Water meter with pulse output: device and principle of operation. Design features of water meters with pulse output Pulse output

Water meter with pulse output: device and principle of operation.  Design features of water meters with pulse output Pulse output
Water meter with pulse output: device and principle of operation. Design features of water meters with pulse output Pulse output

Subject energy efficiency buildings and industrial enterprises is becoming more and more relevant every day. The use of a device called a pulse water flow meter will modern solution, which will allow you to control resource consumption without human intervention. Using this measuring equipment will provide the opportunity to automate the process of calculating spent water. In this article we will analyze the design, advantages and disadvantages, and scope of application of the device in question.

Design and operating principle of a water flow meter with pulse output

A pulse water meter is a device for measuring the amount of water passing through a pipeline.

The mechanical design of this water meter is the same as that of a conventional flow meter. During operation, the flow of liquid rotates the impeller. Rotation is transmitted to the system through a magnetic coupling plastic gears, which rotate the hands on the device’s dial.

Important! But unlike mechanical water meters, a water meter with a pulse output has a small magnet attached to a moving needle and a sealed contact (reed switch) on the dial.

The principle of operation of the mechanism is that when a magnet passes over a reed switch, the latter generates an electrical signal into a low-current circuit connected to the device. electrical network. This pulse is used by the equipment to calculate the amount of water. By measuring the time interval between two signals when the needle on the dial makes a full revolution, the electronic equipment calculates the consumption of liquid passing through the pipeline.

This device can be connected automatic equipment, counting the amount of liquid passing through a pipe or water supply system, turning the water supply valves on and off depending on its flow.

Application of pulse counters

The use of meters that automatically count and transmit to the computer the amount of resources used is convenient for organizations. Water meters with pulse output allow you to eliminate human labor in monitoring flow and automate the process of taking readings from the device.

Important! Signals from such meters can be transmitted via wireless or cable communication channels to the metering point. Where the system independently enters into the database the amount of water spent by each consumer.

A remote display on an electronic flow meter that converts pulses into cubic meters and displays volume readings. This is convenient when access to the water meter dial is difficult ( measuring device installed in the basement of a building or located underground).

Pulse water meters are used:

  • management companies to exchange information on water consumption with resource supply organizations and during construction plumbing systems"smart houses";
  • on industrial enterprises and in office buildings where large-scale hot and cold water supply networks operate, and there is a need to centrally regulate water pressure and control liquid consumption;
  • V agriculture;
  • V hotel business to obtain operational data;
  • in any field of activity where remote, automatic control consumption of consumed water resources or access to the meter dial is difficult (the meter is buried in the ground).

Advantages and disadvantages of pulse water meters

The advantages of such metering devices include:

  • the ability to transfer meter readings to a water supply control circuit at agricultural and manufacturing enterprises;
  • the ability to remotely, in real time, monitor water consumption and transmit data to computer systems accounting for resource use;
  • durability of the device;
  • high accuracy of readings of the measuring device;
  • does not require connection to a power source, since the reed switch itself generates an electromagnetic pulse and causes a short circuit in the low-current electronics;
  • works the same with horizontal and vertical installation on the pipeline.

Disadvantages of meters with pulse output:

  • sealed contact may fail over time;
  • high cost of a water meter together with electronic information transmission systems;
  • the flow meter is locked by a magnet.

How to connect a pulse water meter

Pulse meters for cold and hot water can be mounted on both horizontal and vertical pipes. After installation, the device is connected to a low-current cable, through which electrical signals will be transmitted to the reading device. The meter independently generates an electrical pulse, so there is no need to connect the flow meter to the power supply.

Important! The supplied signals are recorded by the reading device, after which they are transmitted to the adder, which converts the information from pulses to cubic meters. The totalizer on the digital screen shows the amount of liquid in cubic meters. Several flow meters can be connected to one totalizer.

Adder using network cable or GSM modem transmits readings to a computer or automated system management company.


A pulse meter is a simple and convenient metering device for remote monitoring of water consumption, performed automatically. It allows you to transfer information automatic systems and can be used to control production processes. The meter has found application in agriculture, hotel business, water supply networks manufacturing enterprises and office centers, in housing and communal services and other areas of activity.

The use of a meter is justified if you need to take readings several times a day or remotely monitor water consumption and to eliminate the human factor when billing for the resources used. Installing the device in an apartment is not advisable, since the owners take readings no more than once a month.

One of effective options water meters is a water meter with a pulse output. Such devices can be used both at home and on an industrial scale or in agriculture. It is especially important to use the device for measuring hot water consumption - in this case it is recommended to use a meter equipped with a temperature sensor.

Operating principle and design of a pulse water meter

To answer the question: " pulse counters water, what is this?”, you will need to carefully consider the operating principle of these devices. Structurally, such a counter does not differ from a traditional one. It is equipped with a dial indicator of flow, in which a full revolution means a certain amount of water consumed.

A pulse water meter can be used to accurately measure both water and hot water: for this, devices with blue and red bodies are used, respectively. There is also a specialized series of devices that have the ability to transmit indicators remotely.

In the classic version, the meter is equipped with a specialized counting device that determines the volume of liquid consumed. The mechanical part of the structure does not change - it contains an impeller, which rotates as the water flow passes through it. with a pulse output is equipped with a small magnet and a hermetically sealed contact, or reed switch, which closes when it enters the area magnetic field. The principle of operation of a water meter with a pulse output is as follows: if the reed switch is installed at the starting point of the dial, and a magnet is attached to the pointer, then at the moment of making a full revolution the reed switch emits an electrical signal. What is this? Pulse output of the water meter.

Advantages and features of using pulse counters

Main advantage of this type device - receiving information about water consumption automatically and remotely - this is what the impulse allows you to do. Also, it is worth highlighting the following important features:

  1. In order to increase convenience and readability, the pulse meter for water is equipped with an outer ring, a protective cover and a panel that can be rotated 360 degrees.
  2. The water flow meter with a pulse output is equipped with a completely sealed mechanism, due to which there is no chance of moisture appearing on the measuring scale.
  3. Installed additional protection, which eliminates the influence of external magnetic fields.
  4. Water meters with pulse output are made of cast iron, brass or steel. The impeller and counting mechanism are separated using a specialized brass partition, which performs an additional protective function.
  5. Can be installed on both vertical and horizontal pipes.
  6. Elements of the device made of metal and susceptible to rust are additionally coated with a specialized anti-corrosion solution.
  7. Additional advantages that the meter has cold water with pulse output – this is light weight and dimensions, simple and clear ergonomic design, equipped with protection against mechanical damage. The devices have different installation lengths.

Besides home use, pulse ones are important to use in production, where precise proportions of liquid supply are required. The device is mounted on supply pipes. As soon as the required volume is met, a signal is sent to the electric valve, after which the water supply stops.

Using pulse water supply meters

What is a pulse water meter? This is a promising solution for centralized consumption metering points, which will be designed to automatically calculate both the amount of liquid consumed and the cost of the represented volume for a designated period. The pulse of water meters is effective solutions lots of problems!

The pulse output of the water meter can be one of the components " smart home", where information is supplied and managed through global networks.

  • when working with cold water operates within temperatures from 5 to 40 degrees Celsius. The maximum possible pressure in this case is 1.5 MPa;
  • when working with hot water The meter operates within temperatures from 40 to 90 degrees Celsius. The maximum possible pressure in this case is 1.6 MPa.

On modern market multi-tariff models are presented in which cold water is calculated separately, heated and hot water - separately. With the help of such a water meter, the consumer has a significant opportunity to save! You can order a pulse one from our company: just call or write a request using an email address. Place your orders with us - this is profitable solution for your home or company.

A pulse meter is a device for monitoring and measuring the volume of water consumed in any room where it is installed. Distinctive feature from standard water meters there is a signal output for it electronic processing. These devices can be used as sensors for autonomous water supply metering systems. They function perfectly with both cold and hot water flow. In our article we will discuss other features of pulse water meters.

In the design of the pulse meter, as in all other types, there is an arrow that indicates the amount of water consumption. It identically displays a roller indicator, which progressively displays water consumption. In this mechanism, each complete rotation of the pendulum is recorded. This is a device that is also called a reed switch.

The mechanism is based on electronic system, which is responsible for counting the pulse duration. It is worth noting that the supply interval depends on the flow rate of the hot or cold water supply circuit. This water meter does not require a power source, because the reed switch mechanism can cause a short circuit in low-current electronics.

A pulse counter consists of two main parts:

  1. Reed switch;
  2. A container that is completely sealed.

Also, it is worth listing the additional components of this device:

  • Sensor small size, which is triggered by magnetic influence;
  • Arrow;
  • Magnet.

Attention! This is a very lightweight circuit that is characterized by reliability and durability.

Advantages of meters

The main advantages of a pulse counter include the following points:

  • Low price;
  • High demand;
  • Compliance with SNiP and GOST standards;
  • Certified product;
  • A variety of models with a set of diameters of different sizes;
  • Uninterrupted operation throughout the entire life cycle;
  • Strength and tightness of the case;
  • Dimensions for installation in confined spaces;
  • The package includes a set of adapters;

Important! It is imperative to install anti-magnetic protection, since the magnetic field can affect the accuracy of the readings.

There are two types of pulse counters:

  1. Horizontal mounting;
  2. Vertical mounting.

Solutions to operational problems for water meter

There are several solutions that can embody the operating principle of a counter with a pulse output:

  1. Availability of an electrical source for operation. To solve this situation, you need to use a controlled magnetic contact when taking readings.
  2. Method and process of data transfer. Information can be transmitted and processed only with the additional launch of a radio or digital signal.
  3. The water meter's ability to integrate into more complex system information processing. This is worth talking about in more detail. Autonomous system account helps owners save some money and effort.

Attention! Even for a small area, installing a counter with a pulse output will be beneficial.

The concept of a pulse sensor

This device consists of a sealed container that houses a switch. The sensor is an independent mechanism from the system, which can be mounted in single-jet and multi-jet water meters.

The principle of the device circuit is connections to the adder and remote equipment. For full preparation Before work, it is necessary to calculate the magnetic coefficient, which helps display the consumed displacement.

It is worth considering the importance of the operation of the reed switch, which, using a magnet, can cause a weak current to close. In terms of performance, this is much better than mounting various mechanical elements.

Important! This principle of operation produces a pulse signal output, the number of which is the indication of hot or cold water consumption, which is displayed on the device display.

Operating principle of the water meter

The operation scheme of a conventional device for cold and hot water is based on a counting mechanism that determines the amount of water consumption. A counter with a pulse output calculates the flow volume and transmits the data to the appropriate points of the system.

So, let's describe everything in more detail. The output of the water flow affects the impeller, which is located in the pipeline. Next, a magnetic coupling is connected to the work, which processes and transmits information to the indicator. Here, when it rotates completely, the magnet comes into contact with the sensor and the result is displayed on the dial.

The information is received not only on the display, but also sent to the meter, which calculates the consumption of hot and cold water for a certain period. Once this figure is determined, the information is sent to the network for reporting to utility services.

Attention! 1 pulse is equal to, for example, 10; 100; 1000 liters of hot water - this depends on the diameter of the pipe.

Controlling a pulse meter for hot and cold water is quite easy and does not require any special measures from the owner. professional skills. The device, like the sensor, works automatically and does not require an electrical connection, which makes it a budget option.
Attention! In the future they want to introduce only pulse meters into circulation.

Application of pulse water meters

Such systems are capable of transporting data automatically to a centralized location. All calculations of consumption and cost of water consumption are made by the device itself. Its main advantage is that it will save you the hassle and will not be able to deceive you because it has a very high percentage of accuracy.

For your information! Such meters are mounted in " smart homes", which are the technical perfection of our time.

This water meter works perfectly with both cold and hot water. With a cold flow, it can withstand temperatures up to 40 degrees and pressure - 1.5 MPa. The same mechanism applies to hot water. Works great at temperatures up to 90 degrees and pressure up to 1.6 MPa.

The pulse counter can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. Most installations take place in the following institutions: schools, offices, apartments and other administrative premises.

Having considered some aspects of the design and features of water meters, it is possible to foresee all the pros and cons of installing each. When determining the type of fluid control equipment, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • type and installation data of the water supply system, diameter and brand of network;
  • volume and throughput pipelines, size and flow rate;
  • availability of electricity;
  • pressure parameters in the system;
  • principle of reading instrument readings.

The use of mechanical water meters is justified for small consumption volumes. These are simple and reliable devices with good operational properties. They work autonomously. The positive advantages include their wide range and low price.

Devices with pulse output require a constant power supply. Electronics justifies itself due to its advantages - increased quality of equipment, measurement accuracy and work with powerful flows. The ability to take readings remotely adds advantages to the properties of this type.

Electromagnetic and acoustic water meters are used in pipelines with high flow rate water where high pressure is maintained and constant monitoring of resource consumption is required.

Vortex flowmeters are often used in a wide variety of pipelines where precise control of the flow of a particular liquid is necessary. These devices can measure not only liquids, but also vapors and gases. They are often integrated into food production lines and other production processes. It is not advisable to use them as ordinary water meters.

Hot and cold component meters have the same operating principle. Their fundamental difference is in the use of materials used in production. Hot water meters in their design contain resistant to high temperature materials that can withstand up to 100 degrees Celsius. The readings of cold and hot water meters may have different errors when reading the readings, which is recorded in their technical data sheets.

Features of installation and operation

Meters are installed in the most different systems water supply: in apartments, private houses, public and production organizations. Flow accounting has become not only a desirable practice, but also mandatory element communal activities. Consumption is growing, and the range of water measuring equipment for its constant monitoring is correspondingly increasing.

Water meters are mounted on horizontal and vertical sections of the pipeline. Filters and meshes are often placed at the inlet to prepare the liquid and distribute it evenly across the diameter of the pipe for better flow measurement, as well as protection against clogging. To carry out the installation of measuring equipment, various methods are used.

A water meter with a pulse output is one of the most effective water meters. This device is suitable for both residential sectors and industrial production. The device is used to measure the consumption of hot water. For this case, it is recommended to use a meter that is equipped with a temperature sensor.

Pulse water meter effectively tracks indicators

Operating principle of a pulse water meter

A pulse water meter is functionally no different from a conventional water meter. Let's consider the operation of this device.

The counter with pulse output has pointer indicator fluid costs. When the needle rotates completely, you can determine the amount of water consumed. The device can measure the exact flow of hot and cold liquid. To do this, you need to purchase blue and red cases. In addition, there are specialized designs that are capable of remotely transmitting certain indicators.

The pulse water meter is equipped with a special counting unit that shows the volume of water consumed.

The mechanical part of the device has an impeller, which begins to rotate as the substance is supplied. The meter is also equipped with a magnet and a reed switch (hermetic contact). When exposed to a magnetic field, the reed switch has the ability to close.

Advantage of pulse counters

One of the most basic advantages of this unit is the fluid consumption in both automatic and remote mode. In addition, it is worth noting a number of other features of the pulse:

  1. The cold water meter with pulse output has an outer ring, a protective cover and a panel. Such indicators will significantly improve the filling process and the visibility of indicative figures. The liquid flow meter is completely sealed. Thanks to this protection, there is no moisture formation on the (measuring) scale.
  2. The device has additional protection installed. It will protect the mechanisms from the influence of external fields (magnetic).
  3. All pulse meters are made of strong, durable metal alloys such as cast iron, brass, and steel.
  4. The impeller is divided with the counting mechanical device a special brass partition damask, which acts as a reliable protective wall.
  5. The structure is installed on the pipes vertically and horizontally.
  6. Some parts of the meter, which are made of metal and may be subject to corrosion, are coated during assembly with a special mortar component that prevents rust.
  7. Another advantage of the device is its compact weight, dimensions, interesting design, simplicity and reliability of the mechanisms.
  8. The device is used not only at home, but also in production workshops, where the correct proportions of the substance supply are required.
  9. The meter is attached to falling pipes. As soon as the required volume of liquid has been supplied, the electric valve receives an alarm warning.

As a result, the water flow stops functioning.

Application of a pulse counter

Asking the question: what are impulsive water meters, and for what reason should preference be given to this particular unit? You can get a clear, specific answer.

Pulse water meter is suitable for centralized consumption metering locations

A pulse meter is perfect for centralized consumption metering locations. Especially if they are predetermined to automatically calculate and scale the liquid produced, as well as the price tariff for the delivered volume of water in the noted period. The pulse cold water meter is ideal option For manufacturing companies

, where large-scale networks operate. When supplying cold water, it operates at extreme temperatures from five to forty degrees Celsius. Residual pressure 1.5 MPa. When supplying hot water, the device operates at maximum temperatures of forty and ninety degrees Celsius. With the highest pressure 1.6 MPa.

It is possible to purchase a multi-tariff model. It is quite economical and easy to use. Digital sensors count cold, warm and hot liquids separately, at different price rates.