Implementation of electrical installation work. Electrical installation work What is included in the work of an electrician

Implementation of electrical installation work.  Electrical installation work What is included in the work of an electrician
Implementation of electrical installation work. Electrical installation work What is included in the work of an electrician

When performing electrical installation work, you need to take into account that it consists of a whole set of tasks, the solution of which is necessary for the subsequent connection of devices and devices operating from the electrical network.

This stage of construction or repair work is one of the main ones, because it is thanks to electricity that a person can live in his home in complete comfort.

Cost of work
Name Price
Installation of cable cross-section up to 2.5mm from 50 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 6mm from 65 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 10mm from 85 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 16mm from 100 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 25mm from 155 rub.
Tightening the cable into the corrugation from 30 rub.
Installation of cable duct from 60 rub.
Installation of technical recesses from 150 rub.
Installation of a socket box from 60 rub.
Disconnecting the distribution box from 400 rub.
Installation of electrical panel from 1200 rub.
Installation of circuit breaker from 170 rub.
Installation of electric meter from 1000 rub.
Installation of socket, switch from 200 rub.
Installation of lamp, sconce from 400 rub.
Chandelier installation from 500 rub.
Hole installation from 100 rub.
Grilling from 140 rub.

Initial stage of electrical installation work

Before starting work, specialists develop a power supply project aimed at eliminating any inaccuracies or errors at the stage of all work. In the event that a deviation from the project occurs, all further work should be suspended as it could be life-threatening.

In addition to the development of the project, the calculation of the total electrical loads supplied to the network from all connected electrical consumers is carried out.

After that, obsolete or failed sources of the power supply system are dismantled.

Quite often, new elements are installed in existing grooves, which sometimes require preliminary preparation.

If work is carried out in a new building, then all niches are completed in full.

List of works related to electrical installation

  • Laying cable lines;
  • connecting electrical appliances;
  • installation of electrical products;
  • checking the interaction of electrical circuit elements;
  • connecting lighting devices and other electrical equipment;
  • carrying out internet cables, telephone lines and television cables.

In addition to basic electrical installation work, there are also Additional services: wall chipping, adjustment of mounted electrical appliances.

An indicator that all work was carried out at the proper level is the coordinated work of all installed systems and uninterrupted transmission of electricity.

All electrical work in the house should be entrusted only to qualified electricians, since self-installation far from safe. Finding qualified specialists is not at all difficult. Masters of the EuroGarant company in Yekaterinburg will carry out all necessary work actually top level. Find out our prices for electrical installation work. You can order electricity directly from our website by simply submitting a request. Or call the numbers provided.

Other services of the Eurogarant company

The Expocentre Central Exhibition Complex has been hosting a large and significant exhibition for domestic electronics and energy, “Electro,” for more than one year in a row. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate new products, as well as discuss current issues for the field of energy saving and alternative energy- for industry Russian Federation. Exhibitions of this scale, which are held by Expocentre, are large business platforms for demonstrating all the achievements in energy saving:

  • special materials;
  • equipment and equipment;
  • methods, technologies and developments.

Also, one of their main goals is to unite the main number of representatives and managers of exhibiting companies who can offer domestic participants their wealth of experience in such areas as electrical installation work, methods and technologies for new developments. In addition, on the project it is easy to find out the contacts of developers and suppliers in the field of construction and installation business, power engineers from large industrial enterprises.

A large-scale and well-thought-out program at all levels ensures inexhaustible interest in the exhibition and, in connection with this, a wide range of visitors and experts from various scientific fields. The importance of a thematic incentive event is difficult to overestimate.

Specifics of electrical work

Electricity is part of the system of vital elements for humans, which is a power source for:

  • technical support,
  • for lighting;
  • for heating water;
  • for transferring information and data.

Types of electrical work:

  • gating walls for wiring;
  • laying of weak currents and electrical wiring both open and hidden types;
  • laying wires in a corrugated or special cable channel;
  • installation of sockets;
  • switches for open and hidden wiring;
  • installation of internal or open boxes for automatic machines;
  • cutting out cells for lamps;
  • connection of lighting sources.

Electrical work in an apartment is conventionally divided into two categories:

  • repair or replacement of specific parts electrical network with a change in their location;
  • complete implementation of new wiring and communications with a change in the general scheme.

Most qualified specialists perform all electrical installation and electrical work themselves, without involving outsiders.

Electrical work for industrial facilities

Electrical installation at industrial facilities and replacement of worn-out wiring within one workshop or an entire enterprise, planned replacement of switches and sockets, installation of panels must take into account all the specifics of a particular production and standards of electrical work.

It is worth noting that the replacement of electrical installation products should be based on whether they are designed for electrical overload voltage, because if the load exceeds the indicators, the contacts will constantly overheat, and over time they will burn out completely. This may cause a fire in the workplace or workshop.

Carrying out electrical work in production premises with a high concentration of humidity, volatile substances, corrosive gases, must be carried out by an installer using sealed sockets and switches closed type. In the event that electrical installation products are used open type, then they are mounted on special sub-frames with screws with a countersunk head.

All electrical and commissioning works electrical equipment in production, construction sites and in the energy sector are possible only with the help of specialists from professional licensed companies. To replace communications and outdated pieces of equipment, professional employees of electrical installation organizations use cabling and wiring equipment, automation tools and the best consumables in their work.

The quality of electrical work should:

  1. Be infallible. This is possible if each link of the system is operational. In such a situation, the installations begin to work from the first start, and after intervals the defects are not detected.
  2. Consider the safety of electrical work.
  3. Meet the requirements for comfortable use in the industrial sector.
  4. Preparation of project and financial documentation and reporting is also required.
  5. Installation of low voltage equipment.
  6. Electrical commissioning for connected equipment.
  7. Replacement of wiring in low-current and power networks, as well as in trunk lines.
  8. Electrical installation of lighting.
  9. Installation and installation of grounding of any complexity.

After all activities are completed, the work is checked, the electrical laboratory tests all parts of the system and issues a document with a conclusion. During the installation process, specialists must provide various options for expanding the network if necessary.

Our modern world It’s hard to imagine without electricity. Few of us think about technical issues and lives by consuming electricity for good. And therefore, when the wiring fails, major electrical work cannot be done without. Properly carried out repairs will allow you to avoid extension cords, which can cause a short circuit, because they load the network. It is worth noting that the basic rules of electrical work are not only the replacement of automation and wires, but also proper planning electrical equipment that will be installed later. Special attention should be given to electrical installations in the kitchen and bathroom. Such work is planned in advance, and at the end it will not be superfluous to replace the shield.

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In order to understand the formation of prices for electrical installation work, you need to understand this in detail. This process can be divided into several components.

This article will explain each expense item in detail. An estimate containing all necessary financial expenses is provided to the customer for final approval.

First of all, it is worth noting what we mean by the phrase “electrical installation work” - this is a process that represents the implementation of a whole complex of highly specialized work on the installation and adjustment of household power supply.

In relation to residential premises, electrical installation work means the replacement of all switching devices (sockets, switches), as well as the replacement of electrical wiring conductors.

However, it is impossible to immediately move on to the designated area of ​​work. The stages look like this:

  • coordination project documentation;
  • budgeting;
  • coordination of all shift points with the customer;
  • transportation;
  • installation.

From the above list it is clear that the stages cannot be performed independently of each other. Each of them is a logical continuation of the other.

Experts are accustomed to dividing electrical work into several parts. The first of them is preparatory. In this part, specialists install the necessary fasteners for installing the necessary electrical devices.

As a rule, this is carried out during the construction of the building itself. A huge amount of waste and garbage makes such work impossible when the rooms are already finished.

After all, we are talking about laying electrical wiring, for which it is necessary to organize grooves in the ceilings.

At the second stage, transportation of all necessary elements, which will be present in the wiring.

At the final stage, only a complete check of the functioning of the devices is carried out. Relay protection should also be subject to tests.

The video describes in detail the criteria and nuances of drawing up design documentation for electrical installation work:

Among our many services are electrical installation services. The city of Donetsk is famous for its technical specialists, and the best of them work for us.

The list of work performed by electricians includes:

Replace the wiring and that's it preparatory work for laying new wiring;
installation and repair of sockets and switches;
connecting electrical equipment and household appliances(heaters, hobs, air conditioners, hoods, etc.);
installation and connection lighting fixtures(chandeliers, lamps, built-in lamps);
laying cables for telephone and Internet communications;
installation of circuit breakers (RCD).

The main thing is that everything electrician services can be provided by our company not only on weekdays, but also on weekends and in the evening, when there is an urgent need for it.

Why and how to change electrical wiring?

Speaking about electrical work, let us remind you that this includes work related to the installation of electrical equipment and wiring. Modern apartment filled with dozens of different electrical appliances. Old wiring may not be able to cope with such a load. For this reason, short circuits occur, wiring burns out, and often causes fires. In order not to lead the situation to such terrible events, it is best to completely change the wiring.

Another reason why people turn to the services of an electrician to the Rem-Imperial company is the insufficient number of sockets or switches in the room. This is especially true for new buildings, where a minimum number of buildings is set to save money. You may not be satisfied with the location of the outlets. Sometimes it becomes necessary to place the switch a little lower, otherwise it is impossible to reach it. In all these situations, our organization will help you.

How does it happen replacement of electrical wiring in the apartment?

First, a list is drawn up listing all the equipment that will need to be installed.

Secondly, a diagram is drawn up and applied to the walls. The diagram shows the points at which switches, chandeliers, sockets, etc.

Once the wires are laid, distribution boxes and boxes for sockets and switches are installed. The circuit is connected into a circuit. An electrical panel is being installed.

It is imperative to check the quality of the work performed under load.

The final stage will be Finishing work(plastering, painting).

Electric installation work- one of the most difficult. Everything related to electricity should be done by specialists with extensive knowledge in this industry. If you try to fix electrical problems or a sparking outlet yourself, you risk life-threatening injuries and create emergency situation. The specialists of the REM-IMPERIAL company carry out any electrical installation work promptly, efficiently, and, most importantly, safely.

Reliable wiring is the basis for the smooth operation of all technical devices in the house. If you notice any problems in its operation, immediately contact our specialists in the Shchelkovo region for help. After all, the consequences of such interruptions can be the most unpredictable: from the breakdown of any expensive electrical appliance to the emergence of a fire hazard. The key to your peace of mind will be the installation of new electrical wiring, which will allow you not to be afraid to use several electrical appliances at once.

Modern systems almost all operate using electricity, which leads to the installation of similar paths in almost every home. Such operations are performed only by experienced specialists.

This allows you to eliminate all sorts of troubles and accidental damage to structures that will lead to a fire or short circuit.

Main stages

Electrical installation work is a relatively complex and time-consuming procedure, especially when it comes to facilities where such systems are being installed from scratch. Such operations can be divided into several successive stages:

  1. Preparation involves arrangement and installation special types fasteners for specific electrical devices.
  2. Transportation of structures that are planned to be used in such systems. At this stage, their complete installation is carried out in accordance with modern standards and safety rules.
  3. Functionality check. This stage is very important, as it allows you to identify system shortcomings and correct them.

Operations during installation of electrical networks

Electrical installation work includes several different operations:

  • Planning the location and securing the cable. Here they can use both hidden and open method installation, which depends on the needs or requirements of the client.
  • Replacement of switches, sockets. This also involves setting them up, checking and restoring their functionality. In some cases, these elements may also be transferred from one location to another.
  • Work on replacement, installation and adjustment of all types of lighting fixtures (chandeliers, lamps, etc.).
  • Installation of meters, protective systems RCD, etc.
  • Installation and calculation of the panel board. All functional systems are also connected to it.
  • Installation of a grounding system, as well as arrangement of lightning rods and other protective structures.
  • Network laying. These operations include installation of fiber optic or TV cable, followed by connection to a specialized system.

Electrical installation work is full complex operations to ensure optimal functioning of the facility and safe use electricity.