Brick siding: features of the material and technology for performing the work. Brick siding: photo and price, video instructions for do-it-yourself installation Houses with exterior finishing brick siding

Brick siding: features of the material and technology for performing the work.  Brick siding: photo and price, video instructions for do-it-yourself installation Houses with exterior finishing brick siding
Brick siding: features of the material and technology for performing the work. Brick siding: photo and price, video instructions for do-it-yourself installation Houses with exterior finishing brick siding

Every day more and more new materials appear on the construction market, the manufacturers of which talk about their uniqueness and best performance characteristics. How fair is this and can brick siding replace traditional brickwork?


Most people subconsciously associate a brick house with reliability and monumentality. By choosing one or another type of material, it is possible to create objects that differ in style. However, such buildings always look respectable and demonstrate the good taste and status of the owner.

Among the disadvantages of brick structures is the heavy weight of the walls. This requires the preparation of a solid foundation, which requires significant financial costs, increased installation time and increased labor intensity of the process. Finally, it is not possible to build a heavy monolithic foundation on every type of soil. You can get a functional, durable and attractive building only by following brick laying technology. Not every ordinary homeowner has sufficient skills and knowledge for this, so it is more advisable to involve professional masons in the work. This again results in an increase in the estimate.

Finally, it is worth noting the high cost of bricks, as well as the fairly high consumption of concrete mortar, which also complicates the installation process and increases its cost.

Brick siding allows you to get a similar effect to a brick house with a significant reduction in material costs and simplification of construction work. Siding refers to rectangular panels that are used for external cladding of facades. To fasten these panels, fasteners are used - self-tapping screws. The siding profiles themselves are attached to a wooden or metal sheathing pre-installed along the outer walls of the house.

Siding can be made of various materials, and can also imitate a variety of surfaces - brick, wood, stone finishes. Thanks to modern technological advances, it is possible to achieve maximum imitation - not only at the visual level, but also at the level of tactile sensations that occur when touching the material. Not everyone can detect an imitation even at close range.

The advantage of siding panels is their light weight. Depending on the material, 1 m2 accounts for 5-25 kg of weight. This allows you to sheathe even light frame or wooden buildings, as well as slightly heavier foam and aerated concrete houses built on lightweight foundations. The latter, by the way, does not need additional strengthening.

Brick itself, as you know, is a fairly cold material, so in such a house it is necessary to think about powerful insulation. At the same time, many homeowners do not want to cover the attractive walls of a brick house, so they have to look for “roundabout” ways to increase thermal efficiency. The siding is attached using ventilated installation technology, so insulation is laid between the panels and the walls of the house. By varying this air gap, you can select the thickness of the insulation required for thermal insulation. It is worth noting that the ventilated facade technology itself helps to increase heat in the room.

Finally, siding has a much lower cost. The reduction in costs is also due to easier transportation of the material and the ability to do the work yourself, even without being a professional builder.


Depending on the type of material used, the following types of siding are distinguished:

  • Vinyl. It is made by pouring molten polyvinyl chloride into special molds, the surface of which has a brick pattern. The result is lightweight panels that most accurately imitate brickwork. The advantages of the material include its light weight (easy to transport, store, can be installed even alone), and affordability. The material is resistant to UV rays, is not afraid of precipitation, high temperatures, as well as their sudden changes, and is bioresistant (mold and mildew do not appear on the surface, it does not attract rodents).

It is worth noting that facing vinyl siding is completely harmless from an environmental point of view and is suitable for finishing residential buildings. The disadvantage is the low fire hazard of the material; depending on the characteristics of the type, it belongs to the fire resistance class G1-G4 (low-flammable-highly flammable).

Despite the fairly high cost, under strong mechanical stress, such as an impact, the surface of the material can crack and even break. In this regard, some homeowners refuse to use vinyl panels in the basement of the building, at the first floor level.

  • Metal. Metal siding is a metal-based panel with a reliable anti-corrosion coating. This makes it possible to neutralize one of the main disadvantages of the metal - its tendency to corrosion and the resulting decrease in the quality and durability of the material. The production of profiles can be carried out by cold rolling or stamping, but in any case galvanizing of the surface is mandatory. This “iron” siding has a little more weight than plastic, but is considered the same lightweight material and does not require strengthening the foundation. It is fire retardant, environmentally friendly, weather resistant and durable. Where vinyl siding cracks due to an impact, there may be no traces of impact on the surface of the metal or there may be an inconspicuous dent left.

The cost of metal panels is higher than the price of vinyl, but they have a longer service life and increased strength characteristics.

  • Fiber cement. Fiber cement siding is based on a mixture of cellulose pulp, cement and special additives that increase the performance characteristics of cement. Thanks to this composition and manufacturing features, a material that is as strong as concrete, but much lighter and warmer, imitating a brick surface is obtained. Siding based on fiber cement is resistant to the negative effects of natural factors, reliable and resistant to mechanical stress. They also produce insulated siding, which greatly simplifies and speeds up installation. The large weight also makes installation more labor-intensive—several people are required for the job. The cost of the material is also higher than the types of siding considered, but at the same time it is more durable and has a longer service life. Fiber cement-based panels are often used to finish the base, which is more vulnerable to damage.

Fiber cement siding is much heavier than vinyl and metal siding, so it is not suitable for every type of home. As a rule, it cannot be mounted on “frameworks” and old houses.

  • Bituminous. Appeared relatively recently, it is a soft material that is pressed onto a continuous sheathing. Its texture is somewhat similar to soft roofing tiles. The main advantage is ease of use, especially on complex configurations (semicircular, for example) facades. There is no specific GOST regulating the size of siding. Each manufacturer produces products in their own dimensional versions, but most of them are the same or very close. On average, the size of the panels is 100x50 cm, there are changes up or down. The standard height of decorative siding is 3.4 m.

Depending on the installation location and purpose, wall and plinth panels are distinguished. The second ones are intended for installation in the lower part of the building between the foundation and the facade - in the basement area. They are thicker and stronger, have the shape of rectangles (usually the height of the panel is equal to the height of the base), convenient for work.


Real modern brick has many modifications, differing in color, texture, and dimensions. However, high-quality imitation in its diversity is in no way inferior to the original. If we talk about colors, the most popular are the typical brick shades of panels - burnt brick, red, yellow, sand, white. Exclusive facade siding can imitate bricks in the shade of agate, malachite, granite.

Among the most common “brick” siding textures, smooth and textured products are distinguished. The first is optimal for a log house, and also as a background for textured surfaces. The latter have grooves on the surface and an original pattern. A variety of textured ones can be considered profiles that imitate shotcrete brick. Mineral chips are applied to its front side, resulting in an original texture that shimmers in the sun.

Houses covered with siding imitating glazed clinker brick look attractive and elegant. To create a certain style, you can use panels that resemble the surface of an Antique brick. These are artificially aged products.


Facade cladding begins with calculating the required amount of material and preparing the external walls. To calculate the material, there are many formulas, as well as online calculators that will make the necessary calculations.

In general, you can find out how many panels will be needed by calculating the area of ​​the facade(multiply the length of the wall by the width, add up the areas of all the walls). Knowing the width and height of the siding, you can calculate how many panels will be required. It should be taken into account that window and door openings are not finished (we subtract their area from the total value), in some places the siding will have to be cut (we add “pieces” to the total number of panels). Siding should always be purchased with a small reserve: for objects of a simple configuration it is 7-10% of the total amount of material, for houses of complex shapes - 15%.

Facade preparation includes removing the old coating (if possible) and removing communication elements. Large cracks and damage are eliminated, crumbling areas are reinforced. There is no need to carefully level out small differences in height, or eliminate minor imperfections; they will be hidden under the hanging system. This, by the way, is another advantage of siding.

The future subsystem is marked on the prepared surface in accordance with the drawing. Upon completion of this stage of work, you should once again check the accuracy of the horizontal and vertical lines, after which you can begin installing the sheathing.

Lathings can be represented by metal profiles or wooden logs. The bearing capacity of the former is higher and they are more durable. The wooden subsystem is only suitable for wooden walls and can be mounted on small one-story houses. Metal profiles must have an anti-corrosion coating, wooden logs must be impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants. Fastening is carried out on brackets.

An important point is that the calculation of the facade area should be carried out taking into account the sheathing, since it increases the width of the walls by 4-10 cm in each direction.

Siding is attached to the prepared sheathing using self-tapping screws. The panels have a locking fastening, so installation is reminiscent of assembling a construction set. You should start from some corner, gradually moving along the walls. To decorate corners, openings and other complex elements of the house, you can use additional elements in the form of ready-made corners, platbands, etc.

In the harsh domestic climate, a layer of insulation is usually laid under the siding panels. In this case, after installing the sheathing, insulation is laid between its profiles. Its thickness is calculated based on the thermal conductivity of the wall material and climatic conditions.

The width of the insulation should correspond to the pitch of the sheathing. In this case, great attention should be paid to the junction of the thermal insulation material and the sheathing, since if the gap is maintained, cold bridges will form in this place.

Basalt wool or polystyrene foam is used as insulation (it is preferable to choose its extruded version). A layer of windproof membrane is applied on top of the insulation (it is also vapor permeable and at the same time moisture resistant). It is important to seal all joints of the membrane film with tape.

The layers of insulation and windproof film are connected to each other by a single dowel, which fixes them to the wall.

Umbrella type fasteners are used. For one sheet of insulation, 3-4 dowels are enough, one of which must be located in the center of the sheet.

After this, the siding is installed using the method described above. An air space of 3-5 cm wide must be maintained between it and the surface of the insulation. When installing vinyl siding, it should be taken into account that the material contracts and expands when temperatures change, so it is laid with small gaps to avoid possible deformation of the material.

Despite the ease of installation of the panels, it is better to work with assistants. Installing 10-foot siding alone is not easy.

Manufacturers Among the manufacturers of brick siding panels, the companies have won the trust of buyers in many countries around the world Foundry (USA) and Docke

. The material we are interested in is represented by vinyl panels that are not only of the highest quality, but also as realistic as possible. American products have additional coatings, due to which their fire safety class is G1 (do not spread flame, do not support combustion).

A distinctive feature of these materials is also their dimensions, which are 150x25 cm (the standard size of plastic panels is 100x50 cm), which makes them more resistant to gusts of strong and even hurricane winds. If we talk about brick basement siding, the American one is considered the world leader.. As you know, the base experiences increased mechanical loads and negative environmental influences, and therefore must be durable, moisture-resistant, and resistant to environmental influences. In all these parameters, as well as the realistic appearance, the products of this brand are noticeably superior to domestic analogues on the market.

Among Russian manufacturers, it deserves attention trademark "Alta-profile", whose main activity is the production of decorative panels for brick and stone. In this, the company has achieved great success - the quality of the material meets European requirements, but at the same time it is adapted for use in domestic conditions.

Another reputable brand that receives mostly positive customer reviews is domestic company "Dolomite". From the name it is clear that the basis of production is panels that imitate stone surfaces (dolomite is a type of stone). However, in the collection you can also find fiber cement panels to resemble bricks. Their uniqueness is the 3-layer outer coating, thanks to which the material retains its aesthetic appeal for many decades.

Siding imitating natural brick has now become quite popular in terms of finishing the facades of various buildings. This facing material fits perfectly into the overall design of the entire façade of the building. Brick siding is able to protect the walls of the house from negative atmospheric influences, giving the facade originality and sophistication, thereby emphasizing the inner world of the home owners. In our article, we will look at the dimensions of brick siding, what price category the cladding panels are in, and photo and video materials will help you understand the process of installing cladding panels.

Brick siding: photo and price, types, advantages and disadvantages, scope of application, methods of care, video installation instructions

Houses built from brick have always been considered fundamental, reliable, safe and durable. A brick house built according to all the rules can last for several tens or even hundreds of years. That is why many people have stereotypes that brick housing is what they should strive for when planning to build a house.

However, brick housing is quite expensive for ordinary citizens and this is in fact the main reason for the massive refusal to build houses from this material. However, today, given the huge variety of materials for the construction and decoration of houses, brick is gradually receding into the background. So, for example, a house built from timber and covered with brick siding is a completely satisfactory alternative to brick housing; moreover, visually the facade of such a house is practically indistinguishable from a brick one.

It is worth considering the fact that an insulated and sided wooden house is much warmer than a brick one, and this is especially felt in the cold northern regions of the country, where temperatures can drop down to -50 degrees. It is also worth noting that insulate the facade under siding imitating brick can be made of any material and to any thickness.

Basement brick siding: photo

Photo of the facade of a house finished with brick siding

Materials used in the production of brick siding

  • The production of brick siding is based on the use of advanced technologies and materials. Polyvinyl chloride is the main raw material for the production of panels. The texture of the siding is created by casting polyvinyl chloride and its further pressing on special patterns;
  • The imitation of the pattern on the panels is created in a special way by creating molds, which in turn are cast from casts made from natural brick walls, specially prepared for these purposes;
  • The chemical reagents included in the material can effectively protect siding from any aggressive weather factors, such as hot sunlight or ultraviolet radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages of siding panels imitating natural brick

Brick siding has a lot of advantages. Let's consider some advantages of facing material:

  • A house covered with brick siding looks great and if you don’t look closely, you may not immediately be able to distinguish artificial cladding from natural brick. Brick siding panels are stamped at the factory in such a way that during their installation the joints are practically invisible, and this is important. For example, this cannot be achieved when installing vinyl siding.
  • Covering a house with siding somewhat reminiscent of natural brick quick assembly a simple children's construction set. So, for example, the installation of facade facing panels under brick can be done with your own hands without resorting to the help of professional installers.
  • If you plan to insulate the facade, then it is enough to correctly make the sheathing for the siding, then embed the insulation for the walls of the house outside under the siding into it and cover the whole pie with PVC panels under the brick.
  • Brick siding fireproof, since this type of siding contains special flame retardant substances, which do not support combustion. Thus, the question of the fire safety of panels when choosing them is excluded in itself.
  • Strength. This is another significant advantage of brick siding that, for example, inexpensive vinyl siding does not have. Just imagine the tests the façade cladding will have to go through over the course of service life, which in turn can reach several decades: weather factor, mechanical, physical, intentional or unintentional impact, etc. The facing panels are cast in such a way that they have sufficient thickness and are equipped with additional longitudinal and transverse stiffeners that give additional strength to the siding.
  • Practicality. The materials and technology used to cast the panels make brick siding practical in all respects. So, for example, when installation of brick siding A very small percentage of scraps remains, and if you properly plan the process of installing siding with your own hands, then you can reduce these residues to a minimum. Fastening brick siding panels is done very quickly, since the material has special lock-type connections that allow you to assemble the wall like a children's puzzle without much difficulty. Two people can cover up to 50 m2 of flat façade area with brick panels in one working day with their own hands.
  • Economical. It cannot be said that brick siding is the cheapest finishing material for facades. However, it is cheaper than fiber cement panels for home exteriors. It is also a plus that there is little residue when installing siding under brick. It should also be taken into account that this type of facing materials will last you much longer without changing its original appearance, unlike others facade cladding materials.

Siding imitating brick actually has quite a lot of advantages, but what about the disadvantages?:

No matter how strange it may sound, there are practically no downsides to this material for cladding facades. If we talk about disadvantages, then this is, perhaps, a fairly high price per m2 of material, but on the other hand, the price depends on the material itself. For example, the cost of brick siding is definitely higher than the price of vinyl cladding panels. But vinyl siding is one thing, but brick siding is something completely different, and the price is proof of this.

Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the price is a disadvantage of brick siding.

Scope of application for natural brick siding

This type of siding can be used to decorate both private houses and cottages, as well as public commercial and administrative buildings.

It is possible to cladding individual elements with panels, for example, the basement of a building, framing corners or massive columns. It is also possible to cover the entire area of ​​the facade, including the gables. The use of brick siding really has no limits. Everything depends only on the imagination of the designer and architect.

Basement of the house covered with brick siding

Do-it-yourself brick siding installation

Installing brick siding is easy to do yourself, given that the price of siding per square meter can in some cases reach almost 50% of the cost of the material itself.

Covering the facade of a house with brick siding: brief instructions

To attach brick siding panels you will need a small set of tools, namely:

  1. Angle grinder with cutting wheel;
  2. Screwdriver and (perforator if necessary);
  3. Mounting hook for replacing cladding panels;
  4. Tape measure, level, plumb line and square;
  5. Glasses, gloves.
  • The quality of installation of panels under brick primarily depends on the correctly installed subsystem. The siding sheathing (or fittings) must be positioned strictly vertically along the entire perimeter of the facade. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a building level or plumb line. Dry wooden beams or galvanized metal profiles are suitable as materials for the subsystem. The sheathing is fastened using hangers of a suitable configuration;
  • After installing the sheathing under the siding, it is necessary to install a starting (initial) profile along the entire perimeter of the walls;
  • The next step will be the installation of external and internal corner elements. To design the outer corner, you should use the standard outer corner that comes with the siding. For an internal corner it is possible to use two j-profiles installed and secured close to each other see photo below;
The photo shows a j-profile for installing brick siding
  • Before installation, the brick siding panel must be cut by cutting off the back part (lock);
  • The panel should be inserted into the outer or inner corner from top to bottom, leaving a small 3-5 mm compensating thermal gap inside;
  • After the first brick siding panel has been installed, you can secure it and insert the lock into the lock for the next panel;

ADVICE! Fastening panels under brick should be done with galvanized self-tapping screws with a press washer see photo below.

  • Framing around windows can be done, for example, with brick window frames or using an external corner, as well as with the help of plastic window slopes and metal ebbs;
  • The final stage will be the installation of the finishing profile.

Brick basement siding price

It is impossible to say unambiguously how much imitation brick siding costs, since each supplier and seller has different prices. The average price of brick siding in Moscow starts from 400 rubles per piece. The sizes of panels of different brands of brick siding may vary slightly. You can buy brick panels and components for them in specialized online stores; in addition, the price of the material in this case should be somewhat lower. You can buy basement siding to look like stone or brick at the Leroy Merlin store.

Caring for facades lined with brick siding

Like any other façade finishing material, brick siding requires, albeit infrequently, maintenance. The type of siding for exterior decoration it is difficult to damage, scratch or break, since the brick panels are of sufficient thickness, and the material from which they are made is unpretentious to mechanical or physical stress.

All measures for caring for a facade lined with brick-like panels come down to cleaning it with plain water using a garden hose with the ability to adjust the pressure and connected to a pump of suitable power. The water pressure can be adjusted to the desired height by adjusting the adjustment mechanism. One intensive cleaning of the facade can be enough for quite a long time.

A few words in conclusion

Choosing for façade finishing brick basement siding, you will give a unique, original look to your home. The texture of the brick panels is created using a special method by pressing on patterns and has the appearance of a natural material. It should be noted that this type of siding is used to decorate not only the individual parts of the façade that stand out, such as columns, plinth, etc., but also the walls, as well as the gable part as a whole. A large color palette and variety of brick siding textures will help you decorate the walls of the facade of your house in an original way.

Siding cladding panels that imitate natural brick are excellent for finishing facades of both individual private houses and for the exterior design of commercial and administrative buildings and structures. Brick siding can realize your wildest ideas in terms of facade design.

Brick siding: video installation instructions

Brick structures have always been the most popular, but in fact the process of their construction is associated with large costs, both financially and in terms of time. Some use an alternative solution - brick-look façade panels. There are several types of siding brick, and in the markets you can find models that are almost impossible to distinguish from real brick in appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick siding

Siding has its pros and cons. Among its advantages:

  • the presence of a special polymer coating, thanks to which the panels can withstand high humidity, as well as alkaline and acidic environments;
  • UV resistance;
  • subject to proper use, the panels can last up to 50 years;
  • is an environmentally friendly and safe finishing material.

There are not many disadvantages to this solution, but they are still there:

But despite the last point, installing basement siding that imitates brick will be cheaper compared to using real bricks for construction. The panels are easy to maintain; you only need to periodically wash off the dust with a hose.

Material classification

Vinyl siding for brick has 4 varieties:

  • metal;
  • vinyl;
  • cement;
  • basement

Vinyl siding under brick is made on the basis of PVC panels. It imitates not only brick, but also wood or natural stone. The panels are resistant to deformation and can be used within the temperature range of +50…-50°C. Compared to other varieties, vinyl siding is inexpensive, but has a long service life.

When installing it, you should take into account the coefficient of linear expansion so that deformation does not occur during sudden temperature changes.

Metal siding under brick is made of steel, aluminum or zinc. Aluminum is most often used, since this material is cheaper and can be easily painted in different colors. But aluminum structures are easily deformed, and it will be impossible to return them to their previous shape.

All metal siding has one common drawback - the appearance of corrosion at the cut points. If the panels are made of galvanized materials, the polymer layer can often peel off. But this siding also has its advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • resistance to mold and rot.

Cement siding It is made from high-quality cement, which is mixed with cellulose fibers. It can successfully replace both brick and finishing stone. Its key drawback is its heavy weight, due to which the panels cannot be installed on an old structure. Typically, this type of siding is installed during the construction of new buildings. Despite its weight, cement siding can be easily restored; it is resistant to ultraviolet rays and various atmospheric conditions, as well as rotting.

Basement siding can be made of PVC panels or cement. It imitates brick or natural stone with the highest possible accuracy. The thickness of the panels should be 3 mm or more, this is necessary so that they are resistant to dampness or mechanical stress. This is very important because basement siding is closest to the ground.

When choosing certain panels, you should take into account the strength of the structure on which you will place them. And also do not forget about your financial capabilities.

How much does such a solution cost?

Price of structures depends on the manufacturer, product quality and external features of the cladding. If you choose domestically produced siding, it will cost less than imported analogues. For example, domestic basement finishing costs on average about 400 rubles per panel, and a foreign equivalent costs up to 550 rubles, respectively.

The durability of the finish depends on the quality of the materials, as well as its installation. Usually the final cost is determined taking into account installation work; it can also increase if it includes insulation.

Siding installation

Finishing work always begins with surface preparation and look like this:

  1. Inspection of the facade along the perimeter, taking into account under-eaves surfaces, various decorative elements and more. All parts must be securely fastened; peeling plaster is not allowed.
  2. Search and elimination of the following defects: deformation of boards, rot, chips, cracks, etc.
  3. Curved walls don't need to be leveled - it will still be hidden under the finishing.
  4. Preparation of tools, materials for sheathing, insulation and siding.

Sheathing can be done with your own hands or with the help of a team. If you are confident in your abilities, strictly follow the instructions included with the material. As a rule, the profile comes complete with siding; you will need to additionally buy materials for the sheathing, for example, edged boards and bars, as well as fasteners.

Stages of work

Siding installation is carried out in several stages:

Sheathing rules

The sheathing must be done in rows, starting from the bottom. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • place the bottom of the panel under the starting profile;
  • attach the top edge of the sheet to the surface of the sheathing using nails;
  • In this way, secure the panels to the end of the bottom row;
  • Place the bottom edge of the top panel over the top edge of the bottom panel and snap it into place;
  • attach the top edge with nails;
  • Connect the topmost panels at the bottom with the rest of the sheets and bring them behind the finishing strip at the top.

If the width of the panels does not exceed the width of one wall, they need to be increased. To do this, connect 2 adjacent sheets of siding with an overlap, and the overlap of each previous sheet with the next should be 2 cm. For such fastening, you can use special H-profiles.

When installing panels The nails must be driven strictly in the middle of the hole, not all the way, leave a gap of 1.5 mm between the surface and the head. This is necessary so that the panels can freely shrink or expand when exposed to temperature or can move relative to each other without deformation or bending.

When finishing a building with siding that imitates brick, panels of different colors and types can be used. You can combine sheets of different colors, for example, finishing the base with darker colors and the façade with lighter colors. It is possible to use different types of siding at the same time, but in this case the work will become more complicated.

Finishing the facade in this way is a very profitable solution. which won't take much time. If you have experience, you can do the installation yourself. The finish can last for decades if the job is done correctly.

Facade siding is made of polyvinyl chloride; this material is resistant to wear, temperature changes, and precipitation. Let's consider the technology of finishing a building with brick siding.

What is siding?

Siding is a finishing material that is close to the structure of wood or brick. That is, thanks to such cladding, the building resembles a brick or wooden building. Siding cladding can be of a supporting or high type; the use of vinyl and plinth material depends on this. Vinyl siding is used on new and old buildings; it comes in the form of solid sheets. The basement type of material is durable, so it is most often used for finishing, while the building is sheathed in brick or stone.

A small building can be finished with brick siding, placing strips of material horizontally or vertically. At the same time, horizontal panels contribute to better ventilation of the facade surface than vertically located material.
The sheets have special locks in the form of latches, and edges for nails with a perforated surface. They are fixed to a lathing made of wood or metal; if the strips are vertical, then it must be done horizontally. Also with horizontal stripes, the sheathing should be vertical. For wall coverings, horizontal panels are usually used.

An obligatory step is the installation of the lathing, this allows you to create a ventilated façade. Such material must be protected from direct sunlight, and high temperatures above 60 degrees must be avoided. Installation is not performed at low temperatures, as the material becomes brittle. To cut the required section of the panel, use a grinder.

Siding surface finishing technology

All work on covering the facade with siding must be completed within four days, following a certain technology.

  1. First, prepare the surface of the facade.
  2. Then the sheathing is installed.
  3. Lay insulation on the walls.
  4. Finished with siding panels.

If it is necessary to cut a panel, this is done with a grinder in a heated room if the temperature outside is sub-zero. When laying the panels, leave a small gap for the material to expand during temperature changes. If the siding is installed in warm weather, then leave a gap of about 6 millimeters, and in cold weather - from 9-12 millimeters. The finishing may suffer due to compression or expansion, so the panels are not pulled tightly or pressed too tightly against the sheathing. When installing strips, leave a distance of up to 3 millimeters; fix the panels through the holes, and not through the surface of the material.

Facade preparation

Before installing the panels, you must read the instructions from the manufacturer. The facade covered with siding is complemented by under-eaves surfaces, decorative elements, corners or openings. Before finishing the façade with panels, it is necessary to carry out surface preparation work.

First, the building is inspected and all its elements begin to be secured. The plaster surface should not peel off, then a wind vapor barrier is fixed to the facade, and tools are prepared for the construction of the sheathing. The work can be entrusted to hired workers or done independently.

When purchasing panels, it is necessary to take into account that each strip has special marks that allow you to adjust the placement of siding during the cladding process for different temperatures, at any time of the year. When choosing an insulation material, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the material from which the walls of the building are constructed;
  • the climate of the area where construction is taking place;
  • seasonal or permanent residence in the premises;
  • air humidity, and wind flow direction.

Before you start work, you need to take into account the time it takes to install, this is about two weeks if the building is small and not complex. There is no need to carefully prepare the surface of the walls by leveling it, since the sheathing on which the panels are installed will be fixed.

Installation of sheathing under siding

The construction of sheathing is a mandatory step; this will help securely secure the siding and extend the life of the building. To secure the panels and insulation material well, a lathing made of wood or metal material is constructed on the wall. First, you need to mark the holes, since they are made before installing the frame. The lathing is easier to install on wooden surfaces; it is mounted according to pre-made markings.

Siding must not be attached directly to the wall surface, since there is a need to create a ventilation distance, which is ensured by the construction of the sheathing. Thanks to this, the facade and walls become durable and do not lend themselves to the development of mold and fungal elements.

To build the sheathing, you need to prepare wooden slats that will measure 50 by 80 millimeters. The wooden material must be dried, its humidity should not exceed 15 percent, only then the panels will lie flat. Wet slats are not used to construct the sheathing, as in the future this will lead to deformation of the panels that are mounted on it. All wooden materials are pre-impregnated with a special antiseptic and a substance that protects against fire.
The elements are secured, maintaining a distance of about 50 centimeters, and fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. The individual parts of the frame should be located 40 centimeters apart from each other; if the building is located in a wind zone, then this figure is reduced to 20 centimeters. The slats should be positioned perpendicular to the siding panels. Therefore, the panel or sheathing is installed in a vertical position. First, you need to secure the slats, which serve as beacons, and then fix other elements.

Correct installation of brick siding

First, the starting strips are secured, controlling the clear horizontality with a level. Before starting the main installation work, the fittings are secured. Since siding panels expand during temperature changes, you need to leave a small distance between the end of the sheet and the ends of the building walls, maintaining a gap of about 6 millimeters. When laying sheets in cold weather, the gap is increased to 12 millimeters. When connecting the elements, a joint is made, the outer parts of which overlap up to 2 centimeters, this prevents the appearance of cracks in the winter.

The fittings for installing gardening are fixed at a certain distance, 25 centimeters. To connect external or internal corners, cut off the back cheeks to 2.5 centimeters on the lower element and place it on the top sheet. Then the cheeks at the back are spaced at a distance of up to 6 millimeters, and the panels on the front side overlap up to 2 centimeters. After installing the vertical parts, the starting strips are fixed along the entire perimeter, and it is necessary to maintain a clear horizontal position using a level.

After the fittings are secured, the installation of the panels begins, the work is done from the bottom up. When the panels enter the lock of the bottom row, they do not need to be tensioned, but simply fixed loosely, using a finishing strip, after a certain distance of about 40 centimeters. Then the panels will move freely to the sides; when covering the fronts, the sheets are cut at an angle.
First, the first panel is installed, then the trim for windows and doors, after which the corners are finished on the outside as well as the inside. It is always necessary to leave gaps; when strengthening the panel in a vertical position, first screw in a self-tapping screw from above, and then into the central part of the sheet, and other holes.

A prerequisite is to make gaps between the plates for their free movement. Self-tapping screws should not be tightened too tightly. If you do not screw the self-tapping screw into the middle of the sheet, the quality of fixation is impaired and the facade loses its appearance. When laying the panels, they are connected one to another in a lock, and then fixed with nails or self-tapping elements. All connections will be hidden, since the sheets have reliable fastenings for compression and expansion of the material during temperature changes.

Laying the panels is not particularly difficult, so this finishing can be carried out on facades of any type. You can do all the work yourself or resort to the help of special workers. Thanks to such panels, the building will have the original appearance of brickwork.

Cladding a building allows you to give it completeness and guarantee protection from external influences. The attractive appearance of the finish is one of the main selection criteria. Natural options win here - brick, wood, stone, but they are quite expensive. The search for alternative options leads many to the conclusion that brick siding is no worse than natural siding, and in some respects even superior to its natural counterparts.

Imitation brickwork

What is brick siding?

Brick siding is a special facade panel that is made on a cement, polymer or metal base.

They are equipped with a special locking connection that ensures reliable fixation, and also have a protective coating that increases resistance to external factors. They are made in the form of bricks and can differ in size and shade. This allows you to choose the appropriate option for covering buildings for any purpose. This facing material has increased strength characteristics, as well as external qualities close to natural.

All types of brick siding are characterized by the following features:

  1. Versatility. Suitable for any substrate. The main thing is to prepare correctly.
  2. Possibility of thermal insulation. Thanks to the arrangement of the sheathing, it is possible to provide additional insulation by laying a layer of thermal insulation between the panels and the wall.
  3. Long period of operation. Manufacturers provide a 50-year warranty on materials. Ordinary red brick has the same service life.
  4. Resistance to various types of impact: precipitation, sunlight, mechanical influence are not harmful to siding and do not deteriorate its quality and visual characteristics.
  5. Maintainability. If necessary, you can easily replace individual panels or install new siding on an already finished sheathing.
  6. Ease of installation. Light weight and the presence of a locking connection allow you to carry out all the cladding work yourself without the involvement of outside specialists and specialized tools.
  7. Economical. Facade siding has an affordable cost, and the minimum amount of waste allows you to save money on cladding.
  8. Environmental friendliness. One of the most important factors for modern man. Despite the use of artificial raw materials in the production, this facing material is completely safe for life and health.

When choosing such cladding for your home, you can be sure that the result will be excellent in terms of external effect, as well as in its strength qualities.

Types of siding by material

Finishing the facade with siding of a private house or country cottage requires careful attention to the choice of material. The abundance of offers on the construction market complicates the task, so it is necessary to study all the varieties and features of facade slabs.

All types of siding are presented in various color variations and can have different sizes. The most popular are cement, metal and polymer varieties.



Plastic siding made from PVC is characterized by color fastness and reasonable price. It is very easy for them to cover the outside of a house. It looks as natural as possible and such brick siding is almost impossible to distinguish from natural material. At the same time, it is fragile, especially in the cold season, so you should be careful when using it and avoid mechanical stress.

Manufacturers also produce thicker and more durable polypropylene brick siding. It is mainly used for finishing the basement, but complete exterior finishing of the house is also possible using this option.

Also very popular are innovative sandwich panels, which are a multi-layer insulated structure, which eliminates the need for additional thermal insulation and significantly reduces the time for cladding.



Metal brick panels have increased strength. The variety of metal facade materials is very large, which allows you to choose a color that perfectly harmonizes with other elements of the building: white, gray, shades of burnt or clinker brick.

A special feature of iron siding is its high weight, so a special frame is required that can withstand the current loads.

In addition, the metal material is susceptible to corrosion, so you should find out in advance about the availability of a special protective coating.

Despite the higher price, metal brick panels are an excellent option for exterior decoration, since they are durable, reliable, strong and retain their original appearance for a long time even when influenced by negative factors.


Fiber cement

Fiber cement brick siding belongs to the premium category and has the highest strength, frost and moisture resistance.

In addition, it belongs to a low flammability class, which makes it possible to use it for cladding houses where high fire safety requirements are imposed.

This material perfectly tolerates any type of external influences and does not lose its characteristics.

The use of fiber cement siding allows you to give any building a presentable appearance.

Types of brick siding

Structures covered with siding are practically no different from those that have cladding made from natural materials. The fact that this is an imitation can only be guessed after a thorough examination. It is important to choose the right panels for the walls and basement so that the cladding is not only beautiful, but also effective and practical.

Facade siding

The façade is finished with brick siding using panels that are sufficiently durable, have moisture-repellent properties, and can also withstand weathering.

For facade cladding

There are no increased requirements here, but the stronger the finish, the longer it will last.

Basement siding

Basement siding that imitates brick must have higher strength parameters, since it needs to withstand heavy loads and strong exposure to moisture.

U-Plast Stone House brick siding enjoys a good reputation. The series collection includes 7 shades, so choosing the perfect color will be easy.

Finishing the basement of Stone House

It is better when the panels in the basement contrast with the rest of the walls. Combinations of gray or white with brown are relevant. Also popular is burnt or clinker brick, which is closest to the natural material.

Comparing materials with each other and choosing the best

Panels for the plinth and walls have much in common, but there are also significant differences. Recently, the use of universal plinth panels for wall cladding has been practiced. For example, you can use Stone House siding from the “Brick” series for the entire surface. This will ensure maximum harmony of finishing elements.

A comparative table will help you consider the difference between brick plinth siding and façade panels.

Index Facade siding Basement siding
Raw materials for production PVC, metal or cement with sand. It can also be based on cement or metal, but the most popular material is polypropylene.
Moisture resistance level Medium and high, depending on the raw materials used. Must have a high moisture resistance coefficient.
Duration of service Is about 50 years old. It will also last approximately 50 years with proper care and installation instructions.
Price In the middle price segment. More expensive type.

The essence of brick panels for the facade and plinth is the same, but the technical characteristics are slightly different. Thanks to this, it is possible to use basement siding for walls, but it is not always practical to use wall slabs when cladding the basement part.

Siding installation instructions

To ensure that the cladding of the walls of a house with brick siding is reliable and durable, you should select good quality materials and ensure the availability of appropriate components and accessories for installation.


Some manufacturers offer the necessary tools for attaching siding with the panels, but they can also be found at home. To work you will need equipment for:

  • markings: level, cord, tape measure, marker;
  • cutting: hacksaw, grinder;
  • hole preparation: drill;
  • fixing the sheathing and panels: screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer.

Calculation of materials and components

Calculation of the amount of materials and components takes into account the surface area, as well as the type of finish.

Calculation of materials and components

For frame

For the lathing you will need wooden beams or a metal profile. The area of ​​the surface to be coated should be calculated. Next, it is important to decide what cell size is needed.

For a wall profile, the optimal size is 50x50 cm, and for a plinth this figure is reduced to 40x40 cm.

Based on the selected size, the quantity of the required profile is determined.

For insulation

Calculations of thermal insulation material also directly depend on the surface area, as well as on the type of insulation and the number of layers.

So, in order to insulate the house, it is necessary to add another 10% to the working area - this will ensure a supply of material.

This is important, since the heat insulator will be adjusted, which will lead to overspending. Also, for insulation, a second row of sheathing will be required to provide ventilation. This also needs to be taken into account when calculating materials.

For siding

To determine the required amount of siding, you need to subtract door and window openings from the total surface area of ​​the walls.

Marking and installation of the frame

Installation of any brick siding begins with the arrangement of the frame. To do this, you will need to mark using a tape measure and a level.

Frame installation

It is important to note the attachment points of all elements and measure the evenness of their placement in order to prevent further deformation of the profile and the panels themselves.


Thermal insulation materials begin to be mounted from below and move upward. It is important to ensure that the insulation fits tightly to the frame, and it should also be additionally secured with dowels or screws.

Thermal insulation of the building from the outside

To increase the water-repellent properties of the material, it is necessary to place a waterproofing membrane on top of it. Next, you will need to install a second layer of sheathing, providing a gap for ventilation.

Setting the corners and starting bar

Manufacturers offer special corner parts. It is with their installation, as well as the starting strip, that the process of laying siding under brick begins. The starting strip is attached 4 cm above the bottom edge of the future first panel. When fixing this element, you should check its evenness, since it is on this that further cladding will be oriented.

Installation of corners

Corner parts, on the contrary, are installed 8 mm below the edge of the first plank. In the upper part they should not reach the eaves by about 6 mm.

An important requirement is strictly vertical fixation.

How to finish slopes and junctions with window and door openings

To cover window and door openings you will need to use a special profile. It must be fastened around the perimeter of the window or door, while ensuring a tight fit of the elements. This profile will become the basis for attaching the siding.

Installation of brick siding

Installation of the panels is very simple, since each panel has a locking connection. The siding must be attached to the profile using self-tapping screws or dowel nails.

Panel installation

The fastening begins from the starting bar, and is fixed at the top with the finishing element. It is important not to completely tighten the fasteners, which will prevent deformation from thermal expansion.

Siding Care

The finishing does not require any special maintenance. To remove dust, it is enough to use ordinary water; however, you should not use high-pressure devices, as strong pressure can damage the integrity of the protective layer.

A few words in conclusion

Private houses decorated with brick siding look respectable. They are reliably protected from the influence of the external environment, so they will last much longer than those that do not have such lining.

Simplicity of installation allows you to carry out all processes independently, quickly with minimal labor costs.