College valedictorian speech. Parents' speech at graduation

College valedictorian speech.  Parents' speech at graduation
College valedictorian speech. Parents' speech at graduation

School time is the best time in every person's life. Only people understand this much later than their last bell rings. Major Event for children and parents - graduation! They prepare for it carefully, choose outfits, choose the venue for the celebration, and decorate the school with balloons and flowers. But the main thing is for graduates. They should be sincere, encouraging to achieve, filled with strength and positive notes. It’s sad to leave school, but a new interesting and adult life begins!

Cool mom

After graduating primary school, the children fall into the hands of the class teacher. Over the years, she becomes like family to them, a second mother! This woman protects her students, helps them in everything, improves their grades, arranges extracurricular activities. Children turn to their class teacher for any question or help. It is very important to find and establish warm friendships with them.

After being together for so many years, the guys are sorry to part with their second mother! And it’s doubly hard for her. That's why it's touching and brings tears to your eyes.

Good words

On graduation day, everyone without exception worries: teachers, parents, children, and the school principal. The speech that classroom teacher will be said at a gala concert, you need to prepare in advance: “My dear children, I love you like family! It is very difficult to let you go into the world of adults. There will be no one near me, there will be no one to advise and help in Hard time! But you will have to make your own way in life. School has given you a lot! You are educated and well-mannered, polite and tactful, kind and humane. You have all the qualities to make us proud. Conquer peaks, strive for perfection! When you have time, come visit your favorite school and brag about your achievements and successes! IN bon voyage, beloved children!

Parents will also like such wishes for graduates in prose. It’s hard to find words on such an important day, so learn the phrases in advance.


The school director is an important person, but just as humane as all the teachers. She also worries about her graduates. What awaits them in the future, will they go to university, will they be successful in life? The speech and wishes to the graduates from the headmistress are the highlight of the program. Usually these are a few sentences spoken with confidence and sternness. After all, the director cannot lose his face even in the most touching moments:

Poetic form

Parents, teachers, and even kids from junior classes. Ceremonial lineup should not turn into a sad event. Therefore, a share of humor in parting poems will not be superfluous. Light syllable and good wishes will not bring sadness to those present.

We wish you everything in life,

Finish college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Show parents concern.

Never forget school

Come visit us at least once a year during recess.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved students, golden ones.

We, graduates, are proud of you,

Have fun today!

Such simple wishes to graduates will please everyone present. No mournful speeches, only laughter and fun on this memorable day!

Postcard for memory

Graduation... The kids will remember this day for the rest of their lives. But to periodically refresh memories, give schoolchildren memorable cards. You can order them from your nearest printing house or make them yourself. Paste a photo of the entire class into the card and write down your wishes to the graduates.

The years have flown by quickly

Heat and rain, thunderstorm, blizzards!

For eleven years you were within the walls of your family,

Now we see you off, dear ones!

Go ahead and be happy!

You are young, smart and incredibly beautiful!

Go out today and have fun,

Which one did you choose? life path,

And don’t forget to visit the classroom once a year!

The kids will keep these cards as souvenirs along with vignettes and graduation ribbons. You can also write wishes to graduates in prose on the postcard:

  • "Graduates! Today is the day we have both been waiting for and fearing. It's time to let you go free swimming, but I don’t want to! You grew up before our eyes, became smarter and wiser. We are proud of you and look forward to new successes and victories! You are strong individuals, confident in yourself and your abilities! Create and accomplish!”
  • "Dear Guys! You are no longer children, but smart teenagers who bring us only joy. We worry about your future and are rooting for you! But we are still confident that you will walk your life’s path with pride and we will hear about your victories more than once!”

The children will like such wishes for graduates in prose; they will re-read them and gain even greater confidence in their abilities.


It is always difficult to part with students, because teachers get used to them and consider them their own children. They, just like their parents, worry and dream about a better future for them. But there is no need to be sad on graduation day. Have fun, dance with the guys and watch the sunrise. Take more colorful photos, later you can get together as a friendly group and look at them. graduates hear this day non-stop. No longer schoolchildren, but not yet students - best period guys' lives! They are young, beautiful, smart. Give them a fabulous prom night!

Give a farewell speech after graduation high school- complicated, but interesting task which brings pleasure not only to the listeners, but also to the speaker himself. The purpose of such a speech is to say words of gratitude to your teachers, once again remind everyone about graduating from school and lift your spirits. In addition to saying goodbye to your teachers, your speech should include inspiring words of parting. To fit all this into one short speech is quite difficult task for the speaker. However, you will have a great speech if you plan and prepare in advance before speaking.


Part 1

Plan your speech

    Read others graduation speeches. One of the best ways prepare for what you need to do - find people who have already done it. Ask your classmates to read their graduation speeches to you, listen to how these speeches sound and what jokes are used in them. There is no need to copy these speeches, just find something interesting in each speech, some ideas and topics that you can use for your speech.

    Find a topic for your speech. Your speech should be structured around something that you are trying to convey to your classmates and teachers. Once you find a topic, you can build your speech around it. main idea. Thanks to the topic, you can easily understand what phrases and sentences to include in your speech.

    Make a sketch. Before you sit down and start writing touching speech, make a sketch. Find a big topic, write down point by point everything you want to include in the speech. Mention a few jokes in your speech or funny stories. Such a plan will help you navigate when writing a speech and not forget any of the points. In addition, this way you can estimate how long your speech will be. Some aspects may need to be reduced.

    Talk to other students. This ceremony is held not only for you, but also for all other graduates, so everyone's opinion about this event will be different. Talk to other students, not just your friends, but also those with whom you don't interact much. Find out what school time was like for them, what memories they have.

    Remember your audience. This speech is not only for you, it is also for your classmates and teachers. Therefore, it would be a good idea to thank your teachers and parents for giving you an education. Remember that the focus should be on you and your classmates. First of all, your speech should be dedicated to graduates.

    Try not to drag out your speech. If your performance is part of some kind of formal ceremony, most likely, guests are not in the mood to listen to half an hour about nature, friendship and the Universe. Try to speak clearly and to the point. Plus, if you're shy about public speaking, a short speech will make you feel more confident.

    Leave the most important things for last. Chances are, your viewers won't be hanging on every word. Therefore, the most important idea for which you prepared this speech should be said at the end of the speech, even if it is just a rephrased idea that you already said at the beginning of the speech. The last sentence your speech that the audience hears is most likely what they will remember best.

    Part 2

    Include important points in your speech
    1. Express your gratitude to people. Even if you were writing a graduation speech, take a few minutes to thank the people who helped you get your education. You can make a list of names of people to thank. Include the names of your parents, teachers, friends. Do not drag out your speech, briefly thank your family and move on to the main part of the speech.

      • One way to end the words of gratitude is to remind the other graduates to also thank their families and teachers.
    2. Add some humor and jokes. A few funny stories or jokes are needed to lift your spirits and relieve stress. In addition, humor is needed to dilute your speech, so as not to strain the audience after a serious topic. Of course, you don't have to act like a clown to make your listeners smile. Just relax and be confident, even if the audience doesn't laugh at your joke, pretend nothing happened and continue speaking.

      Think about the past. Pay tribute to your shared past with your classmates and different things that you did together at school. Graduation is the time to remember everything that connects you with school, right up to the day you graduate.

      • You need to mention your achievements in your speech. Remember about sports competitions, awards, charity events– about everything where you or your classmates took an active part. The more school-related events you can remember, the better. It's important to celebrate your entire class's accomplishments, not just your own.
    3. Talk about what happens next. Graduation is a time to look to the future. Talk about what might await you after graduation. You don't know for sure what will happen to you in the future, so this part of the speech may be vague and dreamy. Think positively and think that there are many good things ahead of you.

      • Perhaps after graduating from high school you will go to college. It's unlikely that all of your classmates will do this, so be sure to mention other possible paths others might take to get an education and a job. If you don't know what your classmates plan to do after graduation, talk to them about this topic.
    4. Tell me a story. This good way reveal the topic of the speech and connect your story with real events that happened within the walls of your school. Think about what happened to you at school, what lessons you learned, and how they relate to your topic. If this topic concerns not only you, but also your friends and other acquaintances, it will be even more interesting. This is a good way to expand on the topic and tell your classmates about something interesting that happened at school.

      Avoid templates. Of course, a speech topic is a wonderful thing, but try not to use clichés like “ real world", "the future belongs to us" or "today is not the end of our education, but only the beginning." Such phrases and sentences sound beautiful, but are used so often that they already seem meaningless to us. If your audience hears a few of these phrases, they may lose interest in your speech, and you definitely don't want that.

    Part 3

    Present your speech

      Practice giving a speech. Before graduation, you should read your speech out loud several times. You can practice in front of a mirror or in front of friends. This way, you will understand how long your speech takes (for example, it may be too long), and also evaluate how it sounds when you say it out loud.

    1. Bring a copy of your speech with you. Even if you do a great job practicing in front of the mirror or friends, you will find it harder to concentrate at graduation. Therefore, a copy of the speech as a reminder will not hurt you.
    2. Warnings

    • Try not to be distracted while speaking. This means that you need to be sure to turn off your phone, remove noisy key fobs and coins from your pocket, and do not chew gum during your speech. People will have a hard time understanding you if they don't listen to you carefully.
    • Many schools will first check your speech to make sure it is on topic and does not raise controversial issues. Therefore, rehearsing one speech and delivering another is not a good idea.
    • Avoid plagiarism. This should be your speech, not someone else's speech. Your speech must be original and unique. Keep in mind that there are many things you can find on the Internet. different speeches, and it may be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that people can easily spot your deception.

Our dear graduates, congratulations on your graduation! You are already quite adults - 11 years of hard study are now behind you, and you can confidently move forward to higher knowledge, developing your qualities on your own. At such a young age, you are already great personalities. May each of you be truly happy in life and achieve everything you want. We wish you not to lose confidence in achieving your goals, to go through life easily with a ray of luck behind your back. Wishing you great achievements, true knowledge, iron will and success ahead.

Our children! We live and breathe you.
It's your graduation, 11th grade!
And even though you are taller than your parents,
You still remain children for us.

We wish you to achieve everything in life,
Choose the path that leads to happiness
So that we can be proud of you, children,
Watching your success and your flight!

Within these walls you have acquired a lot of knowledge,
The school journey, sadly enough, is over,
And thanks and bow to our teachers,
Your nerves are wasted here!

Congratulations on such a significant event in your life as graduating from school. The first step is behind you, and ahead of you await bright moments, exciting adventures, interesting real life. Be wise, attentive, happy. Always remain responsive and good people. Good luck, dears!

We will never forget how little you were. It seems like just recently we were getting you ready for first grade, and today we’re already getting you ready for last. I remember your first meeting with school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today not only you have matured, but we too have grown up together. Our dears, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely achieve success and make all your dreams come true!

Today with tears in our eyes: we see our children off to adult life and I would like to say a special thank you to all the teachers who long years invested their love, knowledge into our children and helped them make choices. We would like to wish our wonderful children to retain their childlike spontaneity, boldly enter the future and its adversities and be immensely happy!

School years passed unnoticed,
Looking at you, we see adults.
Making your cherished dreams come true
We wish you, children. Dream bolder!

We are glad that the school has become your home,
And your second home will always be happy for you.
Live happily and know the world,
Not knowing problems and heavy losses.

You are our hope and pride for the school.
Do good, do not become hard-hearted.
Let our parental voice sound in our hearts:
“We love and are very proud of you!”

Today our children are leaving the walls of this school, today the ringing bell will ring for them. Last call. We congratulate everyone on this event and sincerely thank all the teachers and school staff for giving our children the opportunity to learn many sciences, discover their talents and express themselves from all sides. May you have many diligent and diligent students, may you manage to get along with each of them. Dear children, may your roads lead you to success and prosperity, may you be able to find true happiness in this life.

It seems like just recently
You walked with a bouquet to the first class.
Now we call it rightfully
We graduate you guys.

You did a great job
Serious life stage passed.
All this time you were surrounded by care
The teachers led us by the hand.

After all, they were the ones who taught you
Everything you know now
They shared their love and warmth
And the door to the future was opened for you.

So be grateful to them for that
And remember kind words Sometimes.
Let them be filled with goodness and light
Years of school memories.

How quickly time has flown by
How quickly have you grown up?
And it seems just recently
We took you all to first grade.

You were so cute
They were afraid to let go of their hand.
Our dear children,
We will remember our childhood.

Today is your last call,
You are the graduates
And you won't go to class,
The school prom is ahead of you!

Good luck, success, happiness!
And we will always be close.
We wish you not to know bad weather,
For us you are the same kid!

Our dear children, 11 wonderful years of carefree school life are behind us. Today you have received your certificates and are ready to enter adulthood. We sincerely wish each of you to enter the university you want to go to and get the profession you dream of. May everything go smoothly in your life. Be happy. Dear teachers, thank you for giving our children a “ticket to life”, putting up with their antics, and putting a piece of your soul into each one. Low bow to you!

This is the second parent graduation speech I have written and published here on my website.

Written for a specific father of a high school graduate. That is, everything is in an adult way - the father speaks)))

He liked it - I managed to guess the thoughts and put them into the right words.

I don’t know whether the graduates liked it, I didn’t tell you, I disappeared from contact. But I like it myself, because these are my thoughts too. If you liked it, please tell us about it in the comments.

If you can’t find your dad to give a speech, you can easily convert the text to suit your mom.

Now directly

Parent's speech at graduation.

I was told that mothers almost always give parting words at graduation. If so, then today is an exception - an exclusive especially for you, dad speaks.

Therefore, I will speak like a man - directly, honestly, openly.

Remember what you were like 2 years ago? Class A and class B - and between them there is either a competition, or a battle, or enmity.

Look at yourself today - you are active, athletic, and most importantly - friendly. And that’s why they’re great! You have learned to be a team, learned to support each other, respect, trust and understand. Remember this, because there will never be such a team in your life. Others will, but this one will not.

All parents at all times want their children to live better than parents. To be luckier, more successful and happier. And it always seems to us that we know what will be best for you - where to study, who to work with, who to love. Sometimes this is true - we know, and we are right - for the simple reason that life has forced us to become wiser.

But now I’ll say a seditious thing, for which many of my parents will want to throw slippers at me. Fortunately, they don’t wear slippers to prom, so I will say - DO NOT listen to us, do it your own way. More precisely, not like that - listen, but do as your soul and heart tells you. It’s good if your decision coincides with our advice. But if not, mothers will cry and agree, because we understand that this is your life, and you have the right to your decisions and your mistakes.

Just be sure to learn a lesson from mistakes - otherwise you will step on the same rake again, and this is already stupid. And you’ll get a bump in the same place, and you’ll lose your self-respect.

Among young people, the expression “you have to try everything in life” sometimes rises to the top of fashion. So, my dears, try it! Try to be the best in your business, try to set bold goals and achieve them, try to improve the world and yourself. Or at least just try not to eat at night)) But it’s better not to try, but act immediately!

And if you’ve already read something similar somewhere on VKontakte, then I’ll tell you this - your parents sometimes read something there too))) But this doesn’t make a smart idea any dumber, so re-read it, write it down, remember it... and implement it in life.

And if you want to criticize someone, always start with yourself. And firmly decide for yourself once and for all that you personally are responsible for your life - only you and no one else. Neither parents, nor teachers, nor circumstances - only you. When we take responsibility, we become individuals. As soon as we start blaming someone else for our failures, we turn into wimps.

You are individuals, always remember that. You passed the 11-year-long exam with dignity, and today we can say – you all did well! True, both your parents and teachers took this lengthy exam with you. Now we can tell you this open secret - parents were also sometimes afraid to go to school. Who knows what they will say about you on parent meeting Should you blush or be proud? Or donate money for repairs again?

Of course, these are all jokes, close to the truth. We're just trying to make jokes to hold back the tears, otherwise everyone will start crying and we'll cause another flood here.

But without any jokes, in all seriousness, we say thank you to your class teacher and all the teachers who managed to withstand both you and us - and who knows who was more difficult.

You are so nimble, independent, active.

We, parents, have been all sorts of things.

And a deep bow to the teachers for teaching you and putting up with us. And even if they pretend that they are glad to finally take a break from all of us, then in a week they will be bored and sad. So, guys, don’t forget school and your teachers - no matter how many students they have, your attention will never be too much. Because there is never too much attention, just like love. Try it and see for yourself.

School is over, now you will run away in all directions. But wherever you go to study or work, in fact, this is not the main thing in life. Important, but not the main thing. And the main thing is that you find yourself, do what you like in life - and it doesn’t matter what others think about it.

Chat with interesting people, travel - at least within the region, expand your horizons, read smart books, learn new things, develop yourself, do something good every day.

This is the only way you can be happy and make someone else happy. And this is oh, how much!

Be free people, but do not confuse freedom with anarchy, and decent behavior with pride. Don’t be ashamed to approach your classmates and teachers and ask for forgiveness - today is the best chance to make peace and forgive each other everything.

Leave gracefully, leaving only good memories of yourself. Because it’s not the bad that’s remembered, it’s the last that’s remembered. Therefore, let your last day at school be bright, sincere, both cheerful and sad. Tears are not scary, callousness of soul is much more terrible. Be afraid of this and don’t allow it.

Treasure your reputation and be grateful to everyone who helped you in life.

In a word - remain reliable friends and decent people.

And we will be quietly proud of you!

Your parents.


This is what my parent said at graduation. The main values ​​in life normal person always remain the same, only from time to time priorities change slightly.

With the wish that all our speeches

were heard by children, and not just listened to,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Dear Parents!

In the comments, dad made a request to include in the parent’s speech the fact that he also graduated from this school at one time. I fulfill the request because I know similar situations with the continuity of generations in one school. Write in the comments if this was useful to someone else. And in any case, write, it’s important to me, and it’s useful for my site. So,

Addition to a parent's speech at graduation.

After the words about bowing down to the teachers for putting up with us (the parents), say something like this:

“And not just these 11 years. For example, I myself graduated from this school 26 years ago. And I remember many teachers. I hope that they remember me too... Although it would be better if they forgot about some of my school “achievements.”

Judging by the fact that my daughter, when she came home from school, didn’t say anything terrible about me, and didn’t even slyly squint in my direction, I think that it’s true - they forgot. Or they delicately pretended that they didn’t remember, and for this, special thanks to the teachers - from me and from all the other parents who also studied at this school.

But today, fortunately, it’s not about us, but about you, our naughty and beloved children. Therefore, know that if teachers pretend that they are happy to finally take a break from all of us...”

Graduation party for school. Detailed and detailed prom script for 11th graders.

Solemn music is playing. First-graders form a living corridor in the hall, along which graduates go to their assigned seats in the front rows. Those present in the hall greet them standing.

Head teacher(introduces members of the presidium and opens ceremonial part evenings).

Speech by the school principal at the graduation ceremony (address to graduates)

The recording of D. Kabalevsky’s waltz “School Years” sounds in the recording.

Along with the certificates, the school director presents certificates of commendation to the graduates. At the same time, comic certificates and symbolic souvenirs are awarded from classmates.

While the called graduate rises to the stage, the hosts briefly characterize him. For example.

Head teacher: Petr Ivanov is invited to the stage, 11 B!

Leading: Who could design a wall newspaper better than him? Whose jokes were passed down from mouth to mouth and became school folklore? The grieving school gives him a photograph of the last wall newspaper he designed as a souvenir.

Head teacher: Alexander Sidorov, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Presenter: In my time rare girl I saved my braids from him, and now I can envy his gallantry! As a souvenir from my classmates - this bow. Keep and remember us always!

Head teacher: Anna Kotova, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Modest but charming! How many tests did her grateful neighbors copy off!

Head teacher: Elena Ivanova, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Her thirst for knowledge has always amazed us, idiots, a little. We think that over time, perhaps, we will be proud that we studied with Elena in the same class. Good luck! And as a keepsake from us - this notebook with our phone numbers. When you become famous, don't be arrogant!

Head teacher: Sergey Kolobko, 11B, is invited to the stage!

Presenter: Seryozha pierced our hearts once and forever with his songs. We give him this disc with a recording of his favorite group - our girls!

Head teacher: Etina Tatyana, 11B, is invited to the stage!

Leading: It’s even scary to imagine that today we are parting with Tanya, our constant lifesaver. Tanechka! We love you! And in memory of us - this notebook with wishes! Happiness to you! And good luck with everything!

Head teacher: Egor Koshkin is invited to the stage, 11A!

Presenter: Our Egor is a serious person. The constant head of the class, the bastion of order, he had a hard time trying to organize us, the unorganized! In memory of slobs and classmates, this is a clever guide “How to Succeed.” When you achieve success, remember that this is our credit!

Head teacher: Maria Fedotova, 11 B, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Our star! Masha has traveled all over the region giving performances, and soon, we hope, she will be applauded in Europe and America. Masha! Our hearts are always with you! (Hands over a heart souvenir.)

Head teacher: Mikhail Fedorov, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Presenter: We admire the incredible courage with which Mishka overcame his natural laziness and successfully passed the exams. Keep it up! Mishka’s classmates present him with a certificate of honor “For his services shown in the fight against laziness!”

After the presentation of certificates, the children are congratulated by the class teacher of the graduating class, parents, and honored guests.

Leading: We all know that, unfortunately, there are schools, parting with which is a holiday. One can only sympathize with those who studied in them. Although today, unlike us, graduates of such schools are happy to part with the place where they studied for 11 years, the place where they spent most of their lives without leaving a good memory.

Two people take the stage - the Graduate and the School.

The School costume is an ordinary white fabric over the clothes, the fabric conventionally depicts the school building - windows, the inscription “school”.

Graduate: Has this moment really come and we are parting?

School: It looks like it. Are you very sad?

Graduate: And no one will wake me up dead early just so that I can spend the whole day studying all sorts of logarithms and syllogisms?

School: Knowledge is light! I've been explaining this to you for 11 years!

Graduate: Yeah! Until darkness in the eyes! I almost went blind while I re-read everything that was required for the exams!

School: Only a person enriched with knowledge can become...

Graduate: Highly qualified unemployed!

School: So you're not sorry to part with me?

Graduate: Not at all!

School: Quite quite?

The graduate shakes his head negatively.

School: Was there really nothing good?

Graduate: Well...

School: Do you remember when you, very little, came to first grade? You couldn't read or count. I taught you! Without me, would you know the difference between a parallel and a cosine?

Graduate: What? He lived peacefully and cheerfully, no worries. And then study until you're blue in the face. They are also punished for unlearned lessons.

School: I introduced you to your friends...

Graduate: Well, yes... Nothing unites people more than a common struggle for freedom.

School: Won't you remember me with nostalgic sadness and sadness?

Graduate: Fifteen thousand hours erased from life, taken away from football, discos, hanging out with friends, the Internet and other interesting activities?!

School(sad): So, we are parting forever... (Sings with anguish from “Juno and Avos.”) “I will never see you...”

Graduate(with a shudder): I will never forget you!

Leading: Fortunately—and unfortunately—our situation is different. We ourselves do not know what we experience more on this day - joy or sadness. On the one hand, yes, such an exciting event - we are already adults, we are on the threshold of a new life, and it’s terribly interesting what’s next. On the other hand... How can you imagine that the bell will no longer ring, your friends will not burst into the classroom in a crowd... I think that after some time we will begin to desperately miss each other. We will miss our Elena Antonovna, who was not only cool to us, but also wonderful friend. It happened that you couldn’t tell your mother everything, but you could always have a heart-to-heart talk with Elena Antonovna, ask for advice. Elena Antonovna is a person! And Natalya Petrovna! We have five people who are going to enroll in physics and mathematics because thanks to her, physics is near and dear to us. And the guys from other schools claim that the subject is difficult, boring and incomprehensible. Galina Antonovna! How much did you chase us, we grumbled and whined and cursed our fate, but the result is that we know mathematics! This was confirmed by the city Olympics! And this is only thanks to you. Tatyana Kirillovna, do you know that after you came to us, half our class wrote poetry? How can you not miss a school like this? How can you not miss such teachers?

Graduate: Dear teachers! The exciting moment has come when we say goodbye to school. We are happy and at the same time sad, we are sad to part with each other and with you. No matter where we live, no matter how our fate turns out, we will never forget you. We will remember both you and our home school with a feeling of deep gratitude. You taught us not only the basics of science, but also kindness, justice, honesty, and taught us to be human. On behalf of all graduates, please accept our deep gratitude and deepest bow for everything you have done for us. Thank you, dear teachers, for your wonderful, noble work!


You every day and every hour

Dedicating yourself to hard work,

Just thinking about us,

You live with one concern,

So that the Earth may be glorified by us,

And so that we grow up honest.

Thank you, teachers,

Thank you so much for everything!

Taught to appreciate beauty

They gave knowledge and skills.

Thank you for your kindness

For your continued patience!


Today is graduation night

We pretend to be

You can't hide your excitement with a funny joke...

We walk along the same stairs,

All the same windows, the same house,

Which we called school for ten years.

Well, this is necessary, it is necessary:

We are already seventeen years old,

And everyone can’t believe that they have become adults.

It seems like just yesterday

Mom brought us to school

And now we stand at large crossroads.

Let us not forget this day:

Lilacs bloom outside the windows,

Happiness is prophesied for us in the spring itself!

The earth still turns,

Teachers are standing around

And we should say “Thank you!”

You all want it.

The song “Thank you, teachers!” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Dubravin).

You loved us all equally,

Sharing your love equally with everyone.

Because you molded us into people,

Thank you, teachers!

And there was no one kinder or stricter than you,

When the world was opened to us from scratch.

Because we are a little like you,

Thank you, teachers!

We all worried you a little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes happy.

For taking us on our way,

Thank you, teachers!

For the eternal multiplication table,

Because the Earth was given to us,

Because we are all your continuation,

Thank you, teachers!

Graduate: We ask our beloved class teacher of 11A Elena Antonovna Gorelskaya to come on stage!

Class teacher 11 A comes onto the stage. Her students surround her, telling her in turn all sorts of things. pleasant words(5-6 people), they present flowers and keepsakes, then take pictures on stage in a close group, hugging everyone together.

The class teacher responds by talking about his class, how he will miss him, and invites him to come to school and call her at any time. He wishes the guys success and happiness. Everyone leaves the stage together.

Graduate: We ask the constant class teacher of 11B Viktor Ivanovich Plekhanov to come onto the stage!

Class teacher 11A comes on stage. The students thank him for all the years he spent with them, list what they learned from him, present flowers and souvenirs, and take pictures with him on stage. The same goes for all subsequent classes.

Graduate: Now let’s greet our first-graders! They came to congratulate the graduates.

To the sounds of the march “Our school country"(lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov) first-graders enter the hall with flowers. There is applause.

First grader:

Walk you on long paths,

Don't back down from anything.

And everything you planned

Let it be done to perfection!

First grader:

You graduated from school, and we are your shift,

We'll take your place at your desks.

We will also learn everything gradually,

We will master all the knowledge and certainly

We will follow you into adulthood!

Don't worry about us, we won't let you down!

First grader:

We will study well

To truly be friends

Strive to be the first in everything

And cherish the honor of the school.

Graduate(to a graduate): Just look what nice guys have replaced us. Were we really like that too?

Graduate: It seems that we can leave our home school on them with peace of mind.

Graduate: Dear Guys! We leave ours to you expensive school, our favorite teachers. Please treat them with care!

Graduate: Now we seem so big to you. But you won’t even notice how ten years will fly by, and you yourself will find yourself a graduate, and it’s up to you with what baggage you will leave school.

Graduate: With knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence, determination...

Graduate: Or with laziness, frivolity, carelessness, wretchedness...

Graduate: Right now you should think about whether you want to become pilots, scientists, engineers, bankers in the future...

Graduate: Professionals, specialists, respected people...

Graduate: Or lazy, worthless dropouts who can’t do anything and don’t want anything.

Graduate: Who have nothing to respect.

Graduate: We hope that you all make the right choice! And as a memory of us, take these books from us as a gift!

Graduates give children's books to first-graders. After which everyone leaves the stage, only the Graduate and the Graduate remain.


We can no longer sit at a narrow desk,

So we are a little sad.

The last call remains music in us,

Like those last, farewell words.


And in the classroom the lines of the classics are treasured

Now tell the other students,

We must theorem of eternal life

To prove your destiny to yourself.


We also remember the first exams,

Everything you and I dreamed about will come true,

We just can’t bring back childhood again.

Like the first waltz, it will not be forgotten.

Graduate: Our dear teachers! Thank you for your lessons, advice, for your endless patience. We know it hasn't been easy for us at times. We wish you further success in your difficult work as a teacher.

And we - we will not forget you.

Yes, we are growing up every day,

But all your lessons

We'll take it with us on the road,

Entering the wide world.

Graduate: And now we would like to present you with albums with photographs of our class and memorable souvenirs as a keepsake of us.

Graduate: We address our love, our sincere admiration and gratitude, first of all, to our director, Galina Stepanovna, who somehow manages to keep up with everything and, like a real mother, takes care of the entire school. We give you the most valuable thing we have - our dreams. In this envelope we all wrote down who we want to be. We ask you to open this envelope in 5 years, when we gather at school for a reunion.

Graduate: In this hall sit the teachers who were the first to lead us along the path of knowledge.

This is where we come as kids,

With pencil cases and books,

They entered and sat down in rows.

Ten classes have been completed here,

And here we have the word “Motherland”

For the first time we read it syllable by syllable.

We want to express words of great love and gratitude to our first teachers - Galina Ivanovna, Irina Dmitrievna, Irina Stepanovna. Your love and warmth helped us settle into school. You taught us the most important and basic things - not only to read and write, but also to love books, to count and take other people’s opinions into account, to respect ourselves and others. Thank you very much!

Graduates give flowers to their first teachers.

Graduate: In this hall are those teachers who led us by the hand to graduation.

Graduate: Although some of us desperately resisted!

One of the graduates peeks out from behind the scenes.

2nd graduate: If it weren’t for Galina Ivanovna, I would definitely have done something stupid and left after ninth grade! My certificate is your merit! Thank you


All our lives we will remember

How, without hiding a smile,

You returned the notebook to us,

Where there was no mistake

How upset you were

When, although rarely,

You should have put

Bad grade for us.

We were children and sometimes

Shalya, didn't notice

In the look of your kind eyes

Cares and sorrows.


Us wise people taught the mind

We finished the class after class.

Thank you very much, thank you

Who spared no effort for us.

We ask teachers to come up to the stage. (Names are listed.)

The song “Farewell Waltz” is played (lyrics by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarkovsky). Teachers come up to the stage.

Graduate: Look at these people! They are the ones who made us who we are. It is to them that we owe everything we know and can do.

Head teacher: Good luck and happiness to you, dear graduates! We will miss you!

The host invites everyone to dance. It sounds like “Waltz on the Asphalt” (lyrics by D. Sedykh, music by P. Aedonitsky).

Sorry, prospects,

Sorry, boulevards,

This night, please allow me

Disturb the peace.

And on your asphalt

Spin to the guitar

Waltz in white shoes

White waltz graduation.

He is both sad and cheerful,

This waltz on the night asphalt.

Goodbye, childhood,

Hello, youth, -

Let's go live tomorrow!

Excuse us, moms,

Excuse us, dads,

Today we probably

Let's be back in the morning.

Somewhere the platforms are waiting for us

Or gangways and ladders,

Your farewell scarf

Will be sad in the wind.

Sorry, prospects,

Sorry, boulevards, -

This is childhood and adolescence

Bridges are being raised.

Belated passerby

Get sad with the guitar

Wish them come true

Definitely dreams.

In between dances, competitions, games, attractions are held, graduates read their poems and poems of their favorite poets, perform songs, and act out skits. And in the morning they greet the dawn.