Size of rooms in a three-room apartment in a panel house. Typical apartment layouts: Brezhnevka, Stalin and Khrushchev. Minimum apartment area

Size of rooms in a three-room apartment in a panel house.  Typical apartment layouts: Brezhnevka, Stalin and Khrushchev.  Minimum apartment area
Size of rooms in a three-room apartment in a panel house. Typical apartment layouts: Brezhnevka, Stalin and Khrushchev. Minimum apartment area

Let's visit today a 3-room apartment, a panel house of the P-44T series from the developer DSK-1
The apartment turned out to be nice and spacious, but the designers didn’t go crazy with the design and the layout turned out to be similar to other similar three-room apartments in panel houses. The rooms are all isolated from each other. A large bay window was added to the kitchen and a triangular bay window is present in the corner apartment room. Two rooms have balconies.

We will consider the layout of a three-room apartment with the following dimensions:

Room with a balcony 17.8 sq.m. (number 1 on the diagram)

Room without balcony 14.1 sq.m. (number 2 on the diagram)

Room with balcony, iron 11 sq.m. (number 3 on the diagram)

Kitchen with a large bay window 12.9 sq.m. (number 4 on the diagram)

Corridor with entrance hall 14.6 sq.m. (number 7 on the diagram)

Living area 42.9 sq.m.

The total footage of the apartment without balconies is 70.4 sq.m.

layout diagram of a three-room apartment P-44T with dimensions

We open the front door and find ourselves in the dressing room. In front there is a wall with an opening in which a small arch was originally made. On the right behind the door, there is a small space where a small dressing room or shoe cabinet can fit.

In this version we see an example of such a shoe cabinet.

This place can also be taken by a beautiful large full-length mirror.

We go forward and find ourselves in the very center of the hallway. Three doors greet us. On the left, a large double door leads us to a room of 11 sq.m. and a balcony shoe. And two adjacent doors are rooms. To the right is the largest room 17.8 sq.m. with a balcony boot, and that on the left is a small room of 14 sq.m. no balcony.

Several interesting ideas in the design of the hallway of a three-room apartment. The photo shows that compartment doors were installed in the room closest to us on the left.

Another interesting hallway option. Lighting was installed in the arch.

And here, on the right side of the blue hallway, columns with lighting were used in the design.

Arrangement of furniture in the hallway

If you need more space in the rooms and not clutter the rooms with closets, the hallway is suitable for these purposes.

A large closet will be installed along the long wall.

For those who have not completely gone into e-books, but are collecting a home library at home, an interesting solution would be to place shelves for books in the hallway.

Corner shelves will fit in the corner.

Room with balcony iron

From the hallway we enter a room with a large doorway. Typically this room is used as a living room or hall. The room, although not very large, is square.

And if you remove the window frames and dismantle part of the window sill, you can extend the room and connect it with the balcony.

Three rooms are not always enough for residents. Workrooms are often set up on balconies. It turns out that they too are in a situation where every square meter is valuable.

Let's turn our backs to the balcony and observe two interior doors, in the standard layout of a final renovation from the developer DSK-1

You can play around the doorway a little. Build a small arch and replace regular doors with sliding ones.

Two doors eat up a lot of space. And if you make a one-door opening, you can put a corner cabinet in the corner of the room.

And sometimes the entire wall is completely dismantled. And instead of a room, it turns out to be a spacious hall connecting into one whole with the hallway.

Large room with balcony Shoe

Standard large room with its own balcony. The size of the long wall is 5.56 sq.m. and the short wall is 3.22 sq.m. Can be intended for both parents and children's room.

If the balcony is insulated, the walls can be covered with wallpaper. Place sockets on the balcony and hang lamps for lighting.

The walls that we remember from Soviet times are becoming less and less popular. Instead, long chests of drawers often appear in apartment designs and interiors.

But flowers were in fashion and still decorate our apartments.

Room without balcony

In the third room there is no balcony. Large and wide window. Size on one wall 4.34 sq.m. and on the wall with a window 3.22 sq.m.

Good place for a bedroom. Thick dark curtains will help you block out the morning sun and get a good night's sleep on a soft bed on your day off.

Large paintings on the wall above the bed look original.

The wardrobe will not be a superfluous item in the room.

Bath and toilet in a 3-room apartment

We leave the room and go to the kitchen. Along the way in the corridor we come across the doors to the bathroom and toilet, and on the right of the corridor there is an empty but very convenient space for a closet.

The design of a three-room apartment in a panel house includes four separate rooms (living room, kitchen, bedroom and children's room), albeit small in size. Additionally, the owners wanted to have a dressing room, as well as a sufficient number of places where things could be put away.

There were no permanent walls, which made it possible to radically change the design of the small-sized 3-room apartment: some of the walls were built anew to fit into the entrance area of ​​the storage system, some were removed, connecting the balcony to the largest room. It also provided space for a dressing room, which will not only fulfill its direct role of conveniently arranging clothes, but will also become additional storage for household small items.

Living room

Living room in apartment design 63 sq. m. is made in gray-beige tones. Black was used as an accent color to highlight the window opening. Dark wood flooring softens the cool gray tones of the walls. The illumination of the panel on which the TV is mounted serves the same purpose.

Decorative painting of the walls, reminiscent of rough aged plaster, gives the room additional charm and slightly enlarges it visually. A workspace has appeared near the window: a wide tabletop near the walls turns into open bookshelves. A cozy soft sofa can be expanded, turning the living room into a guest bedroom.


The design of a three-room apartment in a panel house is carefully thought out in terms of placing places where household utensils, household appliances, and kitchen supplies will be stored.

In the kitchen, the standard line of wall cabinets above the work area was supplemented with mezzanines reaching to the ceiling, thus increasing the useful storage volume. There you can keep those devices that are not needed daily.

It is very convenient in a small space, since the ergonomics are carefully calculated: from the refrigerator, supplies immediately go into the sink, then move to the work table for processing, and then go to the stove. As a result, the available space was enough to accommodate a fairly large table for family dinners.


The children's room in the design of a small 3-room apartment is the largest and brightest room. It was created with two children in mind, and designed in accordance with these plans.

In order to leave as much free space as possible for children's outdoor games, the idea of ​​installing two beds was abandoned, replacing them with one roll-out bed: the second bed at night “rolls out” from under the first, and each child is provided with an orthopedic bed for healthy sleep.

So far, this room only has a storage closet and a study on the former balcony. Part of the room is reserved for a sports corner; a metal structure for gymnastic exercises has been reinforced there.

The design of the apartment is 63 sq. m. bright color accents are used, and they are especially relevant in the nursery. Green chair cushions, a multi-color world map on the wall and a red partition near the sports equipment greatly enliven the interior. Behind this partition there is a dressing room with its own entrance.


Decorated in warm beige tones, the bedroom would not be very expressive if not for the use of contrasting black, which gives the room a stylistic completeness.

A black metal rail on the ceiling on which the lamps are fixed, a black glass panel that goes down the wall and turns into a dressing table, a black frame of the bedside table - all this introduces elements of strict graphics into the interior, organizing the space into a single whole.

The design of a three-room apartment in a panel house includes a large wardrobe in the bedroom in a discreet beige shade, and in addition you can use drawers under the bed to put away, for example, bedding.

Since the rooms are small, voluminous curtains that eat up space were abandoned, replacing them with roller shutters. Near the window working area there is a comfortable invisible chair made of transparent plastic that does not clutter up the space.

The design of a small-sized 3-room apartment has an interesting lighting scheme: lighting under the eaves, bright lighting at the dressing table, lamps by the bed and general soft lighting using lamps built into the ceiling.

Entrance area

Here we managed to place two voluminous cabinets with mirrored fronts - they help to “push” the walls a little and create the feeling of a large room, although in fact the distance between them is less than a meter - however, this is quite enough for a comfortable passage through this area.

Bathroom and toilet

Modern youth may find it difficult to answer who Khrushchev was, but most people know the name of the buildings created at that time - these are “Khrushchev buildings”. Initially, they were built as temporary housing, so the level of comfort of such a home leaves much to be desired. A radical measure will help to minimize the problems of organizing space in such apartments - remodeling the “Khrushchev” into 3 rooms.

Redevelopment will allow you to change the apartment without moving, making it comfortable for all family members to live in.

Khrushchev apartments differ from comfortable apartments in new buildings primarily by their low ceiling heights and small area of ​​rooms. Many designers are racking their brains over how to create a place for a comfortable family living out of the most compressed space. However, even such shortcomings do not reduce the popularity of “Khrushchev” apartments in the secondary housing market. This is mainly due to the low price category of such apartments. And if you also approach the issue of repairs wisely, then from any “Khrushchev” you can create housing that is not inferior in comfort to new buildings.

Redevelopment is a radical, but sometimes the only way to make your home comfortable

If we are talking about the redevelopment of a “Khrushchev” building, it is worth noting an important advantage: all the partitions in the apartment are not load-bearing, which greatly simplifies the procedure for approving and carrying out repair work. Bathrooms can be either separate or combined.

The “lucky ones” who live in such apartments know about the difficulties of placing furniture and household appliances in a small space. That is why it is worth considering several options for transforming a small apartment and creating space for living. A rational approach to renovation will help you turn a typical “Khrushchev” into an excellent apartment that fully satisfies your wishes and taste.

Redevelopment of an apartment with the creation of a large living room and a separate bedroom behind mirrored sliding partitions

Where to start redevelopment

Oddly enough, the start of repairs in this case will begin with the bureaucracy.

Important! In order to begin redevelopment of the apartment, it is necessary to coordinate all actions with the city and housing authorities.

Before going to the necessary authorities, prepare a redevelopment plan for approval.

The first thing you need to do before a radical renovation is a redevelopment plan

If the alterations are not agreed upon with the BTI, then you may subsequently encounter big problems when exchanging, selling or donating an apartment, and even receive a fine.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, order a finished project from a licensed architect who will take into account all the technical nuances and your wishes. Redevelopment of a “Khrushchev” building into 3 rooms can be realized through partial or complete dismantling and moving walls, including doorways.

Since in most cases the internal walls of Khrushchev buildings are not load-bearing, many believe that approval is not required to carry out the work, but this opinion is wrong. Unauthorized demolition of partitions can lead to violations of construction, sanitary and legal requirements. As a rule, load-bearing walls include the external walls of apartments, as well as inter-apartment walls and beams.

Documents for redevelopment of a “Stalinka” into 3 rooms or “Khrushchev”

In order to avoid legal sanctions for unauthorized redevelopment of an apartment, it is necessary to provide the regulatory authorities with a list of required documents. These include:

  • technical passport for housing. It has a standard form, is obtained from the BTI authorities, contains the necessary certificates, and an approved plan;
  • a finished project created with the participation of a licensed design organization;
  • an approved technical plan confirming that the redevelopment will not lead to a violation of the integrity and stability of the building;
  • certificate from the fire service;
  • documents confirming the right to property ownership;
  • an agreement for the supervision of construction work with an organization that has a license for supervisory activities.

This list is not final, but the documentation described is the most important issue when planning repairs in a Khrushchev building. The commission deciding on the possibility of redevelopment may consider it necessary to consider additional documentation, for example, a certificate from the utility service.

Plan with caution

The most common problem with “Khrushchev” apartments is very small bathrooms, which is why during a total renovation the owners often plan to expand these areas. However, we should not forget about sanitary standards, which state that it is impossible to expand the toilet and bathroom at the expense of the space of the kitchen and living rooms.

Attention! This area should be enlarged only at the expense of the corridor, storage room and other free spaces.

You can increase the area of ​​the toilet and bathroom only through the corridor

Owners of apartments in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings are particularly inconvenienced by the small kitchen area. Therefore, expanding its area often comes to the fore when implementing large-scale renovations.

And in this matter, “pitfalls” may await you, because most apartments have a gas pipeline system, which will not allow expanding the kitchen space at the expense of the bathroom or living rooms. To realize your ideas, you can go the following ways:

  • replace the gas stove with an electric one;
  • separate the kitchen area from the living area using a sliding partition;
  • reduce the area of ​​the corridor or storage room.

Redevelopment of the premises of a 3-room Khrushchev building gives much more space than apartments with less living space. To make a successful redevelopment of Khrushchev 3 into rooms, check out the photos of finished projects.

How to create a comfortable space

If you are set on a global redevelopment of a “Khrushchev” building into 3 rooms, then consider the adjacent options in the photo and clearly decide on the plan of your own living space.

Important! Consider all individual preferences, hobbies, furniture and equipment that have already been purchased and planned to be placed.

This is the only way to properly plan repair work and purchase the necessary materials. To avoid problems when installing furniture, immediately think about where each element will be located.

For “Khrushchev” apartments, a classic interior in a minimalist style is ideal.

To maximize the space, you can combine several rooms into one. Sliding partitions will help you create a cozy space and separate the living room and bedroom areas.

A good effect is achieved by combining the hall and the corridor. To maintain hygiene standards in the room, it is necessary to make zoning by laying various floor coverings. For example, easy-to-clean tiles are laid in the hallway, and the room is lined with carpet.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of integrating the kitchen with the living room. Experts do not advise completely combining these zones; it is better to create a light movable partition, or separate these zones using color schemes.

Large sliding doors will allow you to visually increase the space without uniting the rooms

Built-in equipment will help to significantly increase the usable area. A kitchen installed around the perimeter of even a small room will leave enough space for a dining table.

Installing a shower cabin will help save bathroom space. So, if you didn’t know where to put the washing machine, this modification will create enough space to install it.

Having decided to redesign 3 rooms of the Khrushchev building, check out the photos of ready-made projects, perhaps from them you will get ideas for the planned renovation.

I like

Against the background of the accelerated growth rate of multi-apartment development, the variety of housing layouts is also increasing. A three-room apartment occupies a special place here. In a well-organized living space, people of any age with different tastes can coexist for a long time. With a little design skills and focusing on changing design trends, you can improve the layout of almost any three-room apartment.

Layout of apartments in new buildings

Spacious living spaces are in high demand among large families. The dimensions and organization of space of such three-room apartments can be varied. This housing is provided by the project in both brick and panel buildings.

The most current layout option for a new three-room apartment is a studio. It is allowed to create a living space for yourself by erecting an additional partition.

In new premium-class buildings, there are an order of magnitude more square meters, so there are often several bathrooms.

According to all the rules of modern design, the area for the toilet is allocated near the kitchen area. A sufficient amount of “square” is allocated for a balcony or loggia.

In 90% of cases, upon completion of construction, a modern three-room apartment is transferred to future owners without partitions. This is done in order to create for them the possibility of their own area modeling.

The design of typical Czech apartments consisting of three rooms is widely used. Their area is 64 square meters. m, and the main difference is the cramped corridor system with storage rooms. Often such a room is converted into a wardrobe. The balcony and loggias are quite large, and due to the fact that the number of load-bearing walls is minimized, it is possible to carry out the desired redevelopment in them.

Modern spacious apartments use various layouts for organizing space. The most common of them are the following:

  • "airplane" or "vest". The windows of the premises “look” at different sides of the building;
  • option with rooms, where two of them are made adjacent, and the third is isolated;
  • all 3 rooms are located separately.

Often now they select layouts for three-room apartments so that each isolated room has its own bathroom and balcony. Particular attention is paid to lighting. To maximize it, the project proposes the construction of French-type balconies.

Such apartments are mainly corner ones.

Layout of secondary housing apartments

This includes 3 types of buildings.

These brick houses “came” to Moscow and other Russian cities in the 50s. Apartments located in such buildings are characterized by 3-meter ceilings, separate rooms, separate baths and toilets, a large hall and arched openings.


The construction of such houses continued until the mid-80s. Initially, the apartments had low ceilings, a combined bathroom, and a small kitchen area. Khrushchev buildings also had an insufficient level of thermal insulation. Later, massive redevelopment began in them, since most of the partitions were not load-bearing.

Now the Khrushchev apartment project is being radically changed, turning it into a dressing room from a storage room or transforming the entire apartment into a studio. The old floor covering is completely replaced with tiles, and adjacent rooms (bedroom and balcony, for example) are combined, unless this is prohibited by the project.


This is a slightly improved version of the Khrushchev. Among other things, mezzanines and a niche under the kitchen window are added here, intended for storing food. The number of bathrooms is increasing, including separate ones. In such an apartment, the rooms are arranged according to the “airplane” or “trailer” principle.

Nuances of the modern layout being created

An improved layout always provides a kitchen space of more than 15 square meters. m, and a mini-sauna should be placed in the bathroom. In this case, the width of the balcony should start from 1.2 m.

Using the example of this apartment, whose top view is shown in the diagram, you can create a living room with a kitchen on the first floor, and a bedroom on the second. It is better to provide several bathrooms on both floors - both for the owners and for possible guests.

It is also necessary to take into account additional important points.

Selected style

There are enough of them. So, for example, you can combine Scandinavian restraint with a loft or use high-tech. But the most common is the classic style. It has the following shades:

  • lactic;
  • diluted brown;
  • pastel tone.

To add sophistication, bright details in the form of furniture and panels on the wall are added to such an interior.

The most successful solution is to combine the living room and kitchen in one shade.

The decor of bathrooms in modern apartments has been reduced to almost zero.

Selection of interior items

They are selected in the same style. So, for example, if rounded shelving is initially purchased, then the lamps should be the same, and the openings should be arched.

You can diversify the decor with unusual things, for example, a round bed or a mirror that seems to be made of small squares, or decorate the entire space with small Japanese paraphernalia. At the same time, there is no need to clutter the apartment with furniture. On the contrary, in order to visually expand the area of ​​your home, it is better to abandon large items.

In the nursery, you need to select all things based on the age of the child. One bunk bed instead of two usual ones will fit perfectly into it and save space for games.

It must be taken into account that if there is a person in the family who works from home, then he will need a personal account. It could be one of the rooms, since 3-room apartments are quite spacious, and on average their area is 56-80 square meters. m. You can also separate part of the space in the bedroom for work with a screen.

It is better to choose a bathroom of a non-standard shape. This will allow you to have additional space for installing a shower and washing machine.

How to choose housing with a layout

It is necessary to determine the required functional area of ​​the premises.

The apartment plan below shows an option with dimensions suitable for a family of 3-4 people. Shown here is a large hallway with wardrobes for clothes and shoes. Each room is isolated. A kitchen room and a separate bathroom (if necessary, it can be made into one) are located on the left side of the apartment, and on the right there are 2 bedrooms of different sizes. In the very center there is a living room, which, if desired, can be made part of the kitchen.

Thus, in order to choose your future housing wisely, you need to pay attention to:

  • size and location of rooms;
  • number of windows;
  • the presence (absence) of a balcony (loggia), their number and dimensions;
  • remoteness of the apartment from the garbage chute and elevator;
  • development of the district's infrastructure.

If the apartment meets the necessary requirements for all of the above points, then this is an excellent option. If for a long time you cannot find anything suitable, then you can arrange the space to suit your needs yourself, taking into account all the given nuances.

All panel apartment buildings belong to one series or another. The difference between one series and another is not so great; almost all apartments are of the same type and have only a few layout options.

The famous “Khrushchev” (series 1-447), the later P-44 or 83 series - they all have almost the same arrangement of rooms, with the sole purpose of compactness.

Small discrepancies are not significant since they do not create a significant difference.

5 floors

Panel 5-story houses belong to earlier series, which directly replaced the “Khrushchevka”. The main difference in the layout was the absence of walk-through rooms. In addition, all rooms now had doors, i.e. Residents now have the opportunity to have privacy and seclusion.

Corridors appeared from which rooms were entered. At the same time, separate bathrooms appeared - a bathtub and a toilet, combined into a single block, but having a partition between them with separate entrances.

9 floors

The increase in the number of floors posed the task of equipping houses with elevators, which required expanding the stairwells. Besides, the emergence of 9-story panel buildings required the presence of garbage chutes, also requiring a certain volume, as well as utility rooms.
All these innovations have necessitated changing the layout of apartments. Adjacent balconies appeared, connected by 4 into one block, wider stairwells caused the corridors to widen.

Reference! The changes were not that significant.

Because in any case, being tied to the dimensions of a standard reinforced concrete panel did not give much room for imagination. Most series of 9-story buildings are modernized designs of 5-story buildings.

Is it possible to do a redevelopment?

Redevelopment in a panel house is quite possible, but with some reservations. The fact is that there are load-bearing walls, which are the supporting structures of the building.

There are ordinary partitions (so-called self-supporting) that can be changed or removed without compromising the strength of the structure. Any changes in the layout of rooms should not affect load-bearing walls.

In general, there are redevelopment methods that interfere with their condition - tying newly made openings with channels, strengthening, etc., but all of them are questionable from the point of view of structural strength, and if the apartment is on the lower floors of a multi-story building, then they are completely undesirable.

That's why the best option is not to touch the load-bearing walls, especially since most redevelopment options for standard apartments do not require this.

Important! Independent relocation of main walls is prohibited! Redevelopment must be approved accordingly and carried out by professionals.

Besides, changes should in no way infringe on the rights of residents of other apartments. For example, moving heating radiators to the balcony is prohibited, since the design of the house does not provide for heating balconies, which results in excess consumption of thermal energy, which will not be enough for residents of apartments located further down the riser.

Their batteries will become colder and You can get a fine for illegal redevelopment with an order to return everything as it was. Prohibited:

  1. dismantling or removing ventilation ducts.
  2. Combining bathrooms without water and sound insulation measures.
  3. Combining balconies, loggias with rooms or kitchens.
  4. Work with load-bearing walls without reinforcement.

Also, you cannot move gas (kitchen) and bathroom facilities to any other part of the apartment.

Apartment options

At first sight, There are a lot of options for remodeling an apartment.

But restrictions on changing the condition of load-bearing walls and the general feasibility of the entire action reduce the number of possible options to a minimum. You won't succeed without technical knowledge about apartment layouts..

Most often, some expansion of the area is carried out due to the partial or complete removal of partitions, or, conversely, the creation of partitions separating the sleeping area from the living room (for example, in one-room apartments). There are some options to consider.

1 room

For one-room apartments the most relevant way is to demolish the partition between the kitchen and the room, causing its area to expand significantly. The disadvantage of this change is that the kitchen becomes part of the room, all smells, steam and other related details are in plain sight.

Another variation is to install a partition across the room, resulting in a small bedroom and living room.

Reference! This decision is caused by a lack of space and the need to provide rest for family members (especially if there is a child).

Besides, the toilet and bathroom are combined into a single room. The main reason is the need to install a large bathtub and place a washing machine, which is impossible in conventional bathrooms.


To make a redevelopment in such an apartment, you need to know what the layout of a 3-room apartment in a panel house is.

In this case A common solution is to demolish some partitions to obtain a larger single space. Combine:

  • two adjacent rooms into one larger one;
  • kitchen with room;
  • bathroom - bath and toilet in one room.

Most cases of redevelopment of three-room housing are due to the desire to expand the space of the apartment and make it visually more voluminous.

Important! Combining gasified kitchens with rooms is prohibited! You will need to install a partition (sliding, accordion, etc.) or turn off the gas and replace the stove with an electric one.


The main problem of four-room apartments is small rooms. Most four-room apartments have the same layout as three-room apartments, in which one of the rooms is divided in half. Therefore, in addition to the usual events - combining a kitchen and a room, a bathroom, etc. – connecting adjacent rooms is carried out.

They connect two, sometimes three rooms to get one, larger size and capacity. This decision is most often dictated by the need to place furniture, household appliances, and exercise equipment, the dimensions of which are not suitable for apartments with a standard layout. At the same time, the opposite actions often occur.

Coordination and registration

To coordinate the redevelopment, you will need to create a work plan with sketches before and after the work is completed. The plan is created by a special organization. The cost of creating a plan is different for each type of layout.

The plan is approved by the architecture department, followed by a visit to the BTI to obtain a new technical passport for the apartment. Having received your passport, you can begin work.

Important! Uncoordinated redevelopment will significantly complicate the sale or inheritance of the apartment.

Redevelopment of apartments is partly a forced measure, but at the same time creative, requiring imagination and the ability to see something new and original in the familiar.

Large household appliances, furniture, photos of apartments decorated with plasterboard structures seen online – there are plenty of reasons to get down to work. Compliance with technical requirements and coordination with the relevant organizations will help avoid problems in the future.

Video on the topic

Apartment redevelopment. What is possible and what is not?