Essay “my favorite subject” for schoolchildren. Essay on the topic “My favorite school subject”

Essay “my favorite subject” for schoolchildren. Essay on the topic “My favorite school subject”

In order to write a competent, interesting, and most importantly, correctly constructed essay, it is important to know some basic rules for creating any work on the Russian language. This is why a student may often remain dissatisfied with the grade received. To prevent this from happening, let's study the basic rules for expressing our thoughts using the example of the topic “My favorite subject.” An essay on this topic is suitable for students of any grade, therefore the tips described below are relevant for students from primary school until high school.

Basic moments

Here are some tips to follow when writing any essay:

  • Your entire text should be divided into three parts: introductory, main and concluding. They are separated not only by paragraphs, but also by meaning.
  • The main part should be at least ½ of the entire text. Accordingly, in total, the introduction and conclusion should occupy no more than ½ space in the entire text.
  • Your thoughts must be strict logical chain: Having set the beginning in the introduction, you must definitely end your reasoning logically in the conclusion.

The remaining points regarding literacy, punctuation and relevance of reasoning to the topic are mandatory.


“My Favorite Subject” is an essay that allows the student to give his thoughts great freedom. To start writing text, there are several options:

  • Generalization. This method allows you to start your essay in a simple way. Example: “Every student definitely has his favorite subject at school. And it can be different for everyone, because even Small child- is already a person with his own hobbies and interests.”
  • The next option is to start an essay on the topic “My favorite subject” with brief history About Me. “For a very long time I could not decide which subject was my favorite. At first, back in first grade, I loved all the lessons, but later a lot changed.”

You can express any of your thoughts. The main thing is that the story does not start abruptly, without an introduction. For example: “I love mathematics.” This is the wrong start, because first of all you should start reasoning and only then move on to the main part.

Main part

In this part you reveal the topic “My favorite subject”. The essay should fully convey your thoughts and ideas.

  1. You can continue talking about yourself and tell why you liked this or that item. "IN primary school I had problems with mathematics - I counted poorly and slowly, so I studied this subject additionally at home. Every day I did better and better, and mathematics fascinated me more and more. And so, by the 9th grade, having a solid “5” in algebra and geometry, I can confidently say that for me there is no science more interesting than mathematics.”
  2. If you don’t want to devote the entire essay to yourself, then you can do a little research among your classmates and tell what subject your friend or deskmate likes and why, and then briefly talk about yourself.

Having finished the main part, we move on to the conclusion.


In this part, the student must draw a conclusion on the topic “My favorite subject.” The essay should end logically and reflect a personal opinion. For example: “I believe that any object can be loved by someone. I don't really like physics, but my friend is incredibly passionate about this science. This shows that every school subject is important.”

This way you can write an essay “My favorite subject at school.”

It’s early in the morning, sluggishly and sleepily I hear Moscow waking up and making noise outside the window with its cars, buses, windshield wipers and cats, who clearly confuse March with September...

Oh, yes, looking longingly at the calendar, I discover that autumn has arrived. From my school years (which grow further and faster every year), I, like any decent schoolchild, retained a hidden dislike for the beginning of September. It’s all because of the Day of Knowledge, a celebration with bouquets in hands and tears in our eyes.

Indeed, again dreary subjects, lessons, angry teachers, routine homework. And yet I will not be mistaken, I know for sure that everyone had at least one item that pleased and aroused keen interest.

But I didn’t have such an item. And the point here is not that I grew up as an uninterested dunce who only wanted to eat cutlets, walk until late at night and fool frogs with a straw. However, he was not a promising genius either - mathematics itched like an annoying fly with its logarithms, integrals and variables, physics bludgeoned with the heavy hammer of Huygens' laws, photons and Pascals. A passion for a subject almost always turned out to be directly related to the teacher (by the way, I remained just as biased and susceptible to charisma, talent, and the ability to win over).

Biology. Eighth grade. I carefully listen to every word, diligently, with lust, complete laboratory tests, draw green euglena everywhere. Biology. Ninth grade. The former teacher left for St. Petersburg. I cried like a fool for two days. It turned out that it was not in vain - the new teacher was boring, unconvincing, the subject did not captivate him, which means he was uninteresting to all the students, including me. During class I dozed sweetly and often had a rosy dream of putting a trash can on the head of this stupid woman who tramples the sacred and inviolable.

Algebra, geometry - these two words caused chilling horror and goosebumps all over my body during school time. But in the tenth grade, the fear almost went away, I saw a special charm in the magic of numbers, projections, three-dimensional figures. The story told us was exciting, intriguing, and at the same time clear and intelligible. The magic disappeared in the eleventh grade, the numbers became boring and unfriendly, the miracle no longer happened.

There was one year when literature became my favorite subject. It was led by an inconspicuous, short, plump woman. When she began to speak, her eyes lit up, she seemed to become younger, taller, more beautiful. She had a masterful command of words, and she was seriously captivated by literature, images of heroes, motives and actions. Then came a lean lady who had the unpleasant property of speaking at a very fast pace and simultaneously spitting all over the first row. (Only later did I understand why the girls sitting in front of her regularly took out their bags on the literature and placed them in front of them).

For two months I adored English because I was in love with the teacher. But then I learned something terrible - she is married! Offended, upset. How could she choose some bearded guy over me, fourteen years old!

This is how my young and inexperienced interest rushed windily and frivolously from one textbook, subject and teacher to another. It is unlikely that Pushkin would have answered you who he loved more than the others: Volkonskaya, Kern or Vyazemskaya. I’m not Pushkin, but I won’t give an answer either.

I wonder what subject you liked during your school years? You haven't forgotten yet, right?

Mathematics is my favorite school subject. I started liking her from the very first grade. I enjoy solving examples and problems as it is very interesting and helps me learn more. All my acquaintances and friends call me a mathematician.

I love mathematics very much because it has many rules that are the same for all people. After all, all over the world it is customary to use the same rules and signs. This helps bring people closer together.

Mathematics is necessary for all people, as we use it every day. For example, to buy food in a store. Many professions use mathematics on a daily basis because they involve a lot of mathematical calculations and problems. These professions are engineer, physicist, scientist, programmer and many others.

Mathematics also laid the foundation for many sciences. Without it there would be no such things as physics and chemistry. To get a job that is somehow related to mathematics, you need to know it well. Then this contributes to high career growth.

Mathematics also helps in the development of logic. Good mathematicians always play chess, checkers, backgammon and others well Board games. After all, even in our Everyday life Good ability to think logically and calculate all events in advance is very necessary.

Mathematics can also become your favorite hobby. There are many clubs and circles in which you can solve complex mathematical problems and examples, as well as get acquainted with different interesting people. And perhaps you can find good friends with whom you will communicate a lot.

Mathematics moves our world far forward and helps in the development of humanity. Mathematics is the future and progress for science and our entire world.

Essay on the topic Mathematics is my favorite subject

During all the time that I have been studying at school, I have acquired several favorite subjects: mathematics, Russian language and physical education. Most of all I love mathematics, starting from the second grade.

Mathematics is something more than just numbers and calculations, it is a kind of magic and ingenious simplicity at the same time. To understand mathematics, you need to think rationally; it is not without reason that they say that it develops logic. Studying mathematics requires special care and thoughtfulness.

This subject is needed for in-depth study by those who are going to enter technical universities: engineers, builders, designers. However, to develop logic, general erudition and analytical thinking, everyone needs to study mathematics.

Previously, I studied it additionally, with a tutor, but I soon realized that if you devote enough time to it and put in the appropriate effort, you can handle it yourself. If I have additional questions about a subject, I ask our teacher. She explains topics very well and clearly, and answers all questions in detail. Sometimes I myself explain mathematics to my classmates and friends when they have difficulties. It happens that my parents help me solve a problem, for which I am very grateful to them.

Thanks to my diligence and perseverance, I get only excellent grades in mathematics. At the same time, I try to keep up with other subjects, pay attention to my physical training in physical education lessons and additional sports sections.

I don’t yet know what I will do in the future and what profession I will choose when I grow up, because I still have a lot of time for this. It’s not a fact that this will be somehow related to mathematics, but right now it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I really like this subject and I give it a lot of attention. a large number of of your free time, getting the most out of it.

4, 5, 6 grade

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My favorite lesson at school is Informatics .
I really love this subject because it comes easy to me. The workbook is very interesting tasks. A computer is a very complex mechanism and is not easy to study. Vera Valentinovna explains the topic well. When I sit in computer science class, I do well. Vera Valentinovna loves to joke in class, and I like it. I want Vera Valentinovna to remain teaching our class for all six remaining years! She is a very good teacher, and all 5 "B"s love her very much!

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Is it possible to describe events so beautifully and clearly without knowing all the wonders of the Russian language?

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Nikina G.

We have a lot of different lessons at school. My favorite lesson is physical training . In this lesson we improve our health and begin to make more friends. After all, when we play volleyball as a team, we learn more about each other, and I also love this lesson because it is taught very good man. Although this lesson is not easy for me, I still love it. I think that my interests in physical education will help me in the future. And I will try and strive to become a physical education teacher. This is a wonderful profession.

Alina Sh.

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This explains why my favorite lesson is technology, which will help me in the future!

Daniil K.

Russian language – my favorite lesson at school.
Our teacher Elena Nikolaevna conducts the lesson in an enthusiastic and entertaining way. Explains new topics well. Gives interesting tasks.
I like to check my mistakes when I write an essay. The rules of the Russian language help me in this work.
We go through parts of speech, word formation, morphology, punctuation. These topics come easy to me. I do my homework without my parents. Elena Nikolaevna gives interesting work on house.
In the future I want to become a Russian language teacher.

Olesya P.

There are many different lessons at school. But my favorite lesson is Informatics .
This lesson is not very difficult and I understand everything. Our class teacher, Vera Valentinovna, teaches foreign languages. She explains so well and clearly that I can easily do my computer science homework on my own.
In computer science we study the computer and its components. We work with different programs, and also draw in different programs.
Computer science is a very exciting subject.
I have a second favorite lesson - this Russian language .
We have a very good and kind teacher for the Russian language. Elena Nikolaevna teaches us not only the Russian language, but also rhetoric, literature, “Istoki”, and foreign literature. I also like all these lessons, but not as much as the Russian language. During class we write a lot and answer at the board.
I study in a class with in-depth study of the Russian language and literature and I am very glad that Elena Nikolaevna teaches our main lessons.
The Russian language will help you write and speak correctly in the future, that’s why I love it.
I really like the Russian language!

Daria F.

I chose this topic for a reason, because I love school, but... I don’t like studying!
My favorite lesson at school is technology. We are always making something there, and we are very interested in how to do it? where to nail it?
Our lessons are always fun! We work very friendly and help each other.
This subject is easy for me: interesting, exciting and fun. I love that in technology class we don't write or have homework!
Using technology, we make interesting things: stools, axes and hammers made of wood. I really like this lesson!
In our technology lesson we have a very kind teacher, Gavrila Matveevich. He is always ready to come and help us. But sometimes Gavrila Matveevich doesn’t help, and we do everything ourselves! Sometimes we do it well, but sometimes it’s clumsy and bad. But I still like technology classes.

Denis Sh.

When I moved from fourth to fifth grade, we got a lot of new educational subjects, among them - Informatics . It almost immediately became my favorite lesson.
Nowadays there is a computer in almost every home, and any job requires computer knowledge. In the future I want to use it not only for games, but I want to achieve something more, for example, create some kind of website.
In class we study from a textbook or do interesting tasks in a workbook. But most of all I love working at the computer, doing tests, for which I always get 5/5 or 5/4.
We work together with my friend Danil and we do the best work: that’s what our computer science teacher Vera Valentinovna says. She is a good teacher, she talks very interestingly, but if we don’t understand something, Vera Valentinovna will always help. It’s just a pity that we have a computer science lesson once a week. I would like it to be done two or three times a week.

Andrey S.

Lessons at school are all different, but I love the lesson Russian language . Our teacher Elena Nikolaevna teaches the lesson in an entertaining way, explains new topics well, and I remember them quickly. She gives interesting tasks, for example: to compose a fairy tale or write an essay.
This lesson is easy for me, and I do it without my mother’s help. In Russian I only get four and five. I also like to write fairy tales. I'm good at them. I can use this knowledge in any job.

Tatiana D.

There are many different subjects at our school, but my favorite literature. I like this lesson because it is taught by a kind and understanding teacher.
I really like to read, so I am writing specifically about the literature lesson. In class I learn a lot of new and interesting things about different writers, I especially like G.Kh. Andersen.
Our teacher, Elena Nikolaevna, talks interestingly and instructively about the wonderful, fantastic and sometimes a little sad works of great writers. In a literature lesson, the horizons of each student develop. When we studied the work of G.H. Andersen, Elena Nikolaevna showed us several wonderful cartoons created based on his fairy tales, one of them was called “The Little Match Girl” - this is a sad story about the life of a small and poor girl who sold long and thin matches. The cartoon touched me to the core. The little girl's short but impressionable life was very sad, but the girl died with a smile on her face.
I want to continue studying this fascinating subject - literature.

Alina Zh.

All the lessons are very interesting, but I especially like natural history . Marina Stanislavovna is a kind teacher.
We learn a lot of new things in class. What happened before our era? How do dinosaurs work? We can learn all this thanks to a natural history lesson. For many people this subject is difficult. This lesson is very entertaining and interesting.
Marina Stanislavovna explains many topics to us very clearly. She rarely scolds us, but we know that she does it lovingly. The workbook contains a lot of interesting and creative tasks.
I am sure that all 5th grades love this subject, and, of course, our 5th “B”!

Nadezhda M.

I chose this topic because I love learning and most of all I like the lesson technologies .
This lesson shows off most of my skills. For example, I am developing my skills in mathematics, and my expanded thinking is gradually increasing. Thanks to this lesson I am increasing my punching power.
We have a very good teacher, his name is Gavrila Matveevich. He always helps us if something doesn’t work out, and if it’s not clear, he will always explain. That's why I love this lesson and rush to it.

Lev M.

Russian language - my favorite subject. It is simple and easy for me. I do homework alone, but sometimes my mother checks.
Our teacher is very good and kind. She teaches the lesson in an informative and interesting way. If I am called to the board, then I get a little worried. And I really want to be like our teacher Elena Nikolaevna!

Ekaterina K.

There's a lot at school interesting items. I like it the most literature .
Elena Nikolaevna teaches the lesson with enthusiasm and explains well. I like to read new works. During the lesson, we seem to fly into the world of the hero, get to know his character, his mood, appearance, dreams, we understand him, we sympathize and rejoice with the hero, we study how the author and those around him treat him.
This lesson comes easily to me. Literature helps me learn a lot of new things about poets, storytellers and writers.

Irina S.

Russian language – my favorite subject. I like this subject because it is very educational. Elena Nikolaevna teaches the lesson in an engaging way. Homework I do it more often on my own, rather than with my parents. But sometimes you can’t do without their help, for example, you need to write an essay. Mom will always help me and correct the text.
The Russian language helps me write correctly, determine spelling and learn a lot of new things.

It may be difficult for some to determine which school discipline they like best. I also didn’t immediately identify my favorite school subject. And this is not because I like them all, or vice versa – I don’t like any of them. It’s just that time passes, a person can change. I change too. In elementary school, I liked solving problems more, then keeping a diary of observations of nature, then something changed further and more in my perception of the world.

Now I really love literature. In general, I like to read. Now it may not be very popular to read. People, of course, read. But in present century modern technologies They read more to get information. Most people even have the habit of reading only from a computer monitor or tablet screen. And even then, when people read, they only skim the text, snatching for themselves the most important cream of information.

Well, for many this is reading. But books are valuable. And you should never tear yourself away from reading books. It is very important for me.

Moreover, I read authors from different eras. I read classics and modern authors. And it seems to me that an author of any era can enrich the reader and influence his perception of the world. Yes, actually, it doesn’t seem like it, it is so. The classics instill the concepts of honor and conscience, humanity. Writers from the times of the Union teach love for the Motherland and patriotism. Modern authors pay a lot of attention to the relationship between a man and a woman, to the desire for justice. This is in general. And if you are careful, you can understand that each writer is individual, and brings the reader a whole range of feelings. I also love poetry. I also have favorite poets. Some people write a lot about nature, some about love, some about war. But each of them also reveals their amazing inner world in their poems. This is what I like about literature. Reading works, I become familiar with this inner world author. I understand his pain, his tears, his aspirations, his love.

I love literature lessons for this very reason. They help to better understand the feelings and images of the characters in the works. I love thinking about these people - literary heroes. I often think about how I would get along with this or that person if I met him in real life. It's very exciting. I also think about how the life of this or that character would turn out if he lived in our time. I write a little myself. Wrote several stories. The main thing is that I didn’t have to invent anything. I just listened to different stories from adults about their lives. Then he recounted these events, trying to also put into the story his personal attitude to what was happening. I love it.

In short, this is how I can express my feelings towards literature. I dare to now confidently say that this is my favorite school subject.

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