Width of 1 sleeping bed. Standard sizes for double beds. Custom shaped bed

Width of 1 sleeping bed.  Standard sizes for double beds.  Custom shaped bed
Width of 1 sleeping bed. Standard sizes for double beds. Custom shaped bed

To have enough energy for the whole day, you need to have a healthy sleep at night. To do this, you need a comfortable mattress and a bed of a suitable size. When choosing bedroom furniture, you should be guided not only by the dimensions of the room, but by the characteristics of your own sleep. Let's give some tips on how to choose a double bed of the right size.

Standard varieties

According to the European standard, the length of the bed is 190 or 200 cm. As a rule, for a comfortable sleep you need a bed that is 10-15 cm longer than your height. That is, a length of 190 cm is suitable for a height of no more than 180 cm.

The double bed has a size of 160 cm in width. This best option for people with average build and good sleep.

Next standard width— 180 cm. This sleeping place will be comfortable for two people of large build. A double bed with dimensions of 180x200 cm is called Queen Size.

When it comes to sleep, it's not enough just to choose a quality wooden bed, put an elastic mattress, covering this beauty with bedding that is pleasant to the touch. It is important that vacationers can sit comfortably on its surface so that their legs do not dangle or the huge space does not intimidate them. Today we will talk about what sizes of beds there are and how to choose among them perfect option.

Preliminary measurements

When choosing a bed based on its size, you will have to take several aspects into account. Let's consider each of them in order.

Room area

There is nothing complicated about the fact that the furniture should fit into the room. You first need to allocate a place for the future bed in the bedroom and figure out whether such an arrangement is convenient. This is especially true for small rooms in which you have to rationally use every square meter. Once you have made your choice, take measurements of the allocated area - this information will be needed in the store.

Owner dimensions

And yet, the most important thing is comfort not in the room, but on the bed, so the next value that needs to be determined is the dimensions of the owners. The height and volume of a person are taken into account, and a spare 20-30 cm is added to them. This minimum parameters, taking into account which, you don’t have to worry about unpleasant “surprises” like arms hanging off the edges.

To determine the appropriate size, go straight to the store - this is more effective than any calculations. You need to lie on the bed and fold your hands so that your fingertips touch and your elbows are apart. If they droop, there won't be enough room on the stock when turning.

Activity during sleep

Even a bed that is ideal in size will not be suitable for people who are active during their sleep. For example, some often change body position, others lie with their limbs spread wide. In any case, such owners need to choose wider furniture, which will provide space for uncontrolled movements, especially in pairs.

How to decide on the size of the bed?

But the work with numbers doesn't end there. With the parameters necessary for future furniture, you can only come to a furniture maker who will design the ideal option. In the store you will have to choose among the presented assortment, paying attention to several indicators.

Different systems of measures

Mattresses and bed linen are chosen after purchasing the bed so that they fit the parameters perfectly. Pay attention to the manufacturer - the compatibility of the elements depends on this.

The fact is that systems of measures differ in different parts Sveta. There are only two of them: English, which is used in the USA, and metric, which is typical for European countries. American companies indicate sizes in inches, while Italian companies indicate sizes in centimeters.

The problem is that the conversion produces awkward numbers. For example, a length of 80 inches and a width of 60 inches would become 203.2 and 152.2 cm, respectively. You are unlikely to find mattresses with such parameters.

Bed height

This indicator does not greatly affect convenience, although someone may be confused by the close or distant location relative to the floor - everything is individual. In ordinary situations, height is more responsible for the aesthetic aspect, helping to fit the furniture into the interior.

So, most often there are beds with the following indicators: low (20-30 cm), medium (40-60 cm), high (70-90 cm).

It is clear that in a room with low ceilings only a low or, in extreme cases, a medium bed can “get along”. And happy owners of spacious real estate can afford any option.

Minimalist interiors are characterized by earthy furniture. But the classic one will not tolerate modesty - the bed in this case should look like a royal bed, and the height plays an important role here.

Optimal bed length

To begin with, we note that this indicator, like the width, refers not to the frame of the product, but to the mattress. Accordingly, the size of the bed itself will be larger than these units.

To determine the appropriate length of furniture, add 30 cm to your own height. For a person with average dimensions, the most common models - 190 and 200 cm - will be sufficient. Much less often, manufacturers make products with a length of 195 cm.

But a tall buyer will need more space for a sound sleep. In such cases, you need to look for beds from two meters. However, you can always order a product with individual parameters, paying additionally.

The main figure that interests us is the width of the structure. Based on this, there are three types of beds: single, one-and-a-half and double.

It is believed that 60 cm is enough for one person to sleep comfortably. Manufacturers add 10 cm to this figure - minimum size single bed ready. Even an adult can sleep in such a bed without feeling discomfort or lack of space during sleep. But the 90 cm model is considered the most comfortable option. At the same time, the standard sizes of a single bed in Europe are slightly larger and amount to 90-100 cm.

Compact beds of medium and high height often come with drawers built under the frame for storing bedding. Such models are often made in the form of a folding chair or a coupe bed, which saves space in small rooms.

These beds are something like an intermediate option between a single and a double. It’s still not enough for two people to sleep freely, but it’s already too much for one person.

The width of a one-and-a-half bed varies from 120 to 160 cm, but only at the upper level will it accommodate an adult couple who wants to save space in a small bedroom.

"Lorry" - perfect solution for people with active sleep or large dimensions. But for a married couple with the same problems, it is better to pay attention to double types.

Note that, again, the domestic standard differs from that adopted abroad. There, one-and-a-half beds are considered to be those that are larger than 140 cm.

The boundary between the previous and this type is quite arbitrary: maximum width A one-and-a-half bed is the same as a minimum double bed. Starting from 160 cm, designs for several people do not have a clear upper limit, although those that go more than two meters are rarely found on sale.

But Europeans, apparently, love luxury and space, so they produce double beds with a width of 180 cm to 200 cm, which are called “royal”.

It’s curious, but it is the double beds that can differ in shape. In addition to the standard rectangular ones, they come in square, oval and even round. The latter type looks especially luxurious in a spacious bedroom, while being as large as possible.

It should be borne in mind that it is possible to place a bed 200 cm wide in a room only if the wall behind the bed is more than 3.5 m, since there must be passages of at least 70 cm on both sides of the furniture.

Children's models

Caring parents may encounter certain difficulties when choosing a bed for their child. Children grow up very quickly, and therefore the space for relaxation should increase in proportion to their growth. Of course, you can think ahead and buy a model of standard sizes - anyway, the child will grow up someday. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Smart manufacturers offer products in several categories with different proportions:

1. Beds for newborns and preschoolers - dimensions 120 cm x 60 cm.
2. Models for schoolchildren - dimensions 160 cm x 80 cm.
3. Teenage beds - dimensions 180 cm x 90 cm.

All presented models are very conditional due to the uneven growth of children. At the same time, it is important for a growing child to have enough space to avoid falls when moving.

Buying for an apartment new furniture, we don’t always take into account the size of the place where we have to sleep. But this is important for proper rest. Remember what position you are used to taking in your sleep. Those who like to curl up need little space. But for those who are used to sleeping with their backs spread wide, it is much more. In addition, as people age, they need more personal space - even at night.

Available today different countries beds belong to one of the two size systems existing in the world - English (in inches and feet) and metric - in the meters and centimeters we are used to. The first system is accepted among manufacturers in the USA, the second is used by most manufacturers from European countries.

Choosing the optimal length

If the future owner of the bed is of medium or small height, there is no reason to worry. Standard sizes beds (i.e., about 2 meters long) allow him to sit quite comfortably. Tall customers require more space in length.

The length of the bed that suits you specifically is determined very simply - by adding an additional 30 cm to your own height. But if you prefer large pillows or sleep “stretched out”, add another 10 cm.

The standard bed sizes that are most often found are 1.9 m or 2 m. Manufacturers very rarely offer an intermediate size (1.95 m). And an exotic novelty - beds made of bamboo - will probably suit everyone. Their usual length is 2.2 m. Manufacturers, as a rule, are ready to accommodate clients of non-standard height - lengthen the selected specimen. But this will require additional costs.

Now about the width of the beds. They are usually called single, one-and-a-half or double. The names themselves indicate who they are intended for - one person, an adult with a child, or two adults. But it should be taken into account that we all have different habits and builds, and the size of the bed, for example, for the same “one and a half” can vary greatly. This is exactly what we will talk about in more detail below.

Single beds

Their width (we are considering domestic products) can be 70, 80 and 90 centimeters. These sizes of a single bed allow a child or a not too large adult to fit comfortably. You won’t have to toss and turn or suffer from cramped conditions in such a bed.

European standards set the size of a single bed a little larger in width - from 90 to 100 cm. An American-made analogue in the system of measures adopted there will be marked with the designation Twin and have dimensions of 190 cm in length and 90 in width. In our country, such beds are called teenage beds. If you want an American-made bed for one, but longer, look for the Twin X-Long or Extra Long label. Its length is about 203 cm.

Single beds

“One and a half beds” are beds that are too narrow for two and unusually comfortable for one. Their width, as a rule, is from 100 to 140 cm. Although, probably, young and slender newlyweds who prefer to sleep in an embrace will not find the size of beds “for one and a half people” to be so small.

Domestic single beds in size they are more similar to European doubles with their usual width of 140-160 cm. If you select an analogue from America for comparison, then the dimensions of the Full model (or, in other words, Double) are most suitable. It is 190 cm long and 137.2 cm wide. The dimensions of the Queen model beds are truly “royal” (203.2 cm long and 152.4 cm wide).

Double beds

For this category of products, a width of at least 140 cm is accepted, otherwise the bed will be very cramped. For a comfortable sleep in the presence of the “other half”, a width of 160 cm is sufficient - especially if you have a mattress with independent springs. This size is now the most commonly accepted. There are also more spacious models - 170 cm wide. And for people of fragile build or those with cramped bedrooms, a double bed with dimensions of 155-150 cm wide is suitable.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the standard sizes, you can negotiate with the manufacturer and order an individual version (in increments of 5 cm). But be prepared for the fact that the mattress and bed linen will most likely also have to be ordered separately.

A European double bed can be much larger in size - it can be 180 cm wide or two meters wide. In the USA, such lodges are called “royal”. The most spacious products are Western King or California King standard. They are 182.9 cm wide and 213.36 cm long. And the “royal” King or Standard King models are even wider (over 193 or 198 cm, respectively). Their length is slightly less - 203.2 cm.

How to choose a bed size

Once in furniture store and finding yourself in the world of luxurious items for sleeping, it’s easy to get confused. Therefore, with the most important points You should decide at home.

One of these fundamental issues is the width of the bed. How are you used to (or are you going to) sleep - alone, hugging your loved one closely, together, but so that everyone has enough space, or “in the company” of an infant?

The length of the bed you buy depends on the height of whichever of the two is taller. Add 30 cm to this figure - and the issue is resolved. The place where the bed will be placed must be prepared in advance, carefully measuring the space to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Selecting the country of origin

Since, in addition to the bed frame, you will have to select a mattress and bed linen, you should adhere to unified system measures That is, you should not take a European-made mattress for a bed made in America. American inches and our centimeters do not fit well with each other, the numbers always turn out to be fractional, and it is very difficult to achieve an exact match.

So if you suddenly like a bed that comes from the USA, try to look for other accessories (especially the mattress) from the same production. Because Italian, for example, no matter how beautiful it is, will still differ in size.

Of course, there is always a special order option left in stock, but this is already quite expensive.

How to choose a bed “for yourself”

If you still find it difficult to make a choice, try lying down on the model you like right in the store. Imagine yourself at home, relaxing on a purchased bed. If the bed is intended for sleeping one person, then take a position lying on your back with your elbows bent and connected at the chest index fingers. Are you comfortable? Are your elbows hanging down to your sides? Then this is your bed size - feel free to take it.

If you are tall, you may have to order an individual mattress, which will increase the cost of the purchase by about 10%. But the bed frame must also correspond to it, which should be remembered. If the models the right size Not on sale, you can contact the factory.

Another option is to buy finished model custom size- for example, California King. Its advantage, in addition to its solid dimensions, is the absence of a backrest on the leg side.

Choosing a bed for a child

IN at different ages the child spends from a third to a half of the day in bed. He sleeps and plays in it, sometimes watches TV or reads. Therefore, the sleeping place should be comfortable.

When choosing a children's bed, it is important to take into account age and even gender. Dimensions, material and design sleeping place- everything matters for the baby’s comfortable sleep, a sense of peace and protection.

The advice of pediatricians is to choose a sleeping place for your baby to grow into, and, unlike adults, an extra thirty centimeters at the head of the bed will not be enough. The children's bed has larger dimensions relative to the child's height.

You should add at least 20-25 cm to the “length” of the lying child on both sides - from the top of the head to the head of the bed and from the legs to the edge of the bed. If the space is tight, the sleeping position will be uncomfortable, which can lead to constant lack of sleep. On the contrary, too large a sleeping area for small children seems uncomfortable and provokes anxiety.

Dimensions of a sleeping bed for a child according to GOST

In cribs for the smallest (up to 3 years), the size of the bed should be 120x60 cm, and the height of each side wall should be no more than 95 cm. foreign manufacturers a children's bed can be larger by 5-10 cm in both dimensions.

Teenage - 180, 90 and 50 cm, respectively.

When is it time to change the bed?

Over the age of 18 - before adulthood - a person, as a rule, “masters” at least three beds. First, a baby crib with high sides. The sides become lower as they grow older, then disappear completely.

Usually by the age of three the question of purchasing another bed is raised. Sometimes this can be a whole set of furniture designed to serve the child for the next ten years.

In adolescence, it's time for the next purchase. This is either a teenage bed of quite a “respectable” size, or a furniture set that is no longer of a “children’s” design

Let's consider the generally accepted gradation of this children's furniture by age and size.

Cots for babies from 0 to 3 years

Sometimes - up to 2 years. Beds for such babies come in three types: in the form of cradles, playpens and side beds.

Cradles are used for up to six months; these are the tiniest first cribs. As soon as the baby learns to roll over and tries to rise up by holding the sides (after 4 months), it is better to abandon the cradle for safety reasons. The usual sizes of cradles are 65-90 cm in length and 30-45 cm in width. The height at which the sleeping place is located ranges from 50 to 70 cm.

Side beds are available in different size groups. For babies up to 9 months, their sizes are approximately 90x55 cm or 90x60 cm. More practical and more versatile model Dimensions 120x60 cm, it will last up to two years of age. Such structures are usually 80 cm in height. The kit includes an additional side and, most often, attachments to the parents’ bed.

Playpen beds allow babies to stand up, holding onto the sides, and entertain themselves in the absence of their mother. They are usually taken for children under 3 years of age. While the baby is not yet getting up, the bottom of the crib is attached higher - it’s more convenient for the mother. It starts to move, and there is a risk that it will fall out - the bed is lowered closer to the floor, the sides are placed at a height of 60-65 cm.

Beds for schoolchildren and preschoolers

Such furniture differs from adult furniture not only in size, but also in design. Models intended for preschoolers do not have sharp corners, the colors are chosen bright, a bed-car, a bed-carriage or even a whole ship is possible

Loft beds with built-in tables, wardrobes or even sports corner. The required bed size for a preschooler is 150×75 cm.

The dimensions of the furniture set for a child aged 6-10 years are about 150 cm in height, the sleeping place can be located at a level of approximately 130 cm. Height free space above the child’s head in sleep should not be less than 70 cm. A schoolchild’s sleeping place occupies 170x70 cm.

Teenage bed sizes - standard

They are practically the same as those of an adult. The length is like a full-fledged sofa (190 cm), maybe 2 m, the width is usually 80 cm (110 cm for a furniture set). The height of the complex can reach 180 cm, if the ceilings in the apartment allow.

Domestic manufacturers offer minimal (75 cm) and ordinary (90 cm) width options for a separate teenage bed. In European models this size is larger - up to 100 cm. The maximum is double size for teenagers (120 cm), which is rare.

The height of a bed for a teenager can be 45 cm (on legs, i.e. regular model) and up to 90 cm, if the design provides drawers at the bottom.

If there are two children in a family, it will help out the parents and solve the problem free space in the apartment bunk bed, the size of which should be suitable for children in height and age - this is necessary condition comfortable sleep. When purchasing, the standards for the size of sleeping places for children must be observed. If a family purchases a bunk bed, its length and width dimensions will be the same as those of a regular bed, and the height of such a structure should be 165-175 cm. The distance from the floor to the bottom place is 30-50 cm, depending on age, There should be at least 85 - 90 cm between tiers.

One of the closest and dearest objects to us in the house is undoubtedly the bed. After all, far from the worst third of our lives passes here. This piece of furniture existed back in Ancient Egypt. Since then, a place to sleep has been arranged under a roof (perhaps hence the name - bed).

This item was decorated with lace, tassels, curtains, and figured carvings. In Russia, it was customary to silver and gild such finishing, so this product had a magnificent, luxurious look. During its evolution, it has come a long way from a bag of straw to the modern variety of sizes and shapes. The constant leader in this market segment (39%) in Russia today is a single bed.

The most common type of bed

In some countries, for example in China, it is popular. Its dimensions are very unique - the width of a pillow. In Western and perhaps richer countries, on the contrary, this furniture is made wider for one person: around 120-150 cm.

Such wide, comfortable beds for one person were first called “one and a half” or “one and a half”, but over time the same term came into use - “single”. This was a kind of trick from the sellers: “After all, the double bed is only 40 cm wider, buy it better!”

The bed can have a lot of features: appearance, color, material, lifting mechanism, niches for linen, etc. Of all the characteristics, the most important is size, especially width. First of all, you should pay attention to this parameter, especially as you get older, when you want to sleep in cramped spaces less and less.

How to choose the right size?

Want to calculate how big your single bed should be? Its dimensions are easy to determine. You need to lie on your back, connect your fingers and spread your elbows to the sides. After this, count 10, or even better, 15 centimeters to the right and left from the corners of the elbows, and then measure the resulting distance. This is what will happen ideal width for the bed.

The second way is as follows. You need to lie on your side, pull your knees to your stomach and measure the distance from your back to your kneecaps, adding at least 15 centimeters to the resulting figure.

Also, watch how you sleep. If you spend most of your time sleeping on your stomach or back, then you need a wider mattress. Lying on our side, we take up significantly less space.

Standard sizes of single beds

In Europe, as in Russia, single beds with a width of 90 to 100 cm have become widespread. At the same time, the length of such a bed is usually from 200 to 210 cm. In the States, the Twin size with the same width has a length of 190 cm. In Russia, the corresponding the analogue is considered a children's teenage sleeping place.

Most often, the size of a single bed (standard) is 2 m long, sometimes 1 meter 90 cm. Less common is 1 meter 95 cm. But there are also products for giants - 2 meters 20 cm! It is generally accepted that a comfortable length is calculated by adding 30-40 centimeters to height. Thus, the standard sizes of single beds may vary within certain limits.

However, if you have a non-standard height or weight, modern customer service will allow you to increase the length of the bed according to your needs and even order reinforcement of its frame with special jumpers with additional supports.

And in general, manufacturers individual order will create for you a masterpiece of the most unusual shapes and sizes. Now this is no longer a problem.

Bed option for your home

Today we have many options and modifications of furniture depending on the needs of the buyer. For limited space, for example, a chair-bed is suitable. You can also purchase a wardrobe bed. The compartment bed will not take up much space either.

If your home has a lot of free space, then you probably have a room for guests. It is usually equipped with a small single bed, but with under-bed drawers for storing accessories or luggage of those arriving.

The most important thing is that you like the sleeping place and that it is comfortable. Even small bed can be decorated with stylish bed linen and feel like in heaven!

How to choose a mattress size?

First of all, it is necessary to accurately measure the sleeping area. Single bed mattress size different manufacturers may have significant differences. It depends on the country of manufacture and the company. It is important that the mattress you choose has the same parameters as your single bed. The standard dimensions of these products are as follows:

  • The width is usually 80, 90 cm.
  • The length is almost always 190, maximum 200 cm, but an intermediate option is possible - 195 cm.

If these sizes do not suit you, it is easy to order your own version. Production times are almost the same as for standard furniture. The additional fee for such a service will be 5-10% of the regular cost of the product. When choosing the length for your mattress, you need to take into account that your height is at least 15 cm.

In addition to length and width, the mattress also has such a characteristic as thickness (or height). Any options are possible here, however internal height The sides of the bed should still be smaller. One more nuance: if users have a significant weight, it is better to choose Standard height usually 16 cm, but in a springless product it can range from 15 to 24 cm.

Children's single bed

Fortunately, the living conditions of modern parents increasingly allow them to allocate a separate room for their child, where he can calmly study, play, receive his friends, and relax.

There is no need to purchase a double bed for him. Typically, children's products are always single. It's better if it's made from natural material, for example, a tree.

The designers did a good job of creating specimens with a variety of frames and colors. There are beds in the shape of a car, a pirate ship, cozy house or castle. Sometimes the sleeping place is on the upper level, and the lower one is a play area.

For girls it can be found either in the form of a carriage. But the main thing is that the child’s sleeping place should be optimally suited for his growth. single beds usually have the following parameters: 90 cm wide and 2 meters long.

The bed is an integral piece of furniture in any home. Healthy sleep– the key to the health and mood of every person. The issue of choosing a comfortable bed should be approached thoroughly, having first studied several articles with recommendations. Modern manufacturers offer a diverse range of sleeping beds, ranging from small-sized models of children's beds to models with the transformation of a full-fledged double bed into another piece of furniture.

Double bed - what dimensions are considered standard

The client has the opportunity to order a bed to suit his taste, having previously selected the material, design, type of base and other parameters. But to do this, you need to know a little about the dimensions and design standards. It is also possible to add such furniture elements as bedside tables, chests of drawers, tables.

To save time, the search for a comfortable bed can be divided. The first step is to pay attention to the number of people who will sleep in the bed. The type of bed will depend on this. By type of bed there are:

  • children's;
  • single;
  • one-and-a-half-bed;
  • double;
  • three bedroom (king size).

The next step will be to determine the dimensions of the sleeping place in relation to the area of ​​the room. Agree when the room has small sizes, then a large bed will look ridiculous in it.

  • square/rectangular;
  • round/semicircular/oval;
  • hanging hammock bed;

The last action will be - choice comfortable mattress, to give a degree of comfort to the place of night rest. The comfort of the location and the health of your back will depend 99% on the chosen mattress model.

Usually married couples choose spacious double beds. When choosing a bed, you need to pay attention to individual preferences and family habits. Experts advise taking into account personal characteristics both spouses:

  • height;
  • sleep behavior (sleep posture);
  • age.

Height and sleeping position will become key points, influencing the choice. If you are tall and have restless behavior, at least one of the partners the best option there will be a spacious bed. After all, you should not cause inconvenience to your significant other during a night's rest. The double bed is large enough for convenient location two or even three people.

As for the age criterion, elderly couples, due to their poor health, require a fairly soft surface and a minimum of disturbance during sleep.

Optimal width

Dimensions future bed They shouldn’t embarrass you during a night’s rest, so the width parameters need to be selected for each partner. Standard options double bed width will vary from 140–180 cm. The minimum width that allows two people with a fragile build to sit comfortably is 140 cm. Optimal size for people with a standard build the width will be 160 cm.

For families with children who love to relax together, a great option there will be a spacious sleeping surface with a width of 190–200 cm. The so-called king-size bed. At the same time, all categories of families will feel comfortable arriving in bed. If we talk about double beds of non-standard shape, they are made in width from 200–220 cm. Due to its spaciousness, it can accommodate more than two people. In addition to the large width suspended structure A hammock bed will add lightness and ease to the interior of the room. Hammock beds are suspended from the ceiling; this method of fastening provides the same reliability as structures on stable floor legs. The only drawback of the design is that it is shaky.

IMPORTANT! Installing a non-standard bed requires a spacious room.

Selecting the length

Second important criterion, is the length of the bed. Before inspection suitable model, take into account the growth criterion. Optimal length sleeping place, you can determine in a universal way: human height + 40 cm.

Standard sizes of a double bed range from 190–200 cm, with the exception of bamboo models up to 220 cm.

IMPORTANT! If, upon tactile inspection, you feel uncomfortable in a potential bed, it is strongly recommended that you order a bed extension before purchasing.

Sellers will take your preferences into account and send the selected model for revision or place an identical order for the production of a new one. Accordingly, for an additional fee.

Standard double bed sizes in Russia

Factories in Russia assemble furniture according to standard standards; parameters such as type of furniture, height, width, length, materials, frame and others are regulated by the manufacturer itself.

REFERENCE. A double bed cannot have a width less than 140 cm, otherwise it becomes a single bed.

Thus, the width of a standard double bed is made in the range from 140–180 cm. The height of the bed, combined with the thickness of the mattress, should not exceed half a meter. The height largely depends on the style of the chosen model. It is generally accepted that the bed is: 20–0 cm – low, 4060 cm – medium, 70–90 cm – high.

The average length of beds from Russian furniture factories is set in intervals from 190–200 cm.

European standards

Two measurement systems are used - metric and English.

The metric system is used by a number of European furniture companies, quantities are measured in meters. Furniture factories France, Germany, Italy make beds with almost the same parameters as Russian ones - 180 x 200 cm. Their local population often order beds according to standard sizes– 140 x 190, 160 x 200.

In turn, American, English and Australian factories carry out calculations according to the second measurement system, calculated in feet. If you purchase a bed made locally, the bed will be of king size. Sleeping beds are manufactured under the brands “Standard King”, “Eastern King” and “King”, they have the following parameters:

  • 76x80 America;
  • 72x78 England;
  • 72×80 Australia.

IMPORTANT! For example, you shouldn’t buy an American mattress with a European frame because they won’t fit each other because of the difference in units of measurement.

A gap of several millimeters may form between the mattress and the bed.

Bedding sizes for a double bed

As mentioned earlier, the parameters of standard European and Russian beds are similar - 160 x 200 cm. Accordingly, according to these parameters, factories sew many home textiles - bed linen sets, rugs, bedspreads. Textiles are made mainly from naturally woven materials such as satin, linen, calico, silk, poplin.

Usually a standard double set Russian made includes: sheet - 1 pc., duvet cover - 1 pc., pillowcase - 2 pcs. Family sets, suitable for married couples who like to sleep under separate blankets, consist of 2-4 pieces. pillowcases, 1 pc. sheets, 2 pcs. one-and-a-half duvet covers.

Universal sizes of bedding items:

  1. Duvet cover (175×215, 180×210, 180×215, 200×220 cm);
  2. Bed sheet (175×210, 175×215, 210×230, 220×215, 220×220, 240×260 cm);
  3. Pillowcase (50×70, 60×60, 70×70 cm).

Euro sets are slightly larger in size than standard double bedding sets, approximately 10–15 cm. They have the following parameters:

  1. Duvet cover (200×220, 205×225, 225×245 cm);
  2. Bed sheet (220×240, 240×280 cm);
  3. Pillowcase (50×70, 70×70 cm).

Euros are perfect for voluminous mattresses or spacious sofas. In terms of the composition of the elements, they are identical to the previous ones. Textile packaging must indicate all detailed information(type of set, size, number of items, material). To avoid size mismatches, choose a set based on the existing parameters of your bed and bedding. Carefully study the information on the packaging and compare it with your data or consult with the seller.

What else to consider before purchasing

When buying a bed, in addition to the basic requirements for size and type, you should consider a number of nuances:

  • determine the future location of the sleeping bed in the room;
  • specify the units of measurement in which the bed is measured (pounds, inches, meters). It is recommended to choose one measurement system:
  • pay attention to what the frame is made of, check its strength;
  • pay attention to the design of the bed itself, what material it is made of. Experts prefer environmentally friendly and durable solid wood(oak, beech, ash).
  • approach carefully the choice of a suitable mattress - bed dimensions, filling, rigidity, wear resistance, filling.
  • choose high-quality bed linen that suits your size and taste.

In this article, we tried to reveal the stages of the approach to choosing a universal double bed. We hope our advice will help you in your choice. Good luck in finding!