Kitchen renovation in progress. Step-by-step kitchen renovation from A to Z. How to avoid a false start: the most common mistakes

Kitchen renovation in progress.  Step-by-step kitchen renovation from A to Z.  How to avoid a false start: the most common mistakes
Kitchen renovation in progress. Step-by-step kitchen renovation from A to Z. How to avoid a false start: the most common mistakes

It's time to do some renovations, but you're afraid to start? Is it scary to even imagine how much effort and money it will take? Down and Out trouble started!

To help you, we have developed a kitchen renovation plan. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a new building or a “Khrushchev”: the procedure is almost the same.

But first things first.

So, we need to start by thinking about what we want from the renovation, what kind of house we want to live in.

1. We estimate the amount of work

Do you want to do a complete renovation of your apartment or is cosmetic renovation enough for you?

Major repairs will be required more strength and means, but you will feel the effect from it for 10-15 years. If you have to finish a new building, then this is definitely work from scratch. For some reason, builders are limited to just building walls.

At the same stage, decide on the design of the kitchen. Perfect option - ready-made design project, compiled independently or, even better, with the help of a professional.

You should already have an idea of ​​where and what equipment will be located. This information will be needed at the next stage.

2. We assess the state of communications: electrical wiring, water, gas, sewerage

We are determining whether any communications need to be changed.

If the house is new, there is no need to change communications. They are new. But laying out water pipes and installing sockets (with grounding!) is mandatory work.

If your apartment has not been renovated for twenty years, then the situation is more serious: heating, sewer and water pipes in houses aged 15 years and older require your attention.

Pay special attention to electrics. There are a lot of things in our houses household appliances. Electrical wiring must be modern and withstand high loads. Sockets should be installed so that it is convenient to work with kitchen appliances.

Do not spare effort and resources when working with communications: your safety is more important than money! Invite qualified specialists to do this work.

3. We assess the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling, window

IN new apartment We make the floor, walls and ceiling from scratch. IN old apartment First you need to determine the condition of the floor, walls, ceiling and window. Write down what from this list you will dismantle and replace with new ones.

Think and decide what finishing materials you will use for the floor, walls and ceiling.

The floor can be made of tiles, laminate, parquet, or linoleum. The walls can be plastered and painted, or after plastering they can be covered with wallpaper. Ceiling - what will it be like? Tensioned, made of plasterboard or is it enough to just whitewash it? The choice is yours.

4. We draw up the final order of work

  • We lay new electrical wiring, install sockets;
  • We replace water supply and sewerage pipes, install meters;
  • We install new windows;
  • Place the screed on the floor;
  • We plaster and level the walls;
  • We plaster and paint the ceiling or install a suspended ceiling;
  • We lay the covering on the floor (linoleum, laminate, linoleum);
  • We install furniture and doors

This is a complete list of work; it can be shortened and unnecessary steps removed. For example, if the windows are in good condition, why change them?

Important! Invite a measurement specialist from the kitchen salon immediately after plastering the walls. The specialist will take accurate measurements and check the location of the sockets. If you have to move the outlet to another location, it is at this stage that you will do it without unnecessary expenses.

In order not to miss anything important and not to regret the missed step, we advise you to develop your own repair map. Mind mapping programs will help you with this.

Take advantage of our help, come to us, we will make a design project for you. He will help you correctly plan electrical wiring and all communications. After plastering the walls, call our specialist for a professional measurement.

After taking measurements, you can immediately order a kitchen: while we are making it, you are finishing your kitchen renovation. And on day X - you have a stylish comfortable kitchen. Now your lunches will be even tastier!

In the kitchen, every woman tries to show imagination and ingenuity in preparing food for her family. The kitchen plays the important role of the heart of the home. Home comfort, which the kitchen creates, encourages every member of the household to look there more often. Kitchen renovation options photo - 70 design ideas:

It is in the kitchen that friends who accidentally drop by for tea and cookies end up. Therefore, every housewife wants a pleasant atmosphere of warmth and comfort to be felt in the kitchen. Renovating this part of the house becomes an important and serious step. This is especially true in cases where responsibility for inexpensive repair The small kitchen is taken care of by the owners themselves.

In order not to delay kitchen renovations for many months and get pleasure from this process and emotional relief, it is necessary to adhere to certain tactics in actions.

Kitchen design project

Create a design project for your future kitchen. Carrying out repairs without a previously calculated plan can lead to excessive worries and costs. If you draw up an estimate, it is possible to fit the repairs within the established financial boundaries and understand what can be achieved in the end.

To create a design project, you can contact a professional designer. Taking into account your wishes, the designer will provide you with several types of projects, and you can choose what you would like to see. Your task is to think color scheme, furniture placement, style and lighting of your kitchen. Kitchen renovation real photos examples:

You can get by with minor repairs to keep the room clean, or make a major overhaul, or you can do a complete redevelopment of the room and change your favorite corner of the house to an amazing state.

How to renovate a kitchen quickly and inexpensively

Clean the area and dismantle previous finishing. When the design is chosen, you need to remove household appliances and furniture from the kitchen. You can easily part with excess items and old cabinets. Then proceed to disassemble the finishing on the ceiling, walls and floor.

One of the significant stages of any kitchen renovation is plumbing work. Especially if the plumbing equipment needs to be completely replaced with new ones. The pipes must be placed close to the walls, or mounted inside the walls. Replacing a cast iron battery with the latest system made of aluminum or for convectors would be an ideal option.

Polypropylene, metal-plastic, and copper are used for the pipeline. These materials have a number of advantages:

    • - y polypropylene pipeline low thermal conductivity and protection against corrosion. There is no need to install cuffs or pads. It has an affordable price. You can install it using a welding machine.

    • — metal-plastic pipes do not corrode, are characterized by low heat transfer and rigid construction. Installation of metal-plastic pipes is quite complicated and requires a large number of components.

  • - the highest indicators of durability, tolerance of very high and low temperatures, immunity to deformation and other external causes of a copper pipeline. Copper has antibacterial properties. Disadvantage copper pipes is their high price. Kitchen renovation options photo:

Electrical work

When replacing electrical wiring, it is important to take into account how busy the kitchen is with various electrical appliances - refrigerator, electric kettle, microwave oven, washing machine and others.

It's better to lay a separate one electrical line, which will have a sufficient number of sockets.

In addition to the main lighting, additional lighting is also necessary. It can be Spotlights, which will highlight all the required areas of the kitchen. If you want to completely replace the wiring or install gas equipment, then the best option would be to use the services of professionals.

Kitchen window

Modern kitchen renovations involve replacing windows, and it is important to decide which window you want - wooden or plastic. The quality of a wooden window is environmental friendliness, naturalness and the ability to “breathe”, but the price of such a window is high.

Plastic is more durable, resistant to temperature changes and other hostile circumstances, and does not require additional care. Also, the PVC profile in combination with double-glazed windows creates excellent sound and thermal insulation.

Consider all types of room ventilation when replacing a window in the kitchen. Install such a sash so that it is as practical as possible in operation. Kitchen renovation ideas photo:

Installing kitchen doors

Kitchen doors can be ordinary, or you can make an arch. There are plastic and wooden doors. Plastic doors do not crack, are not prone to deformation, are sealed, moisture-resistant, and have high sound and thermal insulation.

Kitchen renovation in one-room apartment, the prices of plastic doors are quite reasonable. But plastic doors are still inferior to wooden doors in terms of naturalness and environmental friendliness.

By using latest technologies It is possible to process the wood so that it has the highest possible performance properties.

The arch can be made of plasterboard, or the frill can be made of wood. The main thing is that this element harmonizes well with the overall interior.

Inexpensive renovation of a small kitchen When starting to level the walls yourself, you need to pay attention to two methods. You can level the walls using drywall or plastering.

The methods have both pros and cons:

    • — installing drywall is not difficult and this process does not take a lot of time. Can be formed into uniform smooth walls and hide differences in surfaces using drywall. The disadvantage of plasterboard is a significant reduction in the size of the room, and the plasterboard wall comes out empty and sound.

  • - if you use plaster to level the walls, you can eliminate unnecessary gaps between the finish and the wall. And ultimately get a smooth, consistent surface. But in rooms with large differences in surface levels, finishing walls with plaster is impractical, this is due to the painstaking process and quite high costs material.

Designer kitchen renovation - choosing an apron

No kitchen is complete without a backsplash. The "apron" is intended to be protection and decorative element spaces between surfaces and wall cabinets. Conventional methods for finishing the “apron” it is:

    • - plastic panels. Affordable and suitable option for self-repair kitchens. If you make a good choice color scheme panels, you can get a fairly practical coating, the maintenance of which will be quite simple;

    • — a hygienic and long-lasting option for finishing the “apron” is tiles;
    • True, tiles are painstaking to install and will require significant financial costs;

  • - mosaic or artificial stone is a specific option in kitchen design. Exclusivity and high price are guaranteed. It is better to entrust the work with these materials to professionals.
  • non-standard solution There will be a choice of mirror or glass “apron”.

Having an idea of ​​where to start when renovating a kitchen, you can move closer to your dream step by step. Kitchen renovation options photo - 70 design ideas:

Sooner or later, the moment comes when apartment owners begin to seriously think about major repairs, remodeling, and modernization of their kitchen. Some people are simply tired of the old dilapidated walls, ceiling, and worn-out furniture. Some people are not satisfied with what they think is too little functionality of the room. Someone wants to optimize a cramped space to the maximum. In any case, renovating a good kitchen results in a fairly large-scale and expensive undertaking.

In addition to the fact that you will have to purchase a lot building materials good quality, pick up new furniture and kitchen appliances, carry out or update communications, a very significant part of the costs should be planned for paying specialists. Is it possible to save money on this by renovating the kitchen yourself?

To accept this bold decision, it is necessary to have a very clear understanding of the amount of work that will be encountered. The purpose of this article is to give the reader an idea of ​​the specifics of kitchen renovations, the nuances of arranging this room, in such a way that one can realistically assess one’s strengths and capabilities before taking on the job.

Why is the kitchen so special?

The kitchen almost always has a special “status” compared to other rooms in the apartment, and there are special requirements for its equipment and decoration.

  • Housewives spend a very significant part of their lives in the kitchen. This means that it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for this. It should be warm here, good lighting is required, and drafts should be prevented.
  • Food preparation should be carried out in conditions that are as clean as possible. This means that you need to make sure that the premises meet the accepted sanitary standards. Cleaning the kitchen is done after almost every use and therefore should not cause undue difficulty.

  • All necessary communications must be laid in the kitchen - water supply, cold and hot water, sewerage, gas mains (if the house is gasified), electrical wiring of the required power.
  • Products used for cooking often leave oily, greasy traces and can be quite chemically aggressive. However, the danger lies not only in direct hit such substances on the surface of the floor and walls adjacent to the working areas - one cannot ignore the abundant evaporation that is inevitable during thermal cooking. This means that even the ceiling is not completely immune from such influence. Materials for finishing all surfaces of the room and kitchen furniture must be selected so that they are not afraid of such influences and are easy to clean.

  • At the same time, the kitchen is a room with high humidity - this must also be taken into account when choosing finishing materials. Whatever one may say, no one in the kitchen can be protected from liquid spills on the floor - hence the increased requirements for waterproofing.
  • To minimize the negative effects of fumes and maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen, it is difficult to do without an exhaust and/or autonomous air purification system.

An essential element of the kitchen is effective ventilation.
  • The modern kitchen is full of technology, without which many housewives can no longer imagine their lives. It requires thoughtful placement of devices and their correct connection, taking into account operating safety rules.
  • The kitchen itself and the placement of everyone in it necessary elements should be thought out to the smallest detail - it should be as convenient as possible for the owners to use it for its intended purpose.
  • Another important point is that in the vast majority of families, the kitchen is not only a cooking room. Usually this is a kind of “family club”, where a lot of topical internal issues are resolved and where “get-togethers” are held with the closest relatives and friends. This means that, if possible, it should be provided cozy corner where you can sit comfortably. And all the decoration of the kitchen should be such that it pleases the eye, and so that it would not be a shame to receive guests there.

And all this, as mentioned above, needs to be organized, most often, in a very limited space, where you can’t really “run away”. So the task is quite difficult.

What remains to be accomplished?

Actually, the kitchen renovation itself can be divided into many stages, each of which is important in its own way, but most often it is mandatory, with certain variations. It is enough just to list these stages to make it clear how large-scale the overall task is. So, “on the way to the finish line” the following will happen:

  • Evacuation of the premises - usually required to be carried out in full, otherwise it is difficult to carry out measurements and planning.
  • Checking the condition of walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors, communications, etc.
  • Carrying out careful measurements.
  • Planning the placement of large-sized stationary kitchen and household appliances.
  • Preliminary selection of kitchen furniture - both in size and functionality. Drawing up a project for its placement.
  • Thorough cleaning of all surfaces of the room.
  • Carrying out repairs (updating) of the base floor surface.
  • A similar operation is an inspection of the condition and basic repair of the ceiling.
  • Repair of communications or laying of new ones, corresponding to the drawn up project.
  • Checking the condition of the ventilation and possibly making changes to its design.
  • Replacement or thorough restoration of windows and doors.
  • Finishing work in the direction top down: ceiling, walls and finishing flooring floors with installation of skirting boards.
  • Installation and suspension of stationary equipment, furniture, lighting fixtures.
  • Connecting and checking the functionality of all systems.

Now it makes sense to consider these stages in more detail. However, not everything will receive equal attention: some of them are simple and intuitive, do not require special explanations, others are related to technological processes, which are described in great detail and intelligibly in special publications on our portal (the corresponding links will be offered to the reader). But certain specific moments require a really close look.

Primary activities

Assessing the overall condition of the kitchen

It is impossible to properly plan repairs without conducting a thorough audit of the condition of the room - walls, floor, ceiling, communications. And it will be possible to carry out such a deep check only after the kitchen is completely emptied of furniture and equipment, since in most cases it will be necessary to remove the old floor covering. Ideally, it is better to carry out repairs in conditions where the family temporarily lives in another place. If this is not possible, you will have to somehow get out of the situation - temporarily leave the old stove in place, there is water in the bathroom, and a small work table can be moved wherever needed.

After this, it will be possible to soberly assess the condition of the room - whether it makes sense to leave something in its original state, or is a more radical approach required. It is necessary to tap all the walls to identify weak, unstable places. We have already mentioned the floor covering - in 99 cases out of 100, dismantling will be required. The condition of windows and doors is assessed - is it worth repairing and restoring them or is it easier to install new ones. The same applies to the heating radiator - perhaps old battery will not fit into the intended concept of the kitchen interior.

It is necessary to assess the condition of the water mains and sewerage systems - whether they need to be replaced, moved to another location, or completely remodeled in connection with the planned installation of, for example, a water heater or boiler.

The location of the outlets and their condition should be assessed. True, if repairs are carried out with the installation of a new kitchen appliances, That, Most likely, The wiring will have to be redone to accommodate the corresponding increasing load.

Once the room has been vacated, it will not be difficult to take careful measurements of all the parameters of the kitchen - down to the smallest detail. This necessary condition for further planning.

Taking measurements

You need to draw on a piece of paper at least an approximate plan of the kitchen so that the results can be transferred to it directly during the measurements. Subsequently, the plan can (and even needs) to be “cultivated.”

What parameters are subject to mandatory measurements:

  • Length and width of the room. The distance between opposite walls is measured, preferably not only along the wall perpendicular to them, but at several points. Don’t be too lazy to measure the diagonals to compare them - this will help you know for sure whether the rectangle lies at the base. If the room has a complicated shape - with a niche or part of a corridor, this is also transferred to the plan with all dimensions
  • Height from floor to stream.
  • The location of windows and doors - their distance from the walls, length and width, direction of opening of the sashes, for a window - the height of the window sill.
  • Location heating device(batteries) tied to the wall on which it is placed, the passage of the heating riser and pipes to which the radiator is connected.
  • The specific position of the gas riser, the meter (if there is one) and the mounted pipe with a tap for connecting the gas stove.
  • Location of water pipes and sewerage inlets. If a transfer is planned, you can then mark their desired position on the diagram.
  • Vent size and position.
  • The exact location of power outlets and switches general lighting in the kitchen.
  • If there are other stationary elements in the kitchen (for example, mezzanines above the door, etc.), then they are also applied to the diagram.

For convenience, the reader is offered an approximate graphical diagram of the necessary measurements:

Scheme of measurements. Decoding - in the table below
Designation on the diagramParameter
X Length (width) of the room at the level of the base of the kitchen furniture
Y - at the tabletop level
Z - at the suspension level kitchen cabinets
Such measurements are necessary, since these three values ​​are not always equal to each other, and this can cause certain difficulties when placing furniture, for example, if the room narrows upward. The corresponding levels are indicated by the following symbols:
- A– height of the base, usually 100 ÷ 150 mm;
- b- tabletop height, 820 ÷ 870 mm;
- With– top of kitchen cabinets – 2100 mm
H Total room height
D, G Position of the gas riser relative to the corners, above and at the level of the slab connection point
V The height of the ventilation vent. Its size and position relative to the angle are immediately measured.
R Window position relative to the corner of the room
U Dimensions (window length and height)
Similar measurements are carried out for a door not shown in the diagram.
k And h The height of the window opening and the height of the window sill above the floor level
W Location of the heating riser. At the same time, the position and dimensions of the battery itself (if necessary) and its connection points are measured.

After taking all the necessary measurements, you can proceed to planning the layout of the kitchen.

Planning your kitchen layout

The process of planning a future kitchen will require the owners to concentrate all their creative forces. The work is carried out with the expectation of many years of use without additional alterations, so there is a rush in this matter. absolutely inappropriate.

Surely the owners already have some established preferences for kitchen furniture, refrigerator, gas or electric stove or hob. This means that it will be necessary to determine exactly whether this choice corresponds to the size of the kitchen, and how it would be more correct to organize the placement of all items in the room with the expectation of maximum comfortable operation and taking into account existing rules.

How to approach planning with practical point point of view - everyone decides for themselves. People with artistic talent prefer to sketch in color - it makes it easier for them to imagine future interior kitchens.

For lovers of a modern approach, with the appropriate skills, many computer applications have been created, from purely graphics programs(such as CorelDRAW) to real engineering CAD, allowing you to work, including with 3D layouts.

You can do it differently.

It’s easy to glue together a model of a room from a piece of packaging cardboard on a scale of, say, 1:10 (1 m of a real room = 10 cm on the model). On the same scale, models of large household appliances that will be placed in the kitchen and pieces of furniture are cut out of a piece of foam plastic.

“By playing with cubes,” that is, moving objects around the “kitchen” and hanging “cabinets” with a piece of plasticine, you can arrive at the optimal layout.

  • Nobody forbids extending water and sewer pipes or completely laying new ones. At the same time, the permissible length of flexible hoses for connecting the faucet in the sink should not exceed 1.5 m (the shorter the better, since this is always a vulnerable area For safety reasons, gas or electric stove should not be located near a window or near a sink. Also its proximity to tall vertical pieces of kitchen furniture and a refrigerator.
  • If planned exhaust ventilation, then it is more advisable to place the slab as close as possible to the vent so that you do not have to pull a long pipe or box.

Now let's move on to the comfort of accommodation.

There is a concept called the “kitchen work triangle”. This is a conditionally limited space, which accounts for the bulk of the housewife’s movements during the cooking process. Typically, such a triangle is defined by three “vertices” - a gas stove, a sink and a refrigerator.

The kitchen work triangle is the area where the housewife’s activities when preparing food are concentrated.

It is clear that the kitchen will be more comfortable the fewer unnecessary movements the housewife has to make while working. But, at the same time, it should not be too tight to hamper movements and prevent accidental contact with hands or body. dangerous places(stove) and other items. Usually, a triangle is considered close to ideal, in which the sink is located approximately 1 ÷ 1.2 m from the stove and 1.2 ÷ 2 m from the refrigerator.

It is clear that in practice it is not always possible to achieve the ideal. Depending on the configuration of the room and its area, one of the basic schemes is selected, which can be slightly varied to suit specific conditions. Miniatures of such schemes are presented in the table. The red line marks the kitchen working triangle.

SchemeShort description
Linear arrangement. Characteristic for narrow or elongated rooms. The triangle turns into a line, with the center - the sink, refrigerator and stove at the edges. Suitable for wall lengths from 2 to 3.5 meters, otherwise it will be either very cramped or extreme points will be too spaced out.
Corner, L-shaped arrangement is usually used in typical small-sized kitchens, although it is perfect for a spacious room. Even in the most cramped conditions, it becomes possible to isolate a surface that does not interfere with the working triangle dining area.
Double row layout. It can be as shown in the diagram, or with rows arranged along opposite walls. The latter is relevant in those rare cases when a through passage is organized through the kitchen.
The U-shaped placement spans three adjacent walls. One of the most successful locations, if the space of the room allows, since there should be a space of at least 1.3 ÷ 1.5 m between opposite rows.
Island arrangement - either the sink or the stove is placed in the center of the room. It is clear that such an arrangement is only possible in very spacious kitchens, and, frankly speaking, it is designed “for an amateur.”
A G-shaped or peninsular arrangement involves a protruding part that separates the work space from the dining area. A bar counter is often used for this purpose. It is clear that the kitchen area should be quite impressive.

Drawing up a project and selecting suitable pieces of furniture and kitchen appliances for it will certainly take a lot of time. However, without this there is no way to move forward. There are communications to be laid, power lines to be laid - all this is often associated with dirty and dusty work on gating walls and even floors, and you need to clearly know what should be done and where.

If planning is successfully completed, they proceed directly to practical repair work.

Video: some interesting ideas for a small kitchen

Carrying out repair work

Surface cleaning

If the renovation is carried out in a kitchen that has seen a lot of service before, then the surfaces of the walls and ceiling, doors and windows are probably saturated with old fumes, which must be gotten rid of.

All old covering is removed from the walls - be it wallpaper or painting, tiled cladding (if it is not intended to be left). When it comes to cleaning, there are no common tips - all possible means are used: spatulas, scrapers, wetting the wall or firing with construction hair dryer. If areas of swollen plaster are identified, then they are mercilessly beaten off to the base of the wall. Similar actions are taken on the ceiling - there should be no weak or dirty places, even if you have to reach the bare brick (concrete) of the wall or floor slab.

It is recommended not to limit yourself to cleaning, but also to thoroughly rinse the surfaces with a solution made from water and kitchen detergent (1:20) with the addition of table vinegar. Cleaning is carried out with a metallized sponge, and then washed at least twice with clean water.

After the surfaces have been cleaned and washed, it is advisable to carry out the first stage of their “treatment” by treating them twice with a penetrating agent with an antiseptic effect. This will not only provide a disinfecting effect, but will also temporarily strengthen the surfaces until finishing work is carried out.

All surfaces must be “treated” with a primer - an antiseptic.

In the case when old wooden windows and the doors are planned to be left, then all their surfaces are also cleaned of old paint - by washing, scraping, firing, sanding, etc.

Prices different kinds primers


Preliminary preparation of floor and ceiling

On the floor, as a rule, the old coating requires replacement. It is dismantled, construction debris is taken out, and the condition of the surface is carefully inspected. Very often you have to beat off the old screed to get to the “healthy” floor slab.

Carrying out further work with an uneven floor under your feet after dismantling will be extremely inconvenient, so it is better to immediately start installing the screed. It is poured in such a way that the thickness of the planned finishing coating is taken into account.

The baseboards remain. The peculiarity of their use in the kitchen is that they are not only a decorative element, but also protect the junction of the floor and walls from penetration of moisture and dirt into the corner. This puts pressure on them special requirements installation - skirting boards must be mounted to the walls not only on fastening elements, but also on a sealed solid adhesive base, (for example, “liquid nails”). There should be no gap between the wall and the baseboard. If, however, a small gap remains (due to the slight curvature of the wall), then it should be sealed with a color-matched sealant.

Installation of skirting boards using “liquid nails”

It’s not worth installing wooden skirting boards - they don’t like high humidity. There are many different models made of plastic or other composite materials on sale.

Flooring prices

Floor coverings

⃰ ⃰ ⃰ ⃰ ⃰

In fact, you can “put an end to it” - the renovation of the kitchen space can be considered completed. All that remains is to import the selected household appliances, carefully unpack them and sequentially install them in their planned places. Installation and connection are carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied with the products - but this is beyond the scope of our article.

This is approximately the “thorny path” that owners will have to go through if they wish to carry out kitchen renovations themselves. It is worth assessing your capabilities very well, and it is possible that the choice will still be made in favor of calling qualified craftsmen. However, “it’s not the gods who burn the pots.” Be bold!

Video: transforming a small kitchen

The kitchen is the place where housewives spend a lot of time, where the family regularly gathers, and where they receive guests. This is a room that must look presentable, be comfortable and functional. Even a non-professional can do it. To do this, they are guided by rules that tell you in what sequence to make repairs. The right approach for repairs will simplify it, save money and effort.

Renovated kitchen looks like new

The kitchen is a specific room with an aggressive environment. When cooking food, evaporation occurs and the temperature rises. That's why Special attention give ventilation. In Soviet buildings, kitchens have a small area and low ceilings. such premises is a difficult task. Need to save usable area, making every corner functional. So, what's the right way?

Sequence of work and its volume

The first thing you need to do is determine the repair sequence. They begin by assessing the premises. They take measurements, calculate the area and basic parameters. It is necessary to assess the state of communications, the ventilation system, and think about where to place kitchen equipment. Take measurements of windows and doorways, the distance from them to the floor and walls. The same goes for sockets and switches.

It is necessary to determine where the gas and sewer risers whether they will have to be moved in the future. Calculations must be made exactly down to millimeters, since errors will lead to irreparable inconvenience at the end of the repair.

The result of the previous stage will be a kitchen project with all the calculations. Determine the location of furniture and equipment. You should check with the furniture supplier in advance about the dimensions of the furniture.

You can draw a kitchen design yourself

Main functional areas- this is a stove, a refrigerator and a sink, which must be equal and each occupy at least 1.85 cm. The sequence of doing a kitchen renovation with your own hands must be strictly followed. If it is difficult to draw up a project yourself, you can seek the help of a designer. Drawing up a preliminary floor plan also has a sequence. Initially, the location of communications and equipment is determined, and only finally the furniture is placed.

The main problem associated with communications is the pipes that need to be hidden. Flexible hoses are now widely used. They connect the device directly to the gas riser and are used in water supply and sewerage.

It is prohibited to carry out work related to the re-equipment and connection of devices to gas independently. To do this, they call a team of gas workers. The transfer of a geyser is carried out only with the permission of the relevant authorities. It is not so difficult to prepare the documentation, but the column can be placed in a convenient place.

The sequence includes one more point - correct location technology. Gas appliances, stove and boiler should not be located close to each other. Gas workers installed minimum distance– 0.8 m. The refrigerator and stove also do not need to be located next to each other. This greatly deteriorates the refrigerator, not to mention the energy consumption. The distance between these devices must be at least 0.6 m.

As for the microwave, you can hang it on the wall to save space. Many stove models are designed for this arrangement.

The microwave really looks good when it's in its place

After the kitchen plan has been drawn up, the kitchen renovation procedure involves dismantling old equipment, furniture, and decor. The old coating is removed from the walls and the entire room is washed completely. How exactly you have to clean the walls depends on the type of coating they have. If it is wallpaper and putty, then they are removed using a spatula and water. The coating is pre-soaked with the windows and doors closed, wait 1-1.5 hours and cleaned off. If the walls are covered with paint, then special paints are used to remove it. chemical compositions– washes. They soften old paint, which can then be easily removed with a spatula. The floor is cleaned down to the concrete screed. Next, impregnation is applied to the walls, ceiling and floor - a deep penetration primer.

The main rule that must be followed for any type of finishing is that you cannot plaster over whitewash. No plastering or puttying. The coating will not stick. No amount of penetrating soil can change this. Whitewash must be thoroughly washed off both the walls and the ceiling, if any.

Windows and doors

It is impossible to properly renovate a kitchen without replacing windows and doors. This is done at the dismantling stage. Once the room is completely cleaned, it's time to install a new window and door. If possible, old windows and doors are restored. Upon completion of work new door and the window must be insulated with film and tape so as not to damage or stain them during further work.

Windows must be clean and intact

Ceiling works

To repair the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to clearly define in advance what requirements it must meet. The ceiling covering should:

  1. be resistant to steam and moisture;
  2. do not change its color;
  3. be vapor-tight. Otherwise, bacteria may accumulate under the coating, causing fungus and mold;
  4. It is better if the coating is washable;
  5. the ceiling must be partially restored. That is, if some local damage occurs, this part of the ceiling should be easily replaced with a new one, without repairing the entire area.

Average service ceiling covering must be at least 10 years. Stretch ceiling in the kitchen, as practice shows, they become deformed and quickly lose appearance. Therefore, it is better to use as a coating:

  • MDF panels,
  • drywall (moisture resistant);
  • ceiling laminate;
  • plastic panels.

And there is laminate on the ceiling

Wall decoration

Can you renovate your kitchen? different ways, but tiled wall decoration is considered classic. It is practical, convenient to use, and the tile is easy to clean. The downside is that tile joints quickly lose their appearance and become accumulators of dirt and bacteria. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to add a polymer emulsion to the grout for exterior use and bathrooms.

The idea of ​​decorating walls with plastic wallpaper or panels is relevant. These materials do not accumulate odors and do not fade. If basic care is taken, such wallpaper will last more than 10 years, not to mention the panels.

The variety of colors and textures on the finishing materials market allows you to create any design in the kitchen. Combined materials look great. In less polluted areas, light shades can be used; where the surface is heavily polluted, non-staining dark colors are better suited.

For any type of finishing, it is important to properly putty the surface. Otherwise, the walls will retain unevenness and any, even the most beautiful decor won't look.


The final stage is the floor

Floor work is divided into two parts. The first refers to the very first stage of dismantling, when the old coating is removed. Then a new screed is poured, since this is the dirtiest type of work. Further work the floor can be done before or after finishing the walls, it doesn’t matter. Laminate, tile or linoleum is laid on the new screed. If a concrete screed is not provided, but a wooden floor is laid. They don't put tiles on it. In this case, the surface can only be decorated with laminate or parquet. For linoleum flooring, the wooden surface needs to be leveled more thoroughly.

On last stage renovation, all that remains is to place the furniture in the kitchen and enjoy the work done.

When buying an apartment on the secondary market, people most often encounter problems caused by the small size of the kitchen space. In standard houses built in the last century, kitchens, as a rule, did not exceed 6 square meters. m. In some houses, even in three-room apartments, kitchen spaces were 4 square meters each. meters. Place modern furniture and household appliances in such a volume sandwiched by walls does not seem realistic. When starting a kitchen renovation, many new owners simply break down the partition and create a kind of dining room. But a less expensive option for a kitchen renovation is to precisely optimize this small space.

Small kitchen renovation - saving kitchen space

Rational use square meters allows you to place everything necessary for homework a set of objects and devices. For example, organizing washing in place of the window sill will allow you to add free space almost half a square meter. You can also simply extend the window sill and turn it into a semicircular table. Sharp corners This should not be done in such small rooms, since all the inhabitants of the apartment will constantly bump into them.

When starting a kitchen renovation with your own hands, you need to think about the placement of wall shelves for storing containers with bulk products permanent use. Salt, sugar and other products should always be on hand. Under the windowsill, table or sink, you can organize a small cabinet for storing tall bottles of oil or other food liquids.

Wall mounted cabinets in the kitchen visually reduce space, and designers recommend making them with transparent doors. To hide various kitchen utensils, you can make cabinets with slightly frosted glass.

When renovating a small kitchen, you should also consider some replacement of existing furniture. For example, uncomfortable and bulky stools can be replaced with folding chairs. The modern furniture market offers big choice such necessary items as folding chairs. You can choose a model made in any style, satisfying even the most demanding taste. Such chairs are usually equipped with folding backs and retractable legs, which makes it possible to put them in a closet or drawer if necessary.

Kitchen ceiling and features of its repair

When planning a kitchen renovation, not every owner knows where to start. Experts recommend repairing ceilings first. It is in the kitchen area and, especially with gas burners running frequently, that a greasy brownish coating forms on the ceiling, furniture and walls. Cleaning this unpleasant residue from the ceiling is quite a difficult task. Therefore, you should try to make the ceiling covering smooth and easy to clean. The best solution for this purpose is to organize a ceiling covering from plastic lining. But often in small spaces, ordinary concrete slab putty is used. Subsequent regular whitewashing hides all the consequences of the resulting soot. , professionals do not recommend installing drywall suspended ceilings, since the already small volume of the room is lost.

Wall decoration in the kitchen

Naturally, the walls in a six-meter kitchen will not allow the design idea to unfold. But even this small room can be decorated with original and beautiful wall decoration.

In practice, when finishing premises small size For kitchen purposes, several design options for interior walls are used. These are types of work such as:

  1. Puttying and painting in the color chosen by the home owners.
  2. It is possible to cover such walls with washable wallpaper.
  3. Decorating all walls or just a few specially designated areas with tiled tiles.

Puttying the walls when renovating a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building must be done in any case other than preparing the wall for tiling. Puttying is required both when painting walls in the chosen color and in preparation for wallpapering. The surface of the walls in such small kitchens is usually very uneven.

When laying tiles only above the surface of the tables, there is no need to putty and paint the location of the tiles. Only a panel of 3-4 rows of tiles is laid out, and a sufficient number of electrical outlets are organized on this panel. You can also decorate the entire surface with tiles kitchen walls, from floor to ceiling or to human eye level. But such ideas for kitchen renovation are not very approved by designers. Since in a room whose walls have tile covering from bottom to top, it is difficult to create a trusting environment of comfort and coziness. For any wall renovation in the kitchen, you should ensure there are a sufficient number of sockets. Electrical experts recommend installing a separate electrical outlet for each stationary kitchen appliance.

Repairing the floor in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, the requirements for the functional qualities of any floors in such rooms are the same. The specific purpose of the kitchen requires the presence of:

  • non-slippery floor;
  • waterproof;
  • heat resistant;
  • resistant to mechanical stress.

These basic basic requirements can easily be combined in one type of coating. The availability of materials such as laminate, linoleum and floor tiles on sale gives freedom of choice in color, size and durability of the floor covering.

Laminate flooring is usually laid on a pre-fabricated concrete screed or on old floorboards. This modern material Excellent resistance to falling heavy or hot objects and highly resistant to moisture. But when installing a heated floor in the kitchen, the laminate does not allow heat to pass through from below. The specific nature of the kitchen space involves the formation of scratches and abrasions, so experts do not recommend installing laminate flooring in the kitchen.

When wondering how to make kitchen renovations more durable and cost-effective, many consumers opt for the most durable floor covering - tiles. Full compliance with all requirements and excellent thermal conductivity allows us to consider this coating the most convenient.

Linoleum is used not only in kitchen areas. It is one of the cheapest flooring options. Excellent moisture retention and easy to clean. One of additional requirements for organizing a linoleum floor, this is ideal Smooth surface basics. Since linoleum can quickly tear on uneven surfaces and potholes.

Sometimes in large kitchens installation is carried out wooden parquet or wooden floorboards are left. This coating does not meet the above requirements and can only be in the kitchen for a very short time.

Balance of light and color in a small kitchen

When receiving or buying an apartment, you can easily get caught up in the hassle and forget about the need to create a cozy and comfortable design. Words such as kitchen, renovation, ideas, furniture do not leave your head and create a certain tension. But even in such troublesome times, we should not forget about proper organization the ratio of dark light colors in the design of one of the main rooms in the apartment.

Considering that in small kitchens there are as many household items as in large ones, you should relieve the kitchen space of dark colors. The walls in such a room must be light with a predominant small pattern. Large ornaments and patterns will visually narrow the space and give the kitchen the appearance of a small box. But visual extension can also be achieved by using bright colors.

If you really like dark-colored furniture, then you can completely achieve color balance by painting the walls and ceiling in light colors. Proportional ratio and all possible combinations of colors of different saturation will create visual magnification space. Designers are considered to be acceptable combination dark and light tones in the following proportion:

  • dark color – 60%
  • light color – 40%

If dark color predominates, it should be diluted with various kitchen accessories, made in light colors. These can be all kinds of kitchen-themed decorative elements. Wall plates, cutting boards and similar kitchen utensils. In this way, you can balance the visual perception of colors.

Traditionally, it is customary to illuminate a small kitchen with one light bulb placed in the middle of the ceiling covering. With this kind of lighting, many objects cast dark shadows and a visually cluttered effect is created. Equipping a small kitchen with additional zonal light sources will make it possible to avoid this problem.

Placing a lamp above the dining table and a light bulb above the stove will help create coziness and comfortable lighting. Lamps above the stove can be built into the hood. For kitchen minimum sizes there is no need to buy a bulk structure. Quite enough accommodation small cabinet with a hood and additional lighting directly above the stove.

Kitchen curtains and drapes

When you finish a kitchen renovation, you always want to show photos of the work done to your friends and acquaintances. Here you can see in these photographs all the flaws and shortcomings that arose during the design of this small room. The first thing that catches your eye in such photographs is that they interfere with the penetration of external natural light curtains or curtains. All these decorations take up useful space in the kitchen and block the flow of water. clean air. Therefore, designers recommend using blinds in kitchen areas. They don't require ongoing care and, if necessary, open the window space completely. Some models of blinds are sold already treated with special grease-repellent compounds. Most often, metal or plastic blinds. If you really want to decorate kitchen window textiles, then you can successfully use one of the types of fiberglass. It will create the illusion of ordinary fabric, but will have good dirt- and water-repellent properties.

Techniques for visually increasing the space of a 6 sq.m. kitchen. m.

1) Rational use of the window sill. Installation of a sink in the window sill and installation of a niche under the window sill to hide communication elements. A niche equipped with doors will make it possible to place detergents. This option allows you to diversify the monotonous work of washing dishes.

2) Organization additional area under the extended window sill for installing a washing machine.

3) Installing a bar counter instead of a bulky dining table. Kitchen furniture with this design option it is placed in an L-shape. The bar counter is located along the free wall and under it there are closed cabinets for storing food and utensils. You can also fit a small washing machine there.

4) A bar counter can be installed instead of a dismantled wall between the kitchen and the room. The formed surface can be used on both sides. From the side of the room, it will be dinner table, and from the kitchen there is an area for preparing and cutting food.

5) Installation of a folding table on a free kitchen wall.

6) Increasing the kitchen space by adding a corridor or completely combining it with the living room.

7) Organizing a place for eating on the windowsill. Replacing a window sill board with a countertop. It can serve as a dining and cutting table.

8) Reducing the depth of the lower cabinets will make it possible to organize free space in the middle of the kitchen.

9) Use of small-sized household appliances. You can install a microwave oven above a low refrigerator and organize additional wall cabinet. Cabinets for such kitchens must be made as high as the ceiling.

Frequently asked questions when renovating a kitchen:

Where to start renovating a kitchen with your own hands?

The first thing you need to decide when wondering how to renovate the kitchen with your own hands or with the help of specialists is drawing up an action plan. Don’t immediately start painting, dragging furniture, or washing plaster off the ceilings. A preliminary plan of the kitchen space with possible changes and additions will always help to correctly draw up a preliminary estimate for repairs and reduce the time of repair work.

On preparatory stage It’s worth working out all the details, right down to opening the doors of the kitchen cabinets. Detailed discussion at the family council required quantity furniture and places to place household appliances will help avoid disputes and unnecessary labor costs.

Do you need doors in the kitchen?

Of course, doors are needed in almost every room, but if necessary, increase inner space kitchen and visually expand the volume, you can refuse to use standard doors. You can replace the door structure with a curtain or curtain. They do not require additional space and do not take up separate place. But smells, drafts and sounds will flow directly into the living area of ​​the apartment.

Is it possible to make a sliding partition in the kitchen?

When thinking about renovations, kitchen design and final furnishings, every owner thinks about installing sliding doors or partitions. Most suitable for such small kitchens is a folding door or a partition between the kitchen and living room, made in the form of a folding accordion. It takes a lot small space and reliably protects the living room from kitchen smells and sounds.

Is it possible to install an arch in the kitchen?

Instead of cluttering up the space, doors can be made at the entrance to the kitchen beautiful arch. Installing a well-functioning hood above the stove will protect the apartment from the odors of cooking food. The manufacture of the arch can be entrusted professional craftsmen. Usually, interior arches made of aluminum profiles and plasterboard. On modern construction market On sale you can sometimes see ready-made structures for arranging a standard arch.

Is there a need for a hood in the kitchen?

Pull back redecorating in the kitchen and increase the time interval between them, installation above the stove will help exhaust system. The industry produces three types of hoods: dome-shaped, suspended and built-in. The contaminated air is exhausted into the kitchen ventilation ducts. For regular ventilation and fresh air flow into kitchen area devices should be used natural ventilation, such as a window, a transom and an ajar window.