The cheapest houses how to build a house yourself. What is cheaper to build houses from? Materials for building a house. What is cheaper to build a house from: a brief overview of prices

The cheapest houses how to build a house yourself.  What is cheaper to build houses from?  Materials for building a house.  What is cheaper to build a house from: a brief overview of prices
The cheapest houses how to build a house yourself. What is cheaper to build houses from? Materials for building a house. What is cheaper to build a house from: a brief overview of prices

Without the financial capacity to attract professional builders You can, armed with special literature and patience, build a house yourself. In practice, this requires effort, but can save up to half the construction cost.

Many self-builders invite others to see their projects and provide detailed reports, accompanying the process of building a house with detailed photographs.

Features of the house layout

Through the efforts of two men it was built cheap house For permanent residence with attached garage. Initially, the project did not include a garage and was added after the house was completed.

In general, the project changed as the discussion progressed on the advice of other builders and the requests of the wife. The original layout of the house included 6 rooms on two floors.

During construction, it was decided to equip two bathrooms, while on the ground floor the toilet and bathtub should be separate. The area of ​​the living room and the location of the stairs have also changed. Compared to the initial project, the living room was too narrow and elongated. The stairs were also planned to be awkward and steep. After the changes, these shortcomings were eliminated.

The cost of building a house with your own hands

In May 2010, the father of a small family planned to build a cheap house with his own hands for the amount of 300 thousand rubles. This amount included costs not only for materials, but also for connecting gas and electricity. According to the estimate, the following expenses were incurred:

  1. Concrete - 20,700.
  2. Edged and unedged timber - 70,000.
  3. Foam plastic - 31,200.
  4. Plywood - 8023.
  5. Metal profile - 16,200.
  6. Siding - 22,052.
  7. Used windows - 4000.
  8. Nails, screws, etc. - 15,000.
  9. Delivery of material and excavator services - 5200.
  10. Septic tank - 10,000.
  11. Plumbing, radiators - 35,660.
  12. GKL and finishing costs - 21280.
  13. Design and installation of a gas pipeline, connection fee - 37,000.
  14. Gas equipment (stove, boiler) - 29,000.
  15. Electrical connection with materials - 3000.
  16. Water supply connection - 2000.

According to the builder himself, the estimate lacks a number of small items. However, this also requires additional expenses. It should also be noted that some of the windows were received from friends and did not require financial expenses. In total, 327,315 rubles were spent on the construction of the house without any small details. This amount does not include the attached garage. It was added later according to a separate estimate. Additionally, the construction of the garage required an amount of about 34,000 rubles. Taking into account unspecified expenses, the house cost no more than 400 thousand rubles.

Installation of a shallow strip foundation

The foundation is pre-planned with a width of 35 cm and a height above the ground of 25 cm and 20 cm below the ground. A die-cut section of 2.5x100 mm was chosen as a reinforcing element. The reinforcement of the tape was planned in 2 layers, top and bottom, with three connected sheets of die-cutting in each.

On the advice of experienced builders, vertical elements were added, and the number of sheets to be connected was increased to 5 pieces. Additionally, the height of the foundation above the ground increased and amounted to 45 cm.

reinforcement with die-cutting - you can’t do that!

After the foundation was poured into the concrete, 20 anchor bolts were installed for installation bottom trim.

Construction of the first floor

Before installing the walls of the first floor, the platform was installed and insulated and pipes for the sewerage system were laid. The bottom of the platform is left open, the insulation is fixed by means of fixed cuttings of boards. 3 layers of foam plastic, 15 cm thick, were used as platform insulation. The subfloor is made of 150x50 mm boards.

The walls were installed in a horizontal position. Foam plastic and 8 mm plywood protection are laid between the racks, and windows are also installed. The windows in the project were used second-hand. Installation assembled wall V vertical position performed by two men. It was decided to abandon the installation of jibs in the construction of the walls. The builder assumed that the frame would be sufficiently rigid due to the plywood sheathing.

After assembling the walls of the first floor, installation was carried out internal partitions. Polystyrene foam was also used as insulation.

The principle of assembling the second floor

After installing the frame, a temporary floor from unedged boards was partially laid and horizontal assembly walls and their vertical installation. Second-floor windows were also used.

To increase sound insulation in the interfloor ceiling, non-woven cloth was laid on the floor joists under the boards. This allows you to partially dampen vibration from steps.

Installation of rafters and roofing

Upon completion of the assembly of the walls of the attic floor, it was installed rafter system. The rafter overhangs were not extended. An inch board was used as lathing. The roof was covered with corrugated sheets 4 m long.

Exterior decoration of the building

Siding was used for the exterior of the building. It was mounted with ventilation gap 25 mm. Also at the stage of exterior finishing, a vestibule was added. The foundation for the vestibule was not installed; the structure was installed on pieces of concrete laid on the ground and sidewalk curbs.

Features of the staircase and its installation

The location of the staircase in the project caused a lot of controversy. Initially, its location suggested excessive emphasis on the attic ceiling. After changing the location and design of the staircase, it was made without a platform with slight turns.

The staircase is made of boards 50x150 mm, the width of the steps is 30 cm. The staircase was installed after the rough finishing of the first floor. Under the upper span there is space left for installing a toilet there. According to personal feelings, the staircase turned out to be comfortable and compact.

Interior decoration of the house

Before the finishing of the premises began, insulation of the interfloor ceiling and flooring of the second floor were completed. To increase the level of sound insulation, felt is nailed between the joists and floor boards. After this it was done rough finish interior spaces both floors of a cheap house.

The rough finishing included three points:

  1. Installation of fiberboard as a wind barrier.
  2. GVL installation.
  3. Puttying joints and chips of GVL.

In the finishing process, water-based paint was predominantly used. The living room, kitchen and bedrooms are painted in different colors. The floors in the rooms are covered with linoleum, the ceilings are decorated with expanded polystyrene tiles.

As you know, building an individual residential building requires a huge amount of effort, time and money. The process is quite lengthy and involves constant financial costs for the purchase of a construction project, materials, rental of machinery, labor costs for the team and the foreman. All this can make a noticeable hole in family budget. This state of affairs often stops customers from implementing the construction idea, because no one wants to overpay. Therefore, future owners are looking for opportunities to realize their dream without being left in huge debts. Some decide to build on our own. In this situation, developers are not insured against loss of quality of the house or violation of construction technology, because they cannot take into account all the nuances.

Other developers are building large houses of complex architecture with expensive finishes. At the same time, they save on materials, workers, and supervision. But all these actions are as illogical as purchasing a Rolls-Royce on credit and servicing it in your neighbor’s garage.

In this article, we have collected the most effective ways to save money when building houses that do not affect the quality of the final product, which will help both categories of individual developers save significantly on construction. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Stage one: land for construction

Plots of irregular shape, relief, located near ravines are cheaper, and thus attract the attention of inexperienced developers. Please take into account that, as a rule, only non-standard house designs are suitable for such areas, the development of which costs much more than a standard cottage design.

  • give preference to the even, regular shape of the site;
  • and also, purchase a plot of the required area without overpaying for hundreds of dollars for future use;
  • make sure there are communications.

It is forbidden:

  • plan a purchase in winter time, because snow hides many surface imperfections;
  • purchase land with an existing foundation, since it can be built without following technology and is not designed for the required load. Its dismantling will require significant financial resources.

Stage two: a successful project is the key to success

Before starting construction, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. You need to calculate the usable area of ​​the cottage and not plan a house of impressive size, because the construction of additional squares will require a considerable amount.

  • Determine the purpose of housing: seasonal or permanent;
  • Consider the quantity and necessity of each room, its reasonable area.
  • Look for a suitable project among ready-made ones, because it is more profitable than creating it from scratch according to individual wishes.
  • Give preference standard solutions, which, in addition to being cheaper, are also time-tested, tested by operation, and do not contain errors or violations of construction technology.

Not worth it:

  • Select a house project that does not fully meet the required purpose and has few functional premises.
  • Select projects with a complex cascade roof for use. Simplifying the design to a classic one gable roof You can reduce the cost of roofing work by up to two times.

By eliminating a couple of dozen square meters and architectural excesses, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a house.


Stage three: a solid foundation is the basis for peace of mind

The foundation is, of course, the most important part of the structure of the cottage, and it must be reliable. But taking large reserves of thickness and strength is not effective. It is worth considering a middle ground.

  • Conduct geological surveys in the spring;
  • Based on the data obtained, find out what type foundation will do for a given type of soil and load.
  • The optimal solution for the main types of soil would be to install a strip foundation and avoid basements.

Not worth it:

implement the idea of ​​burying the base into the ground and constructing a basement. This will save money on foundation materials, drainage construction, and heating the basement.

Thus, preliminary soil studies and a well-calculated foundation can provide up to 20% savings on the cost of its construction.

Stage four: bargain purchases

A considerable part of the benefits can be obtained by purchasing the materials specified in the specifications for promotions, preferably in the off-season. It would be best to purchase everything from one supplier, because by placing a bulk order you can count on a discount and save on delivery.


  • Replace the main material of the box construction. So blocks made of foam and aerated concrete will be much cheaper than brick or timber. Projects of houses made of foam blocks can be found in our catalog. It is important to provide reliable waterproofing, since porous lightweight block materials have increased hygroscopicity.
  • Provide for the construction of partitions from blocks, regardless of the material of the external walls, and the laying of wooden interfloor ceilings instead of reinforced concrete.

It is forbidden:

  • When replacing materials from the project specification with more economical ones, it is not recommended to choose cheap varieties of the same material. By holding back funds for good quality aerated concrete from a trusted manufacturer, you can significantly lose in the reliability of the entire structure. Projects of houses made of aerated concrete are designed for materials that have the best quality and technical indicators.

Stage five: planning delivery

As a rule, the cost of delivery of materials is up to 20% of the price of the order itself. You can save on such a significant issue by following these recommendations:

  • Choose a supplier located on minimum distance from the construction site, avoiding manufacturers operating in another region.
  • Try to plan purchases by ordering goods in large quantities in order to completely fill the volume of transport provided for delivery. This will reduce the number of trips and reduce costs.

Stage six: select a contractor

Professional builders and people with experience can build a house on their own. great experience in this matter. In all other cases, it is better to entrust this work to hired professionals.


  • Choose a company that provides a full range of services: it will provide a choice of designs for economical houses, carry out the necessary surveys, and carry out a range of construction and installation works from laying out the axes of the building to erecting the roof. This will help avoid defects and rework, and if they occur, it will speed up the process. In addition, ordering large volumes from the company provides for bonuses and discounts.
It is forbidden:
  • Hire different foremen for each type of construction and installation work. This will increase the risk of defects and allow employees to avoid liability.

Stage seven: ready-made standard units

When implementing projects of economy class houses, preference should be given to the installation of ready-made standard structures. Welding, assembly and production of components on a construction site are considerable labor costs that require additional money.


  • For low-rise buildings, it is more profitable to make the roof structure from factory-made trusses than to assemble a conventional truss frame on site. In this case, customers will receive the following significant benefits:

1. Low need for materials, because the production of trusses requires almost half as much materials as for the production of a traditional attic-truss system. Hence the more favorable cost of farms due to its low material consumption.

2. Reduced installation time for trusses, taking from two to three days. The result is savings on workers' wages.

3. A high-quality finished truss produced at the enterprise does not require modifications and is immediately ready for installation. At the same time, the manufacturer guarantees its reliability with quality certificates.

4. The ability to implement floors with a span of up to 12 meters, which is technologically impossible to implement using a rafter system.

If possible not worth it:

  • trust the assembly typical units workers on site, it will cost more, and they will not be able to guarantee the required quality of construction and will not provide a guarantee for the work performed.

Stage eight method: savings in operation

When choosing designs for inexpensive houses, it is important to consider their cost-effectiveness in future use, because the characteristics of our climate zone include severe winters and hot summers, and therefore expensive heating and the need for air conditioning.


  • Carefully select a project that involves effective system heating and energy saving technologies.
  • Choose the right thickness of insulation for external walls, taking into account the characteristics of the climate zone, so that the house is warmer in winter.
  • Install the following methods in your home to reduce energy consumption in your home:

1.Systems automatic regulation heating systems in the house, which, in order to maintain the specified parameters, choose methods of regulating operation.

2. Selection of efficient boiler equipment with the highest possible efficiency. Combination of heating and hot water supply circuits in one boiler.

3.Ways to save energy: a system for controlling the switching off of lighting devices based on signals from presence or motion sensors, as well as the use of energy-saving light bulbs.

The costs of installing such energy saving systems are fully recouped over time of their use.

It is forbidden:

  • Let this issue take its course, since an incorrectly chosen heating system can become a big cost item.
  • Completely trust your home modern technology"zero house", a house that receives heat from natural sources: wind, sun, people indoors and household appliances. In our climatic conditions, such a zero-emission house will still be a little cold in winter; it will have to be supported by a traditional heating system.

Stage nine: saving time

The construction process is associated with the costs of paying workers and renting machinery. Increasing the lead time for work entails unjustified costs.

The best thing:

  • Draw up a schedule for completing construction and installation work and strictly adhere to it.

It is forbidden:

  • Allow delays in the supply of materials and downtime of the construction team. This entails additional cash expenses.

Stage ten: choosing the environment

As a rule, choosing equipment, furniture and interior items for the home is an expensive task associated with large financial investments and a significant investment of time. Not everyone enjoys spending hours shopping.


  • Use specialized online stores to order all the necessary furnishings for your home. This will help you save time and also buy goods at a reduced cost, since the seller does not include the cost of renting a showroom and paying for consultants in their price.

It is forbidden:

  • Order goods on the sites of little-known online stores. You should use only trusted sources that can issue all the necessary documents and the manufacturer’s warranty for the product.

Having considered the above methods of saving money, we can conclude that making your dream of construction come true own home actually real. If you build a house according to all the rules of economy - build it on a flat, clean plot according to a competent economical design with an adapted foundation, with the provided energy efficient systems in it, under the leadership of one foreman for the entire construction cycle; You can get a good quality home and considerable benefits by saving money!

From this article you can learn how to build your own house with your own hands at minimal cost and choose the optimal material for this. The text describes possible ways savings and tips on how to avoid mistakes during work. The article examines the features of projects based on frame technology, brick, timber, gas blocks and other materials, as well as the efficiency of each of them.

Building a house from scratch always comes with high costs. Not every owner suburban area can afford to implement such a project without paying attention to the numbers in the estimate. In most cases, you have to build a cheap home yourself to fit within your budget. However, when resorting to savings, you need to clearly understand in what cases it will be reasonable, since subsequently the owner himself and his relatives will have to live in this building.

Which house is cheaper to build?: choosing an economical project

Savings begin with rational allocation of funds and the right choice project. The more complex the shape and architecture of the building, the higher the costs will be.

After choosing a suitable project, you can build a house cheaply and quickly, but for this you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Simple layout and building diagram.
  2. Minimum amount of area.
  3. Optimal materials.
  4. Use of substandard formwork.
  5. The right approach to land work.

Important! You shouldn’t skimp on the quality of materials or technical supervision when doing construction. expensive project. It is better to limit your choice to a small building with regular roof and without complicated architectural elements, then you won’t have to resort to cutting costs.

Choosing a project with minimum quantity architectural forms, you can increase the chances of fitting into a limited budget. To develop optimal scheme at home, you need to use space wisely. For one person, 11 m² of space is enough. Multiplying this figure by the number of family members and adding rooms to the result general purpose And sanitary facilities, you can get a house that is optimal in all respects.

No matter how difficult the soil on the site is, you need to buy suitable materials to build a house. When choosing what to build a house from, you should not strive for maximum savings at the expense of quality. The same applies to the services of specialists hired to perform work that cannot be done by hand, or to prepare documentation with the appropriate permits. If you take light-weight materials, you can reduce the load on the foundation part and get by with the construction of a simplified foundation.

Significant savings can be achieved by using substandard forms for the construction of formwork structures. At the same time, it is highly undesirable to reduce costs on cement. The grade of material must be of high quality, otherwise premature destruction of the structure will occur.

By calculating the correct depth level based on the mass of the building, you can prevent severe shrinkage of the house. This will reduce the risk of cracks and other defects that may require significant repair costs in the future.

How to build a house with your own hands: photos of projects from different materials

If the construction will be done with your own hands, it is necessary to calculate the costs - preliminary drawing up an estimate. The most economical and fastest method of construction is frame technology. Such structures are stable, practical and not subject to deformation changes. The service life of houses built using frame technology is about 75 years. There are no restrictions on the use of cladding.

The time frame for building a house with your own hands using frame technology usually takes several months. In some cases, you can limit yourself to a few weeks.

There are two types of frame technology:

  1. Panel.
  2. Panel.

Note! Build inexpensive house using frame technology is possible if the length of the building does not exceed 20 m and the floors are no more than 3. In other cases, such a project will be costly.

Frame-panel technology allows you to carry out construction with your own hands. This process consists of the following steps:

  • making a frame from wood;
  • laying waterproofing and insulation;
  • installation of panels as cladding.

In this case, the speed of construction of the building is significantly reduced, since each element is mounted separately.

Frame-panel technology does not require much effort, it is reliable, but is accompanied by at great expense, how previous version. This method involves building a house based on ready-made factory-produced panels. To the owner summer cottage All that remains is to correctly assemble all structural elements

When deciding what to use to build an inexpensive and quality house, in most cases, developers give preference to the following materials:

  • brick;
  • wooden beam;
  • gas blocks.

Based on these materials, you can create a beautiful and comfortable home with your own hands. In each case, construction will have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Frame technology: what to build a house from inexpensively and with high quality, pros and cons

Using frame technology, the owner of a summer cottage deals with both the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The positive side of this method is as follows:

  1. Cost-effective – technology allows you to create cheap housing yourself.
  2. Lighter weight of the building - due to this, the foundation part of the building can be simplified.
  3. High speed of construction.
  4. No shrinkage - the walls are not subject to deformation changes.
  5. The walls retain heat well, so it becomes possible to reduce heating costs.

Warming up of frame houses occurs quite quickly. Since the walls are made of materials with low thermal conductivity, heat loss is minimal.

There are not many disadvantages of frame technology. This method requires at least minimal experience in construction, so before starting work, it is advisable to get advice from specialists and familiarize yourself with technical information and watch visual video reviews. Only in this case will the use of frame technology be economically justified.

In addition, wood needs impregnation, so you will have to additionally purchase special products that provide protection from the influence of negative factors:

  • fire;

  • insects;
  • water, etc.

Note! It is advisable to provide in the house a good ventilation system. This is especially true for buildings with several floors.

You can cheaply build a house using frame technology from wood or metal. In the first case, the material does not weigh down the building; the walls of such a house breathe and maintain optimal climatic conditions. If you use metal, then a lightweight thermal profile is ideal for construction.

Related article:

Classification, constituent materials, technological parameters and dimensions. Characteristics, price-quality ratio.

Advantages of thermal profile:

  • complete fire safety;

  • there is no need to use biological protection;
  • light weight.

In many ways, metal is much more better than wood, however, it is very important to monitor its condition and ensure protection against corrosion. Each site owner decides for himself what is cheaper to build a house from, although it should be borne in mind that the service life of a metal profile is much longer than that of wood. As a foundation, you can use a shallow strip, pile or slab foundation.

Features of building a brick house with your own hands

Brick is considered one of the most popular materials used for the construction of private and country houses. However, it is not very suitable for those who seek to reduce construction time and limit themselves to minimal costs.

Disadvantages of building brick buildings:

  • the need to manufacture very thick panels for walls;
  • formation brickwork takes a lot of time;
  • the building is subject to shrinkage;
  • a mixture is required to fix the bricks;
  • heavy weight of the building, requiring a powerful and reliable foundation.

In this case, savings are impossible, since you will have to deepen the foundation to the point where the soil freezes, hire specialists for this, or rent equipment. Therefore, when choosing what to build a house cheaply from, you should not use brick, which is more suitable for creating high-quality and durable buildings.

Long and labor-intensive work on laying walls is an important disadvantage in construction

The advantages of brick construction are manifested in the following cases:

  • the construction of a house is carried out “for centuries”;
  • the plot has suitable parameters soil and required level aquifer;
  • the owner is experienced enough to do all the work himself;
  • the developer has enough time.

If all the above conditions are met, the cost of building a house will be justified.

Features of building an inexpensive house from aerated blocks

Gas blocks are ideal for building an economical house. These elements come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The technology for working with them is very simple, so you can easily build a house with your own hands.

Does not require insulation

Advantages of using gas blocks:

  • the ability to reduce wall thickness without compromising energy savings;
  • lighter weight of the building and the possibility of saving on the foundation part;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • high level of sound insulation.

Note! A house made of aerated blocks has its own characteristics, so you will need to carefully select the finishing and perform high-quality waterproofing work.

Building a house yourself using aerated blocks is beneficial for many other reasons. Such buildings are practically not subject to shrinkage. The work will require the purchase of a special adhesive composition, but construction time is reduced to a minimum, and the consumption of the fixing solution is reduced three times.

How to quickly and inexpensively build a house from timber with your own hands

Building a wooden house is much more profitable than building a building based on aerated concrete or brick. This technology is simpler and more accessible. Housing made of timber is very warm. If you comply with all the requirements, such a structure will be quite durable and will last a long time.

For construction, it is better to take timber with a section size of 200 mm. You will also need a layer of insulation with a thickness of at least 100 mm. The walls are covered with a 2-3 cm layer of plaster. The result is a cost-effective, attractive home whose service life will be several decades.

When, you need to pay attention to the quality of materials

What are the advantages of building a house with your own hands from wood:

  1. All work can be done by yourself.
  2. Low cost of material.
  3. High level of thermal insulation.
  4. Short construction time.
  5. Light weight of the building.

Timber is perfect for building an inexpensive house as an alternative to blocks and bricks. However, you will need to carefully study the features of this process.

An important advantage of the building is its low cost.

What is cheaper to build a house from?: Brief overview of prices

When selecting materials for cheap and fast construction, you need to consider some factors:

  • soil features;
  • project specificity;
  • conditions of the development site.

It should also be taken into account that the most expensive part is paying for the services of workers, so many site owners are interested in how to quickly build a house on their own.

Average prices for building houses:

Building type Price, rub./m²
Frame 890
From timber 1950
From aerated concrete 2000
Brick 2350

If you do not take into account the features of the site, the table shows that the most economical building is a house built using frame technology.

Note! The prices in the table are based on average indicators: the soil freezing level is 1.5 m, groundwater lies at a depth of 2.5 m.

How to build a house with your own hands: description of technology

Before you begin work on arranging a house on your own site, you should determine the order of work.

Main stages of construction:

  1. Making the foundation.
  2. Creating a box.
  3. Laying communication systems (electricity and plumbing).
  4. Installation of ceilings.
  5. Construction of the roof.
  6. Finishing work.

Lightening the foundation is the most effective method cost reduction. It works provided that the wall construction is selected lightweight material. If pile, slab or shallow foundation, the arrangement of the base is carried out at a level of 0.5 m. After this, waterproofing work is carried out.

How to build a houseon your own: creating a box

To find out how much material is needed to build a box, you should use a special formula. For this it is necessary total area building, which is measured in m3, divided by the amount of piece material contained in 1 m3.

If you want to make construction as economical as possible, you should not use brick; other materials are suitable for these purposes:

  • adobe;
  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • beam;
  • shell rock

Of all the listed materials, shell rock is able to offer the highest vapor permeability. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to reduce the cost of organizing thermal insulation, but in this case good waterproofing will be required. In a house made of shell rock, it is necessary to strengthen the door and window openings. You can use metal corners for this.

How to build a housewith your own hands: using insulation

When the building frame is ready, work is carried out to insulate it. The most reliable and proven materials are glass wool and mineral wool. You should not save on the quantity and quality of rolls, because the more carefully the work aimed at insulation is carried out, the lower the cost of heating the house in the future will be. There is another positive feature - the service life of the building increases, while the need for restoration and repair of the building will not arise soon.

Drywall is suitable for making internal partitions in a box. Sheets of this material are affordable and allow you to create lightweight structures of any shape while maintaining high strength.

The use of metal profiles will strengthen the walls. These elements are easily fixed and sheathed using plasterboard sheets. Such work does not require high costs and are completed very quickly.

How to build a house with your own hands: organization of heating, water supply and sewerage

As heating equipment for private suitable for home a gas boiler. The use of a furnace and a water circuit is permitted. Of course, operating the stove is accompanied by some difficulties, but it allows you to save money, unlike gas heating.

Helpful advice! Solar panels– an excellent alternative heating option. However, it is only suitable for regions with big amount sunny days.

When organizing water supply and sewerage systems, it is better to give preference to systems, since they are economical. In order to drill a well, the appropriate conditions will be required; the process itself is quite simple. At the same time, the owner of the site receives a constant supply of water to the house, regardless of centralized systems.

To organize a sewer system, you can build a septic tank on the site. The design will require proper installation and selection of equipment, but the work will be performed one-time. A high-quality septic tank will allow for a long time forget about problems such as blockages in pipes, etc.

How to build a house quickly: work on organizing floors and roofing

The construction of the floor and roof can also be done independently. Wood beams should be used in the work. It is first necessary to secure a reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building.

To build a house with your own hands at minimal cost, it is better to use materials from the budget segment to organize the roof:

  • slate sheets;

  • ondulin;
  • corrugated sheeting;

All of the materials listed can be found on store shelves in wide range, so it won’t be difficult to choose a coating of the required color or configuration. To increase the strength of the roof fixation, it is recommended to build a lathing. Additional insulation of the entire structure would not hurt. This will prevent heat leakage through the roof. Glass wool is suitable for this. Reeds, wood, and straw can be used as environmentally friendly roofing materials.

How to build a house yourself: flooring technology

Concrete floors are the most simplified option. To do this, you need to organize a screed and fill everything with cement mortar. All that remains is to insulate the base and perform the finishing touches.

Technology for manufacturing concrete floors:

  • cleaning the base from debris and dust;
  • clay bedding as a waterproofing layer;
  • formation of a sand and gravel cushion;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • installation thermal insulation material(foam plastic, basalt wool, foamed polystyrene or expanded clay);
  • reinforcement with metal rods or mesh;
  • installation of guides;
  • preparing and pouring the solution;
  • alignment.

Helpful advice! If the screed is done on the upper floors, additional reinforcement of the floors must be performed.

How to build a house inexpensively: interior decoration

Interior decoration depends on the imagination and budgetary capabilities of the owner. Suitable finishing materials for the floor:

  • tile;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum, etc.

Tile is considered the most practical and resistant to mechanical damage material. It is easy to clean, and due to the use of the “Warm Floor” system, this finish will not be cold.

By using suspended ceilings you can visually expand the internal space small house. Glossy surface creates a beautiful decorative effect due to reflection of light. These will make a wonderful interior decoration structural elements, like openings, niches, arches. For the manufacture of these parts it is better to use metal profiles and plasterboard sheets.

As a finish for wall surfaces You can use the following materials:

  • wallpaper for painting;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wood.

As for technical supervision, it is better to involve experienced builder or an engineer, since no article or video can help you fully understand the features of this process. Also, you should not skimp on communication systems, convenient access to the yard and other aspects that provide comfort. When entrusting the development of a project to professionals, it is very important to get the opinions of different specialists. The actions of the foreman and the designer must be coordinated.

Based on the information presented in the article, we can come to the conclusion that building a house with your own hands without construction experience is quite possible. To do this, you will need to calculate the cost in advance and required amount material, study the technology and draw up a work plan, as well as allocate time in your schedule. The rest depends on effort and determination.

How to build your own house with your own hands: video- technology overview

Who doesn’t dream of a big country house today? But before you decide to make your dream come true and start building a home, you should think carefully about the purposes for which the future construction is planned. If you need a summer house for a seasonal stay, that’s one thing, but building a house for permanent residence is a completely different format of construction. And the most exciting question: what to build a house from inexpensively and with high quality. Let's try to figure it out in our article.

The first thing you need to decide on when deciding to build your own home for permanent residence is the building material, the choice of which depends on a huge number of related factors:

  • strength and durability;
  • microclimate inside residential premises;
  • thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • thermal insulation and moisture resistance.

What materials for suburban construction offers modern market, and what is the best material to build a house for permanent residence from?

Of course, you need to choose material for individual construction taking into account all the above parameters, but The main criterion is considered to be strength, since it is this that forms the structure of the building and affects the load-bearing function of the walls.

When choosing what to build a house from for permanent residence, all materials can be divided into four main groups:

Construction of a house for permanent residence made of brick

Buildings made of brick are the most massive structures. They perfectly resist the effects of all kinds of natural factors and, at the same time, have an attractive appearance. However, in order to build your own house from the most popular material at first glance - brick, you will have to incur significant financial costs.

The main advantages of a brick house are the high strength of the material. And in terms of its load-bearing capacity characteristics, a wall erected from this type of building materials is almost as good as concrete. Such characteristics are ideal both for low-rise suburban construction and for the construction multi-storey buildings. In addition, a house made of brick will not burn, rot or shrink.

Only, in terms of energy efficiency, walls made of ceramic or sand-lime bricks lag significantly behind other building materials. In order to ensure sufficient energy efficiency for a private home, Brick wall must have minimum thickness 120 cm. It becomes clear what to build for permanent year-round residence No one will have a “bunker” with such walls, so today brick is increasingly used as a facing material.

Another important disadvantage of building a house made of bricks is the high cost of the material, so it is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, otherwise construction may take a very long time.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the main The advantages of brick as a building material are:

  • the possibility of long-term operation of the built house;
  • high frost resistance;
  • precise geometry of products;
  • good combination with any type of masonry mortar;
  • high strength;
  • aesthetic appearance.

However, brick has many disadvantages:

  1. Low moisture resistance some types of material. For example, sand-lime brick strongly absorbs water; this can be clearly seen when, during rain, it becomes dark shade. This quality greatly affects the humidity indoors. In this regard, sand-lime brick is not used for laying basements and basements; sand-lime brick should not be used when building a house in regions with high air humidity.
  2. High thermal conductivity. For achievement positive characteristics it is necessary to resort to additional costs for thermal insulation of walls or thickening them.
  3. High product weight. The brick has a large mass, which makes the structure heavier and creates an even greater load on the foundation. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build a stronger and solid foundation, and this further increases construction costs.
  4. High cost of material.

So, it turns out that brick has significant disadvantages, so before making it the main material in the construction of a private house, you should think carefully.

brick houses

Construction of a house from concrete blocks

Today, among building materials, brick is significantly reducing its position, giving way to modern building blocks.

Affordable price is main reason, which determines the selection of blocks. At the same time, building a house for permanent residence from blocks is not only cheaper, but also much faster, since such large-sized material in quantity can replace from 4 to 14 ordinary bricks.

Today the building materials market offers these types of blocks:

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Gas and foam blocks

Gas and foam blocks have the same specifications and are great for construction low-rise buildings. Their only difference is the internal structure of the material.

Gas blocks are made from a homogeneous mixture of sand, cement and lime with the addition of a special powder - a gas-forming agent, in order to achieve small through channels inside the block.

Foam blocks, on the contrary, they have closed pores inside the material. This structure is achieved during production by adding to concrete mortar special substances - foaming agents. It is worth noting that such production allows increasing the quality of foam blocks, creating additional energy saving features material and significantly reducing its weight. Also, unlike a gas block, whose open channels conduct moisture well, foam blocks do not need additional protection from moisture.

They produce blocks of various formats and thicknesses, which allows the developer to choose the optimal material for individual construction without extra costs for additional insulation. Good geometric data allows you to build houses with a complex structure.

Also, foam blocks and gas blocks do not require complex finishing; this can be done using putty or decorative plaster.

In addition to all the listed advantages, a significant argument in choosing this particular material for construction will be its low cost. average price in the construction market 1 m 3 is about 3 thousand rubles.

Among the disadvantages of foam and gas blocks are: the following characteristics of these materials:

  • fragility;
  • high water permeability (for gas blocks);
  • mandatory external and internal decoration of the house;
  • Availability chemical elements in the composition.

houses made of gas blocks and foam blocks from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Cinder blocks and expanded clay concrete blocks

Cinder blocks are also inexpensive building materials, however, due to the too high thermal conductivity of the constructed walls, they require additional insulation. In addition, cinder blocks have a lot of weight. It is these disadvantages that can explain the fact that consumers give greater preference to expanded clay concrete blocks.

As positive characteristics of cinder block developers highlight:

  • fire resistance;
  • low cost;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • resistance to fungus and mold;
  • high term operation of the constructed house.

The most basic disadvantages of cinder block are:

  • fragility of the material;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • low sound insulation;
  • internal necessity and external finishing Houses.

Expanded clay concrete block products, at the same cost, are less thermally conductive, more durable and environmentally friendly material.

Expanded clay blocks are a material consisting of expanded clay gravel(the result of special firing of clay) and cement mortar. Such raw materials have high strength indicators and are designed for construction individual houses up to 3 floors. Moreover, the construction process does not take much time. In addition, expanded clay concrete is quite warm and environmentally friendly building material, as it does not contain synthetic additives.

Good vapor permeability creates an optimal balance of humidity in the living room.

Prices for expanded clay blocks quite acceptable, 1m 3 will cost approximately 3 thousand rubles.

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of expanded clay blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


The constituent components of wood concrete blocks are wood chips and cement mortar with special additives. This composition allows you to get a warm and light block.

Due to its density, wood concrete allows the construction of small buildings, while due to its elasticity, it is able to withstand, among other things, floor slabs.

This material breathes well, is very environmentally friendly, and has excellent heat and sound insulation.

The disadvantages of wood concrete include:

  1. High moisture absorption rate. A house made of wood concrete blocks requires additional protection from moisture, which means that you will have to spend money on insulating and specialized moisture-repellent finishing materials.
  2. The uneven surface of the block leads to some difficulties during the construction of walls, and also causes high flow rate concrete mortar.

Also, a significant disadvantage of wood concrete is often considered to be the large amount of low-quality material on the construction market. Due to the fact that the production of blocks does not require specialized equipment, they are often produced using handicraft methods, using uncertified chemical additives and violations of production technology. All this causes a deterioration in the quality of the finished raw materials, so you need to buy wood concrete only from trusted sellers and manufacturers.

Prices for purchasing wood concrete start from 4 thousand rubles per 1 m 3.

You can also check out the most popular projects on our website. wood concrete houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Shell rock blocks

This type of material is the most expensive among blocks and will cost at least 5 thousand rubles per 1 m 3. At the same time, the technique of obtaining raw materials from a marine sedimentary massif additionally imparts fragility to the shell rock.

Advantages of shell rock blocks:

  • sound absorption;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • durability;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness.

In addition, shell rock has a number of exceptional properties determined by its nature. Thus, during its formation, the material is impregnated with sea salt and absorbs a large amount of iodine. The presence of these substances in the composition of raw materials gives the house made from it healing properties. Also, thanks to iodine, shell rock walls protect very well from radiation.

The disadvantages of shell rock are:
  1. The need for strengthening in the case of building a house of more than two floors using special armored belts.
  2. Lack of standardized block shapes (it is practically impossible to find two shell rock blocks of the same shape).
  3. The need for additional protection of the structure from moisture.
  4. Due to its fragility, the material requires care during transportation, as well as unloading or unloading.

Construction of wooden houses for permanent residence

As for wood, there are two options for building materials:

  1. log;
  2. beam;

A house for permanent residence made of wood puts minimal load on the foundation, which allows you to save money already at the very first stage of construction.

An important point when choosing building materials is also considered to be that it is possible to build wooden houses regardless of the time of year and in any weather.

House made of timber

Modern timber will allow you to build a neat individual house in any style. He has good geometric parameters, rectangular or square cross-section and smooth, very even sides. Houses made of timber have minimal shrinkage, the manufacture of a log house does not require the use of special construction equipment, and the aesthetic properties of the material allow you to do without external and interior decoration, and thereby save on finishing work.

The timber has a large number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • efficiency of construction;
  • high level of sound insulation and good thermal conductivity;
  • strength and reliability of the structure;
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year;
  • does not require the construction of a bulky, expensive foundation;
  • does not require decorative finishing;
  • positive, healing properties from wood.

However, timber also has disadvantages:

  1. The need for additional material processing. The main, common disadvantage of wood products is its susceptibility to moisture and insects. In addition, over time it has the ability to crack and rot, thereby losing its original aesthetic appearance, so the wood must be constantly treated with special substances.
  2. High fire hazard of the material. Any wood is highly flammable, and because of this requires additional protection by treating it with fire-retardant compounds.
  3. Requires additional costs for heat and waterproofing.
  4. Long-term shrinkage. Despite the slight shrinkage, a private house will sag within six months. In this case, during the shrinkage process, cracks may appear in the walls.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of double timber, laminated timber and profiled timber from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Log house

Classics wooden houses are log buildings. In addition to the traditional Russian hut, modern construction technologies allow you to build a log house of any configuration, from small Finnish house to a cozy cottage in Art Nouveau style.

Modern construction logs are 100% natural and environmentally friendly, which provides excellent natural ventilation premises.

As in the case of timber, no costs are required for a massive foundation.

Strength, reliability and beautiful appearance are also the main characteristics of a log house.

The quick heating of a house made of wood is also an advantage, because it significantly saves heating costs.

The availability and lightness of the material allow for maximum short time build a comfortable wooden house.

TO disadvantages of logs, like anyone wooden material, include:

  • susceptibility to rotting;
  • strong and long-term shrinkage;
  • fire hazard of the material;
  • additional costs for insulation and waterproofing of the structure.

Today construction market offers two types of logs, chopped or rounded.

Rounded log– product production processing lumber. It has more low price, do not require additional finishing and look quite attractive.

Chopped logs are more expensive due to their manual processing, but have greater strength.

Beautiful house made of rounded logs

When deciding which specific construction technology to choose, you should pay attention to two aspects:

  1. When building a house from timber and industrially processed logs, there is absolutely no need to cut out recesses (bowls) for greater stability of the structure.
  2. If you choose to build a house from hand-cut logs, you will have to pay for the very expensive labor of a professional hewer (a specialist who will cut out bowls - special recesses for connecting logs into a log house).

Building a house from a log can hardly be called completely affordable. So, cost of 1 m3 of rounded logs ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, and chopped is much higher.

Also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses made of hand-cut logs and rounded logs from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Construction of a frame house for permanent residence

The dream of owning a home is often shattered by the financial capabilities of a person and his family, since the construction process and the cost of materials are beyond the means of many. But modern builders claim that everything is not so dire, and building your own home is a very real task. We’ll look at which house is cheaper to build in this article.

What affects the cost of a cottage?

It is important to understand for what purposes you want to acquire country house: for permanent year-round residence or for staying there only during the summer season. The following factors completely depend on this:

  • space-planning solution;
  • type of house construction;
  • materials for the construction of building elements.

Which house is cheaper to build? If it is a country house, there is no need to arrange rooms in it for each family member, it is enough common areas with sleeping places, kitchen, bathroom. If you want to build a house for permanent year-round living, it requires heating systems and walls made of more reliable and functional material that will prevent the premises from freezing in the winter.

Selecting and creating a project

In order to build a house yourself cheaply, without once again resorting to the services of professionals, it is important to correctly develop future site plans and think through how the work will be carried out.

An affordable cottage should have a compact layout. Main principle- maximum combination of general and usable area. How to achieve this?

1) Combine the hallway and vestibule, make the room insulated. This perfect solution, since they carry the same functional load.

  • The length of the panels is up to 3000 (3500) mm, depending on the manufacturer’s capabilities.
  • Width - 1250-1500 mm.
  • Thickness - 168, 174 mm for external walls; 118 mm - for partition; 174, 224 mm - for interfloor ceilings.
  • The weight of a standard slab 2500x1250x174 mm is about 50 kg. It turns out that a house with an area of ​​150 m2 will weigh about 15 tons, which is 4-5 times lighter in comparison with stone materials.

The thickness of the panel is calculated taking into account all temperature influences middle zone and north, no additional thermal protection device is required. For clarity: a 120 mm slab is equivalent in terms of heat retention to a brick structure with a cross section of 2.5 meters.

The disadvantages of the element include the inability to pass air and accumulate moisture with polystyrene foam. However, when protected with OSB boards and external cladding this practically never happens.

Price issue

When it comes to the question of what is cheaper to build a house from, sip panels definitely win.

The average cost of 1 slab 2500x1250x174 mm is about 3000 rubles. (on average - 1200-1300 rubles/m2). It's much more accessible than the most famous one traditional material- trees, accordingly, can be built frame house cheap.

We must not forget that the cost of erecting such a structure, in addition to sip panels, includes the cost of the skeleton itself, which can be made of metal or wooden beams. Obviously, using the latter is more profitable - natural raw materials are more accessible and easier to install.

You can build a frame house cheaply on a turnkey basis in many companies that provide this service. The price of a small two-story cottage with a terrace - about 1,000,000 rubles. If you neglect the services of professionals, you can save up to 30-40% of this cost. True, the timing will not be the same...

We build it ourselves

Finally, the most main point savings - work without the participation of professionals. How to cheaply build a house with your own hands? Let's consider in order general outline using the example of a frame structure.

The first step is to decide on the materials. We've looked at what you can use to build a cheap house, so choose what you can afford. The most affordable type of building is frame with sip panels, so determine required quantity slabs and volume of beams for the frame according to previously drawn up layout diagrams and types of structures.


The correct choice of the type and material of the foundation is the first stage of the algorithm on how to build a house cheaply. The price of the foundation is about 20-30% of the total cost of the entire house.

There is no need to build a massive foundation for a frame house: as already mentioned, the mass of the entire structure is about 15 tons (and in the case of an economical layout, even less: 8-10 tons). The best and cheapest option is to install columnar foundation. It can be installed either independently or with the help of professionals. For concreting, it is enough to use a solution of grade M200-M250.


To build a house yourself cheaply, you will have to try and do the most intensive part of the work yourself - installing the frame.

For the bottom trim, take beams with a cross-section of 150x50 mm and lay them on edge on the surface of the finished foundation, covered with roofing felt. In the corners they are connected with 100-120 mm screws, and they must be attached to the base itself using anchors or large self-tapping screws. TO internal bars attach the boards of the middle and outer trim. You can use the method of cutting down the ends of the boards, then they are mounted end-to-end.

Then they level the surface of the resulting level, use a jigsaw to make recesses for the floor joists and install them.

50x50 mm bars are fixed to the inside of the bottom trim - floor boards will be attached to them.

Next, install vertical racks: on outside the strappings make recesses and secure the timber with the same screws. Along the perimeter, the step between them is from 1 to 1.2 meters - this makes it easier for an inexperienced assembler to connect all the components together and not make a mistake.

Fastening top harness similar to the bottom one, installation is carried out using metal corners.

You can often see cross boards between vertical posts. They are installed to strengthen the structure for large spans or complex solutions; for an economy house this is not so important, we can do without them. But the slopes at the top and base of the rack can be installed.

When the frame is ready, you can cover it with the panels themselves.

Thus, you can build a frame house cheaply. The prices for materials are not too high, and you will do the work yourself.


To prevent the stingy from paying twice, it is necessary to carefully insulate the external walls from the effects environment, capable of soaking or destroying the structure of the sip panel. Plastering can be used as a budget finishing option, but the surface must first be covered with polystyrene foam. The price of 1 m 2 of such cladding is about 700-900 rubles.

It is also good to use vinyl or PVC siding. Perhaps this is the cheapest method - about 400 rubles. behind square meter.

Finishing with decorative slabs or artificial stone will cost 900-1200 rubles/m2. Such cladding of frame houses is rare: many believe that sip panels are not able to withstand this load, but this is a misconception.

The most expensive, but most reliable and durable type of cladding is brick.

We looked at how to cheaply build a house with your own hands. Everything is much simpler than it seemed.

To build or not to build?

We've found the cheapest way to build your own cottage. There is nothing complicated in this process, the main thing is to start. Then you can build a frame house cheaply in a relatively short time. Prices per square meter of such housing can vary, on average they range from 11,000 to 15,000 rubles, which is very cheap compared to other types of real estate.

Many criticize this type of house, believing that the material is short-lived and impractical. We looked at some properties of sip panels; they are more effective than other materials in some properties. Weak sides Every material has it, and concrete can be criticized.

Residents of America know first-hand what material is cheaper to build a house from. This type of housing is widespread on the continent in northern regions, which clearly demonstrates its ability to withstand both temperature changes and the effects of precipitation. Hence the name - "Canadian House".

Don't limit yourself in making your dream of your home come true! There is always a solution.