Reu im Plekhanov distance learning. Faculty of Distance Learning of the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov. REU electronic portfolio management system

Reu im Plekhanov distance learning.  Faculty of Distance Learning of the Russian Economic Academy named after.  G.V.  Plekhanov.  REU electronic portfolio management system
Reu im Plekhanov distance learning. Faculty of Distance Learning of the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov. REU electronic portfolio management system

Russian the University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov was founded in 1907 and today has the status Russia's largest. Economics and commodity science, technology and engineering are the main areas in which specialists are trained if their qualifications correspond to the highest category.

Since 1998, the university began to operate the Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL), upon admission to which the applicant has the opportunity to receive a higher education in economics.

What are the benefits of distance learning for students?

The essence of distance learning is that the student receives all the necessary knowledge without visiting the university, which allows him not to leave his place of residence and not stop work activity. In this case, they are used educational technologies, blurring the line between face-to-face and distance learning, which allow us to maintain a high level of quality of the knowledge obtained. The student completes the entire training program via the Internet.

At the FDO REU named after. Plekhanov personal presence may be required: during enrollment (during the process of submitting documents), when defending final works (coursework or dissertations). After completing your studies, you will also need to come to the university to go through the procedure of awarding and receiving your diploma.

List of programs at the FDO REU named after. Plekhanov

The list of programs includes:

  1. Accounting and auditing - the basis of this program is the study of economic disciplines. In addition, students are taught computer programs narrow specialized focus and financial reporting.
  2. Marketing - the program teaches tactics and strategy marketing activities, conducting market research and creating effective advertising.
  3. Organizational Management - the program is aimed at getting everyone necessary knowledge for successful performance of tasks in management positions.
  4. Finance and credit - the program is dedicated to studying the intricacies financial market, banking and insurance, government finance. Teaches you to feel confident and correctly navigate issues related to taxation and the securities market.
  5. Jurisprudence - the program teaches legal and economic disciplines. The main focus is “Civil Law Profile”.

Cost of education

The cost of distance learning at the FDO REU named after. Plekhanov is from 105,000 to 135,000 rubles per year.

Upon graduation from the university, graduates who successfully complete the university will be awarded the qualification “Bachelor”.

FDO REU im. Plekhanov has the status state university, upon completion of which a diploma is issued confirming completion of the course of study, assignment of qualifications and receipt of higher education.

Pros: there is an opportunity to go study abroad for six months; the dormitories have recently been renovated. Cons: expensive canteens, the indifferent attitude of university staff towards their students, the bureaucracy is off the charts, the choice of subjects by students is a phony (in fact, your opinion is not taken into account, just as it is not taken into account when you write what you want scientific supervisor yours final work in the 4th year), paid students are NOT given a hostel, those who are on an extra-budgetary basis get ready to pay 250 thousand rubles. for nine...

Nowadays, it is customary everywhere to declare the bad as loudly as possible, and keep the good quiet. So I will allow myself the audacity to declare something good, namely, the direction of “Political Science” at the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov. I myself am a graduate of the Political Science major in 2018, I studied all four on a budget. Overall, I was left with extremely positive impressions of the process and quality of education. The teachers tried from the first year to convey to us what and who they teach us, as well as the fact that political science...

Business center REU named after. Plekhanov position themselves as a center where you can take advanced training courses in the field of marketing. This center is absolutely not client-oriented and provides information on what marketing is and how to attract potential client clearly does not own it, since they are not even able to bring to purchase a client who contacted their organization himself. Several phone calls and emails sent by me to the address listed on the official website led to a demonstration...

Dear Konovalova Elena Anatolyevna! With vast experience and deep knowledge, You have developed your own unique teaching system. We express our deep gratitude to you for: - creating conditions for professional development, - active participation in activities to improve the level of our qualifications, - your fruitful work for the benefit of the team of students. We wish you long professional success and creative achievements in all areas of your multifaceted activities. From the team...

Organization at the university high level- it is a fact. There is no such thing as something changing in the schedule and it not being communicated to you. The group was not bad, but the main thing here is to be friends with the headman, then everything will be ok). The teachers are normal, of course there are some who are especially demanding, but fortunately there are few of them. There are favorites too. Those that can captivate the subject and make you unobtrusively fall in love with it. In general, I am satisfied with my studies.

You can find a job without any problems with a Pleshka diploma. For example, I worked in the 4th and 5th years, but it was not full-time work. After receiving my diploma, I quit my job and began looking for a full-time job. I asked my friends, posted my resume on the internet, and literally within a month I had four decent offers, of which I chose the best one, where I still work. I am grateful to Pleshka for the opportunity to work at a cool job!

At my previous institute we were forbidden to work in parallel with our studies, so I had to leave there. I think this is stupid, because without practice it’s difficult to learn something, and I worked in my specialty, albeit part-time. As a result, I transferred to Pleshka. Here, on the contrary, they praise me for my work, and the teachers meet me in some cases.

I graduated from Pleshka several years ago. Now I work in my specialty and when I meet people at work who also graduated from this university or are now studying at it, they usually make a good impression on me with their knowledge and attitude to work. Not all of them, of course, there are exceptions, as there are everywhere, but most certainly.

Hi all! I would like to share my experience of studying at REU. Plekhanov on a budget. I am from Izhevsk and entered the Faculty of Business Captains and am very happy about it! There are a lot of really useful subjects that are closely related to life and my project, which I came up with in my first year and am still running! I can recommend the site admissions committee Faculty: It is written in detail and clearly about the faculty :)

I read it latest reviews dissatisfied people. So let’s start with the fact that someone’s mother wrote that they weren’t allowed into the university without a permanent pass because they didn’t get the photographs, but why didn’t they get the photos? Why didn't everything turn in on time? If every second person comes and says that we need to come in to get passes, then what will the university turn into? There are rules that must be followed! The university may include employees and students studying there, no friends...

I read reviews about my native Pleshka and see that many people write that after this university it is not difficult to find a job. This is true, but I would note one more point: finding a job is one thing, but working successfully is completely different, and from my own experience I can say that after Pleshka there is enough knowledge to work successfully. But this, of course, is only the case when you really study, and don’t pretend.

In my opinion this is the best place(along with Moscow State University), in terms of training in economic professions. We have very strong programs, which are not easy to overcome, but if you succeed, then I think you can safely work in highly paid positions.

Selection committee REU Plekhanov- the best. I would like to say a huge thank you for the sensitivity, participation, attentiveness, and professionalism of the entire university admissions committee! And especially beautiful women Firsova Yulia Nikolaevna and Zvereva Anna Olegova!

Education here is very skillfully combined with public life. You will find a use for any skill and activity. A million possibilities will open up before you. The conditions, as well as the atmosphere between the guys in the hostel, are excellent. It is very convenient that the university is located a few steps from the metro.

I am finishing the 1st year of the Faculty of FMESI in the direction of Economics, and I would like to share my impressions with those who are yet to be accepted. Perhaps one of the most important decisions: decide on the university where you want to enroll and the direction in which you would like to study. If you are well versed in mathematics and are interested in what the country's economy is like and how all kinds of economic processes occur, then welcome to our faculty! Also, in our program...

Having successfully graduated from this university, I happily went into life! Good job, family, everything was going well, until the moment I remembered that I had forgotten the original of my college diploma at the university, because 4 years had already passed, I thought that I needed to pick it up. I called and the 8th number gave me the one I needed, namely the archive. Calling there and getting through 2 hours later, they found my diploma, saying: “Come and pick it up, just call in advance and order a pass.” As a responsible...

I'm studying at REU for the second year. Objectively, among the minuses: 1) disgusting syllabus. Irrelevant knowledge taught by pensioners. Naturally, whatever the priest, such is the parish - students are often stupid and lazy. Nobody needs anything - teachers are not interested in teaching, students are not interested in learning. 2) Corruption. I don’t know, maybe it’s a plus for some, but any credit can be purchased. 3) Social activity, which serves the interests of the Student Council and the administration, but in no way...

We were transferred from Rgteu! We are now in the 5th year. We were clearly told that for the remaining year and a half, that we must study, we will have a fight for survival! We basically knew that we weren’t needed in Pleshka because tuition fees were too low! Of course, in Pleshka a year costs about 200-250 thousand. We pay about 70 thousand rubles a year. Well, excuse me, probably the rich students of Plekhanovka have very rich parents and can afford it! But here, as a rule, everyone pays for themselves - they work for their studies...