Requirements for the formation and execution of estimate documentation. II. General requirements for budgeting

Requirements for the formation and execution of estimate documentation. II. General requirements for budgeting

The basic requirements for design, estimating and construction are set out in building codes and rules (SNiP). This state regulatory document consists of four parts, each of which is divided into chapters.

Part 1 “Building materials, products, structures and equipment” contains chapters regarding:

  • nomenclature, main sizes and quality requirements building materials and details;
  • instructions for the selection and use of building materials, parts and structures depending on the class of buildings and structures;
  • basic rules for transportation, storage and acceptance of building materials, parts and structures.

Part 2 “Building Design Standards” contains chapters dealing with:

  • · basic provisions on: classification of buildings and structures; single modular system; fire safety requirements; construction climatology and geophysics; building structures and reasons; construction heating engineering; natural and artificial lighting; loads and impacts; construction in seismic areas and etc.;
  • standards for designing structures: stone and reinforced stone; concrete and reinforced concrete; steel; wooden; foundations of buildings and structures, etc.;
  • design standards: planning and development of populated areas; master plans industrial enterprises; residential, public and industrial buildings;
  • design standards: external and internal water supply; sewerage; heating; ventilation; gas supply; design standards: sea and river hydraulic structures; railways and roads; bridges, pipes and tunnels.

Part 3 “Rules of production and acceptance construction work» contains:

  • general provisions on the organization and mechanization of construction and the organization of construction work;
  • rules for construction work;
  • requirements for the quality of construction work and basic tolerances;
  • rules for intermediate and final acceptance of construction work, as well as instructions for acceptance into operation of enterprises, buildings and structures.

Part 4 “Estimate norms and rules” contains:

  • definition rules estimated cost building materials, parts and structures;
  • rules for determining the estimated cost of operating construction machines;
  • determination of funds for wages;
  • rules for determining limited and other costs included in construction estimates;
  • rules for the development and application of estimate standards, etc.;
  • collections of estimated norms and prices (appendices to SNiP).

Regarding SNiP, it should be added that in connection with the planned adoption of the Law on Technical Regulation, in accordance with which the standards regulations, including on estimated standardization, all parts of SNiP are currently of a recommendatory nature.

According to the “Instructions on the procedure for development, approval, approval and composition project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" (SNiP 11-01-95), the estimate documentation is integral part project for construction construction products and is included in the project as a separate section.

The project is a complex engineering solutions, drawn up in the form of a set of engineering and economic documents, calculations that allow one to judge the feasibility and quality of the future building or structure. It includes an explanatory note, drawings and estimates.

Design work is carried out under an agreement with the customer by design, design and construction organizations and other legal and individuals, having licensed rights to design.

Design is carried out in one or two stages. With one-stage design, it is developed working draft for technically simple and standard buildings. Two-stage design involves the development project And working documentation .

The working design is developed on the basis of the approved design assignment and is a project combined with working documentation. With a two-stage design, the project is first agreed upon and approved, and then working documentation is developed.

Based on the drawings of the working documentation (detailed design), specifications of materials, local and consolidated statements of requirements for materials, structures and products (VM and SVM), statements of resources and volumes of work, local and site estimates are drawn up, all construction and installation work (CEM) is carried out according to the designed object.

Design is carried out on the basis of initial permitting documentation, architectural planning assignment (APZ) of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture (KGA) of the region, design assignment and other initial data.

KGA issues an APP for design at the request of the customer (investor) within a month from the date of registration of the application.

The main documents regulating the relations of the parties during design are agreement, concluded between the customer and the designer, and design assignment. The recommended composition and content of the design assignment are given in Appendix 20. The main requirements for the assignment for the development of a development project are set out in SNiP 11-04-2003 “Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, examination and approval of urban planning documentation.” The design assignment is subject to approval by the KGA.

Together with the approved design assignment, the customer transfers to the designer the initial data necessary for design in accordance with the contract.

Government services, industry departments and other interested organizations provide technical specifications and requirements for designing an object at the request of the customer within no more than 15 days from the date of registration of the application, some of which are used in the pre-design preparation of the construction of the object - feasibility study or fuel and energy assessment of the cost of the project to justify the economic feasibility of design and construction.

Estimate documentation as part of the project is developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 81-01-2004 (“Instructions on the procedure for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation”), MDS 81-35.2004 and begins with a brief explanatory note and a summary estimate of construction costs.

The Government of the Russian Federation, by Decree No. 1008 dated December 27, 2000, approved the “Regulations on the conduct of state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation in Russian Federation“, according to which project documentation is subject to state examination before its approval, regardless of the sources of financing and the form of ownership of the objects.

Before approval and examination, design documentation is subject to mandatory submission for review:

  • chief architect of St. Petersburg;
  • in KGIOP;
  • to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of St. Petersburg (TSGSEN);
  • to Management state inspection security traffic(State Traffic Safety Inspectorate);
  • to the Department of Landscape Management (USPH).
State examination of development projects and design documentation for the construction of facilities in St. Petersburg is carried out by:
  • North-Western branch of state examination of projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (for relevant objects);
  • Service of State Construction Supervision and Expertise in accordance with the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated October 26. 2004 No. 1747;
  • specialized state expert organizations.
Examination of objects of national importance carried out in the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise (Glavgosekspertiza of Russia).

There are sectoral expert units in the relevant ministries and departments.

The main purpose of the examination is to monitor compliance with government regulations and rules. The duration of state and specialized examinations is established by the contract, but should not exceed 30 days. For particularly complex objects, the duration of the examination may be increased, but not more than by 10 days.

Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is drawn up, which is a mandatory document for execution by customers, design, contracting and other interested organizations.

Work on the examination of pre-project and design documentation is paid by the customer with these costs assigned to Chapter 12 of the consolidated estimate of construction costs according to standards from the cost of design and survey work (columns 7 and 8).

The “Estimate Documentation” section contains local and object-based estimates, estimates for individual species costs, including survey and design work, a summary construction cost estimate and, if necessary, a cost summary. Based on the estimated cost of construction, customers and contractors, based on the results of contract bidding, form a contract price for construction products.

The contract price can be final or open, specified under the terms of the contract during construction.

Determining the cost of construction products is usually carried out in two stages.

1. As part of a feasibility study at the pre-design stage of project development.

2. As part of the design- estimate documentation The estimated cost of construction is determined.

The basis for determining the cost of construction is the project, working documentation and the corresponding estimate and regulatory framework.

Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated July 27, 2004 No. 1322 recommends a “Combined schedule for the design and construction of the facility.”

The duration of design according to the recommended schedule from the moment of the Government decree and the start of registration of the KGA APP until the completion of the development of working documentation, including estimates, is almost 14 months. The construction period from site acquisition to completion of landscaping and landscaping is on average 22 months.

In developed countries all preparatory work takes 1 year (first, land is purchased, which becomes collateral).

Design costs in Russia average about 6% of the construction cost, abroad (in developed countries) - 12%.

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ORDER of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2007 112n (as amended on July 30, 2010) ON THE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROCEDURE FOR DRAFTING APPROVAL AND MAINTENANCE... Relevant in 2017

II. General requirements to drawing up estimates

3. Drawing up an estimate for the purposes of these General Requirements is to establish the volume and distribution of directions for spending budget funds on the basis of those communicated to the institution in in the prescribed manner limits of budget obligations for budget expenditures on the acceptance and (or) fulfillment of budget obligations to ensure the performance of the functions of the institution for the period of one financial year (hereinafter referred to as the limits of budget obligations).

4. Estimate indicators are formed in the context of codes for the classification of budget expenditures of the budget classification of the Russian Federation with detail down to the codes of articles (subarticles) of the classification of operations of the public administration sector.

The chief manager, manager of budget funds, or institution has the right to further detail the budget indicators by codes of analytical indicators.

The chief manager (manager) of budget funds has the right to create a set of estimates of institutions, containing generalized indicators of estimates of institutions under his jurisdiction.

5. The estimate (set of estimates of institutions) is drawn up by the institution according to the recommended sample (Appendix No. 1 to these General Requirements).

The chief manager of budget funds, when establishing the procedure for drawing up, approving and maintaining an estimate, has the right to supplement the estimate form with additional details and sections, and also determine the rules for filling it out.

In order to formulate an institution’s budget for the next financial year, at the stage of drawing up a draft budget for the next financial year (for the next financial year and planning period) the institution draws up a draft estimate for the next financial year according to the recommended model (Appendix No. 2 to these General Requirements).

Formation of the project budget estimate for the next financial year is carried out in accordance with the procedure for drawing up, approving and maintaining estimates established by the main manager of budget funds.

Appendix No.

to the Terms of Reference

Requirements for the design and preparation of estimate documentation.

    Local estimates must be drawn up on the basis of approved design documentation, based on: the volume of work taken from the construction and installation work sheets, determined by design materials; nomenclature and quantity of equipment adopted according to the specification, statement of design documentation.

    When drawing up estimates, be guided by MDS 81-35.2004 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

    Local estimates for construction and installation work should be drawn up on the basis of current unit prices entered into the Federal Register of Estimate Standards, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation), using quarterly indices for converting the estimated cost to the current price level specified in the appendix to letters from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

    The use of the 2001 pricing base standards in construction (Gosstroy base), which are not registered and not included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards, is not permitted.

    The cost of materials and equipment is determined according to the collection of “Estimated prices for materials” approved in the prescribed manner and entered into the Federal Register of Estimated Standards.

    In the absence of the necessary nomenclature for materials and equipment in the collection, it is allowed to determine them on the basis of price lists 1 attached to the estimate (in the estimate, in the “justification” column, indicate the date/period of validity and the manufacturer/supplier), and prices should not exceed the average prices for the region. When making mutual payments, provide supporting documents (waybills, invoices).

    When excluding and adding resources (materials) in estimate calculations, they must be taken into account as a separate item. Changes within the price are not allowed. When using coefficients and limited costs in estimates, indicate the justification from the technical part, introductory instructions in collections or other regulatory documents

    and applications to them. Correction factors from the technical part to prices (for example, for dismantling or for accounting execution of work) are taken into account individually for each position and are indicated positionally in the output forms when uploaded to Excel format.

    Additional costs for performing work in difficult, especially difficult, harmful and especially harmful working conditions according to the list of works MDS 81-35.2004 and the appendix to the letter dated 06.23.2004 No. AP-3230/06 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” should be supported by supporting documents. In the absence of supporting documents, additional payment for performing work in heavy, especially heavy, harmful and especially harmful conditions labor is not included in the estimates.

    During construction, costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures should be taken into account if they are indicated in the construction organization project, or in Technical requirements. The payment procedure shall be specified in the contract.

    Additional costs associated with the complexity of work in winter time, accrue from the estimated cost of work if the deadlines execution of work, According to the “Collection of estimated standards for additional costs in the production of construction installation work in winter" GSN81-05-02 are included in the calculated winter period, and are performed outdoors and in unheated rooms.

    The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs should be calculated as a percentage in an amount not exceeding those specified in MDS 81-35.2004 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” paragraph 4.96 and in the approved Technical Requirements.

    The payment procedure is specified in the contract. In local estimates, indicate the amount of overhead costs for types of construction

    , repair and construction, installation and commissioning works on the basis of regulatory documents included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.

    In local estimates, indicate the amount of estimated profit by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning work on the basis of regulatory documents included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.

    Calculation of the cost of commissioning work should be done in a separate local estimate, compiled using the base-index method based on unit prices for commissioning work entered into the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.

    If there are two or more estimates, prepare a consolidated estimate at the current price level (accurate to kopecks). Mandatory annexes to the Consolidated Estimate Calculation are local estimates. Form of Consolidated estimate calculation according to Appendix No. 2 MDS 81.35.2004. Sample No. 1.

(name of company)

“Approved” “__” _________________ 20__

Consolidated estimate in the amount of _____________________________________ thousand rubles.

Including refundable amounts __________________________________________ thousand rubles.

"__" ______________ 20__




(name of construction site (object being repaired))

Compiled in prices as of ______________________________ 20__.

thousand roubles.

Numbers of estimates and estimates

Name of chapters, objects, works and costs

Estimated cost

Total estimated cost

construction (repair and construction) work

installation work

equipment, furniture and inventory

other costs


design organization ______________________________________________________________

Chief Engineer

project _____________________________________________________________________

[signature (initials, surname)]

Department head _______________________________________

(name) [signature (initials, surname)]

Customer ___________________________________________________________________

[position, signature (initials, surname)]

    Estimate documentation must be presented in two versions:

    on paper (the quantity is indicated in the tender documentation);

    on electronic media (in “ARPS” format (“xml”, “Grand Estimate”) and Excel), fully corresponding to the paper version.

1 Determination of the current price according to price lists is carried out on the basis of initial data received from the contractor, as well as suppliers and manufacturing organizations of materials and equipment. Based on MDS 81-35.2004, clause 4.25, in order to select optimal and reasonable cost indicators, it is recommended that the contractor monitor prices for materials and equipment.

Appendix No.

to the Terms of Reference

Requirements for the design and preparation of estimate documentation.

1. Local estimates must be drawn up on the basis of the approved project documentation, based on: volumes of work accepted from statements construction and installation work, determined by design materials; nomenclature and quantity of equipment adopted according to the specification, statement of design documentation.

2. When preparing estimates, be guided by MDS 81-35.2004 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

3. Local estimates for construction and installation works draw up on the basis of current unit prices entered into the Federal Register estimate standards, approved by the Ministry regional development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation), using quarterly indices for converting the estimated cost into the current price level specified in the appendix to the letters of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

4. Use of base standards pricing in construction in 2001 (Gosstroy base), not registered and not included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards, are not allowed.

5. The cost of materials and equipment is determined according to the collection of “Estimated prices for materials” approved in the prescribed manner and entered into the Federal Register of Estimated Standards. In the absence of the necessary nomenclature of materials and equipment in the collection, it is allowed to determine on the basis price lists, attached to the estimate (in the estimate, in the “justification” column, indicate the date/period of validity and the manufacturer/supplier), and the prices should not exceed the average prices for the region. At mutual settlements provide supporting documents (waybills, invoices).

6. When excluding and adding resources (materials) in estimate calculations, they must be taken into account as a separate item. Changes within the price are not allowed.

7. When using coefficients and limited costs in estimates, indicate the justification from the technical part, introductory instructions in collections or other regulatory documents and appendices to them.

8. Correction factors from the technical part to prices (for example, for dismantling or to take into account special conditions execution of work) are taken into account individually for each position and are indicated positionally in the output forms when uploading to Excel format.

9. Additional costs for performing work in difficult, especially difficult, harmful and especially harmful working conditions according to the list of works MDS 81-35.2004 and the attachment to the letter dated 01.01.2001 No. AP-3230/06 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation » must be supported by supporting documents. In the absence of supporting documents, additional payment for performing work in difficult, especially difficult, harmful and especially hazardous working conditions is not accrued in the estimate calculations.

10. During construction, the costs of constructing temporary buildings and structures should be taken into account if they are specified in the construction organization project or in the Technical Requirements. The calculation procedure shall be specified in contract.

11. Additional costs associated with the complication of work in winter are charged from the estimated cost of work if the deadlines for completing the work, according to the “Collection of estimated standards for additional costs when carrying out construction and installation work in winter”, are included in the estimated winter period , and are executed on outdoors and in unheated rooms.

12. The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs shall be calculated as a percentage in an amount not exceeding those specified in MDS 81-35.2004 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation”, paragraph 4.96 and in the approved Technical Requirements. The payment procedure is specified in the contract.

13. In local estimates, indicate the value overhead by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning work on the basis of regulatory documents included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.

14. In local estimates, indicate the amount estimated profit by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning work on the basis of regulatory documents included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.

15. Calculate the cost of commissioning work in a separate local estimate, compiled using the base-index method based on unit prices for commissioning works included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.

16. In local estimates, line-by-line and total figures should be indicated in rubles. The VAT amount should be indicated in kopecks, including the lines “Total according to the estimate, including VAT.”

17. If there are two or more estimates, prepare a consolidated estimate at the current price level (accurate to kopecks). Mandatory annexes to the Consolidated Estimate Calculation are local estimates. Form of Consolidated estimate calculation according to Appendix No. 2 MDS 81.35.2004. Sample No. 1.

(name of company)

“Approved” “__” _________________ 20__

Consolidated estimate in the amount of _____________________________________ thousand rubles.

Including refundable amounts __________________________________________ thousand rubles.

"__" ______________ 20__




(name of the construction site (object being repaired))

Compiled in prices as of ______________________________ 20__.

Numbers of estimates and estimates

Name of chapters, objects, works and costs

Estimated cost

Total estimated cost

construction (repair and construction) work

installation work

equipment, furniture and inventory

other costs


design organization ______________________________________________________

[signature (initials, surname)]

Chief Engineer

project _____________________________________________________________________

[signature (initials, surname)]

Department head _______________________________________

(name) [signature (initials, surname)]

Customer ___________________________________________________________________

[position, signature (initials, surname)]

18. Estimate documentation must be presented in two versions:

§ on paper (the quantity is indicated in tender documentation);

§ on electronic media (in the “ARPS” format (“xml”, “Grand-Smeta”) and Excel), fully corresponding to the paper version.

Determination of the current price according to price lists is carried out on the basis of initial data received from the contractor, as well as suppliers and manufacturing organizations of materials and equipment. Based on MDS 81-35.2004, paragraph 4.25, in order to select optimal and reasonable cost indicators, it is recommended that the contractor monitor prices for materials and equipment.