Make your own shoe rack. Ideas for storing shoes in the house: shelves, stands, cabinets. Rack for shoes of different heights

Make your own shoe rack.  Ideas for storing shoes in the house: shelves, stands, cabinets.  Rack for shoes of different heights
Make your own shoe rack. Ideas for storing shoes in the house: shelves, stands, cabinets. Rack for shoes of different heights

For any housewife, the hallway is business card apartment that is beginning to get to know you, given this fact, you should carefully and responsibly approach its design. To save space in the hallway, you should take care of purchasing items, among which in the first place is a shoe rack, which will allow you to neatly arrange your shoes and store them for a long time without damage appearance, which will give you the opportunity to save on buying a new pair.

Everyone has individual ways storing shoes in the hallway so that there is still some left free space. The shoe rack should be reliable and easy to use, and fit into general interior housing.

Metal products or their imitation are considered the most versatile and functional.

Modern manufacturers delight their customers wide range hangers by affordable prices. But not only can you create store-bought shoe shelves with a “twist,” you can also create something charming with your own hands, and a homemade shoe rack will be in no way inferior to its factory-made counterparts. A shoe rack is made, it can be made of any material, but the strongest and most durable shelf is made of metal.

Such shelves have a number of advantages:

  1. Natural ventilation when open;
  2. Durability of the product (metal will last you much longer than its chipboard counterpart);
  3. Does not leave any odor from wet and dirty shoes;
  4. If the shelf is properly decorated, it will delight every member of the household and guest.

There are floor-mounted shoe shelves, and there are wall-mounted ones, wall shelves for shoes are convenient because they save your space, but they also have disadvantages: heavy weight, can break and fall at the most inopportune moment, and dust often collects on them.

DIY shoe stand: ideas for implementation

Today, buying a shoe rack is not difficult; in any store they are presented in different variations. But it is much more pleasant to use what is made with your soul and with your own hands. These products are very popular.

Note! If you make a shoe stand from ceramic or glass, then it should fit into the interior and stand so that no one gets hurt on it.

When making a shoe rack with your own hands, you can take any material; it’s worth considering some of the most popular options.

Among them:

  • Tree;
  • Plastic;
  • Glass or ceramics;
  • Metal and its imitation.

In most cases homemade shelf for shoes - this open design at the base, which contains three horizontal shelves, with stylish sidewalls.

Shoe stand in the hallway: unusual solutions

For those who feel like there is not enough space in their home unusual solutions shoe storage.
You need to consider each option, because it can be easily implemented in any room, and can be an excellent alternative to a free-standing structure.

The options are as follows:

  1. Wardrobe. The most logical solution to all problems is to place the shoes of all household members in the dressing room, provided that they exist at all. There, every pair of shoes will have a place to “live” comfortably, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to “settle” their clothes and shoes separately.
  2. Snow-white shoe racks. The light color scheme generally looks amazing, but there is a minus here, these are ours weather. Enough in autumn time Walk even a couple of steps and your shoes will turn from clean into a total piece of dirt. Of course, you wouldn’t bet such shoes on such beauty; they need to be washed after every time you go outside; you don’t always have the time and energy for such procedures.
  3. Postal racks. There are racks for shoes that are very similar in appearance to mailboxes. This great option for placing and keeping shoes in order. This The best way organize systematic storage of shoes for all household members; even a small hallway can accommodate such small shoe racks. The depth of the cells is approximately 35-40 cm, and this is quite enough to place shoes conveniently and comfortably.
  4. Open wooden shelves for shoes. Most convenient way Placing such shelves involves attaching them to special holders that will help adjust the distance between them. The system of retractable wooden shelves saves space, which is very important in small hallways. In addition, the undeniable advantage of such shelves is their availability; every man can make such shelves with his own hands, so there is no need to waste time and money on going to the store. You can give them individual parameters, which also saves space; safety lies in the fact that you know exactly what you made the wooden shoe racks from.
  5. Combined shelves. The good thing about these shelves is that they combine two necessary functions: shoe rack and ottoman. This is especially convenient for those who have small children or elderly parents who find it difficult to put on their shoes while standing.

It is logical to place all-season shoes in the dressing room on convenient racks or open shelves, cabinets or special cabinets - this is the right solution.

It is very important that any design matches the overall idea of ​​the interior.

If you have space for a dressing room in your home, be it a house or an apartment, it will not be difficult to equip it with a system of shelving for storing shoes.

Shoe stand in the hallway with a seat: a functional element of the interior

U modern people Things that combine several functions are especially popular, and a shoe rack for the hallway is no exception. Increasingly, in stores, customers pay attention to a shoe stand that looks like a bench, a kind of object with a seat or bench.

The main advantage of these shoe racks is increased level comfort.

And naturally, depending on the manufacturer, cost and class of furniture, it will be made of different materials.

Among them:

  1. Chipboard is the most affordable option;
  2. MDF - costs a little more, but differs in higher quality from chipboard;
  3. Fiberboard is the most popular material in furniture making;
  4. Wood is quite expensive, especially if valuable species are used;
  5. Metal – you can choose elements to suit any budget.

Of course, a shoe rack can be standard and not attract attention, but now real works of art are increasingly in demand. This is due to the fact that everyone wants to stand out, and the overall perception of the interior is made up of little things.

Beautiful shelf for shoes in the hallway (video)

To summarize, it must be said that if a person has enough time, there are possibilities and imagination. Then it won’t be difficult for him to make a shoe stand for the hallway himself. In this case, you can be sure that no one will have such a piece of furniture. However, if this is not possible, then you can go to the nearest store and buy a shoe rack you like, or order the production of an element from a designer.

When you have to make your way through the hallway like an icebreaker among the ice of the Arctic, tripping over shoes left here and there, it’s time to think about the shelf. This simple piece of furniture will make it easier to put things in order, save household members from searching for a pair in a pile of shoes dumped on the floor, and will improve the appearance of the hallway. Buy ready product- the pleasure is not cheap, and what trade offers does not always meet our needs. There is a solution - to make a shelf with your own hands.

Types of shoe racks and materials for their manufacture

The choice of material depends on work skills, the interior of the hallway or the place where you plan to place the shelf, as well as financial capabilities. To make this piece of furniture you will need:

  • wood (bars, slats, plywood, chipboard);
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • PVC pipes;
  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • improvised materials.

Table - advantages, disadvantages and features of using different materials for shoe shelves

Shelf materialAdvantagesFlawsFeatures of application
WoodEco-friendly, noble texture, plasticity of shape.Expensive, difficult to process and ability to absorb moisture.Due to sensitivity to moisture, dry, clean shoes can be stored in a wooden shelf and only indoors. Atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes will lead to its deformation. To protect against moisture, wood is primed with special compounds.
PlywoodMore cheap alternative solid wood, easier to process.Heavier than wood, absorbs moisture.No special skills are needed when working with the material.
ChipboardFurniture panels made of chipboard have protective covering from moisture and temperature changes.
Low price and variety of colors, does not require sanding or painting.
If damaged protective film quickly collapses due to its loose structure.Suitable for inexpensive furniture, inferior to wood and plywood in terms of durability.
MetalStrength and durability.The material is heavy, susceptible to corrosion, and requires special skills and tools to work with.Forging metal creates real works of art that can decorate any interior. Metal shelves will fit into the hallway of a city apartment, and country house, and then special processing They can also be placed outdoors. It is easy to make a product from metal pipes, fastening them with fittings. It’s even easier to make shelves from metal pipes and gratings, combining them with a wooden or other frame.
PlasticLow cost of material, easy to clean, not afraid of moisture.It does not breathe, moisture does not evaporate, so shelves can only be made open.Budget plastic shelves are commercially available, they are made by pressing. It is almost impossible to make such furniture with your own hands, but to make simple shelves from leftovers plastic panels everyone can do it.
PVC pipesOriginal and cheap material, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.It is unlikely that he is able to keep company with an expensive interior.Even a teenager can make a shelf from PVC pipes.

The simplest and most creative options: shelves made of cardboard, fabric, scrap materials

If you want to quickly build original item interior design, without special skills or the opportunity to buy expensive materials, you can do it yourself simple models from available materials- fabric, cardboard, improvised items.

  1. The cardboard version will last quite a long time and will cost mere pennies, because the material will be an ordinary packaging box. Lightweight and durable cardboard can withstand heavy loads. Making a shelf out of it is so simple that it can be called not furniture making, but needlework. For this you will need:
    • stationery knife;
    • stapler;
    • glue or tape.

    Furniture decorated with film or wallpaper is difficult to distinguish from furniture made from traditional materials. But cardboard also has a drawback: if it gets wet, it will get wet. Therefore, it is better to dry wet shoes first, and protect the base with a moisture-proof film or hang the product on the wall so that when wet cleaning The shoe rack was not damaged.

  2. For slippers, ballet shoes and children's shoes, you can sew fabric pockets. To do this, you will only need small pieces of material and sewing supplies. Placed vertically one above the other, they will not take up much space in the hallway. This design is suspended on one nail and, if necessary, can be moved to another place. Pockets are also sold ready-made, but those made by yourself will cost much less.
  3. Unusual, comfortable and simple shelves can be made from any available materials. Almost anything will do:

    • old furniture;
    • laminate left after renovation;
    • drywall;
    • plastic or wooden boxes;
    • pallets;
    • plastic bottles;
    • shoe or carton boxes;
    • piece of tin;
    • grill left over from an old refrigerator.

Which material to choose

When choosing material for a shelf, you need to consider where the product will be installed - in a residential area, on the veranda of a private house or cottage, or outdoors.

For home and garden - timber, plywood, chipboard

Any material is suitable for the room. When choosing, you should rely only on its safety and your taste. You should not make a shelf out of cardboard if there are animals in the house: this material will not withstand the teeth and claws of pets.

Outdoor shelves - metal and plastic

To store outdoor shoes, it is better to use moisture-resistant material or treated protective composition. It is important to consider here that the shelf will be affected by humidity, sun and temperature changes. It is advisable that the material is not too light, otherwise the shelf may be blown away by the wind. The best option- metal treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Chipboard should not be used; such a product will quickly become unusable outdoors. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, it is quite suitable for the street if the shelf is well secured.

Advice! If you plan to use wooden shelf for the street, before painting, treat it twice with a moisture-proofing compound, paying attention Special attention ends.

Types of shelves for the hallway

The choice depends on the size of the room, its interior, functional purpose shelves.

  1. Closed. Used for long-term storage shoes They are a cabinet or cabinet with doors. They can be placed not only in the hallway, but also in rooms.
  2. Open. Placed in the hallway, suitable for daily storage of casual shoes. The advantage of open shelves is free air circulation: shoes dry faster and the smell disappears.
  3. Floor-standing. Suitable for spacious rooms, as they take up quite a lot usable area. To increase functionality they can be manufactured with a seat. There are open and closed.
  4. Wall-mounted. Save space and make cleaning easier. For a small hallway best option- narrow vertical design, it takes up little space and visually increases the height of the room.

Options for DIY shoe shelves in the hallway in the photo

We make shoe racks with our own hands: drawings, step-by-step photos, diagrams

Having decided on the material and model of the shelf, you can begin to manufacture it. One of the simplest and most inexpensive options is a cardboard shelf.

Narrow wall structure made of cardboard

It can be made in the form of separate pockets, connected to each other and hung on the wall. For this you will need:

  • carton boxes;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • glue;
  • paint, wallpaper or decorative film;
  • cord.

Having prepared everything necessary, we get to work.

  1. Cut out a rectangle measuring 65x60 cm from cardboard.
  2. We measure 25 cm along the short side and draw a line.
  3. We divide the long side into 3 parts: 20 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm. Draw lines.
  4. In the central part we got a square of 25x25 cm and a rectangle of 25x35 cm. We cut off the side parts of the rectangle along the marked lines. A T-shaped blank will remain.
  5. On the remaining “wings” we measure 11 cm from the square along the top line and draw diagonals connecting the marked points and corners of the letter T.
  6. We bend the cardboard along straight and diagonal lines, using a metal ruler for convenience.
  7. We assemble the structure. The rectangle will serve back wall pocket, triangles adjacent to the square - sideways, the remaining parts are placed behind the back wall.
  8. The elements are fastened with glue or tape. The finished pockets are covered with wallpaper, decorative film, covered with paint, and decorated with cords.
  9. Having made the required number of pockets, we glue them together vertically and attach them to the wall.

How to make a shelf out of cardboard - video

Shoe storage rack made from cardboard boxes

Advice! If you plan to paint the shelf, tape the ends of all parts with masking tape. This way the product will take on a finished look and moisture will not get inside the walls.

How to assemble a rack - video

PVC pipe construction

Making such a shoe rack will require a little time and a minimum of tools:

  • pipes PVC diameter 20–25 cm;
  • paint, paper or film for pasting;
  • glue;
  • hacksaw.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the pipe into pieces 25-30 cm long, process the edges until smooth and decorate the pieces to your liking.
  2. Staple finished parts each other in the form of a honeycomb or as your imagination tells you.
  3. Mount the structure on the wall or place it on the floor.
  4. Additionally, the pipes can be secured with cord or tape.
  5. As a result, you will get a design like this.

Pallet construction

For a summer residence or garden plot A shelf made from used pallets would be appropriate. Its production will not take much time and effort.

  1. Sand the tray manually or using a sander.
  2. Treat it with a moisture-protective agent, for example, Neogard wood water repellent.
  3. Lean the structure against the wall and use it.
  4. The pallet treated with a water repellent can also be painted. After the paint has dried, the improvised shelf can be used.
  5. If you gravitate towards traditional style, cut the pallet lengthwise into two or three parts. Place the resulting parts on top of each other, separating them with bars required thickness, and fasten with self-tapping screws. You will get a shelving unit with two or three shelves.

Simple wooden shelf

You can quickly make a shelf from wooden blocks and slats. To do this, it is first advisable to draw up a drawing or diagram future design, then cut the material according to the calculated dimensions and connect all the parts using self-tapping screws.

Shoe rack made of wooden slats

The simplest version of a wooden shoe rack is a shelf made of slats. If you don’t have bars at hand, you can get by with slats alone. To work you will need:

  • wooden slats;
  • hacksaw;
  • wood screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the place where you plan to install the shelf and make a drawing.
  2. Cut the slats according to the dimensions obtained. For a three-tier shelf, you should have four posts, six cross supports, and nine shelf slats. You can change the width of the shelf by screwing different numbers of slats.
  3. On the racks, mark the places where the transverse supports are attached, and use a drill to drill holes for the self-tapping screws. This is necessary to ensure that cracks do not form during assembly.
  4. Process the details sandpaper.
  5. Assemble the side posts by screwing the crossbars to the posts with self-tapping screws. You will get two “ladders”.
  6. Screw the shelf slats starting from the bottom.
  7. Cover the product with varnish and let dry.

By showing your imagination and spending a little time, you can make a stylish and inexpensive shoe rack from what is at hand, but has not yet been used. Imagine, create, and your home will become unique and individual.

A shelf for shoes is a necessary attribute of the hallway, because it frees up space and makes the room look neat. It’s easy to buy a shoe rack in a store, but it’s small simple design It's not cheap. If you have the desire and imagination, then figuring out how to make a shoe rack with your own hands is easy. Material home handyman Laminate panels, boards, plywood, pipes, cardboard and wooden blocks. By showing imagination and skill, you can make furniture that you won’t find in a store.

Made from PVC pipes

An easy-to-make shelf made from sections of PVC pipe will surprise you with its richness decorative possibilities. To make it you will need:

  • PVC sewer pipe with a diameter of 300 mm;
  • sandpaper;
  • wallpaper and epoxy glue;
  • washable wallpaper.

The length of the plastic pipe is 3 m, so it must be cut into 10 pieces of 30 cm each, because each shelf compartment will be this long. You can cut the material with a jigsaw or grinder. Each part must be carefully sanded to remove roughness and make the surface of the ends as smooth as possible.

To decorate the blanks you will need a roll of wallpaper - choose the pattern and color to your liking. The shoe rack is located near the door, so it can get dirty in bad weather, so it is better to cover it with washable wallpaper that is easy to clean. Each part is glued on the outside and left to dry. The finished sections are assembled into a single structure. It will consist of three elements at the base and top, and four segments in the middle.

First, horizontal strips are glued together, and after the epoxy glue dries, the parts are glued to each other. The result is an interesting and original shelf that requires minimal costs for materials, and which you can easily assemble yourself.

From cardboard

Cheap and lightweight design for summer shoes and slippers it will be made from cardboard. Any boxes from household appliances. To make an unusual shelf in the hallway, prepare simple items:

  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • stapler;
  • ruler and pencil.

Several rectangles are marked on a sheet of cardboard, the width of which is 25–30 cm, and the length is taken to cover the entire sheet. The number of blanks depends on your desire - each is a pocket for one pair of shoes. The cut out rectangles are divided into three equal parts. The two side ones are bent in the shape of a triangle and fastened together with a strip of tape or a stapler. Having made pockets from all the blanks, they are partially inserted into each other and fastened with tape. This design is hung on the wall, so it would be appropriate in a country house or in a rustic-style interior. To give a more attractive appearance, the product can be covered with colored paper or self-adhesive film. This simple and fun activity can be done with children.


You can make a beautiful shelf at home. You will have to tinker with it longer than with cardboard, and the material costs are higher, but the result is worth it. The shelf will be round, made of wood, with two tiers and dividing bars. To work you need:

  • 4 sheets of wood 15 mm thick;
  • screws;
  • dye;
  • caps for fasteners;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • Grinder.
Note! Quantity and size Supplies depends on the material you used and the size of the shelf, but, as a rule, the consumption is small.

Round blanks for the top, middle and bottom of the shelf are cut out of three sheets. The diameter of the circles is 600 mm, they are drawn using simple device. A nail is driven into the center and a 300 mm long cord with a pencil at the end is attached to it. Cutting blanks electric jigsaw. For the dividing crossbars, which 4 pieces will be attached to each tier, 8 identical parts measuring 160 by 200 mm are cut out. The edges of all workpieces are carefully processed with a grinder.

On smooth surface parts, marking of places for attaching separating parts is carried out. The markings are applied to the upper surface of the lower circle, the middle circle is marked on both sides, and the upper one on inside. Holes with a diameter of 2 mm are made at the fastening points, and the same marks are drilled on the separating parts.


Along the marked lines, 4 strips are screwed to the bottom circle, each requiring 2 screws. The central circle is attached to the dividing elements, and between the fastening points holes are drilled for fastening the upper dividing parts. These strips will be located a level higher and located between the lower elements. They will also connect two circles - central and upper. The shelf is assembled, all that remains is to paint it and cover the places where the screws are screwed in with caps. A convenient and spacious shelf will be an excellent addition to the interior of the hallway.

Each handmade item not only has a practical function, it fills the home with special comfort, because it was made with love and especially for this place.


See how you can make a good-quality shoe rack from an old closet:

Shoes need to be stored somewhere, but is it worth spending money on purchasing an expensive shoe rack? If you wish, you can make your own shelf from any available materials - laminate, and even pipes and boxes. This does not require special carpentry skills.

We will briefly tell you... You will find lists of materials and tools, diagrams, drawings and photographs. It's time to take on your entryway!

The choice of materials and tools will vary depending on the design of the future shelf. Therefore, develop single standard problematic. The most difficult thing with technical side is considered a “slim” solution.

The difficulty of such cabinets lies in the installation large quantity various accessories. All other shelves are much simpler, so when compiling a list of necessary things, we will proceed from the most complex circuits. You will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw for wood (or metal);
  • chisel;
  • ruler;
  • Sander;
  • pencil.

DIY wooden shoe rack

How to make a shoe rack with your own hands

Before you start self-production shelves for shoes, you need to decide on the design of the future product, its dimensions and functionality.

You can create shoe shelves from anything - profiles, wood, slats, laminate, metal and even cardboard. The most popular (in terms of design) are rotating, round and angular models.

In some cases you may need to drill and sand (metal, wood). In some places we will make do with simple gluing and cutting (cardboard boxes). And some varieties will seem exotic to you.

For those who have an old unnecessary closet, the process of making a shoe rack can be incredibly simple, just watch the following video:

  • drill;
  • You can build a modular shelf with your own hands from plywood, and not just a shelf for shoes. This shelf will be attached to the hallway wall and will not take up much space, and the drawings for its manufacture are quite primitive. In addition to sheets of plywood, you will need:
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • glue;
  • perforator;


Plywood is cut into identical rectangles (for example, 20x30 cm). The parts are carefully polished, after which the assembly process begins. Sheets of plywood form U-shaped structures that are “nested” into each other, forming something like a labyrinth. You can hang any number of similar blocks in the hallway.

Fastening is carried out using wooden pins and holes drilled in plywood.

Plywood shoe rack

Made of wood The easiest way is to make a shoe rack with your own hands from store-bought items, rather than from “raw” wood. But since you have decided to start this business from scratch, prepare following materials

  • and tools:
  • sandpaper;
  • plane;
  • metal corners;
  • wood glue;
  • screwdriver (can be replaced with a screwdriver);
  • saw;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • varnish (or paint);

pencil and tape measure. We will use as material wooden board

  1. . The width of the workpiece is 25-35 centimeters, the thickness is a couple of centimeters. The manufacturing process looks like this: Vertical ones are cut out(80-90 centimeters each).
  2. The support bars and crossbars are being prepared.
  3. Four fragments of 60-70 centimeters are cut out (these are shoe shelves).
  4. All workpieces are processed with sandpaper.
  5. The bars are attached to the side walls using self-tapping screws.
  6. Metal corners are attached to the rear ends of the product.
  7. Shelves are laid on fixed beams.
  8. After assembly, the product is varnished (if desired, with paint of any color).

A DIY wooden shoe rack can also become a comfortable ottoman. IN next video You will find out how this is possible:

From chipboard

Making your own shoe racks from chipboard is in many ways similar to previous options. In addition to a screwdriver, drill and other standard tools, you will need:

  • mounting knife;
  • hex wrench;
  • square;
  • edge tape;
  • plugs;
  • screws;
  • confirmations.

The shelf can be made, or it can be made with rounded or straight ends. IN general outline the process looks like this:

  1. The sidewalls are marked and cut out.
  2. With help grinder getting rid of chips and irregularities.
  3. Take a hot iron and cover the edges with special tape.
  4. Trim off the excess edge tape with a knife.
  5. We process the corners with fine-grained sandpaper.
  6. We make cuts (if the plan requires it) and assemble the product.

The following video will tell you how to create a shoe rack with your own hands from chipboard and pipes:

From laminate

You can create a minimalist and stylish shelf for shoes and from regular laminate. To do this, you will need laminate sheets (the quantity depends on the level of the shelf) and metal tubes with slots. The slots can be made with a grinder (using metal circles), and plastic plugs can be placed at the ends.

If desired, you can create frame structure up to the ceiling, but then you will have to think about additional fastenings to the wall.

The number of sections is limited only by your imagination and the size of the hallway.

Photo of laminate shoe racks

From slats

Slats can serve as a good solution for a country house. Having stocked up required quantity this material and minimum set tools (hammer, nails, screwdriver), you can assemble a shoe rack with your own hands from slats with two or three tiers in a short period of time. Let's list the advantages of such a shelf:

  • ease;
  • budget;
  • good ventilation;
  • practicality.

Shoe rack made of slats

From profile

You can also assemble a shoe rack with your own hands - from a profile, using also materials strained glass. From the tools you need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • glass cutter;
  • electric drill (with metal drills);
  • jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver

For your purposes, you can use a galvanized profile or a regular multi-colored one. The first will be more moisture resistant, the second will fit better into the chosen interior. Mounted similar design on the wall:

  1. The profile is applied to the wall and secured with one self-tapping screw.
  2. After this, take a level and check the horizontalness of the markings.
  3. The remaining screws are screwed in.
  4. The frame is mounted.
  5. Previously prepared glass shelves are installed.

Shoe rack in loft style

From boxes

Most a budget option- a shelf for shoes, assembled with your own hands from cardboard or cardboard boxes. It takes up little space and looks beautiful in a small hallway. Work procedure: do-it-yourself shoe rack made of cardboard

  1. The contours of the blanks are drawn on the box with a pencil.
  2. The blanks are cut out using a cardboard knife.
  3. Rectangles are folded into special boxes.
  4. The blanks are placed on top of each other, forming grooves for shoes.
  5. Fastening is carried out with staples.
  6. The shelf is mounted on the hallway wall and covered with decorative film.

Cardboard shoe rack

From pipes

To make this shelf, you can take water pipes plastic pipes- for example, those from which risers are installed in bathrooms. The tools you will need are a hacksaw. The procedure for assembling a shoe rack with your own hands from pipes is as follows:

  1. We cut PVC pipes into equal segments - these will be the “boxes” of our shelf.
  2. Sand the edges with sandpaper.
  3. We cover the sections with decorative film.
  4. We fasten the sections together plastic holders on both sides. The diameter of the pipes and the shape of the structure may vary. New cells can be easily integrated into the circuit if desired.

Pipe shoe rack

We do not suggest doing metalwork or going to a blacksmith. It’s quite easy to make a primitive metal shoe rack with your own hands - to do this you need to get an old, out-of-use stepladder. Procedure:

  1. A fragment of a stepladder is cut out, consisting of several “steps”.
  2. The edges are sanded.
  3. The fragment is fixed on the hallway wall.
  4. Plastic hooks are attached to the crossbars - shoes will hang on them.

Homemade shoe rack made of metal materials


For the simplest corner shelf for shoes with your own hands, you will need MDF sheets, a jigsaw, a drill, drills and screws. It is advisable to have a pencil, a building level and a jar acrylic paint. The actions are:

  1. Two identical rectangles and several triangles are cut out (their number depends on the tiers).
  2. The rectangles are fastened with self-tapping screws, forming a corner structure.
  3. The same self-tapping screws are used to mount the corner shelves inside.
  4. The shelf is covered with acrylic.
  5. Now we put the shelf in the corner of the hallway and secure it with dowels to be sure.


To make a round shoe rack with your own hands, you will again need a jigsaw and MDF sheets. The shoe rack will have two tiers, so we will need to cut out three “round pieces”, the radius of which will correspond to the largest shoe size of your household. Further actions:

  1. Having dealt with the round blanks, you need to cut out rectangular ones (4 pieces).
  2. Grooves are cut in the middle of the rectangular blanks.
  3. Rectangles are inserted into each other, forming crosses.
  4. Using a screwdriver, the crosspieces are attached to round workpieces.
  5. The ends are sanded and covered with film.

Photo round shelf for shoes

For residents small apartments The issue of shoe placement in the hallway is very acute. Families with children know what it means to have shoes scattered throughout the apartment. The problem is no less pressing for those who like to select a variety of accessories to complement their look. To maintain order in your home and conveniently arrange each pair, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive shelves from the assortment furniture stores. Make convenient devices for storing shoes you can use available materials if you use your imagination. Here are some examples for inspiration.

Simple wooden cabinet

Making such an interior item is quite simple. The four boards are connected to each other using furniture screws. Thin ones are attached to the cabinet facades wooden planks. The best paint for painting is water based. If desired, the upper part can be made contrasting and adapted for sitting.

You can simply hang your shoes on the shelf!

The idea is brilliant in its simplicity. To avoid dirtying the floor with dirty soles of boots and sneakers, you just need to keep them suspended.

Wooden pallet shelf

They make a lot of things out of such an affordable and practical thing as pallets. They are also suitable for making shoe racks. Building such a piece of furniture is quite simple, since parts of the pallets for the hallway can be left untreated.

Ladder instead of a shoe cabinet

For this idea it will work as a ready-made wooden staircase, and made independently from planed boards. The main thing is that the steps are located at an angle so that shoes do not stain the wall.

Rack of boxes

Wooden boxes are another universal remedy for lovers original furniture. If you place the drawers vertically, they are suitable for storing tall autumn and winter shoes. Lateral surface can be adapted to store keys, accessories for hoopoe behind shoes and other useful little things.

Rack for shoes of different heights

In spring and autumn, the weather is very changeable, and shoes of almost all seasons can be relevant. Such a simple design with shelves different heights allows you to store autumn boots next to sandals and sneakers.

Bee hive

Very original design can be created by combining several wooden hexagons, each of which is suitable for storing one or even several pairs of shoes, depending on their size.

Shelf with French chic

An ordinary piece of furniture can become a real hallway decoration if you glue a special film or paper with text printed on the back of the shelf. With this design, it is better to choose a neutral color for the shelf itself.

Skateboard shelves

True skateboarding fans always have a few old boards that have fallen into disrepair. As a last resort, you can turn to fellow hobbyists for help. Multi-colored shelves are great for storing sports shoes.

Shoe organizer

The design of shelves of different heights allows you to store shoes for different weather conditions. Small mirror in the hallway will allow you to evaluate your image before leaving the apartment.

Farmhouse style bench

Very convenient to store shoes in closed boxes, located on the shelves of the bench in rustic style. This storage method gives the hallway a neater look, since shoes are hidden from view.

Full wall shoe cabinet

So that the design does not seem cumbersome, it is better to choose boxes from thin plywood and arrange them in the form brickwork. The strength of such a locker ensures wide board, to which individual shelves are attached.

Diagonal shelves

By placing regular wide shelves diagonally, you can significantly save space in the hallway.

Copper pipes

An original piece of furniture can easily be made from pipes left over after a bathroom renovation. To attach the shelf parts together, special adapters from a plumbing store are suitable.

Dynamic design

Bars of the same size are attached to the wall using special movable corners. When folded, the structure is decorative panel, and if necessary turns into space for storing shoes and accessories.