Self-analysis of literacy classes. Self-analysis of the lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Greeting card. Tasks of preparing children for literacy

Self-analysis of literacy classes.  Self-analysis of the lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Greeting card.  Tasks of preparing children for literacy
Self-analysis of literacy classes. Self-analysis of the lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Greeting card. Tasks of preparing children for literacy

Loving parents want to raise their baby so that in the future he will become a well-educated person with career prospects. The first step on this path is getting a quality pre-school education. The school program adopted now is structured in such a way that the child must come to school already knowing the basics of literacy. And it is very important that the educator not only teach the preschooler letters and reading, but also be able to instill in him a “sense of language”, an understanding of the laws of its construction and the ability to use them.

Why you need to teach literacy before school

From the point of view of psychologists, a child at the age of 4–5 years has a special “sense” for language, which weakens in the future. It is important to build classes with preschoolers from the youngest group in such a way as to form their intuition for correctly constructed language structures, develop a clear pronunciation of words, and increase vocabulary. In addition, literacy training contributes to the development of mental activity and memory, analysis and synthesis of information. All of these arguments point to the need for such training.

How is the process of teaching literacy

Literacy is taught gradually, in a playful way. The following tasks can be distinguished:

  • acquaintance of children with the concepts of "word" and "sound", the development of phonemic hearing;
  • division of a word into syllables, correct placement of stress in a word;
  • analysis of the sound composition of a word, the ability to identify vowels, hard and soft consonants, compare words by sound composition;
  • familiarity with the concept of "sentence" and its vocabulary;
  • the basics of reading and writing, composing words using a split alphabet.

Modern methods of teaching literacy are based on the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching reading, proposed by K. D. Ushinsky more than a hundred years ago. According to this technique, children's acquaintance with sounds occurs when they are isolated directly from live speech. First, the vowels are assimilated a, o, i, e, y, s. Tasks become more difficult gradually. The sound is defined in monosyllabic, disyllabic, and then in polysyllabic words. Then the vowels i, yu, ё are studied. And only after that they proceed to the study of consonants. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that teaching children to identify consonants in a word is the most important and difficult task, it is the "key to reading."

Children 4-5 years old are most receptive to sounding speech, interest in reading usually appears only by 6-7 years

For young children, the play component of classes is an important aspect. The child must be motivated to perform exercises, to captivate with an interesting task. A lot of techniques and methods have been developed, you just need to choose the appropriate classes for the topic and the age of the children. Literacy classes may include the basic methods of educational activities: looking at pictures, drawing, reading poetry, solving riddles, outdoor games, but, in addition, there are specific exercises that will be discussed further. It is recommended to conduct literacy classes at least once a week.

If there is a significant differentiation in the group in terms of the level of assimilation of the material, then it is advisable to use individual tasks or conduct classes in subgroups.

Features of classes with limited health in children

Speech impairment, which is observed in certain types of diseases in children, leads to inhibition of the process of mastering reading and writing skills. Such children perform tasks more slowly, often confuse similar-sounding letters, similar-sounding words. Preschoolers with such deviations need the help of a speech therapist, a psychologist, as well as increased attention from the educator and parents.

Conducting classes in a group is built in such a way that the child performs some exercises individually. But at the same time, he should not feel completely separated from the common activities. For example, you can individually work out a task in advance or offer a child with disabilities an easier riddle, giving them the opportunity to prove themselves among their peers.

Children with speech disorders receive an education comparable to the education of healthy peers, being in their environment

Parents should help the educator and speech therapist by doing some additional exercises with the child or reinforcing what they have learned in the garden. At home, you can also use interactive games, the interest in which children have is quite high.

Video: Teaching Literacy to Children with Speech Disabilities

Getting Started: Ways to Motivate Children

The beginning sets the tone for the entire session. It is necessary to make sure that the children tune in to learning new things, they were interested in it, they wanted to participate in the lesson. You can use the following tricks:

  • a poem on the topic of the lesson;
  • puzzles;
  • looking at pictures.

The teacher can start the lesson like this: “Guys, today we will figure out what a word is. You carefully listen to the lines from the poem and help me. Example of a poem:

There is a sweet word - candy, (And what other delicious words do you know?)

There is a quick word - a rocket, (And who will help here?)

There is a sour word - lemon, (What sour did you eat?)

There is a word with a window - wagon, (What is suitable?)

There is a book word - a page, (And what words refer to books?)

There is a forest word - a tit, (You probably know a lot of such words!)

There is a fluffy word - snow, (It's also easy to guess here)

There is a funny word - laughter. (And who came up with it?)

At the end, praise the children: “What good fellows we are. How many words did you remember?

If the use of riddles seems to be a good option for you, then select them so that the answers begin with one letter.

Table: examples of puzzles to start the lesson

You can finish with a game element: “Guys, you are real smart people, you solved all the riddles! All words are correct! But the question is: how are all these words similar? And now the game. I name a word. If it starts like our guesses, you clap your hands. And if not, don't clap."

In order to get the children interested, you can also distribute a set of cards to each pair of children and ask the children to put into words what they see in the pictures. The teacher asks: “What sound do all words begin with? How can you divide them into two groups? Right. Some words are short and others are long. We put pictures with short words to the left, and with long words to the right. Then the teacher checks the completed exercise.

To captivate children at the beginning of the lesson, you can use pictures.

You can use a blank - a surprise, a theatricalization of the story, start by watching a presentation or discussing an illustration. Children are happy to participate in inventing new fairy tales.

Literacy in kindergarten

Preparing an educator for literacy classes requires special scrupulousness. Incorrect presentation of the material can result in the complexity of learning in the future. Careful planning of lessons will help the teacher to avoid mistakes. The development of a plan - a lesson summary, of course, is already a sufficient stage of planning. However, now in educational institutions it is proposed to use technological maps of classes. In this document, not only all stages of the lesson are developed in detail, but the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the group are considered. This makes it possible to analyze any stage of the lesson, to identify possible shortcomings. The technological map of the lesson is a rather voluminous document, an example of development can be viewed on the website.

Forms and methods of teaching

There are three main groups of teaching methods for children, each of which is based on a certain form of thinking of the child.

  • visual methods. These include: displaying objects, pictures, illustrations; solving isographs (letters are superimposed on one another, you need to determine them) and rebuses; staging skits, watching presentations, cartoons, visiting the theater.
  • Practical methods. This group includes: performing exercises, playing techniques, modeling, designing.
  • verbal methods. Conversations, reading, drawing up stories according to a model, stories according to a plan, stories - fantasies.

When conducting classes, the teacher should use techniques so that different types of children's activities alternate, the method of obtaining information is switched: visual, tactile, auditory. Consider examples of practical techniques:

When studying letters, for better assimilation of the material, their appearance is played up in various creative tasks. Draw a letter, decorate it with different patterns, sculpt a letter, sew a dress for it, lay out a letter with beans or buttons, draw with sand, fold it from sticks, braid, receive a letter as a gift, etc.

To check the assimilation of the material with older children, verification work can be carried out.

An exercise that can be included in such work: handout with objects and studied vowel sounds. Children must connect the object and the image of the vowel that is in the word. For the first picture, draw a word scheme: how many syllables, which one is stressed.

An example of a test card for older preschoolers

Perform a sound-letter analysis of words, that is, enter the names of the objects depicted in the cards.

A handout that asks for the names of objects can be used for children who can write.

Reading children can be offered solving puzzles or games to compose words: “Who will make more new words from the letters of the word Excellent?”; "Name the words consisting of two, as the word Parovoz consists of the words Par and Voz."

Stages of teaching preschoolers to read and write

Preparation for literacy begins at the age of three. What tasks are solved in each age group?

Second junior group

This year's goals are:

  • dictionary enrichment;
  • developing the ability to pronounce words correctly and clearly;
  • the formation of the ability to distinguish sounds;
  • familiarity with the concepts of "word" and "sound".

The main forms of work: conversations, reading, memorizing poetry, games.

In classes that form sound differences, kids get acquainted with the sounds of the world around them and learn to recognize them, the concept of “sound” is introduced.

The study begins with the consideration of sounds that are very different from each other (the rustle of paper is the sound of a bell). Then they move on to close sounds (rustling of paper - rustling of leaves, you can use different bells). As a result, children should learn to distinguish between natural noises (the sound of car tires, the creak of chalk, the chirping of a sparrow).

Games used: “Tell me what it sounds” (a recording of various noises is used), “Where does the bell ring?”, “How animals growl” (children look at pictures and reproduce sounds made by animals).

In one of the classes, you can use sets of objects made of the same materials: glass, metal, plastic. First, the teacher demonstrates what kind of sound is obtained when hitting glass, metal. Then, behind the screen, he hits an object. Children must determine what it is made of.

Theatricalization of a familiar fairy tale is possible. We remember the fairy tale "Kolobok". “Rolling, rolling Kolobok along the path. And towards him ... ". Children continue: "Hare!". A child with a toy hare in his hands comes forward and stands in front of the children. We also beat the meeting with the rest of the heroes of the fairy tale. The teacher takes turns addressing the children with toys in front: “What is the name of your toy? Let's all say this together." And so for all the characters. When performing such exercises, attention is focused on the concept of "word".

An example of a lesson on the development of phonemic hearing can be viewed at the link.

middle group

This year's goals are:

  • further development and increase of the dictionary;
  • the formation of the ability to perceive the plot of the narrative, to retell;
  • memorization of poems, proverbs and sayings;
  • consolidation of the concepts of "word" and "sound", dividing the word into syllables;
  • formation of skills to determine the length of a word, highlight the first sound.

The main forms of work: conversations, reading, retelling, memorizing poems and proverbs, creative stories, games.

Video: lesson "Speech Development" in the middle group of kindergarten

Examples of suitable games:

  • Game "Remember the word". Preschoolers stand in a circle and take turns calling any noun to their neighbor. You can't repeat. If the participant does not have time to quickly remember a new word, then he leaves the game. The winner is the one who remains in the circle. In the future, this game can be complicated by giving tasks to children to select words on a topic. For example: “We go to the grocery store, you can buy whatever you want. We name only those words that are products.
  • Echo game. The kids should repeat the second part of the word in such a way to get a new one (a pie - a horn, a locomotive - a cart, etc.). Another version of the game is to name the word, discarding the first sound (yard - thief, shelter - moat, drama - frame, mole - mouth, scythe - wasp).

An exercise to determine the first sound in a word using pictures. The teacher emphasizes this sound with intonation (p-rose, p-rocket, p-cancer, p-hands) and demonstrates the image.

The teacher must clearly pronounce the initial sound "rrrr"

Then the children call other words with the same sound.

When performing exercises on dividing into syllables, we separate each syllable with a sharp sound (the ringing of a gong, the sound of a pencil, clapping hands, drumming) or the same exercises (turns, tilts, steps). Another option: toss the ball as many times as there are syllables in the word. Such exercises can be considered as a physical exercise.

The outline of the lesson on the topic "Dividing words into syllables" is presented on the website.

Senior group

The following tasks can be distinguished:

  • further development of phonemic hearing: recognition of vowels and consonants, their correct pronunciation and articulation;
  • recognition of words containing a certain sound;
  • placement of stress;
  • the ability to characterize the sound (vowel, consonant, hard or soft);
  • dividing sentences into words, highlighting interrogative and exclamatory sentences with intonation.

Toddlers need to learn how to correctly identify vowel sounds without skipping them in words. It is the exact pronunciation of vowels that determines beautiful speech. The study usually goes in order: [a], [o], [y], [i], [s], [e], [e].

In the first lesson, we highlight the vowel sound from the word. For example, [a]. The teacher names the words in which [a] is present in an open syllable, emphasizing in voice [a]: KA-A-A-SHA-A-A. Children repeat. We also pronounce similar words: MA-MA, RA-MA. We focus on articulation when pronouncing a sound.

To make it easier for children to copy articulation, you can invite them to follow themselves through small mirrors.

The teacher explains that when pronouncing the sound [a], the air is exhaled freely, without encountering obstacles. The sound is loud, loud, which is why it is called a vowel. We will mark it in red.

In the same way, we introduce children to other vowel sounds.

Vowel exercises may include the following exercises:

  • “See the sound”: the teacher silently expressively pronounces the sound, the guys call it.
  • “We call words with a certain sound” (our sound must be percussive - hands, not a hand, a cat, not a kitten).
  • “Disassemble the cards”: children choose cards with images for the sound [a] and fix them on a magnetic board.
  • The definition of a sound among other vowels a, y, and, e, o (at first, the teacher clearly pronounces sounds to himself, this is not done further).
  • Definition of sound in syllables (he, mustache, as, im, op).
  • Definition of sound in words (swing, aster, arch, Ira, gadfly).
  • Finding words in a sentence for a certain sound: "The mole and the cat rolled a hoop."

Next, we teach children to determine in which syllable of the word our sound is located: in the first lesson we look for the sound in the first syllable, in the second - in the last syllable, and only in the next - in the middle of the word. This situation can be beaten, for example, with the help of a “fun trailer”. There are as many windows in this trailer as there are syllables, with a flag we denote the window where the desired vowel sits.

After the study of vowels comes the study of consonants.

The articulation of consonant sounds (m), (n) is opposite to the articulation of vowels: air is retained either by lips or teeth

Consider a lesson with the sound [m]. The teacher says: “A young cow does not yet know how to moo for real. She only gets M-M-M. Toddlers pronounce the sound themselves, use a mirror to check articulation. Children notice that there is an obstacle in the way of air - lips. The teacher explains that when pronouncing all consonants, air meets with an obstacle. The sounds agreed that they are pronounced like that, therefore they are called consonants. They are marked in blue.

It is necessary to teach children to separate voiced and deaf consonants. The teacher explains that voiced consonant sounds are pronounced with noise and voice, and deaf ones only with noise. If you close your ears with your palms, then a voiced sound can be heard, but a deaf one cannot. Our sound [m] is sonorous.

You need to come up with a designation for sonority: a bell, a bell, a speaker. If the sound is deaf, then the symbol is crossed out.

Consonants are also divided into soft and hard. Explain to children the difference in articulation. When we speak a soft sound, the lips tense up and it looks like we are smiling a little. When pronouncing solid sounds, this is not observed. We pronounce it clearly so that the children see the movement of the lips: “Darkness, darkness, mystery, calf.”

We come up with a designation: for soft sounds - cotton wool, for hard sounds - stone.

When studying sound, the outline of the letter is given. At this age, it is still very difficult for children to memorize graphics. To achieve a good result, we perform exercises based on different types of memory of the child.

  • Tasks based on visual memory - they use images, scenes are played out.
  • Techniques designed for tactile memory - children feel the object being studied with their hands: they mold letters from dough, clay or plasticine, lay them out of small objects.
  • Using mechanical memory - kids should automatically repeat the shape of the letter: draw, trace around a stencil, cut out of paper along the contour.
  • Appeal to associative memory - we arrange a contest of stories "What does a letter look like."

Throughout the course of study, we introduced a sound designation system based on color (vowel - red, consonant - blue) and symbols (voiced - bell, soft - cotton wool, hard - stone). This technique helps in memorizing the material and in developing assignments.

An example of a task based on the introduced notation system: children must correctly connect the picture and the word scheme with lines

The path to literacy is not easy. To go through it, the child needs to show diligence and diligence. The task of adults is to support the child in his learning. It will be great if a screen appears in the group, which reflects what knowledge the children have already achieved and what remains to be mastered.

In the senior group, as part of the literacy program, classes are conducted on the analysis of the proposal. At this link, you can familiarize yourself with the summary of the GCD on the development of speech on the topic "Introduction to the proposal."

preparatory group

The following tasks can be distinguished:

  • to form the ability to analyze the text and make a proposal according to a given scheme;
  • introduce the concepts of "noun", "adjective", "verb", talk about the selection of synonyms, antonyms for words;
  • teach how to draw up a word scheme;
  • achieve reading at a speed of 30-40 words per minute;
  • teach writing words in a notebook.

Video: lesson "Literacy" in the preparatory group for teaching materials "Paths"

At the end of the year, children should be able to complete tasks of the following type:

  • Repeat the tongue twister: “Polya went to weed parsley in the field.”
  • List the items from the tongue twister (parsley, field). Name the first sound in these words (n). What is this sound? How is it indicated on the diagram?
  • How many sounds are in the word "World". Name them.
  • The word "road" is divided into syllables.
  • The proverb is written on the board: "A diligent mouse will gnaw through the board." Find the written word "mouse".
  • By the end of literacy, preschoolers should be able to pronounce words correctly, distinguish between vowels and consonants, words with similar sounds, divide words into syllables, know the composition of words and sentences, the basics of reading and writing

    With children of this age, you can conduct various types of quizzes and KVN, similar to the open event presented on the site.

    Literacy classes are held twice a week. For the younger group, 15–20 minutes, for the middle group, 20–25 minutes, for older preschoolers, 25–30 minutes.

    Long-term planning of the process of teaching literacy can be done in another way, as, for example, on this site.

    There are other methods of teaching literacy. The method of Nikolai Zaitsev ("Zaitsev's cubes") has become widespread. According to him, a child can be taught to read and write from an early age without prior preparation. The method is based on the use of special cubes with "warehouses" and wall tables.

    "Warehouse" is a special speech unit of Zaitsev's method, it is a pair of consonant - vowel, or consonant and hard or soft sign, or one letter

    The results of learning can be seen after a few months: kids read fluently without difficulty. This method is also suitable for teaching hard of hearing and visually impaired children. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that training is carried out individually and cannot be applied to work in kindergarten groups. In addition, a child who has learned to read and write using this method may have problems in elementary school due to different principles for presenting material.

    Lesson Analysis

    The result of the work of a kindergarten teacher is evaluated not only by children and their parents, but also by the public education system. The head or methodologist of an educational institution can visit any lesson with children and evaluate how effectively and efficiently it is carried out. Based on the results of the test, an analysis of the lesson is compiled. In this document:

    • the theme and purpose of the lesson are indicated, as well as the main tasks: educational, developmental, educational;
    • the methods and techniques used by the educator and how they correspond to the tasks set are determined;
    • an assessment of the activities of children is given;
    • the work of the educator during the lesson is analyzed;
    • recommendations are offered to improve the educational process.

    You can see an example of such an analysis of a lesson on the site.

    The famous Soviet physicist Pyotr Kapitsa said: “Science should be fun, exciting and simple. So must be scientists". This statement can be made the main rule when conducting literacy classes in kindergarten.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

1. Goals, objectives and content of teaching literacy to preschoolers.

In modern preschool psychology, the conditions for successful learning of a child are determined, which include the presence of appropriate motives for learning, as well as arbitrarily controlled behavior that ensures the implementation of these motives. The underdevelopment of purposeful activity is associated with impaired development of the emotional-volitional sphere, mental infantilism. It is the arbitrary management of activities that is necessary for the learning process. In this regard, during the period of preschool education, an important task is to develop children's interest in learning, the development of positive motives for learning, the formation of moral and volitional readiness for learning.

Literacy education in kindergarten has two goals:

  1. To form in children the necessary readiness for learning to read and write.
  2. Teach children to read and write.

Among the prerequisites important for mastering literacy is the child's awareness of speech reality and its elements: sounds, words. Awareness of linguistic reality is of great importance for the mental development of the individual as a whole, ensures the high efficiency of speech development and the success of the subsequent systematic study of the course of the native language. Awareness of speech reality, language generalizations (verbal and sound composition of speech) occurs in the process of practical mastery of various language systems by the child already at preschool age. This takes into account the increased interest of children 4-5 years old in the sound side of the language. The fifth year of a child's life is the period of the highest "linguistic talent", a special susceptibility to the sound side of speech. The reader operates with the sound side of the language, and reading is the process of recreating the sound form of a word according to its graphic (letter) model. Hence the need for preliminary acquaintance of children with the sounds of their native language.

Literacy begins not when they try to make a child remember a letter, but when they say to him: “Listen to how the titmouse sings!”.

The child is taught to divide words into syllables, using different schemes as a visual support. According to sound analysis, special work is carried out: with the help of intonation, each sound in a word is distinguished. For example: prolonged pronunciation of vowels, sonorous or hissing sounds, loud, emphasized pronunciation of labial, explosive sounds. In such cases, exaggerated articulation performs an indicative function - the child, pronouncing the word, as if exploring its composition. The scheme of the sound composition of a word during sound analysis is replaced by chips - substitutes for letters. At the same time, children in practical terms learn the terms: sound, syllable, word, sentence, preposition, differentiate sounds according to hardness - softness, deafness - sonority. Children add syllables, words, sentences from the letters of the split alphabet following the traces of sound analysis. The skill of folding and reading syllables and words is fixed daily.

All exercises are carried out in a playful, entertaining form with elements of competition, since game techniques and didactic games are the specifics of teaching preschoolers.

Children learn by the number of claps or by a given syllable to come up with a word, select pictures whose names have a given sound or syllable. As you get to know the letters, they fit into the scheme of the word. Children learn that a syllable contains one vowel sound, there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds. Much attention is paid to exercises for transforming words by replacing, rearranging, adding sounds. It emphasizes the need for meaningful reading. Children take words of various syllabic composition and words with a confluence of consonants for sound-letter analysis. Children learn to insert missing letters, read syllables, make words from them, read them together, explaining the meaning of what they read. They also learn to divide a sentence into words, determine the number, order of words in a sentence, highlight a preposition.

Primary literacy training includes:

  1. Formation of methods of mental activity: the ability to observe, compare, generalize. At the same time, literacy training itself is of a developmental nature, contributes to the development of active mental activity.
  2. Clarification and enrichment of vocabulary with a clarification of ideas about the world around.
  3. The development of connected speech. The formation and improvement of purposeful and coherent statements, the exact use of words, the grammatical correctness of sentence construction, intelligibility, expressiveness.
  4. Education of the ability to focus on the system of rules necessary for educational work.
  5. Improvement of sensory experience in the field of the native language (development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis).
  6. Formation of syllabic reading and writing skills.

The objectives of preparing children for literacy:

1. Formation of focus on the sound side of speech:

  • development of the ability to listen to the word;
  • highlight sounds;
  • distinguish sounds that are close in sound.

2. Development of skills to navigate in the sound composition of the word:

  • select sounds sequentially;
  • establish their place in the word;

3. Activation of oral speech of children. Make the word and sentence the subject of their attention, teach how to change and form new words, observe, compare and generalize the phenomena of the language.

Conducting classes with the use of visual aids and playing techniques makes it possible to maintain working capacity for 30 minutes even in children with unstable attention and a rapidly depleted nervous system. The program material is assimilated easier and faster, the vocabulary expands, the syllable-sound analysis and synthesis, the features of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech are more firmly acquired, and the independence of thinking is activated.

2. Modern requirements for literacy classes.

The methodology for conducting frontal classes involves an integrated approach in combination with visual and game techniques. During the lesson, the basic principle of education is realized - the principle of observing the triune task: education, development, training.

Development is carried out in the main areas:

  • development of sensory and motor functions;
  • development of mimic muscles;
  • development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, perception, attention, orientation in space and time);
  • development of the emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activities;
  • the formation of traits of a harmonious personality.

Classes are focused on the mental security of the child, his comfort and the need for emotional communication with the teacher.

A variety of classes are offered: a game, a lesson - a performance, children - teachers.

Literary characters, special panels, stories of fairy tales, elements of story-didactic games, story and landscape paintings are used.

Such a construction of classes allows you to achieve sustained attention and maintain interest throughout the lesson. The plot-thematic organization of classes and the variety of educational material contribute to the spontaneous development of coherent speech, cognitive processes and correspond to children's psychophysical data, since the potentialities of children are realized to the maximum in the game. Classes are aimed at the inclusion in the work of all analyzer systems.

The lesson plan includes:

  1. Organizing moment with elements of relaxation, psycho-gymnastics and psycho-physical exercises.
  2. Mimic, breathing, vocal and physical exercises.
  3. At each lesson, work is carried out on the assimilation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
  4. Physical minutes carry a speech load.
  5. Tasks for the word creation of children.
  6. Tasks for the correction of mental functions.

The complex - game method of organizing frontal classes makes it possible to achieve a positive result in working with children. The material is easier to assimilate within the framework of the plot of a fairy tale, travel, adventure, game, or one lexical topic. Children, while playing, comprehend the concept of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”, “preposition”, “letter”, fix the correct pronunciation of sounds in proverbs and sayings, participate in composing fairy tales, poems, tongue-twisters.

Some options for organizing classes using:

  • stories of fairy tales;
  • elements of folklore;
  • imaginary journeys, excursions, trips, adventures;
  • literary characters;
  • known and invented games;
  • elements of plot-didactic games;
  • plot and landscape paintings;
  • specially made manuals, drawings, panels;
  • desktop printed games;
  • stories and cartoon characters.

Classes include tasks for the development of language analysis and synthesis, preparation for teaching literacy, lexical and grammatical tasks, physical pauses, voice, breathing exercises, imitation of movements and actions, creative tasks, word creation, games and exercises for the development of cognitive processes, poems, dialogues.

A more detailed presentation of the options for organizing plot-thematic frontal classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Target: introduction to the topic of the lesson, creating a positive attitude towards learning, awakening interest in learning new sounds, as well as correction of psychophysical functions. The main task of the teacher is to include children in the work from the first minutes of the lesson. Ogrmoments are held in different versions, but in any case it is useful to include relaxation, mimic and imitating exercises.

For example, a lesson based on the plot “A walk in the forest” (sound L) begins with a riddle: “The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens, when does this happen?” Imagine that it's summer. Raise your hands to the sun, turn your face. You are warm and pleasant (relaxation). The sun hid. Squeeze into a ball - cold (tension). The sun is shining again (relaxation).

Psychogymnastics promotes the emancipation of children, the manifestation of their "I", the development of imagination, overcoming motor awkwardness.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

Usually exhibit toys, planar figures.

For example, in the lesson “Our friends - Brownie and Brownie” (sounds D, DL), the topic is reported as follows: Today the mischievous Brownie and grandfather Brownie came to us. Where can they live? What was the first sound you heard in the words: house, Brownie? Today we will study the sounds “D”, “D” together with them.

At the lesson “Trip to Prostokvashino” (sounds P, Pb), children talk on the phone with the cat Matroskin: Today we will go to Prostokvashino to Uncle Fedor, the cat Matroskin, Sharik and repeat the sounds “P”, “Pb”.

The playful form of reporting the topic not only arouses interest in the lesson, but also achieves the main thing for this stage - the attention of children is directed to the sound being studied, to the perception of new and repetition of the sounds passed.

3. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic features.

At this stage, the following tasks are being implemented:

  • clarification of articulation - the position of the lips, tongue and teeth when pronouncing the sound being studied;
  • the “profile” of the sound is shown in the figure;
  • the acoustic signs of sounds are specified: the voice sleeps or does not sleep (voiced and voiced sounds), the sound is sung or not sung (vowels and consonants);
  • a figurative comparison of sound is found (p - the growl of a tiger, l - a spring drop);
  • sounds are indicated by colored symbols;
  • their place in the sound-letter city (in the Blue, Green or Red country) is determined.

4. Pronunciation of sounds in syllabic combinations and words.

The main task is the development of auditory-speech memory and phonemic perception, facial expressions and prosodic components of speech (rhythm, stress, intonation). The pronunciation of syllabic rows is usually combined with the development of intonational expressiveness and facial expressions.

For example, the consonants С, Ш decided to make a trip. We will go with them and learn how to pronounce them correctly and distinguish these sounds. They approached the Red Castle. What sounds live here? Vowels. Let's make them friends. The sound C made friends with the sound A, what was the syllable? .. Listen to how the syllables talk to each other:

sa-sha-sa-sha - hello,

so-sho-so-sho - they are surprised

su-shu-su-shu - angry,

sy-shi-sy-shi - say goodbye.

5. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

At this stage, the following tasks are solved:

  • development of phonemic perception and phonemic representations;
  • clarification and expansion of vocabulary;
  • mastering the grammatical categories of inflection and word formation, understanding the meaning and polysemy of words;
  • development of auditory attention and visual memory;
  • mastery of simple and complex types of syllable-sound analysis and synthesis.

To solve this problem, the principle of selecting speech and visual material is important. The first selection criterion is determined by the theme and plot of the lesson. The second is the task at hand.

In the work to enrich the dictionary and develop phonemic perception, objects, toys, pictures are necessarily exhibited.

The use of words in one lesson that includes one or more generic groups (birds, animals, dishes ...) contributes to the development of logical memory. And the use of words saturated with one studied sound (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end) develops sound flair.

In parallel, work is underway to master the grammatical categories of the language. Questions are posed in such a way that children can repeat the word in different cases, in units. and many others. number, in present and past tense, with different prefixes.

Word games contribute to the development of auditory attention: “The sound is lost”, as well as tasks for restoring words with rearranged sounds, guessing words by the first or last sound, syllable and restoring missing syllables.

Visual memory and attention develop well in the games “What has changed?”, “Who hid?”, “Who flew away?”.

Language analysis and synthesis is a complex mental work that is carried out in every lesson. Assignments are introduced in different parts of the lesson - where it will cause the greatest interest in children. Sometimes these tasks are given in the middle of the lesson, or sound-letter analysis and synthesis exercises are given in the final part. Of particular interest are tasks in which scattered sounds are collected. Drawing up schemes alternates with the selection of words for the scheme. At later stages, children guess crosswords and puzzles. It is important to teach children to independently ask questions about sounds, syllables and words.

6. Physical Minute.

The physical minute is closely related to the topic of the lesson and is a transitional moment to the next part of the lesson.

The main tasks of the physical minute are:

  • relieving fatigue and stress;
  • making an emotional charge;
  • improvement of general motor skills;
  • development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

Music and rhythmic movements relieve fatigue well and have a beneficial effect on the mood of children. Various forms of physical minutes are offered:

  • mobile game;
  • imitation of labor actions;
  • pronunciation of tongue twisters, accompanied by actions;
  • physical minutes in the form of psychophysical gymnastics, when children depict different animals with facial expressions, gestures and movements.

It is desirable to associate music for physical minutes with the topic of the lesson.

7. Work on the proposal.

The successful mastering by children of the patterns of the necessary connections of words in a sentence is facilitated by preliminary work on phrases (coordination of adjectives with nouns, formation of relative adjectives, their coordination with nouns, etc.)

The assimilation of patterns in establishing the necessary connections of words in phrases is the basis for the formation of lexical and grammatical structures of sentences.

At this stage of the lesson, the following tasks are solved:

  • the establishment of lexical and grammatical relations between the members of the sentence;
  • updating the accumulated dictionary;
  • formation of coherence and clarity of the statement;
  • work on a sentence as a means of developing thought processes, in particular, inferences;
  • analysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of the sentence as a means of preventing dysgraphia.

The methods of working on a proposal are varied, but in any case, it must be remembered that tasks must comply with the basic rule - from simple to complex. At the initial stage, these are answers to the questions asked based on pictures. Then the tasks become more difficult: children are offered tasks to restore the deformed text of the sentence. The development of thinking is facilitated by tasks in which children are asked to make sentences from a set of words connected by a situational chain (hare, bush, sit, under).

The creation of a lively and creative environment is facilitated by tasks in which semantic errors need to be corrected (winter has come, buds have blossomed on the trees). “Give me an answer quickly, does it happen or not?”. The same principle is used in correcting “useful” advice: “Iron the linen with a frying pan” ... Questions such as “What will you do if ...” A prerequisite at this stage is a logical and playful connection with the plot classes.

In parallel with the assimilation of lexical-syntactic relations between the members of the sentence, work should be carried out on the analysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of the sentence. In this case, stripes are usually used to indicate words, sketches are made of diagrams in notebooks.

8. Pronunciation of sound in connected speech.

The main task of this stage:

  • improving the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds in connected speech, i.e. bringing pronunciation to automatism.

Along the way, other tasks are also solved:

  • development of imagination and creative fantasy;
  • development of word creation;
  • development of melodic intonation and prosodic components.

A prerequisite for tasks at this stage is the semantic and playful connection with the topic of the lesson and the tasks of the previous stage.

The methods of the main and accompanying tasks are diverse: tongue-twisters, dialogues, poems, saturated with the studied sound, accessible, entertaining, diverse in intonation characteristics.

Tasks for compiling or negotiating tongue twisters and poems contribute to the development of rhythm, rhyme: retelling of fairy tales, theatricalization, creativity in the development of the plot of the lesson, inventing dialogues, questions.

9. Teaching the elements of literacy.

This is the final stage of the training, providing for the solution of the following tasks:

  • introduce the letter that denotes the sound being studied;
  • learn to read a letter, syllables, words;
  • learn to write in block letters syllables, words.

When solving the first two problems, it is necessary to associate the sound (phonetic) image of sound with the visual (graphic) image. This is possible only when children clearly understand that the main difference between a sound and a letter is that we pronounce and hear the sound, and we see, read and write the letter.

Acquaintance with the letter begins with the fact that the children are shown capital and lowercase printed letters. Children look for it at the box office, feel the plastic letter with their fingers, circle it, shade it. Lowercase and uppercase letters are compared. Similarities and differences are noted. Determines what the letter looks like. The visual image of the letter is created:

“Here is the letter“ C ”
With a claw at the end.
Like a cat's paw."

For a more solid and figurative memorization of a letter, a technique is used in which the elements of the letter are in geometric shapes superimposed on each other. Children depict letters with fingers, sticks, natural material, depict letters with a pose.

Syllables are read, words with only learned letters: from simple at the beginning of the school year to more complex at the end.

Be sure to work with the split alphabet so that the children form a conscious perception of the composed syllables and words.

A wide variety of game techniques are used: insert the missing letter, the letters (syllables) are mixed up, replace one letter with another, what word did you get? More complex tasks: crossword puzzles, rebuses, games “Star hour”, “Field of miracles”.

As reading is mastered, assignments are given at any stage of the lesson.

The most acceptable form of organizing classes is a game.

Writing in block letters requires compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom and at home.

10. Summary of the lesson.

The result is summed up, i.e. performance is determined. Only positive emotional evaluation is given. The activity of each child is noted. Find out what you liked, what you would like to know next time.

At the end of the lesson, children may be in for a surprise.

The main thing: the lesson from beginning to end should be kind.

The structure of thematic frontal literacy classes

1. Organizational moment.

The purpose of the organizational moment: to introduce classes into the topic, create a positive attitude towards learning, arouse interest in learning new sounds, and also carry out correction of psychophysical functions. The main task of the teacher is to include children in the work from the first minutes of the lesson. Organizational moments are carried out in different ways, but in any case it is useful to include relaxation, mimic and imitating exercises. For example, a lesson based on the story “Walking in the Forest” begins with a riddle: “The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens, when does this happen? “Imagine that it is summer. Raise your hands to the sun, turn your face. You are warm and pleasant (relaxation). The sun hid. Squeeze into a ball - cold (tension). The sun shone again (relaxation).

2. Repetition of the material covered.

Purpose: to update the knowledge of children.

Repetition is carried out in a playful way, for example, a ball game. These can be games to distinguish between the concepts of “sound” - “word”, “vowel sound” - “consonant sound”, recalling words with a given sound, etc.

3. Post a new topic.

Purpose: to direct the attention of children to the sound being studied, to the perception of new and repetition of the passed sounds.

In a playful way, through a problem situation, children under the guidance of a teacher determine a new sound.

4. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic features.

Purpose: to train children to analyze sounds according to acoustic and articulatory features.

At this stage, the following tasks are being implemented:

  • - clarification of articulation - the position of the lips, tongue and teeth when pronouncing the sound being studied;
  • - acoustic signs of sounds are specified: vowel - consonant, soft consonant - hard, voiced - deaf;
  • - Sounds are indicated by colored symbols.

5. Consolidation of new material.

Purpose: to develop phonemic processes, improve the skill of sound analysis.

Children are offered games to select a sound from a number of sounds, syllables, words, sentences; determining the first and last sound in words, determining the position of a sound in a word, naming words for a given sound, selecting pictures with a given sound, differentiating soft and hard consonants. The sound analysis of the word is first performed jointly with the teacher, then independently by the children, then it is possible to offer words to match the given scheme.

6. Physical Minute.

The physical minute is closely related to the topic of the lesson and is a transitional moment to the next part of the lesson. The main tasks of the physical minute are:

  • - in relieving stress fatigue;
  • - in making an emotional charge;
  • - in the improvement of general motor skills;
  • - in the development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

7. Acquaintance with the letter.

Purpose: to determine the relationship of sound with its graphic image.

Acquaintance with the letter begins with the fact that the children are shown capital and lowercase printed letters. Children look for it at the box office, feel the plastic letter with their fingers, circle it, shade it. Lowercase and uppercase letters are compared. Similarities and differences are noted. Determines what the letter looks like. You can offer to sculpt a letter from plasticine, lay out from buttons, sticks, cereals, draw a letter on semolina, show the letter with your hands, body.

8. Formation of reading and typing skills.

Purpose: to improve the skill of syllabic reading.

Syllables are read, words with only learned letters: from simple at the beginning of the school year to more complex at the end.

Be sure to work with the split alphabet so that the children form a conscious perception of the syllables and words being composed.

A wide variety of game techniques are used: insert the missing letter, the letters (syllables) are mixed up, replace one letter with another, what word did you get?

9. The lesson is summed up.

The teacher asks the children what they learned new in the lesson, what games they played, what was difficult, who completed the tasks more successfully, etc.

Natalya Marushkina

Dear Colleagues. I bring to your attention SELF-ANALYSIS GCD "GREETING CARD", the abstract of which was published earlier.

Subject- Greeting card.

The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, on the basis of the tasks of the main general educational program, corresponding to the age of the children.

This directly educational activity was carried out with children of senior preschool age of 6-7 years.

In directly educational activity, the main educational area "cognition" was in integration with the educational areas: "communication", "socialization".

Target (for children): Help Cheburashka send a postcard to Gena the crocodile.

Target (for teacher)- Create conditions for children to get acquainted with the graphic image of the letter G.



Improving the ability to perform sound analysis of words using a mixed model.

Repetition of the iotized function of vowels.

Working with a sentence: analysis, repetition of writing rules, graphic notation.

Introduction to the letter G.

Mastering the syllabic way of reading.


Develop logical thinking, attention, ingenuity;

Develop the grammatical structure of speech.


Cultivate initiative, independence, activity;

To cultivate the ability to work in a team, the desire to help a friend;

To cultivate the ability to listen to the answer of a friend, to form the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Organization of children:- group, subgroup, individual.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with the sound composition of the word, writing vowels and some consonants.

Acquaintance with the rules for writing vowels after consonants, the iotized function of vowels.

Proposal work,

Games for the development of phonemic hearing.

In this GCD, I tried to use the partnership form of organization, which includes:

An adult is a partner, next to the children (together, in a circle

Children allowed

Allowed free movement of children in the course of activities

Allowed free communication of children (working hum)

Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, cognitive - research.

I used individual, subgroup and frontal form of organization of children. I tried to rely on the experience acquired by children earlier to achieve the goal and obtain new information. The children had to complete some tasks to get to the wise owl, who introduced them to the new letter. All this corresponds to developing directly educational activity.

During the GCD, a variety of methods and techniques were involved:

practical: experience, exercise, independent work;

visual: observation, demonstration;

verbal: conversation, explanation;

game: didactic game, imaginary situation in expanded form.

To motivate the children, a character was used - Cheburashka, who needed help solving the problem of writing a letter.

All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas of "cognition" were integrated into the lesson: the children conducted a sound-letter analysis of the word,

worked with a proposal

determined the iotized function of letters,

"Communication": children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; "Socialization": independently found a way out of the situation, asked for help, expressed goodwill, empathized.

Receptions at the lesson were of a playful nature.

At the end of the lesson, each child expressed his attitude to the activity carried out by placing a smiley of the corresponding mood on the board.

During the lesson, all hygienic requirements for the organization of space, selection, manufacture and placement of equipment and materials were observed.

When preparing this OD, the main task I set for myself was “Show the possibilities of using an interactive whiteboard”, which was required for an open lesson. Therefore, I tried to use the ID to solve almost all the tasks of the GCD. One of the proposed exercises can be included in everyday activities, which will also arouse the interest of children, allow you to diversify methods and techniques, and increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on teaching literacy and mathematics in the preparatory group Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Physical development",.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sounds [t], [t ']" Topic: Sounds [t], [t] (reinforcement) Tasks: - consolidate knowledge about sounds [t], [t]; - to form the ability of pupils to differentiate.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sound [Y] and letter Y" Educational tasks: 1. To consolidate the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, using visual modeling; 2. Introduce the letter.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory speech therapy group Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory speech therapy group Prepared and conducted by a teacher - speech therapist Olkhovik Valentina.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory speech therapy group "Treasures" Objectives: Repetition of vowels A, O, U, I, S, E. Acquaintance with the concept of a word - an object. A treasure is hidden in the chest. To get it, you need.

Victoria Spiridonova
Self-analysis of a lesson in preparing children for learning to read and write.

Self-assessment of the literacy preparation session

in the preparatory speech therapy group

on the topic "Sound and letter Sh"

This lesson is devoted to fixing the sound Ш and getting acquainted with the letter Ш. The educational material meets the requirements of the state program of T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina for children with ONR in a special kindergarten. It is planned in accordance with the 2nd period of study and a long-term plan. The structure of the lesson meets the developmental tasks of training, education and correction. It is organically connected with and builds on the previous lessons and is a preparatory to the next topic.

When developing the outline of the lesson, I, first of all, took into account the peculiarities of the mental development of children of older preschool age and the individual capabilities of each child.

In the preparatory group, 20 children are engaged with a speech therapist. Of these, 9 children have a speech conclusion of OHP level 3, 6 children have dysarthria of varying degrees of complexity and OHP 3 levels of dysarthria syndrome, and 2 children have OHP levels 2-3.

Considering all this, I outlined the goal, objectives, content of the lesson, determined the form of conduct, methods, techniques and means necessary to obtain a positive result.

Target: consolidate knowledge about the sound Sh and introduce the letter Sh;

Tasks: correctional and educational:

give children a concept of the mechanism of sound formation Ш;


to automate the sound Ш in words, syllables and sentences in children;

develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills;

develop phonemic hearing and perception;

develop the ability to distinguish the first sounds in words and form a word from them;

develop the skills of sound-letter parsing of words;

to form self-control over speech in children through oral, tactile-vibrational and acoustic control;


to cultivate interest in the lesson, the ability to listen to each other and the teacher.

During the lesson, great importance was attached to the observance of the fundamental didactic principles (accessibility of the proposed material, visibility, individual approach, etc.) and special provisions developed in speech therapy (the principle of development, the principle of a systematic approach, the principle of communication of speech with other aspects of mental development).

The training was based on the development of cognitive activity in connection with active observation. The process of mastering the phonetic system of the language by children was given a conscious character. Conscious control over one's own kinesthetic and auditory sensations at all stages of the lesson was combined with the development of phonemic perception. I consider it effective to use the method of correction with the help of conjugated movements.

Conscious sound analysis, understanding the specific lexical meaning of a word - on the one hand, the ability to listen to the sound of words, attention to changes in its individual elements - on the other hand, allows children to be qualitatively prepared for literacy.

To obtain better results in the activities of children, a presentation was prepared according to the author's abstract. At the lesson, she built learning as an exciting problem-playing activity. Having got acquainted with the bumblebee, the children performed various tasks with him. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased the children's speech activity and retained interest throughout the lesson.

During the lesson, she used visual, verbal and practical methods aimed at the use of speech skills and abilities and their improvement.

The proposed tasks were given in order of increasing complexity: first, the children determined the presence of the sound Ш in words, then determined the place of the sound Ш in words (beginning, middle, end, corrected the teacher’s speech errors, read syllables with the sound Ш, performed sound-letter analysis of words (noise, machine ) and made up a word from the first sounds of given words.

All stages of the lesson were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to a given topic and objectives of the lesson.

Changing the types of activities at each stage of the lesson made it possible to prevent fatigue and satiety with any one type of activity. Children dynamically switched from word games to finger games and tasks in notebooks. The lesson also included a musical physical exercise "Friends", which reflected the educational task of the lesson.

At all stages of the lesson, the speech activity of children was activated. Encouraging children to be active, I also paid attention to the peculiarities of speech and mental development. So, for example, she often encouraged indecisive and shy children to speak, as well as those with whom intensive individual work is being carried out. She created a situation of success for each child and the entire group as a whole, both in personal assessment and from a third party.

During the lesson, she monitored the intelligibility and expressiveness of the children's speech, carried out a differentiated approach to teaching. She took into account the interests and abilities of the children as much as possible, varied the tasks and their dosage. She assisted children in completing tasks and exercises in various forms - hints on slides, leading questions.

I practiced group answers, they relieve tension and activate insecure children.

Analyzing the activities of children in the classroom, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity, emotionally reacted to the methods of activation of activities, used their knowledge and skills. They were interested, attentive, organized.

I think the session was successful. The selected teaching methods provided motivation for activities, organization of children to achieve the goals, helped to generalize and consolidate the knowledge gained. Correctional and developmental tasks were completed almost in full and the goal was achieved.

Related publications:

Abstract of a lesson in preparation for teaching literacy in the middle group "Journey to the country of sounds and words" The course of the lesson: “Become more likely in a circle. You are my friend and I am your friend! Hold hands tight and smile at each other! How beautifully you smile.