peace and measure.

Libras can flutter through life like butterflies, causing other people's irritation. Attention! Only if life does not require difficult decisions from them, then Libras are pleasant, beautiful and are an adornment to any society.

They do not like to burden themselves with unnecessary worries and responsibilities, leaving this right to others, because any excess is against their nature; they are formalists; this discourages them from working; they can be irresponsible and lazy. They do not always have a developed sense of duty.

Libras know how to maintain not only the harmony of the world and soul, but also the harmony of the body. They have a keen sense of bodily needs, know a lot about diet, health activities, gourmet eating, exercise, entertainment and relaxation. They are talented therapists, massage therapists, homeopaths and naturopaths.

Libras are also excellent lawyers, teachers, diplomats, and secretaries. Sociologists, art historians and critics, all forms of art are subject to them: theater, cinema, especially poetry. As well as light music and fashion. Libra politicians are weak. Hard work is contraindicated for Libras; it can simply kill them. Libras instinctively know this and observe moderation in this matter.

Libra fashion.

Libras do not like flashy colors and extraordinary outfits. Their style is one of elegance and good taste. Their colors are dark blue, green, sea green and pastel. They can wear opal, lapis lazuli and many other jewelry of the above colors.

At the same time, Libras are often susceptible to fashionable innovations. They know how to show the product face to face - you can’t take that away from them. A Libra woman can choose something from a man's wardrobe, for example a trouser suit, and a man will add some decorative element to his clothes. Let's say a piece of jewelry. Libra should be lucky on Friday. It is believed that their lucky stones are aquamarine, tourmaline and zircon.