Checking the first iPhone activation. Where to look for the activation date of an Apple phone

Checking the first iPhone activation. Where to look for the activation date of an Apple phone

If you are interested in the question of how to find out the release date of an iPhone, this article will be a good guide. This question is usually asked by those who purchased an iPhone secondhand. It is important to find out when it was manufactured, as well as when it was activated.

It is also necessary to be able to distinguish a real smartphone from a Chinese counterfeit. Sometimes it is absolutely impossible to do this externally. In order to obtain the information we need, we need serial number. We will tell you how to find it out and how to see the activation date of the device, as well as its production.

How to find out the activation date of an iPhone of any model

The activation date is needed for more than just knowing when the user purchased it. With its help, we will determine whether the iPhone is under warranty or no longer. Lack of warranty can sometimes be a reason to refuse a purchase. Time of use is like mileage on a car: the device also wears out over time.

Finding out the iPhone serial number in iTunes

So, it's time to find out the serial number. The first method is to connect to iTunes. If you have never done this before, you need to download/install latest version this program and connect the device using the original cable. We connect, launch, look: in the “Overview” tab there is data on the serial number. Let's copy it.


Find out the serial number on the iPhone itself

We need to go to the main iPhone settings and select the "About this device" tab. Information about your iPhone will appear there. There will also be a serial number. Hold your finger on it and copy.


We receive information about the release date

It doesn’t matter from which device you access the Internet. You will need to follow this link. In a special window you must enter the device number. Then you will see one of the messages:

  1. If the warranty period has not expired, information about its expiration will appear. We subtract the year and get exact information on the date when the user purchased and activated the iPhone. Now we know exactly how long the iPhone was in constant use.
  2. If the warranty period has expired, you will have to take the former owner’s word for it. The only proof can be a receipt. But not everyone keeps receipts even for such expensive purchases, if guarantee period came out. The only thing we can do is find out the production date of the iPhone.

How to find out the production date of an iPhone

This is done quite simply: follow the link to a special service. We insert the serial number there. Press one button and all the data is in front of you. The year of production and week are displayed. That is, if we know both the activation date and the production date, we can find out how long the iPhone spent in warehouses. When there was no such service, decryption had to be done independently. There are instructions on the Internet on how to do this, there are special tables. But you won't need it.

Articles and Lifehacks

When purchasing any device secondhand, every user wants to be sure that it is truly new. If the seller shows us the device in printed form, for example, when checking, it is better to know in advance that how to check iPhone activation date. Let's look at how to do this, and also dwell on the activation procedure itself.

How to activate iPhone? Why do you need to check its activation date?

After purchasing an iOS device, we should activate it - of course, if this has not been done before. Without activation Tablet PC or the smartphone simply won’t work.

Note that previously this procedure was impossible without the participation of a desktop computer. Nowadays you can easily do without a PC.
Let's start with the most traditional and old method, which involves using a computer. Its advantage is that it is relevant both for the very first devices and for the most modern tablets and smartphones.

Install iTunes. Let us clarify that this program is already built into OS X, so only Windows users will need to install it. Next, we connect our smartphone to the PC via the supplied cord. Press and hold the iPhone power button (Power button) for a few seconds. Once the Apple logo appears and the device is turned on, the iTunes library will launch. Following this, the iPhone is activated.

Now let's look at the second method of activating a device without a PC. We only need Wi-Fi and Internet access. We also add that such an opportunity appeared only with the release of the 5th version of the iOS system. I wonder if something equally progressive will appear?

We press and hold the power button, after which we begin the initial setup of the device. If the device is brand new and has just been unpacked, it will offer setup instructions on its own. These should also include actions to activate the smartphone.

If we are not sure that our device is new, we should definitely know how to check the activation date. This is also important if we are going to purchase a smartphone under a warranty, which should be valid from the moment it was activated (and not from the moment of purchase, as is commonly thought).

To check the date, we need the serial number of our device. How to recognize him?

Ways to check iPhone activation date

To find out the serial number, connect the device to the PC, launch iTunes and find your smartphone there. Click on it and see information about the device. There should also be a serial number there.

The second method is that we go to the “About device” menu through the device settings. The serial number should also be displayed there.
Now about how to check the activation date of an iPhone. Having found out the serial number, go to the website Apple and enter it in the appropriate line in the “Support” section. On the official website this line is signed as follows: “Check Your Service and Support Coverage”. Enter the serial number and click the “Continue” button.

Below the line we can also see a link to English instructions for finding the serial number (“Finding your serial number is easy. See how”).
If we find out that our warranty period has not yet expired, then in the “Right to Maintenance and Repair” section we can follow the link and read more about it (“Information about the right to service maintenance Apple for this product").

For example, the date June 20, 2014 means that the product was activated on June 20, 2013, which is exactly 1 year before the date. If next to the item “Right to maintenance and repair” we see a clarification that the period has expired, then we can exercise the right to warranty service we won't be able to anymore.

Using the serial number it is also easy to find out the production date of the device. Sometimes it differs from the date when it was activated. Currently, you can find many resources online that can use the serial number to find out where and when a smartphone was manufactured.

After purchasing an iPad in a store, the first thing you need to do is activate it. Without initial activation, the tablet simply will not work. Previously, activation was possible only using a PC (those were fun times), but now an activation option is available without a computer.

In this article we will look at how to activate an iPad in two ways. We will also answer the question: how to find out the iPad activation date. The instructions are fully suitable for iPhone and iPod Touch, so owners of these gadgets can safely put them into practice.

How to activate iPad

Method 1. The most obvious and the oldest way activation - via computer. This method worked with both first iPad, and will work with the newfangled iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina.

1. To do this, first install the official application from Apple - iTunes (for Windows, in OS X iTunes is a built-in program).

2. Connect the iPad to the computer via the cable supplied with the tablet.

3. Press and hold the power button on the iPad (it is located on the top end) until a white apple appears on the screen.

4. iTunes will launch and the iPad will be activated for the first time.

Method 2. Activation directly from the tablet. For this method you only need Wi-Fi network with the Internet. It's much simpler than the first one. This feature became available with iOS 5.

1. After unpacking the iPad, turn it on while holding the button (the Power button is on the top end).

2. We act according to the instructions that will be shown on the screen. These instructions will include steps that will activate the iPad.

This is called initial device setup. If you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, then follow the instructions for Firmware for iPad to iOS9. Initial setup. I don’t show the activation screen in those instructions, because I was flashing iOS 7 on an already activated tablet, but you will have it - don’t worry.

How to find out when iPad is activated

What is it for?

1. You buy an iPad secondhand. Use these instructions to find out when your iPad was first activated. That is, the real “mileage” of the device.

2. From the moment the device is activated, its warranty begins to apply. Not from the moment the tablet was delivered to the store, not from the moment of purchase, not from the moment you gave it as a gift, etc., namely from the moment the iPad was activated!

So iPad activation date can be very important. In order to find out, we need the iPad serial number. There are two ways to find the iPad serial number.

Method 1

Connect iPad to computer. Launch iTunes. In iTunes, find your iPad and click on it. The Device Information (Overview) displays the Serial Number.

In the menu you can select Edit->Copy serial number and this number will be on the clipboard.

Method 2

On iPad go to Settings->About this device. Among all useful information There will also be a serial number.

If you hold your finger on it, you will be prompted to copy it to the clipboard.

Next, we try to find the activation date using the serial number. We go to the Apple website using a special link. And paste the serial number into the empty field. Click the Check button.

Now two situations are possible. If your warranty has not expired (that is, it has passed less than a year from the moment of activation), then you will see this picture.

The date in the screenshot, May 7, 2014, means that the product was activated on May 7, 2013, which is exactly one year before the specified date.

If you see a picture like the one in the screenshot below, it means your iPad was activated more than a year ago.

Should we be content with only this information? Not really. We can find out the production date by the serial number. But as practice shows, the production date may differ greatly from the activation date. The devices may be in warehouses. But for general development let's find out.

How to find out the iPad production date

There is a service on the network that, based on the serial number, will determine when and where the device was manufactured. .

Everything is simple there: we enter the serial number of the iPad (iPhone or iPod Touch) and get a decryption. For example, like this:

Production year- Production year.

Production week- a week of production.

I activated my iPod Touch in May 2013. It turns out that about six months passed between the activation date and production.

If you have any additions or clarifications, please write comments. Always happy to read them! :)

Under an agreement with Microsoft, users who upgrade to Windows 10 receive a licensed system. At the same time, its activation takes place in the background, that is, the OS does not inform the user in any way that the process has been successfully completed. Therefore, not everyone knows how to understand whether a copy of the system is activated. The situation is similar with the license key and activation periods - you have to look for this data yourself.

How to check Windows 10 activation

There are several methods to check whether your copy of Windows 10 is activated:

  1. Through the system properties window: you need to press the Win+X keys and select the “System” tab in the menu that appears. At the very bottom of the window there will be information about whether Windows activation has been completed or not. It will also be displayed here license key.

    The easiest way to find out if Windows 10 is activated is through the system properties window

  2. In system settings: you need to click the “Start” button and select “Settings”, then find the “Update and Security” section, then open the “Activation” tab in the left menu. All the information will be there: system release, activation data and product code.

    All Windows activation data is also displayed in the system menu "Options"

  3. Using a script via the command line: for this we use a special script SLMgr.vbs, which is responsible for managing licenses, license keys and activations operating system. To execute it, you need to launch a command line with administrator rights using the Win+X key combination. In the drop-down menu you need to select “ Command line" and type the command "slmgr /xpr". If the system is activated and the activation period is infinite, the message “The machine is permanently activated” will appear. In the case of activation that is valid until a certain period, the system will display a window with the end date of this period.

    Using the SLMgr.vbs script, you can check whether Windows 10 is activated and find out the activation time frame

The cscript slmgr.vbs -xpr command allows you to display the activation message in the command line console.

How to find out the activation period of Windows 10

If a license key was entered during system installation or the current OS was updated to Windows 10, the activation period is infinite. If the trial version was installed for a limited number of days, then to check the period you need to press the Win+R combination and enter the command “winver.exe” in the window that opens. A window will open indicating the activation expiration date. If it is not indicated, then the system is installed for an indefinite period.

The system has a specific activation period only if a trial version is installed

In addition, the activation period can be found using the SLMgr.vbs script, which is described in detail in paragraph 3 above.

How to find out the license key of installed Windows 10

The product license key is a 25-character code - it is used not only to activate the system, but also to reinstall it, so it is better to know it and not lose it. Since Windows 10 activation occurs in the background, the user is not informed of the code in any way, and must look at it themselves.

  • There are several ways to do this:
  • using special programs;
  • through the system properties window (see point 1 above);
  • through system parameters (see point 2 above);

using scripts. The easiest way to view the code is through the system parameters or the properties window, but these methods are not always available - for some reason the computer may not display numbers or display the message “No data”. Therefore we have to resort to special programs

to view the license key or scripts. Utilities for viewing the activation code can be downloaded from official websites and installed on your PC

  • . There are several of them, here are the simplest ones:

    Speccy is a Russian-language application with a user-friendly interface that shows all information about the OS, including its serial number: it is located in the “Operating System” section;

  • In the Speccy utility, the license number is located in the “Operating System” section

    ProduKey is a utility that does not require installation, you just need to download it and run it, the activation key will immediately be displayed in the information window;

  • The ProduKey utility only shows the license key, but it starts quickly

    ShowKeyPlus also does not require installation, the application is simply downloaded from the official website and launched. The serial number is shown on the screen.

The ShowKeyPlus utility also does not need to be installed - it displays the system key immediately after startup In addition, you can find out the license key by running a special script.

This method will be more complicated than those described above, but sometimes for some reason installing third-party applications on your computer is not available. The task is then completed using the native Windows PowerShell.

First you need to open the Notepad program and create a file in it with the extension .ps1: to do this, enter the value “All files” in the “File type” field, and enter the extension manually. The following script should be copied to the file:

$regHKLM = 2147483650

$regPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

$DigitalProductId = "DigitalProductId"

$wmi = "\\$env:COMPUTERNAME\root\default:stdRegProv"

$Object = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($regHKLM, $regPath,$DigitalProductId)

$DigitalProductId = $Object.uValue


$OS = (Get-WmiObject "Win32_OperatingSystem" | select Caption).Caption

If($OS -match "Windows 10")

$value ="Windows Key: $ResKey"

$w1=”The script is for Windows 10 only”

$w1| Write-Warning

$w2=”The script is for Windows 10 only”

$w2| Write-Warning

$w3="An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the key"

$w3| Write-Warning

Function ConvertToWinKey($WinKey)

$isWindows10 = ($WinKey/6) -band 1

$WinKey = ($WinKey -band $HF7) -bOr (($isWindows10 -band 2) * 4)

$Symbols = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"

$CurIndex = $CurIndex * 256

$CurIndex = $WinKey[$X + $OffsetKey] + $CurIndex

$WinKey[$X + $OffsetKey] = ::Floor(($CurIndex/24))

$CurIndex = $CurIndex % 24

$KeyResult = $Symbols.SubString($CurIndex,1) + $KeyResult

$last = $CurIndex

while($с -ge 0)

$WinKeypart1 = $KeyResult.SubString(1,$last)

$WinKeypart2 = $KeyResult.Substring(1,$KeyResult.length-1)

$KeyResult = "N" + $WinKeypart2

$KeyResult = $WinKeypart2.Insert($WinKeypart2.IndexOf($WinKeypart1)+$WinKeypart1.length,"N")

$WindowsKey = $KeyResult.Substring(0.5) + “-” + $KeyResult.substring(5.5) + “-“+ $KeyResult.substring(10.5) + “-“+ $KeyResult.substring( 15.5) + “-“+ $KeyResult.substring(20.5)

Next, you should launch the Windows PowerShell itself: press the Win+R key combination, and in the window that appears, enter “powershell” - this is the most quick way. In the window that opens, you need to type the command cmd and the name of the directory where the file created in Notepad is stored, press the Enter key, then enter the name of the script in the form: “./filename.ps1” and press Enter again.

Photo gallery: how to find out the license key of installed Windows 10 using a script

Create a text file in Notepad and copy the script there Save the text file in .ps1 format (select “All files” in the “File Type” menu) Launch PowerShell using the command in the line quick launch Enter the cmd command, the path to the directory with the text file and the name of the script

Sometimes a message may appear that script execution is disabled on the system. Then enter the command “Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned” into the PowerShell console, and then confirm the actions with the Y and Enter keys.

Video: how to find out the activation key for Windows 10

How to find out computer ID on Windows 10

To remotely activate programs and remotely control your PC from other devices, you need to know its ID. You can find it out yourself. To do this in Windows 10, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, successively open the sections “Network and Internet”, “Network and Sharing Center”, “Change adapter settings”. Next, in the window that opens, on the adapter you are using, you need to right-click, select “Status” and in the window that appears at the bottom, click the “Details” button. Your ID will be indicated in the “Physical Address” column.

You can clarify the computer ID through properties network adapter in the “Physical Address” column

There is an easier way, the previous one still requires a lot of body movements. Using the Win+R combination, you need to call up the quick access bar, type cmd, press Enter and type “ipconfig /all”. A window with data will be displayed, where the required computer ID is indicated in the “Physical Address” section.

To find out the computer ID, just type “ipconfig /all” at the command line

Despite the fact that Windows 10 activation occurs without direct user participation and without issuing an information window about completion, you can always see whether the system is activated and also find out the license key. It is better to do this using Microsoft tools, although they also resort to installing and launching third-party applications. The main thing is to run and install only verified files from official sources on your computer.

When purchasing an iPhone, many buyers turn to friends who know Apple technology for help, which is true in principle and allows them to avoid annoying mistakes. However, not everyone has such a useful companion, and in this case, Apple’s own services will come to the rescue.

In contact with

Naturally, high price smartphones, in comparison with other countries, stimulates the growth of the “gray” market, within which its own rules apply. When importing devices from abroad, unofficial resellers (in other words, resellers) are often forced to activate the iPhone in order to unlock it (unilaterally terminate the contract with mobile operator) or take it through customs as a personal gadget. At the same time, the smartphone is further positioned as new, which is not entirely true.

What's the difference between activation and turning on your iPhone for the first time?

Do not confuse Activation with turning on the device for the first time. You can activate your iPhone only when you connect the device with a valid SIM card inserted to the Internet. If one of the above conditions is not present, turning on the smartphone will not activate it.

Can I delete or hide my activation data?

The activation process is irreversible. If the device is activated, then it is impossible to delete information about it, even if you resort to reset iPhone or procedure.

Actually, the iPhone activation procedure is for Apple the starting point for the device’s use. That is, the company believes that you have been using the smartphone not from the date of purchase, but from the moment it was first activated. Naturally, the deadline begins to expire from this same date warranty obligations Apple.

How to find out the iPhone's first activation date and remaining warranty period

1. Go to the section of the Apple website to check your rights to service and support (link);

2. Enter the iPhone serial number, which can be found on the box, case or in the menu SettingsBasicAbout this device;

In addition, information about IMEI and serial number can be found on the welcome screen when you turn on your iPhone for the first time - click on the icon i" in the lower right corner.

3. In the third point "Right to maintenance and repair" there should be a status "Provided";

4. Subtract 365 days from the warranty expiration date indicated below - this will be the date of first activation of the iPhone.

Examples of information received about iPhone Service and Support Entitlement after verification

New non-activated iPhone (this should be indicated if you are buying a new Apple smartphone):

Recently activated iPhone (no more than three months) under warranty:

Activated used iPhone. Warranty expired:

Why did I get the message "this serial number corresponds to a product that has been replaced" when checking?

If, when checking the IMEI or serial number, a message appears with the text: "Unfortunately, this serial number corresponds to a product that has been replaced..."— avoid buying such a device, it is not new! We talked about this case in more detail.