Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs. Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs Fastening tulle to eyelets

Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs.  Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs Fastening tulle to eyelets
Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs. Curtains for the bedroom - the best photos of new designs Fastening tulle to eyelets

Calmness and tranquility, which are necessary for proper rest, impose special requirements on. The calm range of curtains remains generally recognized and in demand to this day, but no one says that they should be boring. Using design elements corresponding to the chosen style, the window is designed in an original, bright, practical way. The latest fashion trends do not exclude the acquisition of any style, however, they suggest what you should pay attention to.
Original curtains for the bedroom

Selecting curtains

Important: Any style can offer curtains for the bedroom that will completely suit this room, which means that the issue of the functionality of the curtains is first decided.

When choosing curtain models for the bedroom, it is advisable to follow the following simple rules:

  • Instead of pure white for tulle, use milky, pearl, light beige shades
  • Do not use canvases with large patterns for a small room
  • For a spacious room, it is better to choose a curtain color darker than the wall covering.
  • It is good to decorate the window of a small bedroom with light fabrics, and do not make curtains the size of the entire wall
  • If the room is combined with a bedroom, choose one without lush draperies that distract attention

Fashionable curtains

Despite some disagreements in the design community regarding the design of a bedroom, the direction towards naturalness and practicality has become generally accepted. A natural style is considered to be the one that uses design elements that correspond to it. For example, with a lush lambrequin they look organic. At the same time, even the most interesting curtains for a bedroom in an eclectic style must wait in the wings for now.

Length, style, accessories

If it is possible to hang long drapes or curtains, then this must be implemented. Curtains that fall to the floor in elegant folds and lie on it will make the room fashionable and stylish. The fabric for sewing such curtains is taken in excess of up to 40 cm.

For a small room, a long curtain would be inappropriate, so it suggests the presence of Roman, Japanese or rolled designs with an emphasis on the selected fabric. Short curtains in country or Provence style will also fit well into a modern interior.

The use of a classic set of curtains and heavy drapes is considered relevant. Diversity is added by two-color curtains or expensive tulle with exquisite embroidery, which will play a major role in window decoration. in this case they are made monochromatic and discreet.

Tip: If possible, design a combined, openwork, rigid, draped or simple flounce; it will be an excellent addition to the fashionable look of the bedroom.

Beautiful and unusual curtain clips, ribbons and tiebacks, ruffles, tassels, and fringe decorate bedroom curtains. Accessories are also purchased in accordance with fashion trends. Rich embroidery, sparkles and rhinestones are widely used - they can make heavy curtains look airy. Swarovski crystals on the fabric will transform the curtain into a glamorous one.

Fabrics, colors, new items

Vintage is recognized as one of the leading trends, which means that now you can hang curtains on windows that are more than twenty years old. The main thing is that the entire interior matches this image. Stylish curtains for the bedroom are made of cotton, tweed, flannel, silk or linen.

The checkered pattern and aged accessories convey the atmosphere of the last century. In addition to specific retro fabrics, timeless gabardine, organza, voile, brocade, and velvet are suitable for curtains.

The color scheme is varied, but it is better to give preference to beige, gray, light blue, dark blue, green, and purple tones. A room with golden tulle and turquoise curtains will definitely be on trend.

Country - natural materials are used, decorated with ribbons, frills, lace, ruffles, bows. Now even buttons are used for design. It is better to purchase such curtains from natural fabrics in beige, sand, and green tones.

Classic - the design of curtains for the bedroom in the classic version requires the presence of a lambrequin, heavy curtains with transparent tulle.

Arabic style - the use of blue in combination with gold is relevant. Juicy, but moderate in brightness tones are appropriate here.

Oriental style - it is conveyed by discreet Japanese panels.

Baroque - the average degree of pomp and pomp is chosen. A harmonious interior of curtains in the bedroom will be created by silk and velvet fabrics, brocade, and draped lambrequins. Finishing with tassels, fringe, and applique is used.

When looking at curtains, you should remember that either tulle or drapes take on the main role. For a restrained interior, you can choose a bright window design. If the leading line when creating the design of a room is given to the setting, then the curtain only discreetly emphasizes the chosen concept.


The use of eye-catching fabrics, styles, models and colors that help you get a good rest is the main fashion trend. It does not depend on time or design research.

Photos of new curtains for the bedroom 2016-2017

The bedroom is a personal space for us. The generally accepted rule is that the bedroom interior should be calm. It is in this room that we can relax after a working day and dream. That is why it is so important to create a comfortable and cozy environment. In this article we will look at modern fashion trends and new items for 2019 in the design of curtains for the bedroom.

Fashion trend - elongated curtains

Long curtains that fall in folds to the floor add elegance to the bedroom. To achieve this effect, curtains are usually made 5-15 cm longer than the height to the floor level.

Such curtains harmonize well with draperies and tassels. In addition, they visually soften the sharp lines of the window frame.

Floor-length curtains will add height to a room if it has a low ceiling, but if you want to emphasize the area then avoid tightly gathered curtains or curtains that fall to the floor, as their bulkiness is too intrusive in the room (both visually and physically). If the temptation is too great, choose a plain fabric and be sure to add support loops.

Double curtains

The fashionable novelty of bedroom design in 2019 has become. Due to the fact that you can combine fabrics, wide possibilities in design open up. You can combine a plain fabric of two colors or combine a plain material with a pattern.

This curtain design looks very elegant and stylish. In addition, it is suitable not only for classic interiors, but also for modern ones.

Another design option would be to trim the edges of the curtains with a different fabric. In this case, the illusion is created that the curtains are double, but in reality this is not the case. This is a more convenient and economical option. You will need half as much fabric and, in addition, you will not need to install a triple curtain rod to hang two rows of curtains and tulle.

Simplicity and conciseness

In recent years, the general trend in interior design has been simplicity and conciseness.

This light-colored bedroom should not be hidden from the sun. Voile air curtains with contrasting tiebacks are an attractive window design.

Most bedrooms are small and naturally dominated by the bed, leaving only a small amount of open space. That is why be careful when choosing fabric with a pattern for curtains and curtains in the bedroom. If the fabric for curtains and bed linen are bright colors, and even with a large pattern, then a modest-sized bedroom will immediately turn into a sea of ​​​​fabric.

In the photo, patterned coffee Roman curtains paired with rich cream drapes enhance the sense of space in this small but tranquil room.

To emphasize the feeling of space, use simple plain or light fabrics with subtle patterns, blues and greens are especially soothing.

Unlike contrasting colors, these curtains are made of cotton fabric in a traditional English style and are made in the same colors as the entire interior of the room. Milky Roman curtains allow daylight to flood into the room while providing that much-needed indoor feel.

Multi-layered window treatments, such as sheer curtains combined with a blackout fabric curtain, work well in a bedroom where a sense of privacy is appreciated and the abundance of daylight is not too favored.

But bedrooms are not always used only for sleeping; they are often used as a study or simply as a quiet, relaxing place to relax. If your bedroom also serves as your office, you should avoid overly ruffled curtains and design styles that do not contribute to the work environment.

Blackout fabrics

How much daylight someone needs in a bedroom depends on personal taste. Some people cannot wake up without sunlight penetrating the room, while others are annoyed by any “intrusive” ray. To protect yourself from the sun, use heavy, thick fabrics or special shading materials, making sure that the curtain or curtain will completely cover the window.

Among the new products, curtains for the bedroom have become widely used. With the help of this new material, it is possible to almost completely darken the bedroom and not a single ray of light will disturb your sleep.

Moreover, this fabric can be of any color, not necessarily just black.

Thread curtains

Another innovative idea is that they look great in the bedroom. These original curtains came to us from the East and gained great popularity.

The photo shows thread curtains for the bedroom in soft blue tones.

Such curtains consist of many threads and can be of different colors and textures. When the sun's rays pass through such curtains, a unique play of light is created in the room. All this provides a large field for creativity and the implementation of original design ideas.


Curtains with lambrequins have come back into fashion. In the bedroom they look especially appropriate and create coziness in the room.

According to tradition, if you look into history, draped ones were made from expensive fabrics - damask, brocade, velvet.

Modern style allows everything from cotton and linen to artificial fabrics. The color scheme also has no boundaries. An exquisite lambrequin made of tapestry or silk fabrics with a large, catchy pattern, although it looks like an antique, can be adapted to a modern window by changing its shape.

A lambrequin can look like a simple strip of fabric. This can be a triangle decorated with edging or braid, an asymmetrical panel tied with a knot along the long side, simple folds laid along the entire length of the lambrequin.

The folds can also be decorated with contrasting braid, and to create a harmonious combination, the same braid can be used to decorate the bottom edge of the curtain and the tieback.


Curtains with contrasting lining have become a fashionable trend in window decoration. Lined curtains protect the main fabric from fading and moisture, become voluminous and lightproof.

Lining fabric can also be used as a design element. The edge of the curtain with a patterned lining can be folded back, and then the lining is visible. Such curtains become thick and heavy, which means that the folds of the drapery will lie better and look more luxurious.

Horizontal stripes

An interesting design find was the horizontal stripes in the design of the curtains. This is a very simple and elegant way to decorate curtains.

In an amazing way, you can transform a simple plain material into original curtains if you add horizontal stripes of a different color to it. You can come up with your own designs for curtains by changing the color, fabric and proportions of the stripes.

Roman curtains

The atmosphere of the bedroom should be cozy and conducive to relaxation. Therefore, it may seem that only elegant and lush curtains are suitable for this room.

They cannot boast of such qualities. Their forms are strict and laconic, and the fabrics for their manufacture are used mainly with a simple and smooth texture. But this is only at first glance.

Modern design requirements are different from those 20-30 years ago. Functionality comes first, especially since everyone has different ideas about comfort.

There are many people who are suffocated by lush draperies, and they can only relax and unwind in a more ascetic atmosphere.

And practical, functional, but at the same time not too formal (at least in comparison with horizontal and roller blinds), Roman blinds can be an ideal solution for them.

Roman blinds in different interior styles:

  • For a classic bedroom, thick curtains made of fabric with a tapestry pattern, decorated with fringe, are suitable.
  • Country style involves the use of thick linen or cotton in a check or stripe.
  • An Art Nouveau interior favors curtains painted in natural tones: olive, plum, coffee.
  • For the Scandinavian style, you will need translucent cotton curtains in light shades. If the windows face south, they can be combined with thick linen curtains.
  • For laconic interiors, such as hi-tech and minimalism, thick curtains made of fabric the color of wet asphalt with a metallic sheen are ideal.
  • Eclecticism is characterized by a mixture of styles. In such an interior, you can use any fabric, paying attention only to their light-protective properties.
  • For an oriental interior, you will need thick, bright curtains, decorated with exquisite embroidery and fringe of golden threads.

Austrian curtains

- a great way to decorate the window in the bedroom beautifully and romantically. Such curtains are delicate and feminine. They are almost devoid of right angles and strict lines, so designers do not recommend hanging them in a bachelor’s bedroom.

Otherwise there are no restrictions. They will be an excellent way out for people who are impressed by the functionality and convenience of lifting Roman curtains, but do not like their laconic simple form.

For a bedroom, it is important that curtains, if necessary, can create shading in the room that is comfortable for sleeping, but “Austrian” curtains are often made from loose fabric that allows light to pass through. In this case, they play the role of curtains and are combined with thick curtains.

Austrian curtains in different interior styles:

  • With the right choice of fabric, Austrian curtains will be appropriate in most interior styles. The exception is emphasized modern trends, such as loft, constructivism, hi-tech, brutalism and the like.
  • Since “Austrian curtains” are a simplified modification of French awning curtains, originally intended to decorate aristocratic chambers, they look harmonious in a classical frame, with elements of such styles as Rococo, Baroque and Empire. In this case, they should be sewn from smooth, dense silk fabric or translucent organza.
  • For “rustic” interiors filled with national flavor, such as French Provence, English shabby chic, American country, Italian Mediterranean, Austrian curtains are ideal. For such interiors, they are sewn from natural cotton fabrics with small floral prints.
  • This season, lambrequins are again at the peak of popularity. But due to the fact that, when folded, the Austrian model of curtains itself resembles a horizontal drapery, complex designs with ties, swags and crossovers will have to be abandoned. A smooth, rigid lambrequin with a flat, arched or figured bottom is best suited.

Japanese panels

Adherents know that the main rules in its formation are conciseness and functionality. This applies to all Japanese household items, including curtains.

They are distinguished by a rigid rectangular shape, outwardly reminiscent of a screen or sliding doors and look very elegant, graceful and stylish.

Until recently, it was believed that such laconic curtains were suitable only for minimalist styles. Today, designers do not agree with this and offer many interesting ideas for combining Japanese curtains with less ascetic interiors.

Interesting ideas with Japanese curtains:

  • Screen panels look best in spacious rooms with large windows. But if you use light fabrics in light shades to sew them, then they will become a good design solution for a small room.
  • Particularly successful is the combination of screen curtains made of fabrics of different textures on one window. For example, from translucent organza and thick silk.
  • Depending on the size of the room, up to 10 screen panels can be placed on the cornice. They will allow you to quickly change the interior and comfortably dose natural light.
  • Since Japanese panels have a rigid rectangular shape, they are ideal for fabrics with complex prints and photo printing. Modern digital technologies allow you to apply any design on them, from a designer’s image to your own photograph, and create a one-of-a-kind interior.
  • Another option for changing tones and patterns is to overlay panels on top of each other. By combining fabrics of different textures and colors, you can endlessly experiment with light and shadow and achieve new unusual results each time.
  • Today, layering is in fashion. Many designers skillfully combine Japanese panels with other types of curtains: tulle, traditional curtains, muslin and fit them into interiors that match the curtains of their style partners.

Finishes and accessories

Just like the right accessories can turn a little black dress into a stunning outfit, carefully chosen curtain rods, hinges, cords, embellishments and trim can turn a simple or inexpensive window treatment into a statement piece.

But use them in moderation - remember: nothing looks worse than too much jewelry!

In the photo, an elegant carved holder in combination with simple cotton curtains attracts attention.

Sometimes such jewelry is a chance find (long live thrift stores and antique shops!), and sometimes it is the result of a long search in specialty stores.

Don't limit yourself to retailers, also check out the clothing departments for sequins, ribbons and lace trim.

You can also make the necessary design details yourself, turning objects such as shells, stained wood, glass polished by the sea, or “witch stones” (pebbles with holes in the middle) into decorations for curtains or curtains.

Remember that the simpler the fabric and style of the curtains, the more attention will be given to their decoration. Conversely, on a more elegant curtain these details will be less noticeable.

The variety of options for designing curtains in the bedroom allows everyone to choose what they like and suit the interior.

A little more about color combinations and textures

In bedroom design, textiles play the “first fiddle”, so you need to choose them especially carefully. Curtains and bedspreads made of the same fabric or similar in color and texture always look advantageous.
If the bedroom is small in size, it is better to opt for laconic curtains made of smooth and light fabrics in soothing shades (plain or with unobtrusive patterns).

And to avoid excessive monochrome interior, choose textiles in the same color scheme as the walls, but a few shades darker. For example, chocolate-colored curtains are ideal for delicate milky-coffee wallpaper, and the cold restraint of gray-blue shades will be beneficially softened by warm “plum” or “lavender” curtains.

And, remember that if the living room is a kind of front face of your apartment, then in the bedroom it is better to focus on harmony and maximum comfort. Don’t choose fashionable trendy colors if you personally don’t like them too much: very quickly such an interior will begin to subconsciously irritate you. If you have to choose between style, elegance and comfort, then the latter is preferable for the bedroom.

The bedroom is a room for rest, relaxation and relaxation. This part of the living space needs special arrangement: comfortable furniture, a cozy interior, soft lighting and beautiful curtains. This article is a review of fashionable and beautiful curtains for a modern bedroom.

Bedroom interior - curtains on the windows

Should you curtain your bedroom windows? There is no definite answer to this question - each owner decides independently, making a choice in favor of curtains or. But it’s hard to argue that a shaded window creates a special, cozy atmosphere that promotes complete relaxation and better rest.

Curtained bedroom windows help relieve tension from tired eyes, shade the room from the sun, and create an intimate atmosphere.

Advice! The choice of suitable curtains for a bedroom should be made taking into account the interior of the room - the color of the walls, the orientation of the windows to the cardinal directions.

To give the room sophistication and charm, curtains (thick curtains and tulle) should be harmoniously combined with each other. In addition to comfort and shading, curtains on bedroom windows reduce the percentage of street noise, trap dust, reduce drafts, and help protect the room from insect invasion.

Fashionable curtains 2016 - curtains for the bedroom

Curtains for a bedroom in a classic style never cease to be relevant, so in 2016 they are the most fashionable trend. Curtains of classic models fully justify their functional purpose - protecting the room from sunlight and dust, as well as creating a cozy atmosphere.

The classic style of curtains for the bedroom in 2016 has the following features:

  • traditional design - classic curtains have been used for many years to decorate the interior of bedrooms;
  • unique color combinations - every year designers develop curtain models using new fabric textures and combining several color tones;

  • exact proportions - classic curtains are adjusted in size and style;
  • use of the latest types of fabrics;
  • decorating curtains in a classic style with decorative accessories (tassels, bows, potholders, lambrequins).

Classic curtains always look elegant, and it is possible to combine several types of fabrics: silk, tulle, organza, lace, thick curtain fabrics. Curtains in a classic style for a bedroom perform not only a decorative function, but also carry a functional load - good-quality thick curtains will perfectly protect the room from sunlight, thereby preventing the wallpaper and furniture from fading.

Advice! Curtains in light colors are perfect for the bedroom interior: milky, tea rose, coffee, turquoise, pink and cream. In any case, it is worth achieving a harmonious combination of curtains with the color of the wallpaper and furniture.

Curtains in vintage style - luxury and comfort

Such curtains are suitable for the corresponding interior in an antique style. Vintage fashion trends like these continue to be popular. Vintage interior is a mixture of established classics and fashion of past years, or even centuries.

The modern direction of making curtains in vintage style includes the use of the following styles: baroque, rococo, empire and others. Curtain patterns from past times are recreated from paintings and photographs, using suitable modern fabrics that are carefully selected for a specific interior. Vintage curtains are made from heavy drapery fabrics - brocade, velvet, chenille, satin, silk. Fabrics with jacquard weave and certain patterns are especially often used for curtains. Curtains age, creating wear and wrinkles.

Curtains in vintage style are expensive curtains with rich draperies, which are decorated with additional frills and lambrequins. The color of the curtains is selected in harmonious combination with the upholstery of the furniture and the color of the walls. Typically, vintage curtains consist of several layers: curtains, lambrequins, thin curtains, thick curtains. The interior of a vintage bedroom looks expensive and rich - this is a truly royal bedchamber.

Advice! It is worth considering that heavy draperies of curtains create a large load for the curtain rods; it is worth purchasing durable curtain rods made of solid wood or metal.

The color of curtains in a vintage bedroom can be: blue, brown, burgundy, sand, green - it all depends on the overall color scheme of the room.

Roman blinds - a fashion trend in 2016

The fashionable direction for interior design of a bedroom in 2016 is. Curtains are made from thick and thin fabrics; in the evening the window is covered with thick curtains, and during the day with light tulle or mesh. The color scheme is provided based on the overall design solution of the bedroom interior. It is allowed to use contrasting tones when decorating window openings. Fabrics for Roman blinds: all types of thick silk, jacquard fabrics, organza, mesh, tulle.

Choosing curtains for the bedroom - taking into account lighting conditions

The choice of colors for window curtains for the bedroom directly depends on the lighting in the room. It would hardly be appropriate to decorate the window with heavy draped curtains in dark colors in a small and dark bedroom. Dark colors will make the interior of a small bedroom gloomy, visually reducing the height of the room - it will seem that such a bedroom does not have enough air, it is gloomy and stuffy. Light curtains will help bring airiness and lightness to the interior of a small bedroom.

Bedroom windows facing north are not recommended to be decorated with dark curtains in cold colors - blue, purple, dark gray and black tones should not be used. Red tones, burgundy and marengo colors are not suitable. A bedroom with a north-facing window receives the least amount of sunlight at all times of the year; such rooms are especially dark in winter. Dark curtains, especially blue shades, can increase the feeling of cold in the room. This bedroom looks uncomfortable and lonely.

Bedroom windows facing south bring in the maximum amount of sunlight, so such windows require shading with thick fabrics. Very light curtains on southern windows are able to transmit sunlight, but do not provide the necessary degree of shading. It is not recommended to hang curtains of bright yellow, orange, bright blue or caramel pink on southern windows.

Short curtains - a current solution for 2016

Short curtains do not lose their relevance in 2016. They can be independent or go as an addition to tulle curtains. Coffee and beige are considered especially fashionable colors for short curtains. A bedroom decorated with short curtains in soft colors, especially a small one, acquires lightness and volume. The additional flow of light penetrates perfectly through short curtains. It is not recommended to use such curtains on south-facing windows.

Lambrequin - a classic element of a bedroom interior

This decorative element has remained in the interior of bedrooms for many years. Lambrequin gives a finished look to curtains of any style, decorates a window, and emphasizes the richness and gloss of curtains. With the help of a lambrequin they not only decorate a window opening, adding charm and uniqueness to the bedroom. This important interior detail hides minor imperfections in the window opening and the part of the ceiling adjacent to the window.

There are three main types of lambrequins, which differ in the type of execution:

  • “Bandeau” is a rigid lambrequin that completely covers the window cornice. They are made from non-woven fabric; the fabric is easily deformed depending on the design decision of the window design. Thanks to this, the lambrequin can have the most varied and unusual shapes: jagged, “swing”, acute-angled, intertwined.

  • “Svag” is a soft-shaped lambrequin, which also includes “jabot”. It is made in the form of folds, pleats, small but numerous gathers, and often has finishing - tassels, fringe. A soft lambrequin adds romance and tenderness to the bedroom interior.

Advice! When decorating a window with a soft lambrequin, you should monitor the sagging of the fabric - sagging lambrequin assemblies that sag too much look sloppy and make it difficult for the flow of light to pass through.

  • The third version of lambrequins for the bedroom can combine a combination of hard and soft curtain finishing elements. Rigid “bando” folds are in perfect harmony with the romantic “svaga” ruffles, complementing each other; both lambrequins create coziness and decorate window curtains.

Silk and organza are ideal for soft lambrequins - these fabrics do not stretch, do not fade in the sun and hold the curtain perfectly. For summer curtains, it is allowed to sew lambrequins from satin or thin calico. Heavy lambrequins are made from thick silk, curtain fabric and jacquard fabrics.

Combining different fabrics helps create a unique bedroom design in any interior.

Curtains for the bedroom: video

· Oct 6, 2016 · Comments to the entry Curtains for the bedroom, modern trends of 2016 disabled

The ideal place to relax in your own home is the bedroom. In order for the room to fulfill its tasks, you should take care of its proper design and decoration, the final stage of which is modern curtains for the bedroom of 2016, photos of which demonstrate how perfectly they combine with any style.

Varieties of modern curtains

Modern curtain design is constantly changing, and the ideas of the models presented in the photo as new items are only becoming more interesting. There are a number of curtain options that fit perfectly into any style:

  • French;
  • English;
  • Austrian;
  • Roman;
  • Japanese.

French curtains

French versions, often called simply “marquise”, have always been considered the personification of luxury. Excellent curtains in the Baroque style, striking in their splendor, both in photos and in reality. Such new items are distinguished by beautiful drapery, voluminous folds and are most often made of silk, taffeta or organza. Perfect for bedrooms reminiscent of a palace boudoir.

There are several types of French curtains, examples of which are perfectly shown in the photo:

  • stationary - occupy the entire space of the window opening and do not have a lifting mechanism;
  • lifting - the curtain is equipped with a lock that allows you to adjust the length and number of folds.

English or London curtains, as they are also called, can be called a 2016 trend. Due to a special mechanism on the cornice, to which the curtains are attached using adhesive tape, they are raised upward. When lifted, a large fold is formed, which looks very impressive. At the same time, the sides of the curtain turn into magnificent bows.

They are made from thick textiles, most often linen, wool, cotton or chenille. But you can take any other material that holds its shape perfectly. Most often, checkered material or a rustic floral print, popular for 2016, are used to implement the idea.

Austrian blinds are a combination of French and Roman blinds. From the first they took the splendor of the folds, and from the second - a laconic rise. In appearance, Austrian curtains are very similar to French curtains, with the only difference being that their folds are more voluminous and their length is average. According to the designers, in the style of 2016, these new items will be one of the most popular, and how well they fit into the interior design can be judged by photo examples.

Due to the absence of straight lines and angles, as well as the presence of rounded folds and soft edges, Austrian curtains are an ideal option for the 2016 bedroom.

But, despite all the beauty and sophistication, you should not use these ideas if your bedroom is decorated in the style of loft, brutalism, hi-tech or constructivism.

Roman curtains

For sewing such curtains, “dry” fabrics such as silk, taffeta or organza are suitable. Linen, chintz, wool and cotton are used very rarely for Austrian curtains, only if such curtains fit into the overall design of the 2016 bedroom.

The most popular variations are Roman and roller blinds, whose use is convenient. Similar ideas are often combined with tulle. They can have a colorless texture or match the room interior. Roman curtains perfectly protect from moonlight at night, and during the day they create muted penetration of the sun's rays.

  • Design features:
  • this type is very reliable during operation;
  • has high strength, of course, if made by a competent manufacturer;
  • lack of clear color requirements;

high-quality and convenient installation that does not require professionalism.

Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains are a new product for 2016, more reminiscent of a panel or curtain. This system of even sheets, made of different types of fabric, is fixed on the cornice in several layers and looks very original. This type of curtain can make absolutely any interior unusual and add liveliness.

  • Japanese curtains in the bedroom interior are simple and practical, and they can be combined with almost all styles. The main advantages of Japanese curtains:
  • aesthetics;
  • convenience;


Shapes of modern curtains

In the style of 2016, multi-layer curtains remain trendy. It is multilayering that allows not only to regulate natural light, which makes it possible to make one or another pattern or ornament predominant, but also to emphasize the design. Options with lambrequins will somewhat lose their position in 2016, but this does not mean that you should not pay attention to them when decorating a bedroom, because what else than lambrequins can give a room individuality and fit into its design.

Often, the shades of a room are selected taking into account the owner’s preferences. The use of a certain style will be unmistakable; all colors, as a rule, will fit perfectly into the design. Today curtains of the classic version are recognized as a very popular hit. It is complemented by various curtains of a more powerful nature, while the tulle remains light and eye-catching. Such variations should be accompanied by perfectly sewn lambrequins; elegant decorations are possible. At night they will create comfort and protect from street lighting. During the day, the curtains are folded and decorated with fastening bows.

Curtains in different interior styles

When choosing a modern version of curtains, in order to get a harmonious design as in the photo, you should start from the bedroom interior:

  • hi-tech - there is no room for frills, so roller blinds or Roman blinds in neutral colors are suitable for it;
  • minimalism - light, dim curtains that do not attract special attention are suitable for this style;
  • Provence - double curtains combining tulle and dark-colored curtains are appropriate here. Pale blue and light green colors, as well as pastel colors, are suitable;
  • art decor - this style cannot be imagined without heavy thick satin or silk curtains, decorated with drapery, lambrequins or gilded tassels;
  • classic - elegant and strict draped curtains, the color of which echoes the design, are suitable for this style.

Color spectrum

In 2016, natural shades will prevail, as well as curtains in dark and even cold colors. Designers advise paying attention to new items that combine blue and green colors, which will refresh the interior, fitting into any design style. Olive, mint or emerald shades are appropriate for the bedroom. The white color still remains relevant, visually enlarging the space and creating a certain weightlessness in the room. For curtains in white, you need to choose cotton or natural silk.

In addition to plain curtains, brightness, expressed in unusual prints, remains fashionable for 2016. It can be stripes, geometric patterns, large flowers and many other designs, variations of which are presented in the photo.

Four ideal options

Of course, among the wide range, it is quite difficult to make a choice. You can contact a designer who can take into account all your wishes and design the window in a high-quality manner, taking into account the style of the room and home.

Increasing the volume of the room

For cases involving a visual increase in space, it is necessary to select options that add elegance to the room, having elegant lambrequins that expand the space well.

It is important to note that each owner can equip the bedroom to his own taste, however, the trend that is proposed in 2016 is conciseness and simplicity. Thus, the room visually increases its space, which allows you to fill the design with new ideas.

Decorating any room with textile products is far from the least important for creating a comfortable environment. Window curtains are not just for beauty. Their main function is protection from the sun during the day, street lights at night and, of course, from prying eyes, especially if the room is located on the lower floors of the house. In some cases, curtains can play a vital role in the completion of an interior design.

As with everything else, fashion is constantly changing. This season, window decoration is trendy in a simple, laconic style, which can be seen in the photo of the 2020 bedroom curtain design.

Fabric selection

The extent to which a material is suitable for making curtains is determined by several factors:

  • Composition and density
  • Weight
  • Drapery ability
  • Wear resistance
  • Aesthetics
  • Requirements regarding care, which depends on the composition (natural or artificial threads)

Children's rooms in Provence style

High-quality fabric is dense, lends itself well to draping, and retains its original attractiveness for a very long time.

Types of fabrics for curtains

1. Cotton fabrics can be used in a variety of styles. They are durable and wear-resistant; in addition, during the production process of the material, various impurities of artificial origin are added to the composition, due to which the technological properties of the fabric are significantly increased. The disadvantage of cotton curtains is the ability to quickly fade the color or patterns, if any, in the sun.

The photo shows natural and eco-friendly cotton curtains for the bedroom.

2. Linen fabrics are also durable. But this material is tougher than cotton, and it also has a pronounced structure, for which many people love it. Curtains with rigid folds can be made from this material, as it will hold them well. The disadvantage of such curtains is also the ability of bright colors to fade when exposed to sunlight.

The photo shows fashionable linen curtains in the bedroom. Trend 2020.

3. Silk fabrics are great for making window draperies. Yes, silk is quite an expensive material, but it's worth it! The material is very durable, it can be painted and printed. But these fabrics need to be cleaned only dry.

The sophisticated style of silk curtains remains quite popular today.

4. Synthetic fabrics are not only synthetic threads. A mixture of natural and synthetic threads is also possible. But thanks to synthetic fibers, the fabric becomes more elastic, moisture-resistant and durable. The most common fabrics for curtains are: acetate, nylon, viscose, polyester. Taking care of them is not at all difficult. Ironing should be done at low temperatures.

Bright and at the same time elegant curtains made of synthetic fabrics in the bedroom. Modern trend of 2020.

Curtains for a modern bedroom

To make the right choice, you should consider some factors:

  • The general style of the room, as well as its individual elements: wardrobes, beds, textiles, etc.
  • How many windows and what are their sizes?
  • Upholstery fabrics and their design
  • Bed drapery

In modern window design, democracy and austerity of appearance are welcomed, but at the same time, coziness and comfort. Classic curtains with vertical folds will look harmonious in any interior.

Minimalism is relevant in everything. Accordingly, there should be no decor on the windows. How to decorate them in an original way in the bedroom so that there is comfort and conciseness? Look at the photo of curtains for the bedroom.

You can make a modern and original drapery very easily. For this, classic versions of products are used, which are decorated with flip-over loops, and a cornice is threaded through them.

Drapery on windows using curtains on rings is also relevant.

For a neoclassical bedroom with a bed from Divani.UA, the option of traditional curtains with tucks is perfect. They can be decorated with tassels.

Fabric blinds are very popular, their design is very simple, and they are highly efficient in adjusting room lighting. You can see the photo design of curtains for the bedroom 2020, designed in the form of fabric blinds, in our catalog!

Laconic curtains with lambrequins, which use straight lines and do not have any decor, are also popular.

To protect from the sun and night lights, the perfect solution would be roller blinds, the fabric of which can be plain or colored.

One of the variations of the roller type is Roman blinds. They are also practical and functional.

Window Drapery Color Ideas

The main thing here is to adhere to the basic rule. If the walls are plain, the curtains can be in prints. Or vice versa, if the walls have a pattern, it is better to design the curtains in a single color.