A message on how to build a house around the world. Presentation "How to build a house" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. I. Organizing time

A message on how to build a house around the world.  Presentation
A message on how to build a house around the world. Presentation "How to build a house" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. I. Organizing time

Lesson topic: "How to build new house

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to the construction profession;
  • expand children’s understanding of different homes, building materials and construction machines;
  • develop cognitive activity children, ability to work with educational text;
  • improve skills of independent group work;
  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Equipment: textbook “The World Around Us” by Pleshakova A.A., workbook, computer, multimedia projector, slide presentation ( Annex 1 ), VCR, video film, task cards for group work


1. Organizational moment. Examination homework

There are so many very good things around,
Who serve us honestly.
But how did it appear, where did it come from?
Everything that we sometimes need.

– In the last lesson we learned the secrets of some things. Tell us:

  • how clay is transformed into different products;
  • how a book is born;
  • how woolen things are made (pages 105-107 of the textbook).

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

– Today we will take you on another journey. ( Annex 1 . Slide 2.)

We enter the house, and in that house
Warmth, water and light.
The house is beautiful, cozy, durable.
How old is the house?

The house was built five years ago -
Both the house and the whole block.
But who built this house?
And how did it become a home?

– Formulate the purpose of our lesson. (Answer the question: “How to build a new house?”).

3. Updating children's knowledge

– How did a person learn to build? Where did you start? (Children's answers)

Feeding people, clothing the hunt,
But they began to feel reluctant to live in the cave.
It was cold there for both the old and the young,
And they went hunting for building materials.

– What was the building material? What were the houses made of? ( Annex 1 . Slides 3-11.)

4. Getting to know new material

- There are different houses. People live in houses, people work in houses. For a long time they were built according to the custom of their ancestors. In Rus', for example, a person began by carefully choosing a place to build a house. Sometimes, to find a suitable place, the builder walked along the river bank for many kilometers. They often did this: they floated a log on the water, and where it landed on the shore, they founded a settlement.
Even in those days it was believed that building a house could only be done with an axe. It was impossible to use a saw. The fact is that the ax compacts the wood, the cut area becomes smooth, and the pores that exist in the wood are closed. Moisture does not penetrate them, and they do not begin to rot ahead of time, as happened with those logs and boards that were processed with a saw. Starting to fell the trees, the man put a piece of bread at the roots, bowed to the ground, and asked for forgiveness: “I didn’t take the ax out of boredom, I came out of great need.”
When starting to build, they planned where the foundation of the furnace would go, and the building was erected around this place. Hence the expression - “dancing from the stove”, which means starting over. A coin was placed at the base of the house - to wealth. The logs were connected using special recesses - grooves. One row of logs was called the “crown.” Building a house was like weaving a wreath. The end is the crown of the matter. They crowned the house with a roof. The windows were protected with shutters, decorated with paintings and carved frames.
The highest, Beautiful places allocated for churches and temples. They were built from stone and decorated with stone carvings and ornaments. High domes were erected using special lifting devices, because there were no cranes then. To make this lift work, horses were used. And the domes of cathedrals and churches soared upward.

5. Working with the textbook

“And now powerful, smart machines and convenient materials have come to help people.

– Open the textbook on page 112. Read the text “At a construction site.” (Reading the text.)

– What machines make the work of builders easier? (Children's answers. Annex 1 . Slide 12.)

– Look at the pictures on page 111. Name the building materials that are shown here. What are they for? (Children's answers. Annex 1 . Slide 13.)

- IN modern construction Other materials invented by man are also used: glass, metals, plastics. Tin sheets are often used on the roofs of city houses.

6. Physical education minute

- Show with gestures the work that the characters in the poem do.

How to build a new house,
To make it comfortable? (They spread their hands.)

Project drawing
Will do architect. (“They are drawing” in the air.)

Frames, doors, window sill -
Will go through with a hammer a carpenter. (They knock fist on fist.)

It's time to paint and whitewash -
We invite you painter ! (“They paint” in the air.)

And now please
Welcome to the house! (Inviting gesture.)

7. Continued work on new topic

– At a construction site, builders perform different types of work. Here the bulldozer carefully cuts and spreads the earth, because the bulldozer operator is a master of his craft. An excavator is digging a pit. This excavator operator deftly controls it. The tower crane is so large that you cannot immediately notice the cabin where the worker sits - the crane operator. Masons lay bricks, roofers lay roofs, carpenters install frames and doors, painters paint walls, parquet workers lay parquet. But it is very important that all builders work together, harmoniously, only then the house will be built quickly and efficiently. (Slide 14.)

– Now watch the video “Who built this house?” (Watch the video.)

8. Consolidation of what has been learned

The work is carried out in groups.

- Let's try to build a new house ourselves. Let's divide the class into two groups. You are now construction crews. The first team will build a city house, and the second - a rural one.
Everything you need is on the cards. Determine the sequence of work, completing the sentences with words from the dictionary. Tell us how your construction is going.

Brigade 1.

City house

Brigade 2.

Country house

Presentation of the results of the work of the teams. Checking and evaluating work. ( Annex 1 . Slides 14-15.)

- Man learned to build. He became the Great Builder. A builder can do anything, he is needed everywhere, and is held in high esteem everywhere.

9. Lesson summary

– What goal did we set for ourselves?
– Have we answered the question?
– What new things did you learn for yourself in the lesson?

10. Homework

– Complete tasks No. 1-3 on page 41 of the notebook.


1. Zubkov B.V. From wheel to robot. – “Baby”, 1988.
2. Yaroslavtseva A. That we should build a house. – “Fun Lessons”, 2005, No. 4, p. 26.
3. “Fun Lessons”, 2005, No. 2, p. 14.
4. Semyonova M. We are Slavs! – St. Petersburg. "ABC", 1998.
5. Efimovsky E. Wise sciences - without edification and boredom: Carousel of inventions. – St. Petersburg: TIT “Comet”, 1994.

How to build a new house? The world around us
2nd grade

Man has always built a house.

At first people built houses
in the caves. Then they made it from animal skins
tent houses.

The houses were made of wood, stone and

Read the old proverb.

How to Read
you think,
why people
made up a proverb.
such a proverb?
don't build
put on.
on the head

What is needed to build a house?


Work in pairs.

1.Look at the pictures
on page 113 of the textbook.
2. Discuss what materials
needed for construction
city ​​house, and which ones -
for rural construction

What materials are needed to build a rural house?


What materials are needed to build a city house?


Who works at a construction site?

Who works at a construction site?

Crane operator
A carpenter

It is very important that all builders work
harmoniously and amicably. Only then will there be a home
build quickly and efficiently. It means that
the driver must deliver the bricks on time and
cement, the crane operator will immediately lift everything up, and
masons will lay brick by brick.

Work according to the textbook.

1. Read the text in
textbook on pp. 114-115.
2. What cars are you talking about?
did you read it?
3. What kind of work do they do?
different cars?

Dump truck
Concrete mixer
You can't build a modern house
without assistants - construction machines.
Excavators, cranes, dump trucks,
concrete mixers - they all work at a construction site.

I suggest looking at the illustrations on the board

Look and tell me: are all houses the same?

It’s true, there are different types of houses: brick, wood, panel.

Why do we call them that: wooden, brick, panel?

That’s right, certain building materials are used to build each house.

So we have a question:

How to build a strong house? As we work on this question, we will fill out a table that will help us formulate a conclusion.

House name

Construction material

Connection method

Construction time

Words: wooden, panel, brick, wood, brick, panels, mortar, notch-groove, long-term, short-term, warm in winter, cool in summer.

The whole class is divided into 3 groups:

Group 1 prepares a conclusion about brick houses, group 2 - a conclusion about panel houses, group 3 - a conclusion about wooden houses. Each group has an assistant captain. Children work with cards.

1st group:

Wooden house - this is a fortress for every family man, and a wooden one is also an environmentally friendly, “breathing” housing. For many centuries, people have chosen wood as a building material, and all because such structures are durable, thermally conductive, cozy and attractive. The house will be warm and cozy in winter, cool and refreshing in summer, so the owners are guaranteed comfort at any time of the year. When starting to build, they planned where the foundation of the furnace would go, and the building was erected around this place. Hence the expression - “dancing from the stove”, which means starting over. A coin was placed at the base of the house - to wealth. The logs were connected using special recesses - grooves. One row of logs was called the “crown.” Building a house was like weaving a wreath. The end is the crown of the matter. They crowned the house with a roof. The windows were protected with shutters, decorated with paintings, carved platbands. In old times wooden houses The whole village built it, so the house was erected in a matter of days. The only inconvenience was that the wood was easily flammable, but now special non-flammable materials are used to process wood.

Group 2:

Brick house

Nowadays, practice proves that brick houses are considered the most desirable during construction. Brick walls “breathe”, and in a brick house with such walls a microclimate that is favorable for the owner is created. They are fireproof, durable, not susceptible to rotting and insect pests, durable and durable. This is not Nuf-Nuf's thatched house, brick house, creates a feeling of protection and reliability. After all, as they say in the old proverb, “my home is my castle.” Brick houses are built from various types bricks, which are connected to each other using a solution of sand, cement and water.

Group 3:

Panel houses

The construction of a multi-storey residential building today is the main option for solving the housing problem. The advantage of the technology is that not one, but several families will move into a house, even if the construction is carried out on a small plot of land. Several types of construction are popular: panel, brick, monolithic. The choice of type of development is carried out in accordance with soil readings, seismological conditions, climatic features, availability of materials, facilities and capabilities. Before to build panel house years passed, but with our modern technology and with new technologies, houses are built in a few months. Panel houses have poor thermal insulation than brick and wood ones.

House name

Construction material

Connection method

Construction time








The lesson begins with an organizational moment. This stage made it possible to quickly include students in the course of the lesson and intensify cognitive activity.

The second stage (checking homework) was carried out in the form of a test, which helped students remember the secrets of certain things and activate their knowledge.

The setting of the educational task took the form of listening to a poem (Journey through the house), a problematic question (How to build a new house?), pronouncing the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered and the topic of the lesson.

At the next stage (discovery of new knowledge), work was carried out on the meaning of the proverb (brainstorming), the question “Is it easy to build a house?” there was a discussion of its draft resolution.

Task this stage. Reproduction in your own words types of houses, differences between houses, history of houses. During the initial assimilation of new subject and meta-subject knowledge, group work took place (with self-testing of the textbook page). Testing the level of knowledge in the studied section was carried out in the form of a game: “Who works at a construction site?”, also a project game work - home made of paper, the difference between a city house and a rural one, with self-testing - protection of projects according to the standard and self-assessment. A presentation (by Veronica Boldyreva) was used about dad being builders.

To determine the level of knowledge of students, they were offered a creative task - to draw their house, remembering their favorite corners of their home.

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“Presentation on the surrounding world “How to build a house” 2nd grade”

“How to build a new house?” Lesson about the world around us in 2nd grade

Name the branch of the economy in which clay is turned into a vase.

a) Industry b) Agriculture c) trade

2. What are the scissors, spoon, pan made of?

3. Find material that doesn't come from plants.

a) paper b) fabric c) iron

4. What are the cabinet, table, pencil made of?

a) metal b) clay c) wood

5. Find a material that is not used to make kitchen utensils.

a) paper b) glass c) aluminum

6. Find the material from which the notebook is made.

a) plastic b) wood c) metal

7. What are the scarf, hat, and mittens made of?

a) paper b) wool c) clay




We invite you on a journey

We enter the house

And in that house,

Warmth, water and light.

Beautiful, cozy, durable house,

How old is the house?

Five years ago the house was built

And the house and the whole block,

But who built this house?

And how did it become a home?

Read the old proverb.

Building a house is not putting a hat on your head.



concrete plates







Who built this house?


excavator operator

parquet floorer

crane operator



What materials are needed to build a city house?


What materials are needed to build a rural house?