Secrets of the fingers. What can the length of fingers tell about a person’s character? What does the index finger say?

Secrets of the fingers. What can the length of fingers tell about a person’s character? What does the index finger say?

Despite the fact that palmistry is considered a pseudoscience, scientific research confirms that the length of the fingers can indeed predict some character traits and abilities. In scientific “palmistry”, such an indicator is used as the Manning index - the ratio of the lengths of the ring and index fingers.


Aggressive men can be identified by the length of their fingers, say Canadian scientists from the University of Alberta. The ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers can predict how likely a person is to be physically aggressive.

One of the authors of the study, Professor Peter Hurd, says that he himself was extremely skeptical about the hypothesis - until he received the survey results. It turned out that the length of the fingers is related to the amount of the “male hormone” testosterone in the blood. The shorter the index finger compared to the ring finger, the more prone a man is to aggression.

According to HealthDay News, the unexpected discovery of scientists was prompted by the fact that the ratio of the lengths of two fingers in men and women differs. Later, it was suggested that the length of the fingers depends largely on how actively the fetus was exposed to testosterone during development.

A team of Alberta scientists found a link between finger length and aggression by examining the palms of NHL players and ranking them by the number of penalty minutes the players earned in a season. True, the results are true only for men, and in women there was no connection between aggression and finger length. Very aggressive men may have an index finger that is 5% shorter than peaceful men.

"Moreover, I believe this finding strengthens the case for those who believe that many of our preferences and personality traits are formed before birth," Hurd said.

The study was published in the March issue of the journal Biological Psychology. Scientists note that no connection was found between manifestations of non-physical aggression (anger, foul language or hostile behavior) and finger length.

Physicist or lyricist?

Psychologists from the University of Bath (England) compared finger length and SAT test scores (standardized scholastic aptitude test) in 7-year-old schoolchildren. It turned out that the longer the ring finger, the better the results in tests in mathematics and spatial thinking, and the worse in verbal tasks.

Scientists also believe that this feature can be explained by the levels of testosterone and estrogen, which are determined when the baby is in the womb. Sex hormones influence both brain development and finger length.

In their study, the researchers measured the length of the index and ring fingers of 75 seven-year-old children using prints from their right palms. They then divided the length of the index finger by the length of the ring finger to find the average.

Adult women, as a rule, have a coefficient equal to one, that is, their index and ring fingers are the same length. The average for men is lower - it is 0.98. Males, as a rule, have a ring finger longer than their index finger, which indicates a high level of testosterone in their body.

After looking at test results in math and language and comparing them with the length of the test subjects' fingers, the scientists concluded that children whose ring finger is longer than their index finger were heavily exposed to testosterone during fetal development, so they were more likely to be better at math than language. Schoolchildren whose index finger is longer than their ring finger are more influenced by estrogen, making it easier for them to learn language.

Tendency to depression

Meanwhile, Athens scientists, having studied a group of people under 40 years of age, discovered a relationship between the length of the index finger and a tendency to depression and autism.

"To find out your coefficient of comparative finger length, divide the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger. The same length of these fingers (coefficient = 1) is typical for the average woman. If the ring finger is longer, the coefficient is less than one, which is typical for a typical man. The average coefficient for men is 0. 97, but the best runners can have much less - up to 0.9. Some men have a ring finger that is a centimeter longer than their index finger.

Women with female-type fingers (index longer than or equal to the ring finger): fertility, lack of assertiveness, risk aversion, neuroticism, susceptibility to breast and cervical cancer at a young age, as well as polycystic ovary syndrome. Women with masculine finger type are more athletic and aggressive, susceptible to osteoarthritis and hyperactivity syndrome, have better pain tolerance, but are less fertile. They are assertive and aggressive, and many of them are left-handed.

A man with a masculine hand (ring finger longer) is more fertile, runs fast, is good at fencing and dancing, has mathematical abilities, is susceptible to osteoarthritis, is less likely to suffer from heart disease, is aggressive, hyperactive, and has difficulty expressing his thoughts. Among these men there are more autistics and left-handers. Men with feminine-type hands are sociable, express their thoughts well, run slowly, they are not good at football and dancing, they suffer from depression and are less fertile, they are susceptible to heart disease, among them there are more right-handers and schizophrenics.

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    If you struggled as a child to solve equations and other math exercises that were easy for your classmates but spellbinding for you, you may have your mother to blame, not yourself. The amount of a certain hormone during pregnancy affects children's math scores, a recent study has found.

    Helen Fisher

    A person’s personality is determined by two interacting factors: culture (norms introduced by upbringing) and temperament (determined by genes, hormones and neurotransmitters). I study temperament. I began to look for the answer to’s question about why we fall in love with this or that person in neuroscience. I studied the literature for two years and became increasingly convinced that each character trait is associated with one of four hormonal systems - dopamine/norepinephrine, serotonin, testosterone and estrogen/oxytocin. This pattern has been identified not only in humans, but also in monkeys, pigeons and even lizards.

    The hormone testosterone is responsible for the formation of the body and character. Without it, the work of the male body is impossible. It is associated with aggression, fighting and sex. But what's the truth? Baldness occurs 4 times more often in men than in women. Why? In 99% of cases, baldness is genetic. Testosterone is a hormone that, among other things, enhances hair growth on the beard, mustache and eyebrows, but has a detrimental effect on the hair follicles of the frontal-occipital part of the head. These follicles are programmed to reproduce a special enzyme, under the influence of which testosterone is transformed into dihydrotestosterone. And it is under the influence of this altered hormone that the follicles shrink and decrease in size, and consequently, thinning and gradual hair loss. In the corners of the forehead, on the crown and crown of the head, the skin begins to become bare, then these areas gradually merge until a thin horseshoe-shaped strip remains on the back of the head. What else does testosterone affect?

    Reading bedtime stories, constant conversations with the child, active concern for his education and other manifestations of parental care do not in any way affect the level of his intellectual development. Their long-term observations of the development of adopted children allowed them to conclude that only genetic factors influence IQ levels and other cognitive indicators.

Knowing the meaning of the fingers on your hand can bring a lot of benefits. Having studied this section of palmistry, it is quite possible not only to learn about the future and have time to correct it, but also to improve the quality of life in the present, knowing the principles of selecting talisman rings.

In the article:

The meaning of fingers on the hand - why you need to know it

Now we are not talking about determining qualities and character traits by interpreting the shape and length of the fingers. Each finger on the hand has its own meaning and relates to a certain area of ​​a person’s life, not to mention the fact that it can influence the character and life success of its owner.

Each finger on your hand relates to the energy of one of the five planets. You can pay attention to the sign of the Zodiac, which also corresponds to one of the planets. For example, people who are influenced Saturn, often have special marks on the finger, which belongs to the same planet.

You can choose the same finger to wear a ring that will suit your horoscope. is not difficult, and its influence on luck and financial situation is noticed by many. By the way, you can do the same with other talisman rings. If you know the meanings of stones and minerals, you can choose a ring and wear it on the finger that matches the purpose of the talisman. This way you will enhance its effect.

Let's look at a suitable example with the selection of a talisman. Let's say you need . If you read the article to the end, it will be clear that you need to wear the amulet on your little finger. Suitable stones for a “money” ring are yellow agate, beryl, heliotrope, citrine, shungite and others. So, a ring with one of these stones will be an excellent talisman for money.

Knowing what your fingers mean is not only necessary to be able to choose a talisman for any occasion. All finger injuries carry warnings of what will happen in seven to seventy days. Every scratch, burn, insect bite or even broken nail has its own meaning. These same warning signs include calluses on the fingers, itching, rashes, discoloration of the nail, or thickening of the finger itself.

If an injury to a limb leaves a scar, this can also be interpreted. Remember that it is quite possible to prepare for the troubles that are predicted for you. This is precisely the benefit of bad omens. If you constantly get injuries to the same finger, it means that your heavenly patrons are trying their best to reach you. The meaning of the fingers on your hand will help you find out what they want to warn you about.

What does the middle finger mean in palmistry and magic - the finger of Saturn

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn. It corresponds to the expression of a person’s power and strength, his authority in the eyes of others. It’s easy to figure out what the middle finger means - it’s authority, the ability to influence people, leadership qualities.

Scars, damage and injuries, as well as warts on it, have many meanings. Perhaps you have been a victim of someone's power in the past? Often such injuries or marks indicate that a person cannot take power over his life into his own hands. He must use his personal qualities to the fullest and control his own destiny.

The middle finger often indicates problems in the relationship with the father. If there are any spots, injuries or bites on it, you need to establish communication with your closest relative.

Regular inflammation and other problems that are not the causes of injury appear on this finger when its owner tries to break the prohibitions, although he understands that this will not lead to anything good. Fears and insecurities often find a way out through warts and rashes on the middle finger, as well as an unsuccessful desire to dominate in the family or work team.

Chronic problems with him indicate constant uncertainty, which concerns creativity and the sexual sphere.

His injury on his right hand suggests that he will have to give up his inclination to teach and care for a loved one. A major quarrel awaits you with someone on whom you spent a lot of time and effort. The one you helped recently will become the cause of tears and stress. Damage on the left hand also warns of a conflict, but it will happen in any case, and the warning is that you do not overdo it during a showdown. It is your behavior that can cause separation.

In both of the above cases, you will have to stop considering only your opinion as the only correct one. Accept that the other person has a right to their own opinion. He does not need constant supervision; give a friend or relative freedom of action.

It is on the finger of Saturn that rings are worn, which should emphasize high status. If you need a talisman that will influence your reputation, protect you from gossip and other problems associated with disrespect from others, choose a ring for your middle finger. Moreover, if we are talking about work, choose your right hand, and if you need a magical assistant in communicating with relatives or friends, choose your left. In any case, such a ring will help you gain confidence.

Talisman rings for the middle finger cannot be called everyday jewelry. They are worn for important meetings, when you need to prove that you are right to a colleague, boss or business partner, to achieve favorable conditions, or to reach another agreement that will bring you success.

What do the fingers mean in palmistry - thumb

The thumb is called the finger of Mars. It corresponds to vital energy, sexuality and human activity in all areas of life.

Damage to a finger on your right hand warns that the needs or problems of loved ones will put your own interests in second place for a long time. Your family is threatened by the illness of one of your relatives. It will not be dangerous, although you will still have to save money on treatment.

The left hand warns that a questionable choice is on your way. There is a high probability of making the wrong decision. Its consequences will affect your life for a long time. It is better to postpone attempts to achieve your plans and reconsider your opinion regarding some situation that is important to you.

In order to wear rings with correctly selected rings on this finger. If you need such a talisman, keep in mind that the thumb is directly related to vital energy, and not far from it there is a life line, which indicates its reserve. The best metal for it is white gold or silver.

Mystical meaning of fingers - index

The index finger is under the influence of Jupiter. It is connected with the fate of a person; another name for it is the finger of fate. In addition, it shows how effectively its owner copes with life’s adversities.

Injuries to the index finger indicate that you are disappointed in the choice you made and what followed. This is an alarming sign that warns that a difficult decision will soon have to be made. A wart or some kind of mark on this window indicates that soon you will have to completely change your life.

However, this meaning is not always true. Often a Jupiter finger injury is a warning about money problems. They will be temporary, but the deterioration of the financial situation may also be significant. In addition, you will have to deal with government officials who are not very friendly towards you. This could be either the boss or law enforcement agencies.

The consequences of a cut or fracture of the index finger on the right hand can be sad, including dismissal, loss of reputation among friends or colleagues, as well as discord in love relationships or quarrels with relatives.

An injury on your left hand suggests that it’s time for you to forget about complexes and feelings of inferiority. You deserve more than you currently have. Stop finding faults and beating yourself up. Don't think that your friends have higher income and intelligence. All your shortcomings are fixable, but you don’t need to listen to the advice of “well-wishers”; find a way out of the situation yourself.

If he is constantly exposed to injuries, this is a warning - your enemies are doing everything to hinder you. You don't have to give up on your goal, but look for workarounds to get there. Irritation and stubbornness are not the best advisers, don’t forget about it.

What does each finger on the hand mean?

The ring finger is the finger of Venus. It is easy to guess that he is responsible for success in love affairs, as well as feelings and emotions, family life and relationships with others. Venus also influences creative inclinations, as well as partly the financial situation.

If you have injured your ring finger, this suggests that you will soon have to deal with some changes in your relationship with your loved one. Perhaps they will be related to earnings. If you hurt a finger on your right hand, there will be relationship problems at work. We are talking about colleagues, clients or business partners.

Damage to the left palm indicates that you will be seen as the culprit of some trouble. In this case, the accusations will be undeserved. The reasons for this situation will be low self-esteem and lack of self-respect. We will have to urgently deal with these qualities in order to avoid serious troubles and scandal.

Chronic problems with this finger indicate unhappy love or an unfulfilled relationship with someone of great importance. Often they indicate a lack of attention from the mother. There are problems with both creativity and money. In addition, frequent problems and an abundance of scars in this area indicate a possible problem. One can also assume the influence of evil spirits; such problems often occur in people who live in “bad” places.

What to do about these problems? Palmistry suggests that people with such hands need rest and a change of scenery. If possible, change your place of residence. In addition, you need to value your feelings and creativity. Don't offer such valuable things to just anyone.

In order not to be deprived of the muse, a creative person can wear rings made of suitable metals and minerals on the ring finger. They increase creative abilities, give creativity and inspiration. With the help of such actions you can influence your personal life. A ring with a ruby ​​will give you a meeting with your future husband or protect your marriage from quarrels and betrayals.

What can your little finger tell you?

Mercury corresponds to the little finger. This is the god of trade, so the little finger is responsible for a person’s financial situation, as well as intelligence and thought processes, communication and the ability to build relationships with other people. The normal position of the little finger of a person who is busy learning and regularly makes his mind work is slightly away from the rest of the phalanges.

Old scars on your little finger predict that you have become disillusioned with your own mind. Such marks appear on the hands of people who lacked their knowledge or life experience for something important. Such scars hint at a state of depression, despondency, confusion, and severe grief. If the damage has appeared recently, this is still ahead of you.

Chronic problems with the little finger warn of a dead end. The owner of the finger will definitely end up in it if he does not tame his envy. His frequent injuries also indicate the danger of trying to take possession of someone else's property or take another person's place. Do not try to improve your financial situation by harming someone you know.

In the old days, only merchants wore rings on their little fingers. This was considered something of a badge, but in fact many people in the past attached great importance to such knowledge as it could help in business. Nowadays businessmen often wear talismans on their little fingers. They help in all financial matters, networking and communication, give eloquence and teach you how to gain the trust of others. Yellow and green stones are best.

In general, every person should know the meanings of fingers in palmistry and occultism. Signs such as a cut on the finger or other injury are rarely given the attention they deserve. However, they can cause awareness in a difficult situation and your enemies will lose their advantage.

In contact with

The seven human energy centers responsible for the mental state are interconnected with the fingers and hands, as if “projected” onto them. By folding our hands or fingers in a certain way, we can achieve the desired states of psyche and consciousness.

Cheer up in times of despondency, tune in to victory before a choice or battle, protect yourself from the emotional pressure of others or superiors and, finally, become happier.
We owe the “thumb” to the fact that we differ from animals, even from monkeys, who also have it, but it is located on the palm completely differently from ours, at a different angle, and accordingly, it does not provide the same opportunities for working with objects. The thumb corresponds to the energy center located at the top of the head, which connects us with the world of ideals; this is our individual channel with the energy egregor called GOD. That is why in ancient times high-ranking priests, archbishops and popes had the right to wear rings on this finger. This finger is associated with those who have gone beyond “good and evil”, achieved enlightenment, and found their individual path to God. The “thumbs up” gesture means: “good”, “cool”, “super” - that is, that a certain situation, matter or circumstance in its harmony reaches an ideal state. Often a person who is not sure of his opinion or is physically or mentally weakened hides his thumb in his fist, protecting it with other fingers. It is a gesture of protecting your individuality, your path in life and your destiny. On the right hand, such a gesture will help protect against adversity, secure your path in business, your goal, sincere desires and hopes. The left hand in this gesture will make it possible to find the path to your unique mission on this Earth, as well as understand and accept what is happening to you.
The index finger is the "guiding" finger. It is associated with the energy center located in the center of the forehead, which determines spiritual values. Since childhood, we remember the index finger threatening us at the moment of our pranks and disobedience. Also showing us the right path. Setting a production task: “... from the fence until lunch...”, - or choosing us from a line of equals to complete some task... The joined thumb and index finger in our culture means: “OK!” Everything is fine, everything is fine. You can meditate by connecting these fingers into a ring. The thumb is a connection with God on an unconscious, individual level, here it connects with the index finger, associated with the “third eye”, a person’s spiritual values, in his request to guide him on the right path, to help him not make mistakes. The index finger was decorated with rings by great generals, rulers of peoples and countries, famous sages and philosophers who understood the meaning of life. In our world, this corresponds to cool businessmen, politicians, artists and scientists of a national scale. By quietly connecting the thumb and index fingers of your right hand at the moment of an important conversation, you will be able to promote your arguments and ideas with great success. On your left hand, this sign will help you understand your partner’s true intentions and your place in his plans. “Accentuated” with a ring or signet, this finger will give you solidity and authority: on the right hand - in practical activities, and on the left - in the sphere of feelings and spirituality.

The middle finger is known to us by the famous “hooligan” gesture, when all fingers are clenched into a fist and the middle one is extended upward. This is a gesture of action, movement, volitional manifestation and is associated with the center located at the base of the throat, which realizes the spiritual aspirations of a person, his ethical values ​​and morals. The fact that this is an “action finger” can be easily verified by trying to flick someone on the forehead with different fingers. The strongest click will be medium. Connecting the thumb and middle fingers into a ring on your right hand will give you strength and pressure in the fight, on your left it will help you feel the course of events and prepare for their turn in any direction. Here the Divine principle is connected with action, human will, concrete action, tension. This finger is associated with warriors. Now these are executive directors, managers, military men, police officers, people of duty and honor, employees, executors of plans. Great warriors and people who wanted to gain self-confidence used jewelry and rings to mark this finger.
The ring finger is connected to the center that is in charge of our heart affairs and is located at the level of the heart. That is why we wear the wedding ring of fidelity on this finger. If you look closely at the images of Christ on the icons, you will notice that on his right hand his thumb and ring finger are connected as a sign that God (thumb) is Love (ring finger). Sensitive natures, people of art and experience “accentuate” this finger on their hands with rings. A “ring” of the thumb and ring finger on your right hand will help you express your feelings much more intensely, and on your left it will help you fill the vessel of your soul with cosmic love, understand whether you are truly loved or this is just a game.
The smallest of the “five brothers” on our hand understands the intricacies of communication. This is the finger of the center located at the level of the “solar plexus”, associated with the mind, negotiations, the ability to speak and listen, thinking and any symbolic systems of our life. You've probably seen the "call me" gesture more than once, when the hand is raised to the head, with the thumb pointing to the ear, the little finger to the mouth, and the rest bent. A real toastmaster, pronouncing a hearty toast, holds a wine glass in his hand with his little finger “protruding” to the side, however, just like a society lady conducting a casual conversation over a cup of coffee. This is the finger of people who know how to think, negotiate, count and compare. If you want to impress your business partners with your arguments or proposals, you need to connect the thumb and little finger of your right hand into a ring, and on your left hand this gesture will allow you to understand the situation and make the right decision in business or study. Previously, merchants had the privilege of wearing jewelry on this finger, now it is businessmen.
However, there are seven centers and five fingers! The two that “falls out” from the row is associated with the right and left hands. Or rather, with “working” and “non-working” hands, since in life there are left-handers and right-handers. The working hand (let's call it the right hand) is connected with the material, bestowing, practical world, action, and the center located on the tailbone. And the non-working one (left) is with the energetic and emotional, perceiving world and the center lying just below the navel. To advance in the practical sphere of existence, you need to use your right (working) hand. If you are more interested in feelings and perceptions, use the left one. In general, as you may have noticed on TV, for example, all psychics, basically, try to feel something from a photo and from a person with their left palm, and influences are made only with their right hand. Therefore, if you are doing exercises for extrasensory abilities: vision, reading information, etc., then there is a 90% chance that you need to do this with your left hand, opening your palm and directing its center to the object to feel.

In everyday life, people constantly accompany their speech with hand movements and facial expressions. Most often this happens unconsciously, but sometimes gestures are used intentionally to enhance the emotional and expressive coloring of words, to demonstrate one’s mood, attitude towards the situation or interlocutor. Having studied some finger gestures and their meaning, you can succinctly formulate any message and quickly convey it to others, as the deaf and dumb do. Let's look at the most common signs and explain their meaning.

Thumbs up and down

With a gesture thumbs up Everyone has known each other almost since childhood. Usually it symbolizes approval or agreement, accompanied by an appropriate nod, so it is always perceived positively in our country. Often used by voting travelers on the road when it is necessary to stop transport. However, you need to be careful when using your fingers to communicate with foreigners, because in the sign language of the inhabitants of Australia, Greece and Great Britain such a sign is regarded as an obscene expression, and among Arabs it is generally associated with the male genital organ.

When thumb down, the gesture takes on the opposite meaning - that is, an expression of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction. Today it is reflected on social networks and the YouTube channel. The pictogram depicting it is called a “dislike”.


The next gesture is not so unambiguous and is deciphered depending on the situation, taking into account additional signals. This is the index finger up. There are several options for its interpretation:

  • applied to the center of the lips - asked to remain silent;
  • raised vertically at head level or higher - require attention or stop immediately;
  • move it from side to side - express their disagreement or prohibition;
  • shake up and down - teach or threaten with punishment;
  • twisted at the temple - they show that the person is out of his mind.

By his position during a conversation, they determine whether a person is telling the truth or lying. If, for example, the eyes are looking in one direction, and the index finger is pointing in the other and slightly bent, then the interlocutor is most likely insincere.

Middle finger up

Since the times of ancient Rome, in almost all civilized countries the meaning of the middle finger gesture has been indecent and offensive. Extended upward, it symbolizes today the male genital organ. This is a rough form of the phrase "Get out!" or “Fuck off!” among young people. In our country, it is borrowed from cool American action films and vulgar 18+ youth comedies.

Crossing your fingers

The hand is very often used by superstitious people as a magical tool that can scare away evil spirits and attract good luck. In their understanding, crossed fingers (index and middle) have protective power. This gesture signifies the unity of faith and strength and is associated with the cross. One of the fingers symbolizes hope for a better outcome, and the other - help and support. Sometimes they are intertwined on both hands and hidden behind the back in order to lie, but at the same time avoid punishment from higher powers.

Research by British scientists from University College proves that such actions are not unfounded. They even found scientific confirmation. In their opinion, the gesture really helps reduce pain. But don’t even think about showing it to a Vietnamese unless you want to seriously offend him.

Two fingers up V – victory

In Russia and many other European countries, the gesture of two fingers with an open palm means absolute victory or confidence in the proximity of its achievement. This is due to the fact that the index and middle fingers, pointing high, look like the letter V. That, in turn, is an abbreviation for the Latin word Victoria - victory. For the first time in the world, the sign was used by Winston Churchill. However, it is also not universal for everyone. The British, Australians and New Zealanders will consider the gesture an insult if the back of the hand is turned towards them. In Russia, this option is interpreted as the number 2.

Three fingers up

It is known that during the Second World War, German soldiers greeted the commander-in-chief during the oath by showing three fingers at the same time - thumb, index and middle. In the Russian mind, this sign means the number or quantity 3.


Few people know that the gesture, in which all fingers are clenched into a fist, except for the index and little fingers, is attributed protective properties, so it is often used by magicians when performing mystical rituals. However, thanks to rock stars, he is more familiar to people as the “rocker goat.” In combination with a protruding tongue, it expresses insolence or a state of madness.

In Russia, “goat” can be deciphered to demonstrate one’s power and superiority over others. It also serves as a comic imitation of butting cattle.

Shaka and tongue between fingers

Many people associate a hand clenched into a fist with a protruding thumb and little finger near the ear with a telephone conversation, a request or a promise to call back. But if the action is accompanied by a characteristic tilt of the head or touching the little finger to the lips, then it takes on a different meaning associated with a call to drink alcoholic beverages and use narcotic cigarettes.

In Hawaii, "Shaka" is seen as a sign of greeting. It is popular among athletes in surfing, skydiving and Brazilian jiu-jitsu wrestling. It is also used to express jubilation by some famous football players who have scored a goal.


The generally accepted meaning of the gesture is to notify others that there is no problem and everything is fine. Favorite sign among residents. However, in Turkey it is offensive to those to whom it is addressed, as it implies an accusation of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Fig or fig

Russians have a curled fist with the thumb sticking out between the other two - this is a contemptuous form of refusal. In ancient Rus', the fig symbolized coitus and could be used to scare away evil spirits. There are several other names - shish, fig, dulya. But if for a resident of Russia it means an insult, mockery, then for a Brazilian it means protection from the evil eye or a talisman to attract good luck. That is why you can find pendants, pendants and figurines depicting figs there.

Spire folded with fingertips

As psychologists note, balanced individuals who are confident in their strengths and their own competence connect their fingertips with a “house”. A spiel can mean thinking at the moment of making an important decision or demonstrate increased interest in the words of the interlocutor.

In the practice of yoga, the fingertips closed in rings help to meditate, find peace, and focus on the main thing.

Rubbing the tips of others with your thumb

Such manipulation can be seen in crime films. It means banknotes that are virtually crunchy in your hands. Another such gesture is used at a time when you need to clarify your thought, or urgently remember something, but it just doesn’t work out.

Fingers clasped

Clenched hands serve as a kind of psychological barrier. Can inform about various human conditions:

  • on the head - anxiety, confusion, shock;
  • on the knees - hidden tension, stiffness;
  • in front of you, while your head is directed upward - an expression of distrust of the information provided, disagreement with the opinion expressed.

It is very difficult to come to an agreement with a business partner whose fingers are tightly clasped. To help him relax, you need to invite him to watch something and then try to discuss the issue again.

In most countries, an outstretched palm means “stop.” In a conversation, a gesture formulates a request to stop, to stop doing something.

It is also a sign of greeting people and saying goodbye to them. Depends on what the situation is. However, the Greeks use such a friendly five to express negative emotions. Namely, the desire to move on the face. They call this manipulation munza, and it has a funny origin story. Thus, at the dawn of the Byzantine Empire, the judge had a way of humiliating punishment of petty criminals - smearing ashes on the face of the offender.

Inviting gesture with index finger

With a bent finger extended forward, people most often call to themselves someone with whom they want to sort things out. It is perceived by a person as a joke, but sometimes it can offend. It is a sign of a lack of culture among those who use it.


Clenching a fist shows strong tension, readiness to repel an enemy's attack, and also means an open threat, an intention to hit in the face. Symbolizes power.

Russian and English alphabet with gestures

The language of the deaf and mute is the main way they interact with the outside world. It allows people with hearing and speech impairments to communicate. Each gesture corresponds to a letter of the alphabet or a word. This can be presented more clearly in the form of a table.

As you can see, the same gestures can be interpreted in different ways. This is why they should be interpreted as a system and not individually. And only use it when appropriate.

Hands without embellishment and cuts reveal the nature of a person, his mentality and character. And if you believe scientists, then every thought we have, even unconscious ones, reverberates in the muscles of our arms. So the hands really remember everything and, without pretense, can tell a lot to someone who knows how to read from them. By understanding the meanings of your fingers, you will be able to better select communication tactics and more easily find suitable people.

Palm shape

There are many classifications of hands and palms, but for me: the simpler the better. And to understand what kind of person is in front of you, this typology is enough.

1. The palm is square. Fingers are short.

This is a practical palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Realistic and conservative.
  • Organized and enterprising.
  • Loves control and order.

2. The palm is square. The fingers are long.

This is an intelligent palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Smart and rational.
  • Movable and emotional.
  • Open to change and new ideas.

I was only able to find decent quality “female hands”, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.Photo from the site

3. The palm is long. Fingers are short.

This is an intuitive palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Active and energetic.
  • Curious and open to everything new.
  • Loves attention and recognition.

4. The palm is long. The fingers are long.

This is a sensitive palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Subtly sensitive, usually kinesthetic.
  • Subject to influence and mood swings.
  • Does not know how to work under stress and pressure.

Finger length

You can tell by the fingers of your interlocutor which negotiations to prepare for. If he has long fingers, then do not expect active actions and quick decisions. Communication with a person with short fingers, on the contrary, gives every chance for dynamic negotiations and substantive agreements.

Dlong fingers belong to a person:

  • Critical and analytical mind.
  • Picky and attentive to details.
  • Hard to influence.
  • A balanced decision maker.

Very long fingers speak of dishonesty and the desire for profit. A long arm with strong knots and a developed thumb indicates an argumentative and gossipy person.

TOshort fingers belong to a person:

  • Impetuous and emotional.
  • Often neglecting details, conventions and norms.
  • Sometimes categorical and unceremonious.

People with short and especially knobby fingers are better than people with long fingers at seeing the whole situation without getting bogged down in the details. They are good managers and administrators. Fingers that are too short are a sign of underdevelopment and narrow-mindedness, and fingers that are too long are a sign of timidity and lack of composure.

Distance between fingers

Close-set fingers indicate stinginess and integrity of their owner. Wide-set fingers belong to an open and generous person.

Well-developed, mobile fingers indicate an active mind. Undeveloped and poorly bending fingers, on the contrary, are a sign of clumsiness and slow-wittedness.

If the index, ring and little fingers are slightly curved towards the middle finger and seem to “look” at the center of the palm, then the owner of such a hand is a purposeful and decisive person.

If, on the contrary, the fingers are directed from the middle finger, then such a person does not tend to set goals and concentrate on achieving them. He is scattered both in thoughts and in deeds.

It is also interesting to take a closer look at the palms when the interlocutor’s hands are on the table. The fingers can lie flat, or they can be bent up or bent down.

  • The more the fingertips are curved, the more curious and sensitive the person is.
  • The concavity of the upper joints - a sign of frugality or stinginess - depends on the degree of bending.


The thumb is the most characteristic; it is the center of will and reason. When choosing business partners and candidates for leadership positions, special attention should be paid to it. The thumb is a symbol of individuality: if during communication a person clasps it into a fist, then he is either “hiding” himself or hiding something.

The normal length of the thumb is to the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger. If the finger is longer, then such traits as energy and determination are enhanced; in short, then – passivity and indecision.

Short and thin thumb

  • Sensitive and easily influenced.
  • Weak, indecisive and cowardly.
  • Rarely completes what he plans to do.

The small and puffy thumb belongs to a hot-tempered and selfish person.

Developed, long thumb indicates that its owner:

  • Logical and knows what he wants.
  • Endowed with the potential to realize your plans.
  • Purposeful, brings what is planned to the end.

A thumb that is too large indicates arrogance, pride and overestimation of one’s own strengths.

When the thumb is flattened on top and widened, such a person is easily excited and becomes angry.

If the top joint of the thumb is much longer than the second, such a person imposes his will on others and is prone to tyranny. A short upper joint indicates that the person is impatient, indecisive and often naive.


The normal length of the index finger is 8/10 the length of the middle finger. The owner of a normal finger is moderately ambitious, sociable, proactive and enterprising.

Short index finger- a sign that a person:

  • Doubts himself and his own abilities.
  • Doesn't like to take responsibility.
  • Reluctant to make independent decisions.

The shorter the index finger compared to the ring finger, the more aggressive and noisy a person can behave.

Long index finger characterizes a person:

  • Initiative and enterprising.
  • Ambitious, ambitious and powerful.
  • Possessing leadership qualities.

If the index finger is almost equal in length to the middle finger or only slightly shorter, then this is a sign of intolerance to the opinions of others, arrogance and a tendency towards dictatorship.

Middle finger

The middle finger reflects a person's ability to plan, act and follow through. It personifies reliability, responsibility, and a penchant for introspection.

A normal middle finger speaks of moderation of judgment, common sense and forethought.

Short middle finger belongs to a person:

  • Emotional and sensitive.
  • Inconsistent and improvident.
  • Spontaneous decision maker.

Long middle finger says about a person:

  • Serious and careful.
  • Often pessimistic and self-absorbed.

A middle finger that is too long reveals a person who is pedantic and melancholic. A heavy-looking middle finger indicates the severity of internal experiences. And its hookedness indicates a person’s tendency to self-torture.

Ring finger

The normal length of the ring finger is 9/10 the length of the middle finger. A strong and even ring finger is a sign of balance and emotional stability.

Long ring finger characterizes a person:

  • Optimistic and passionate.
  • Loving shine, attention and fame.
  • Gambling and prone to unjustified risks.

Short ring finger indicates that the person:

  • Overly cautious.
  • Poor self-control.
  • Has no business acumen.

Little finger

The little finger symbolizes dexterity in business, organizational skills and the desire for independence. By its size one can judge the presence of intuition.

A little finger of normal length, 7/10 of the middle finger, indicates a person with a lively mind, easily adapting to change. The longer, stronger and more mobile the little finger, the more independent a person is, and the richer he is gifted by nature.

Long pinky, reaching the base of the nail of the adjacent finger with the tip, characterizes a person:

  • Charismatic and bright.
  • Free and independent.
  • Having a strong influence on others.

Short pinky says about a person:

  • Tends to make rash decisions.
  • Often critical and harsh.
  • Having difficulties in self-realization.

A bent and twisted little finger is a sign of deceit and insincerity.

Joints and phalanges of the fingers

The joints and phalanges of the fingers are also able to complement the story about their owner.

Upper (nail) phalanx responsible for ideas, dreams, spirituality. Its narrowing means strong intuition, and its expansion means a person’s materialism and business acumen.

Middle phalanx, its length and severity, is responsible for practicality and characterizes a person’s ability to bring his plans to life.

Lower phalanx– this is the material level. From it one can judge what place material goods and pleasures occupy in a person’s life (the lower phalanx of the thumb is the Mount of Venus).

Developed finger joints indicate a high level of intelligence. Knotted joints indicate a tendency to deep thought. Smooth, evenly tapering from the base to the tips of the fingers - about superficiality and frivolity.

Hand nails

When analyzing the shape of your nails, you need to look at their natural shape, at the part that does not protrude above the finger.

1. Rectangular nail shape

speaks of responsibility and diligence. This kind of person:

  • optimistic, energetic and determined;
  • knows how to enjoy successes and learn from failures:
  • achieves its goal.

2. Trapezoidal nail shape

indicates self-confidence and often inflated self-esteem. This kind of person:

  • needs recognition from others;
  • reacts painfully to criticism;
  • categorical, rarely admits his mistakes.

3. Square nail shape

speaks of stability and balance. This kind of person:

  • calm and reasonable;
  • values ​​his own independence;
  • protects his personal space.

4. Round nail shape

testifies to spiritual purity and kindness. This kind of person:

  • sentimental and dreamy;
  • weak-willed and unreliable;
  • subjective in assessments.

5. Fan nails

characteristic of a person with a fine mental organization and a heightened sense of justice. This kind of person:

  • active and dynamic;
  • positive and witty;
  • often worries about trifles.

Nails that occupy half of the upper joint are considered normal. Their owners are constant in their views and are distinguished by their strength of character.

Elongated nails indicate a calm, phlegmatic temperament. Short ones are about more impulsive things. Elongated, flat, wide, sometimes curved nails indicate the duplicity of their owner.

Short wide nails are found in quarrelsome and quarrelsome people. Too short nails indicate irrepressible energy that is difficult to channel in the right direction.