Homemade wood glue. We make PVA glue at home. Preparing to create glue

Homemade wood glue.  We make PVA glue at home.  Preparing to create glue
Homemade wood glue. We make PVA glue at home. Preparing to create glue

Wood glue is known to renovation specialists and is valued for its affordable price and good adhesive qualities.

It copes well with tasks and is used for joining wood, cardboard, plywood, and hardboard. It is based on a protein substance that is responsible for gluing.

Different raw materials are used for production; adhesives can be obtained with different properties.

So, it occurs:

  1. Bone wood glue— it is made from bone waste and crushed bones. It is the most common.
  2. Hide - made from tannery waste, skin residues and a layer of fiber, which is cut off during the tanning of animal skins.
  3. Fish - made from fish remains - heads, tails, entrails, scales. This type of glue is used during complex restoration work.
  4. But the best glue is considered to be made from horns. It has a special, light shade.

How to use wood glue for wood

The main advantage of glue is its high strength and if the wood is destroyed, the adhesive layer, as a rule, remains intact. Disadvantages appear in the form unpleasant odor, as well as the inconvenience of storage - in liquid form it quickly becomes unusable and becomes moldy.

Supplied either as yellow-brown granules or granules. Experts recommend paying attention to the color of the glue; the more transparent the shade of the granules, the better the final composition will be.

How to use:

  1. To apply the glue, use a bast or bristle brush.
  2. If gluing is carried out along the wood fibers, apply one layer, two at the ends (the second only after the first has dried).
  3. After a few minutes, until the composition dries, the objects are squeezed well, then aligned relative to each other, the excess glue is removed, secured with a bandage or twine, and left for several hours.

To increase resistance to mold, various antiseptics are added, for example, ammonia, phenol or borax. And if you add chalk or ash, you get putty paste.


PVA carpentry glue - characteristics

PVA-based wood glue is sold ready-made; there is no need to dilute it in water. Ideal for working with hardwood, including tropical wood. The resulting seam is not afraid of moisture, it is durable and transparent.

It is used everywhere; the rapid development of technology and the emergence of new offers on the market do not prevent it from being in demand.

Among analogues, we can offer Moment carpentry glue, it is suitable for wood and plastic, sets quickly, and is very durable.

There are several ways to make wood glue with your own hands, but they are all based on the same principle - soaking and cooking in water.

To make wood glue with your own hands, you need the following ingredients:

  • granules yellow color or solid glue tiles (the lighter raw material, the higher quality the composition will be),
  • boiled water,
  • tile,
  • glue for cooking.

Wood glue recipe

  1. Wrap the glue tiles in cloth and break them with a hammer.
  2. Pour the crushed source material cold water so that it completely covers the dry glue. It should turn into a gelatinous mass. On average, this takes 4-12 hours. The water must be boiled.
  3. Place the swollen composition on water bath and cook for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 60-80C, stirring constantly. All lumps should dissolve, the mass will be homogeneous and liquid.
  4. It is most convenient to boil the glue in a special glue pot made of two vessels. Water is poured into a larger vessel, and glue is placed into a smaller vessel and placed inside the larger one. The oilcloth is placed on the fire and the composition is boiled.
  5. During cooking, you can add hot water. If you are gluing tenon or end joints, the composition should be a little thicker than for working with plywood and other flat materials.
  6. As soon as a film appears on the surface, the wood glue can be considered ready. The composition should flow from the stick not in drops, but in a continuous stream.

You need to use the glue until it has cooled down, and the glue retains a temperature of 30-70C for one and a half to two hours without additional heating. As the solution cools, it will lose its properties, and then may even become moldy or begin to rot.

Option two

  1. Another way is when glue and water are mixed in a one to one ratio,
  2. Boil, and the resulting mass is ground,
  3. Then put it on a plate and cut into pieces.
  4. Such preparation immediately before starting repair work dissolve in a mixture of water and vodka and boil.
  5. While preparing the composition, you can add table vinegar to the water and glue, and when the powder is completely dissolved, add vodka.

Various components are added to wood glue to impart new properties, for example, linseed oil or drying oil mixed with dry powder will increase the resistance of the adhesive joint to moisture, and if you have to work with leather, add glycerin.

The glue will retain its consistency at room temperature for no more than two hours, and then it will begin to thicken. Then you will have to reheat it again. In this regard, it is better to prepare the composition not in reserve, but only in the quantity that is required.

- an adhesive that is widely used in various fields, and, without exaggeration, is one of the most popular.

And although you can purchase this product without any problems, making it yourself will also not be difficult, which will help out in a situation where you urgently need to glue something together, but the means are not at hand.

Polyvinyl acetate

Polyvinyl acetate, better known as PVA glue, is produced on an industrial scale in special equipment. The polyvinyl acetate dispersion and filler are mixed in the mortar mixer.

There are different types of this glue (stationery, wallpaper, universal, etc.) and, accordingly, manufacturing recipes. It is difficult to accurately follow the PVA recipe at home, but it is not at all difficult to make an analogue that will be practically inferior in its properties and characteristics.

How can you make PVA glue “with your own hands”?


There are many recipes self-cooking glue. We offer one of the most easily implemented and accessible recipes, almost all of the ingredients of which are sold at the pharmacy (except for photographic gelatin, which you need to look for in a specialty store, as well as flour - if you suddenly don’t have it at home, you will definitely find it in the nearest grocery store).

So, to prepare PVA you need to take:

  • 1-1.2 liters of distilled water;
  • 20-25 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 4-5 g glycerin;
  • 5-6 g photographic gelatin;
  • 100-120 g flour.

Cooking process

Gelatin is soaked for a day in regular tap water. warm water according to the instructions, after which it dissolves in steam bath. Flour and distilled water are added, and the mixture is kept on fire until it acquires the thickness of sour cream. During boiling, the mixture must be stirred constantly.

When the required consistency is achieved, the mixture is removed from the heat and cooled slightly. After this, you need to add alcohol and glycerin and stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. If the formation of lumps still could not be prevented (they may appear during the boiling stage), then you can pass the glue through a sieve.

When the mass has completely cooled, it can be used for gluing paper, wood and other parts for which PVA is usually used.

Storing finished glue

You can store a homemade product for no more than six months. Ideal storage temperature is + 10-15 degrees.

Nothing bad will happen if the glue remains at room temperature, but when the thermometer is minus, the “functionality” of the product decreases sharply. It will be usable for no more than one month.

YouTube video about glue production

In this video you can clearly see how to easily make PVA at home. A very simple recipe, according to which it will be easy to make glue even for those who are homemade " glue production"Tries for the first time.

Manufacturers of PVA glue in Russia

In Russia, many companies produce PVA glue and dispersions. For most of them, this product is only part of the range. These enterprises specialize mainly in the production of paints and varnishes. In addition, there are companies that produce exclusively PVA products, such as Polymer Export, Rikol and others. These are large manufacturers engaged exclusively in the production of PVA glue and dispersions based on vinyl acetate.

When choosing a product, give preference reliable manufacturers, especially if you are going to glue large or expensive objects.

Areas of application of glue

PVA glue is used in a wide variety of applications, from gluing paper to various types industry. This product is widely used in repair work (wallpapering, priming, adding to cladding solutions, gluing elements made of wood, fiberboard, etc.)

This adhesive is used in the printing and packaging industries for gluing paper products. It is also widely used in woodworking and furniture industry, since PVA does not change the color of the wood and allows you to preserve its properties.

In the textile industry, it is used to “strengthen” carpets and join fabrics together. It is also used in the production of glass and paint products, household chemicals, shoes, etc.

Do you make glue yourself or is it better to buy it?

Prices for PVA glue vary depending on the type of glue, manufacturer, product weight, etc. For example, 1 kg of universal PVA glue costs, on average, from 40 to 60 rubles, a five to ten kilogram container will cost slightly less.

In general, this product has a very reasonable price, and if any complex or responsible work, then it is better to buy glue made in industrial conditions. But if you already have experience self-made PVA, or there is no way to purchase it, but something needs to be glued urgently, then you can do it without any problems on your own.

What can replace PVA glue?

The problem with replacing PVA most often arises among those who live in foreign countries, since this product is sometimes quite difficult to find there. If suddenly there is a need to find a replacement, then you need to focus on the material of the surfaces that must be connected. For wooden parts you can buy special glue for wood, for gluing wallpaper - “wallpaper”, etc. Paper or cardboard is glued at home using ordinary paste (made from flour and/or potato starch. So it’s not difficult to find a substitute for PVA, the only negative that such products often cost more than this universal, inexpensive and popular glue.

Not a single renovation, whether in an apartment or a house, can be completed without glue. Today, the selection of adhesive mixtures in the store is very, very large. But their quality sometimes leaves much to be desired. Many builders make homemade glue at home directly from improvised materials. However, we note that in each case the composition of the glue may be different, because it may be suitable for different materials, for example one for paper and another for wood.

In this article, we will look at various homemade adhesive mixtures that can be easily prepared in simple home conditions, without spending a lot of money on its preparation. So, let's go!

Traditional flour paste recipe

This glue is used quite often in a variety of situations. Most often, they resort to its preparationin case of urgent need, for example, when the glue from the store runs out, while updating the wallpaper. Therefore, in order not to run to the store for a new pack (which, apparently, will only be used 1/3), it’s easier to make your own glue, which will be no worse. Plus, this glue is non-toxic and completely safe for use at home. The main component is flour, which is probably found in every home. The glue ratio is as follows - 1 liter of glue is enough for 2 or 3 rolls of wallpaper.

Prepare the following components:

A container in which the glue will be mixed;

6 tablespoons of flour per liter of water;

Water, according to the amount of flour (1 liter per 6 tablespoons).

You need to prepare the glue as follows:

1. Heat water until boiling;

2. In a separate container, stir the flour with cold water until a mixture forms, similar to liquid sour cream (and always without lumps);

3. Now, pour boiling water into this mixture in a thin stream, while constantly stirring it with a spoon;

4. After mixing, boil the resulting mixture again and leave it to cool.

The finished consistency should resemble thick jelly. In a similar way, you can prepare such glue using starch instead of flour, and it will not differ one bit from flour. In some cases, such glue can even prove to be much more effective than store-bought glue. If you are afraid to apply this glue to wallpaper, test it on small pieces of wallpaper, gluing them to each other. In general, this glue can be used on any wall surface, gluing paper to cardboard and other types of paper. In a word, experiment and see everything with your own eyes.

Homemade PVA glue

The second, no less popular and effective is homemade PVA glue. If you think that glue is made at a factory using some special technology, you are mistaken, because exactly the same glue can be made at home. Agree, this type of glue is one of the most common. It is used both inin the office sector and in the construction industry, that is, in essence it can be called a universal glue. Well, it’s time to move on to how to actually make it. To do this you will need:

1. Distilled water in a volume of 1 l;

2. Photographic gelatin (can be bought at any camera supply store) in an amount of 5 grams;

3. Pharmacy glycerin (4 grams is enough);

4. Wheat flour, about 100-150 grams;

5. Ethyl alcohol in a volume of 20 ml (can be bought at any pharmacy).

Conventionally, production can be divided into two stages:

This preliminary preparation, during which gelatin needs to be soaked in a glass of water;

And the cooking process itself.

So, a day after the gelatin swells, you can start making PVA.

∙ Place distilled water in a water bath in some container. Next, add gelatin to it, and stir with flour mixed in a small amount of water (again, without lumps);

∙ Bring the mixed consistency to a boil, but do not boil. Notice how the mixture becomes thick and white, like sour cream. Stir it until the glue is homogeneous and without clots.

∙ All that remains is to add glycerin and ethyl alcohol. Constantly stir and stir the mixture again to make it as thick as possible. Stirring time should be about 10 minutes, so don't think that two stirrings with a spoon will be enough. You can use the glue only after it has completely cooled.

How to make wood glue yourself?

This glue is ideal for wood. It also effectively glues paper and cardboard, other cellulose materials, and in some cases even plastic. However, this glue has a couple of disadvantages:

Firstly, it is not stored for too long in liquid form and is perishable;

And secondly, it just has a disgusting and pungent smell that you just have to put up with.

Partially, this problem disappears if you first boil it and make a gelatinous mass. Then, its validity period increases, and if necessary, you can cut off a piece of the required size, heat it over low heat, and use it. There are several recipes for making this glue. We will describe the most basic and accessible ones below.

Method one.Take regular wood glue. Grind it and soak in water until it swells completely. So, it will soften and become like jelly. In the same state, place it in a melting container called a glue bottle. The easiest way to make such a container is from an ordinary tin can (condensed milk or canned pineapples). Place the gelatinous mass in such a jar and place it in a water bath (it should be very low fire). Stir the heated mass with a wooden spoon or a stick (for example, a sushi stick). You need to stir constantly, because if it burns, the mass will acquire a yellowish color, while losing its adhesive qualities. After the mass transfers to liquid state, dilute it with vodka with the following ratio: 720 grams of glue need 950 grams of vodka. Then, for every 100 grams of glue, add 12 g of powdered alum. The resulting homemade wood glue will have high degree adhesion and have excellent water-repellent characteristics.

Method two.In the same glue bowl, mix wood glue and water with a ratio of 1 to 1. After the mixture begins to boil, it will thicken a little, and at this stage it needs to be poured into a ceramic mortar and ground with a pestle until a gelatinous mass is formed. Afterwards, put the glue on a plate, cool, and cut into the necessary pieces. If necessary, mix glue with vodka in a different ratio - 720 g (glue) / 360 g (vodka). Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool and use it.

Method three.Boil in a water bath a mixture consisting of one liter of water, a kilogram of wood glue, and one liter of 9 percent table vinegar. After stirring this mixture, gradually add a liter of vodka to it.

Method four. Dilute wood glue with water in a one to one ratio. Heat it in a water bath until the mixture thickens completely. Afterwards, add one part of glycerin (equal to the part of the glue that was taken initially). Place on low heat and wait until the water has completely evaporated. All that remains is to put it in a mold and dry the glue. Before using it, mix it with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Homemade foam glue

Recently, the need for such glue has become acute. This is due to the fact that cases of wall insulation, sound insulation, which require the use of foam plastic, and other materials similar to it, have become more frequent. You can also use glue from the store, but, as a rule, it is afraid of solvents like acetone. Therefore, you can use the wood glue given above.

Otherwise, you can make glue, especially for polystyrene foam, from homemade cottage cheese. To do this, you will need to mix slaked lime with homemade cottage cheese in equal proportions, stirring, to obtain a homogeneous mass. Try to use this glue immediately after mixing, as it hardens quite quickly.

Casein-based adhesive for wood and leather

For gluing wooden or leather products, casein glue will be very effective. This type of homemade glue is also suitable for other materials, for example, for gluing puzzles. But, in order to make such glue, you need to get the casein itself, so the entire process of preparing the glue must be divided into two stages.

The first stage will involve isolating casein from cottage cheese. To do this, the cottage cheese must be low-fat. To get such cottage cheese, you can soak it in a soda solution, and you need to dilute 1-2 tablespoons of soda per liter of water (about 15-20 minutes). Afterwards, it must be rinsed thoroughly running water, squeeze and dry until hard. Now, all that remains is to prepare a powder from it, which will be dry casein.

At the second stage you need to prepare the glue itself. To make it, you need to pour casein into a flat bowl, pouring a thin stream of water into it. Don't forget to stir the resulting mixture. The ratio will be as follows: for one part casein, you need to take two parts water. It needs to be a thick mass. Now comes the most important part of the preparation, mixing this mass. The better and more efficiently you mix the mixture, the better the glue will turn out. In general, this procedure will take at least 30 minutes, although you can do it faster with a mixer. As a result, such glue will perfectly glue wooden fragments, as well as leather, for example, shoes. This glue should be used as quickly as possible, within 3 hours after production.

Craft glue

Many housewives do needlework. Quite often they make fabric flowers, the production of which requires special fabric glue. You can also make this glue yourself at home. There are several simple ways that we will now consider.

Method No. 1

To do this you will need 3 tablespoons of flour and a glass of water. Dilute the flour with a small amount of water, heat the rest of the water, and pour the flour mixed with water into it in a thin stream.

Method No. 2

In the second method we need a tablespoon of flour, also a tablespoon of starch, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a glass of water. Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil, being careful not to form lumps.

Method No. 3

You will need a packet of gelatin, two tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of sugar, and a glass of water. Soak the gelatin in 1/3 cup of water overnight, and in the morning mix the gelatin and other ingredients in the rest of the water. Bring to a boil, and then store the glue only in the refrigerator.

Dextrin based glue

When working with paper and various types of appliqué, it is not always possible to use PVA glue. For example, dextrin-based glue, which is easy to prepare at home, would be ideal. In order to get dextrin, you can use starch. Take a bowl, pour starch into it and place in the oven over low heat. Gradually increase the oven temperature to 160 °C, and maintain it for about an hour and a half. So, starch will break down and turn into dextrin.

For glue you will need 3 tablespoons of dextrin, 5 tablespoons of water, and a spoonful of glycerin. Mix dextrin with water, heat the mixture until the dextrin is completely dissolved, and only then add glycerin. Stir, and after cooling you get ready-made glue.

Acetone and linoleum based adhesive

To make homemade glue at home, you can read a lot of recipes, and one of the cheapest is this glue. So, to prepare it you need to take old linoleum, cut it into small pieces, and place it on the bottom of the vessel. Fill it with acetone in a ratio of 1 to 2 parts (1 part linoleum, 2 parts acetone). Then, seal the container tightly and leave for 12 hours (preferably in dark place). After this time, the glue will be ready. It can be used to glue metal, porcelain, wood or leather.

Universal moisture-resistant adhesive

A fairly simple recipe for homemade universal glue that is resistant to moisture. To do this, just take wood glue and soak it in water until it completely swells. Afterwards, bring to a gelatinous state by adding linseed oil to the container.

Well, as you can see, there are very, very many ways to make homemade glue at home. In addition, each adhesive is suitable for use with one or another type of material. Plus, these are not all the recipes homemade adhesives, because there are really a lot of them.

Polyurethane foam. Help in choosing. Secrets of application

At work and at home, we regularly use glue for paper and cardboard. Fans of creative arts, such as quilling and scrapbooking, cannot do without it. Most children are familiar silicone compounds, PVA, flour paste.

High-quality paper adhesives have the following characteristics:

  • no pungent odor,
  • consistency is sufficient for uniform application(the glue should not be too thick or thin),
  • Ease of use,
  • Transparency after drying and no yellowing after time.

1.The most popular and inexpensive - paper glue in the form of a pencil. It is very convenient to use due to its compact packaging, which is comfortable to hold in your hands.

2.PVA adhesives reliably fasten not only thin paper, but also durable cardboard. The composition is applied in an even layer and the surfaces are pressed tightly against each other. The composition sets in just a few seconds, and dries completely within a day. It is safe, does not have an unpleasant odor, is transparent and can be easily removed from any surface.

3. Excellent for working with cardboard “Gum arabic” is a composition of gum that is dissolved in water.

4.Acrylic adhesives on water based used for fastening thin paper, but it is worth remembering that over time it turns yellow.

5. The dextrin composition is quite popular - it is a powder made from potato starch, which is diluted in water.

6.Adhesive spray for paper- another popular and convenient option for fastening not only paper, but also fabric. Allows you to re-glue materials multiple times, sets in a few seconds and leaves no marks. It is used economically due to uniform spraying, so one bottle will last for a long time.


Types of glue for gluing paper and cardboard

It is convenient to work with paper and cardboard if you use the right glue. Let's look at popular compositions, their properties and features.

Adhesives for thick paper

1. Universal PVA glue, OLECOLOR – composition of domestic production. Suitable for cardboard, thick paper, wooden surfaces, paper and vinyl wallpaper. After gluing, a thick paper product can be used within an hour.

Cost – from 125 rubles.

2.Component Urethane 500 – polyurethane glue for working with cardboard, wood materials, PVC, polystyrene foam and other materials. The adhesive has low viscosity and a rigid adhesive seam. Does not contain water or organic solvents.

Cost – from 350 rubles.

Adhesives for corrugated paper

1. Moment Crystal - this glue has proven itself in working with corrugated paper. It also perfectly glues cardboard, ceramics, wood, rubber, glass and some other materials. After hardening, the composition remains transparent, the resulting seam is durable and resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Cost – from 60 rubles.

2. Ergomelt – glue sticks for hot-melt guns. Hot glue allows for secure adhesion corrugated paper To different surfaces. The composition is transparent, it is used sparingly, since a sufficient thin layer is required for fixation. It has no unpleasant odor, is non-toxic and safe.

Cost – from 300 rubles.

Temporary glue for paper

1.Fix It – temporary fixing adhesive for paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and other materials. The spray is colorless, easy to apply and does not leave stains. Allows you to repeatedly connect and separate bonded surfaces.

Cost – from 490 rubles.

2.KRYLON EASY-TACK – universal Velcro adhesive for reusable fixation of thin materials (paper, appliques, etc.). It is odorless, safe, dries quickly and leaves no residue. Can be used when working with flexible materials.

Cost – from 300 rubles.

Adhesives for decoupage

1.Art-Potch Decoupage HobbyLine is a special water-based glue for working in the decoupage technique, as well as napkin techniques on any surface, with the exception of wax. The composition is glossy, afraid of negative temperatures.

Cost – from 640 rubles.

2.MarabuDecoupageKleberProfi - water-resistant transparent water-based composition. Used for decoupage and napkin making techniques. Allows you to glue rice paper, decoupage cards to glass, wood and other types of blanks.

Cost – from 205 rubles.

There are several recipes for making paper glue with your own hands. The easiest way is to use starch flour. This will also require water and a mixing container.

  1. Pour starch into a container,
  2. Dilute with cold water and stir until dough-like.
  3. Then add a little boiling water and mix thoroughly,
  4. Then the mixture is cooled, it is ready for use.
  5. The resulting paste is often superior in all respects industrial options, it holds wallpaper, paper, cardboard well.


You can also make your own PVA glue. It is great for gluing sheets of paper and is also used as a primer.

  1. To prepare the composition, gelatin, wheat flour, pharmaceutical glycerin, and ethyl alcohol are used.
  2. The work of making glue is carried out in two stages.
  3. Gelatin is soaked in a glass for a day.
  4. Then, when it swells, you can begin the main stage. A saucepan with distilled water is heated in a water bath, then gelatin and flour are added.
  5. The mixture is heated until a mixture has a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Alcohol and glycerin are also added there.
  6. Cool the glue before use.

The best option for paper and wood is wood glue, which is also easy to make at home. But it is worth remembering that it cannot be stored in liquid form for a long time, as it quickly becomes moldy and has an unpleasant odor.

For this reason, a gelatinous mass is prepared, which can be stored much longer. Pieces are cut from it and heated over low heat.

PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate) is a product obtained as a result of the polymerization of vinyl acetate with the participation of an initiator, as well as a protective colloid in aquatic environment. By appearance it is a white viscous liquid without foreign inclusions or lumps. Produced on an industrial scale and using industrial equipment.

In industry, this glue is prepared in a mortar mixer: first, polyvinyl acetate dispersion and filler are loaded into the container, then the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed for half an hour.

To check the consistency, use a wooden pestle: properly prepared glue allows the pestle to pass no more than 25 mm. If the thickness of the glue is higher than normal, then the resulting solution is diluted with water and mixed thoroughly again.

There are the following types:

  • stationery – non-waterproof, non-frost-resistant;
  • PVA wallpaper glue (household), withstands up to 6 thawing/freezing cycles at temperatures down to -40 °C;
  • brand MB (universal), frost resistance is 6 cycles at temperatures down to -20 °C;
  • grade M (super), frost resistance – 6 cycles at -40 °C;
  • PVA dispersion.

The advantages of glue include:

  • chemical resistance;
  • fast setting;
  • faint odor;
  • excellent physical properties in different temperature conditions;
  • mechanical stability;
  • non-toxic;
  • fire and explosion safety.

The disadvantages of this material for a long time considered low water resistance, but today, thanks to the use of various additives, increased water resistance of some types has been achieved of this material.

PVA glue - breadth of application

IN modern production, as well as in household use, everyone has heard at least once what PVA glue is, its use is very wide. This material is very often needed in the field of construction and repair work. It is used for gluing wallpaper, added to masonry mortar When tiling, priming with PVA glue allows you to prepare the surfaces for finishing, it is also indispensable for gluing fiberboard and wood parts.

In printing, it is used for stitching notebook blocks and books. In the production of packaging material, it is necessary for gluing cardboard, combined materials, multi-layer paper bags, cardboard drums and more.

In the pulp and paper industry, in order to improve the hardness, color and resistance of paper to various contaminants, an emulsion of PVA glue is applied to its surface. This glue has become widespread in the woodworking and furniture industries. Due to its properties, it does not affect the color of the wood, which is important for preserving its characteristics and aesthetic appearance.

In the textile industry, polyvinyl acetate is widely used to cover the backing surface of carpets to give the product elasticity, rigidity, and density. In addition, it serves to secure carpet fibers. This material is also used when gluing the fabric itself.

Polyvinyl acetate also finds its use in the shoe, leather, glass industries, in the production of household chemicals, water-dispersed paints, etc.

Features of the preparation and use of PVA glue

Before using this glue, dust and dirt must be removed from work surfaces. It is better to prime porous substrates, the surface with old paint need to be thoroughly sanded and degreased. Before use, PVA is mixed well and applied thin layer onto the parts to be glued, after which they are pressed tightly.

The shelf life of this material is 6 months from the date of manufacture. Opened glue should be stored in an airtight container at +10 °C. At temperatures below zero, polyvinyl acetate is stored for no more than 1 month.

For making a PVA analogue at home the following ingredients are needed:

  • distilled water – 1 l;
  • photographic gelatin – 5 g;
  • glycerin – 4 g;
  • wheat flour – 100 g;
  • ethyl alcohol – 20 ml.

All of these components can be purchased close to home, at a grocery store or pharmacy. Gelatin can be a problem, because photographic gelatin is needed. You will need very little time and effort to prepare, especially if you prepare gelatin. Gelatin should be soaked in water for 24 hours.

When the time for soaking the gelatin has passed, turn on the water bath or construct one from improvised means. Place all ingredients, except alcohol and glycerin, in a container and cook in a water bath until the required consistency (thick sour cream) is obtained with constant stirring.

Now that everything has the desired look, it's time for the remaining alcohols. After obtaining a stable mass without lumps, alcohol and glycerin are added to it. Mix them well into a thick mass; it may not work right away. So, mix thoroughly, do not waste time, when it is completely impossible to distinguish inhomogeneities, you can finish. The glue is ready, you need to let it cool before using it.