Permission for the construction of a multi-storey residential building. Main stages of construction. Construction of brick houses

Permission for the construction of a multi-storey residential building.  Main stages of construction.  Construction of brick houses
Permission for the construction of a multi-storey residential building. Main stages of construction. Construction of brick houses

The construction of multi-storey buildings involves performing work in compliance with a number of requirements. At the same time, it must be conducted as professionally and competently as possible. Multi-storey buildings have a very complex structure, and the main task during their construction is to ensure the safety of residents.

Where to start construction?

At the first stage, a land plot is selected, and this must be done in accordance with the urban development plan. The easiest way to get a plot is in areas where development is minimal. After receiving permission, it will be necessary to conduct a geological examination of the territory. At this stage it is important to find out what the condition of the soil is. Based on the data obtained, materials are selected and the technology by which multi-storey buildings will be built is determined. To obtain a site for construction work, you need to carry out a number of approvals with higher authorities. Along with the allocation of the site, it will be necessary to address issues related to the provision of communications.

Construction process

All received information will be displayed by a diagram of a multi-story building. By the way, it is on the basis of a competent and thoughtful project that you can build housing with minimal costs and losses. At the same time, everything must be taken into account during the design process, including the climatic conditions of the region in which the house will be built. The project will display the space-planning solution of the space, that is, the location of rooms, bathrooms, and ceilings. All this must be done in strict accordance with existing design and construction standards.

Multi-storey buildings are those residential buildings in which the number of floors exceeds 2-3. To build such a facility, a clear load-bearing structure will be required, since these components will bear the entire load. In addition, the building must fit well into the surrounding landscape.

What are multi-storey buildings made of?

Modern technologies open up wide opportunities for the use of various building materials. As a result, the building can be brick, monolithic or panel. Brick construction is becoming less and less common today due to the high costs of both money and time. Accordingly, the price of such housing will be quite high.

Construction is widespread, it is quick, convenient, and economical. However, one cannot dream of retaining heat in them, since the seams between the panels are not airtight.

It is important that the project of a multi-storey residential building built on the basis of panels will have a standard layout, and not every buyer will like this. Therefore, more and more future residents prefer to choose monolithic residential buildings: such buildings are erected quickly, and any shape of the room and planning solution can be chosen.

Whatever multi-storey building is chosen, it is important that any process is based on strict adherence to the rules. As a rule, the first floors in modern high-rise buildings are given over to shops and other infrastructure, while the remaining premises are residential. This approach allows buyers to purchase housing, which will immediately be provided with the most necessary institutions.

The construction of a multi-storey residential building today is the main option for solving the housing problem for many developers. The advantage of the technology is that not one, but several families will move into a house, even if the construction is carried out on a small plot of land. Several types of construction are popular: panel, brick, monolithic, monolithic-brick. The choice of type of development is carried out in accordance with soil conditions, seismological conditions, climatic conditions, availability of materials, means and capabilities. Land development with multi-storey buildings is a responsible job that does not allow for ignorance or mistakes and requires strict adherence to all nuances.

Panel construction

The technology developed rapidly at the end of the last century due to the efficiency of all stages of work. The presence of ready-made elements allows you to install houses without any delays; the process is reminiscent of assembling a construction set; the elements are produced in a factory manner.

The conditions for using panel construction have their own characteristics:

  1. The requirement to carry out mass development in a limited area;
  2. Sale of finished housing at a price that covers the cost of work;
  3. Availability of a powerful base of resources and equipment used.

Advice! The construction of a panel high-rise building is impossible without the use of lifting mechanisms and the provision of energy resources.

The scope of application of the technology extends not only to the construction of multi-storey public buildings, but also to private housing construction, where it is necessary to erect a building of 2-4 floors. The technology involves the use of two types of residential buildings: frame and frameless.

Frame buildings also have two construction options: full frame or internal. The first are a spatial frame, the formation of which involves external supports and ribbed panels, and the frame is formed by transverse and longitudinal elements. The second option is a design without supporting column panels. The internal columns act as load-bearing columns, taking on the entire load. The optimal span in this case is 500-600 cm. The longitudinal part of the frame is represented by columns, the pitch of which is no more than 300 cm. The permissible floor height is 280 cm, the crossbar and column elements are combined and connected by welds. The column is covered with I-steel consoles. The height of frame buildings is calculated depending on the purpose of the building.

Main stages of construction

Stages of panel construction:

  1. Foundation work. The choice of foundation depends on the number of storeys of the building, the type of soil and other nuances. When working with lightweight panels (SIP), lightweight foundations are preferable; when working with heavy reinforced concrete panels, a powerful and recessed foundation is chosen.
  2. Waterproofing the foundation, treating wooden and metal parts with protective agents, installing the bottom beam.
  3. Arrangement of the basement, laying the floor of the first floor.
  4. Arrangement of the frame or installation of the first floor by erecting panel elements, fastening the parts by welding.
  5. Installation of interfloor ceilings along the perimeter of the floor.
  6. Insulation, waterproofing of the building.

Important! The construction of all subsequent floors is carried out in the same way as the installation of the first. If there are supposed to be large rooms, the structure is reinforced with high-strength timber.

  1. Roofing. Work is carried out taking into account the weight load on the panel.
  2. Installation of windows, doors, roofing.
  3. Finishing work.

This technology has its advantages and disadvantages; the advantages of a multi-storey panel building are as follows:

  • Increased speed of building assembly;
  • The ability to reduce the size of the construction site by working “from wheels”, that is, the material is delivered from the manufacturer and immediately installed on the site, without cluttering the construction site;
  • Minimum set of instruments and equipment for installation of prefabricated structures.

Disadvantages of panel house construction:

  • Low thermal performance in comparison with other materials;
  • Insufficient sound insulation;
  • The slightest deviations in the technology of connecting joints will lead to the formation of cracks;
  • Reduced seismic resistance of panel-type high-rise buildings;
  • Dependence of the layout on the panel elements produced (this only applies to large-panel houses).

Construction of brick houses

The technology of brick construction became known a very long time ago; even before our era, people built houses from baked pieces of clay, giving them almost the right size. The technology is simple, reliable, and does not require special equipment other than lifts, but it is difficult to implement and quite labor-intensive. At the same time, brick construction is impossible without experience, knowledge and the use of highly qualified workers. Minimal masonry errors will lead to irreparable loss of appearance, so the brick construction of a multi-story building should either be carried out under constant supervision, or only by the hands of professionals.

Today there are 2 types of bricks used:

  1. The ceramic piece product has strength, heat resistance, seismic resistance, and moisture resistance. At the same time, brick is easy to manufacture
  2. Silicate is made from a mixture of lime and sand, has a cheaper price and its characteristics are more modest: it does not tolerate moisture and high temperatures.

Advice! Manufacturers offer a good alternative: hollow (slotted, porous) brick. Due to the voids in the mass, the product has a greater heat capacity and provides better thermal insulation.

Stages of building a brick house:

  1. Foundation. A powerful, durable and well-buried foundation is required, since the brickwork is massive.
  2. Foundation waterproofing.
  3. The first row of masonry is on a “dry” base, then the next rows of masonry are made, and the choice of installation option for bricks is made depending on the features of the project, the height of the house and the customer’s preferences;
  4. Reinforcing masonry elements or “bundles” must be present in every 2-4 rows;
  5. Laying of interfloor ceilings is carried out using the slab method;
  6. Each subsequent floor is laid out, just like the first; we should not forget about tying and strengthening the wall panels.
  7. Insulation and waterproofing of the building;
  8. The roof is installed rough, mostly flat. The final roofing is laid only after the structure has settled.
  9. Installation of windows and doors.
  10. Final finishing work.

The brick construction of a multi-storey building has a lot of nuances: from the choice of masonry type to the variability of the bond. However, despite the difficulties, the numerous advantages of the final result make up for all the technological inconveniences:

  1. The highest thermal characteristics;
  2. The best sound insulation performance;
  3. Maintaining a comfortable microclimate inside the house;
  4. Variability of building formats;
  5. Undemanding façade finishing due to the good aesthetic appearance of exposed brick.

There are several disadvantages:

  1. Mandatory use of qualified labor;
  2. High price level for construction work;
  3. Slow construction of the house;
  4. Requirement of time for shrinkage;
  5. Limited number of floors in buildings;
  6. It is mandatory to have a large warehouse for materials on the construction site.

Monolithic construction

One of the newest technologies is monolithic construction of a residential building. The type of construction is based on pouring a building with concrete mixture directly on the construction site. The cost of the work is high, labor costs are also high, so monolithic panel construction is most often used, where construction is carried out using ready-made monolithic reinforced concrete slabs manufactured in a factory. When considering monolithic technology, it is worth clarifying that all processes are carried out only in seasons with warm temperatures; in case of precipitation, work stops. A detailed plan for the work being carried out is extremely necessary, since any deviation from the process, delay or incorrect choice of cement brand threatens a violation of the technology, as a result of which the developer will receive a fragile house that requires constant modifications.

Construction stages:

  1. Site preparation, arrangement of a buried foundation;
  2. Installation of reinforcement frame;
  3. Installation of formwork;
  4. Pouring concrete mixture;
  5. Warming up the concrete for better setting when the ambient temperature drops;
  6. Dismantling of formwork;
  7. Arrangement of interfloor ceilings;
  8. Roof installation;
  9. Exterior finishing.

Important! Concrete compositions are characterized by high insulation and energy intensity, so the structure will not require additional work on laying hydro-, heat-, and sound insulation. There is no need to additionally level the wall panels, that is, all work comes down to finishing.

Advantages of monolithic construction:

  • Open plan;
  • Individuality of building configuration;
  • Smoothness of all wall and ceiling panels, which reduces the finishing stage to a minimum;
  • Increased seismic resistance of buildings.

Disadvantages of monolithic construction:

  • Use of highly qualified labor;
  • High cost of building construction;
  • Low use of technology.

Important! It is worth noting that monolithic construction technology is in little demand in today’s market, however, numerous advantages make it possible to use this type of house construction on a wide variety of soils. And if you use the panel-monolithic option, the buildings meet the highest demands and requirements of the owners, distinguished by durability, practicality, long service life and excellent heat and power performance.

Monolithic brick construction

Frame-monolithic construction technology has become widespread. Being the most modern option, the type of construction is reliable and allows you to combine in one object all the indicators of a heat- and soundproof brick wall with the variability of planning solutions for a building using monolithic reinforced concrete floors. The price level of buildings lies between inexpensive large-panel technology and expensive brick houses.

The construction stages are similar to other technologies:

  1. Arrangement of a strong foundation;
  2. Installation of the house frame with pouring concrete, after which the formwork is removed and the process is repeated until the building reaches the required height;
  3. Installation of interfloor ceilings;
  4. Construction of the next floors;
  5. Arrangement of a rough-type roof, and after shrinkage of the structure, installation of a finishing roof;
  6. Finishing work.

Advantages of monolithic brick construction:

  • The most modern technology that allows you to quickly erect buildings of different heights, shapes, and formats;
  • Open plan;
  • High thermal capacity and sound insulation: such a high-rise building combines all the unique qualities of brick and concrete;
  • Minimum requirements for the alignment of walls and ceilings, which means easier finishing work.

A monolithic brick apartment building will have one drawback - mandatory compliance with development technology, and, consequently, the use of highly qualified workers.

Monolithic ventilated facades

Strictly speaking, this is not a construction technology, but rather a type of finishing work. The systems are characterized by the following indicators:

  1. The presence of an air gap between the wall surface and the finish;
  2. Possibility of using different types of cladding panels;
  3. Adding aesthetics to the facade and minimizing the threat of condensation in the house;
  4. Significant reduction in heating costs due to increased heat capacity of the entire building.

This technology is used for many multi-storey buildings for various purposes. At the same time, the materials used for the installation of ventilated facades are produced in a huge variety: aluminum, vinyl panels or panel elements made of composite materials are durable and strong.

When choosing a suitable technology for the construction of multi-storey buildings, it is necessary to take into account not only all economic aspects, but also the availability of a powerful base of special equipment, resources and professional builders. It is difficult to cope with a house even of 2-3 floors alone; it is better to entrust this task to specialists.

The project declaration for the construction of an apartment building includes a huge amount of different information, the analysis of which can give a potential shareholder an understanding of the reliability of the developer and the approximate appearance of the future house. Read about what data is included in the project declaration and how to determine whether a particular borrower should be trusted.

An agreement on shared participation in the construction of an apartment building is the main document regulating the relationship between the parties when purchasing housing in projects under construction. Registration of relations on the basis of any other document can seriously complicate the life of the shareholder in the future. However, having an equity participation agreement, you also cannot lose sight of some of the nuances that are described in this article.

Construction of apartment buildings

Any construction company is worthy of respect if it is engaged in the construction of individual or apartment buildings, which in the future will be transformed into a huge housing complex of many multi-storey buildings. But not everyone succeeds in bringing such an idea to life. The problem is not only the high cost of the project, but also the difficulties of obtaining consent from the district authorities for the construction of apartment buildings.

In order not to dive into complex terminology, but to speak in simple language, the definition will be as follows. A multi-storey building is a structure in the middle of which private individuals or legal entities are given the right to own rooms, apartments or commercial areas. In such a building there can be two or more apartments at the same time. In addition, each of them has its own personal exit to the courtyard or to rooms for general use, for example, to the landing or to the corridor.

In addition to apartments or rooms, this building (most often on the 1st floor) can accommodate non-residential retail premises. Such areas are used as shops, business offices, and reception areas. And also in a multi-storey building there are premises for common use, stairs and corridors, balconies and loggias, elevators and landings.

The construction of an apartment building can be divided into several stages. These stages imply that the work is carried out efficiently and professionally, because a high-rise structure is a very complex structure, the main criterion of which is to ensure safety measures for residents. Also an important factor will be the creation of comfortable living conditions and the supply of all necessary utilities.

Selection of land area for development

The initial stage in the construction of this structure will be the selection of land area for construction. The selection of a site is carried out according to the plan for the formation of an urban building.

The easiest way would be to obtain land within the city, where there are a small number of houses and the construction of additional residential buildings is planned. The same cannot be said about the city center; the main multi-storey buildings there are located quite densely.

When building multi-storey buildings it is important:

  1. Firstly, you need to take into account the presence of telephone wires for connecting to the Internet and TV. After all, today modern people cannot imagine life without such revolutionary technologies. The closer the required communications are, the lower the initial cost per square meter will be.
  2. Secondly, urban infrastructure plays a significant role in human life. It should be remembered that the close proximity of bus and trolleybus stops, metro stations and supermarkets significantly increases the cost of future apartments.

However, this is not all. Any city has its own urban planning plan, according to which construction is carried out in the next few years. It turns out that it is much easier to obtain the right to build residential apartment buildings in the area where construction will be planned in a certain number of years. And it will be even easier for those construction companies that carry out state special orders.

To avoid cooling and freezing of the external walls of the apartment, experts recommend covering them with insulation.

Once you have obtained permission to build the selected site, you can proceed to the next stage of construction of a multi-storey building. This stage will include geological research and topographic survey of the land area. At this stage it is determined:

  • proximity to groundwater
  • general soil condition
  • climatic conditions
  • important features of the territory's topography

Based on geological research data, a conclusion is drawn about which technologies and materials to use for construction.

At the design stage, a design plan is carried out for a multi-storey building, as well as the adjacent area and internal rooms, in particular the layout of apartments. Design is the most important step before constructing an apartment building.

The goal of the designers will be the difficult development of the design of the building and surrounding area. It is important that the external interior blends into the city landscape. It will be extremely unpleasant for the residents of the house if the walls of the new building are visible outside their window. It is necessary to follow the urban planning plan in order to avoid such shortcomings.

During the design, the laying of utility networks is also developed. Details. Read about the features of laying water pipes during the construction of multi-storey buildings in this article.

Construction of an apartment building and landscaping of the surrounding area

The third stage in the process of building a house is the construction of an apartment building. It is necessary to finish the facades and interior rooms. At this stage, the help of professional experts in the field of architecture, design, engineering, and engineering will be useful. The building should be connected to the heating, sewer and water supply networks. Telephone communications are connected to the house, and power supply cables are installed to them.

Landscaping consists of the following points:

  1. Laying sidewalks.
  2. Construction of underground or above-ground car parking.
  3. Installation of children's playgrounds.

The better the home is landscaped, the more attractive it will be to buyers.

The construction of multi-apartment buildings in itself is not the most expensive part of finances. It will be very expensive to collect all the necessary documents and connect city communications. But with all this, developers manage to make good money from this business.

Upon completion of construction and tiling work, the construction company hands over the house for operation. Thus, the construction project of an apartment building will depend on many aspects.

Construction of a residential building is a technically complex and lengthy process, the precise planning of which saves time and money, is the basis for the successful implementation of the project and guarantees the reliability of the building. The construction of any house begins with the approval of the stages of work and the selection of a site. All 10 stages of construction can be divided into preparatory, construction and final work.

Preparing to build a house

Several stages that precede the construction process itself are preparatory - this is the collection and preparation of documents, site selection, project development and hiring of workers.

At the first stage of construction, you should select a location for your future home. It is necessary that the site matches the size of the building and its purpose. Convenient access and the possibility of laying all communications should be provided. Pay attention to the aesthetic aspect of the surrounding area and imagine the possible view from your future home. Be sure to study the legal status of the land and the long-term development plan for the surrounding areas.

The second stage of construction includes engineering-geological surveys and topographic surveys. The site needs to be thoroughly measured, a geodetic survey carried out in order to get an idea of ​​its relief, area and configuration, to determine the load-bearing characteristics of the soil, the composition and level of groundwater. Experts recommend that this work be carried out before acquiring land, and the results must be documented. The report should include recommendations on the types of foundations, measures to protect them, waterproofing the house, the drainage system of the site, and so on.

Based on the first two stages, an architectural and detailed design of the building is ordered, which must be approved and agreed upon by local authorities. At the third stage of construction, the customer collects all the required documentation, which includes a permit for the construction of a house, a site inspection report, a passport of the object and coordinates the layout of buildings with the fire and sanitary inspections.

Construction works

Having received the approved project and all permits, you can prepare the site for construction. At this fourth stage, the site is divided according to the drawings, access for equipment is organized, temporary power supply is provided, materials are purchased and contracts are concluded with contractors.

The zero cycle is the fifth stage of construction and represents the creation of the selected type of foundation and the laying of communications. This stage makes up from 5% to 15% of all civil works on site, and the cost ranges from 20% of the total budget.

The zero cycle includes earthworks:

  1. Vertical layout of the site.
  2. Laying out and digging trenches and pits for foundation construction.
  3. Transportation of soil. Laying of pipelines and cable networks.
  4. Backfilling of soil.

Laying the foundation includes the following steps:

  1. Installation of pile structures.
  2. Installation of foundation blocks.
  3. Performing foundation waterproofing.

The completion of the zero cycle is the construction of the underground part of the building, which takes place under the supervision of the architect.

Removing the formwork from the foundation will mark the beginning of the sixth stage of construction, which represents the main cycle:

  1. Construction of a box at home.
  2. Execution of interfloor ceilings.
  3. Construction of main load-bearing walls.
  4. Installation of interfloor ceilings.
  5. Installation of monolithic structures, columns and beams, and sometimes stairs, hoods, windows and entrance doors.

At the seventh stage, you can move on to the design and finishing of the facades. This stage of construction is considered the penultimate and includes:

  1. Brick or block masonry walls.
  2. Construction of the rafter system.
  3. Installation of roofing material.
  4. Installation of eaves gutters and drainpipes.
  5. Making external door and window blocks.
  6. Facade finishing.
  7. Plastering and wall cladding.
  8. Filling facade openings.

At the eighth stage, all utility networks are laid. This stage requires a thoughtful approach. Providing water supply and drainage is carried out by connecting to a water supply system or drilling a well, laying pipelines to the house and creating an autonomous sewage system. It may be necessary to take care of the drainage system. Installing a boiler and installing a heat pipeline solves the issue of hot water and heating. At this stage, connection to the gas main and external electrical networks is carried out.

Internal work is carried out at stage 9 and includes the installation of partitions and floor coverings, ceiling work and installation of internal engineering systems, preparation of ceilings and walls for final painting. At this stage, finishing wooden parts are made for decorative edges, internal frames and doors, wooden handrails and stair balusters.

Final stage

The tenth stage of construction is the finishing of the interior of a finished residential building, which combines:

  • installation of floor and wall coverings;
  • plumbing work;
  • installation of meters, sockets and switches;
  • connecting all lines to the fire alarm and lighting fixtures;
  • installation of internal doors;
  • interior painting;
  • wallpapering;
  • connection of electrical heating equipment, fans, water heaters, dryers, kitchen stoves;
  • placement of wall-mounted and built-in furniture, and so on.

Upon completion of this stage, the building is put into operation, registered in the proper manner and all title documents are drawn up. The residential building is ready for housewarming! However, we can also highlight the eleventh stage of construction - landscape work.

Construction of a residential building in 3D. Video

Construction is not an easy task... It is not enough to simply pour a foundation and build walls on the site you like. You also need to know how to do this, following a certain order.

So, let's look at the main stages of building an apartment building.

Stage 1 – selection of land.

When choosing a plot of land for development, builders are guided by a number of rules.

  • A prerequisite for the construction of an apartment building is the presence of developed infrastructure. The close proximity to the central areas will significantly increase the cost of land, and it will be more difficult to obtain construction permission from local authorities, but as a result, many will want to spend money on an apartment in this particular building. The price per square meter in such a house will justify all the efforts and costs invested.
  • Proximity to power supply networks and availability of telephone cables.
  • Distance to the nearest water supply pipes.

Stage 2 – approval of the urban development plan.

It is always easier to obtain a building permit on a site that is not yet densely built up with high-rise buildings. If the project is designed for the central area of ​​the city, then you may encounter a number of questions or prohibitions. In this case, you will have to be patient and prove to everyone that your project is the most necessary and necessary.

Stage 3 – geology and topography.

Topographic survey of the future construction site is necessary to obtain the exact coordinates of the object being built and to obtain the main characteristics of the local landscape. These procedures will help determine how deep the groundwater is in this place; the safety of the constructed building depends on this. The general condition of the soil will help determine the degree of possible foundation shrinkage. Based on geological research data, construction technology and the choice of building materials are determined.

Stage 4 – design.

How comfortable life will be in new apartments, their appearance and total area depends on the level of professionalism of the designer. This type of work is not done by just one person. All company specialists require special permission. In their actions, architects and designers rely on the standards and sanitary requirements adopted in construction. At this stage, everything is taken into account: from the seismological situation to the climatic features of the area.

The complexity of the design lies in the fact that the project not only must meet the customer’s requirements, it must also be approved by the city’s architectural and construction authorities. Some of them will definitely have questions and complaints about the project. To this end, a wise architect will have in his arsenal several blanks for the façade of a building or other parts of the plan.

Stage 5 – construction.

This stage becomes the most noticeable for those around you, and very important for future residents. Before starting construction work, contractors need to win a tender to implement the project.

The most competent and qualified builders will be entrusted with the construction of the facility. Typically, a contractor is selected on a competitive basis, which takes into account work experience, qualifications of employees and the availability of construction equipment.

The construction stage, in turn, also has its own sequence.

  1. Prepare the construction site (clearing the area, installing fencing, arranging temporary premises, etc.)
  2. Mark the axes of the building.
  3. Excavation
  4. Work on pouring the foundation.
  5. Construct the outer walls of the facility.
  6. Bring communications into the house.
  7. Roof installation
  8. Installation of internal partitions
  9. Install windows.
  10. Fill the floor.
  11. Conduct an internal communication system.
  12. Carry out interior finishing work
  13. Exterior façade decoration.

Today, many residential buildings involve the placement of offices, shops and salons on the ground floor. Their presence should be provided for during the drafting process.

Stage 6 – arrangement of the territory.

According to urban planning regulations, the developer must plan the development of the area around the house. It has already become a practice to make a playground in the yard. Laying asphalt or tiles in front of the entrance and installing street lighting became mandatory. Arrangement of access roads and creation of parking spaces also falls on the shoulders of the developer.

As you can see, the stages of construction of an apartment building are very difficult. Each stage requires careful attention. Without certain knowledge in construction issues it will be difficult to navigate. Many developers claim that they have to face all the main difficulties at the stage of collecting documents, and the construction itself does not take much time.

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