Point location. Location of lamps on a suspended ceiling (11 photos). Option #3 - fluorescent lamps

Point location.  Location of lamps on a suspended ceiling (11 photos).  Option #3 - fluorescent lamps
Point location. Location of lamps on a suspended ceiling (11 photos). Option #3 - fluorescent lamps

Stretch ceilings are in great demand when decorating interiors. A significant advantage over suspended structures is completely independent of the height of the walls, since the distance between the main and decorative ceiling it turns out to be insignificant. However, many owners are faced with a rather serious problem: how to place lamps on a suspended ceiling so that all its advantages are clearly presented to others.

To solve this problem, designers most often use spotlights. With the help of modern lighting fixtures the problem of illumination is completely solved, creating original design suspended ceilings with spotlights.

Ceiling lighting

Before talking about lighting a specific room, we should take a closer look at the basic principles of using lamps in suspended ceilings. For this there are various options, ranging from classic to various types of modern lighting fixtures that can organically fit into any interior.

There are various spot lighting devices, the best way suitable for suspended ceilings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when decorating a stretch ceiling with lamps.

Lamps with halogen lamps

Provide high-quality illumination with improved luminous flux. As a result, suspended ceilings begin to be perceived better visually. Installed in the bathroom, halogen lamps visually increase the space, and the ceilings themselves become more glossy. There are designs with the ability to adjust their location, providing the required lighting angle.

A serious drawback of such lamps is the reduction in the overall height of the ceilings by about 6-8 cm. In addition, they have a very poor color range, represented only by a warm, soft and slightly diffused yellow color.

Incandescent lamps

In suspended ceilings, lamps with conventional incandescent lamps can also be used. They are inexpensive and easy to replace if they fail. The downside is the limited number of lamps per certain areas. If this rule is violated, heating and further deformation occurs. ceiling covering.


Most the best option Spot lighting of external and built-in type is considered. The installation of such lamps is quite simple, and their operation does not affect the service life of suspended ceilings. The sealed platform design makes it possible to install them in bathrooms, kitchens and other places with high humidity. Pointed light streams visually make the ceiling perfectly smooth, with beautiful light patterns.

Despite more high cost, these lamps quickly pay for themselves. They are considered very economical and have low energy consumption. Lighting models vary various designs and can be used for any design solutions, especially if it is necessary to place them pointwise on the ceiling.

Spotlights use LED bulbs that can create beautiful and stylish lighting. Various layouts, thanks to centralized panoramic light, can make even small rooms brighter and more voluminous. At the same time, the beautiful and smooth surface, and the ceilings themselves are filled with glare, which is created due to the refraction of light.

LED lamps are capable of continuously shining for a long time. This was made possible by a transformer located inside the lamp and delivering direct current. Under normal operating conditions, luminaires with such lamps can operate continuously for several years.

Layout diagrams of spotlights on a suspended ceiling

Any universal scheme The arrangement of the lamps simply does not exist. Everything will depend on the purpose and area of ​​the room. The typical diagrams presented in the figure allow for placing lamps on the ceiling. In all cases, the location of the furniture, its height, as well as the various zones provided in the premises are taken into account.

Properly chosen lighting increases the level of comfort, makes the interior more harmonious, and emphasizes the visual perception of individual details.

When choosing the location of spotlights, two main directions are usually used:

  • Classic layout of lamps using large quantity medium power lamps. As a rule, these are spot lighting devices, most often used for interior decoration. They can be located in a wide variety of unexpected configurations. Often such lighting devices are divided into groups, with the ability to connect to various power sources. With their help, rooms are easily divided into the necessary zones.
  • Combined options installation of spotlights on the ceiling involves the use of a chandelier in suspended ceilings, located in the center of the room. It is this that is the main source of lighting, and spotlights only complement it. They are located in corners or along the edges and can work independently and separately, creating a cozy and comfortable environment.

There are a number of factors that influence the placement of lamps on a suspended ceiling. The most important of them are the following:

  • Natural lighting must be taken into account. For example, in rooms where there is no daylight, the ratio of 1 lamp per 1.5 m2 is used. In other cases, this parameter increases to 2 m2 and higher. In addition, the distance between spotlights on the ceiling is also taken into account.
  • The location of the furniture also matters. Tall furniture should be taken into account in advance, since ceilings and lamps are installed in its absence. As a result, non-standard furniture will not block lighting fixtures in the future.
  • Different zones, depending on their purpose, are provided with sufficient lighting that can create maximum comfort. They have a serious influence when choosing a specific luminaire placement scheme.
  • It is imperative to take into account the power of the chandeliers and lighting lamps themselves, since the amount of warm or cold light depends on this indicator. The presented figure clearly shows the location of spotlights on the ceiling, examples of which are suitable in most cases.
  • When using LED strip as additional lighting, you should think more carefully about the placement of spotlights so that they do not overlap, but complement each other.

When solving the problem of lamps on the ceiling, certain technical specifications. Used for calculations simple formula N = S/1.5, in which N corresponds to the number of lighting devices, and S is the illuminated floor area. It is necessary to keep in mind the expanded capabilities of rotating models, which significantly increase the functionality of all lighting.

Location of lamps in the kitchen

Spotlights, placed in the kitchen according to all the rules, make it possible to rationally adjust the lighting, thereby emphasizing the main details of the interior. In the most good options the visual perception of the kitchen can completely change. There are various options for placing spotlights on the ceiling.

In small kitchen areas It is recommended to use one central lamp. Kitchens with large sizes are already divided into, lunch, etc. This is achieved through the use of various combinations of several lighting fixtures at once. The right light must not distort appearance prepared food, but, on the contrary, emphasize its merits. Special meaning has a distance between spotlights in a suspended ceiling.

The shape of lamps can be very diverse. As a rule, they do not stand out, but emphasize and complement the overall style of the room. Traditional lighting consists of standard patterned shades or chandeliers. Modern styles, for example, high-tech, use more popular and original LED or spotlight lighting. This factor must be taken into account when placing lamps on the ceiling.

Spot lighting devices have a small dispersion angle. They are typically used by connected groups spotlights in any quantity, in parallel or serial circuits.

Lamps are divided into two main types:

  • Rotary. They have a movable outer part that allows you to adjust the direction of the light flux. With their help, the problem of how to correctly position lighting fixtures is solved.
  • Fixed. Installed in a classic, strictly vertical position.

The second option is much cheaper than the first, but with such devices it is quite difficult to obtain the required high-quality lighting.

All spotlights have undeniable advantages:

  • Their service life lasts up to 4 years
  • They are resistant to mechanical vibrations
  • Consume little electricity
  • They are distinguished by the purity of the color of the emitted light fluxes

Accurate calculations of the number of lighting lamps and the placement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in the kitchen can be done by specialists, or this procedure can be performed independently using the formula given above.

Location of lamps in the hall

Installing spotlights in a hall or living room has its own individual characteristics. There are quite a few options for placing lamps on a suspended ceiling, since the very design of such ceilings makes it possible to realize your wildest fantasies.

In many cases, the arrangement of lamps on the ceiling involves installing a high-power spotlight in the center, and low-power lamps around the perimeter that evenly distribute the lighting. To illuminate small hall, it is quite enough to install only local lamps located over the entire ceiling area.

Instead of a chandelier, spotlights are installed in a circle to create soft, subdued lighting. In this case, you will have to think about how to place 8 lamps on a suspended ceiling or a larger number of these devices. If you still decide to use a chandelier, you need to take care of a separate switch for it in advance. After switching off, only spotlights with their soft diffused light, which does not interfere with watching TV. When deciding how best to place lamps on a suspended ceiling, you should also remember about the sconce, which is installed near the sofa or armchair.

Arrangement of lamps in the bedroom

The bedroom is rightfully considered a place to relax, so it does not require too much lighting. Here it is quite possible to get by with 3-4 point devices. As a rule, the placement of ceiling lamps is carried out evenly over the entire area. Bedside sconces can be installed near the bed as additional lighting.

Light saturation can be adjusted using . In some cases, location options include luminaires built around the perimeter or above the eaves. The light from the lamps should not be bright white or blue in color. A slightly yellowish color works best. When choosing how to place spotlights on the ceiling, it is suggested to use a circle or an oval. Many people prefer classic designs with a chandelier in the center and spotlights along the edges of the walls.

Most often, the placement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in a bedroom involves its conditional breakdown into separate areas, consisting of a sleeping area, a wardrobe, a work desk and a dressing table. Each of them is illuminated individually, in accordance with the functions performed.

Lamps on a suspended ceiling in the hallway

Every apartment begins with an entrance hall and a corridor, so people first of all encounter these rooms. In this regard, the placement of spotlights in these areas has great importance and can be performed in various versions.

All hallways are equipped with main or general lighting. This is especially true in rooms with small areas, in the absence of sufficient daylight. These options for placing lamps in the hallway allow you to illuminate the entire area with high quality. For these purposes, chandeliers and other lamps located near the ceiling are used.

In other cases, local lighting is used. Due to it, interior details are emphasized in certain places. In addition, it is used when the main lighting is insufficient, which is ineffective in long corridors and one chandelier is clearly not enough. Modern devices make it possible to solve the problem of placing spotlights on the ceiling using various combinations of general and local lighting.

Lighting suspended ceilings using spotlights is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because it is possible to create original lighting effects without overpaying for electricity. The lamps that are used are economical and safe for the stretch fabric. All lighting effects are achieved provided that the location of the lamps on the suspended ceiling is correct.

Clear standards for how and where to place the lighting fixture in different rooms in the house, no, so most often everyone proceeds from their own preferences and desires. But when it comes to suspended ceilings, then certain points should be taken into account.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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The first thing that is important is that each lighting device, regardless of type, creates lighting for a specific area, part of the room. So, for a recreation area in the hall, the light is too bright and there is no need for a large concentration of devices - here a person rests and relaxes.

The same goes for the bedroom. If he talks about work area in the office or even in the kitchen, then performance and fatigue depend on the quality of lighting, or more precisely, brightness. Quite bright hallway.

As for placement rules, the following must be taken into account in relation to spotlights:

  1. When placing devices around the perimeter of the room, the distance from the wall is at least 20 cm. If you neglect this rule, the dispersion will deteriorate, and hence the quality of lighting in the room.
  2. Placing the “point” too close to the wall will result in it not being blown with air, therefore, there is a risk that it will overheat, and this will affect the integrity of the tension fabric.
  3. The distance between adjacent lamps is at least 30 cm. Greater distances are also allowed, but the design and tasks assigned to the lighting should be taken into account.
  4. If there is a seam on the surface of the canvas, then the distance to it from the lighting device, regardless of the light source used, is 20 cm.
  5. Each spotlight is capable of qualitatively illuminating no more than 2 square meters. m of room area, but it also depends on the power of the lamp and the design of the device.
  6. If, according to the design project, the placement of lamps should be symmetrical, then it is necessary to take into account the distance between adjacent elements and the distance from the wall.
  7. In the free access area, it is necessary to place the power supply for the lamps, if one is present in the circuit. It not only gets very hot, but also often burns out. To return functionality to the lighting, it will have to be replaced.
  8. If the ceiling area is large, then it makes sense to combine separate groups of devices into different lines and make a separate switch for them. The layout should be done depending on the area that requires a particular light intensity.
  9. For recessed spotlights, use only LED bulbs– they practically do not heat up.

Fasteners on the rough ceiling should be made before installing the canvas according to the diagram

Important! The main thing to remember is that the canvas should not be allowed to overheat. For PVC sheets this means a short-term increase in temperature to +60+70 ⁰С. The best solution is to install mirror reflectors or special thermal insulating gaskets.

Another important point: for a large room, for example, in a private house, only spotlights are not enough. It makes sense to place such local lighting around the perimeter, and mount a chandelier in the center. Moreover, the main light source should be kept as far away from the canvas as possible and at the same time use fluorescent or LED light bulbs.

Convenient zoning large space For example, studio apartments can be made with rotating lamps. This is a way to connect space. Due to the possibility of redirecting the flow of light, you can highlight different areas at the right time. Such models do not create a feeling of crowding, but the zones stand out quite clearly.

Calculation of the required number of lamps

A sufficient amount of lighting will create the necessary comfort; this requires a calculation. The results will be moderate and necessary lighting for each zone and room. The first step is to decide what light source is being used. For suspended ceilings, LED or fluorescent ones are preferable; depending on the type of device, options with halogen lamps can be considered. All these bulbs have different luminous flux.

In addition, for calculations you need information:

  1. Target room size.
  2. The presence of windows, their area, location.
  3. The need and methods of zoning.
  4. Design of the room and its purpose.
  5. Type of suspended ceiling fabric - matte, glossy.

"Oval" on a glossy stretch fabric

For different rooms There are standards for illumination; it makes sense to consider them with the assumption that LED lamps are used. More specifically:

  • Bathroom, combined bath and toilet – 2 W/m².
  • Living room, hall – 3 W/m².
  • Entrance hall, corridor – 1 W/m².
  • Bedroom – 2 W/m².
  • Children's room – 8 W/m².

Based on the norm that each point of the lamp illuminates up to 2 square meters, knowing the area, you can determine how many lamps are needed.

Example: there is a living room with an area of ​​20 square meters, the norm for this room is 3 W/m², 10–13 pieces will be required for normal lighting. So that the lamps can be conveniently placed and all requirements taken into account, you need to choose even number, that is, 10, 12 or 14. This calculation is correct if only spotlights are used, which rarely happens. When a chandelier is placed in the center, the number of spotlights can be reduced by 2–3 times.

Lamp location

An important point when choosing one or another option for arranging lamps is the intended purpose of the room. Each room in the house has its own requirements for the quantity and quality of lighting fixtures.

Note! It is not necessary to place the lamps at the same distance from each other; the asymmetrical scheme is no less original, and you can create it for yourself.

Living room

Living rooms or halls are often large rooms, so it is rarely possible to get by with only spotlights; they are assistants to the central chandelier. Moderately bright and uniform illumination is necessary for this room. Standard accommodation spotlights - along the perimeter. In this case, if you need to create an intimate atmosphere, you can turn off the chandelier and leave only spot, soft and dim lighting.

The option of placing it along one or two walls looks original. Moreover, the emphasis should be placed on the wall where there is a certain decor or accessory, for example, a painting, painting, perhaps original finish. In this case, it makes sense to install rotating lamps.

Ceiling light points in the living room

For a small room, only spot light is sufficient; it is important to correctly calculate the number of lighting fixtures. The concentration of dots in a certain area of ​​the room in order to highlight it with light looks non-standard. This option can be implemented even in a large living room, but it makes sense to implement this option together with the lightest possible finishing of the walls and ceiling.

Another option is to place the lamps in an oval shape; depending on the number of devices, you can connect them in separate groups to create maximum comfort.

People spend a lot of time in the bedroom and the main task is to have a good rest. The lighting in this area should be comfortable and pleasing to the eye. It is worth highlighting the following areas separately:

  1. Bed. It is convenient if a pair of recessed spotlights are placed above the bed.
  2. Wardrobe. Here the lighting is bright and as close to natural as possible. Since this is where a person dresses, he needs to correctly assess his appearance. Dim lighting will not give the desired effect, and flaws in clothing will remain invisible.
  3. Dressing table. Lighting of this area is especially important for women; makeup is applied here, so you should give preference to fairly bright lamps and lamps with the ability to adjust the angle of incidence of the light.
  4. Desktop. Sometimes it is also placed in the bedroom. Here you can’t get by with ceiling lights; you need local lighting, which can even be built into the wall.

Important! Lighting fixtures used in the bedroom can be built-in, since there are no critical requirements for light dispersion. Creation is more important comfortable conditions for relaxation and a beautiful view.

Lighting on the ceiling in the bedroom


If placed correctly, it will make it possible to adjust the lighting to specific needs and create a modern interior. Sometimes in the kitchen it is necessary to allocate separate zones - the working and dining areas. Ceiling points are convenient for indicating the dining area.

Using overhead or built-in models, you can create cozy atmosphere compact kitchenette. Since lighting above the table does not require too much brightness, ceiling diode or fluorescent lamps are what you need. Also, the use of such devices in the corner will help focus attention on the original finish.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Important! To illuminate the work area ceiling lamps are not used, because they will cast a shadow on the tabletop. Even installing them in a closet will not solve the problem.

Depending on the size of the kitchen and the height of the ceilings, you can mount only point devices; if you place them evenly in a checkerboard pattern or double the points, you will be able to completely abandon the traditional ceiling lighting.

Kitchen lighting for suspended ceiling

Children's room

This room is a separate matter, since bright lighting is important for proper development child's eye. The light should be as close to natural as possible, which is what halogen, fluorescent and LED can provide. Latest – optimal choice for children, because they are durable and absolutely safe.

For a child's room, it is worth installing not only spotlights, but also using LED lighting, especially if the child has a fear of the dark. With such light illumination it will be easier for him to fall asleep.

Spot lighting for children's rooms along the walls


Average city ​​apartment, in particular, Khrushchev cannot boast of large dimensions, so this disadvantage needs to be compensated suitable lighting. Due to correct placement it is possible to make the room somewhat taller and more voluminous.

The best option is white glossy ceiling With big amount small dots. A good solution is to use wall lamps, the rays of which are directed upward to the ceiling. Due to this, the rays are scattered and reflected, which gives the effect of expanding the walls and raising the ceiling.

A convenient distribution option is along the walls or along the perimeter. A chandelier is not used in this room unless the room is square and large enough. For narrow hallways and corridors, you need to place the devices in one line in the center and, most importantly, not lower them too much.

Placing lamps in one row in the corridor


Ceiling lighting is important for a bathroom, and it is not difficult to implement it at the proper level. The fact is that there are many reflective surfaces in the bathroom - tiles, plumbing fixtures. If, in addition to this, you also install a glossy ceiling, then the effect of several spotlights will be much greater than in other rooms.

All you need is a few spotlights that change the direction of the light beam, and the placement is not so critical.

Example of standard lighting in a bathroom

Universal interesting schemes

There are several universal and win-win schemes for placing points, which will come in handy in rooms of different purposes and sizes. Among them:

  1. Oval - this scheme has already been mentioned, it can be used for premises of any purpose, but only of an elongated shape. The peculiarity of the scheme is that the center of the ceiling remains somewhat darkened. Basically, this option is practiced in combination with a central chandelier.
  2. Circle. In this case, the soffits are located along the perimeter of the ceiling and form a circle. The solution is convenient for square rooms. If the room is small in size, you will be able to do without other light sources.
  3. Corner location. A number of points are placed in the corner of the room; in this case, it will not be possible to do without a chandelier.
  4. Two half circles. Great option for uniform illumination of a square or slightly elongated room, in literally floods all corners with light.
  5. Cross-shaped placement. An original design in which the central chandelier is not used.
  6. Rectangular layout, square - visually expands any room. Lamps can be built into either a stretched fabric or a gypsum base.
  7. In a straight line, along opposite walls. Such design move often used for kitchens and bedrooms.
  8. Wave. A similar idea is used for rooms of non-standard dimensions. You can place several waves on both a single-level and a two-level ceiling.
  9. An arbitrary drawing - you can select it and design it with your own hands, but you need to think about it in advance and sketch the diagram on a sheet of paper.

Spotlights can complement or even replace the central one ceiling chandelier because:

  • The main advantage is that they allow you to make the lighting in the kitchen uniform, diffused, soft, both separately and in combination with a chandelier or LED backlight. An ordinary ceiling lamp without additional lighting creates shadows and thereby visually narrows the space;
  • Illumination using LED and halogen lamps is very economical, and installing spotlights with the ability to turn on in parts, that is, only where needed at the moment, for example, in the work area when you are cooking, significantly saves energy;
  • Rotating spots and ceiling- Wall lights can direct light where you want, thanks to which you can benefit from the advantages and disadvantages of space - visually raise, expand, zone, etc. low ceilings. We will tell you how to do this below;
  • In addition, you can use single-color or colored light bulbs, forming unusual design lighting, dividing zones and placing accents.

The disadvantages of spotlights include:

  • Installation is more complex compared to a chandelier;
  • The need to think over the placement of light sources on the ceiling at the renovation stage, and the placement of spotlights built into the kitchen set at the assembly stage;
  • Not everyone likes this one modern type ceiling lighting in the kitchen, to some it may resemble “office” lighting. But this is a big misconception; today spot lighting can be organically integrated even into traditional interior kitchens as in the photo below. The main thing is to choose the right lighting design.

  • Types of spotlights for installation are divided into: mortise, surface-mounted, pendant. If mortise lamps can only be built into suspended ceilings (, etc.), then overhead (external) lamps can also be installed on ordinary concrete ceiling, since on the base of the body of such a spot there is a special mounting plate for screws;
  • Built-in models are the most popular type in the category of spotlights, so they are presented in a very wide range of colors, designs and sizes;
  • Recessed lamps can be completely recessed into the base and then they are practically invisible, or they can, on the contrary, decorate the ceiling, protruding above its surface with a beautiful decorative diffuser;

  • Spotlights can create local, main and decorative lighting;
  • Each of the installed devices is capable of illuminating no more than two square meters of the room;
  • Modern devices are fireproof, and therefore can be used in combination with any finish. And their body is made of moisture-proof material, which makes it easy to withstand high humidity;
  • There are designs with an internal or external location of the light bulb, which provides directional or diffused light, respectively.


  • How simpler design spots, the easier it is to care for them - to wash off fat deposits, dust, etc.;
  • For suspended ceilings, it is better to choose lamps with round or rounded corners;
  • For more economical and rational energy consumption, install a dimmer, which is also called a rheostat or dimmer.

Types of lamps

Lamps are available: LED, halogen or incandescent.

LED lamps are deservedly popular. They are economical and consume very little electricity, and also practically do not heat up. Therefore, LED devices can be used in combination with the most different finishes– their location even next to flammable materials will not lead to fire.

LED recessed luminaires come in rotating and non-rotating types. Rotating lamps allow you to change the direction of light.

Devices with installed incandescent lamps provide a bright, pleasant light that everyone is familiar with, but they are much larger in size, therefore they require installation with a large margin, in addition, they have a short service life.

From the point of view of durability and energy consumption, halogen lamps are advantageous, but they are also considered the most expensive. They provide bright, close to natural lighting, but have one drawback - the lamps get very hot, so choose lamps with metal frame, glass diffuser and ceramic cartridge.

Keep in mind that halogen spotlights require a transformer to convert the normal 220W to the required 12W. The power of the transformer should slightly exceed the total power of all halogen bulbs.

Installation of spotlights in a kitchen with suspended ceilings requires a limitation on the power of the installed lamps. Thus, the power of halogen devices should not exceed 35 watts, and the power of incandescent lamps should not exceed 60 watts. This is due to the properties of the material, which can melt from too high temperatures.

Placement of lamps and rules of “playing with light”

To create basic lighting in the kitchen, ceiling spotlights should be placed at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from each other. A distance of at least 20 cm is maintained from the corner of the wall. Experts advise installing one point per 1.5 square meters. m or follow the following recommendation - for every 1 sq.m of ceiling there should be a 20 W lamp. If you want to install lamps with a power of more than 20 W or plan to combine them with a chandelier, then their number can be reduced.

Using the correct placement of spotlights, you can easily change the entire perception of the space.

You can visually expand a small, narrow or elongated kitchen by installing a group of several lamps along the center and on both sides of the ceiling of a narrow or elongated kitchen. That is, the main goal is to fill the space as evenly as possible with soft, diffused light without shadows.

In lighting large spaces the main task arrange light sources so that they perfectly illuminate all functional areas, but at the same time create comfort, intimacy and a pleasant atmosphere. Most often, lamps are placed as in the photo below: there are spots around the perimeter of the kitchen, and hanging chandeliers in the center above the table or island.

Most universal option The placement of spotlights in the kitchen is as follows: in the center of the kitchen, above the table or bar counter, you can hang ceiling lights or a chandelier, and install spotlights only above the work area directly above the kitchen unit.

But if the kitchen has low ceilings, then it is better to choose rotary models and direct their light up to the ceiling, and also install lamps on the visor wall cabinets kitchen set. It is better not to hang a chandelier in a low kitchen.

In addition, spotlights allow you to perfectly zone a room, highlighting each of the functional areas. As a rule, in combined spaces - in a studio apartment, kitchen-dining room, kitchen-living room, the work area, kitchen area or adjacent hallway is highlighted with spotlights, and the relaxation or dining area is illuminated by a chandelier and pendant lamps.

Spotlights are simply created for decoration and illumination two-level ceilings. In this case, embedded models are usually used. You can highlight everything or just one level, as in the next photo on the right.

How to properly install spotlights

Installation of spotlights requires the preparation of certain tools and devices:

  • Connection terminals;
  • Flat-head screwdriver;
  • Crowns for wood or metal (the latter will be required for working with slatted ceilings);
  • Assembly knife for stripping wires;
  • Drill;
  • Wire cutters;
  • Pliers;
  • Ladder.

Connecting spotlights is impossible without creating an appropriate electrical wiring. At the first stage, the lighting box is installed - it is mounted in such a way that there is free access to it at all times. This means that you should not place the box behind the trim. After this, a separate wire is laid from the box to each lamp. The wires must be placed in a corrugated pipe, which is necessary for protection.

If you plan to place in plasterboard ceiling, then the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The location of each device on the ceiling is accurately marked, while the location of the guides must be taken into account; lamps should not be attached to them;
  • A hole of the appropriate size is cut out using a drill bit, and for square devices the hole is made with a jigsaw;
  • The previously routed cable is pulled out through the hole. Of course, during work the wire must be de-energized. In order to be sure to remove the cable from a small hole, use a wire hook;
  • The wire brought out is connected in accordance with the colors through the terminals. If you use LED lamps with screw terminals for the wire, then terminals are not required;
  • Next comes the placement of the lamp in the hole, as a result of which it is secured with special spring clamps;
  • A lamp is screwed into the device, and after that a decorative ring is put on;
  • Conduct a system performance check.

Proper design of the ceiling allows you to create harmonious design, but in addition to the flow itself, it is necessary to properly organize the lighting. And this is even more difficult task— it is necessary to take into account the need for light, and also choose the location of the lamps on the ceiling so that it all looks beautiful, organic and does not strain the eyes.

A little theory

IN last years Indoor lighting in houses and apartments usually consists of two components - a chandelier, as the main source of light, and small spotlights that create a certain atmosphere or additionally illuminate certain areas in the room. In some cases, additional wall lights and/or desk lamp, floor lamps. But the basis is usually ceiling lighting.

Traditionally, the location of the chandelier is strictly in the center of the ceiling. This rule is very rarely deviated from - then it is too difficult to create a harmonious design. The exception is the combined space in or . In this case, a chandelier (usually one) is placed in the center of one of the zones, the rest are illuminated by spotlights or other light sources. The location of the lamps on the ceiling must be selected taking into account the design and geometry of the room. And it's not that simple.

Rules for placing spotlights

The placement of spotlights on the ceiling is a matter of imagination and taste, but it should not be neglected technical nuances. Firstly, they must be placed taking into account the required illumination of various parts of the room: more light is usually needed above the table, maybe above the seating area, etc. Although, if necessary, you can “get” the missing brightness using floor, table or wall options. Secondly, spotlights must be installed taking into account safety requirements. Especially it concerns . They are made from materials that are temperature sensitive, and since most lighting fixtures get hot, this needs to be taken into account.

The best option is LED lamps. They do not heat up and light does not enter the ceiling space

Recessed spotlights are also called spots. This name is not so widespread, but it also occurs.

Here are the standards for installing spotlights on the ceiling:

  • When placed along a wall minimum distance- 20 cm. If placed closer, the light is poorly diffused, and there is also a chance of “overheating” nearby walls.
  • The minimum distance between two lamps is 30 cm, but in general it depends on the design, type of installation, and the material from which the ceiling is made.

In general, these are all general restrictions. They apply to both plasterboard and ordinary - bleached or painted - ceilings. Only tension ones have their own characteristics. We'll talk about this further.

Features of using recessed lamps on suspended ceilings

The main nuances are related to the fact that the materials from which suspended ceilings are made do not tolerate strong heat. Therefore there are restrictions on maximum power lamps used:

Another type of lamp that is used to illuminate a stretch ceiling is LED. There are no restrictions on power here - they practically do not heat up. But there is another “but” - to power such lamps a special adapter is required, but it gets hot. But the good news is that it can power a fairly large number of light bulbs. Well, it’s better to place it not on the ceiling, but in accessible place- for easier repair or replacement.

What else can be used to illuminate the ceiling?

The next type of lamps is fluorescent. They are used quite infrequently - their appearance, to put it mildly, is “not quite”, and their dimensions are respectable. They just spoil the view. They can be mounted behind the stretch ceiling on the walls. In this case, the effect is very interesting - the diffused illumination is more intense near the walls, gradually tapering off to a minimum in the center.

In addition to fluorescent ones, there are long LED lamps. They can also be used for hidden lighting. This option is even better. Firstly, because LEDs have a longer service life, secondly, they practically do not heat up, and thirdly, they provide an even stream of light without the flickering inherent in fluorescent light sources. Disadvantages LED lighting two. The first has already been announced - special power supplies are needed. Second - high price on the lamps themselves and their power supplies. But you can create very interesting compositions that are difficult to organize with other light sources.

There is also a subtype of them - economy lamps. They have a base like a regular one, with the same power consumption they provide more light, but they are large in size and do not have the ability to focus the flow of lighting.

What else can be used to illuminate the ceiling - neon tubes and LED strips. It is quite difficult to work with tubes, but you can do it yourself. Thanks to their flexibility, you can create interesting compositions.

There is one more requirement for the placement of lamps on a film ceiling - the minimum distance from the light source to the seam is 15 cm. It is impossible to get closer, since the joint may separate when heated.

How to calculate the required number of spotlights

When developing a scheme, the question always arises: how many lamps are needed. In general, it is believed that 20 W are needed to illuminate one square meter of floor area. When calculating, you need to take into account how much lamp power you plan to use. If it is 30-35 W, then it turns out that one lamp can illuminate 1.5 squares (30 W / 20 W/m2 = 1.5 m2). Next, divide by 1.5, you get the number of lamps that will need to be installed for normal illumination. In this case, there will be enough light for full illumination.

When drawing up a diagram for placing lamps on the ceiling, this number can be slightly adjusted in both directions, adjusting to the type of room. For example, for a bedroom the number can be reduced - it doesn’t require too much light, but for the living room or corridor you can increase it - here it’s better to have some excess. True, in this case it is advisable for the lamps to be turned on in parts - it is advisable to vary the degree of illumination. There should be at least two options: full and partial coverage. To do this, the lamps - through one or some other circuit - are connected to two switch keys.

When using incandescent lamps in spotlights, you can install, which will allow you to smoothly change the brightness of the lighting by turning the knob. In general, there are many options. And we haven’t yet gotten to the layout of the spots on the ceiling.

Location of lamps on the ceiling

The placement of lamps for each room is developed separately. It is necessary to take into account the geometry of the room, the location of windows, and the needs of different zones in the room. And all this should look beautiful. In general, this is a rather difficult task and can only be selected specifically according to the location.

Layout diagrams for chandeliers and spotlights around on a suspended or suspended ceiling

The main lighting placement options include a chandelier in the center. Spots are selected in the same style or neutral ones that do not attract attention.

In some interiors, chandeliers are not used (in small corridors, bathrooms, etc.). In this case, the quantity necessary lamps is calculated using the above formula and can only be adjusted upward, otherwise it will be dark. Some examples are shown schematically in the photo below.

As you understand, the process is creative, but there are certain recommendations for the placement of lamps on the ceiling for each room. These are not rules and, if desired, they can be broken, but they are formulated on the basis of experience, so there is a rational grain in them.

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, the atmosphere should be conducive to relaxation and bright light is usually not necessary. It should be soft, unobtrusive, warm. Therefore, choose lamps that produce light that is slightly yellowish, but not bright white or with a blue tint.

The placement of lamps on the ceiling in the bedroom is often made in the form of a circle or oval. Sometimes the spots are lined up in a straight line along the wall opposite the bed - if there is a TV on it. For laconic design V modern style, in the style of minimalism or hi-tech, a classic scheme is suitable - a chandelier in the center, spotlights lined up along the long walls.

In the living room

The living room requires multiple lighting options. At some moments it should be bright, at others - muted, sometimes, in general, twilight is required. All this can be realized using built-in or surface-mounted spotlights. As already said, they are divided into groups and connected to different switch keys. In other situations, a dimmer is installed that changes the brightness of the lamps.

If there are two zones in the living room, their separation can be emphasized with different lighting. You can choose not only different shaped lamp installation schemes, but the devices themselves can be different and produce light streams of different shapes.

If we talk about which arrangement of lamps on the ceiling to choose, it is largely dictated by general style decoration of premises. For romantic styles, ovals, circles, and winding lines are more appropriate; for more rigid styles - modern, high-tech, minimalism - a linear arrangement is better, but along the walls, in the form of the letter X or something else - it depends on the situation.

Complex rounded shapes suitable for spacious rooms. In a small area they will “crush” and clutter up the interior. The center of this interior is the sofa, which is emphasized by the composition on the ceiling

Another piece of advice: in small rooms you should not implement overly complex spot installation schemes. They are good in a large and spacious room. If it's small, it's better to choose a simpler option. Nested circles, ovals or squares will help to visually raise the ceiling a little. The effect will be enhanced if you use slightly smaller spotlights in the middle than on the outer perimeter.


A children's room is a rather difficult room to decorate, since it will require even more diverse lighting. The child will need to study and bright light is required in this area. There is also game Zone, the illumination in it should also be sufficient, but a lot of light is not always needed. And the third degree of illumination is when the child is getting ready for bed. At this time, a muted soft light. This is a difficult task that you will have to solve when choosing the location of lamps on the ceiling for a children's room.

Most often, if the ceiling has two tiers or more, recessed lamps are placed along the edge of the “second tier”, and a chandelier is installed in the center of the first

If you plan to have a ceiling of two or more tiers, it is logical to place spotlights along the border of the two tiers. It looks quite organic. If the ceiling is flat, you will have to choose from existing schemes or come up with your own.


The placement of lamps on a suspended ceiling in the kitchen follows the same rules - in some areas the lighting should be brighter. IN in this case An island of bright light is usually placed above the table. Here you can hang a chandelier (or even several chandeliers) on long cords directly above the table.

The second most common option is that the line for installing spotlights on the ceiling follows the contours. Only in this case should the lamps be moved 15-20 centimeters deep into the room from the edge of the furniture. Then the light will be scattered more evenly.

Place the spots along kitchen cabinets- a logical step

In general, the choice of placement of lamps on the ceiling here depends more on the style of the room as a whole and on the tastes of the owners. If you want to add softness and intimacy to the interior, choose more rounded schemes. If you like laconicism, geometric designs are more suitable. You can also play around with the size and type of lamps. A few photos of interesting options for the placement of spotlights for the kitchen for inspiration.

Traditionally - along the perimeter of the room A smooth curve gives the interior more softness


You need to carefully approach the choice of lamps for the bathroom: they must have high degree security - should not be afraid of vapors and splashes. And the choice of location depends on what other light sources you plan to use.

In small-sized ordinary bathrooms, even if they are combined, you won’t get much speed - the area is too small. Then, usually two or three lamps are installed above the bathtub or shower stall and several on the rest of the ceiling area. To prevent such a scheme from seeming too simple, you can choose interesting lamps or use two types that produce beams of light with different patterns.

If the spotlights in the bathroom are installed evenly over the entire area, additional lighting will be needed in the area of ​​the mirror. Otherwise it will be too dark there. Another option is to add to in the right place a couple of lighting points. This should be enough, although for “delicate” operations such as beating or “working” on the face, directional lighting on the wall is more suitable.

Oval or circle is ideal

Corridor and hallway

Show off the truly comfortable and good corridor Only some new buildings can. In most cases, the corridor is narrow, small and cramped, or long and uncomfortable. It can be straight or in the form of the letter “G”, but it differs in that it is very difficult to come up with something intelligible for its normal design. In corridors, the arrangement of lamps on the ceiling is usually linear - along the walls on one or both sides, in the form of the letter “X”. It's rare to see an S curve.

Along the perimeter or in the middle along - the two most common methods

IN square hallways Usually they install spots around the perimeter, sometimes they do it here complex shapes. Still, simple forms look better in very small areas.

Planning the organization of lighting depends on the design features of the room, its purpose and the intended furniture arrangement. In addition, it is important to consider specifications the devices themselves. You should start planning by identifying the different zones in the room. For example, in a room intended for children, it is necessary to provide a recreation area where lighting will be minimal, a play area and a work area where the maximum number of lamps will be required. Thus, on the room plan you can mark areas with different lighting standards.

Before choosing the type of lamp, you should also consider the height of the room. When installing suspended ceilings from plasterboard and tensile structures made of PVC film or fabric, the surface level is lowered by , but for the installation of lighting fixtures of a certain type, a more significant indentation from the floor slab may be required to accommodate communications and the lamp itself.

Therefore, for low ceilings, it is best to use LED devices that take up minimal space under the suspended ceiling, and for high rooms any options are suitable.

Popular lamp placement schemes.

Having decided on the type of lighting equipment, and based on the lighting standards and zoning of the room, you can calculate required amount units and decide on the arrangement of devices.

The design of the lamps must be coordinated with the overall design of the room (you should not install Art Nouveau style fixtures in a room with classic finish and furniture).

Calculation of the number of required lamps

The existing recommended lighting standards for each type of premises will allow you to correctly calculate the number of lamps and their required technical characteristics. Currently, apartment owners are increasingly switching to LED lamps, so the calculation of the lighting norm for each room in the apartment will be shown using their example.

The illuminance rate is expressed in W per one square meter and amounts to:

  • for toilets and bathrooms – 2 W/m2;
  • for halls – 3 W/m2;
  • for corridors and hallways – 1 W/m2;
  • for the bedroom – 2 W/m2;
  • for children’s – 7 W/m2.

Based on the above standards, you can easily calculate the required number of devices and decide how to place the lamps on the suspended ceiling. To do this you will need:

  1. Multiply the area of ​​the room by the illumination standard, for example: 12 m 2 x 7 W/m 2 (for a children's room) = 84 W.
  2. Divide the found value by the power of one lighting fixture, for example: 84 W/6 W=14 pcs.

It turns out that to create the necessary lighting in a children's room you will need 14 LED lamps power 6 W.

  • for incandescent lamps – 4;
  • for fluorescent lamps – 2.5.

For this example, it turns out that the total lighting power for a children's room using incandescent lamps will be: 84 W x 4 = 336 W, and for fluorescent lamps: 84 W x 2.5 = 210 W. If the calculation results in a non-integer number, it is rounded to the nearest whole number.

Basic rules for placing lamps

In order to correctly determine the location of lamps on a suspended ceiling, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • chandeliers are traditionally placed in the center of the room;
  • a symmetrical arrangement of lamps implies equal distances from the walls and equal spaces between the devices themselves;
  • the placement of spotlights is aligned relative to the chandelier;
  • the minimum distance from the wall for installing the lamp is 200 mm;
  • The recommended gap between individual lamps in a chain is 300 mm.

These rules also apply to suspended plasterboard ceilings.

Schemes for placing lamps in rooms

Lighting Approach various rooms the apartment must be strictly individual, since each room has special purpose and, therefore, the decision on the location and number of lighting fixtures will be special.


Installing lamps in a night rest room involves creating a comfortable, soft, dim light. Matte stretch ceilings with LED bulbs located around the perimeter are best suited for ceiling coverings in the bedroom.

Small lamps with warm light will create the correct dispersion of the light flux, and the presence of an adjustable dimmer will allow you to adjust the power of the lamps according to the mood of the owners.

Hidden behind decorative moldings look original fluorescent lamps, creating a soft light edging of the ceiling.


Before deciding how to place spotlights on the ceiling in a children's room, you will need to plan the zoning of this room for its intended purpose. Typically, there are three zones in a nursery:

  1. Gaming.
  2. Working.
  3. Bedroom.

The main number of lamps should be placed in the play and work areas; for the recreation area, it is advisable to equip diffused, calm lighting. For convenience, it is recommended to distribute the zone lighting of the nursery to various switches so that it is possible to regulate the processes of children’s activities.

In addition to ceiling lighting, it is necessary to place table lamps or sconces in the children's room, which will allow them to emphasize the light flux when doing homework or drawing at the table.

We must not forget that it is important for children to allocate their own space with the help of various attributes, therefore the design of lamps in the nursery should be chosen less conservative, and placement on suspended ceiling It is recommended to perform in the form of fairy-tale contours, stars, figures.

Living room

The best way to place spotlights on the ceiling in a hall or living room is to place them around the perimeter of the room with a traditional chandelier installed in the center of the ceiling. This method allows you to obtain uniform illumination of the entire room and, at the same time, if desired, you can extinguish the chandelier, obtaining softer, unobtrusive lighting due to built-in spotlights.

Most designers insist on placing a chandelier in the hall, and you can install additional lighting different ways, focusing on the arrangement of furniture in the living room.

If this room used not only as a living room, it is advisable to use light to divide the room into separate zones:

  • the office needs brighter lighting;
  • in the sleeping area you can reduce the number of lamps;
  • above dining table It is best to place a central chandelier.


The number and type of lighting fixtures in the kitchen depends on its size. For big ones modern premises can be used combined scheme lighting: a chandelier illuminates the eating area, and recessed spotlights, located in a semicircle or at right angles, illuminate workplace housewives.

As interesting design You could consider cascading lights above the dining table, but this option is only available for really large kitchens.

For small rooms with rectangular shape It is recommended to line up three parallel lines perpendicular to the long wall. This installation method will allow you to visually move the walls apart and prevent shading of individual areas.


Usually the space in the apartment, which is occupied by the corridor or hallway, is small, devoid of source natural light, accordingly there is a need for visual magnification of this room.

For this purpose, it is recommended to choose a glossy stretch fabric as a ceiling covering, and place spotlights on the stretch ceiling evenly around the perimeter of the room.

At the location of the mirror, it is necessary to increase the luminous flux or due to additional devices on the ceiling, or using wall sconces. Long and narrow corridors can be visually expanded if you use lamps with directional light, emphasizing light spots on the walls.


The peculiarity of placing lighting fixtures in the bathroom is primarily to ensure safety. For lighting equipment in rooms with high humidity, sealed lamps are used; halogen lamps are usually chosen.

IN small room in the bathroom, no more than 8 spotlights are installed, this amount is quite enough to obtain quality lighting. Place the mounting points evenly across the entire surface of the bathroom ceiling.