Bush rhododendron. Rhododendron, planting and care in the open field. Rhododendron - care

Bush rhododendron.  Rhododendron, planting and care in the open field.  Rhododendron - care
Bush rhododendron. Rhododendron, planting and care in the open field. Rhododendron - care

This is a charming ornamental plant for your garden. But it is not easy to grow in our area. The homeland of this flower is the Mediterranean, which indicates its thermophilicity, and poor frost tolerance. Therefore, in order for the plant to take root, it will be necessary to comply with all the conditions for proper agricultural technology and provide it with proper care. Today we’ll talk about how to choose the right seedlings for planting rhododendron on your site, about the features of this process, and also pay attention to the subsequent care and preparation of rhododendron for winter. In addition, information regarding its application in landscape design will be no less useful.

The right choice of planting material

Two- or four-year-old rhododendron bushes are best suited for planting. When buying, pay attention to the bushiness of the cuttings of the seedling (the most tenacious ones branch immediately near the root neck), and to its leaves (should be free of spots and swellings). Also, be sure to inspect the roots of the seedling, it is unacceptable that they have wet blotches and knots. The place where you buy seedlings is also important.

It is best to buy them in experienced gardeners or special nurseries, and not desirable - in the markets, since they have much less chances (most sellers simply do not know what varieties and types they sell).

Important!Beginners are advised to start not with a specific variety of rhododendron, but with planting the species. Since the species is less whimsical, and more frost-resistant than the variety obtained on its basis. Despite the fact that the varieties are very tempting with their wide variety of shades, the species also stand out for their variety of colors.

Planting rhododendron in the garden

When planting a rhododendron in the garden, certain guidelines must be followed when and where to plant a rhododendron, how to do it correctly, and how to prepare the soil.

Did you know?The tree rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal. In this country, rhododendron is consumed in the form of pickled flowers, and in the form of juice.

When to plant rhododendron

It is recommended to plant rhododendron in the ground from early April to mid-May, and from September to November. But in fact, this can be done at any time during the growing season of the plant, in addition to the flowering period of the rhododendron, and a couple of weeks after flowering.

Where is the best place to plant a rhododendron on the site

It is better to plant rhododendron in a shady place, on the north side of the house. The soil should be loose, acidic, well-drained, rich in humus. When the groundwater in your area lies at a depth of less than one meter, then the plant is planted on a raised bed. When planting a rhododendron, it is also important to pay attention to neighboring plants.

It is undesirable to plant rhododendron close to trees that have a superficial root system, because they will take all the nutrients from the plant. Birch, willow, maple, chestnut, linden, alder should also be attributed to undesirable neighbors, and apple trees, pears, pines, spruces, larches, and poplars belong to the inhabitants of the site near which rhododendron can be planted.

How to prepare the soil and plant a rhododendron

  • First of all, prepare a hole for planting. The pit is dug about 40 cm deep and about 60 cm in diameter.
  • Then prepare a mixture of eight buckets of high-moor peat and three and a half buckets of loam (loam can be replaced with two buckets of clay). Mix this mixture thoroughly, pour into the pit, and tamp well.
  • After that, dig a hole in the soil the same size as the root of the seedling.
  • Before planting directly, put rhododendron seedlings in water, and hold them there until air bubbles stop emitting.
  • Place the seedling in the hole and fill the hole with substrate to the very top so that the root collar is at the level of the surface of the site, tamping it down to eliminate all voids.
  • Water the plant abundantly, and mulch the soil around the trunk with peat, moss, sawdust, oak leaves, or pine needles, a layer of about 5-6 cm.

Important!If there are many flower buds on the seedling, then it is better to remove them so that all the forces of the plant are directed to the rooting of the rhododendron, and not to its flowering.

The combination of rhododendron with other plants and use in landscape design

Rhododendron will find its place in landscape design of almost any style. The plant looks excellent in the role of a tapeworm, and in group compositions, and in the latter case it is perfectly combined with conifers, and with other types of flowering plants. It is best to select species with which rhododendron grows in its natural environment - pines, larches, ferns, junipers, and others.

Rhododendron is perfect for decorating rocky gardens and alpine slides. For this, low-growing types of rhododendron with different flowering periods are suitable. You can compose them, decorating rocky slopes, with gentian, mountain pine, and heather.

Medium-sized species of rhododendron are often used in group plantings in the form of living fences, with the selection of the desired shades of the plant. For example, rhododendrons with yellow flowers go well with those shrubs that bloom with red and bright orange flowers, and rhododendrons with purple and pink flowers with plants that bloom in white.

Shrubs planted on the lawn or along garden paths and borders look good, especially when decorating the parterre lawn, although in this case only mature rhododendron shrubs (at least ten years old) are suitable.

When creating group compositions with rhododendrons, it is recommended to combine evergreen species with deciduous ones, while correctly "mixing" plants of different heights. Tall shrubs look better in the center of the composition, and undersized ones along the edges.

Proper care of rhododendron in the garden

Caring for a rhododendron consists of the usual procedures for plants: feeding, watering, spraying, weeding, pest and disease control, bush formation.

Important!Loosening the soil around the plant is prohibited, and even more so digging it, since the roots of the rhododendron are placed too close to the surface. For the same reason, weeds are best removed by hand, without using choppers.

How to water

Rhododendron requires atmospheric and soil moisture more than other plants, especially when buds are formed and during flowering. You need to water it regularly, and in dry weather you should also spray the plants with water. Proper watering also affects the laying of flower buds of next year's rhododendron. Water the plant with soft water(settled, thawed, or rain), which can be softened with a handful of high-moor peat thrown a day before watering.

The frequency of fluid application is determined by the condition of the leaves: for example, when they are dull and have lost their elasticity, then the plant is thirsty. When watering, the soil should get wet to a depth of 20-30 cm.

Important!When watering, you can not pour the roots of rhododendron, because they are very sensitive to excess moisture. You can learn about an excess of fluid by lowered and curled leaves.

How to feed a plant

The first dressing of rhododendron takes place in early spring, and the last - at the end of July, at the end of the flowering period, when young shoots begin to grow. You can use semi-rotted cow dung and horn meal to feed the plant. Rhododendron prefers liquid top dressing, so the manure is poured with water (ratio 1:15), and left to brew for a couple of days. Before you apply fertilizer for rhododendron, it should be watered.

If we talk about mineral fertilizers, then in order not to disturb the reaction of the environment (rhododendron grows in acidic soils), it is best to use superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, low concentration magnesium (1.2: 1000), and an even weaker solution of potash fertilizers.

The optimal feeding regime involves the introduction of organic or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers at the rate of fifty grams of magnesium sulfate and fifty grams of ammonium sulfate per square meter (fertilizers are applied to the soil in early spring), and at the end of the flowering period (in early June) - per square meter should account for forty grams of ammonium sulfate and twenty grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. In July, only twenty grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added per square meter.

Did you know?Honey from the nectar of some species of rhododendron has hallucinogenic and laxative properties. Even the ancient Romans and Greeks talked about the side effects of rhododendron honey.

How to prune a rhododendron

Rhododendron requires minimal shaping and pruning, as its bushes form the correct shape by themselves. However, from time to time it will be necessary to cut too high, frozen or old shoots, which will help rejuvenate the rhododendron. Prune rhododendron shoots in early spring, and the places of cuts are processed with garden pitch (but only where the thickness of the branches reaches 2-4 cm).

A month later, dormant buds on the shoots awaken, and a renewal process begins, which lasts for a year. Heavily frozen or very old bushes are cut at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground - one half of the bush in the first year, and the second - in the next.

Important!Rhododendrons have a characteristic feature: in one year they bloom and bear fruit quite generously, and the next year they are already much more modest. To get rid of such periodicity, it is necessary to break off wilted inflorescences immediately after flowering. Then the rhododendron will use its strength and nutrition to form flower buds for the next year.

Preparing for winter and sheltering rhododendron

It is necessary to prepare the rhododendron for winter in advance. To do this, from the end of summer, you should stop feeding the plant with nitrogen, and switch to potash fertilizers (this will help the ripening of late growths). You can also add colloidal sulfur to the soil, which will acidify the soil and slow down the growth of fungi.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberry familiar to us, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth giving her a place in the berry.

Often, at the sight of a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend over to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by nocturnal butterflies) and diurnal, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the grower and designer, because we often walk in the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. We are never put off by the fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Pumpkin is considered by many gardeners to be the queen of the beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Due to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable maintains our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs are amazing! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch eggs are a hard boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you need a frying pan with a high rim, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-frying oil so as not to smoke the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tub cubanola Dominican fully justifies the status of a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, cubanola is a fragrant star with a difficult character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, the best (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea Curry with Meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare, but requires pre-preparation. Chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jams, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruit and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, experiments with non-banal combinations and non-standard colors in the garden are in trend. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and a position. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the range of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little spice. There is no onion in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, it remains to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, medium ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants of the "second plan" sansevieria do not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. The stable decorative effect and extreme endurance of only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very fast growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their stiff leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. In June, gardening and gardening can be done throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for sowing with plantings, and for pruning, and for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - mushrooms, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, non-trivial foliage color. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will talk about in this article - the viburnum vesicle. For the realization of my dream of a low maintenance garden, it is perhaps the perfect fit. At the same time, it is able to diversify the picture in the garden very much, moreover, from spring to autumn.

Rhododendron is a magnificent plant in its decorative effect and variety of species. Many gardeners are sure that it is very difficult to grow it because of its exotic origin. In fact, if you follow fairly simple and understandable rules, you can become the owner of a handsome man even in areas with a rather harsh climate, for example, in central Russia, namely, in the Moscow region.

Origin, natural habitat

Rhododendrons is the name of a genus that includes many species of deciduous, semi-evergreen and evergreen shrubs and trees.

To create the most favorable environment for development, it is worth remembering their habitat. The geography of distribution is quite wide. These amazing shrubs prefer places with high humidity - the coasts of the seas, oceans, large rivers. You can meet them in semi-shaded areas or on the northern slopes of the mountains. The soil in the growing areas has an acidic environment, is rich in nutrients and passes moisture well.

Varieties for central Russia

For planting in the Moscow region, you need to choose only frost-resistant varieties. Here is some of them.

    • Rhododendron, further r. Ledebour;
    • R. Katevbinsky and its hybrids;
    • R. Smirnov and hybrids;
    • R. short-fruited;
    • R. largest;
    • R. Golden;
    • R. Canadian;
    • R. Schlippenbach;
    • R. Vazeya;
    • R. Pukhansky;
    • R. Adhesive;
    • R. Pink.
    As well as:
  • R. "Costerianum";
  • R. Japanese;
  • R. Kamchatka;
  • R. yellow;
  • R. alpine (dwarf).

Rules and place of landing

The most destructive natural factors for rhododendrons are wind and excess sun. Therefore, a protected place is chosen for planting, on the north or northeast side of the house or fence, which will be shaded from the scorching sun. Exotics suffer not only from summer, but also from early spring sunlight.

The buds of rhododendron, formed back in August, often burn in the spring sun, which warms enough already at the end of February. As a result, the bush blooms only on the north side and where it was covered with snow.

To prevent this from happening, the rhododendron needs care. In early spring, it is necessary to shade with shields from the south and west sides. This is done with the help of a shading material, which is securely fastened to stakes driven into the ground, 1.5 times higher than the rhododendron. At the bottom and top, be sure to leave gaps for ventilation. For shading, improvised materials are used: lutrasil (density 60 g per m 2) or spunbond, burlap (stretched in a double layer).

Rhododendron can be planted near other trees, remembering that trees with a shallow root system are bad neighbors for them. The battle for moisture and nutrients will end in the death of your pets. These include spruce, chestnut, linden, birch, maple. But the neighborhood of pine, oak, fruit trees is quite acceptable. The crowns of the trees should not overshadow the undersized shrubs.

As for the root ball of rhododendron, it is compact, located close to the surface, so they tolerate transplanting well, regardless of age.

The soil

Particular attention must be paid to the soil in which the bushes will be planted. As mentioned above, they are suitable for loose soil with an acidic environment, good removal of excess moisture. Drying is also unacceptable. It is recommended to prepare such an earthen mixture: sour, red-colored high-moor peat with pH = 4.5 - 5.5, loam and pine needles in proportions of 2:3:1. All components are important and necessary, because peat provides the necessary acidity and nutrition, loam does not allow the earth to dry out excessively, and pine needles make the lump loose and breathable.

Soil acidity is one of the most important conditions for good shrub growth. Before planting a rhododendron in a chosen place, samples of the substrate are taken to determine it. Then they are mixed, and one st. The spoon is placed in a glass dish. Distilled water is also added here (four times the amount). Everything is thoroughly mixed and left for a couple of hours, sometimes shaking the mixture. Then indicator paper is moistened with it and the color of the paper is compared with the color of the scale. Thus, it is easy and simple to determine the pH at home.

If you find that the acidity of the soil is insufficient, it can be increased in various ways:

  • For example, by adding sphagnum peat from raised bogs (its pH is 3.6-4.0), heather land.
  • You can also add chemicals such as aluminum sulphate A1 2 (SO 4) 3 (150 g per 1 m 2 of soil), concentrated sulfuric acid (5 ml per 10 liters of water). Just remember that you must add acid to water, and not vice versa. And this must be done very carefully. Rhododendrons are watered with a mixture during the growing season several times. This will help maintain the pH of the soil.
  • Physiologically acidic fertilizers such as potassium sulphate (Sylvinite, Cainite, Kalimagnesia, Kalimag), superphosphate (Simple Superphosphate, Double Superphosphate, Phosphorite Flour), ammonium sulphate are also a good way to maintain soil pH.

Where is the best place to plant a rhododendron?

To remove excess moisture, it is better to plant rhododendron on hills so that in the spring the neck of the root does not get wet due to melt water. To prevent the hillock from spreading, you can overlay it with stones, which, moreover, will harmoniously fit into the composition.

For landing:

  • dig a hole about 60x60 cm in size and 40 cm deep;
  • fill it with substrate components;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • rammed (this volume will require about 120 liters of ready-made earthen mixture, that is, 40 liters of peat, loam and needles each);
  • dig a hole to the size of the root ball and plant the plant in the ground (while making sure that the base of the root is not buried in the ground);
  • the soil around must be mulched with peat or needles, without filling its base.

Young specimens with an undeveloped root system can be planted in a smaller hole - 40x40cm and 30cm deep. The volume of the substrate for it is 25 liters. As the roots grow, the pit can be increased in width by pouring fresh earthen mixture.

It is better to plant a weak tree in a protected, shaded corner of the garden, and only after 1-2 years plant it in a permanent place.

Rhododendron Care

Rhododendrons do not require special care if planted according to the rules. The main components are watering and timely top dressing during the season.

Since these trees are moisture-loving, you need to make sure that they do not suffer from a lack of moisture, and also carry out regular watering with rainwater. At the same time, remember that excess water is also unacceptable, so do not fill the rhododendron too much. It is better to water little by little, but more often, so that the moisture has time to absorb. In August, watering is sharply reduced, or even stopped, so that the plant gradually begins to prepare for a state of rest. Care also includes the removal of weeds, but this can only be done by pulling them out, and the soil is not loosened.

top dressing

They have a very positive effect on the development of the plant. For dressings, special mineral fertilizers are suitable, both liquid and granular (Ammophos, Nitrofoska, Diammofoska). They are applied according to the instructions from the beginning of May to the end of June. Further, no top dressing is required until the next season.

In no case do not use ash as a fertilizer, as it alkalizes the soil, and the plants begin to suffer from chlorosis. Special acidifiers, for example, colloidal or ground sulfur, will help to correct the situation. To change the pH by one, sulfur is added at the rate of 40 g per 1 square meter of land. But we must remember that its action will not be momentary. In order to see the result immediately, it is worth using a chelated fertilizer (for example, Zircon, Domotsvet, Cytovit, Ferovit), which contains iron (for example, chelated iron).

When caring for a rhododendron, spruce branches with needles will also be an excellent top dressing. Fertilizer is done like this:

  • cut the branches into pieces (1 cm long);
  • fall asleep in a container, pour cold water;
  • put on fire and boil for about 10 minutes;
  • leave under the lid for three days;
  • 1 liter of broth is diluted in 10 liters of water and the bushes are added;
  • to reduce the acidity of top dressing, 1 tablespoon of creamy lime is added to 10 liters of solution.


Rhododendron care includes annual mulching around the bushes. They cover the beds with synthetic or organic material in order to protect the plants from poor environmental conditions and enrich the soil.

They do it like this:

  • laying mulch preferably after rain;
  • before that, it is recommended to loosen the soil surface so that it does not compact;
  • a layer of mulch is from 4 to 9 centimeters;
  • organic mulch is left in the garden all winter.
  • a deliberate choice of a variety, which must be winter-hardy, so that the plant overwinter without loss;
  • the right choice of landing site: shaded in the summer from the midday sun and sheltered from the winds in the winter;
  • the optimal composition of the substrate (it is important to remember about acidity, the plant does not develop well on alkaline and slightly alkaline soils): high-moor peat, leafy soil, needles in proportions of 2: 3: 1;
  • regular watering (10-12 liters per tree two to three times a week);
  • ensuring the removal of excess moisture from the soil by planting on small hills, since the shrub does not respond well to excess moisture;
  • mandatory annual mulching;
  • exclude loosening the soil directly near the bush, because the root system is located close to the surface. Therefore, it is desirable to remove weeds near rhododendron bushes with your hands;
  • a well-thought-out feeding calendar with special fertilizers (for example, Gilea, Azalea).


Even in a zone with such a harsh climate as the Moscow region, you can grow magnificent rhododendrons without undue effort and labor. The main thing is to carefully follow all the rules of planting and care, as well as to know how best to feed and how to properly mulch this exotic tree.

Garden rhododendron is a spectacular plant, especially beautiful at the time of flowering. The shrub does not lose its decorative quality after cutting the curled buds - neat “candles” are formed in their place, which will bloom next year. Almost all types of rhododendrons do not shed their foliage, which means they will decorate your site during the winter cold.

Rhododendron flower: photo and description of the plant

Rhododendron (Azalea, Rhododendron) belongs to the Heather family. Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics of Southeast Asia.

This is an ornamental evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous shrub 2 m high, less often a low tree from 50 to 200 cm from the heather family.

The leaves are small, elliptical, leathery, with a diameter of 0.5 to 10 cm, they are cup-shaped, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped. Often the flowers are collected in large inflorescences that resemble a bouquet of 20-30 flowers. Of course, the flowers of the rhododendron plant deserve a special description: they are simple or double, they amaze with the grace of color - from snow-white, pink, coral, to dark purple. Against the backdrop of glossy leathery leaves, the flowers look amazing. Blooms usually in November - April

This is one of the highly ornamental woody plants, which in grace, shape, richness of colors of flowers and splendor of flowering can compete with roses, or, as it is also called, a rose bush.

Rhododendrons are unusually spectacular during flowering. We are accustomed to consider rhododendrons as exotic heat-loving plants, not intended for growing in our gardens. However, this is not entirely fair. Many types of rhododendrons can successfully grow not only in central Russia, but also far in the North, and many will be surprised to learn that it can be one of the first brightly flowering shrubs in your garden.

The best types and varieties of rhododendrons: photo and description

In the middle lane, two types of rhododendrons, Dahurian and Canadian, successfully settle in the backyard.

Dahurian is a shrub with a height of 2 m or more, the branches are directed upwards, the leaves are small, leathery, some of the leaves remain for the winter. Blooms in spring before the leaves open.

As you can see in the photo, this type of rhododendron has funnel-shaped flowers, large (up to 4 cm), pink-purple:

Flowering lasts up to one month, in the fall it can bloom again. Grows slowly. Very winter hardy. Easily propagated by green cuttings.

Canadian - shrub undersized, deciduous, no more than 1 meter high, leaves up to 6 cm long. Pink-purple flowers up to 5 pieces on short branches. Winter-hardy. It grows well and develops even in the conditions of the northern regions. Advice: which of the summer residents has a beehive, rhododendron is not grown or the plants are covered with thin covering material during flowering (up to 18 hours).

The following varieties are suitable for central Russia:


Katevbinsky, short-fruited,

largest, thickest

Smirnova, rusty,

sea ​​buckthorn, golden.


Dahurian, Ledebour,

Kamchatka, Canadian,

Schlippenbach, Japanese.


dense, Kamchatka,

Caucasian, magnificent.


Kamchatka, golden,

Schlippenbach, attractive,

rusty, caroline.


Ledebour, Caucasian,

Dahurian, Smirnov, sea buckthorn.

Early flowering:

dahurian, canadian, sea buckthorn,

Schlippenbach, golden.

Late flowering:

short-fruited, Caucasian,

largest, rusty.

These photos show varieties of rhododendrons of various types:

In room conditions, the species is most often grown A. Sims (R.simsii), which was formerly called Indian azalea. The best varieties of rhododendrons can be divided into early flowering (November, December) and late flowering (February - April).

Look at the photos of rhododendrons, the description of which is given above:

Agricultural technology for growing rhododendron in the garden

Rhododendrons are best planted in the light shade of trees, although they also grow well in the light. The proximity of rhododendrons next to coniferous plants, which create a favorable habitat for them, is very successful. Group plantings of rhododendrons look very impressive, which can be monophonic or composed of plants with different colors of flowers. The combination of tones creates a wonderful decorative effect. When grown in the garden, rhododendrons go well with lilac, barberry, Japanese quince. Compositions from different varieties are good, having a different appearance (height) of the bush and the color of the flowers.

All rhododendrons grow slowly, but are durable and able to maintain decorativeness for decades. For successful growth, it is important to observe the conditions for growing rhododendrons. They need acidic (pH 4-5), nutritious, rich, loose, air- and water-tight soil, they do not tolerate stagnant water. Peat soil is best for rhododendrons. Plants do not like chlorine and lime in the soil, they do not tolerate neutral and even more so alkaline soils.

The root system of rhododendrons is shallow, compact, so loosening must be done very carefully, digging the trunk circles is excluded. The correct agricultural technique for growing rhododendrons provides for a mandatory layer of crushed peat or tree bark or coniferous litter, which has an acidic reaction. This will help protect the soil from drying out.

Planting and caring for a rhododendron flower (with video)

Landing in open ground with decent care, rhododendrons tolerate well. The best planting time is spring. The depth of the landing pits is 50-60 cm, the width is at least 70 cm.

It is better to determine the place for planting and subsequent care for the garden rhododendron by choosing areas of the garden that are sheltered from strong winds, and also avoid places with constant sunlight.

Pits for planting rhododendrons should be prepared in advance in the off-season (spring, autumn). A pit for planting is dug 2 times deeper and wider than the size of the root ball of one plant. If the pit is located next to a large tree, it is better to protect it with slate or plastic; two layers of roofing material can also be used for this purpose.

It is desirable to add sphagnum peat, deciduous soil, rotted manure, heather soil, pine needles, humus to the planting pit. It is advisable to use it to fill the pit by half the volume, and take the rest of the place to the soil from its original place, at the rate of 2-3 kg. All types of rhododendrons are united by shallow roots. The root system of rhododendrons is not large, but compact and dense, with a compacted root ball. Therefore, when transplanting rhododendrons, the connection between the roots and the ground is almost not damaged.

It is necessary to place the rhododendron vertically in the planting hole, then sprinkle the place around the root ball with the remaining substrate and crush it to avoid voids in the soil. After planting flowers, when caring for rhododendron, the trunk circle is mulched on top with a layer of 5 cm and watered abundantly so that the soil gets wet to a depth of 20 cm. Mulching with leaves, needles, peat is carried out after.

Rhododendrons need to be shaped and fed. It is recommended to regularly remove weeds near the bush.

When growing and caring for rhododendron, loosening the soil around the bush is not required, as this can damage its stability. Only occasionally can be watered in the first year of rooting in a new place and on hot days. The plant itself will tell you about the lack of watering, its leaves become dull, lose turgor. Garden rhododendron, when leaving, occasionally needs to be sprayed with foliage.

Bushes of the first year after planting are especially sensitive to a lack of moisture. An excess of moisture in the soil under the rhododendron leads to a lack of oxygen supplied to the roots. In this case, the plant will signal you about the problem with the fall and yellowing of the foliage, so it is very important to monitor the observance of the drainage layer during planting. If you notice stagnant water under a bush, try to loosen the soil gently without damaging the surface root system and let the soil dry out.

The frequency of watering during the care of the rhododendron flower depends on the meteorological conditions and the hardness of the soil in which the bush is planted. Water for irrigation is recommended to use soft and acidified.

The layer of mulch under the rhododendrons depends on the height of the plant. If the height of the plant is up to 50 cm, 4–6 cm of mulch is enough, if the plant is taller, then the mulch layer increases to 10–15 cm.

The plant needs pruning only if the crown is too large, then cut branches 2-4 cm thick in diameter. Cuts of rhododendron pruning must be lubricated with oil paint or garden pitch so that the cut does not become infected. 4 weeks after pruning, dormant buds awaken, and the plant restores its decorative shape in a year.

For the successful cultivation of rhododendrons, it is necessary to apply top dressing, they are necessary for young plants and old ones, so rhododendrons will be able to show their beauty to the fullest, the flowers will be bright, the greenery will be healthy, and flowering will be plentiful.

When feeding rhododendrons, it is necessary to apply fertilizers in small concentrations; a high salt content is unacceptable for these plants.

Rhododendrons need to be fed in the first year after planting, and after flowering, during the period of active growth of green shoots. All fertilizers are recommended to be applied in liquid form.

A clear sign of a lack of rhododendron feeding is the lightening of the foliage, a decrease in luster and a decrease in the growth of shoots, as well as falling leaves, and the absence of budding.

The most common organic fertilizer for rhododendrons is semi-rotted manure, which increases the nutritional value of the soil, improves the physical and mechanical properties of the earth. The soil becomes moisture and breathable, more loose. It is also recommended to apply horn shavings to the soil, as it has a long decay period and is an excellent source of phosphorus and nitrogen.

Organic fertilizers are applied diluted in water (1:15), after diluting the fertilizer, it is necessary to infuse it for several days in order to activate microbiological processes. Also, under rhododendrons, you can add diluted light brown slurry to nourish the soil with phosphorus.

Before watering the rhododendron with fertilizer, it is necessary to water the soil well in advance so as not to burn the roots.

It is also possible to apply rotted manure in autumn under the bushes with a layer of 5 cm along the perimeter of the near-stem circle, then with the melting of snow, the substances will gradually penetrate to the plant.

Since rhododendrons prefer acidic soil, ammonium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate can be used. The concentration is used 2:1000, and potash fertilizer is dissolved even more.

Rhododendrons should be fertilized from early spring to early August with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate.

Rhododendron bushes can freeze slightly in a cold winter. You can cover the bushes with roofing felt and other frame shelter, as these plants often suffer from strong winds and a thick layer of snow.

Rhododendron is not afraid of frost, but does not tolerate strong winds and dryness. It can freeze from strong winds in winter. That's why it needs to be tightly covered for the winter - so that the shelter is windproof. Around the rhododendron, a reinforcement structure is put up, lutrasil is thrown, and polyethylene is placed on top. And all this is tightly tied from below so that the wind does not penetrate. In the spring, this shelter is removed as early as possible so that the rhododendron receives moisture. Throughout the season, it is watered abundantly and the leaves are moistened with a spray bottle or poured over from a watering can - this should be done every day. If the bush grows in the wind, it needs to make a curtain of plants or put up a garden partition.

When caring for and propagating rhododendrons, remember that this shrub will not grow and bloom in alkaline soil. And such soil mainly exists in gardens, since most plants need it. Therefore, selectively, in the place where the rhododendron is planted, they change the soil to acidic soil, and then, so that it does not become alkaline over time, they are fed three times a year with special fertilizer for rhododendrons, peat is added, and pine needles are added to the soil (preferably yellowed). That's when the rhododendron will delight you with lush flowering.

They burn in the sun, burns cause the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, which can completely fall off, and the plant naturally dies. The only exceptions are deciduous plants that do well in the sun. It is necessary to provide for the protection of plants against sunburn - before frost, wrap them with several layers of lutrasil, at the same time it will help plants avoid freezing in winter. and additionally cover with oak leaves while the plant is small. Ecoberin works very well, both with freezing and with sunburn. With this preparation, together with the Healthy Garden preparation, rhododendrons should be sprayed prophylactically in the fall before shelter and in the spring immediately after the shelter is removed. To prepare the solution, it is enough to dissolve 2-3 grains of each of them in 1 liter of water. If a burn or freezing nevertheless occurred, then the dose of Ecoberin is doubled or even tripled. Spraying will have to be repeated 3-4 more times weekly.

The more care is taken for these plants, the more beautiful and magnificent they are.

Watch the video "Planting and caring for a rhododendron" to better understand how to grow this shrub:

Propagation of rhododendron by layering and cuttings

Reproduction of rhododendrons by layering includes the following activities:

  1. On the branch closest to the ground, make an incision, without splitting to the end, into an open cut so that it does not close, put a small pebble or sliver.
  2. Bend the branch to the ground, dig a shallow groove, lower a part of the branch with a cut into it, secure it with a wooden or wire hairpin and fill the groove with a loose soil mixture (preferably peat).
  3. By autumn, roots form in the section of the branch, the rooted seedling is separated from the mother plant in the spring of next year.

For the winter they cover with spruce branches and dry leaves. The first years of rhododendrons grow very slowly, most of their species bloom in the 5-6th year. In order for young immature plants to grow better and form shoots, fading inflorescences are regularly removed.

The best way to propagate rhododendrons is cuttings, which are carried out in June-July.

  1. Cut the stalk 10-15 cm long with a sharp thin knife, remove the lower leaves, place the stalk in a solution of a growth stimulator - "Heteroauxin" (2 tablets per 10 liters of water, solution temperature 20-22 ° C). The cuttings are soaked for 20 hours.
  2. Plant the cutting in the soil substrate. Cuttings root better in acidic soil, consisting of a mixture of peat, sand and coniferous soil. You can purchase a special acidic ready-made soil mixture called "Rhododendron Earth" for planting cuttings. From above, the cuttings are covered with glass or film, regularly moistened, creating a humid microclimate conducive to root formation, and maintaining a constant air temperature of at least 25 - 30 ° C. A developed root system usually forms after 2 to 3 months.

Caring for indoor rhododendron flower at home

Terms. You need a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. Does not tolerate dry air, regular spraying is desirable. The optimum temperature in winter is 12-15 ° C, in summer it can be taken out into the air. To care for an indoor rhododendron flower, the substrate must be acidic (pH 4.5-5). A mixture of peat, sod land and sand (4:1:1).

Care. Water moderately, however, the soil should never dry out. Water with lime-free water. Do not allow water to stand in the pot. Around the world, azalea is used as a "long-term bouquet." However, with decent care, rhododendron at home will delight you for many years. In this case, once every two weeks during flowering, fertilizing with acidic fertilizer is carried out. After flowering, the tops of the shoots are slightly shortened.

Reproduction. cuttings.

Usage. Perfect for cool apartments and winter gardens.

One of the most popular garden shrubs in England has always been the rhododendron. For its beauty, admiring Englishmen called it the Alpine Rose. Abundantly strewn with delicate flowers, the bush resembled a large cloud. On the territory of Russia, rhododendron appeared only at the end of the 18th century, since the heat-loving tender plant was poorly adapted to harsh winter conditions. Rhododendron planting and care in the conditions of central Russia is a rather complicated topic.

Rhododendron can survive in these latitudes when favorable conditions are created, and flowering can only be discussed with careful care and great efforts of gardeners. However, the splendor and abundance of flowering can reward all efforts a hundredfold.

Rhododendron is a separate genus of flowering shrubs, although there are also tree-like forms belonging to the Heather family. Its leaves can be evergreen, overwintering or deciduous. The first ones remain on the bush for up to 3-6 years, after which they are replaced by new ones, the wintering ones live only 1 year, and the falling ones are replaced every year, falling off in the fall, like in other plants. The shape of the leaves can be different: ellipsoid, round, spear-shaped. Corymbose inflorescences consist of large flowers of different shapes and colors.

The homeland of the rhododendron is the territory of the Far East, the mountain forests of Japan and China.

Rhododendron can be attributed to medicinal plants, as its leaves are rich in ascorbic acid. It is used to treat heart disease, rheumatism, epilepsy, colds, chronic colitis. An infusion of rhododendron leaves removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes the heartbeat, and reduces shortness of breath. However, the leaves also contain poisonous substances, so you need to be very careful in treating this plant.

In landscape design, rhododendron is used to decorate gardens in any style. It looks great both in single plantings and in large compositions.

These shrubs go well with coniferous trees or bushes - ferns, junipers, larches.

Often undersized species of rhododendron are used to create alpine slides and rocky gardens, combining them with heather, mountain pine or gentian.

Common species and varieties

Garden shrub rhododendron has many species and even more varietal varieties. Each species has its own biological characteristics, which significantly affects its requirements for growing conditions. Frost resistance, requirements for lighting, soil moisture, air, soil composition, etc. can change from species to species.

For example, a rhododendron with large leaves reacts more than others to the presence of a cold wind or draft, while requiring high humidity. Therefore, such species are recommended to be planted protected from drafts.

The most popular types include the following:

  • Dahurian;
  • Japanese;
  • Canadian;
  • Schlippebach.

Dahurian rhododendron

Refers to the evergreen variety. This is a low (about 2-4 m) branched shrub, with light or dark gray bark, rusty-brown pubescent shoots. The color of the leaves with the change of seasons varies from light green to brown. In winter, a few leaves may fall off, but young ones grow by spring. Flowering occurs before young leaves appear, and lasts about 3 weeks. Dahurian rhododendron blooms with large (up to 4 cm in diameter) funnel-shaped flowers of lilac-violet color, collected in inflorescences. Sometimes by autumn flowering may begin again.

This variety includes varieties:

  • AprilReign. Differs in early flowering - from about mid-April. Terry pink flowers are collected in large inflorescences;
  • AprilSnow. A shorter bush, tolerates frosts down to -28 degrees. It also blooms early with large white flowers.

Japanese rhododendron

Representative of deciduous shrubs, reaching 1-2 m in height. The plant attracts attention with bright large flowers, painted in all shades of red and yellow, as well as a change in foliage color from dark green in summer to crimson yellow in autumn. Flowering can last several weeks, starting in late spring. This type of rhododendron tolerates winter frosts well, subject to proper preparation for wintering.

The most interesting varieties of this species are:

  • CreamCrest. Evergreen, winter-hardy shrub, withstands frosts down to -32 degrees. Blooms in May-June with large creamy white bells;
  • Aureum. A low growing shrub with beautiful golden flowers. It is frost-resistant, but does not tolerate heat well.

Canadian rhododendron

Low shrub (up to 1 m tall) with large leaves and large pink-purple flowers, collected in small (up to 5 pieces) inflorescences. One of the most frost-resistant species, therefore it is suitable for cultivation even in the northern regions of Russia.

Rhododendron Schlippenbach

It belongs to deciduous shrubs, reaching 2 meters, although it can also be a small tree (up to 5 m). The oval leaves are light green in summer, changing to orange and bright purple by autumn. Spectacular bell flowers (up to 10 cm) are collected in large (6-10 pieces) inflorescences and can be painted in different shades of pink, although white-flowered varieties are also found. Flowering begins simultaneously with the appearance of leaves or even a little earlier.

hybrid varieties

R. hybrid "Sappho"

The most popular for gardens and flower beds in Russia are hybrid varieties of rhododendron:

  • JohnWalter (profusely flowering bush with bright red flowers);
  • PinkPearl (fast growing shrub with large pink inflorescences);
  • Sappho (white flowering hybrid);
  • Purple Splendour (distinguished by a beautiful purple-violet hue of flowers).

Planting a rhododendron

Rhododendron is a very demanding plant, planting and caring for it will require quite a lot of effort. However, subject to certain rules, it is quite possible for every gardener to grow this handsome man on his site.

Seedling selection

Deciduous species of rhododendron adapt best to the Russian climate, although there are quite frost-resistant specimens also among evergreen species.

As a rule, rhododendron is propagated by seeds or cuttings. When choosing a seedling grown from seeds, preference should be given to those that reach 15 cm in height (even if they are 2-3 years old). This indicates that the plant was grown in ordinary soil, and not by hydroponics.

Seedlings from cuttings, as a rule, are larger, with a thick trunk, they grow up to 30 cm and branch quite strongly almost from the very root.

The general rule for choosing a seedling, regardless of how it is grown, is to check the leaves, branches and roots for the presence or absence of damage, breakage or signs of disease:

  • roots should not be dry, brittle, with signs of decay (wet or slippery areas), knots;
  • leaves, branches should not have spots, damage or thickening.

It is recommended to purchase seedlings in trusted specialized stores, whose employees will not only help with the choice, but will also be able to advise on any questions about the rules for growing rhododendron.

Place and time of landing

Rhododendron can be planted throughout the autumn or spring - in April-May. At this time, the plant has time to restore strength after flowering or laying buds and can direct its forces to rooting in a new place.

When planting a rhododendron, it is important to choose the right place where it will grow. Areas protected from wind and drafts, where there is no direct sunlight, are best suited for it. However, it is also not worth shading the rhododendron completely, otherwise growth will slow down, and flowering may not occur at all. The ideal condition would be diffused light under the crowns of pines, thujas or larches.

Trees or shrubs with a developed surface root system will be bad neighbors for the rhododendron, as they will deprive the bush of nutrients and moisture from the soil. Areas near a blank fence or near the eastern wall of the house are well suited. Although planting a bush near the house, it is necessary to ensure that in winter snow or icicles from the roof do not fall on it.

Rhododendrons prefer moist air and soil, so they are often recommended to be planted near bodies of water (streams, ponds or pools). If this is not possible, regular spraying with warm water will have to be carried out before flowering.

Landing features

Planting a rhododendron differs little from planting other plants. He prefers loose, permeable soils with an acidic reaction (therefore, ash should not be added to the soil).

  1. A planting hole is prepared at the chosen place, the diameter and depth of which is twice the root ball of the plant.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer must be laid out to prevent stagnation of water and rotting of the roots.
  3. A prepared mixture of heather soil, sphagnum peat, hardwood soil, humus, rotted manure and pine needles (all parts in equal amounts) is introduced into the pit at half the depth. The rest of the pit is filled with the "native" land of the site.
  4. Before planting a seedling, the soil is thoroughly moistened. If the earthen ball of the plant is high, it is immersed in a container of water for several hours so that the plant can “get drunk”. Some gardeners recommend soaking the roots for 10-12 hours before planting, adding growth stimulants to the water.
  5. The seedling in the pit is placed strictly vertically, without deepening or raising it too much. The root neck should be at ground level.
  6. After planting, the remaining place is covered with soil and crushed so that there are no voids in the soil.
  7. The trunk circle must be mulched with pine bark or fallen needles to protect the root system from drying out and frost.

When applying fertilizer to the pit, it is important to choose one that does not contain calcium or chlorine.

If the planting of rhododendron was carried out during the flowering period, then after the end of the procedure, some of the buds must be removed. This will reduce the cost of the plant for flowering and redirect its efforts to rooting.

Another important point is the fixing of separately planted plants. If there are no supporting neighbors next to them, it is necessary to strengthen the bushes for some time with pegs driven into the soil. This will prevent unrooted seedlings from being uprooted by gusts of wind. It will be possible to remove them in a few months, when it becomes clear that the rhododendron has taken root in a new place and is well entrenched in the soil.

Care rules

Despite the capriciousness of rhododendrons, caring for them is not particularly difficult. First of all, they need regular spraying. It is better to do this before flowering and only in the morning or evening, otherwise the plant may get sunburn.


The most abundant watering of the rhododendron is necessary in the first year after planting, as this contributes to the early rooting of the plant. You will also need to water the shrub during periods of summer drought. For irrigation use soft acidified water.

Usually, rhododendron itself signals a lack of water - the leaves lose turgor and become dull. If they turned yellow and began to fall off, this may signal an excess of water in the soil, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots. In this case, the soil is carefully loosened and allowed to dry.


In the first year after planting, seedlings are regularly, but little by little, fed with liquid fertilizers. Signs of malnutrition are:

  • lightening of the leaves, their fall;
  • haze of foliage;
  • lack of buds and slow growth of young shoots.

It is best to use rotted manure for feeding; superphosphate is well suited from mineral fertilizers. Before fertilizing, the soil is watered abundantly to protect the roots from burns.


Despite the fact that by nature rhododendrons have the correct crown shape, from time to time they need to be pruned, removing excess branches. As a rule, branches with a thickness of 2-4 cm are cut. After pruning, it is imperative to treat the cut points with oil paint or garden pitch.


For the winter, rhododendron bushes must be covered, this will protect them from severe frosts and ensure abundant flowering in spring.

This procedure is carried out in mid-November. For shelter, you can use roofing felt or build special frame structures or foam houses that will protect plants from gusts of wind and snow. They remove the shelter only after the air temperature reaches +10 degrees, around April. It is better to do this on a cloudy day so that the rhododendron has time to adapt to sunlight after a long winter.

Reproduction of rhododendron

The main methods of propagation of rhododendron include cuttings and layering. Cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut from bushes in June or July, the lower leaves are removed and soaked for 24 hours in a solution of preparations that stimulate root formation. After that, they are planted in a moist soil mixture (from peat, sand and coniferous soil) and covered with a film. The stalk usually takes root in 3-4 weeks.

In the case of propagation of a bush by layering, a small incision is made on a selected branch located near the ground, bent to the soil and placed in a shallow groove. Then they are fixed with wire and sprinkled with peat. It is very important to maintain a constant level of soil moisture at the rooting site of the layering. If all conditions are met, roots will appear by autumn, and in spring a young bush can be planted in its own place.

Despite the fact that the rhododendron is considered one of the most capricious and demanding plants to care for, it is not too difficult to grow it on your site. It is enough to provide the plant with favorable conditions, and it will not be slow to please its owner with a cloud of bright colors.
