Teplon Yunis plaster: technical characteristics. Instructions for using gypsum plaster unis teplon Teplon plaster mixture

Teplon Yunis plaster: technical characteristics.  Instructions for using gypsum plaster unis teplon Teplon plaster mixture
Teplon Yunis plaster: technical characteristics. Instructions for using gypsum plaster unis teplon Teplon plaster mixture


Lightweight heat-saving plaster mixture based on gypsum binder.


For solid or partial leveling surfaces of walls and ceilings inside residential and public premises with moderate humidity for subsequent decorative finishing: wallpapering, painting, ceramic tiles, etc.;

Finishing of surfaces in damp heated rooms is carried out only for subsequent tiling with ceramic tiles, provided that the joints between the tiles are thoroughly grouted.


Plastic and easy to use;

Possible glossing;

Normalizes indoor humidity;

Smooth surface without putty;

High heat saving + sound insulation;

Due to its lightness, it significantly reduces the load on the base and allows you to eliminate even deep unevenness (leveling differences up to 70 mm);

Application without plaster mesh on walls - in a layer of up to 50 mm (when filling recesses - up to 70 mm), on ceilings - up to 30 mm. Allows you to significantly simplify the work of leveling surfaces;

High vapor permeability;

During work and during operation it does not emit harmful substances to human health and environment substances that contribute to the creation favorable microclimate in room;

Non-shrinkage and crack resistance.

It is used on concrete, foam concrete, gypsum, cement-sand bases, brickwork, as well as other non-deformable bases.

Preparing the base:

When carrying out work, as well as during the drying period of the solution, the air temperature in the room should be maintained within the range from +5 ° C to +30 ° C and the air humidity level should not exceed 75%. The base must be level, strong, dry, and have bearing capacity. Before applying the material, remove crumbling elements, paint coatings and any other contaminants from the surface. The surface must be treated with UNIS primer in one or two layers; uneven and highly absorbent bases (gas silicate, foam concrete, etc.) - in several layers. The soil from the UNIS line is selected according to the type of base. Dust on primed surfaces is not allowed.

Plastering should be carried out only after the primed surface has completely dried. All irregularities, potholes, cracks with a depth of more than 50 mm must first be sealed with TEPLON plaster in several layers. The thickness of each layer when completely leveling the surface should not exceed 50 mm; for a layer over 50 mm, it is recommended to use a plaster mesh.

When leveling thickly on a prepared base using TEPLON plaster, install beacons at a distance of 20-30 cm less than the length of the rule used. The correct installation of the beacons is checked by level. After the beacon fixing solution has hardened, you can continue working.

Preparation of the solution:

To prepare the solution, pour the dry mixture into a container with clean water(per 1 kg of dry mixture 0.45-0.55 l) and stir for 1-3 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Mixing is done mechanized way- a professional mixer with a low speed attachment.

Manual mixing is allowed when the mass of the mixture to be mixed is no more than 1 kg. Let the solution sit for 5 minutes and stir again. After this, the solution is ready for use. The prepared portion of the solution must be consumed no later than 50 minutes after mixing.

When preparing the solution, it is necessary to observe the “dry mixture - water” ratio. It is not allowed to add any components other than water to the dry mixture. Adding any components, including water, to a ready-made solution leads to a change in the properties of the material declared by the manufacturer. To prepare the solution, use only clean containers and tools.


The prepared solution is applied to the surface with a trowel or spatula within 20-30 minutes after mixing, then leveled using the rule. The layer of applying the plaster mixture without using a plaster mesh on walls is from 5 to 50 mm and up to 70 mm when filling recesses, for ceilings - from 5 to 30 mm. At the moment the solution begins to set (50-60 minutes after mixing the mixture), trim the applied layer using the rule, removing excess and filling the recesses. The resulting surface, after final drying, is suitable for gluing ceramic tiles.

If there are differences of more than 50 mm, carry out preliminary alignment surfaces using the Teplon plaster mixture. To do this, the plaster mixture is applied in several layers, each layer is laid with a plaster mesh. Installation of beacons for applying pre-leveling layers is not required. Applying Teplon plaster in several layers is possible without using a plaster mesh; for this, cross-shaped notches are applied to the set but not yet hardened layer of plaster (50-60 minutes after mixing) using a comb or a notched trowel.

The thickness of each layer, if it is necessary to level out significant differences (more than 50 mm), should not exceed 30 mm. Before applying a new layer of plaster mixture, you must wait until the previous layer has completely dried and treat the surface with UNIS primer.

Smoothing and glossing:

Depending on the thickness of the applied layer, 90-120 minutes after trimming, moisten the surface with water, rub it with a sponge trowel and smooth out the gypsum milk that appears on the surface using a spatula or trowel. The resulting surface, after drying, is suitable for wallpapering or painting.

Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and respiratory organs;

Keep out of the reach of children;

In case of contact with eyes, rinse big amount water and consult a doctor immediately.

The Russian company UNIS is one of the domestic leaders in the production of dry building mixtures. Its product range includes about a hundred types of dry plasters, putties, tile adhesives and other mixtures. One of them is gypsum plaster Eunice Teplon, the characteristics of which will be the subject of study in this article.

Under this name two types of dry mixes are produced: gypsum plaster Teplon gray and Teplon white.


This universal mixture is made on the basis of gypsum binder. And the heat-saving properties declared in the name itself are due to perlite, a unique additive made from a natural mineral of volcanic origin.

Perlite makes plaster lighter, so it can be applied in a fairly thick layer, eliminating deep unevenness and without creating a significant load on the base.

In addition to gypsum and perlite, the plaster contains ingredients that give it following properties and characteristics:

  • strength of the finished coating;
  • resistance to cracks;
  • increased viability of the solution;
  • high adhesion to the base.

All this makes the described product in demand in such areas of construction as interior decoration.

For reference. The composition of gypsum plaster Eunice Teplon white and gray is practically the same. The color of the mixture depends on the characteristics of the raw materials used, mainly gypsum. The surface acquires a permanent color after the solution dries.

Application area

Plaster is used when finishing ceilings (see How to plaster a ceiling with your own hands) and walls in interior spaces public and residential buildings. It is also recommended for leveling surfaces in medical and children's institutions, since it does not contain harmful substances.

The created coating is an ideal base for such types decorative finishing, such as painting, wallpapering (see Decorating walls with wallpaper in the correct form), cladding artificial stone or ceramic tiles.

Since the main binder of the mixture is gypsum, its use is allowed only in rooms with normal and moderate air humidity. But if you choose ceramic tile, then Teplon can be applied to walls and in damp, heated rooms, provided that the joints are sealed with high-quality moisture-proof grout.

The advantages of the material include:

  • Plasticity, ease of application with your own hands;
  • A long period of hardening of the solution, which allows it to be diluted in a larger volume than conventional gypsum compositions;
  • Possibility of applying a thick layer in one go (leveling differences up to 70 mm deep is allowed);
  • High heat-saving and sound-proofing properties;
  • Obtaining a smooth surface with the possibility of glossing; no need to putty the walls after plastering.

Like all other gypsum plasters, Teplon has the ability to absorb excess moisture and release it when the air becomes dry. Therefore, surfaces leveled with it normalize indoor air humidity, participating in maintaining a healthy microclimate.

To decorate rooms and level walls and ceilings, every owner wants to use only high-quality materials that are safe for their own family. TEPLON gypsum plaster from the Unis company fully meets these requirements.


Teplon 30 kg

The natural components that make up Teplon do not cause allergic reactions and do not emit harmful substances. Thanks to the use of a special mineral called “perlite”, the plaster has increased heat-insulating properties. The material has high degree vapor permeability and prevents liquid from remaining inside, releasing water vapor through the pores to the outside.

TEPLON plaster is light in weight, the load on the treated surface is significantly lower than when using analogues. Thanks to this property, it is ideal even for balcony floors, where the weight of the finish plays a significant role.

The gypsum mixture easily copes with any defects on the surface. It is perfectly smoothed to a glossy shine, ideal for finishing materials that require smooth surface no drawbacks: paint or wallpaper, not to mention tiling. The composition should be applied in interior spaces with a humidity level of no more than 75%.

If it is necessary to apply TEPLON plaster in a room with high humidity, then you should definitely use tiles for cladding, and the seams between them should be thoroughly rubbed.

Features of application

15kg bag

With his light weight, a finishing material, boasts high strength. This allows you to apply a five-centimeter layer of solution over the entire area. In this case, there is no need to use various reinforcing meshes for better adhesion. TEPLON has increased adhesive properties. It can also cope with repairing deep potholes on the surface.

If the first layer is not enough, then, without using meshes for better adhesion, you can apply a second layer, the thickness of which can reach 3 cm. In order for the layers to be securely fastened, it is enough to “draw” a notch in the form of a mesh with a spatula right away, as the solution begins to set.

No need to use Additional materials saves money and reduces repair time.

As mentioned above, TEPLON is suitable for working on the ceiling. The algorithm of actions and installation technology does not differ from application on vertical surfaces, but the layer thickness should be no more than 3 cm. The use of TEPLONA for work on the ceiling not only facilitates application, but also saves from the risk of collapse of the frozen mixture due to rapid drying.

Other types of mortars are heavy and take longer to dry, which poses a risk of the plaster peeling off and falling, which is life-threatening. The coating does not require putty; it can be made smooth at the grouting stage, then you can immediately begin finishing.

Plaster "Teplon" reviews from people


Marina S., 29 years old. "With my husband in new apartment We decided to level the walls. The seller recommended Teplon. They decided to apply it themselves, although both of them had never done anything like this before. Looked on the Internet the right technology, we did it, everything worked out. The mass is plastic, easy to apply. Now we will only use this plaster.”

Sergey V., 46 years old. “I have plastered many times before, the ceiling in the room began to crumble, I decided to fix the problem myself. I heard about TEPLON before and took it for finishing. They are comfortable to work with, set quickly and smooth out perfectly. I think I need to paint now."

Ildar S., 32 years old. “To be honest, I ordered TEPLON because of the price. I had my doubts a little about the quality of the plaster; they still cost an order of magnitude more, but the result exceeded expectations. I especially liked the fact that you don’t need a mesh for better grip. It holds up well, and the main thing is that it’s done quickly.”

Preparation of the solution

To prepare the composition, you need to add water to the bowl and pour powder at the rate of 450-550 g. liquid per kilogram of powder. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly construction mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous. After 5 minutes, stir the plaster again.

It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to add any components other than water to the solution. This will lead to a violation of the properties of the plaster, and it may collapse.

The finished composition should be used no more than 50 minutes from the moment of preparation.

Application of Teplon plaster

At the time of applying the solution, as well as while it hardens, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of humidity, and the temperature range should be from +5 to +30 degrees.

Before plastering works the surface should be prepared. It must be clean and dry. It is necessary to remove all crumbling and peeling areas of the previous coating, old paint you also need to remove it, and be sure to get rid of it greasy stains, If there are any. Run your palm over the surface, and if there is dust left on it, then the base must be thoroughly cleaned.

After this, you need to treat the surface with a primer solution from Unis. Depending on the type of base, apply one or several layers of primer: brick and concrete – in one or two layers, and porous materials need to be impregnated more thoroughly. Each layer of mortar must dry before the next one is applied.

You should only use a primer that is designed to work with a specific type of substrate.

If there are dents and cracks on the surface more than a couple of centimeters deep, then they must be filled with plaster mixture. Only after two days can the next stage of work begin.

To level the base you will need beacons. To install them correctly, you need to use a level to mark the highest point. Then, having previously marked the mounting location, a small amount of plaster is applied. A beacon is attached to it. Then, using a level, the profile is leveled and recessed into the solution. Beacons are installed in increments of 1.5-2 meters. This distance should be 20 centimeters less than the length of the rule.

The plaster must be applied using a spatula, then excess mortar must be removed and leveled using the rule. The thickness of the layer without plaster mesh should not exceed 5 cm.

About an hour later, after the composition begins to set, the surface must be treated again with the rule, filling uneven areas and removing excess plaster. After this procedure, the coating will be even and smooth, and finishing can be applied to it.

Due to the fact that the use gypsum plaster TEPLON will save you from the need to purchase additional Consumables, such as reinforcing mesh and putty, significant amounts are saved at each stage of construction and repair work.

Quick drying allows you to proceed to subsequent stages much faster than when using other mixtures, which means the repair time will be reduced. If you use the services of a team that estimates the cost of work by the hour, then you can save on this too.

The average cost of a package of gypsum mixture weighing 30 kg is approximately 360 rubles. The price of TEPLON plaster from “Yunis” of similar packaging is 270 rubles. It would seem that the difference is only 90 rubles. What if you need 50 bags?

At high quality material, the economic side of the issue also remains attractive.

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Plaster is a special mixture designed for various types of finishing works on brick, concrete, cement and other surfaces.

The application of a layer of plaster has sanitary, protective and structural, as well as decorative purpose; with its help you can level the surface, hide mechanical defects and give it the desired texture.


Plaster mesh
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Most often for interior decoration plaster mixtures are used in the premises. They are easy and quick to apply, but these compositions differ at an affordable price. In addition, plaster is universal material for preparing the walls of the bathroom and other rooms for finishing. The leader in sales of dry solutions is Unis. One of the most popular compositions from this company is Teplon - plaster on gypsum base. Let's look at the features of this material and start, of course, with the pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern gypsum plaster Eunice Teplon compares favorably with:

  • Good vapor permeability, which creates a healthy microclimate in the room.
  • Low thermal conductivity. A heat-insulating layer is created on the surface, which enhances the heat-protective characteristics of the premises.
  • Environmentally friendly. The composition of Teplon gypsum plaster includes synthetic and natural components that cannot cause harm to health.
  • Economical.
  • No shrinkage or cracking.
  • Ease of application.
  • Low weight, which significantly reduces the load on the plane of the treated surface.
  • Fast setting.
  • No need to use finishing putty. The treated surface will be slightly glossy, so additional finishing may not be necessary.

However, despite its many advantages, this composition has a low pot life (the material must be used within 50 minutes). Also, some builders note reduced strength of the material. However, they are usually compared with more expensive drywall, to which Teplon is somewhat inferior in technical characteristics. In addition, the compositions of these materials are also different, so it is not entirely correct to compare them.

Composition of Teplon

The main component of the mixture is gypsum, which acts as a binder. In addition, Teplon contains natural material– perlite, which is an expanded crumb of natural mica. Thanks to this component, the plaster retains heat. In addition, perlite makes the mixture very light and speeds up the hardening process. On the other hand, it is precisely because of this component that plaster cannot be used for exterior work.

In addition to fine filler, synthetic additives are added to the mixture.

In terms of their composition, Yunis products are practically no different from similar Knauf Rotband compositions. Therefore, it is impossible to say which is better: Rotband or Teplon. However, there are a few differences:

  • Yunis is a Russian manufacturer, and Knauf is a German company.
  • The cost of domestic putty will be approximately 60 rubles lower.

In all other respects these are two identical compositions. Therefore, you choose - Teplon or Rotband. If we talk about the properties of these compositions, they are also no different.

Properties and cost of Teplon

Before moving on to finishing work, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics and properties of gypsum plaster:

  • Strength is 2.5 MPa per 1 cm 2. In this case, the plaster can withstand pressure of more than 25 kg. By the way, the strength characteristics of the same drywall are not much more (3-5 MPa).
  • The maximum layer thickness for ceilings is 3 cm, and for walls 5 cm. However, it is better to apply the plaster in a layer of about 0.5-0.7 cm. If you want to increase the thickness finishing material, then you can use a reinforcing mesh.
  • Frost resistance – F35.
  • Colors. The plaster is available in two colors - white and gray. It is worth considering that the white mixture may differ slightly from the gray composition in its properties, so before using it, be sure to read the instructions on the package.
  • Thermal conductivity of Teplon is 0.23 W/m o C.
  • Adhesion. The solution adheres well to the surface. The adhesion level is 1.0 kgf/cm 2. Thanks to this, when applying a layer of up to 0.7 cm, there is no need to use a reinforcing mesh.
  • Moisture absorption. Gypsum plaster, which contains perlite, absorbs moisture very well.
  • The consumption per 10 kg will be about 4.5-5.5 kg of Teplon. The mixtures are sold in packages of 15 and 30 kg. If we talk about consumption per 1 m2, then no more than 8.5-10 kg of mixture will be used per “square”. The cost will be about 130 rubles.

If we talk about the cost of mixtures, then:

  • Eunice Teplon white plaster will cost 150 rubles for a 15 kg package and about 340 rubles for a 30 kg bag.
  • The gray composition costs a little less, from 278 to 310 per 30 kg.

Before purchasing, it is worth deciding on the scope of work and clarifying whether the selected composition is suitable for a particular room.

Areas of use of plaster

Excellent specifications the mixture allows it to be used for various finishing works. Most often it is used for leveling and finishing surfaces in residential premises and medical institutions with normal humidity levels. This composition can be safely used in children's bedrooms, as it does not contain caustic or toxic substances.

Teplon can be applied to any surface: brick, cement-sand, wood, gypsum, concrete and foam concrete.

The only condition is that you cannot use plaster for the bathroom if it will serve as a finishing layer. Teplon can only be applied under tiles. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on use.

After purchasing the plaster, you need to study the instructions for use and you can start treating the surfaces.

How to apply Teplon

At the first stage it is necessary to make preparatory work. To do this, you need to remove it from the surface to be treated. old plaster and wallpaper. Also, the walls need to be washed and dried. All “growths” must be cut off. Despite the fact that the composition has good adhesion, it is recommended to apply small notches to the surface. After this, the walls must be coated with a primer (2-3 layers) and Teplon solution diluted.

Preparing the mixture

The solution must be diluted according to the proportions indicated on the package. The standard ratio is 1 kg of plaster per 0.45-0.55 liters of water. However, if you use white plaster, then the volume of water must be increased to 1.8 -2.2 liters.

Healthy! If there is too much water, the solution will simply spread over the surface. If you are greedy with water, the diluted composition will begin to crack.

The mixture must be thoroughly mixed with water; it is best if you have an electric mixer or drill with an appropriate attachment on hand. After mixing, the solution must be left for 5-6 minutes, after which the plaster is mixed again.

It is recommended to prepare the mixture in small portions. Some believe that it is better to do a large volume of material at once, so as not to suffer later with constant stirring and waiting. In this case, this approach will not work. The “life” of the plaster is only 50 minutes (it is recommended to do it within half an hour), after this time the mixture will become unusable. If you use already “expired” material, the coating will be very fragile. After some time, such plaster will simply crumble.

Applying plaster

To apply the prepared solution to the wall, just use a trowel or spatula (better different sizes). It is best to purchase tools that are made of stainless steel.

Healthy! The mixture can only be used when temperature conditions from +5 to +30 degrees.

After the composition has been applied to the surface, it is necessary to treat it with a rule to remove all irregularities. After a few hours the plaster will harden.

If you used white plaster, then 1.5-2 hours after applying it, you need to go over the surface with a sponge grater.

After this, you need to wait about a week until the composition completely hardens. Complete drying is calculated based on the fact that a 10 mm layer will completely harden in 5-7 days at a temperature of +22 degrees and normal humidity.

In custody

Eunice Teplon is one of the most quality plasters, which is characterized by durability, low cost and excellent performance characteristics. Using this mixture will allow you to significantly save on finishing work.

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