Simple secrets of good health. Feeling good. New mood therapy

Simple secrets of good health.  Feeling good.  New mood therapy
Simple secrets of good health. Feeling good. New mood therapy

Any problems with well-being affect our quality of life. No one can be their most productive, happy, and cheerful self when they are in pain. But, as you know, our well-being is mirror reflection health status. Therefore, in order to feel good, you need to take care, first of all, of your health. In this article we will look at 12 tips that will help you feel good.

1. Water will help you maintain your well-being at a decent level. If you experience a lack of fluid, first of all, blood viscosity will increase, and at the same time blood circulation will deteriorate. This will lead to oxygen starvation, making you weak, lethargic, and drowsy. Therefore, carry a water bottle with you everywhere and don’t forget to replenish it, especially if it’s hot outside.

2. Try to gradually reduce the amount of salt you consume. The fact is that salt promotes fluid retention in the body, which is why it does not have time to cleanse itself in a timely manner. If you constantly consume a lot of salt, then over time you may need to detoxify in a hospital, not to mention the fact that this is a huge burden on the kidneys. The accumulation of toxins leads to poor health, increased irritability, and drowsiness.

3. Many doctors still claim that the sun is extremely harmful and dangerous for our health, but in fact, it is impossible to live without it. This is shown by the results of recent studies, which prove positive influence sunlight on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, in case of moderate contact. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive energy and health from this heavenly body. In addition to feeling good, Sun rays They will also provide you with a great mood and a beautiful tan.

4. Balanced diet- this is the most best diet in the world. Which you can only imagine. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, a meat eater or a fruit supporter, in any case you can properly plan your diet to get required amount proteins, fats and carbohydrates, seasoned with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other vital components.

5. Don't blame yourself for wanting to sleep or being too sleepy during the day. You have nothing to do with it, and your laziness is also not a reason for self-condemnation. Your body simply needs to recover, and there is no way without it. Moreover, he needs to do this regularly, that is, daily. Healthy sleep should be moderately long, deep and strong. Therefore, create all the conditions for yourself and find opportunities to get enough sleep if you want to feel good.

6. Very often you can hear the statement that all diseases are caused by nerves. This is partly true. Every stress does not pass without leaving a trace on our body. After suffering strong stressful situations, you will feel exhausted, exhausted and empty. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to manage stress in your life.

7. One of the most common causes of poor health is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Determining this is quite simple - you just need to pass general analysis blood. If the deficiency is serious, the doctor will prescribe treatment, and if not, you can restore the composition of the blood with the help of food. Liver, hematogen, vitamin C (citruses, apples, berries), beef - all this should be included in your diet to prevent anemia.

8. We all know from childhood that movement is life. But over the years, for some reason, many people are less and less active. Due to lack of movement, many problems overtake our body, and all because muscle contractions are the only “pump” for lymph, which is a “tool” of the immune system. Move more and you are guaranteed to feel good!

9. An equally important component of good health are positive emotions. Laughter prolongs life, and it's true. Dejection, resentment and other destructive feelings have a detrimental effect on our well-being and health. But there is good news - we ourselves have the right to decide what emotions our lives will be filled to a greater extent.

10. It is worth limiting your sugar intake, especially in the afternoon. This is “energy” for our nervous system, and therefore, excessive consumption of sugar depletes the brain, in addition, it is a burden on the digestive organs.

11. Take care to strengthen your immune system. Do hardening - it's not difficult. A contrast shower and walking barefoot are a good place to start. When you feel ready, you can roll out naked in the snow. It is also useful to use antibiotics and antivirals as little as possible. Nature has given us a lot of natural medicines - use them. Honey, raspberries, lemons, herbs are safe, and in most cases no less effective.

12. Use the experience of your ancestors for your health and well-being. Not since yesterday, the bathhouse has been used to cleanse the body, prevent diseases, and improve health. A weekly visit to the sauna will give you back your energy and joy of life!

Every person wants to be healthy, because when there is no health, nothing is a joy. We offer you a selection of 30 tips that will help you be healthy and in a great mood. What else is needed for happiness?

1. Start each new day with a smile. Try to recharge yourself with positivity and good mood.

2. Drink a glass after waking up clean water or freshly squeezed juice.

18. Learn to be alone with yourself. Try to relax and sit quietly on a chair, after turning on some pleasant music.

19. Visit the bathhouse or sauna at least once every two weeks.

20. Carefully watch what you eat. If possible, avoid foods that contain sodium gluconate.

21. Become a punctual person. Always be on time for business meetings and never be late.

22. Train your brain: solve Sudoku, play various Mind games, read as many smart and useful books as possible.

23. Explore foreign languages. They will be useful to you when traveling and will help you communicate with other people. 10 reasons why learn English.

24. Spend time on your appearance. Visit Gym or swimming pool at least once a week.

26. Start a diary and write down all your successes and achievements there. Concentrate on personal victories and then there will be even more of them.

27. Watch how you communicate with other people. Be polite and extremely correct in your statements. Communicate culturally Eliminate swear words from your vocabulary.

28. Diversify your life. Do something out of the ordinary, like skydiving or hitchhiking. Expand your comfort zone.

29. Become unique. There is no need to try to be like someone. Create your own individual style and stick to it.

30. Learn unconditional love. Love the world around you, help other people in any way you can. Give others positive emotions, and then they will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

Have a nice day, good mood and well-being!


Stress, emotional breakdowns, pessimism. How familiar these states are to us! Depression has become global today social problem. Recent research in psychiatry has shown that a person can control mood swings and, with the help of some simple techniques, overcome poor health without the use of antidepressants.

The book by the famous American psychotherapist David D. Burns will help you learn emotional self-regulation, overcome depression, increase self-esteem and performance. She will tell you what to do if you feel like you are “sinking into the abyss” or you don’t want to live.

We remind you that the slogan of the series “SELF-HELP”:

“If you don’t help yourself, then no one will help you!”

David Burns


A few words of gratitude


Part one. Emotional Cognitive Therapy

Chapter first. A step forward in treating emotional distress

The first principle of cognitive therapy

Second principle

Third principle

Chapter two. Diagnosis of mood - the first stage of cognitive therapy

Table 2.1. BDI test

BDI test interpretation

Chapter three. Ways of developing a bad or good mood. Feelings and thoughts

1. Maximalism

2. General conclusion from individual facts

3. Psychological filtering of events

4. Disqualification of positive

5. Jumping inferences

6. Exaggeration and understatement

7. Conclusions based on emotions

8. “It could be”

10. Accepting responsibility for events beyond your control

Table 3.1. Types of disorders in the cognitive process

Answer Key

Feelings are not a fact

Part two. Practical use

Chapter Four. The first step to self-esteem

Increased self-esteem

A special method for increasing self-esteem

Chapter five. Laziness and the fight against it

Daily routine


Daily recording of dysfunctional thoughts

Positive forecast method

“But” is not a refutation

The Art of Self-Approval

Tasks that interfere with the cognitive process (CICP) and tasks that help the cognitive process (CPAP)

The chicken pecks at the grain

“I want to, but I shouldn’t”

Newton's first law

Clear representation of success

Count only what can be counted

“I can’t” analysis

"Can't Lose" System

What came first?

Chapter six. Verbal judo

Step One - Empathy

Self-control method


Chapter seven. How do angry attacks affect the irritability quotient?

Navaco Anger Scale

Who makes you angry?

Develop a desire

Cool down your ardor

Imagination method

Change of rules

Learn to Expect Reasonably

Smart intrigues

Reduced liabilities

Negotiation strategy

Proper Sympathy

dress rehearsal

Ten rules you need to know about your anger

Chapter eight. How to deal with a guilt complex

The cycle of guilt

Guilty without guilt

1. Journaling Your Dysfunctional Thoughts Daily

2. Liability reduction method

3. Learn to hold your weapon

4. Method “Don't cry!”

5. Moray method

6. Developing perspectives

Part three. "Real" depression

Chapter Nine. Sadness is not depression

Disabled people


Losing a loved one

Sadness without worries

Part four. Self-defense and personal growth

Chapter ten. Root Causes

Dysfunctionality scale

Dysfunctionality scale

Explanation of the SDF test

Chapter Eleven. OK

The essence of the problem

The path to independence and self-respect

Analysis of wins and losses

Fear of criticism - a firm “no”

No one is to blame for their own loneliness

After disapproval or rejection


Chapter twelve. Thirst for love

They don't ask for love

Loneliness and independence

Waiting for joy

Analysis of negative thoughts

Chapter thirteen. Work and personal advantages

Four Paths to Self-Esteem

Rational answers

Chapter fourteen. Try to be average. Quenching your thirst for excellence

Making mistakes is wonderful!

Part five. Hopelessness and suicide

Chapter fifteen. I choose life

Assessment of suicidality

Illogical premises to suicide

Part six. Daily stress

Chapter sixteen. How I put my beliefs into practice

Taming Hostility

Dealing with Ingratitude: The Woman Who Couldn't Say Thank You

Coping with uncertainty and helplessness: a woman who decided to commit suicide

Part seven. Physiology and mood

Chapter seventeen. Tips for treatment with antidepressants

In search of "black bile"

Drug therapy from a cognitive perspective

David Burns

Feeling good

New mood therapy


Feeling good: New mood therapy / Transl. from English L. Slavina - M.: Veche, Perseus, ACT, 1995. - 400 pages - (Self-Help) ISBN 5-7141-0092-1.

BBK 88.5 B 51 UDC 159.923

The series was founded in 1994 Translation from English L. Slavina

Publishers notify us of the acquisition of exclusive rights to publish in Russian the book “Feeling Good” by David D. Burns. Any editions of this book published in Russian without an agreement with the publishers will be considered illegal.

ISBN 5-7141-0092-1 (Veche) ISBN 5-88421-034-5 (Perseus) ISBN 5-88196-375-Х (ACT)

David D. Burns. Feeling Good. The New Mood Therapy

© 1980 by David D. Burns, M. D. All rights reserved.

© Edition in Russian. “Perseus”, “Evening”, ACT, 1995

© Translation. L. Slavin, 1995

© Decoration. "Perseus", 1995


I am very pleased that David Burns has written a public domain book on mood swings that has generated much interest and admiration among health professionals. Dr. Burns has spent years of intensive research analyzing the causes and treatments of depression, and has clearly shown the role of self-help in treating this disease. This book is an extremely useful guide for people who want to master methods of self-regulation of mood.

A few words about the development of cognitive therapy may be of interest to readers of this book. Soon after the start professional activity practitioner in the field of traditional psychoanalytic psychiatry, I became enthusiastic about research that could empirically confirm Freud's theory regarding the treatment of depression. However, the results I obtained did not agree well with this theory. My search led to the emergence of a new theory, supported by numerous studies, about the causes of depression. Studies have shown that a person susceptible to depression seems to be “lost” to society due to inconsistency with generally accepted ideas and, accordingly, is doomed to the collapse of all hopes, deprivation, humiliation and trouble. Further experiments showed a significant difference between the self-esteem of a depressed person, his expectations and aspirations, on the one hand, and his actual achievements, often very underestimated, on the other. The conclusion I made was this: depression disrupts the process of comprehending a particular situation; A depressed person thinks negatively about himself, the people around him, and his future. Such pessimism affects a person's mood, motivations and relationships with other people and ultimately leads to the full range of psychophysiological symptoms characteristic of depression.

Have you ever wondered what well-being is and what it depends on? After all, this is one of the most important factors determining the quality of our life. If I can put it this way, then a person’s well-being is a holistic expression of the unity of the state of bodily and mental processes.
A person’s well-being affects performance not only in favorable, but also in difficult, critical moments of life. A person’s well-being is a consequence of a real idea of ​​the value of our actions, of our importance to others. A person’s well-being depends on what we think about ourselves and whether others believe our self-esteem. A person’s well-being predicts when and to what extent he should be active, whether he can count on others or only on himself. A person’s well-being reflects not only the person’s mental range, but also his temperament, state of health, style of activity and communication with others. People who feel good create an atmosphere that not only attracts, but also obliges those around them. When a person’s well-being is normal, it does not put pressure or limit our actions. For good health you need favorable conditions wherever a person works and visits.
You can even derive some factors on which a person’s well-being depends:
- relationships with people;
-accumulation in gene memory;
-internal state of a person;
- a person’s worldview.
We will dwell a little on our physical component. Everyone understands that just as good things are largely determined by the health of the human body. If a person is sick, then he will feel bad; if a person is healthy, then he will always feel good. These are common truths from the category: “It’s better to be healthy and rich...”. But few people also understand quite this simple thing: all health and therefore a person’s well-being depends on the state of his immune system.
The human immune system is his shield from all kinds of external aggressors, and therefore if a person’s immunity is not in order, then there is no need to talk about health. Often the person himself does not even suspect that his immune system has been “failing” for a long time and he gets sick and sick, he continues to feel unwell and he gets sick even more. It's like a vicious circle.
In today's difficult times, it is difficult to find a completely healthy person. After all, a person is dependent on everything: on the environment, on nutrition, on the psychological atmosphere in the environment. That is why, more and more often, a person’s poor health is gradually becoming the norm of life. And we no longer suspect that in fact our natural state is good health, we just need to know how to return it.
Feeling better can be achieved different ways. For example, our diet greatly influences our well-being. Now we will list some of the many products that have a beneficial effect on our well-being:
- oranges;
-honey (good in the fight against stress);
-leaf salad;
-milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts;
- red fish;

But, as we have already said, a healthy immune system ensures our well-being. Therefore, to improve our well-being, we
We recommend transfer factor. This is a universal immune corrector of natural origin, which has absolutely no side effects, no age restrictions. Transfer factor is the drug that will provide you wellness on long years, because the best drug to maintain the immune system and therefore your health, we don’t know.
But remember that good health, just like bad health, is, first of all, your attitude towards life, or, more simply put, it is your assessment and nothing more. Remember that life is beautiful in any of its manifestations and there are really no reasons for frustration.

Application of Transfer Factors in a variety of life situations is described in great detail on the corresponding page of this site.

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