Systems for organizing surface water drainage. Discharge of surface and ground water. Engineering preparation of the construction site. Preparing for installation of a system for draining excess water from the house

Systems for organizing surface water drainage.  Discharge of surface and ground water.  Engineering preparation of the construction site.  Preparing for installation of a system for draining excess water from the house
Systems for organizing surface water drainage. Discharge of surface and ground water. Engineering preparation of the construction site. Preparing for installation of a system for draining excess water from the house

The organization of surface rain and melt water runoff in residential areas, microdistricts and neighborhoods is carried out using an open or closed drainage system.

On city streets in residential areas, drainage is carried out, as a rule, using a closed system, i.e., an urban drainage network ( storm sewer). The installation of drainage networks is a citywide event.

In the territories of microdistricts and neighborhoods, drainage is carried out by an open system and consists of organizing drainage surface waters from building sites, sites for various purposes and areas of green spaces into driveway trays, through which water is directed to the driveway trays of adjacent city streets. This organization of drainage is carried out using a vertical layout of the entire territory, ensuring drainage created by longitudinal and transverse slopes on all driveways, sites and territories of a microdistrict or block.

If the network of passages does not represent a system of interconnected passages or if the capacity of the trays on the driveways is insufficient during heavy rainfall, a more or less developed network of open trays, ditches and ditches is provided for in the microdistricts.

An open drainage system is the simplest system, which does not require complex and expensive structures. In operation, this system requires constant supervision and cleaning.

The open system is used in microdistricts and neighborhoods relatively small area with a terrain favorable for water flow, without low drainage areas. In large neighborhoods open system does not always provide surface water drainage without overflowing trays and flooding driveways, so then a closed system is used.

A closed drainage system provides for the development of an underground network of drainage pipes - collectors - on the territory of the microdistrict, with the reception of surface water by water intake wells and the direction of the collected water into the city drainage network.

As possible option apply combined system , when a microdistrict is created open network trays, ditches and ditches, supplemented underground network drainage collectors. Underground drainage is very important element engineering improvement of residential areas and microdistricts, it meets the high requirements of comfort and general improvement of residential areas.

Surface drainage on the territory of the microdistrict must be ensured to such an extent that from any point in the territory the flow of water can easily reach the trays of the roadway of adjacent streets.

As a rule, water is diverted from buildings towards driveways, and when green spaces are adjacent, to trays or ditches running along the buildings.

On dead-end driveways, when the longitudinal slope is directed towards the dead end, drainless places are formed, from which water has no outlet; Sometimes such points appear on driveways. Water is discharged from such places using overflow trays, in the direction of passages located at lower elevations.

Trays are also used to drain surface water from buildings, from sites for various purposes, and in green areas.

For large areas of gardens and parks, it is advisable to carry out drainage using a closed system, i.e., by placing water intake wells with water intake grates and a developed network of underground collectors on the territory. The basic principle of using a closed system is the shortest length of the collector network with the most full service throughout the entire green area. The design of a drainage network is greatly facilitated with a rationally designed vertical layout of the territory. Drainage network collectors in parks are usually smaller in size compared to city collectors, since the runoff from green areas is significantly less than the runoff of surface water from residential and other built-up areas.

With a closed drainage system, surface water is directed to the water intake wells of the drainage network and enters them through water intake grates.

Water intake wells on the territory of microdistricts are located in all low points that do not have free flow, on straight sections of driveways, depending on the longitudinal slope, with an interval of 50-100 m, at intersections of driveways on the side of the water inflow.

Draining water away from the house is a problem for almost every owner. country house, which must be solved immediately, without debugging “for later”. During rains and heavy rains, water can destroy the stability of the house, destroying the foundation. Of course, this will not happen from one rainstorm, but if such incidents occur constantly, then the house may simply go underground, that is, “grow” into it. The foundation of the building will be washed away wastewater, the ground under the foundation will be soft and under the weight of the house the foundation will sink down.

And, for example, if the house has a basement? This problem in this case must be solved immediately, it cannot be postponed even for short term. After all, if the basement is constantly flooded, then within a few years it will fall into an unsatisfactory condition and it will no longer be possible to use it for its intended purpose. Why? Because due to constant dampness in the basement, mold fungi may soon appear, which in turn are extremely harmful to the health of people and animals.

Groundwater can also pose a danger to the site. If your house is located near a river, lake or even a swamp, then you can be sure that there are some on the site. Danger groundwater is that they lie in the depths of the earth. If water from the house flows there during heavy rains, then there is a high probability of disturbing the balance and stability of the house, which may subsequently lead to its collapse. It is for this reason that it is so important to properly drain rainwater from a residential building.

Drainage of water from the roof: features

Water drainage from the roof must be mandatory. For example, in winter a huge amount of snow falls on the roof, which accumulates on it and can simply break it. There is also another significant danger: during daytime snow melting, icicles may form in the evening. They, in turn, can fall on someone’s head. If you drain thawed snow and rainwater from your home, you can forget about the formation of icicles and the danger of them falling on someone’s head forever.

How to make a drainage system yourself, that is the question. You can immediately answer that this is not a complicated process; you can handle it yourself. To do this, you need to buy gutters and drainpipes at a construction hypermarket or market that will drain water from the roof. Gutters for draining water from the roof are the least expensive and simplest option. It is also the most popular. Installing gutters to drain water from your home is quite simple and can be done with your own hands.

There are three types of gutters:

  • semicircular,
  • rectangular or square
  • trapezoidal.

How to decide which would be better suited for your building? You can only rely on your taste, and you should also take into account the design of the building. In terms of functionality, these gutters are practically no different; we can say that they are the same in their properties and characteristics. Therefore, the choice falls entirely on your shoulders.

You can only help with the choice of color: you should not buy light-colored gutters, since in winter the snow on them will melt more slowly than if they were darker. This happens because dark colors"attract" more solar energy. Light colors on the contrary, they reflect the energy of the sun, so the snow on them will melt more slowly. Also, many experts recommend installing storm gutters that have larger size, therefore they can withstand loads during heavy rainfall.

There is nothing complicated in installing gutters, you just need to follow the instructions from the attached instructions.

The system for draining rain and melt water using gutters is as follows:

Water flows from the roof into an attached gutter; it travels along the gutter to a downspout, through which it flows down to the ground. But the problem remains unresolved; water continues to flow directly under the foundation of the house. To bring the water drainage system from the house to perfection, it is necessary to make an additional drainage system.

Drainage systems

What is a drainage system? What is it used for? What types does it come in? In what cases should it be used?

In fact, the drainage system is a system for draining water from the house, only it removes water almost completely, which will have a good effect on the building and extend its service life.

Types of drainage systems:

  • Ground drainage (surface)
  • Drainage lines
  • Drainage in certain places (spot)
  • Open drainage system
  • Closed drainage system
  • The trenches are filled
  • Deep drainage

When there is an urgent need to install complex system drainage:

  • If there are natural water bodies near the house.
  • The house is on a low ground.
  • On clay soils, since water drains out quite slowly on such soils, especially after rainstorms.
  • Occurs in your area a large number of precipitation throughout the calendar year.
  • Groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth's crust.
  • The presence of concrete or tiled paths on the site, as they do not allow water to pass through.
  • Low foundation of the house, because the possibility of flooding increases significantly.

Installing a system that will drain rainwater yourself will help save money on further repairs of the building due to possible flooding.

Types of water drainage systems

Surface drainage

Surface drainage will allow drainage storm water, also called a storm drain. It is very simple to install this type of drainage system that drains storm water. Such a system will help to cope exclusively with the drainage of rain and melt water, but such a system will not be able to cope with groundwater. On my own surface drainage is further divided into two types: linear and point.

Linear water drainage works as follows: special trenches are dug throughout the entire area, which merge into one common drainage well. Usually the trenches are covered with gratings.

Point water drainage allows you to drain the input from different places plot into a common well, and such a system is usually used simultaneously with a linear one. Point drainage usually installed in places where there is no need for constant mandatory water drainage. For example, in outbuildings or baths.

There is also combined drainage, that is, both linear and point drainage. Most often used in country houses and in country houses exactly this type of drainage systems.

Drainage systems on private properties will not affect the water supply, as they usually draw water from deeper wells or boreholes.

Drainage systems: open and closed type

Open systems are a set of trenches, channels and gutters that allow water to be drained from the house to a specially designated place, usually a well.

Closed drainage systems also represent a collection of various drains and channels, but they have a more aesthetic appearance, since they are covered with decorative grilles. The outlet channel in the form of a pipe is often buried underground and is in no way visible from above.

All construction experts agree on one thing in general terms when organizing drainage systems on a private plot: “Arrange a drainage system on your plot in modern conditions not that difficult. Before construction, it is advisable to take a site plan and mark all channels and trenches on it, as well as determine the best place for a well into which the water will be drained. Next important step there must be a count necessary materials. You need to do this so that you don’t waste your time on unnecessary shopping trips. Work must begin from the roof, and only then construct surface drainage channels on the ground.”

Even at the design stage and during the construction of any structure, a water drainage system must be installed. Properly installed, it will reliably protect the foundation of a house or office and the territory of the site from negative impact atmospheric precipitation. Internal, road, drainage and surface drainage must be combined into unified system, this is the only way they are guaranteed to cope with the task. It's not worth saving on them.

Video guide for installing surface drainage systems

Purpose of the water drainage system

The main task drainage systems are protection from storm water to the foundation of the building, as well as all types of coating on the site and surrounding areas. The presence of a well-designed and assembled drainage system increases the service life of the building several times and reduces repair costs. Under the influence of constant precipitation, asphalt and concrete fall apart and crumble within a year or a year and a half. But if linear drainage is provided on the territory, then you will have to think about a new coating no earlier than in 6 - 8 years.

When drawing up a drainage scheme, it is necessary to think through all the details, take into account the characteristics of the soil and topography, the presence of groundwater, the number of floors of the building, the intensity of vehicle traffic and, of course, the possibility of connecting to the general storm sewer system.

The importance of drainage garden plot it's hard to overestimate

Regardless of whether a commercial development is planned or a project for an individual residential building is being drawn up, the first thing you need to pay attention to is not the cost of the drainage system, but the expected load.

What should be the drainage system on the site?

Firstly, water drainage on the site must be complex system. Its main components are:

The latter is mandatory in areas where the groundwater level is high enough or there is a high probability of seasonal flooding. It is especially necessary if the house has a basement or underground garage.

Roof drainage, like surface drainage, is designed to combat the negative effects of rain and snow. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of perched water, which is usually a seasonal phenomenon. For houses with basements, the water supply becomes pressing problem: leaky septic tank (“ cesspool") in spring and during the rainy season it fills up in a matter of days.

Roof drainage allows you to direct the flow of water from the roof to Right place

A roof drainage system is designed to collect all rainwater from the roof of a building and deliver it to drainage points. If during construction, drainage from the roof became an area where savings were made, then broken paths, crumbled steps and a dirty foundation will not take long to appear.

Surface drainage

Next mandatory element common system should become a surface drainage system. Removing excess moisture from the site in this way is carried out by installing a system of point rainwater inlets and trays. It is not only effective, but also aesthetically fits perfectly into the general form buildings and surrounding area. Material benefits from operation surface drainage is felt already in the first few years. The greatest effect is achieved by combining surface drainage with underground drainage.

To organize a system for draining water from the surface, the following can be used:

  • plastic trays (drainage channels)

Plastic trays are mainly used in private buildings

They are made of heavy-duty material

  • concrete trays

They are used where the coating bears a large load (roads, garages, entrance gates). The depth varies depending on the expected volume of water, the docking system guarantees reliable fastening and protects against shifts. The products are protected from above by gratings made of steel or cast iron.

Concrete trays have greater strength and relatively low cost compared to plastic ones.

  • polymer composite trays

The material from which they are made is a carefully selected mixture of filler (granite or quartz chips, sand) and a binding mass, usually polyester or epoxy resin.

Polymer composite trays are the most promising substitute for plastic and concrete analogues

Main function surface drainage is the protection of the foundations of buildings, basements and ground floors from moisture. In addition, it prevents soil erosion and prevents waterlogging. The appearance of ice in winter period and puddles in the warm season can also be prevented with its help. Road drainage helps prevent soil subsidence and subsequent failures on roads, paths, and sidewalks. With it you can keep the landscape of the territory unchanged, since it reliable protection soil from washing away. By participating in the overall improvement and creation of a unified style, drainage also influences the development of plants. It allows the root system to develop harmoniously, protecting it from excess moisture.

Linear drainage

Speaking about the surface drainage system, it is necessary to separately mention its types and, first of all, linear drainage, as capable of coping with the heaviest loads. To organize it, the trays are laid flush with the surface, with a mandatory slope of five millimeters per meter of length. This is achieved either by laying it at an angle, or by purchasing trays in which the inclination system is already installed. The drainage channel is usually directed to a storm sewer well. Each tray must be covered with a decorative lattice on top.

Linear drainage systems are most often used on the site.

To protect sewers from clogging, sand traps are installed in them, which also trap small debris.

Point drainage

Point drainage has also firmly found its niche. It is a system of stormwater inlets and underground pipes with access to the sewer system.

Conventional rainwater inlets are installed where heavy loads are expected. They are covered from above with plastic or metal decorative grilles.

Storm water inlets are installed in areas of main water flows

Rain collectors with lateral water drainage perform the function of purifying rainwater from foreign impurities. This is important in cases where water is collected for economic and domestic needs.

The two-section drainage system allows you to monitor its condition and carry out timely cleaning.

A storm inlet with a vertical outlet is used to collect precipitation from the roof of buildings. They are connected to the gutters vertically. Their design includes a stale air trap that prevents the spread of unpleasant smell.

Cast iron rainwater inlets are used to drain water from the road surface. This sewer hatches, which are installed in places of organized slopes and covered with gratings on top. Water entering this system flows directly into the sewer.

Depending on the purpose, the drainage system is installed in the lowest places, under drainpipes and watering units, in a word, where the use of a linear one is not necessary or is not possible.

Different kinds point drainage systems

Volumetric drainage

And how separate species we can distinguish volumetric drainage, which is a kind of “ layered cake» from geotextiles, lawn or geogrid, gravel, sand and soil. By maintaining the natural looseness of the soil due to the reinforced lattice, it is possible to ensure ideal water drainage from gardening areas, open areas and lawns.

Internal drainage

Internal drainage is used not only in food or pharmaceutical industries. In everyday life the most a shining example Its application is a bathhouse. The internal water drainage system consists of trays and drains made of of stainless steel. It is designed to collect and drain wastewater into the general sewer network.

Groundwater drainage system

The groundwater drainage system is an engineering structure designed to collect and discharge infiltrated and groundwater. This is a branched structure of pipes (drains) and wells located around the entire perimeter and interconnected.

If drains are laid underground, a deep drainage system is formed. It allows you to remove water outside the site and lower the groundwater level. Such systems are used in swampy and excessively moist areas, as well as in the construction of basement floors.

When performing foundation drainage, preference should be given to polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride pipes.

Even before the construction of a building begins, several questions need to be answered:

  1. What is the groundwater level at the construction site? What is the soil structure? This determines, in fact, the very need for a deep drainage system when designing basements. For this information, it is best to contact geodesy specialists.
  2. Where will ground and surface water be discharged? Water can be discharged into a storm or mixed sewer system, as well as onto a drainage field, from which the water subsequently drains evenly into the ground in a specially designated area.
  3. Is it necessary drainage pump and a well, or will the water drain by gravity? It is imperative to determine the slopes on the site, and set the release point at the lowest part.
  4. What is the size of the area from which water will be drained? Depending on this, a drainage system with appropriate throughput.
  5. What surface pressure must drainage systems withstand? That is, whether cars will drive along the linear drainage system, people will walk, or no one will step on it. For deep drainage you also need to determine the load.

Drainage and water collection systems with the right choice of materials, correct installation and timely maintenance work and protect buildings and the site for many years. Making drainage yourself is a very real task. However, if there is any doubt about own strength, it is better to invite professionals in this field. After all, the safety of basements and foundations is the key to the safety of the entire house, and therefore its residents.

Organized drainage of surface water is the most important requirement improvement of the site of an industrial enterprise. The accumulation of rain and melt water on the territory of the enterprise impedes the movement of transport, causes flooding of buildings, and this can lead to damage to equipment and destruction building structures. In some cases, if the terrain is unfavorable, flooding of the area can have catastrophic consequences. Incomplete and insufficiently rapid drainage of rainwater, even with light rains, leads to an increase in groundwater levels and premature destruction road surfaces and deterioration of the sanitary condition of the site. Along with rain and melt water, water flowing down the surface of road surfaces during watering and washing must also be quickly drained.

The organization of surface water drainage is decided in the process of vertical site planning industrial enterprise and is one of its main tasks. At the same time, the vertical layout should provide the most favorable conditions and to resolve issues of transport and technological communication between individual enterprise facilities. Selected by comprehensive solution The objectives of the system and vertical planning schemes largely determine the solution to issues of surface water drainage.

The vertical layout of the site, depending on the extent of coverage of the territory by work to change the natural relief, can be continuous, selective or zonal (mixed). A continuous vertical planning system provides for work to change the terrain throughout the entire site without any breaks. With the selective system, only areas directly occupied by buildings and other structures are planned, and in the rest of the territory the natural topography remains unchanged. With a zonal or mixed system of vertical planning, the territory of an industrial enterprise is divided into zones of continuous and selective planning.

For a selective system, the removal of atmospheric water from the planned areas must be organized and the rest of the territory must be ensured that it is not swamped.

Surface water can be drained by installing open drains in the form of trays and ditches or underground system rainwater drainage pipelines. In some cases, it is possible to combine atmospheric water with domestic and dirty industrial wastewater through combined or semi-separate sewer networks.

The open type of drainage requires quite significant areas for placing ditches and necessitates the installation of numerous artificial structures on the roads, complicating transport connections within the enterprise. Open drains do not satisfy high sanitary standards hygienic requirements: Stagnation of water forms in them and the drains become easily contaminated. The only advantage open type drainage is its relatively lower cost. However, the operating costs for maintaining open drains are usually higher than those for containing storm drainage pipes.

Application open method drainage is possible with.

some combinations of factors favorable to it, such as:

selective vertical planning system; low building density;

pronounced slope of the earth's surface of at least 0.005, absence of depressions; deep groundwater; rocky soils<50);

, well-draining soils; undeveloped railway and road layout; low amount of precipitation (average annual up to 300-400 mm, q^

Sometimes different areas of the territory of industrial enterprises have sharply different building densities, different saturation of communication routes, underground and above-ground communications.

In such cases, a combined zonal drainage system can be used: rainwater drainage is installed in one part of the territory, and a network of open drains is installed in the other.<720- В городах эта система часто предусматривается только на первую очередь строительства.

Recently, due to the increasing requirements for the improvement of sites of industrial enterprises, rain drains have become predominantly widespread. An open drainage system is used for settlements and individual areas of populated areas with a reduced degree of improvement of the territory or with a low building density and low values ​​of the rain intensity indicator