SNP for plastering work and maximum tolerances. SNP for plastering work and maximum tolerances Certificate of completed furniture assembly work sample

SNP for plastering work and maximum tolerances.  SNP for plastering work and maximum tolerances Certificate of completed furniture assembly work sample
SNP for plastering work and maximum tolerances. SNP for plastering work and maximum tolerances Certificate of completed furniture assembly work sample

This instruction discusses registration in accordance with the requirements of Rostechnadzor Order No. 470 dated November 9, 2017. This order was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 15, 2018, and 10 days later the updated requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation came into force. From February 26, 2018, the act of activating the inspection of hidden work using old forms is illegal.
New form acts of inspection of hidden work developed in accordance with amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on July 1, 2017.
So, first let's find out why it is needed? Certificate of inspection of hidden work- this is a document that is drawn up to record quality control and compliance with the design documentation of those works that will subsequently not be visible to the human eye and presenting them for inspection without opening and dismantling the overlying structures will not be possible. For example, when finishing premises, first plastering is done, then puttying, and then painting the walls. So, before filling, a plastering report is drawn up, and before painting, a report is drawn up for filling the walls. Thus, we document the existence of the work performed, as well as its quality. Thanks to such acts, it is easy to ensure and then confirm construction control of the entire construction process chain.
In accordance with RD-11-02-2006, the list of hidden works that are subject to inspection is determined by the design organization. But in fact, not all projects have such a list, and if it is there, it is in a very truncated form, which often does not suit either the customer or the supervisory authorities. Based on this, it is recommended to draw up reports for all work, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after subsequent work has been completed.

Form hidden work inspection report established by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and presented in RD-11-02-2006 (Appendix No. 3). Changing the form of the act or deviating from it is not allowed. The act is printed on one sheet on both sides. If the information specified in the act does not fit on one sheet, then additional sheets are printed. But in this case, each page of the act is numbered. This is due to the possible substitution of pages that do not have signatures.
Now let’s take a closer look at the form of the inspection report for hidden work and the methodology for filling it out. The first thing you need to fill in is the name of the capital construction project. We take information about the name from the design documentation (the name of the object is indicated on the title page or in the stamps of the drawings). It is important that after the name of the object, enter information about its postal or building address.
Next, we proceed to filling out the section that is devoted to information about the persons who participate in the examination of hidden work. First, let's look at the functions of these individuals.
Developer (technical customer, operating organization or regional operator)– an individual or legal entity that implements an investment project. Simply put, it is the customer (project investor, owner of the land plot, structure, building, premises, operating organization) or the customer’s representative who is entrusted with the leading role in managing the construction process and effective interaction with other construction participants. It is important to know that in accordance with the law, from July 1, 2017, only those organizations that are members of the SRO can act as technical customers.
Person carrying out construction– as a rule, this person is the general contractor.
Person preparing project documentation– a design organization that designs a capital construction project (reconstruction, repair), and also carries out design supervision of construction.
Certificate of inspection of hidden work 2018, unlike the old form, does not provide for entering data on the person carrying out the construction who performed the work.
You can find out more about the system of relationships between participants in the construction process.
After we have clarified the role of each participant in the construction process, we have to indicate the following information about them: name, OGRN/ORGNIP, TIN, location of the organization, telephone/fax, as well as name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which the customer is a member , general contractors or designer.
The developer (technical customer) must provide you with all this data. As a last resort, when the developer for some reason refuses to receive this information, you can go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and find out there most of the information necessary to fill out the inspection report for hidden work.
Next, we date the act and assign a number to it. It is better to number acts taking into account the name of the section of the project documentation on which the work was performed. Let’s say the numbering of the act for the installation of internal water supply and sewerage will look like this: 1/ВК, where 1 is the serial number of the act for the section, and ВК is the name of the section of the project documentation. Such numbering will greatly facilitate the search for the desired act in the future, and will also avoid confusion in the numbering.
At the next stage of registration AOSR (concealed work inspection certificate) We fill in information about representatives of persons who participate in the examination of hidden work. This information includes the position, surname, initials, details of the document of representation (orders and instructions), as well as the name, OGRN, TIN and location of the organization represented by the specialist. In addition, information about developer representative And representative of the person carrying out construction on construction control issues needs to be supplemented with information about. Data about representative of the person preparing the project documentation We supplement with information about the name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization, of which the design organization is a member. It is worth noting that information about the number and date of the order (instruction) on the appointment of a responsible person is entered as details of the administrative document confirming authority. Each representative has their own order, and, accordingly, their area of ​​responsibility is different. For example, designers issue an order on architectural supervision. The general contractor and the subcontractor by order appoint persons responsible for the execution of construction and installation works and the maintenance of as-built documentation. In addition, the general contractor and the developer (technical customer) are required to appoint persons responsible for maintaining construction control at the site. Order forms, as well as examples of how to fill them out, can be found here.
To point 1 hidden work inspection report enter the name of the work that is submitted for inspection, with an exact indication of the place where it was carried out (building axis, floor, room number (name), picket, mileage and other coordinates that allow you to accurately identify the place of work).
To point 2 We enter the code of the working (design) documentation and the sheet numbers in accordance with which the work was performed. Next, enter the name of the design organization that prepared the section of the design documentation.
In point 3 We indicate the name of the materials (products, structures, equipment) that were used to perform the work subject to inspection. After each material, in parentheses we indicate the name of the document confirming its quality and safety (certificate of conformity, fire safety certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, quality certificate, quality passport, technical passport, etc.) and the date of its issue. We indicate the name of the material in full. For example, if it is a pipe, then we indicate the material, diameter, and wall thickness of the pipe. If it is brick, then indicate its material (ceramic or silicate) and brand.
To point 4 We record data on as-built plans, laboratory tests, examinations and inspections carried out during the process of construction control.
In point 5 We indicate the actual dates of the work that we submit for inspection. Dates indicated in act of inspection of hidden work must coincide with the dates indicated in the general work log, the certificate of acceptance of completed work KS-2, the certificate of the cost of work performed and costs KS-3.
In point 6 We indicate the data (code) about the section of the project documentation for which the work was carried out, as well as the regulatory documents in accordance with which the work was carried out. Moreover, we write down the name of the document in full. For example, for reinforcement work that was carried out during the construction of monolithic foundations, we enter SP 70.13330.2012 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”.
In point 7 We indicate the next type of work that, according to the technological chain, we have to perform. For example, in the inspection report for plastering work, the next type of work that is allowed to be performed is filling the walls or installing another finishing coating.
We indicate the number of copies as specified in the agreement, contract, technical specifications or other document in accordance with which the work is performed. If such information is not available in such documents, then the number of copies is established through oral negotiations with the customer.
In the attachments section we indicate all the documents that we attach to the acts. Such documents are as-built diagrams (drawings), conclusions and protocols of laboratory tests, examinations and survey reports. The list of applications must be numbered.
Please note that in accordance with RD-11-02-2006 as amended in 2018, if more than 5 documents are required to be specified in one of the paragraphs, then in such paragraph you can indicate a link to the register of such documents, and this register will be an integral part of the part of the act.
In the final part act for hidden work We indicate the same persons as on the first page. We write only the last name and initials. There is no need to enter other information about representatives in this part of the act.

The acceptance certificate for completed work is drawn up after the contractor has fulfilled its obligations. The act is not an independent document, but serves as an annex to the work under the contract. It is part of the procedure for accepting the results of work and serves as the basis for final settlements under the contract agreement between the customer and the contractor.


Rules for drawing up an acceptance certificate for completed work

This document does not have a standard, legally approved, uniform template, so it can be drawn up in free form or according to a template developed at the enterprise. The act is printed on a regular A4 sheet in two copies - one for each party. After all work is completed and cooperation on the project is completed, the act is transferred to the accounting department of the customer enterprise for the preparation of financial statements based on it, including accounting for expenses incurred and reducing income tax.

When drawing up the act, you should adhere to the rules and regulations of office work developed for this type of document. In particular, the standard act must necessarily contain

  • information about both parties to the contract,
  • brief information about the contract itself under which the work was carried out,
  • Name of works,
  • date of work,
  • quality and cost of work performed.

The act must be signed by the heads of both organizations and stamped with seals (since 2016, the presence of seals and stamps for legal entities is not a legal requirement, so the absence of a stamp is not a strict necessity)

In the case of a large volume or special complexity of the work performed, a specially created commission, which includes representatives of the contractor and the customer company, may be involved to assess their quality, as well as draw up a report.

If absolutely necessary, a third party may be involved in the form of experts or representatives of regulatory government agencies. Their work must be recorded in a document, and each expert must also sign the document.

Why is this act needed?

The work acceptance certificate is a kind of guarantee against the occurrence of legal disputes and disagreements. If such proceedings nevertheless arise, the act becomes an evidentiary document. The court may regard the absence of an act as a disregard for the legally established procedure for the delivery and acceptance of work, which in turn may lead to the imposition of penalties by regulatory agencies.

A table is drawn up from the list of completed works. The document also states that the work was completed properly and the customer has no complaints against the contractor.

In cases where the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed, this should also be reflected in the report with a detailed listing of the identified deficiencies, as well as an indication of the time frame for their elimination.

Instructions for drawing up the acceptance certificate for completed work

After signing the acceptance certificate for the work performed, all claims can only be considered in court.

The most popular area where work completion certificates (WCPs) are most often used is the construction industry. These are not necessarily forms KS-2 and KS-3; often the customer and the contractor need acts in a simplified form, which is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

We present to you the largest selection of reports of completed works in construction. If you haven’t found the act you need, then leave a comment and we will send you the required form as soon as possible.

Almost everyone, both owners of new buildings and secondary housing, encounters plumbing services. This type of service includes: installation/dismantling of plumbing, installation of heated floors, adjustment and connection of finished equipment (water treatment system, water heater, high-pressure stations), connection of a washing machine and much more - all this is included in the list of plumbing services.

AVR is a confirmation and basis for payment, which you can download for free from the link below.

Certificate of completed design work sample

Design is not always carried out by large institutes such as Yuzhniigiprogaz. For example, the design of fire alarms or ventilation systems for a small store is carried out by a small company that has the appropriate approvals and licenses.

Download a sample of completed work from the link below. This act was executed in tripartite form, because In case of an error identified at the installation stage, it is possible to determine which of the designers made it.

Certificate of control measurement of completed work sample

According to “secret” statistics, the attribution of work performed on state construction projects is from 30 to 40%. Therefore, together with the AVR, we provide a Certificate of Control Measurement of Work Completed, which can be downloaded for free from our website using the link below.

Certificate of completion of work on installation of PVC windows/windows sample

A fairly simple act, but it is necessary primarily for the window installers themselves. Therefore, it is made of two parts - the second is detachable and remains with the company representatives who performed the work. This document contains a column stating that PVC windows have been installed, and there are no complaints against the contractor.

Certificate of completed furniture assembly work sample

Standard furniture assembly services: installation of a kitchen, wardrobe, wardrobe systems and others. The certificate of completed furniture assembly work is confirmation of payment for these services. It is necessary to indicate the furniture in the required column of the act provided below at the link.

Certificate of completed electrical installation work sample

The problem with our legislation is that any Vasya Pupkin can perform electrician work when renovating an apartment, without having the proper qualifications and education.

And no matter how sad it may be, in modern economic realities this work is performed by painters and plasterers. Only the consequences of such work can be disastrous and you will be lucky if it is just smoke or the fire is localized at an early stage

But this is all lyrics, we are interested in the act of completed electrical installation work, you can download it from the link below.

Certificate of completed work by an electrician

Similar to the previous document, however, the customer and the contractor are not legal entities. Accordingly, no details, VAT, stamps or other standard fields for acts based on KS-2.

Certificate of completed work on installation of suspended ceilings

Over the past 10 years, stretch ceilings have ceased to be know-how, becoming the “gold” standard. Due to its practicality and long service life, companies provide up to 15 years of warranty on it.

But here, read the contract carefully, since often the interpretation is as follows: they say the canvas is 25 years, and the work performed is 1 year.

In any case, you will need an ATS for installing suspended ceilings, which you will download from the link below.

Certificate of completed installation work sample

Installation in construction can mean anything, from the installation of primary converters to metal structures. Therefore, in the corresponding document we indicate what the installation was, who performed it, and other standard fields. You can download the AVR you need from the link below.

Certificate of completion of finishing work sample

Finishing work involves a wide field of activity: plastering, putty, installation of MDF panels and much more. Therefore, when an apartment or office is being renovated, intermediate reports of completed finishing work are drawn up. For example, if you completed plastering work on room “N”, signed the AVR, you will receive a monetary reward.

Before starting repairs, many people think whether they need to carry out plastering work; this is due to only one fact - ignorance of the technologies for performing repair work and the consequences of not complying with them. - this is the process of leveling any surfaces vertically and horizontally using special dry mixtures (gypsum, cement-lime plasters). The main task of applying plaster is to obtain the correct geometry of the premises: setting 90-degree angles, leveling the width of doorways and slopes, making walls parallel, obtaining a single and even plane.

Based on the quality of execution, plaster is divided into three categories: simple, improved, high-quality.

Document regulating the quality and technology of these works -

All these requirements apply both to manual application of plaster and to machine application.

Tolerances for plastering work
Parameters and properties of plasterSimpleImprovedHigh quality
Deviations from the vertical by 1 m, no more3mm2mm1mm
Maximum deviation from vertical by
the entire height of the room
Number of irregularities per 4m2, no more3 2 2
Depth of irregularities, no more5mm3mm2mm
Deviation from the horizontal by 1 m, no more3mm2mm1mm
Base moisture content, no more8% 8% 8%

Thickness of the plaster layer (plaster)

When following the technology of plastering work, it is worth paying special attention to the thickness of the plaster, both the minimum and the maximum permissible!

These values ​​depend on the plaster mixture and are different for each. For example, for machine-applied gypsum plaster Knauf MP-75, the thickness of the plaster layer should be in the range: from 8 mm to 50 mm (for one sweep). If it is necessary to apply plaster with a thickness of more than 50 mm, then this should be done 2 times with drying and re-priming the first layer. See this information in the descriptions of plaster mixtures and, better yet, on the manufacturers’ websites!

Permissible thickness of the plaster layer

Based on these parameters and the curvature of your walls, you should select the appropriate mixture.

This is a very important parameter, the observance of which determines the quality and durability of the plaster! If this requirement is not met, cracks may appear on the surface and even detachment from the base.

Main excerpts from SNiP for plastering work

3.15. When plastering brick walls at an ambient temperature of 23 °C and above, the surface must be moistened before applying the solution.

3.16. Improved and high-quality plaster should be performed along beacons, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the plaster coating without a covering layer.

3.17. When installing single-layer coatings, their surface should be leveled immediately after applying the solution; in the case of using trowels, after it has set.

3.18. When installing a multi-layer plaster coating, each layer must be applied after the previous one has set (the covering layer - after the mortar has set). Leveling the soil should be done before the mortar begins to set.

3.19. Sheets of gypsum plaster must be glued to the surface of brick walls with compositions corresponding to the design, placed in the form of marks, measuring 80x80 mm over an area of ​​at least 10% along the ceiling, floor, corners of the vertical plane every 120–150 mm, in the spaces between them at a distance of no more 400 mm, along the vertical edges - in a continuous strip. Sheets should be fastened to wooden bases with nails with wide heads.

3.20. Installation of gypsum moldings should be done after the base of plaster mortars has set and dried. Architectural details on the facade must be secured to the reinforcement embedded in the wall structure, which is previously protected from corrosion.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with (installation of mesh, mixture consumption, removal of beacons, special primers, plastering on beacons, etc.).

These works are used on various building materials: monolith, brick, foam concrete using special primers for each type of material. Before applying plaster on metal and wooden surfaces, it is necessary to make special preparations (fill a metallized plaster mesh, prime the surface with a special primer), we do not recommend performing plastering work on such surfaces, it is better to resort to using the dry leveling method - installing gypsum board sheets. You cannot plaster over the plasterboard sheets themselves, since gypsum board sheets can become deformed under the influence of moisture; if your plasterboard partitions are assembled crookedly, it is better to redo them than to level them with plaster.

None of the current SNiPs contain regulations for the installation of plaster mesh, so this process is purely advisory in nature.

We recommend using plaster mesh with a plaster layer thickness of 50 mm or more, as well as on walls made of foam concrete, since there is a high possibility of cracks appearing there.