Strengths and weaknesses of a person in a resume: examples of phrases for an interview. Strengths and weaknesses of a person

Strengths and weaknesses of a person in a resume: examples of phrases for an interview.  Strengths and weaknesses of a person
Strengths and weaknesses of a person in a resume: examples of phrases for an interview. Strengths and weaknesses of a person

When writing a resume, some firms and companies ask you to note positive and negative qualities in your application for a job. More often than not, this requirement is made large companies, with a large staff, where coordinated, teamwork of all employees is important.

We advise you to make a preliminary list of your positive and negative qualities in advance. When compiling a list, you should take into account the specifics of the company’s activities so that negative qualities do not become an obstacle to obtaining the desired vacancy.

When describing your positive qualities In your resume, try not to describe yourself as superior, stick to the “golden mean.” The description must contain objective, reliable information. If you are hired, it may later become clear that the stated qualities do not correspond to reality and an awkward situation may arise.

You must be ready to provide reasoned support with examples from your personal life, professional activity presence of described positive aspects character. There are several basic qualities of a person that an employer will definitely pay attention to when reading a resume.


Here you can clarify that if the need for overtime work arises, you are ready to offer your services and time. Pay attention to the desire to work quickly and efficiently.

Communication skills

This quality is important in teamwork. Focus on your ability to easily adapt to an unusual environment, crowd large quantity people, the opportunity to conduct dialogue with different categories of people.

Resistance to stress

This quality is in demand in work involving serious physical activity or requiring instant solutions in complex, emergency situations. When interviewing, bring real examples from life.

The qualities listed below are optional, but will make your resume more complete and are guaranteed to draw the employer's attention to you as a person suitable for the available vacancy:

  • analytical thinking;
  • attentiveness;
  • discipline;
  • initiative;
  • creativity;
  • organization;
  • punctuality;
  • readiness to work towards promotion professional level;
  • hard work;
  • creativity to the task at hand.

Indicate those qualities that best suit the vacancy for which you are applying. Don't overload your resume with unnecessary details.

Negative qualities

There is no perfect person in every way. It is incorrect to write on your resume that you are devoid of negative qualities. Present negative sides character as a virtue, for example:

  • gullibility;
  • pedantry;
  • increased demands on yourself and your work;
  • straightforwardness in judgment;
  • distrust of unconfirmed facts.

It is important to understand and take into account the fact that characteristics in a certain situation will manifest themselves fully, so do not try to hide what is obvious. Be prepared to talk about what you think are your negative shortcomings. Don’t be ashamed to admit them, because you are ready to fight them in order to bring the company maximum benefit.

During the interview, stay calm and do not become overconfident. Try to look your interlocutor in the eyes and answer to the point. Try to convince the employer of professionalism and readiness to as soon as possible start working.

On the path to professional self-realization, every person, immediately after training, is first of all puzzled by finding a decent job. Unfortunately, in our realities, this is not at all easy to do, especially if you are a young specialist with no work experience. Each of you knows perfectly well how important it is to provide a potential employer with a competent, decent resume when looking for a job.

At first glance, it may seem that writing a few words about yourself is not difficult and does not require special knowledge. But with this approach, do not be surprised if you receive a refusal from your next employer. The more reputable the company where you are going to work, the more important it is that a successful resume cannot be made completely universal. As a rule, it describes in detail your strengths as an individual and a professional. But no less important is the ability to correctly pay attention to your weaknesses in your resume.

Man is a multifaceted being, and this is where his integrity is manifested; it is not for nothing that Abraham Lincoln said that a person without flaws, as a rule, has few virtues. Don't be afraid to talk about your shortcomings, which in certain circumstances can become your main trump card.

If your resume needs to be written in any form, then focus on your strengths ah, as an individual and a specialist. But how can you correctly describe your negatives in order to still get the coveted job?

First general rule writing a resume - increased attention to the style of presentation of information. You must write clearly and understandably, because during an interview you have the opportunity to get out and convey the necessary information different ways, focusing on the listener’s reaction, and what is written is perceived unambiguously.

The main mistake that you should never make is ignoring the section of your resume where you need to write down your weaknesses. Many people believe that admitting their own shortcomings can interfere with success.

However, this is a wrong opinion - the employer will automatically form a negative impression of you as a person with inadequately inflated self-esteem.

Ideal people do not exist; the employer will appreciate your honesty if you briefly talk about your negative qualities, guided by some important points.

Lack of standard

It is impossible to say unequivocally that a particular quality is positive or negative. IN different areas activity, one and the same quality can become both weak and strong point employee. A simple example can be given: if you are applying for a job in a team, then your strong leadership qualities can only get in the way. But if you are applying for a position as a manager, then this quality is definitely your strength.

Be honest

The employer's request to indicate your negative qualities as a person and a specialist for your resume does not have the direct purpose of finding out about your weaknesses. This is done in order to find out how self-critical you are, how aware you are of your imperfections and the integrity of your personality.

Only an adult, mature person knows how to adequately assess his strengths and weaknesses. A mature personality in the eyes of the employer is a priori perceived as a more valuable candidate.

Indicate those weaknesses that can be improved

It is very important to tell truthfully about your negative qualities, but to pay attention to the fact that you are working on yourself, and not just accepting the presence of negativity, from the “Yes, I am like that!” series.

An example of such qualities: shyness or impulsiveness. You can say that these qualities manifest themselves situationally, but you are constantly working on yourself, in the first case, expanding your social circle, and in the second, trying to control your emotions.

Your weaknesses as a person can become strengths. professional qualities in your resume.

An example is this: you don’t know how to say “no” and in your personal life this quality prevents you from being guided your own desires. But in professional field This quality can make you an indispensable worker who is always ready to carry out important assignments. This quality is especially valuable for specialists who work under management.

Present your strengths as weaknesses

This is an old trick that should be used very carefully. You can safely consider your workaholism, desire for perfectionism and increased responsibility to be your trump card in your professional activities, but think twice before writing about this, because the employer may suspect you of insincerity.

Some tips in the video:

What specific weaknesses of your personality can become a trump card in the professional field?

However, in some cases it is best to be yourself!

It so happens that some employers, when surveying, and sometimes in the job description, ask you to indicate your shortcomings and weaknesses in your resume. Thus, they want to simplify the selection of personnel, weed out unnecessary candidates, etc. In a word, HR managers solve their problems in a way that suits them.

Let's get to the point

Enough long time I help people write resumes and look for jobs, and I want to say that the topic of shortcomings in resumes rarely comes up. But if it comes up, I tell everyone the same thing.

Weaknesses do not need to be listed on your resume.. Not necessary at all. Under no circumstances. Even if a vacancy or a special questionnaire asks you to describe your shortcomings, it’s still not. No no and one more time no. Never write bad things about yourself!

There are several reasons for this.

  • Indicating character weaknesses in a resume increases the likelihood that your resume will be thrown into the trash. Someone will definitely understand your words “wrong” and decide that such a candidate is not needed. Let them first invite you to an interview, and there you will answer the employer’s questions and tell about yourself in all details.
  • Second point - don't judge yourself. You may be biased and most likely you will. Many people are demanding of themselves and self-critical, they make mountains out of molehills and scold themselves out of the blue. Let others evaluate you. Let the employer look at you, talk to you and draw his own conclusions. For him, your disadvantages can be advantages (and vice versa).

    For example, shyness may be rated very highly. She may be seen as having a calm disposition and easy-going personality. Likewise, an active and energetic person may be called an upstart and a troublemaker.

  • If you indicate weaknesses and shortcomings in your resume, this will show your low self-esteem. Low self-esteem = low salary. Therefore, there is no need to be completely honest in your resume, show yourself from your advantage.

What if you still need to write something?

If you have a questionnaire or a form on a website where there is a special column “your shortcomings,” write a neutral phrase.

Examples of indicating weaknesses in a resume:

— “I am ready to answer your questions in personal communication”
- “I prefer to talk about it in person”
- Just put a dash

No disadvantages - only advantages

I want to say a few words about reverse side medals. If you don’t need to indicate your weaknesses in your resume, then your strengths should. This is really important. Focus on your strengths, strengths and skills. This will help the employer make the “right” choice.

A good resume structure will include a list of your professional skills and strengths. Every job site or template has a similar section that you need to fill out.

Why write strengths on your resume?

This is necessary to show the employer that you are suitable for him. Just everything.

If you correctly show your character strengths in your resume, your chances of getting an interview will increase.

What aspects of character should I indicate?

Firstly, based on the job requirements.

Valued in different positions different qualities. Accounting requires patience and perseverance, management requires activity and leadership skills, and working as a driver requires sobriety. And so on.

Secondly, be sincere to yourself.

If you are calm and reasonable, do not write about leadership skills. If you creative person and it’s difficult for you to work under strict deadlines, don’t write about discipline and punctuality.

The most common mistake on a resume

I write resumes for people at various job levels and before starting a job I ask them to send their current resume. I see almost everyone's list of office superman.

  • Responsibility.
  • Commitment.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Discipline.
  • Work for results.
  • Learning ability.
  • Determination.
  • Communication skills.
  • And so on.

I constantly read and edit this meaningless collection of phrases. A good, “selling” resume should not contain anything superfluous. Everything should be expedient.

Fixing the error

In order not to be like everyone else, learn to stand out from the crowd. There are two great options indicating strengths in your resume.

First option- remove all these qualities from your resume. It's very simple.

Second option. Choose one (maximum two!) of your character traits and write a sentence about each of them. Detailed and specific.

An example of indicating strengths in a resume:

  • Communicative (worked in sales, as well as in journalism, interviewed artists).
  • I prefer to work for results - I know how to start and complete things, I make decisions quickly, I am straightforward and active in communication.

Think about what your strongest quality is and what you will especially need to future work. Find this character trait and describe it in a tasty and detailed way. This will work much better than a banal list of meaningless words.

Getting a first job is a troublesome and incomprehensible matter. In college, they don’t teach you how to fill out forms, and if they talk about it, it’s in a general sense, without specifics. That’s why young people get stupefied when they need to name a person’s weaknesses. What to write? How, in general, should we approach such points? How are the strengths and weaknesses of a person determined in the context of professional activity? Let's figure it out.


Let's start with the fact that a person, one way or another, evaluates his character, inclinations, and abilities. He knows more about this than anyone else. A person’s weaknesses are an obstacle that hinders his realization. We usually consider these to be laziness, absent-mindedness, gluttony, love of sleep, desire to have fun rather than work. But this has an indirect relation to the place of service. And is it worth telling your employer that you like to eat cakes three times a day? This is for execution labor responsibilities doesn't have much effect.

When you need to talk about yourself, you need to focus on the conditions in which you will have to work. That is, analyze your qualities, identify those that will help you work, and those that will hinder you. Special attention Pay attention to the “weaknesses of a person” item. Say too much and they will refuse to hire you. If you hide what is relevant, you will be fired in a few days. The moment is very subtle. It should be approached in a balanced, thoughtful, careful, but honest manner. Below we will try to fill out this paragraph in practice so as to avoid negative consequences. But first, take a piece of paper and write down what you consider to be your weaknesses. Don't think about work yet. Record everything that comes to mind. We'll sift out the excess later.

How to analyze your abilities

To describe a person’s weaknesses for a questionnaire, it is necessary to carefully understand the character, habits, internal installations. Would you say that only a specialist can do this? You will be wrong! Now you will see everything for yourself. Sit comfortably, armed with a pen, and make lists. Enter in the hotel columns the following:

  • works well;
  • likes to perform;
  • It doesn’t work out at all;
  • still needs to be mastered;
  • causes disgust;
  • it is done, but with a creak, without enthusiasm.

If you approach this process thoroughly, you will get the basis for identifying a person’s weaknesses for the questionnaire. This is, in principle, what specialists do. They extract this information during conversation, observation, and testing. But you know yourself, and therefore things will go faster. And to make your work easier, here is a list of what are considered weaknesses. Focus on this data, but try not to copy it. Use your own brains!

Human weaknesses: examples

The employer needs you to keep things moving and not stand still. A person is given a range of responsibilities that must be strictly fulfilled. His personality traits may interfere with his work. To identify such inconsistencies, a column is filled in that identifies a person’s weaknesses. Believe me, there is nothing shameful in this. We are all different, different from each other. One can command, the other is better at executing. Both individuals will find a place that will bring them satisfaction and profit, and benefit the common cause. Weaknesses can be as follows (for the employee):

  • lack of inclination to communicate, low sociability;
  • isolation;
  • little experience;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • lack of specialized education;
  • poor skills;
  • conflict;
  • lenient attitude towards lies.

The list is very approximate in order to guide those who are faced with the problem for the first time. Here you can add, for example, fear public speaking(if they are necessary), inability to count money (as needed), and so on. It should be based on job responsibilities, which you are applying for.


By analogy, you can praise yourself in a questionnaire. Indicate all your talents, abilities, skills, experience. Eg:

  • strength of will;
  • endurance;
  • durability;
  • determination;
  • calm;
  • organization;
  • clarity of mind;
  • determination;
  • communication skills;
  • initiative;
  • patience;
  • love of truth;
  • justice;
  • thrift;
  • business abilities;
  • financial skills;
  • tolerance;
  • spirituality;
  • analytics;
  • ability to compromise;
  • artistry;
  • accuracy;
  • respectful attitude towards leaders.

The list is also very approximate. It will be easier to correct it if they explain to you what you will need to do at work. Be sure to inquire. And from the responsibilities, highlight the skills that are necessary for their successful implementation.

What is desirable to hide

It is not recommended to lie when filling out the questionnaire. But there are moments that are better not to talk about. For example, you lack willpower. That is, there were no moments in life when it needed to be demonstrated. So you think that it doesn’t exist. Then just don't include this item. There's nothing wrong with that. Believe me, this quality, called positive by society, is questionable for the employer. If a worker is stubborn, having all the inclinations to achieve the goal, it is difficult to deal with him. Such people complain to the courts and can write a statement to the authorities. Why do management need these problems?

When filling out the form, focus more on business characteristics. This is where you have to be extremely sincere. Each item indicated in the questionnaire will be checked in practice. It will be awkward and embarrassing if you are caught in a lie. If you don’t know how to talk to a client, point it out. This is a profitable business - they will teach you. And for honesty you will receive bonuses, albeit intangible ones.

You know, interviews are usually conducted by people who know how to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses. Examples constantly pass before their eyes. Involuntarily, you will learn to notice the subtleties and nuances of behavior and project them onto characters. When you come across such a form, fill it out and read what you write twice. It is necessary to take a look at your data as if from the outside. You have two lists. Look at the list ratio. It is desirable that positive strong qualities there were three times more than the weak ones. Judge for yourself, who needs a worker who can’t do anything and doesn’t want to? It is foolish to give such an individual a chance to grow. And what do you think?