Ups section. Automatic installation of fire alarms - device and purpose. Advantages of wireless PS systems

Ups section.  Automatic installation of fire alarms - device and purpose.  Advantages of wireless PS systems
Ups section. Automatic installation of fire alarms - device and purpose. Advantages of wireless PS systems

Fires often occur in crowded places. They try to prevent fire situations in advance, however, this is not always possible. Sometimes you have to fight a fire that has already started. For these purposes it is provided special system notices. In this article we will look at what AUPS is. The decoding of this abbreviation is quite simple. What does it sound like? Automatic installation fire alarm- this is the AUPS, in this article we will familiarize ourselves in detail with the principle of its operation.

What it is?

Any fire alarm system is needed for a timely response to a fire. These installations successfully detect the location of the fire and, using the algorithm of actions laid down by the program, respond to this incident. These are the functions performed by AUPS (the decoding of the abbreviation was presented earlier).


These complexes collect and process data obtained during operation on the main parameters and output a certain signal about the outbreak of a fire to the security post or to the central control room. After which certain actions are already taken to evacuate people and prevent fire.

Thus, the automatic installation of a fire alarm, that same AUPS, is a set of individual elements structures, each of which has its own purpose and performs certain functions in the system.

Regulatory framework

Like any event to ensure safety among the population, the installation of AUPS devices is controlled by relevant documents. These systems must be installed where a fire could cause death or injury to the public.

It is regulated by federal laws No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 “On fire safety" and No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements."

If, during an inspection by fire authorities, it turns out that this equipment was not put into operation, then the culprits bear responsibility for this in the form of material losses or suspension of the operation of the enterprise, up to its complete closure.

System components

Now let’s look at what AUPS consists of (the abbreviation was presented earlier).

Each system, no matter what size it is and what area it is designed for, consists of the following components:

  • detectors are sensors that detect certain changes in environmental conditions (smoke, increased temperature, etc.);
  • receiving and control device - this device collects and processes information received from sensors;
  • sirens - these devices act on a person’s auditory or visual analyzer and inform him that a fire has started and it is necessary to evacuate (sirens, displays, lamps, etc.).

In addition to the above, the systems use devices that provide centralized control and management. For small businesses, this is a basic control panel with a limited number of commands.

Large enterprises use a more complex management system. For this purpose they can be used personal computers, on which system control programs are installed.

Fire detectors

What are they? One of the main components of a fire warning system is the fire detector. The type of the entire AUPS depends on this device. They differ from each other in several ways, depending on:

  • detection principle;
  • method of transmitting information;
  • type of monitoring of the controlled parameter.

Fire detectors are also divided into groups, taking into account their sensitivity to certain factors of a fire. Highlight:

  1. Smoke detectors- the most popular sensors. They react to smoke, which very often accompanies a fire. That is why this type of sensor is the most effective and fast-acting. They are often installed in enclosed spaces. These sensors are relatively inexpensive, but their operation can be disrupted even by dust in the room. They also do not react to the black smoke that is produced when rubber burns.
  2. respond to changes in temperature and the speed of these changes. Typically, in such sensors the sensitivity threshold is 70-72 o. However, such sensors do not make sense in rooms with high ceilings or in hot shops.
  3. Flame detectors are triggered when an open fire or smoldering hearth is detected. They are used where heat and smoke sensors are not practical. It can be open areas or oil and gas enterprises gas industry. They are considered the most expensive, but their operation can be disrupted by incandescent lamps, solar radiation, welding or simple zipper.
  4. Combined detectors. These fire detection tools cover several parameters at once, which increases their effectiveness. For example, they can react to smoke and rising temperatures.

Types of installations

Today there are 3 types of AUPS (the abbreviation was presented earlier):

  • Threshold fire alarm serves to ensure fire safety in residential premises and facilities with an average and low probability of fire. This system is based on loops to which sensors are connected. If one sensor detects a fire, the entire loop will be activated, which can control up to 30 sensors.
  • Addressed survey AUPS. The essence of its work is to periodically poll the sensors, which allows you not to wait for its state to change. This is done from the control panel. In this way, you can periodically check the performance of the automatic control system and troubleshoot problems in a timely manner. This type of system is used to ensure fire safety in offices, shops, medical and educational institutions.
  • Addressable analog AUPS. Optimal and most efficient look ensuring fire safety. The principle of operation is that the main thing here is the control panel, which performs many complex functions. This system does everything itself, thereby reducing the time required to find the source of fire.

Operating principle of the device

The operation of each such device involves a certain set of actions, the implementation of which is aimed at activating the warning and evacuation system, determining the location of the fire and engaging other components of the system.

Initially, after detecting a source of fire, the system informs about the presence of a fire hazard. This can be a sound, light-sound or speech notification. His choice depends on how many floors there are in the building, the area of ​​the premises and the height of the ceilings. That is, the optimal warning system is selected.

The next action of the system is to unlock all devices that may interfere with the evacuation of people. As for the elevators in the building, they cannot be used in such a situation. A fire can damage the elevator's functioning system, and you will simply find yourself in a smoke trap. Therefore, all elevators are sent to the first floor and turned off until the fire is eliminated.

After the system has given instructions regarding evacuation, after a certain period of time the fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems are connected. Depending on the purpose of the building, the system can use gas, powder, water or water-foam filling to prevent fire.

Smoke removal systems often work in conjunction with automatic fire alarm systems and, if available, fire alarm they automatically remove smoke and combustion products through ventilation, preventing them from getting into people’s evacuation routes.

Fire alarm requirements

According to the norms and regulations, fire safety systems must meet a number of mandatory requirements; the functionality of the system and its operation if necessary depend on this:

  1. The system must operate around the clock in order to detect the occurrence of a fire at any time of the day or night, and at early stages.
  2. Effectively determine the location of the fire source.
  3. There should be no malfunctions in the operation of devices and false positives.
  4. Information must be interpreted and presented to the control panel in a concise and understandable form.
  5. The system operation should not be interrupted due to lack of power supply. For this purpose, backup power supply of the system must be provided.

Installation and Installation

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that people’s lives depend on the operation of the fire alarm system. Therefore, installation of the AUPS must be carried out by a specialist. Even if it seems to you that there is nothing complicated about this, entrust this matter to a professional.

Before installing the system, all its elements must be tested for functionality. After this, the AUPS equipment receives a certificate indicating that it complies with fire safety standards.

Equipment installation is carried out in accordance with the project and all related requirements. Also installed device must be licensed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. All this will help to avoid further problems during inspections by fire authorities.

After installation of the system, all its mechanisms are adjusted. A specialist installs a program that allows you to control the automatic control system.

The last stage of installation is technical examination and commissioning of the system.


To continuously monitor the operation of the system, scheduled checks are provided. During these checks, it is necessary to provide a concluded agreement for the technical maintenance of the AUPS with an organization that has a license for this.

System maintenance should be carried out at least once a month. During this, all data is entered into a special log, with the help of which you can evaluate the entire dynamics of the operation of the equipment and draw a conclusion about its technical condition.

These frequent checks are necessary to ensure reliable system operation. In addition, competent design and high-quality installation also affect the efficiency of the system. Therefore, issues of installation and maintenance of AUPS must be approached very scrupulously, because the lives of many people may depend on it.

Large industrial or civil facilities are obliged to take care of the safety of people and property located on their territory. It should be understood that in the event of a fire, fire extinguishers alone may not be enough if the fire covers a large area.

Often the source of the fire is located deep in the building or inaccessible to fire escapes, which increases the time required to extinguish the fire and reduces the chances of people present in the building for a successful outcome.

Today, they come to the fore automatic fire alarm installations (AUPS), which warn about a fire in the building and start the systems automatic fire extinguishing.

Principle and algorithm of operation of AUPS

Modern alarm systems are a comprehensive, high-tech solution to ensure fire safety of facilities. Despite the fact that the AUPS is not directly involved in the fire extinguishing process, its functions are to warn people about the fire and create conditions for their safe evacuation.

The alarm sequence is as follows:

  1. Identify the source of fire or smoke.
  2. Notify the employee on duty and declare a general alarm in the building.
  3. Take measures for the safe evacuation of people.
  4. Start the fire extinguishing system if an open fire is detected.

At objects of different purposes and sizes, a specific type of automatic alarm system is installed - from the simplest sound alarm to the organization of global solutions: zoning the territory of the object with the arrangement of separate alarm systems for each block, and others.

What does an automatic fire alarm installation consist of?

Although the AUPS is designed individually for each object, the system invariably contains the following components:

  1. Reception and control point or PPK. The central element of any alarm system, which receives signals from sensors that record fire factors, and, based on the information received, coordinates further work AUPS.
  2. Dispatch console – wall panel, which clearly displays the operation of the sensors. This device also allows you to remotely control the fire extinguishing system.
  3. Fire detectors (FI). Their role is to capture fire factors, generate an alarm signal and transmit it to the control panel. Depending on the type of recognized event, PIs are:
    • smoke;
    • thermal;
    • flame;
    • combined.
  4. Alarm devices. A signal of a certain type is generated:
    • speech;
    • light;
    • sound;
    • combined, –

to inform people about the fire.

  1. Additional power supply. Ensures the system operates when the centralized power supply is turned off. The transition from main power to autonomous power occurs automatically.
  2. Cables or fire alarm loops (FALs), combining the AUPS into one whole.

At sites where, according to the project, it is advisable to install a wireless AUPS, routers (routers) and repeaters (repeaters are used to strengthen the router signal in hard-to-reach and remote areas) are additionally installed.

Types of AUPS

Since all objects where it is necessary to install an alarm differ in purpose, size, fire hazard, number of people present and other parameters, the automatic fire alarm system for them will not be the same.

There are 3 main types of fire alarm installations:

The structure of threshold, non-addressable signaling is radial, i.e. loops with detectors diverge from the control panel in a circle.

It is usually used in small areas and low fire hazard facilities, for example, in residential buildings, since the system cannot accurately determine the location of the triggered detector.

The topology of the system location is ring.

Used on objects general purpose with the same type of premises, such as:

  1. Threshold fire alarm. The simplest AUPS to perform today. Control panel The current strength in the loop is determined, on the basis of which it is possible to recognize only two events: fire or normal. The “attention” and “fault” modes are also configured in order to receive service messages about the false alarm of the detector or its failure.
  2. Address-threshold AUPS. The main difference between this system and the previous one is the ability to determine the exact location of the triggered detector. Accordingly, each PI is connected to the control panel using an individual cable, and can indicate such states as: normal, fire, attention, malfunction, dust (maintenance required), break, test, disabled, disarmed, armed. The receiving device cyclically checks the status of all detectors.
    • offices;
    • shopping centers;
    • medical institutions;
    • educational organizations.
  3. Addressable analogue system. The most progressive type of AUPS to date. In this system, the decision about a fire is made not by the PI, but by the PPK. Thus, the control panel has a more complex structure, while simultaneously performing a number of important functions:
    • continuous polling of PI;
    • analysis of received data;
    • comparison of information with specified threshold values;
    • making decisions about the state of the facility.

The system configuration can be a ring one. Moreover, even if the line is broken, it will split into 2 independent loops and will fully retain its functionality.

In addressable analog AUPS, the percentage of false system starts is significantly reduced. Another advantage is the ability to accurately determine the location of the fire.

The arrangement of such a system is based on large objects, complexes including several buildings:

  • shopping and entertainment complexes;
  • industrial facilities;
  • business centers;
  • hotel complexes;
  • unique buildings and structures.

Advantages of addressable analog AUPS

Based on addressable analogue systems, it is possible to build the most efficient and functional automatic control systems even at the most complex facilities. For this purpose, multicriteria are used fire detectors, capable of responding to several fire factors at once: smoke, gas, heat. This allows you to detect a fire at the earliest stages and fight the fire with minimal losses.

The use of high-quality combined PIs minimizes the number of false alarms of the system, since the sensor does not respond to interference factors other than fire - steam, dust, aerosols, tobacco or theater smoke.

Modern addressable analog systems have another advantage - they are capable of long-term monitoring of parameters. Behind a long period time AUPS remembers average level values, on the basis of which the system itself subsequently compensates for deviations of the boundary point that arise due to changes in external conditions.

Features of installation and the need for maintenance of AUPS

Before installing detectors and other AUPS components, the entire system must be designed. Engineers from specialized companies that have a license to carry out such work and experience in their implementation will help with this.

When installing an automatic fire alarm system, it is necessary to take into account its connection with other systems, communications and electrical equipment in the building - elevators, ventilation, emergency control system, access control, fire extinguishing, security alarm and others.

As for fire alarm maintenance, work in this direction is absolutely necessary to maintain the functionality of the system, keep it in good condition and ensure required level object security.

An automatic fire alarm (AFS) is installed in the premises for safety and timely notification of a fire. The complex not only notifies, but also turns on fire extinguishing installations. The alarm system is installed without fail - the requirement is provided for by law and acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Buildings and structures are inspected by a fire safety officer and after that an APS is installed.

The requirements standards for an automatic fire alarm system are minimal: timely detection and notification of fire. Automatic fire alarms allow you to quickly evacuate people and avoid large losses material assets.

Fire extinguishing is carried out by other installations (fire extinguishing installation). It is also possible to use APS in combination with video surveillance (OPS - fire and security alarm).

Fire alarm consists of complex technical elements:

  • touch sensors;
  • cable routes;
  • control panel.

Types of systems

An automatic fire alarm uses sensors to transmit information to the control panel, which indicates where the fire has occurred. The types of alarms are varied and depend on the requirements (for example, on the area of ​​the object).

Types of APS:

  • address;
  • non-addressed;
  • addressable analog.

Requirements for not address system minimal (the area of ​​the structure is small). They install alarms at small objects, since the touch sensors are combined into a common loop. If one of the sensors is triggered, the alarm system informs about the fire with a general signal. It is impossible to determine which sensor was triggered - the loop number is indicated.

The requirements for the address system are broader. Install alarm systems in buildings with larger area, more than 1000 m. Touch sensors transmit information about the fire to the control panel and indicate the number. That is, you can determine which sensor was triggered (and not the loop). If one of the sensors is triggered, the alarm system informs about the fire with general and individual signals.

The requirements for analogue addressable systems are also extensive (the construction area is more than 1000 m). Install alarm systems in buildings with large area and without cable routes. The principle of information transfer between the sensor and the control panel is telemetric. The control panel, based on data received from sensors, notifies about the occurrence of a fire.

There are also several types of sensors:

  • smoke - react to the presence of smoke in the air;
  • thermal – notify about temperature changes;
  • light - react to light fluctuations;
  • combined – turn on the system in the presence of smoke and temperature changes;
  • multi-sensory and manual.

Preparing for installation

System installation begins with design drawings. The project examines the basic requirements for fire safety standards, GOSTs, and also takes into account the installation and operating principles of electrical equipment.

The plan drawings are done by a qualified engineer. The specialist inspects and marks the structure, taking into account the characteristics of the building. The engineer first identifies areas where the risk of fire is greatest. After this, drawings are drawn up.

So, the basic requirements for starting the installation:

  • creating a project for installing an automatic fire alarm system (the plan not only helps with installation, but is also provided to the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • calculate the duration of APS operation in offline mode;
  • lay cable routes;
  • it is necessary to take into account the properties and specifications of APS materials;
  • identification of the most dangerous areas for fire;
  • it is necessary to take into account the installation of equipment for supplying electricity to the APS system.


Various organizations are involved in installation of the system. Their work includes drawing up a project, purchasing and installing materials, obtaining a license from the Fire Safety Authorities, as well as maintaining automatic fire alarms. The time to carry out the work is no more than a month (depending on the area of ​​the structure).

Carrying out work:

  1. Laying cables according to system requirements.
  2. Installation of low-current networks.
  3. Installation, connection of touch sensors.
  4. Installation of the control panel (at the customer’s request in the specified room).
  5. Connection uninterruptible power supply electricity.
  6. Turning on and testing the APS.

System Maintenance

APS requires monthly maintenance. Typically, such services are provided by the same structure that installed the alarm system. The pricing policy for the service depends on the type of automatic fire alarm.

Maintenance service requirements:

  1. Checking the correct operation of individual elements and the entire complex.
  2. Adjusting APS settings.
  3. Repairing damage.
  4. Repair and maintenance of power transmission connections.
  5. Carrying out preventive work.

Automatic fire alarm – a complex system alerts. The complex is installed at the request of the Fire Safety Authorities. Installation and maintenance are carried out by various organizations. The cost of services varies depending on the type of alarm. The system not only guarantees the safety of material assets, but also of human lives.

Fire alarm - totality technical means, intended for detecting a fire, processing, transmitting in a given form a notification about a fire, special information and (or) issuing commands to turn on automatic fire extinguishing systems and turn on actuating systems smoke protection, technological and engineering equipment, as well as other fire protection devices.

Warning and evacuation management system - complex organizational events and technical means intended for timely notification of people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, evacuation routes and priority.

Fire detector - a technical device designed to generate a fire signal.

Fire alarm - a technical device designed to notify people about a fire.

Automatic fire alarm system.

The automatic fire alarm system (hereinafter referred to as AFS) is divided into three main types:

Analog APS is capable of identifying the source of fire by the name of the fire alarm loop, which can contain up to several dozen fire detectors. This is a disadvantage of this system, since it is impossible to determine with great accuracy the immediate location of the fire. The advantage of this system is low cost equipment and system elements, ease of commissioning, as well as low cost of further maintenance. This type APS systems are suitable for buildings with small area and buildings with a small number of protected premises.

Addressable threshold APS- uses addressing at the level of individual blocks (modules) of the alarm system, which are installed close to the protected zones and interconnected two-wire line. Due to this, there is a reduction in the cost of cable products and the cost of implementation. installation work. The advantage of this system is the determination of the service area by one APS loop with an individual address in the system.

Addressable analogue alarm system– a system that provides the ability to adjust the operation of the system as a whole depending on the characteristics of the object. The system is capable of high accuracy indicate the source of fire in the building and collects and processes data on the state of the object and system. These systems use detectors that are capable of providing information about the parameters that the detector controls and its status in this moment, for example, smoke, dust, temperature, in real time. The advantages of this system include all the advantages threshold system APS, but with higher rates. The disadvantage of this system is the cost of system components, but their number can be reduced up to two times compared to analog systems. This system is suitable for buildings with a large area and number of floors, as well as for a complex of buildings.

Addressable radio channel APS– a system that is, in essence and in function, an addressable analogue alarm system; the only difference is that the detectors communicate with the control panel via radio channel lines. Suitable for buildings in which the presence of installation cable ducts on ceilings and walls is unacceptable, such as churches, museums and buildings of architectural and historical value.

Types of fire detectors

According to the method of activation Fire detectors (hereinafter referred to as PI) are divided into automatic and manual.

By type of controlled fire sign automatic PIs are divided into the following types :

thermal - fire detector that responds to a certain temperature value and (or) the rate of its increase.

smoke - fire detector that responds to particles of solid or liquid products of combustion and (or) pyrolysis in the atmosphere

flame - automatic fire detector that responds to electromagnetic radiation flame or smoldering hearth.


gas - fire detector that responds to gases released during smoldering or burning of materials

combined - fire detector that responds to two or more fire factors.


According to the configuration of the measuring zone smoke PI divided into:

point - fire detector responding to fire factors in a compact area.

linear - fire detector responding to fire factors in an extended, linear zone.

According to the configuration of the measuring zone, thermal PIs divided into:

exactly personalfireman1st detector responding to fire factors in a compact area.

many spectacle - That automatic detectors, feelsthe elements of which are a set of discrete point sensorsclosely located along the line.

lineare - (thermal cable)

Selection of fire detectors

The selection of fire detectors is carried out depending on the type and purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load (see Table 1).

Table 1

Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load

List of typical production premises and technological processes

Fire detector type

1 Industrial buildings:

Smoke, heat, flame

1.1 With production and storage:

wood products, synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, polymer materials, textile, textile and haberdashery, clothing, footwear, leather, tobacco, fur and pulp and paper products, celluloid, rubber, rubber products, flammable X-ray and film films, cotton

varnishes, paints, solvents, flammable liquids, gas liquids, lubricants, chemical reagents, alcoholic beverages

Thermal, flame

alkali metals, metal powders


flour, feed, other products and materials that emit dust

Thermal, flame

1.2 With production:

Smoke, heat, flame

paper, cardboard, wallpaper, livestock and poultry products

1.3. With storage:

Smoke, heat, flame

non-flammable materials in flammable packaging, solid combustible materials

Premises with computer equipment, radio equipment, automatic telephone exchange


2 Special facilities:

Smoke, heat

2.1 Rooms for laying cables, for transformers and switchgears, electrical switchboards

2.2 Rooms for equipment and pipelines for pumping flammable liquids and oils, for testing internal combustion engines and fuel equipment, filling cylinders with flammable gases

Flame, thermal

2.3 Premises of car service enterprises

Smoke, heat, flame

3 Administrative, household and public buildings and facilities:


3.1 Auditoriums, rehearsals, lectures, reading and conference rooms, backrooms, foyers, halls, corridors, dressing rooms, book depositories, archives, spaces behind suspended ceilings

3.2 Artistic, costume, restoration workshops, film and light projection, hardware, darkrooms

Smoke, heat, flame

3.3 Administrative and utility rooms, machine counting stations, control panels, living quarters

Smoke, heat

3.4 Hospital wards, premises of trade enterprises, catering establishments, service rooms, residential premises of hotels and hostels

Smoke, heat

3.5 Museum and exhibition premises

Smoke, heat, flame

4 Buildings and premises with large volumes:


Atriums, production workshops, warehouses, logistics centers, trading floors, passenger terminals, gyms and stadiums, circuses, etc.

5 Premises with computer equipment, radio equipment, automatic telephone exchanges, server rooms, Data and Call centers, data processing centers


Warning and fire evacuation control system (SOUE).

The main purpose of the warning system is to warn people in the building about a fire or other emergency, as well as coordinating their actions during evacuation. SOUE is a complex of organizational measures and technical means designed to solve these problems.

Depending on the notification method, dividing the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into 5 types.

Table No. 2

Characteristic various types SOUE

Characteristics of SOUE

Availability of the specified characteristics in various types of SOUE

1 Notification methods:

sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.);

speech (transmission of special texts);


a) flashing light alarms;

b) light annunciators “Exit”;

c) fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement;

d) light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning

2 Dividing the building into fire warning zones

3 Feedback of fire warning zones to the fire control room

4 Possibility of implementing several evacuation options from each fire warning zone

5 Coordinated control from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire


1 “+” - required; “*” - allowed; "-" - not required.

Thus, according to table No. 2:

1st type of SOUE necessarily includes sirens (tinted signals), and also allows the use of flashing light annunciators and an “EXIT” sign.

2nd type of SOUE necessarily includes sirens (tinted signals) and an “EXIT” sign, and also allows the use of flashing light annunciators andfire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of travel.

3rd type of SOUE transmission of special texts) and the “EXIT” sign,fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones to the fire control room, and also allows the use of sirens (tinted signals), flashing light annunciators.

4th type of SOUE necessarily includes voice annunciators (transmission of special texts), "EXIT" sign,fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones to the fire control room,and also allows the use of sirens (tinted signals), flashing light annunciators,light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning, the ability to implement several evacuation options from each fire warning zone.

5th type of SOUE necessarily includes voice annunciators (transmission of special texts), "EXIT" sign,division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback from fire warning zones to the fire control room, the ability to implement several evacuation options from each fire warning zone, coordinated control from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire,and also allows the use of sirens (tinted signals),fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of travel,light flashing alarms,light annunciators indicating the direction of people's movement, with a changing semantic meaning.

a B C)

d) e)

Figure 1 “Fire Alarms”

A) - sounder; b) – “EXIT” sign; c) – light (light and sound) siren; d) – voice alarm; e) –fire safety evacuation sign indicating the direction of travel.