Buy a wok frying pan and what it is. WOK noodles: history, recipes, interesting facts. By type of coverage

Buy a wok frying pan and what it is.  WOK noodles: history, recipes, interesting facts.  By type of coverage
Buy a wok frying pan and what it is. WOK noodles: history, recipes, interesting facts. By type of coverage

Hello friends! Did you know that in Asian cuisine for instant cooking For dishes, a wok is often used. They cooked with it 2000 years ago and it still has not lost its relevance. In any makashnitsa, it is the main one in preparing stir-fry (quick frying) dishes.

In just a few minutes you can prepare a second dish. It can also serve as a deep fryer and be an assistant for steaming. I myself am looking at this assistant. But before I bought it, I decided to figure out which frying pans were the best.

But not all woks are the same. They differ in shape, size, material quality, additional handles and other attributes. Let's, friends, figure out what this frying pan is. And let’s look at what parameters to pay attention to when purchasing it.

Traditionally, it is a large metal ladle with a round bottom. Towards the top the frying pan increases in diameter. And on the sides of the “bowl” there are handles.

Thanks to the unusual shape of the cookware, it is very convenient to cook on an open fire. Since the flame covers all the walls of the cookware, the food is fried evenly and literally with lightning speed. For kitchen option woks with a flat bottom were created. They are very convenient for cooking on home stoves. Thanks to this, the frying pan stands steadily on the burner and good contact with a heat source.

Wok frying pan - what is it for?

In such a frying pan you can quickly fry with a minimum of oil, stew, boil, smoke and even steam food. This is such a multifunctional kitchen unit :)

Other factors also increase the popularity of woks:

  • Cooking speed. Thanks to the unique shape of the wok, food is cooked much faster here than in regular frying pan.
  • Food cooked in a wok has a rich taste and attractive looking. Much more vitamins are retained in such food.
  • Food is being prepared in a wok on minimum quantity fat Which means it is more useful.
  • Ease of use. Since the frying pan is deep, when stirring the food does not spill out onto the stove, but remains in the dish.

I'm amazed, but the reviews about the wok pan are only positive. Many who have recently purchased such a “unit” are surprised how they could manage without it before. This fuels my desire to buy this cookware even more.

When buying a frying pan, it is very important to know what this utensil is needed for. But it is equally important to know how to choose what you need. The taste and aroma of dishes cooked in a frying pan largely depends on this choice. Before purchasing a wok pan, please pay attention, dear readers, to the following parameters of the “unit”.


  • Stainless steel . According to reviews, these pans are durable. However, they big sizes and therefore such “units” are difficult to maneuver in the kitchen. It takes a lot of time to heat up and cool down the dishes. And this is not in favor of such w There is another significant disadvantage of these products. Protein products may stick to steel surfaces.
  • Cast iron frying pans . Although these cookware take a long time to heat up and also take a long time to cool down, these woks are an excellent choice. It is better to buy such a frying pan with a non-stick surface. But there is cast iron cookware and disadvantages. When purchasing, look at the thickness of the material. If it is thin, it can be very fragile. There have been cases where such woks have cracked in half due to strong fire. If cast iron frying pan thick walls, it is more durable than a thin-walled “unit”. Only in handling is more suitable for strong men 🙂
  • Carbon steel great choice. This material is strong and durable. These woks heat up quickly and evenly. And the price for them is optimal. At proper care the miracle unit will become best assistant housewife in the kitchen.
  • Aluminum . These pans are equipped with a non-stick Teflon coating. This reduces the risk of burning of food cooked here. An additional advantage of such dishes is their low weight. However, aluminum woks cannot be used at too high a temperature: the coating in the pan will be destroyed. Although the fire on our stoves is not strong anyway.
  • Ceramic frying pans . This type of cookware has a number of advantages. These include the ability to cook food over high heat. In addition, ceramic woks are equipped non-stick coating and easy to use. Among the disadvantages ceramic frying pans The most significant is their heavy weight.

Bottom shape

Classic woks have a convex bottom. This form was originally conceived by the founders of this dish. In general, the cone-shaped bottom was invented for a reason. The fact is that a wok pan is convenient for cooking food over an open fire.

“Domesticated” models have a flat bottom. These woks can be used to prepare all kinds of dishes on electric and induction stoves. Because these pans have a flat bottom, they are stable and heat evenly.

I carefully examined the features different models wok. And I came across an interesting idea. They say that for gas stove You can use both flat and convex pans. Well, maybe so. Just be sure to purchase extra stability rings when purchasing a wok. Otherwise, your kitchen will resemble a circus arena, and you will turn into a juggling clown :)

Types of pens

Initially, such frying pans were made with two handles on the sides. Such dishes were very similar to modern saucepans. Why did they look like that? This option suited the people of China quite well. The frying pan, which had two handles, was convenient to remove from the oven, where there was an open fire. That's why such woks were produced.

By the way, modern models Cantonese style also has two small handles on the sides. But the Northern style wok is equipped with one long handle and a small round holder. There are also woks with removable handles.

Pan diameter

I would like to draw your attention, dear readers, to the fact that woks are being produced various diameters. Therefore, when thinking about buying such dishes, do not forget about this parameter.

Typically, a frying pan is chosen based on the number of people for whom food will be prepared. But just don’t think that the more, the better. For example, woks with a diameter of 35 cm or more are very bulky and, in addition, heavy. Such dishes will take up too much space in the kitchen. And also if you consider that most of us small kitchens, this is a catastrophe! The best option is a frying pan with a diameter of 25-28 cm. In such a dish, there will be enough heat and space in the lower part for frying meat and vegetables.

How to cook in a frying pan

Undoubtedly, friends, a wok is a universal utensil. This frying pan is easy to use, practical and multifunctional.

  • Try to keep all ingredients the same size. The cooking process does not last long, but you want everything to be well fried. Otherwise, something will either be undercooked or overcooked.
  • During cooking, the food must be constantly stirred, because the maximum heat is only in the center of the dish. And along the edges of the pan, the food is not fried, but only heated. A special spatula is used for mixing. But real virtuosos know how to toss cooked dishes. If you know how to do this with pancakes, then you will succeed :)

Europeans are accustomed to preparing hot dishes using kettles, saucepans, all kinds of frying pans, duck pots, and pressure cookers. Residents South-East Asia this entire arsenal is replaced by a single frying pan, similar to a bowl. Recently, our housewives have also become interested in the Chinese wok frying pan - many users are interested in what it is used for, how to choose it and use it correctly.

In the canonical version, the frying pan is a thin-walled metal cauldron of a conical shape with a convex bottom. Round base and the thin walls heat up evenly, allowing you to cook food over an open fire at lightning speed. This happens with constant stirring: the fried pieces are moved to the top with a special spatula, and the raw pieces are moved down. The classic “bowl” had handles on both sides, like a saucepan, making it easy to place the pan in and out of a traditional Chinese wood-burning oven.

The question is quite logical: if a wok pan with a round bottom is unable to stand on a plane Why is it needed in a modern kitchen then? By making the bottom flat, Western manufacturers adapted ancient dishes to those used today with glass-ceramic, electric, etc. The heat distribution in the wok became less uniform, but the main advantages remained.

So, a wok frying pan – what is it for the modern cook:

  • speed of cooking;
  • versatility - in addition to regular frying, the cookware can be used for stewing, smoking, cooking soups, and steaming;
  • maximum conservation useful substances due to short-term heat treatment, the food has an appetizing appearance and good taste;
  • minimum fat content in ready meals– the absorption of oil is hampered by the constant movement of pieces in the wok;
  • ease of preparation - due to the high walls of the wok pan, pieces do not spill out of the pan during intensive stirring.

Types of wok pans, selection criteria

Before purchasing, evaluate the main parameters of such cookware that affect its functionality and ease of use.


When thinking about how to choose a wok pan based on material, it is worth studying the pros and cons of different models.

Ceramic and aluminum pans choose for electrical and . Cast iron and steel models are suitable for all heating methods, including using open fire. The wok frying pan must also be made of an iron-carbon alloy, because the main requirement for it is the presence of magnetic properties.


Stores offer options for frying pans from 15 to 76 cm. The selection criterion is the number of simultaneously prepared portions. The most popular sizes of woks are: 15-28 cm (1-2 servings) and 30-38 cm (3-5 servings).

Tip: The optimal diameter is 25-28 cm - such dishes are quite spacious, light and compact. A frying pan with a dimension of more than 35 cm is too bulky for modern kitchens and household stoves.

External design and equipment

When choosing a wok pan, pay attention to its design features.

  1. Bottom. Flat models Suitable for all types of slabs. For gas burners You can buy a traditional convex wok with a round stand for fixing.
  2. Pens. In addition to saucepan-like frying pans, there are models with a long handle and a small oval holder. There are also removable handles (this type of wok is more convenient to store).
  3. Equipment. The functionality of the frying pan is expanded due to the lid (it allows you to stew and cook food). It’s a good idea if the set includes a wire rack: you can use it to strain out oil from fried foods or prepare steamed dishes.

What and how to cook in a wok

As mentioned earlier, a deep frying pan with conical walls is convenient for implementing a wide variety of culinary ideas. But still perfect recipes for wok - stew, roast, pilaf, meat with side dishes of noodles and vegetables, fries.

Moreover, the meat can be of different types - from beef to chicken fillet, vegetables and seasonings are combined to suit your taste. It is advisable to learn in advance not only what is being cooked in a wok pan, but also how to do it correctly.

The basic principle of cooking is quick frying with continuous stirring (in English - stir-fry). The method is quite simple if you use a few signature techniques of Chinese chefs.

  1. All ingredients are cleaned and cut into small cubes or strips in advance. Hard vegetables are cut more thinly. The meat is chosen more tender so that it has time to fry.
  2. Dishes are prepared in sunflower, sesame or peanut oil (butter and olive oil are not suitable for frying).
  3. Before adding food, heat the frying pan, add oil and heat it up. Do not turn down the heat during frying.
  4. The order in which the components are introduced depends on the duration of their preparation. The order of the bookmark may look like this: pork pulp, carrots, onions, bell peppers, herbs, sauce, spices, vermicelli.
  5. The contents of the pan are constantly stirred during the cooking process from the center to the periphery. Thanks to this, the fried pieces will not burn and will reach condition on cooler walls.
  6. It is better to boil rice, noodles or spaghetti in advance.
  7. To cook juicy, fried meat with a crispy crust using a wok, you need to know a few nuances.
  • If you place the fillet in the freezer for 15 minutes, cutting it into small pieces will be much easier.
  • Short-term marinating (15-30 minutes) in soy or oyster sauce will help soften the meat fibers.
  • The meat is placed in hot oil in portions of 40-60 g. If the volume of the product is larger, the temperature in the wok will drop, meat juice will be released - and the frying process will turn into stewing.

After acquiring an appetizing crust, remove the meat with a slotted spoon so that it does not overcook. It's better to throw it back paper towel or grate. At large quantities The rest of the ingredients are treated in the same way (but, unlike meat, they are taken out half-raw). At the end, all components are returned to the frying pan and the dish is brought to condition.

Can be considered an international dish. The form in which it was recognized in Russia, it owes to China, America, and other countries. The history of WOK noodles goes back more than 2 thousand years, and the recipe has gained mass distribution and respect over the past 100-150 years. It is cooked in a special frying pan, from which it took its name - Wok.

History of wok noodles

According to one version, the wok appeared in Canton, and after that it traveled a long way to get to Russia. A huge cone-shaped thin-walled frying pan with a slightly rounded bottom was a traditional kitchen utensil in China, and then among nomadic peoples. Its great advantage was that the food in it was cooked very quickly.

Woks were used by poor people who did not have the opportunity to install expensive stoves, and had to heat their own special small stoves with grass and straw, which burned quickly and did not provide too much heat. For the same reason, the wok took root among nomads. The bottom, small in diameter, had time to heat up to the required temperature, transmitting required heat and high walls.

Noodles were also considered the food of the common people. It was used along with cooked rice, soybeans and wheat. With the advent of the wok, it practically replaced them from the diet, mainly due to the simplicity and speed of cooking. Boiled pieces of Mien Pien dough used to be completely fried in a wok, only centuries later did the noodles acquire the appearance we are familiar with. According to one legend, it symbolizes longevity, so the longer the noodles, the better.

WOK noodles today

Today WOK noodles are considered a tasty and affordable dish. It is served in national restaurants of China, in various countries, as a dish of Chinese or Pan-Asian cuisine, as well as on the street, offering it as an analogue of fast food.

In a very small amount of oil, but over very high heat, heat a huge wok and fry all the ingredients very quickly, gradually adding each of them. At the same time, the cook continuously stirs the contents of the vat. This cooking technique is called stir-fry. Virtuosos even throw food into the air, and some recipes require the “caress of fire.” This is the name of the process when the prepared dish is set on fire and the fire burns inside the frying pan for several seconds.

WOK Noodle Recipes

Today, WOK noodles are not just pieces fried in a wok, but a complex dish that combines vegetables with meat, fish or seafood fried in a frying pan. And of course noodles.

Only noodles can be chosen from 5 options:

  • Udon;
  • Funchozu;
  • Spinach;
  • Soy;
  • Corn;
  • Wheat.
  • For fillings, beef, pork, chicken, red fish, and seafood cocktail are most often used. But there are also purely vegetarian combinations.

One more mandatory element is the gas station. It can be very simple, consisting of salt and oil, or it can be complex, multi-component. In this case, it can be added to the dish lemon juice, soy sauce, sesame seeds, spices, kimchi dressing, vinegar and other ingredients.

Cooking method

All ingredients are pre-prepared for frying. Cooking over a fire takes 5-10 minutes, so you simply won’t have time to chop anything during the process, so all the products are chopped and placed in separate cups and bowls before the frying pan is put on the stove. It is very important to cut the ingredients thinly or into small pieces. This will make the roasting faster and more even. Most of the meat and vegetables are chopped into thin, long strips so that these products go well with noodles of the same shape.

When it comes to frying, any wok noodle recipe starts with adding oil to the pan and heating it up. A good degree of calcination is when white smoke begins to emanate from the oil, or bamboo sticks dipped into the oil begin to “bubble.” Then you can add products.

The ingredients are added one by one. The ones that take the longest to fry are added first. As a rule, this is meat; after a minute or two of intensive stirring, carrots and other hard vegetables, the last to be laid out are those that require minimal heat treatment, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers or lettuce. Lastly, pre-boiled and well-washed noodles are laid out, and the dressing is poured in at the end. Everything is thoroughly mixed, heated in a frying pan and served or placed in boxes.

The most common recipes for WOK noodles are:

  • Rice noodles with chicken and eggplant;
  • Wheat noodles with beef;
  • Egg noodles with pork and green beans;
  • Buckwheat noodles with cheese and vegetables;
  • Funchoza with seafood;
  • Wheat noodles in sweet and sour sauce;
  • Soy noodles with teriyaki sauce;
  • Udon with pork and vegetables.

The cooking principle is the same everywhere: the one described above. The main thing is to follow the three rules of the Wok - cook over high heat, at high speed and stir constantly.

WOK noodles in a box

In many films, Chinese noodles are eaten not in restaurants or at home, but on the street or in a car from cardboard boxes. It is sold in take-away cafes and even from wheels and carts on the street. Such noodle boxes were invented not by the Chinese, but by the Americans. When the fashion for Chinese noodles came to them at one time, they made it an analogue of fast food, and instead of original packaging they began to use oyster boxes. It was for this sea delicacy that the boxes were originally designed and manufactured.

Sell ​​oysters in format quick snack became unprofitable, prices for shellfish skyrocketed. But from the skies came a worthy analogue. Boxed noodles not only took root in America, but also became an independent dish and were warmly welcomed in many countries.

Choose the best original wok noodle recipes on the website’s online page. Try the variation with mushrooms, different types meat, greens, colorful bell pepper, zucchini, green beans and other vegetables. Enjoy the rich taste of noodles with a variety of sauces. Replace vegetables with seafood.

Cooking Asian dishes is not complete without a round wok pan. Cooking food in a wok takes less than 15 minutes, so the dishes are: healthy (foods almost do not lose vitamins and nutrients) since the ingredients are fried for 1-3 minutes; not greasy (a small amount of oil is enough for frying). Meat and vegetables in a wok turn out crispy, especially aromatic and appetizing.

The five most commonly used ingredients in wok noodle recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Boil the noodles.
2. Cut the poultry meat into long pieces.
3. Finely chop the ginger, onion, garlic, and hot pepper.
4. Mix the chicken with chopped spices, add olive oil and soy sauce. Let marinate for about an hour.
5. Cut carrots, zucchini and multi-colored sweet peppers into long strips, green beans into 3 cm pieces.
6. Place marinated meat in a heated wok. Fry constantly stirring.
7. After a couple of minutes, add vegetables.
8. Fry for another 3-4 minutes.
9. Refill soy sauce, Spice up.
10. Place the boiled noodles in the meat and vegetable mixture.
11. Fry for a couple of minutes until final readiness.
12. Serve.

Five of the fastest wok noodle recipes:

Helpful Tips:
. It is necessary to boil the noodles either before or in parallel with cooking the remaining ingredients. Seafood, meat and other ingredients must be hot when mixed with noodles. The main component itself will have dried well at this stage.
. The noodles are always placed last in the wok and heated with all other ingredients for no more than 2-3 minutes.

A wok is a round deep frying pan with a convex bottom of small diameter. This type of cookware comes from China. It gained its popularity as soon as the world discovered traditional Chinese noodles. Since then, the kitchen of few restaurants can do without these utensils. In today’s review on the M.Vkus portal, we’ll talk about the benefits of cooking in a wok pan and how to choose the right utensils for your home.

Benefits of cooking in a wok

The benefits of cooking in a wok are many. Let's start with the fact that this pan distributes heat evenly, lasts a long time and allows you to use a small amount of oil. However, if you wish, you can even fry spring rolls in a wok in a large amount of fat - the high walls of the frying pan will protect the kitchen from flying splashes. But still, a small amount of fat is one of the main advantages. A wok requires much less oil than cooking in a regular frying pan; you can even use cooking spray. Due to the fact that the products in the wok are constantly mixed, they are all evenly greased.

The second important advantage is the speed of preparation. In a wok, this takes very little time; you will spend much more preparing the ingredients, which will need to be cut into small pieces. Traditionally, food for wok is cut into thin long strips. When everything is ready, you need to heat the frying pan at maximum heat and quickly fry everything.

The main thing you need to know when cooking in a wok is that you need to fry food in small portions. If there are too many of them, mixing will become difficult. This is the third advantage of the wok. Since you can’t cook a lot of food at once, and it’s better to eat it right away while it’s hot, the likelihood of eating too much is small. Even if you decide to make yourself a second serving, while you are chopping the food, you will most likely realize that you are already full and don’t need to cook anymore.

How to choose the right wok?

Nowadays woks are made from the most different materials, however, Eastern chefs traditionally prefer steel frying pans. Great example -Tefal Wok Illico from of stainless steel with a unique Titanium Non-Stick non-stick coating. You just need to understand that such a frying pan itself weighs quite a lot - more than 1 kg. If you put food in it, then lifting the pan to mix the ingredients, tossing them, as professional chefs do, will be quite problematic. In this case, you should pay attention to aluminum pans, for exampleTendance Chocolate . They are no less durable, but at the same time slightly lighter than steel woks.

When purchasing, you should be careful when choosing the size. For a family of 2-4 people a frying pan will be enough standard size with a diameter of 26-28 cm. If you plan to cook on big company, then you should choose a larger wok, for example the modelTefal Wok with a diameter of 30 cm, which was developed with the participation of the famous English chef Jamie Oliver. This frying pan even has an additional handle to make it easier to handle such heavy cookware.

Speaking of pens. This is also an important aspect when choosing a frying pan. The longer the handle, the more convenient it is to work with the wok, but the handle should fit comfortably in your palm. Ideally, it should be thermally insulated so that you can safely grab it while cooking without fear of getting burned. For example, frying pans have modelsTendance Brownie The handle is made of heat-resistant Bakelite material.

If you want to cook in a wok according to all the rules, then before putting the frying pan on the fire and pouring oil into it, oriental cooks heat the dishes in the oven at a temperature of 220-250 degrees. Place a frying pan in the oven with plastic handle- a bad idea, but a wok is perfect for this purpose. removable handle like the modelTefal Ingenio Expertise . In such dishes you can not only fry foods, but also bake them in the oven.

What can you cook in a wok?

You can fry any food in a wok, just like in a regular frying pan, but it works best with Southeast Asian dishes like noodles, fried rice, tofu or different ingredients in tempura. In the collection of the portal "M.Vkus" there are many for you interesting recipes to try out the new wok. Among them there are especially many noodle dishes:, vegetarian or or . Traditional Chinese dishes can be cooked in a wok or . Fried rice with vegetables, seafood or pork will be ideal in such a frying pan. Seafood, such as shrimp, can be cooked separately in a wok, although it will taste even better with glass noodles and sweet and sour sauce. And, of course, the favorite tempura fruits in Southeast Asia for dessert. Bananas, mangoes, apples and any other sweet fruit, breaded and fried in oil, are best served with a scoop of ice cream or sorbet.

The wok has long been an indispensable attribute of restaurants all over the world. If you have not yet purchased such utensils for home use and at the same time adore oriental cuisine, the wok is exactly the tool that will help you create your favorite culinary masterpieces - from fried rice and shrimp noodles to pulled beef and fruit tempura.