Quartz is gray-blue stone properties. Quartz is the insidious energy of jewelry for ordinary people. Quartz and its magical properties.

Quartz is gray-blue stone properties.  Quartz is the insidious energy of jewelry for ordinary people.  Quartz and its magical properties.
Quartz is gray-blue stone properties. Quartz is the insidious energy of jewelry for ordinary people. Quartz and its magical properties.

Quartz– a mineral consisting of silicon and oxygen. It is a rock-forming mineral because it makes up more than 60 percent of the total mass. earth's crust.

From a scientific point of view, quartz has two names:

  1. silicon dioxide (SiO2) – name in chemistry;
  2. silica is a name in mineralogy.

On earth, quartz is common in mountains, deserts, and sandstones. It is rock-forming and associated with other minerals. For example, it is found in granite rock.

Please note that crystal healing meanings are spiritual support for healing and are not prescriptions or medical information. Manufactured quartz can have the same energies as natural quartz, although some disagree or cannot sense this in the crystal's energy at work. Simulant quartz such as cherry quartz, which is glass, will have the metaphysical properties of the actual material.

All types of quartz have basic properties. This specific type of page. More about Quartz, from my personal perspective. Quartz is perhaps the most fascinating mineral on the planet. It grows in the crystalline forms you are used to, as well as crypto- and microcrystalline forms, such as rose quartz.

Quartz particles bound together by cement form sandstones. The basis of ordinary sand is also quartz. And small particles of pure quartz are white sands.

Pure quartz occurs in the form of a hexagonal crystal with pointed ends that is completely transparent. It is known to us as rock crystal.

It is a perfect metaphysical crystal instrument that generates boat load from crystal power. Modern material quartz stone, also known as quartz material, quartz composite rock or fake diamond, perfect for both kitchen countertop, countertop or floor tiles.

Composition of quartz stone

A mixture of about 90% natural quartz, pigments and polyester resin makes quartz stone a revolutionary material that matches and even surpasses positive properties stone - for example, in functionality and resistance. On the Mohs scale, quartz stone has more high degree harder than stone. But in terms of care and cleaning, quartz stone is easier to process.

Types and colors

Quartz refers to a whole group of minerals, numbering more than ten varieties that differ in structure, shape, density, strength, color, energy, deposit and other features.

Based on the structure, the stone can be divided into two types:

  1. crystal;
  2. cryptocrystalline.

Rock crystal, mined from hydrothermal vein caves, is the main type of quartz. Its structure is devoid of fillings, which provides it with ideal transparency.

Additional properties of quartz stone

Other important and convincing properties of the material lie in its hygienic conditions. Industrial production The quartz material creates a surface on which fats and bacteria cannot settle. Thus, there is no need to saturate or grow the surface. This makes this material particularly suitable for kitchen, bathroom and hospital areas.

Healing and magical properties of the mineral

But artificial stone is not only the material itself High Quality because of him outstanding quality. The fascinating variety of color leaves much to be desired. Thanks to the quartz stone manufacturing process and the homogeneous mixture of components in the initial phases, a high color consistency is ensured. In addition, there are different surfaces: matte, polished or even volcanic.

Each of the numerous fillings in quartz crystals affects the variety of optical characteristics of quartz, creating specific precious and semi-precious minerals different colors.

The following minerals are created:

Quartz properties, development and use

Thanks to different edge shapes and different heights materials, you can create a wide variety of kitchen work surfaces. Figure 1: Colorless rock crystal. Kertz - in the Middle Ages, miners called minerals that did not lead to decomposition of the decomposing ore.

Quartz is a member of and is found within the oxide minerals of the quartz group, which are characterized by similar or similar composition. In addition, there is amorphous quartz with the most well-known representative. Mocha quartz, banana quartz, blueberry quartz, quartz quartz, olive quartz quartz, strawberry quartz, cognac quartz, aqua aura or rainbow berry crystal are not other varieties of quartz. On the contrary, these quartz crystals are trade names of quartz that have subsequently changed color.

  • Amethyst is pinkish or purple in color.
  • Citrine has sunny shades due to iron impurities.
  • Ametrine is a hybrid of citrine and amethyst.
  • Morion is black, resin-like.
  • Prazem is green.

All of the above types of quartz are classified as crystalline forms of the stone.

A separate group of quartz consists of cryptocrystalline minerals. They are also called chalcedony. In addition to the main component - quartz, they contain a large number of additives that are complex in structure: scaly, splintered, granular, needle-shaped, etc.

Cleaning and care

Colored crystals are partially sensitive and react with permanent fading in sunlight with rapid color fading.

Crystals crystallize in both tri- and hexagonal crystal systems, from which the origin can be inferred. This process is reversible; the crystal lattice assumes the original structure, even if the habit persists. Therefore, quartz is also called geological thermometer. The crystals exhibit a clear transparency that is glassy; Quartz is one of the 7 hard minerals, which makes up 2.

This group of crystals includes:

  • Aventurine is yellow and brown-terracotta.
  • Agate has many tones: from classic white, black and red to whitened shades of blue and pink.
  • Volosatik - rock crystal, including fine-needle crystals of rutile, tourmaline and other types.
  • Perunite – blue quartz.
  • The overflow is opaque due to the combination of layers of quartz and chalcedony.
  • Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) is light brown or light gray in color.
  • Rose quartz is a pinkish or bluish opaque crystal.
  • Carnelian - red-brown shimmer.
  • Chalcedony is a translucent or translucent crystal that comes in many colors from white to honey yellow.
  • Chrysoprase fogs in clouds of alkaline nickel gel.
  • Sapphire quartz - blue shades.
  • Cat's eye - pinkish-gray or white.
  • Hawkeye is a grayish-blue shade.
  • Tiger's Eye is a golden brown crystal with golden stripes.
  • Onyx - with white and black patterns on a brown background, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, having yellow or pink layers in a white base.

The combination of quartz with various mineral fillers creates an endless number of types of agates and chalcedony.

Origin and distribution of quartz

Quartz is formed by crystallization from silicate rocks and for this reason is also a common component in igneous rocks. Some quartz crystals crystallize predominantly in corridors or drusen. Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks may also contain quartz as a sedimentary binder and sedimentary binder. According to quartz, the most common mineral in the world and widely distributed throughout the world.

Uses and Importance of Quartz

Quartz varieties are popular jewelry.

Properties of quartz

In ancient times, quartz was spoken of as a stone that cools the hands but warms the soul. This expression is capacious and accurately conveys the character of this unusual mineral. The first definition can be related to exact science, and the second - to metaphysics, to a person’s ability to appreciate beauty. The uniqueness of quartz is determined by the combination of various properties.

Crystals can be crushed without much loss of material and are hard enough to withstand stress Everyday life like jewelry, that is, quartz jewelry does not scratch as easily. Different sections are used for quartz. Varieties with color or pattern in the foreground, as with jasper or agate, are used primarily in simple cuts such as cabochon carving or beadwork. Crystals whose purity and color are to be emphasized best reveal their effect with faceted sections.

Quartz, except for hydrofluoric acid, is insoluble in any other acid. When mechanical stress the mineral is charged electrically, pioneered by Pierre Curie. When printed or worked in the form of hammers or saws, the yellow quartz is illuminated. Even the writer and great universal scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe succumbed to the charm of rock crystal. And in ancient times, rock crystal was held for fossil ice - hence the origin of the name goes back to the ancient Greeks - on Greek, crest ice.

It has:

  • strength, density, hardness. In terms of hardness, silicon is second only to topaz, corundum and diamonds. It is this property that formed the basis for the name of the rock “quartz”, which is translated from German Quarz, twarc means “hard”;
  • transparency or multicolor based on the absence or presence of quartz fillings and microinclusions of other minerals;
  • high thermal conductivity, which ensures the stone is cool to the touch. This ability of the mineral was used by the ancient Romans when cooling their palms with crystal balls;
  • chemical resistance, dissolves only in alkalis and hydrofluoric acid;
  • dielectric, used in powerful power stations;
  • piezoelectric, which allows you to set and control the operation of high-frequency devices - including communications and computing equipment;
  • polymorphism, providing high temperature variety. Melts only at 1700C.

How and where is quartz mined?

Quartz can be mined from granite rocks or synthesized artificially. Mineral extraction is carried out using the quarry method.

How does rock crystal really come into being?

The pure purity of a special mineral: learn all about rock crystal! Bergcrystal is a class of oxide minerals: it is found in hydrothermal vents, crevices, and cavities. The king of minerals is pure quartz, which is formed from hot, almost pure quartz. This silicic acid requires very special conditions in underground cavities to become a crystal because pressure, temperature and mineral supply are critical. In our latitudes, Alpine rock crystals already appeared 12-20 million years ago.

Mining is carried out using the following technologies:

  • explosive - explosives or an air cushion are used;
  • cutting.

Despite the prevalence of quartz, its deposits are dispersed on all continents.

Each discovered deposit of stones for jewelry is characterized by a mineral of a certain color and structure:

And since the cycle of crystal formation is still far from complete, new rock crystals will continue to be seen daylight in future. Additionally, a warming climate ensures that many rock crystals without human influence are being discovered due to melting snow. However, the growth of rock crystals always follows the laws of nature - therefore, no two crystals are alike, each crystal is absolutely unique.

History of rock crystal

The crystal is found all over the world. For thousands of years, rock crystal has been an integral part of human healing. Already in Ancient Egypt the so-called “rock crystal” was said to be beneficial. The Indians of North America place their newborns in a cradle of rock crystal for protection from evil forces. And Saint Hildegard of Bingen described a positive effect on thyroid problems and gastrointestinal complaints.

  1. Deposits rose quartz contain the mountains of Moravia, found in eastern Ukraine, Karelia.
  2. Rhinestone mined in the Marmarosh massif in the Eastern Carpathians. Bohemian, Arkansas, Rhinestone, Bristol and Alaskan crystal are known. Rock crystal from the Subpolar Urals and Yakutia is famous.
  3. Smoky Quartz And morion found in the Ural mountains and in the Volyn region of Ukraine.
  4. Amethyst has been supplied since ancient times from Brazil, Uruguay and Sri Lanka, and in the 18th century it was discovered in the Middle Urals. Today it is mined in Kamchatka, Chukotka, Yakutia, the Caucasus, the Kola Peninsula, and Central Asia.
  5. Green quartzite found in Western Australia.
  6. Rich deposits aventurine on Southern Urals, at Chrysostom.
  7. Quartzites of different colors are mined nearby Lake Onega: crimson color (Shokshinskoye field). red-gray (Pukhtinskoye field), lilac (Pryazhinskoye field) and fuchsia shades.

The clearer and more transparent the rock crystal, the more intense its effect. Its energy, compressed over millions of years, returns energy to the flow - so it is also ideal for energetically charging other stones. This is why rock crystal also degrades disharmonic vibrations and is often used in the medial region. Rock Crystal is most effective on the Crown Chakra - no wonder it is also called the Stone of Enlightenment. On an astrological level, he is assigned the star sign of Capricorn and Leo.

Because rhinestone has the ability to absorb foreign energy, it should be released at least once a month under running and warm water and then clean. To recharge with new energies, it can be placed in the moonlight or in the sun, but, however, pure midday sun should be avoided, as rock crystal can crack when exposed to sunlight. high temperatures!

Quartz processing

Quartz is exposed different types processing natural stones: grinding, polishing, cutting, annealing and others.

Medicinal properties

The physical and chemical nature of quartz has a beneficial effect on human organs.

To manifest its healing effect it is necessary:

  • Use quartz water. Quartz enriches water. Drinking water purified through a quartz filter or infused with quartz is useful for prevention and rejuvenation. If you systematically wash your face with water enriched with quartz, you can make your skin younger, give it smoothness and elasticity, and free it from acne and skin inflammation.
  • Wear products with quartz or keep a small fragment or crystal of quartz with you. Wearing quartz jewelry is believed to have a healing effect on the lungs. In particular, when the temperature changes, milky white quartz is able to release ozone, which has a positive effect on the lungs, clearing them of carbon dioxide.

Quartz also has such medicinal properties:

Bring your life back into balance! Spiritual consultants will help you in any way life situation. Happiness has a long tradition all over the world! Even the Incas and Aztecs used them as lucky stones, remedies, talismans or amulets, and as gifts to the gods.

Stones have always been used magically or ritually

This especially emphasizes the positive power of the stones, that is, improvement and support. One takes a stone for this purpose, for example, into the hand of power and formulates a desire in his thoughts. In this case, of course, you need to stay in the theme of the stone. Using the stone's energy is simple but very effective: simply place the stone in your pocket and pick it up frequently to lift the energy that comes from that particular stone.

  • The property of quartz to retain heat for a long time is used for interior decoration in the baths. Wearing quartz pendants stimulates the immune system and makes it easier to cope with a cold.
  • The mineral can act like a psychotherapist. Its action in the area of ​​the crown and forehead gives confidence and calmness (characteristic of green quartz). Therefore, it is recommended for people with a delicate psyche.

Caution: Excess silica in food, water and the atmosphere is harmful. Therefore, you need to infuse water on quartz moderately. Quartz processing must be carried out using protective equipment: a mask or respirator.

The possibilities for using stones energetically are numerous.

In addition to easy to use as hand ice These drum stones are also suitable for any other vigorous work. After suitable magical ritual they can be used as a fortune teller or as a powerful companion with magical effects.

Excellent selection, varied topics

Magical Uses: For example, pink translucent rose quartz is a stone of love. Features: Opens the heart, promotes love and pleasure. It also ensures vitality and harmonizes sexual desires in a partnership. We are happy to help you choose the right lucky charm for your needs. We also provide you with personalized guidance on how to use the stone in your specific case and how to use it to its fullest.

Magical properties of quartz

Each type of mineral has specific magical properties.

Their manifestation must be considered separately:

  1. amethyst - brings peace;
  2. rock crystal - serves as a channel for the transmission of magical energies;
  3. smoky mineral - instructs in making the right decisions in complex issues;
  4. green quartz - helps relieve tension, fatigue, nervousness;
  5. milky quartz – used in meditation, gives the opportunity to understand oneself;
  6. rose quartz - helps get rid of grievances, find peace and mental balance;
  7. rutile quartz is considered a means of bewitching. This is a talisman for inventive and enthusiastic people;
  8. carnelian – helps to remain faithful.

Products with quartz

The prevalence and diversity of quartz in nature determines its widespread use.

These beautiful drums are packaged in cardboard box. Descriptive text is on the label. If there are a couple of stones in the box, the stones may also be slightly smaller. Note. All illustrations of stones are just sample photographs! All information and statements regarding the effects of stones are based on empirical values ​​and relevant literature. We hereby expressly state that any claims made on this website regarding the healing effects of stones are not scientifically supported or medically accepted.

No guarantee can be given as to the effectiveness or safety of the applications described. Gems not suitable for the treatment of serious diseases. They do not constitute therapy or diagnosis in the medical sense. In case of illness, a visit to the doctor is always recommended.

Some crystals are actively used in various industries, including:

  • in jewelry for making jewelry (beads, brooches, rings, pendants, etc.), as well as as ornamental stones in the manufacture of various souvenirs and interior decoration (ashtrays, bowls, vases, inlaying tools, etc.);
  • in the production of glass and ceramics;
  • in optical instruments;
  • in telephone and radio equipment (thin quartz plates are used to tune the receiver to the desired wavelength);
  • in electronic generators as a quartz resonator for frequency stabilization;
  • in ultrasound generators;
  • in production building materials(concrete, plasters and other finishing coatings for cladding buildings with quartzite and jasper stones);
  • abrasive material finely ground solid quartz;
  • in watch production, the quartz movement is recognized as the highest quality;
  • in production medical instruments: For the manufacture of scalpels, chips of obsidian are used, which consists entirely of quartz. The thickness of the scalpel is measured in nannounits, which is problematic for steel scalpels.

Quartz care

Due to its high resistance to chemical and physical influences, caring for quartz does not require compliance with any rules. When cleaning quartz, you can safely use detergent or a suitable tool. But the easiest way to remove dirt or remove negative energy rinse with running water.

Where can I buy quartz and what is the cost?

Traditional commercial network and numerous online stores provide the opportunity to purchase quartz as jewelry and accessories, and also offer a large assortment of this natural mineral for those who are passionate about mineralogy and who are collectors natural crystals and makes jewelry.

Among the many types of quartz, rutile quartz is considered the most expensive. Its price ranges from 350 rubles. (field: Kazakhstan, Ak-Koshker) up to 36,000 rubles. (field: Brazil).

The cost of inexpensive varieties of quartz starts from 100 rub. per crystal:

  • Rhinestone - 100 rub.-34,000 rub. . (field: Brazil, Minas Gerais).
  • Rauchtopaz(smoky quartz) - 100 rub.(field: Russia, Subpolar Urals) – 24,000 rub.(field: North Karelia).
  • Morion - 1220 rub.(field: Russia, Bashkortostan, Mata) – 3740 rub.(field: Russia, Ural).
  • Amethyst - 2400 (field: Russia, Yakutia) – 42,000 rub. . (field: Bolivia).
  • Citrine- 1140 rub.-7600 rub. (field Russia, Subpolar Urals, Nikolay-Shor).
  • The stone is recommended for workers in creative professions, as its energy helps to unleash creative potential and enrich the imagination.
  • Quartz also activates mental activity and therefore it is worth having on the desktop for students and people of mental work.
  • It is recommended to wear quartz crystals in silver for those who want to attract luck, love, prosperity or fulfill other desires.
  • Some types of crystal should be carried with you if you need to remove headache, tension, to overcome stress (green quartz) or to get rid of grievances, find peace and mental balance (rose quartz).
  • Smoky quartz is recommended for entrepreneurs and managers, which promotes choice optimal solution in difficult and responsible situations.

Quartz and zodiac signs

Since each of the huge number of varieties of this mineral is significantly different in properties and energy, the influence of a particular crystal on a person also varies depending on the date of his birth.

Astrologers evaluate this influence based on the color of the stone in this way:

  1. Aries Purple and snow quartz are optimal. Possessing persistence and not having sufficient insight, Aries, thanks to the stone, will be able to gain faith in their own abilities, complete everything they start and infect others with positive energy, and show sensitivity to loved ones. It is purple amethysts that suppress the egoism of Aries.
  2. Taurus Those who combine friendliness and stubbornness benefit from wearing green and gray shades of quartz. Green prazem will add prudence and wisdom, warn about a possible threat, support and lift your spirits. Smoky gray rauchtopaz makes it easier to find a solution to get out of difficult situation, increases optimism and self-esteem.
  3. Gemini with their inherent change of mood and charm, you should purchase jewelry with red and yellow shades. Agate, carnelian and other red crystals neutralize negative character traits and stimulate happy romantic relationships, attracting good luck. Golden quartz (citrine, chalcedony, tiger's eye) will become a talisman against the evil eye, will increase intuition and is therefore recommended for entrepreneurs.
  4. Cancer Violet amethyst and gray smoky quartz suit their sensuality. Amethyst helps to achieve success in the spiritual sphere, imparts endurance and prudence. Long-term observation of amethyst cutting relieves psychological stress. Smoky quartz will help relieve nervous tension, makes it easier to find a solution complex tasks, favors amorous affairs. This type of crystal should not be combined with other gems.
  5. Leos, For those seeking self-expression and constancy, rose quartz is most suitable. The crystal increases insight, helps to avoid failures and attracts prosperity and promises a long life without worries.
  6. Virgo, As a symbol of purity, snow quartz corresponds. Rose and purple quartz are also perfect for her. Varieties of quartz in red shades have a positive effect. Crystals of these shades will attract happiness and help in solving problems. Concentrates good energy. Stones purple will become a talisman. They will protect you from unpleasant thoughts and enemies. The red crystal clears the mind and frees one from excessive suspicion.
  7. Libra Smoky and quartz will benefit yellow color. Crystal makes life more harmonious and has a healing effect. The owner of the sun stone will quickly charm and achieve reciprocity in love.
  8. Scorpios with their insight, the following stones are suitable: rutile (hairy), smoky quartz Brown. A brown crystal will bring good luck to Scorpios. Smoky quartz will become the protector of women. Hairy - an amulet of oracles, helps to realize the plan.
  9. Sagittarius With its characteristic straightforwardness, rose quartz will attract fortune and establish mental balance. Warns against rash actions.
  10. Capricorns It is preferable to wear products with smoky and snowy quartz. Rauchtopaz protects against illness and the evil eye, strengthens the instinct of self-preservation. The crystal focuses on sociability to replenish strength. Snow Quartz milky promotes success, gives love of life.
  11. Aquarius For those with originality, a golden-colored stone helps develop talent. It increases emotionality and gives energy. Yellow quartz attracts happiness, imparts optimism, and gives good luck in travel.
  12. Pisces With their dreaminess and faith, it is worth wearing jewelry made of quartz in blue, green and pink colors.

Who shouldn't wear quartz?

Certain properties that minerals have can be harmful. Thus, rose quartz should not be worn by people with cancer, since the crystal can affect the growth of the tumor. People with a suspicious and vulnerable character should not wear rauchtopaz.

We can say with confidence that quartz is one of the best gems. This is due big amount varieties of quartz stones. And, importantly, relatively low cost.

Quartz stone in history and modern times

Quartz stone has been known to people since ancient times. At the sites of primitive sites, archaeologists have repeatedly found weapons and labor items made of quartz. During excavations in Mesopotamia, quartz beads were discovered that are about 7 thousand years old. The ancient philosophers Pliny the Elder and Theophrastus mentioned this mineral in their scientific treatises. And this is not at all surprising, because quartz accounts for almost 90% of the total volume of the earth's crust, which makes it the most common mineral.

Mining of natural quartz is widespread today. The mineral is mined in Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, some countries in Europe and Asia, and Madagascar. Stone development is also carried out in Russia. A giant stone was discovered in Brazil, weighing about 5.5 tons. The largest quartz crystal ever found had a circumference of a whopping 8 m.

Varieties of Quartz

There are a huge number of varieties of quartz stones, the variety of which can satisfy the taste of even the most picky buyers. Varieties of quartz include such gems as yellowish aventurine, purple amethyst, banded layered agate, colorless and transparent rock crystal stone, brown to black morion, gray gray rauchtopaz And lemon yellow citrine.

For a long time, the most valuable variety of all quartz stones used for cutting is violet purple amethyst. But, unfortunately, its natural deposits are gradually depleted, and the cost increases. Therefore, synthetic amethysts have recently come into fashion.

Deserved slightly less popularity in the cutting business citrine stone, the golden-lemon color of which can have smoky, pale green, orange, brown and honey shades.

Green and brown quartz is extremely rare in nature. In some cases, similar colors are obtained as a result heat treatment citrines and amethysts. Also, crystals with a wide range of green shades can be obtained by introducing iron, nickel, vanadium and chromium into them.

Blue translucent quartz is quite common. It owes its color to the presence of rutile inclusions or light-scattering cracks. This stone is not used in jewelry.

How to spot fake quartz

Despite the huge number of quartz deposits, in jewelry stores you can find synthetic stones that unscrupulous sellers may be passed off as natural. Fraudsters take advantage of the fact that the nature of quartz is almost impossible to determine. Artificial cracks and air bubbles inside the stone will help you distinguish the craft. In natural stone, inclusions of other minerals form where crystals grow together, in areas of strong nutrient flows, and so on. If you take synthetic quartz, you will notice that the air bubbles in the stone are randomly located. This is impossible in a natural mineral. In addition, quartz stones of transparent blue, green and blue flowers. Blue Quartz of natural origin are opaque. Their color is due to the presence of blue inclusions. Such stones are translucent. By heating, you can also get a green stone, but its color will be pale. With differences natural stone To avoid a fake, you should also pay attention to the size of the stone. If it is too big, then most likely it is a fake.

Quartz processing

In some cases, natural quartz of inexpressive color is subjected to special treatment. To give the stone its golden-yellow hue, it is fired at high temperatures. To acquire a purple color, the mineral is subjected to radiation. Interestingly, Russian scientists have patented a technology for artificially coloring stones, which is not yet in use, due to the huge number of natural shades of this mineral.

Jewelers use quartz stones as inserts in mid-price jewelry. The only exception is rose quartz, such stones stand alongside diamonds and emeralds, they are set in gold. Jewelry with this stone belongs to the luxury class; they are found in famous world collections.

Healing properties of quartz

Quartz stones have a wide range of healing properties. Traditional healers agree that greatest benefit The mineral will benefit the body if you use it as a water filter. You can not only drink water infused with quartz, but also wash your face with it. This water will help get rid of skin problems, increase its tone and elasticity. Baths with quartz water have a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the hands. Lithotherapists recommend treatment with quartz: wearing pendants to relieve colds.

Magical properties of quartz

Since ancient times, people have known about the magical properties of quartz stone. It was believed that quartz was the astral skin of the planet, storing in its memory all the signals of the Universe. The priests made lenses and balls from the mineral, through which they lit sacrificial fire in temples. And with the help of quartz crystals they recognized the past and predicted the future. Modern magicians claim that quartz is a stone of illusion, so only experienced fortune tellers and psychics should use it for magical purposes. A common person may become confused and not distinguish between a real prediction and a desired one. Quartz jewelry will help strengthen a person’s memory, develop imagination, speech, and activate thought processes. How mascot Quartz works best when set in silver. Such a talisman will attract good luck, success, material well-being to its owner, and bestow true love.

Quartz stone and zodiac signs