The ratio of fat and muscle in a woman's body. The norm of fat in a woman’s body: minimum and maximum indicators, ways to reduce body fat

The ratio of fat and muscle in a woman's body.  The norm of fat in a woman’s body: minimum and maximum indicators, ways to reduce body fat
The ratio of fat and muscle in a woman's body. The norm of fat in a woman’s body: minimum and maximum indicators, ways to reduce body fat

What do most women do when they want to evaluate their figure? That's right, step on the scale! So what is next? The current weight is compared with what it was a year ago, five, ten... Such a comparison can indeed say something, but very, very approximately. The fact is that with age, body composition changes, muscle tissue is gradually replaced by fat. And if so, then stable weight over several years may not be a sign of well-being.

Let's say the muscles decrease, but the fat increases by exactly the same amount - what's good about that? In other words, simply weighing yourself cannot be your compass in the world of beauty. Much more is needed precision instrument. What if we use a table of height-weight ratios? You've probably seen something like this. In one column, look for your height, and in the other, accordingly, find your optimal weight. Then all you have to do is step on the scales, and the picture of your own condition seems to become clear.

Meanwhile, not everything is so simple. And American insurance companies were the first to discover this. At one time, they actively used height and weight tables to determine the degree of their risk when insuring a client’s life. After all, the higher the excess weight, the greater the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. However, even clerks far from medicine, after several years of experience, it became clear: there is no direct connection between height and weight. Addition types need to be taken into account.

Thus, a table was born that claims to be the most accurate. This is a table from the American insurance company Metropolitan. Since 1983, it has taken into account appearance client: fragile, medium or large. With the same height, weight discrepancies of 3-5 kg ​​are obtained. However, this table cannot be taken as the ultimate truth. In the end, she only says one thing - how many kilograms you should have.

Such information, of course, is not useful, but it is clearly not enough. Agree, for a woman with developed muscles, 65 kg can be an ideal weight, but for an untrained woman, it can be a dangerous signal of obesity. In addition, the “extra” kilogram (judging by the scales and the table) can “grow” not due to harmful fat, but due to healthy muscles. In other words, ordinary weighing cannot be used to evaluate your figure, so how can you evaluate it? You need to calculate the specific fat content in the overall composition of your body! In short, you need to know exactly how much excess fat carry it with you!

How much body fat should you have?

It was previously noted that some amount of fat (12 to 15% of total body weight) is vital for the normal functioning of the body. Anything that you have accumulated in excess of this norm is harmful to your health and, of course, your figure. Here is an approximate breakdown of the proportion of fat in body weight for women:

How to find out your fat percentage?

One of the most accurate methods is to analyze body composition, estimate the waist/hip ratio, and measure skin folds. Body composition analysis shows the distribution of your weight: what proportion of it is fat, and what proportion is everything else. Such an analysis can be done in many sports and health centers and fitness clubs. Some methods of performing this test are quite simple, others are much more complex. We will return to this later.

Measuring the thickness of the skin fold. This method is quite simple. Using a special instrument resembling a caliper, they pinch a fold of skin and immediately find out its thickness using a scale on the instrument itself. “Tucks” are made in the abdomen, upper back, chest and hips. Then the obtained data is substituted into special formulas and the specific percentage of fat accumulation is obtained. Of course, this technique is much inferior in accuracy to the latest high-tech methods of analysis, for example, computed tomography.

Compare, a computed tomograph gives a clear visual image of adipose and non-adipose tissue, so no method can compare with CT in terms of reliability of assessment. However, for the sake of truth, it is worth saying that the procedure itself is so expensive and so complicated that it is almost never used in sports practice. The accuracy of measurements by pinching a skin fold largely depends on who is performing the procedure. Of course, it is better that you are in the hands of an experienced person rather than a novice trainee.

In any case, measurements must be taken by the same specialist. In the end, even if it is not the best, you will at least get results with the same degree of error. Next, you will have to compare the results of different measurements to understand whether there is real progress in fat loss. We repeat that simple weighing will not give you the answer to this question. If you exercise, your weight may increase due to muscle growth. And then weighing yourself will give you a reason for unnecessary panic: they say, I’ve been training so much, and my weight has increased even more!

Another case is also possible. You train, but methodically incorrectly, as a result, the fat layer continues to increase, and you attribute the weight gain to muscle growth. Here's the bottom line: Although the skinfold measurement method may not be as accurate, it can still be a real help in assessing the correctness of your athletic efforts.


This research method is carried out using special equipment, similar to that found in ultrasound rooms. Ultrasonic waves penetrate deep into the skin and show the thickness of the fat layer on a measuring scale. Typically, ultrasound scanning is performed in several places. The data obtained in this way is used to calculate the total percentage of fat in your body.

Oddly enough, opinions about this method paradoxically differ. Some experts consider it very accurate, others argue that the device, in principle, is not capable of giving correct result. The arguments here are as follows: fatty tissues have different densities, sometimes very close to muscle tissue, but the device is not able to “see” this difference and often mistakes one for another, sometimes there are absurd results: for example, it shows excess fat in an athlete who has There was not a drop of fat under the skin!

Method for measuring bioelectrical impedance (BER)

When using the BES method, a weak light is passed through your body. electricity. No more than a tiny pocket battery. The current is supplied through electrodes attached to the arms and legs. Fat tissue, unlike muscle tissue, does not conduct current. It turns out than faster current passes through the body, the less fat it contains. The data obtained is substituted into formulas that take into account height, gender and age. Thus, the percentage of fat in total body weight is calculated.

Recently, very simple and convenient devices using the BES method. Outwardly, they resemble ordinary floor scales - you simply stand on a small platform and in a moment you receive a detailed report on your weight, fat, muscle mass and water contained in the body. The disadvantage of this method is that the current easily passes through the limbs, but “gets stuck” in the depths of the body itself. Therefore, the error in determining the specific proportion of fat in the torso area is very large.

Weighing in water

The test goes like this: you sit in a chair suspended from a scale, exhale, and you are immersed in a tank of water. For about 10 seconds, while the underwater weighing is going on, you naturally cannot breathe. The whole procedure is repeated several times. Based on the three maximum results, the average value is displayed. Based on it, with the help of several complex formulas The percentage of fat in body weight is calculated.

This time-consuming and inconvenient method is used exclusively for research purposes. In addition, when weighing women, it is not particularly accurate due to the fact that formulas that work well for men give significant errors here. The reason is that there are large differences in the density of bone and muscle tissue between women - some have dense ones, while others have loose ones.

If you don't have a chance to use any of the described methods for determining body composition, you can do it differently without resorting to any abstruse methods. The first one is: you measure yourself using a regular tailor's meter at the waist and hips. The ratio between these two “risk zones” is an accurate indicator of your condition. If the ratio increases, then you are gaining fat; if it decreases, then you are losing. It is calculated as follows:

  • Measure your waist just above your navel.
  • Measure the circumference of your hips at the widest point (place your legs apart. Do not pull your stomach in, but, on the contrary, relax).
  • Divide your waist circumference by your hips.

Ideally, the resulting number should not be more than 0.8. Otherwise, you need to seriously invest in training!

Another simple way is pinching the skin fold with your fingers. The method is again very simple: pinch with a large one and index fingers a fold of skin (only skin!) on the back of your shoulder, just above the armpit. Then, without spreading your fingers, release the fold of skin and fat. Measure the distance between your fingers with a ruler. If the distance between your fingers is more than 2.5 cm, you have excess fat, you're on your way to the gym!

Types of addition

However, there is no more accurate and honest method in the world than simply standing in front of a mirror. Yes, yes, undress and look in a large, full-length mirror. How would you describe your body? How feminine, with graceful hands, slender legs and decent curves? Or like shapeless, swollen, in which there is clearly too much fat? Or maybe it seems athletic and strong to you even without playing sports? You have read descriptions of the three main body types, which are scientifically called: ectomorphic, endomorphic and mesomorphic.

In the 1940s, Dr. William G. Sheldon created his classification of people by body type, which later became widely accepted among scientists. After photographing and measuring 46,000 men and women, Sheldon first identified 88 types. A bit much, right? To simplify the system, Sheldon subsequently classified all types into three main groups: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs.

Within each of these groups there are different "degrees of dominance". In human terms, none of us are pure form not one of the "morphs", but rather a combination of all three types. But, as a rule, one of the main types “dominates” your figure, and that is why each person can be classified into one group or another.

Ectomorphy- this is, simply put, thinness. Ectomorphs have narrow bones, Long hands and legs, little fat and muscle. Their metabolism is very fast, so there are usually no problems with fat deposits. However, it is also more difficult for them to build muscle.

Endomorphy- the opposite of ectomorphy. Typical endomorph - fat man, which has a relatively high percentage of fat compared to muscle. Such people gain weight quickly and easily. As a rule, their fat is deposited on the hips and buttocks.

Mesomorph- an athlete from birth. A strong person with wide bones and strong muscles is a typical mesomorph. Of course, this classification gives an idea of ​​only three “poles”. Most of us belong to mixed type, combining all three elements.

For some people, the process of weighing their body weight can often be demoralizing and can even become obsessive. Libras never lie, that's true, but they don't tell the whole truth either. They cannot tell whether you have gained muscle mass or lost fluid or body fat. For example, when losing weight, the body replaces fat deposits with large reserves of water.

The structure of your body largely determines any exercise program and diet. A person's constitution reflects the amount of fat and muscle tissue that makes up his body. It is the constitution of the body that is the best indicator health than body weight.

For example, restricting your body's calorie intake through dieting can lead to significant weight loss, but most of that loss will come from muscle tissue and water. And on the other hand, a combination of a healthy diet along with a properly selected physical training regimen will help a person lose more fat tissue and gain muscle tissue.

So step off the scale and learn in this article how to measure your body fat and how to improve your shape and health.

Measuring body fat percentage

Regular measurement of this quantity is the best method assessing your nutrition and fat loss training. There are several methods for calculating this value, but most of these methods have significant measurement errors. Therefore it is recommended to use professional methods rather than measuring your body fat on a home digital scale. Below are methods you can use to measure your body fat mass.

Measuring the amount of fat in the human body is quite simple; to do this, you need to separate it from total weight bodies. For example, if you weigh 70 kg, of which 10 kg is fat, then the percentage of the latter is calculated using a simple formula: (10/70) * 100% = 14.3%. The whole difficulty lies in determining the mass of body fat.

As mentioned above, there are several various techniques measuring fat content, however, only the hydrostatic weighing method provides direct information about the amount of fat in the body with an error of no more than 20 g. All other methods are based on statistical data and provide only indirect estimates.

Hydrostatic weighing

The technique of this method is based on basic principles physics: first you need to completely immerse the body in water (the difference in the water level in the pool without a body and with it speaks about the volume of the body of the immersed person). Knowing the volume and weight of a person, you can calculate the required value.

Operation electronic systems for body analysis is based on the use of a stream of energy waves that pass through the tissues of the human body. The propagation speed of these waves is then analyzed. Fat slows down their speed, while muscle and water do not change it.

As is clear from the operating principle of these scales, they do not measure fat content, but only compare the obtained coefficients with the existing statistical database. The latter allows us to obtain the approximate error value we are interested in, the determination of which depends on the number of electrodes, temperature, amount of food in the stomach, composition of body tissues and other factors.

Bioelectrical Impedance Scales

These scales are the least accurate Of all the methods presented here for measuring the amount of adipose tissue, they are also quite expensive. The principle of their operation is as follows: a weak stream of waves is sent in the direction of one leg and is received when the waves pass through the other leg. The percentage of fat is estimated by the loss of intensity of this flow. However, the reasons for such a loss can be very different.

These scales are only suitable for assessing trends: even if we received an erroneous figure the first time, measuring it with scales after, for example, a month, we can say that the percentage of fat in our body has increased or decreased.

Body fat meter

This instrument involves measuring the thickness of the folds of subcutaneous fat in the stomach area and comparison of the obtained result with tabular data. The data in the table gives the fold thickness in millimeters and the corresponding approximate percentage body fat. Measurements taken with such a tool are more accurate than measurements with electronic scales, since the thickness of the fold is directly related to body fat.

Another advantage of this method is the simplicity of the calibrated measurement instrument used. The measurement technique using this method is very simple.. You need to stand up straight and find an area on your body that is 10 cm to the right of the navel and 3-4 cm above the bony protrusion of the thigh. Gather the fold in this area and measure its thickness. Then, on the Internet, find a table of the dependence of normal body fat mass on age and, knowing the thickness of your folds, determine the appropriate figure.

Fat percentage for men and women

Every person hoards adipose tissue V various areas body, which largely depends on genetic factors. Men usually store it in the abdominal area, while women store it in the thighs. A certain percentage of this tissue is stored within the body and is used to maintain normal functioning when a person follows a diet. Losing it internal fat does not affect in any way external form bodies.

Age is a factor that also needs to be taken into account when calculating this figure. As people age, they tend to gain weight due to a slower metabolic rate and hormonal changes. . Interesting to note that the number of fat cells contained in the human body becomes constant at the age of 16 years. The increase in body fat is then driven by an increase in the size of these cells, not their number.

Below is the information on fat deposits in the bodies of adult men and women and its interpretation.


Based on the data provided, male body fat percentage 6−13% means that all muscles (including abdominal Press) stand out well, a level of 14−17% is characteristic of an athletic figure with a small amount of fat in problematic areas, a figure of 18−25% corresponds to an average figure, and a level of adipose tissue above 25% indicates problems with obesity of varying degrees.


Typically, a woman's body contains a higher percentage of body fat than a man's. A woman's body produces more female hormones (estrogens), which affect fat storage. Women also need more fat for some vital functions. important processes such like having a baby.

As follows from the above information, the percentage of fat in women 14−20% indicates excellent physical fitness, a figure of 21−24% corresponds to an average figure, while a level above 25−31% indicates the presence of obesity. Fat content below 10% is dangerous for women's metabolism and can lead to irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Reducing body fat

If you want to achieve and maintain a healthy body fat content, here are some tips to help you reduce your fat ratio in favor of muscle tissue.

Firstly, need to eat healthy food, since it is this aspect of life that contributes 80% to the final result. The best way Losing excess fat involves reducing your calorie intake. Need to eat natural products, which are rich in proteins, complex hydrocarbons and vegetable fats, that is, you need to eat more greens and vegetables. The amount of food consumed should correspond to your height, gender, constitution and age.

Along with healthy eating, other important aspect to quickly burn excess fat is to perform physical exercises that help tone all the muscles of the body and give strength. To make your body beautiful and muscular, it is recommended to do strength exercises.

Strength exercises such as weight lifting and bodyweight exercises are fantastic ways to increase muscle mass. Some types of exercise, such as high-intensity exercise for short periods of time, can increase calorie expenditure for the next 48 hours after exercise. Note that the development of body muscles is effective method burning fat in the body. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day.

Currently there are many comprehensive programs for burning fat and developing body muscles, which combine modern advances in science healthy eating and effective physical activity on the body. You can study such programs either with a trainer or on your own, but you must constantly monitor your well-being.

Attention, TODAY only!

Recently, methods for determining the percentage of body fat as a general indicator of good appearance and body quality are gaining enormous popularity. We can say that this percentage of fat successfully replaces the good old body mass index.

To better understand everything that is written in this article, it is worth clarifying something. If you are not exactly a humanist, then you will understand how it all counts.

Muscle relief. It is most noticeable with low fat content.

Distribution of fat in the body. This is really very difficult for all of us. In some people, bro accumulates more on the torso, in others - on the legs. There are women whose upper body is absolutely “dry”, but the lower part (hips and buttocks) are a real reservoir of fatty tissue. And for some it’s the other way around. Most women, of course, carry most of their fat on their bellies.

Different body shape. The classic case is that a skinny model has the same amount of body fat as a sporty, athletic girl. This is because fat is evenly distributed in the body.

The appearance of veins always means that the amount of subcutaneous fat has decreased.

Age. With age, the amount of fat in the body, as well as its norm, increases noticeably. And this is common.

The amount of body fat in men in photographs

Body fat content 3-4%
Bodybuilders bring themselves to this state. Like in the top picture. This kind of body is characterized by simply incredible delineation of the veins, which resemble a map of the “Rivers of Russia”. The muscles are also very well defined. Heck, even the veins on the buttocks are visible, and this is not the most beautiful sight. If you, bro, don’t have fat on your buttocks, then the percentage of it in your body is very low. Or maybe you just have a certain type of body shape. By the way, for a man this amount of fat is more or less enough for the normal functioning of the body. So think about it.
Body fat content 6-7%
This type of body fat content is usually seen on the bodies of fitness models. Of course, you can also find such a scattering of fat on the bodies of bodybuilders, but less often. Typically, when a bro reaches this level of body fat, his family becomes visibly worried as his face achieves exceptional definition and thinness. The muscles are particularly clearly separated, veins are visible on the limbs, sometimes on the chest and abdomen. The less fat, the better the veins are visible - remember that, bro!
Fat content 10-12%
The most stable level that can be easily maintained even if you give up training for a week and relax a little (a little!). This look is most loved by women, Hollywood stars are most often associated with it, and with such a body there is no shame in walking along the beach. The muscles are well separated, but not as well as in the previous examples, where each muscle was very, very visible. Veins protrude on the arms, but not above the elbow and a little on the legs.
Body fat content 15%
He is characterized as thin and fit. There are muscle outlines, but there is no clear separation between them. So, easy outlines. There is a slight softness - this is fat. Aesthetic appearance, although there is no relief.
Body fat content 20%
The separation and relief of the muscles begins to slowly disappear. The veins hardly protrude anywhere. Folds and a small pouch of fat appear on the abdomen. The body appears soft and rounded. This level of body fat in 20-25 year old guys is extremely common.
Body fat content 25%
Muscles begin to be visible only when under load. And even then not much. The waist begins to increase, and its ratio to the hips is like 9/10. Fat is deposited a little on the neck. More than 25 percent of body fat in men and girls is obese.
Body fat content 30%
Fat begins to be deposited on the lower back, back, hips and calves. The waist becomes slightly larger than the hips. The stomach begins to protrude. There is no muscle separation.
Body fat content 35%
The dude is getting heavier and heavier. Most of the fat is found in the abdomen, forming a “beer belly.” Waist circumference can reach 100 cm ±1 centimeter.
Body fat content 40%
The waist can reach a girth of 120 centimeters. Climbing stairs and walking for long periods becomes very difficult. Due to the huge belly, it becomes extremely difficult to bend over.

We've sorted out the bros, now about the ladies. Are they getting fat too? (Oops!).
On average, girls have 8-10 percent higher body fat.

The fat content in a woman’s body is 10-12%
This condition usually affects female bodybuilders. This level of fat in a woman's body is unsafe: menstruation may disappear completely. Very high muscle definition and strong protrusion of veins throughout the woman’s body, especially on the arms up to the elbow.
The fat content in a woman’s body is 15-17%
Even though it is beautiful, many researchers still believe that it is an unhealthy amount of fat in a woman's body. Bikini and fitness models boast this amount of body fat. The muscles are clearly visible on the torso, arms, legs, and shoulders. A slight separation of the muscles on the body is visible. The hips, buttocks and legs are slightly rounded, but they will never become large, just like the chest. But it's beautiful, IMHO.
The fat content in a woman’s body is 20-22%
Sports athletic female body. Fit. Minimal separation between muscles. Some fat on arms and legs.
Women's body fat content is 25%
The most typical norm. Not fat, not thin. There is no excess body weight, there is a little excess on the hips and buttocks.
Women's body fat content is 30%
Fat is deposited on the lower part of the body: on the hips, buttocks. Folds appear on the abdomen, which are difficult to get rid of. The belly protrudes a little.
Women's body fat content is 35%
The hips become wider, the stomach protrudes greatly. When a girl sits down, folds appear on them. The hip circumference can be more than 100 centimeters. Waist circumference - more than 70.
The fat content in a woman's body is 40%
Hips become about 110 centimeters. Waist - around 90 centimeters. The thickness of the legs just above the knee is more than 60. This is too much, and strong.
Women's body fat content is 45%
Hips are much wider than shoulders. Hip circumference is about 130 centimeters. The body becomes very loose. However, after 35 percent, looseness appears everywhere, but this is very strong. Dimples appear.
Women's body fat content is 50%
Well, here, as you understand, everything is very bad, both for health and in general. The body turns into many dimples, becomes loose, and Bottom part seems much larger than the top one.

Below is a graph from ACE (American Council on Exercise) and is one of the most commonly used body fat graphs. As you can see, women have a higher percentage of fat than men at the same level. It is higher in women due to differences such as hormones, breasts and genitals. Additionally, women need a higher percentage of body fat to ovulate.

"Essential fat" - minimal amount fat required for basic physical and psychological health. There is a lot of controversy regarding the optimal percentage of body fat. Gallagher et al.'s study concluded that too low levels fat is considered "not enough fat", which is "unhealthy". According to this study, men 20-40 years old with less than 8% body fat are considered "underfat", while a "healthy" body fat level for them is 8-19%. For women the same age group a level below 21% is “lack of fat”, 21-33% is considered a “healthy norm”.

In my opinion, body fat percentage is an important health metric, but stating that a certain level of fat is “unhealthy” is only one part of the coin. In fact, some overweight people who exercise may be healthier than their leaner, non-exercising counterparts. In contrast, to claim that anyone with 6-pack abs (below 8% body fat for men) is athletic and well-nourished - "unhealthy" with "not enough fat" - would be an exaggeration. We all have different shape, body size and body fat distribution, but I think the above graph is a good starting point.

A limitation of the ACE graph is that while it takes gender differences into account, it does not take into account age, which the next two graphs accurately account for.

Ideal Body Fat Percentage Chart: Jackson and Pollock

AccuFitness is a manufacturer of popular calipers - devices for measuring % fat in fat folds. They include a chart with their products based on the Jackson and Pollock study (which has become an industry standard) which I believe is the most accurate from an aesthetic and health standpoint.

In this graph, the age column is on the left, body fat percentage is in the table cells, and the colors correspond to the Thin, Ideal, Average, and Above Average body fat percentage ranges. So, if you are a 30-year-old man, a body fat percentage of 10 to 16 is considered “Ideal,” and 18 to 22 is considered “Average,” and so on. I also like the colors in this graph - red for values ​​that are too high and green for values ​​that are perfect. Below are two graphs. The first is for men, the second is for women.

You may have noticed that as you age, your acceptable body fat percentage also increases. You will ask why? In short, these graphs are based on statistical assumptions. Older people have lower body density when measured by skinfolds. This indicates a higher percentage of body fat. However, this is not the case for trained older people, since their body density should not be underestimated.

Going deeper, there are three types of fat in the body:

  • subcutaneous
  • visceral (around organs)
  • intramuscular (a layer inside the muscles, like in a marble steak).

The amount of subcutaneous fat you have may remain the same, but the amount of visceral and intramuscular fat may increase as you age. To visually represent the % fat, use the pictures:

A slim body is beautiful, fashionable and healthy. At least, our time prescribes just such canons. Following them, many people strive to get rid of fat deposits as much as possible.

Why does the body need fat?

You've probably noticed that even with the same weight, some people look fit, while others, to put it mildly, are not ideal. The fact is that the ratio of bone and muscle mass, as well as fat and water. Therefore, when thinking about a good figure, and indeed about health in general, first of all pay attention to the percentage of fat in the body. Please note: not only its excess is harmful, but also its deficiency. After all, fat serves as a source of energy and warms us. He (in particular subcutaneous fat) protects bones and internal organs. The so-called visceral or essential fat, which surrounds the internal organs, is part nervous system. Fat is required for the absorption of vitamins, the synthesis of hormones, and the construction of new cells. Its deficiency negatively affects hair, skin and joints.

“A low percentage of body fat leads to problems with potency in men and with ovulation, conception and regularity menstrual cycle among women".

What percentage of fat is considered ideal?

What is the norm? The answer to this question depends on many factors, ranging from your gender (the percentage of fat in the male body is lower) to your age (it increases over the years). In the table below you can see what fat level will be ideal for you:

According to WHO recommendations, for men 20-40 years old an indicator below 8% is considered “unhealthy”, and for women of the same age the abnormal indicator fluctuates around 18%. Minimum percentage fat that allows a person to survive is 3-5% for men, 8-13% for women. It must be said that bodybuilders, when preparing for competitions, sometimes reach such figures, but they never maintain such a figure for long. Still, the health risk remains.

How to Measure Body Fat Percentage

Now that you know the parameters, it would be good to understand how well you yourself meet them. There are many methods for measuring body fat. MRI, X-ray scanning, water weighing and bioimpedance are quite accurate ( special device passes a weak current through the body and calculates the percentage of fat based on the speed of the signal). Special scales work on the same principle, which can often be found in fitness clubs and even purchased for home. It is quite simple, but not so accurate, to measure the amount of fat in the body using a tool called a caliper or an ordinary caliper or even a ruler. Grasp the fold of skin on the abdomen with your fingers a little to the side and 5 cm, measure the thickness, and check the result with the table.

Or you can do it even simpler - compare yourself with images of bodies in photographs:

What to Keep in Mind When Assessing Your Body Fat Percentage

Have you discovered that your indicators are not ideal and now you know what to strive for? Be careful and attentive.

“In pursuit of a super-athletic figure, never go beyond the physiological norm of fat content”

However, the problem is that your own norm may differ from the standard one. Each person is individual, which means your personal “healthy” body fat may differ from the average. Therefore, following the chosen weight loss program, monitor the condition of your body. It may also happen that, wanting to show the world not only a wasp waist, but also pumped up abs, a girl will reduce the percentage of body fat, for example, from 18% to 14% and get... menstrual irregularities. The fat indicator is still within the average norm, but the individual characteristics body. Therefore, as soon as you notice any unpleasant symptoms, stop the weight loss program at least temporarily and consult a doctor.

And remember: in ordinary life There is no point in achieving extreme indicators. But bringing the percentage of body fat back to normal is useful, no matter how you look at it.