Types of home flowers and their names. Names of indoor flowers, catalog of indoor flowers with photos. Catalog of indoor flowers

Types of home flowers and their names.  Names of indoor flowers, catalog of indoor flowers with photos.  Catalog of indoor flowers
Types of home flowers and their names. Names of indoor flowers, catalog of indoor flowers with photos. Catalog of indoor flowers

Standard flowers with variegated leaves are very difficult to grow under normal conditions. room conditions-they need constant warmth and high humidity. Flowers with colorful leaves and are more suitable for growing in a small garden.

In this article we will introduce you to the varieties indoor plants with variegated leaves such as fittonia, heptapleurum, hipestes, arrowroot, peperomia, plectranthus, polyscias, scindapsus and others.

You can also see photos of flowers with variegated leaves and learn about the features of caring for home flowers with multi-colored leaves.

Fittonia flower with variegated leaves

There is a dwarf variety of Fittonia with small leaves that is quite easy to grow in the living room. It will grow well in dry air if you occasionally spray it with water.

The variegated flower Fittonia has leaves with a network of veins. These veins are their distinctive feature- Fittonia Verschaffeltii has pink veins, while F. argyroneura has silver-white veins. F.s. Nana (F. a. nana) is an easy to grow dwarf form.


Light: Partially shaded location without direct sunlight.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to late fall and sparingly in winter. Use lukewarm water.

Air humidity:


Reproduction: Dividing plants during transplantation. Planting rooted shoots.

Flower with colorful leaves heptapleurum

HEPTAPLEURUM - fast growing tree plant. Pay attention to the photo of this plant with variegated leaves - it is similar to Schefflera, it is quite easy to grow if there is warmth in winter, good light and humid air.

The multi-colored heptapleurum flower will grow successfully as a bush if the growing point of the main stem is removed. Leaves may fall if conditions suddenly change.

To get an unbranched tree 2 m high, tie Heptapleurum arboricola to a stake. There are varieties - Hayata (with grayish leaves), Geisha Girl (with rounded leaf tips) and Variegata (with yellow-variegated leaves).

Heptapleurum, like most indoor flowers with variegated leaves, prefers moderate temperatures. In winter, the air temperature should be at least 16°C.



Air humidity: Spray the foliage frequently and wash the leaves from time to time.


Reproduction:Stem cuttings spring or sowing seeds in spring.

Hypestes flower with multi-colored leaves and its photo

HYPOESTES is grown for its spotted leaves. In good light, their color will be bright - in a shady place the foliage will become completely green. This flower with colorful leaves forms small bushes that are regularly trimmed to maintain a height of 30-60 cm. After flowering, the plant sometimes goes dormant; in this case, reduce watering until new shoots begin to grow.

As you can see in the photo, the flower with multi-colored leaves of Hypoestes sanguinolenta has a blood-red hue, its foliage is covered with pale pink spots, especially expressive in the Splash variety. To maintain bushiness, pinch the tips of the shoots.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 13°C in winter.

Light: A brightly lit place - some direct sunlight enhances the color.

Watering: Keep the substrate evenly moist. Water deeply from spring to autumn - more sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant annually in the spring.

Reproduction: Sowing seeds in spring or

Indoor flower with multi-colored arrowroot leaves

The distinctive feature of arrowroot is its impressive foliage with colored veins or spots on the background, the color of which can vary from almost white to almost black. This indoor flower with colorful leaves, rarely exceeds 20 cm in height and tends to fold and raise its leaves at night. Arrowroot is not particularly difficult to grow, but still this plant is not for beginner gardeners.

Varieties white veined arrowroot(Maranta leuconeura)- massangeana with white veins. The red-veined variety (erythrophylla) is also sold under the name M. tricolor.


Light: Partially shaded location away from direct sunlight. Move to a brightly lit area in winter.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times using soft, lukewarm water. In winter, reduce watering.

Air humidity: Spray the foliage regularly.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Dividing plants during transplantation.

Home flower with colorful leaves peperomia

Peperomia grow slowly and are suitable for places where space is limited. The inflorescence is a thin vertical spike covered with tiny greenish flowers. There are several hanging species, but bush ones with various shapes and leaf color. Growing peperomia is not difficult.

U Peperomia corrugata(Peperomia caperata) corrugated leaves 2.5 cm wide; P. hederaefolia has wavy leaves 5 cm wide; P. magnoliaefolia Variegata has variegated waxy leaves measuring 5 cm.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.


Watering: Allow the soil to dry out to some extent between waterings - water very sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage occasionally in summer and never in winter.

Transfer: Replant in spring only if necessary.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring.

Indoor flowers with colorful leaves of plectranthus

Plectranthus looks more like a small, simple coleus with drooping stems. These indoor flowers with multi-colored leaves are not very popular, although they have many good qualities. Plectranthus can grow in dry air, it can withstand temporary dry soil, grows quickly, and will even bloom occasionally. From time to time, pinch the tips of the shoots to keep the plants bushy.

Plectranthus Ertendahl(Plectranthus oertendahlii) has colored leaves 2.5 cm wide and pink-purple flowers 2.5 cm long. The largest leaves are on the white-edged coleus plectranthus (P. coleoides marginatus).

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light or partial shade without direct sunlight.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times. In winter, reduce watering.

Air humidity: Spray the foliage from time to time.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

A plant with colorful leaves polyscias and its photo

The twisted stems and attractive foliage of polyscias give the plants an oriental appearance. However, they are not popular because they are expensive and easily shed their leaves if their needs are not fully met. Balfour's polyscias is the most common.

Pay attention to the photo of this plant with multi-colored leaves - Balfour's polyscias (Polyscias balfouriana) has gray-spotted leaves 8 cm wide; the leaves of its variety Pennockii have yellow veins. Leaves of P. fruticosa are 20 cm long.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 16°C in winter.

Light: Bright light without direct sunlight.

Watering: Water sparingly from spring to fall - water sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Difficult. Stem cuttings in the spring - use hormones for rooting and heating the substrate.

Scindapsus flower with variegated leaves

SCINDAPSUS is an easy plant to grow with leaves spotted with yellow or white. It may be called Scindapsus aureus and Golden Pothos in garden centers, but among botanists it is commonly called Epipremnum aureus.

Scindapsus, or Epipremnum aureus(Scindapsus, or Epipremnum aureus), - liana or hanging plant; The moss stick is the ideal support. Stems can reach 2 m or more.


Light: A well-lit place without direct sunlight. Variegation disappears in poor lighting.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter. Humidity: Spray foliage frequently.


Reproduction: Stem cuttings in the spring - use hormones for rooting. Keep in the dark until it takes root.

Houseplant with variegated leaves, ragwort

Ragwort is a complex genus that includes flowering species, succulent species and false ivies, like vines. Like true ivies, their lobed leaves and stems droop or form on a support, but their lobes are more pointed and fleshy. They grow better in dry air than true ivies.

U common ragwort(Senecio marcroglossus variegatus) leaves with yellow edges on stems up to 3 m long. K. shiny, or mikanioides (S. mikanioides) can also reach a length of 3 m.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light - Some direct sunlight is beneficial in winter.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times - reduce watering in winter.

Air humidity: Spray the foliage from time to time.

Transfer: Replant in late spring every two years.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Homemade flower with colorful Sansevieria leaves

Sansevieria three-stripe is the most popular type of houseplant with multi-colored leaves. This is a very stable (unpretentious) plant - vertical succulent leaves withstand drafts, dry air, bright sun, dense shade and direct sunlight. In good conditions it bears inflorescences with fragrant small white flowers.

Sansevieria three-striped(Sansevieria trifasciata)- a species with completely green leaves 30 cm -1 m high; its variety variegated laurentii, Golden hahnii - dwarf in height 15 cm.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light with some sun, but can grow in shade.

Watering: Water sparingly from spring to fall; once every 1-2 months in winter.

Air humidity:

Transfer: Rarely needed - replant if pot is damaged.

Reproduction: Separate the suckers at the base by cutting them off and allow them to dry before planting in compost.

Schefflera flower with variegated leaves

Unfortunately, Schefflera does not bloom under room conditions. It has finger-shaped glossy leaves arranged in rays, like the spokes of an umbrella. Schefflera is not difficult to grow.

Young Schefflera radiata(Schefflera actinophylla) is an attractive bush, and in maturity a tree 1.8-2.5 m high. S. digitata is smaller in size. S. octophyllum has leaves with clearly defined veins.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 13°C in winter. Avoid temperatures above 21°C if possible.

Light: A brightly lit place away from direct sunlight.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Difficult. Stem cuttings in summer. Use rooting hormones and heating the substrate.

Houseplant with colorful nolina leaves

Nolina is grown as a tall, solitary plant that does not require much attention. The swollen bulb-like base accumulates water, so temporary drying out of the soil will not harm it. It has a lush “tail” of long, strap-like leaves. Nolina is sometimes sold under the name Beaucarnea recurvata.

There is one species on sale - tuberous nolina (Nolina tuberculata). It grows slowly, but over time the trunk will reach a height of 2 m or more, and the base of the trunk will be swollen, like a huge onion.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Brightly lit areas - some amount of sunlight is beneficial.

Watering: Water thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out moderately. Avoid overwatering.

Air humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant if necessary in spring.

Reproduction: Separate and plant the suckers at the time of transplanting. It’s not easy - it’s better to buy new plants.

Yucca plant

A mature yucca makes an excellent false palm for a hallway or great room. She will need a deep, well-drained container that can be moved outdoors in the summer and to an unheated, well-lit area in the winter. White bell-shaped flowers may take a few years to appear.

A tree trunk 1-1.5 m high bears a rosette of long leathery leaves. Yucca elephantipes is safer than Yucca aloifolia with sharp sword-shaped leaves.

Temperature: Moderate - keep in a cool place in winter (minimum 7°C).

Light: Choose the brightest place you can find.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Separate and plant suckers or root cuttings from trunk sections.

Flower with variegated radermacher leaves

Radermachera is grown as a single tree indoors. It has large compound leaves that bear shiny, deeply veined leaflets with long tapering tips. Central heating is not a problem when growing it because it tolerates dry air well.

Radermachera grown as a houseplant may be labeled as Radermachera sinica, R. Danielle, or Stereospermum suaveolens. There is a variegated form.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10-13°C in winter.

Light: Brightly lit areas, but protect from midday summer sun.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times - avoid overwatering.

Air humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant if necessary in spring.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in summer.

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower from a wide range of species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of lavish blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into evergreen garden. But there's something you should keep in mind different requirements care at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers needs to be looked after daily. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose proper care at home.

Perhaps abutilon (indoor maple, rope) is not one of the most popular ornamental plants, but all more people begin to notice the beauty of this small bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. His decorative look due to large bright colors, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert areas of North America. Species belonging to this type have different size, leaves, as well as the flowering period. Agaves are grown mainly for their decorative leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agave blooms after a very long time (tens of years). The worst thing is that after flowering it dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema in natural conditions found in southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


Loves partial shade and warmth, the temperature should not fall below 18°C, with more low temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like...

Aglaonema variable, or variable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the Araceae family. Of the 50 species, several species are most often grown at home. In general cultivation, more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids are found. Aglaonemas are popular in home cultivation due to their attractive decorative...

Correct name Adenium grown at home - Adenium obese, or Desert rose (Adenium obesum) - unusual interesting plant, impressive in structure and color of flowers and original form, characteristic of bonsai. Grow as a houseplant in summer period can become a decoration for a terrace or garden. Find out more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called “Venus hair” - adiantum. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care, the adiantum will have an unattractive appearance. Adiantum varieties are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

A species grown at home - Aichryson x domesticum, called the “tree of love” and “flower of love”, belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrubby succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum, distinguished by ellipsoid-shaped leaves; in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon homeis easy to confuse with another...

Alocasia is native to the Malay Archipelago and its leaves grow from a rhizome. Beautiful variety is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg in weight and are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw, poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that contains hundreds of plants, although it is still the most known species aloe vera genus ( Aloe vera) And aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). Appears more types and varieties that you should pay attention to, species are characterized by high decorative advantages. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties, in this article, first of all...

Medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe Barbados. An easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since ancient times; mentions of the plant were contained on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to 3,000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers to help the soldiers' wounds heal faster. The plant is probably...

Do you want to decorate your home? beautiful plants? Today on our website we will provide you with the most popular indoor flowers - photos and names, care at home. flora for own home should be chosen not only by appearance, but also by existing home conditions. If the plant feels uncomfortable, its appearance will not be pleasing to the eye.

Indoor flowers - photos

Indoor flowers - illustrated names of popular varieties


This is one of the most common indoor plants. The photo shows what highly decorative properties it has. Azalea blooms almost all winter, which makes it especially desirable for growing at home.

Pictured is the beautiful Azalea

To get a truly beautiful indoor plant, you need to follow the following care rules:

Lighting- azalea loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct midday rays.
Hydration- it is necessary to take care of high air humidity and regular watering. At the same time, you cannot spray leaves and flowers.
Temperature- azalea blooms better in cool conditions (10-18 °C).
Feeding - carried out once a month, more often during the flowering period.

It is very important to regularly trim the azalea bush so that the pot has a beautiful ball.

Family Maranthaceae

Of the beautiful indoor plants without flowers, representatives of the Marantaceae family (about 400 species) have gained special love. At home you can find various varieties from the following genera:

Arrowroot is a compact and unpretentious home crop that easily tolerates dry soil and air.
Calathea is a tall plant (up to 80 cm) with large leaves, very demanding to care for.
Ctenanta is as demanding in care as Calathea.
Stromantha is a compact plant with long, sharp leaves that requires especially careful care.

Indoor flowers of the Marantaceae family

Home care for representatives of the Marantaceae family:

Lighting- good, but without direct rays.
Humidity- watering should be frequent and the air moist (regular spraying will help).
Temperature- drafts and cooling down to +18 °C should not be allowed.
Fertilizer - The crop should be fed once a month.

Areca Palm

This type of palm tree differs from others in its special decorativeness and rapid growth. At home, you can most often find a variety such as Chrysolidocarpus yellowish.

Areca palm for home use

Care to maintain the beauty of the palm tree should be aimed at creating conditions in the hot tropics:

Lighting- The Areca palm tree prefers bright sunlight. It is not recommended to suddenly change the position of the pot.
Humidity- recommended frequent watering and spraying.
Temperature- the ideal option is to maintain the air temperature within 18-25 °C. If the air gets hotter, you need to increase the humidity.
Fertilizer- carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks, but only in spring and summer.


For those who like to decorate windows with living green balls, Soleirolia is suitable. This lacy grass grows quickly, creeping along the ground and creating a air cushion. Different species differ in the shade of their small leaves. Saltirolia is often planted in flowerpots with large flowers to increase decorative effect.

In the photo there is an openwork Soleirolia

Home care:

Lighting- soleirolia loves shade, so it will not do well in well-lit windows.
Humidity- a resident of the subtropics is demanding on the amount of water. It should be watered through a tray and often spray the entire cap.
Temperature- should be maintained at 18-23 °C. The plant does not tolerate cold, and in the heat the soil quickly dries out.
Fertilizer- in winter it is carried out once a month, in summer more often.

Indoor bamboo

In fact, bamboo is not grown at home, but the stems of Dracaena Sander, very similar to it, are very similar. The shoots turn out to be very tenacious, and they are grown at home without any soil at all.

Caring for indoor bamboo is very simple

Features of caring for indoor bamboo in water:

The lower ends need to be deepened by 1-2 cm.
Change the water weekly.
Add liquid fertilizer once a month.
Avoid bright light.

After the roots appear, the plant can be safely planted in the soil. It is necessary to use a light substrate and provide a good drainage layer. Dracaena Sandera needs well-moistened soil, frequent spraying and warmth. TO sun rays it must be taught gradually.


This very common plant is popularly called women's happiness. Flowers can be white or red. Spathiphyllum is known for its ability to purify the air at home.

Spathiphyllum purifies the air at home

Light- absent-minded.
Humidity- high, frequent spraying.
Temperature- comfortable for humans.


Zamioculcas, or dollar tree, looks quite unusual, which, along with its unpretentiousness, has become a favorite of many people. It is suitable for any interior at home or office. Zamioculcas is a plant for the laziest gardeners. It retains a supply of moisture in the stems, and therefore can survive even prolonged drought.


Conditions and care:

Light- abundant, but scattered.
Hydration- moderate watering; in summer (during the period of active growth) - abundant. Rare spraying can be done.
Temperature- constant heat (not lower than 18 ° C).

Indoor violet

There are many varieties of this delicate house plant with different leaves and flowers. Violet by by and large unpretentious in care, but she should completely like the proposed living conditions.

Indoor violet is perfect for growing at home

Primary requirements:

Lighting- long-term (12-14 hours), but no direct rays.
Hydration- do not let the soil dry out, pour water only under the bush or into a tray, do not spray the leaves.
Temperature- 18-25 °C. At higher values, the humidity should be increased.
Fertilizer- in spring and summer once every three weeks, the rest of the time - once a month.


This vine began to be grown as a houseplant several centuries ago. A special support is installed in the pot, or the branches are allowed to trail along the wall. The genus Philodendron is represented by many varieties, the main difference of which is the size and shape of the leaves.

Philodendron at home

Philodendron care:

Lighting- the vine is used to climbing trees in dense forests, so it will calmly develop in the back of the room only with artificial lighting.
Hydration- the soil should always be moist, and air humidity at home should not be lowered more than 55%.
Temperature- a tropical guest needs constant warmth (not lower than 15 ° C).
Fertilizer- apply only during the warm period of the year once every 2-3 weeks.


A blooming Kalanchoe is a lovely decoration for the home (see photo), if those living in it do not have allergies. It is often presented as a gift instead of a bouquet. If you provide the plant with proper care, the flowering period will be long and repeated frequently. It is worth noting that medicinal varieties do not bloom and are not used for decorating living space.

On the picture blooming kalanchoe

An indoor flower called Kalanchoe is undemanding in care. Here are the main conditions:

Lighting- bright, but diffuse, no more than 10 hours a day (due to this, flowering occurs in winter).
Hydration- Kalanchoe tolerates drought well; it should not be over-watered (especially in winter).
Temperature- growth and flowering occur when this indicator is between 18-28 °C.
Feeding- are carried out only during the flowering period.


This miniature palm tree always looks good at home, refreshing the interior. Of the hundreds of species, only a few of the most unpretentious ones are grown in everyday life. The photo shows one of them. The plant is famous not only for its grace, but also for its ability to purify the air from harmful impurities.


A little about care:

Lighting- bright, but without direct rays.
Hydration- watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries; in summer, foliar moistening is additionally carried out.
Temperature- for subtropical Dracaenas, cool conditions are created in winter, and for tropical ones this indicator is always maintained at 18 °C.
Fertilizer- fertilizing is applied only in the summer once every 2-3 weeks.

Money tree (crassula)

This plant is found in almost every home today. Some people like its unusual round and thick leaves, other gardeners believe in magical ability Crassulas attract money to the house. The leaves of this indoor culture have medicinal properties - they are eaten or applied to wounds.

Pictured is a money tree

Home care:

Lighting- the fat woman loves bright sun, so a south window is perfect for her.
Hydration- money tree tolerates drought well, but reacts extremely negatively to waterlogging. In winter, watering should be especially sparse.
Temperature- to maintain growth in the warm period of the year, maintain the temperature at 20-10 °C, in winter it is reduced to 12-14 °C.
Fertilizer- use fertilizers for succulent plants and only during the growth period.


A popular summer-blooming houseplant that is related to indoor violet. Koleria is a flower with a dormant period. For the winter, store the empty pot or dug up tubers in a cool place (10-15 °C), moistening from time to time.

Different types Colors at home

A few words about care:

Lighting- koleria loves light, but not direct summer rays.
Hydration- watering should be moderate.
Temperature- 20-25 °C in the active phase, 10-15 °C during the rest period.

Additional list of indoor flowers with photos and names

Pictured is Plumeria

In the photo is Hatiora

Orchid in the photo

Bougainvillea in the photo

Christmas star

There is probably no house that does not have at least one indoor flower. People have long been convinced that living plants create home comfort, improve mood. But not every plant can be grown in your home. Let's talk about this.

Useful flowers for the home

There are several types of useful flowers for the home.

They are mainly used for medicinal purposes, as well as for oxygen purification, these include:

Flowers for individual rooms

Connecting himself with nature, every person tries to complement his home with a piece of it. Perennials have the ability to heal and everyone is familiar with this feature.

Scientists have developed the ability of indoor plants not only to decorate apartments, houses and offices, but also to improve the energy background, protect against radiation, filter the air, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Each flower has its own specific feature, so knowing it, you can easily determine in which room the plant will live and benefit.

For kitchen

The kitchen is not an ideal place to grow indoor plants. Due to temperature changes, high humidity many flowers suffer and get sick.

But there are several specimens that will not only take root well surrounded by stoves and various household appliances, but will also get rid of them negative impact and will become an excellent air filter. In addition, an oasis in the kitchen will improve digestion and perfectly complement the interior.

So, when creating a mini-garden on the kitchen windowsill, you can choose from such green representatives of nature as:

  1. Aglaonema. This plant loves moisture and copes with air purification. Will reduce the presence of harmful substances in the kitchen space emitted by plastic, furniture, varnish coatings. The disadvantages include slow growth and adverse effects on the eyes. Therefore, it is better to place the plant higher so that a child or animal cannot reach it.
  2. Scindapsus. This plant is also capable of purifying the air. Housewives loved it for its unpretentiousness, which means that it can be grown in the kitchen area. The plant is a vine that can produce shoots up to 2 meters long. It grows quickly and therefore requires frequent fertilization.
  3. Mother-in-law's tongue. The plant is unpretentious and has very beautiful tiger leaves. May bloom with small white flowers. It filters the air well and neutralizes harmful substances. Fits well anywhere in the kitchen. In full shade the leaf may darken. Perfectly complements the interior of any style. As for care, the plant needs constant wiping of the leaves.

For children's

Any mother, taking care of her child, wants to protect him from bacteria and negative energy, even at home.

A very reasonable solution would be to grow flowering plants such as:

  1. Fuchsia;
  2. Balsam;
  3. Violet;
  4. Decembrist;
  5. Begonia.

All these plants do not belong to the class of non-poisonous vegetation, are very beautiful in appearance and do not require special care.

When choosing a living decoration for a nursery, you need to give preference to proven plants, surrounded by which more than one generation of children has grown up. These include:

  1. Spathiphyllum;
  2. Fern;
  3. Kalanchoe;
  4. Chlorophytum;
  5. Conifers;
  6. Citrus;
  7. Maidenhair.

Such plants neutralize harmful substances in the air, enrich the room with oxygen, normalize the baby’s sleep, and are also absolutely safe.

For the bedroom

After everyday work, I dream of quickly getting to my favorite bedroom and enjoying my native and cozy atmosphere. It is in this place that you want to create a special interior that will give warmth and peace.

Naturally, every woman dreams of having a beautiful blooming flower in her bedroom, which she can admire while lying on her favorite bed. When choosing a flower for the main place in the house, we must not forget about the beneficial properties of the plant.

The following flowers have become ideal air purifiers:

Universal flowers for the home

Beautiful green flower, and even with chic flowering, it can completely change the interior and add a touch of comfort to even the most unattractive room. For avid flower growers, they become a part of life and receive appropriate care and all the conditions for growth.

But most housewives sometimes simply do not have enough time to give the green inhabitant of the house the proper attention and care. Work, family, and everyday chores lead to the fact that one day a woman discovers a herbarium on her windowsill and has no choice but to throw the next plant in the trash.

To prevent this from happening, you should carefully choose indoor plants for your home that will be useful for all family members and will not require special care. Such plants include:

  1. All types. Suitable for those housewives who often forget to water the plant. They are able to reduce the accumulation of electricity in space, so they are ideal for apartments crammed with various household appliances. The plant can relieve headaches.
  2. Money Tree. A living representative of vegetation looks great in any room, emphasizing its style. According to most experts in the field of esotericism, the plant can attract money to the house.
  3. Canna. Such a flower will not only delight the eye with its gorgeous blooms, but will also take root perfectly on the windowsill of any home. It tolerates drought easily and grows actively even in the shade. Despite the large beautiful flowers, it has virtually no odor, so it is suitable for homes with children and for people prone to allergies.


More recently, it has become fashionable to purchase and arrange indoor flowers in the house based on signs. Therefore, if you are headlong into this idea, you should start with some signs from the people:

  • Mother-in-law's tongue. According to popular belief, this plant activates the home positive energy. This is due to the upward growth of long, oblong leaves. It is believed that they are capable of being a conductor of energy from space.
  • Begonia. The flower reduces the aggressive attitude of people who live next to her. The frequency of quarrels in the family decreases and laughter is heard more and more often.
  • Violet. The plant is capable of developing Creative skills all family members.
  • Lemon. The flower is simply an irreplaceable plant for a home where there are children. Your child will grow up to be a good-natured, calm and reserved child.
  • Dracaena. The flower attracts good luck to the house. You definitely need to purchase this indoor shrub for your home. Success in all areas of life will be ensured.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

As we have already found out from the above, it is necessary to choose vegetation for the home based on its usefulness for a particular room. But this feature is not the main one.

It is very important that perennials fill the house with positive energy, which will have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical state of all inhabitants of the house.

Every home must have plants such as:

  1. Fern. Reliable protection for every home. It completely neutralizes bad energy that comes into the house from the street or from negative people, and also reduces harmful radiation from household appliances.
  2. Tradescantia. Guardian of the well-being of the home. to his appearance the flower signals the situation in the house. If the leaves begin to hurt and dry out, then you need to pay attention to the attitude in the family. With proper care, the plant will return positive energy and tranquility to your home.

Flowers with negative energy

No matter how beautiful indoor landscaping is, you need to be confident in bringing it into your home. The fact is that many representatives of vegetation can cause irreparable harm to humans.

There is no need to try to save a sick perennial that was taken away from work to go out. Such living plant pets will not bring anything good to the house, but will only take away all the positive energy of the home.

  • All perennials with spines and needles It's better not to buy. They bring discord into the family.
  • Euphorbia and Dieffenbachia belong to the class of poisonous vegetation.
  • Orchid a passionate eater of positive energy. She does this especially actively when you are sleeping, that is, at night.
  • Monstera popularly called an energy vampire, so it is better to avoid spending long periods of time near this flower.

Vegetation in your home is not only a wonderful natural addition to the interior, but also an ideal aid for achieving well-being, prosperity and simply ordinary family happiness.