Economic Security Service FSB address. Federal Security ServiceFSB of the Russian Federation

Economic Security Service FSB address. Federal Security ServiceFSB of the Russian Federation
  • State system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks (GosSOPKA)
  • Disk media and means of recording/reading information)

Powers to control the work of computer attack detection centers

2019: Informzashita received the right to perform the functions of the GosSOPKA center for government agencies, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of Russia


National Computer Incident Coordination Center (NCCI)

On federal portal draft regulations in December 2017, a draft order of the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, was published on the creation of the National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents (NKTsKI).

According to the text of the document, NCCCI is integral part forces designed to detect, prevent and eliminate the consequences of computer attacks and respond to computer incidents. The main task of the center will be to ensure coordination of the activities of subjects of critical information infrastructure (CII) Russian Federation on responding to computer incidents.

To accomplish this task, the center will send notifications and requests to CII subjects, as well as authorities and organizations, including foreign and international, on issues related to detecting and eliminating the consequences of cyber attacks. At the same time, the center may refuse to provide information in cases where this poses a threat to the security of the Russian Federation.

Powers to ensure the work of GosSOPKA

Responsible for detecting and preventing cyber attacks on Russian networks from now on there will be federal Service security (FSB). The corresponding decree was signed by President Vladimir Putin and posted on the website of the official publication of legal acts, Decree number 620 is called “On Improving state system detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks on informational resources Russian Federation". Effective date: January 1, 2018.

This legal act assigns to the FSB the authority to ensure the operation of the state system for detecting, warning and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks (GosSOPKA). This refers to computer attacks on Information Systems, information and telecommunication networks and automated systems departments that are located in Russia itself, as well as in diplomatic missions and consulates.

The decree lists the tasks that GosSOPKA must perform. These include forecasting the information security situation in the country, ensuring cooperation between telecom operators and owners of information resources in the field of cybersecurity, monitoring the security of Russian information resources and identifying the causes of information security incidents.

In addition to directly ensuring and monitoring the functioning of GosSOPKA, the FSB will be engaged in the formation and implementation of state scientific and technical policy in the field of combating cyber attacks, as well as developing guidelines for their detection, prevention, identification of causes and elimination of consequences.


The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation will receive expanded powers to control the work of centers for detecting computer attacks. The corresponding order of the President of the Russian Federation was published on official portal regulatory legal acts.

The document amends the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2013 “On the creation of a state system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks on the information resources of the Russian Federation,” proposing that the FSB be entrusted with the functions of not only creating, but also ensuring control over the state system.

According to the document, the department will organize and carry out work to create and ensure the functioning of a state system for detecting, preventing and eliminating computer attacks on the information resources of the Russian Federation. Among other things, the intelligence service will approve requirements for information centers, accredit them for compliance with requirements, and also carry out security assessment activities

The main candidate for the post of the new head of the “K” department of the FSB was an employee of the intelligence service’s Internal Security Directorate, Ivan Tkachev. He was involved in the development of the case of MVD generals Sugrobov and Kolesnikov

FSB building in Moscow (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

"Banking" department

The main contender for the post of head of the FSB’s “K” department was the head of the 6th service of the FSB’s Internal Security Directorate, Ivan Tkachev, an interlocutor close to the counterintelligence leadership told RBC, and a source in the FSB confirmed it.

Tkachev’s appointment is expected in the near future, says one of RBC’s interlocutors. But his candidacy has yet to be approved by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov. If the appointment takes place, for Tkachev the transition from the post of head of the service to the post of head of the department will be “a jump through several steps at once,” says a source in the intelligence service.

The 6th Internal Security Service of the FSB was created in 2008, it includes only 35 people, says an RBC source. The powers of this unit were not officially announced.

Tkachev played key role in business ex-head of the Main Directorate economic security and anti-corruption Ministry of Internal Affairs, says RBC’s FSB interlocutor.

Sugrobov and his deputy Boris Kolesnikov were detained in 2014 on charges of provoking a bribe, exceeding official authority and organizing a criminal community. In June of the same year, Kolesnikov died after falling from a balcony in the Investigative Committee building after interrogation.

Resignations in two departments

According to Rosbalt, resignation reports were written by the heads of two more departments that are part of the structure of the FSB SEB - these are the heads of divisions “P” and “T”, which are engaged in counterintelligence support for industrial and transport enterprises, respectively.

"The leaders of everything economic bloc The FSB is leaving the department. All of them have been in place for a long time, age. But, of course, this is not the reason for the resignation. Recently, the SEB's relations with the Internal Security Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation have become strained; scandalous stories began to arise that developed into criminal cases or so-called operational information. I was quite difficult situation last summer, but then somehow the parties were “separated into corners.” Now it didn’t work out,” said a Rosbalt source in the intelligence services.

According to him, Oleg Feoktistov, who is now the deputy head of the department, could become the head of the CSS.

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