Fran bow walkthrough 5. Fran bow walkthrough - full version

Fran bow walkthrough 5. Fran bow walkthrough - full version
Fran bow walkthrough 5. Fran bow walkthrough - full version

Game Description

Psychedelic, and in some places frankly schizophrenic, adventure game created by the efforts of the Swedish studio Killmonday Games consisting of only two people: Natalia Figueroa(screenwriter, project director and designer) and Isak Martinsson(composer). According to Natalia Figueroa this project is very personal, a lot of thoughts and feelings were invested in it from the time when she was the same age as the main character.

And the main character of the game, 10-year-old girl Fran Bow is a very unusual person. She spent almost her entire short life all alone in her room, rarely seeing her eternally busy parents. Her only close friend was a gifted black cat, whom she named "Mr. Midnight". But soon fate separated these two: one dark night When Fran was left at home alone with her pet, a monster knocked on her window, as if he had come down from childhood nightmares. A minute later, Fran, hearing a noise from her parents' bedroom, found them dead there, and not just dead, but very cruel way. Beside herself with horror, the girl ran into the forest, where she lost her senses. There, rescuers found her, immediately sending her to a children's psychiatric hospital. It is within the walls of this institution that the game begins. Having received her “medicine” (Duotin) from the doctor, the girl received the ability to move into the “fifth” (nightmare) reality, which is somewhat similar to our “second”, but at the same time infinitely different from it. And if an adult, once in it, would be guaranteed to go crazy, little Fran manages to overcome all difficulties without any harm to her mental health. As a matter of fact, the concept of the whole game is built on the contrast of the two realities: where the door is closed in our earthly reality, in the nightmarish reality the key to it lies somewhere. Often in the belly of some living creature.

It is significant that despite the terrible changes that have taken place in her life, Fran treats everything that happens around her in a childishly naive and positive way, and curiosity is the main feature of her character. I saw a dismembered beast wait for a question from a girl what color his heart is. The plot of Fran Bow, in fact, is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance, and passing the game, we see the world only through the eyes of Fran a person who has fallen into a very scary fairy tale, which she could very well have invented for herself. But whether all the events that took place in this fairy tale are true, or whether they were illusory, and the reality, as always, is different - it is worth considering by the player himself.

Now I'm going through a moment with Siamese twins, and it seems to me that there are obvious spoilers in the description, no? Or did you decide to confuse people like that?

serrrj, spoilers here are only from the opening screensaver. The game itself, as I indicated in the description, does not give obvious answers to questions. And even if it is a little spoiler, but it will encourage you to think about the fact that there may be an “other” side I will be glad.

Stoker, Spoiler

well, let's say the remark about the knife immediately prompted me to think that Fran herself stabbed her parents. Then you still say that it is supposedly possible that these are all sick fantasies of a girl, everything becomes completely clear. In fairness, you emphasize that history is by no means simple.

Um ... ok, you can remove the knife, it does not carry a semantic load for description. Although now such a plot move is already hackneyed utterly.

Although in the game itself, even the scene of the murder of her parents can be given at least three semantic interpretations. Considering the circumstances under which she saw her, it could well have been mind games.

Well, you have to decide for yourself. But I think

That she is just a schizo and her flight to Iverst is a metaphor for her death. Iversta herself is the same fairy tale that she invented herself and that her attending physician told, and populated her with familiar images. If you look closely at the inhabitants of the hospital and the inhabitants of Iverest, you can see a lot of similarities: a boy who played the king, for example. The attending physician was presented in the form of this flying creature, which, by the way, was also badly injured (we remember what happened to the doctor at the very end). Of course, there is no doubt that Fran was experimented on and the first chapter of the story is true. But everything from her escape and back to the asylum is her dream. And it began from the very moment when the head of the guard who stopped her suddenly exploded.

The chapter begins with a very long conversation between the king of vegetables and the main characters. Then fran poisoned to the healer Palontras; with the help of a healer, restore lost limbs and return to Giaru. Another long dialogue, the king sends us in search of Great Wizard, he can restore Fran's former appearance. Mr. Midnight returns the handbag to the owner, it's time to hit the road. In the next room, after the throne room, stands beetle. He guards library, the institution is open only in autumn and winter (now summer). Near the entrance to the castle is another beetle, he advises to find watchmaker.

We go down and find ourselves on fork. If you believe the sign, the road goes up to the left in the forest, the bottom road goes to the market. On the table you can see the map of vegetables country. Moving through the market to the watchmaker. He announces the possibility transition between the seasons, to get into winter, you need to turn the hands on the clock; Fran will be able to find the treasured watch in the forest.

First, we recommend bypassing the local market. On the square you can talk with the locals; on the shore, near the water, an old root is making a flying boat. However, Fran does not have access, as she is not a citizen of the country. On this stage we play local tic-tac-toe with a snail, for the victory she gives gold. We return to the crossroads and leave along the left road up.

We detect non-working clock, you need to check with the watchmaker about possible malfunctions. The old vegetable refuses to fix the clock for free, we pay him with a coin and the NPC restores the clock, also during the conversation we get some information about Remora. After fixing, Cogwin gives the main character Remote Control hours. Now he will replace the pills and will allow you to move in time. We go to the mountain, climb to the very top and turn on the winter. We go down a little and find cave entrance, this is where he lives Wizard. After a dialogue with him, Fran is given another task, this time you need to cope with riddles. Also the Wizard draws magic star on the floor; items, which are the answers to the riddle, must be correctly placed on the magic drawing.

The first riddle sounds like this - "I'm usually cold, but you just use me ... I will become very hot." In principle, nothing complicated - it is match. The second riddle reads: “Like the sun, I shine, but I don’t burn at all, I just cause a sour smile.” Answer - lemon. The third riddle: "Cold daughter, swim, swim ... Dancing through the stream of water." Well, here it is also elementary, the answer is - fish. Fourth: “Light, hollow. I bring freedom to birds, and I write letters to people. Feather!

So, to summarize, to solve the problem, you need to get a lemon, a fish and a feather. There was another path near the tree with the clock, let's see where it leads. Near the clock we see the wounded Palontras, the healer immediately flies away, leaving feather. We pass further to the left and find a river, however winter you won't catch a fish. In the spring, a fisherman sits in the distance on a boat, in summer the boat is parked on the shore and fishing rod standing next to a tree. We raise the fishing rod and get into the boat, swim along the river and find the bridge from which Mr. Midnight took the bag. Nearby are Fran's things and they must be captured.

I remember that the market was blacksmith, he will help with the fishing rod. We return to the market and meet ghosts at the fork. You don't need to do anything with them, just watch them; as soon as the shadows disappear, move on. By the way, pay attention for fish in the river near the castle. Obviously, better places not found for fishing. Having reached the blacksmith, we show him fishing rod he agrees to do hook for three coins. We give him gold and get a hook in return. Now need fishing line. By the way, the tray with threads is opposite, we show the fishing rod to the saleswoman and we get the thread for free. We combine everything in a purse and go fishing.

The last ingredient left lemon. We go towards the mountain and find lemons(they are collected by a blacksmith). We ask him for one, but the greedy grasshopper does not want to share. We move to autumn and break the greedy basket with knife. We return to the summer, as soon as the grasshopper goes, he will fall out lemon, it remains only to pick it up. We switch to winter and return to the mountain. Now we need to put things in right order(top - match, right - lemon, bottom - fish, left - feather). As soon as things are in place, the magician will come and reveal the location of the first magical crystal.

The wizard gives the next task, you need to find the cap. At this stage, you need to go up the mountains, the player encounters a stone in cap mage. At the request to give a magical thing we get a refusal. The boulder motivates his behavior by the fact that his wife allegedly left him. We go to the wife, according to the rock, she wanted to become island and settled near the water. We recall a small island that we sailed on a boat, it is on it that Fran will find the character you need. The lady complains about the difficult life and asks the main character flower(indicating its location). We go to the mountain, the flower can be obtained autumn with a knife. We return to the island, give the flower, stone heart melts, and the wife goes to her husband, and Fran gets cap.

The next task - you need to go to the library and get book. In the castle of Fran, the terrible awaits vision. In front of the library, the beetle asks password, we call it and go inside. In the center is a panel with numbers; Three have already been posted, the rest remain to be completed. Also in the library is book, in which you can match the characters from the game with real numbers. According to the reference book, the first two digits are 1, and the last 21. Before us is the sequence fibonacci. In total, we get the following series of numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21. Now spin a few times handle. A skeleton jumps out book, but now you can’t get to it, you need stairs. The dragonfly does not give a stepladder, we remove it with the help of a clock, move the ladder closer and take book. The second item is in your pocket, we return to the magician and get a new task.

Next, the Wizard asks to find shoes, shoes can be obtained from the dancer. We recall one of the conversations, the grasshopper said something about dancing in the bar. However, they are not allowed into the bar without a ticket, let's try to bypass the security. Behind the bar, ghosts perform an initiation ceremony for their newcomers. As soon as they leave, we climb the cat into a hole for logs. We look around the room, only the bee on the table has a ticket. Naturally, she does not want to give it away of her own free will. We turn on autumn, a drunken bee falls on the table, and the cat has ticket. We move to the entrance, but the guard still does not let him inside. The handwriting on the ticket is from someone older, according to the NPC. We study the inventory, combine the business card with a pencil and get a ticket.

In the bar on the stage the praying mantis performs in the shoes of the magician, they cannot be removed from the artist now. spring there is no one in the bar and you can twist the piano. Set the maximum speed by clicking on the red and yellow sliders and move in autumn. During the performance, the Praying Mantis faints, unable to withstand the frantic pace of the music. Well, Fran gets boots.

Just got the last one crystal. He is in a stick, which is in the hands of a huge statues behind the bar. The hands can be moved using the levers on the tree, in addition, the hands freely transfer the wand from one to the other. We just make sure that the wand is in a hand that can move as close as possible to Fran (lower right). After solving the puzzle, we return to the magician. The wizard finally confirms his title of "Great" by returning the main character to her former appearance.

In the throne room fran waiting for another terrible vision. Next, the king will take main character to the place where the door between the worlds is located. The wizard will open the passage and now you have to solve a small puzzle with arrows. First, direct the arrow from purple stone to red, a line appears. After that, we make a line from red stone to blue; further, from blue to yellow. From yellow to green and, finally, we direct the arrow to the purple stone.

The portal opens, it's time to say goodbye to the strange, but good people magical land. The King hands over Fran parcel from Dr. Palandos. We thank the king, go into the portal and find ourselves in another mini-game. At this stage, you need to run away from the monster, overcoming obstacles in the form of boulders and pits. Having reached the door at the other end of the location, we go to the fourth chapter.

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Keywords: fran bow, Fran Bow, Marcel Dearn, Duotin, Mr. Midnight, cat, Remor, Vegetative State, chapter 3, Grace Dagenhart, Vegetative State, Palontras, Giard, vegetables, healer, magician, riddles, library, cap

We are trying to unlock the cage with the key of the sisters, but it does not fit. We get down to the second floor and move to the bedroom on the left. framed large mirror discover keyhole and insert the key into it. Click again on the castle and zoom in on the puzzle. The principle of the puzzle is familiar to many - these are tags in which, by rearranging the chips, we must collect a certain pattern or pattern. AT this case we have to put the gears so that they all rotate. In the lower left corner, the large gear is stationary, and it is the first link in the mechanism. The same large fixed gear is located in the upper right corner - it closes the mechanism. There is another fixed gear in the center of the puzzle. We number the chips as suggested below, and move them in the order indicated.

Initial data Ready-made solution

Video "Fifteen"

Algorithm: 17 – 16 – 11 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 13 – 12 – 11 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 13 – 18 – 17 – 16 – 15 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 8 – 13 – 12 – 11 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 13 – 12 – 11 – 6

Then: 15 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 13 - 18 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 13 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 13 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5.

The mirror shatters and reveals the sisters' hidden closet behind it. We examine the skeleton, and take the key from the top shelf. We hurry to the attic, where we unlock the golden cage with a new key. We release Mr. Midnight and hug our friend.

Achievement STEAM : For the release of the cat automatically get achievement "Find Mr. Midnight!" .

Together with the cat we go down to the kitchen and through the window we get out to the toad. We communicate with the toad and ask her to transport us to the other side. We use the baking powder from the inventory on the toad, after which we get a photo and a book as a gift, and hit the road. In this mini-game, we have to climb over the logs and leaves to the top of the island three times. At any time, you can skip the mini-game by clicking on the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen.

Video "Toad"

Achievement STEAM : After finishing the "Toad" mini-game, and not clicking on the skip game arrow, we get achievement "Toad on board!" .

Once alone with the cat, we move all the time to the left, but soon we fall from the bridge. Let's watch the video.

Reality (Playing as a cat)

We come to our senses and see Fran's things scattered everywhere. The girl herself is nowhere to be found. We examine the dress on the log, and try to scratch the log itself. The log suddenly starts talking. Turns out Fran has turned into a tree! A boat with strange creatures sails through the air and begins a conversation with us in a language unknown to us. Fran asks us to find her purse. We go to the right and see a bag floating on a water lily. Attached to the tree is a mechanism with gears that controls the retractable bridge. We turn the handle of the mechanism and stand on the parted bridge, but it immediately folds. We select on the shore a rock, turn the handle of the mechanism and place the stone in the gears of the mechanism. The stone lies in the cat's mouth, so first we click on the stone in the mouth in the lower left corner of the screen, and then on the gears. We cross the bridge and pick up the bag. Back to Fran. Open inventory by clicking on the bag in the cat's mouth and select the photo. We give the photo to Mr. Vegetable, after which he puts everyone in the boat and flies away.

Chapter 3: The Vegetative State

Reality (playing as Fran)

We are brought to the unknown country of Yversta and introduced to King Zhiar. After talking a little with the King, he grows a fruit on us, on a tree, after eating which he will find out all the information about Fran and the cat. Please help us return home and find out what needs to be done for this. Zhiar will lead us to the door that will send us home, but we must go through this door on our own. We eat a fruit that will teach us to understand the language of Iverst. Then we are sent to Dr. Palontrans, who, having bathed us in a magical lake, increases us, i.e. tree, arms and legs. We go to the left and go down to the King. We show off our new arms and legs and find out what our next steps. To open the magic door through which we get home, we need to find the Great Wizard, who lives on Mount Cotram. The Wizard has stones that unlock this door. We take away our purse from the cat and find the loss of our pills.

We pass to the left, we try to go through the door guarded by the beetle, and we learn that the library is open only in autumn and winter. We go left twice and ask another beetle for the location of Mount Cotram. It turns out that the mountain is in winter time. There is no need to wait for winter, at this time of the year you can move. The beetle does not know how to explain correctly, so it sends us to the watchmaker for clarification. We go down the stairs and approach the bench, on which the map of the country of Iverst is indicated.

Mount Cotram is visible on the map. At the fork we go left twice to the watchmaker, as the beetle said. We start a conversation with the watchmaker and find out that you can translate the time of the year on a clock on a large tree. The tree itself is to the left of the castle. Again we go to the left and, after talking with the snail, we agree to play with her in board game. To win, you need to place three figures diagonally, vertically or horizontally. This game is known to us under the name "Tic-tac-toe". Only in this case there will be black and white pieces, we play for black! The mechanism on the right determines whose turn it is. Having won, we get a gold coin. In total, the game will need four gold coins. You can earn them right away or resort to a snail every time you need to.

Achievement STEAM : Win five games of the snail board game and open achievement "Faster than a snail!" .

We move three screens to the right and at the crossroads we run along the left path. We find ourselves at big tree with clock. We pull the lever to the left of the tree and hear a strange crunch. It looks like something is broken! We hurry to the watchmaker, ask him to fix the clock and hand him a gold coin. Together with the watchmaker we go to the clock. We communicate with him, and during the conversation we repair the clock. Cogwin, that's the name of the watchmaker, gives us a watch remote control. Now the remote is located in the lower right corner of the screen, where the jar of pills used to be. We pass twice to the right and rise to the mountain on the left. Switch to winter time , for which we press the arrow on the remote control and set it to the blue zone. We go into the cave and get acquainted with the Great Wizard. The wizard can't lend us the stones, because. he hid them and forgot exactly where. The wizard can remember where the stones lie if we solve four of his riddles. The clues will be certain items that need to be placed in the tops of the Iverst star on the floor in the Wizard's cave. We immediately learn that in order to turn back into a person, we need to find all our things. We open the inventory, study the riddles and proceed to solve them.

First riddle sounds like this “I’m usually cold, but you just use me ... I will become very hot”. We carry this item in our purse almost from the very beginning of the game - this is a match. To the left of each riddle there is a certain symbol, the triangles on the star are marked with the same symbols. So we can easily determine exactly where to put items. We click on the star on the floor and on the top of the star we use the matches from the inventory.

Having placed the first item, we move on to solving the second riddle.

Second riddle says “Like the sun, I shine, but I don’t burn at all, I just cause a sour smile”. We leave the cave, move the arrow tosummer time (yellow zone). We pass once to the right and once to the left. We find ourselves at a grasshopper who collects lemons. Well, of course, the answer is a lemon! We ask permission to take one lemon, but the grasshopper is limited in resources and does not allow taking fruit. Then we switch toautumn time(orange zone) and with a knife from the inventory we make a hole in the basket. Let's go back tosummer time(yellow zone) and wait for the moment when the insect leaves with a full basket of lemons. One lemon falls out of the hole we made, and we pick it up. We run to the right and rise to the mountain. Switch towinter time(blue zone). We go into the cave, zoom in on the star and put the lemon on the right triangle of the star.

Let's move on to the third puzzle.

Third riddle sounds like this "Cold daughter, swim, swim ... Dancing through the stream of water". Move the arrow toautumn time(orange zone). We go down the mountain and go left three times. We are on the banks of the river. At the tree on the right we selectfishing rod and, having studied it in the inventory, we understand that the fishing rod is broken. Switch tosummer time(yellow zone), and jump into the boat. We row twice to the left and find ourselves at the folding bridge, where the cat was looking for Fran's bag. We get out of the boat and follow to the left. We select the girl's things from the ground and do not find pills among them. Maybe it's for the best! We return to the right bank of the river and run to the market. We encounter shadows along the way, but we deal with them. We approach the blacksmith Pruter, show him the fishing rod and find out that the fishing rod lacks a hook. We give three coins to the blacksmith and get a ready-made hook. If you do not have coins, then go left to the snail and win three coins. Now we approach the counter with spools of thread, which is located opposite the blacksmith. We communicate with the seller, show him the fishing rod and get a fishing line for free. In the inventory, first combine the fishing rod with the fishing line, and then combine the fishing rod with the hook. We get the finished rod! We pass one screen to the right, throw a fishing rod into the river on the right and catch fish. It is the fish that will be the answer to the third riddle. We run to the mountain and switch towinter time(blue zone). We go into the cave and zoom in on the star on the floor. Putting the fish in lower part stars.

Let's move on to the fourth puzzle.

Fourth riddle reads " Lightweight, hollow. For birds I bring freedom, and I write letters to people". We leave the cave and seetraces on the snow leading up the mountain. We rise up and notice a huge dragon in the air. Only after that we go down to the tree with the clock. We see a fallen huge dragon, which is Palontras. The doctor flies away, and we pick up the fallen feather. We rise to the cave of the Great Wizard. Zoom in on the star and place the pen on the left triangle of the star.

All four items should lie like this:

The wizard performs a ritual with a match and remembers that the first stone lies in a magic cap on top of the mountain. We rise to the top and try to remove the cap from a huge stone. We get acquainted with the fallen star Cotram and find out that he will give us the cap only if we return his wife, who left him. The wife wanted to have her own island, which we have already seen. We go down from the mountain and again we see the shadows. We hurry to the river bank, where we translate the arrow tosummer time(yellow zone). We sit in the boat and row to the middle of the river. We swim to a smallislet and talk to him. The island turns out to be Contram's wife, who left him because her husband became cold and boring. Contram grew a beautiful red flower to show his love, but this year the flower didn't grow. The flower grows at the base of the mountain, and the wife is ready to return if she sees this flower. We return to the shore and follow the right three times. Change the arrow toautumn time(orange zone). We findRed flower and cut it with a knife from inventory. We run to the shore and switch tosummer time(yellow zone). We sail to the island and give the wife of Cotram a red flower. We follow the wife to the top of the mountain. Switch towinter time(blue zone). We click on the cap on the head of Kotram and take it away.

Achievement STEAM : For the reunion of lovers automatically open achievement "Dr. love" .

We go down to the Wizard's cave and give him the cap. The wizard performs the second ritual and says that the second stone is in the book of the library. We will also find out the password to enter the library " Your feelings are easy to manipulate, turn them off before learning...". In front of the library we visit the market, then we move to the location with the snail. Switch to spring time (green Zone). Approach the baby root selling vegetables and talk to him. Zelma, that's the name of the baby root, tells us the name of her favorite song “One and one will be two! One and two will be three! Two and three makes five!. We remember the name and hurry to the library, for which we go up to the castle. At the entrance to the castle we meet shadows again. Switch to winter time(blue zone). We pass one screen to the right and, having informed the password to the beetle, we go into the library. In the left corner in a pile of books we take an open book and memorize the number translation system. To do this, we count the number of chips on the right and remember the designation of this number on the left.

Next, zoom in on the stump with the code in the center of the library. On the panel, we need to set the chips in such a way as to follow the Fibonacci sequence, because it is this sequence that can be traced in the title of the song of the crumbs of the Zelma root. (Fibonacci sequence - a sequence, each term of which is the sum of the previous two Note. author ). First of all, we need to extend the sequence since eight chips. In Arabic, the sequence will look like this:1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 - 8 – 13 - 21

Translating with the help of a book Arabic numerals into Iverstinsky and put them on the panel.

We hear a click and exit the approximation of the puzzle. Move the arrow tosummer time(yellow zone). We see how the stump with the puzzle has a lever, and we twist it several times. A skeleton emerges from a stump holding a book. Move twicestairs to the skeleton and take the book from him. Leave the library and go towinter time(blue zone). We return to the cave of the Wizard and give him the book. The Wizard then performs a ritual on the fish and reveals that the third stone is in the dancer's shoes. We go down the mountain and switch the arrow to the summertime(yellow zone). We speak with the beetle standing at the entrance to the bar, and we understand that we need a ticket to visit the bar. We go to the right, we speak with the rolls, who leave immediately after conducting their initiation ritual. Found in the bar wallhole covered with firewood. We scatter the boards and ask the cat to climb into the bar and steal a ticket from someone.

Sometimes, when passing the next game, players have gags in certain places: “Oh, where is this fucking key? I have already searched all the fucking rooms of this castle! “What the hell is this platform, razet it, does not fall: have I already interacted with the lever?”; “Fuck, gee-gee, but how to enter the settings menu, gee-gee? Here only, gee-gee, there are options! etc.

In this case, the author began half-heartedly to paint walkthrough of the full version of Fran Bow. So, it's time to get started. Oh yes, by the way. If you prefer "Dasha the Traveler" to the alphabet, then it will be much more pleasant for you to familiarize yourself with a similar video walkthrough. Well, for fans of The Count of Monte Cristo and something bigger, this text version will do, which briefly runs through the plot.

Watch video walkthrough Fran Bow

So, sir, let's go, pedaling!

The beginning of the game does not bode well, since the very first video of it shows the gamer a rather creepy picture of the life of a girl named Fran. It seems that everything is going well for her - happy, cheerful, plus, the parents give a fat black cat. But all of a sudden, she discovers her parents dismembered like a Christmas turkey (a little pleasant aroma will not interfere with musky events). After that, she, like any other child who would be in a similar situation, begin to have nightmares.

She escapes from all this horror into the forest with the cat Mr. Midnight and loses consciousness there. She comes to her senses already in a madhouse under the supervision of an overly curious child psychologist. Unfortunately, she does not find the cat with her. Fran plans to escape from the yellow house to her only relative - Aunt Grace, but before that she wants to find her lover of sour cream.

Immediately after waking up, you need to talk to the doctor, choosing suitable options answers from the list. Everything is done quite clearly, and it is hardly possible to get confused here. Further, the developers introduce the gamer to the principles of using and combining items. After several frightening events, the heroine will plunge into a long sleep.

The first chapter will begin the next day. It should be noted that some of them are divided into parts.

Chapter I

The main goal in it is to find a way out of a not particularly pleasant room. First you need to inspect the available locations, walk along the corridor, chat with anyone you can, pull the window in the ward. Along the way, you will have to solve one rather easy puzzle with a metal box.

The code (8945), which will help you open it, is on a piece of paper that lies on the table. The box gives access to pills that put the protagonist to sleep with terrible visions. It is in them that you will have to look for items that will help in passing. The chapter consists entirely of murmuring to find clues and characters taking over the dialogue. There is nothing complicated. But in the end, freedom.

Chapter II

This chapter is devoted to long wanderings through the mysterious forest. But the forest is not quite normal, as in it gamers will meet with numerous anthropomorphic animals and insects. However, in the second half of this part there is a certain pleasantness - at the cost of incredible efforts, the cat will be found and released from captivity. The heroine herself learns that getting out of the paranormal world is incredibly difficult. Then Fran will turn into a tree (why not?!).

Traveling in the apogee of the chapter leads two associates to another mysterious island. From now on, you have to manage the cat.

Chapter III

Due to his intelligence, the cat decides to save the mistress. He makes a rather long journey, addressing even the great king of the island and the ruler of the world in one person. Not at all happy, having solved many riddles that the Riddler himself, I suppose, made up, the four-legged man manages to return Fran to her former normal life with the help of a certain Wizard. By the way, while traveling around the little world, you can enjoy the detailed scenery.

Chapter IV

Again Fran throws into the woods. The pills make themselves known! There's a lot of dialogue pressure here. You will meet both well-known characters and completely new characters (the imposing skeleton Itward in a tuxedo and a rather beautiful top hat). The area only became several times more ominous and darker. We'll have to cook something not particularly legal. Gradually, Fran learns that her parents were taken away by the black monster Remor.

Passage of the full version of the game Fran Bow constantly raises a bunch of questions related to the meaning of the events happening. Finding it is sometimes harder than making quality methamphetamine.

Further exploration of the way home leads Fran and the black cat... home. But Aunt Grace's house on her native street turns out to be locked. Suddenly, the girl is found by the psychologist who appeared at the beginning. Of course, an adult man takes the heroine back to the clinic (well, sometimes desires do not coincide with opportunities).

Although, as it turns out in the end, not to the clinic, but to the cemetery. Further, the player again enjoys a dose of madness, which is estimated at approximately 30 minutes. In the finale, the player will find out why Fran's parents died, where did Aunt Grace go, expose the secrets of some lithophaneous villains and see the names of the madmen who created an amazing project in some ways.

Vague results

You can’t really describe everything in brief, making Fran Bow text walkthrough, which can be considered a sketchy run. It is recommended to comprehend all the moments personally or refer to the video walkthrough, chewing chips along with the plot.

The game starts with a short cutscene about a little girl. fran. She talks about her family and pets. The game manages to maintain a positive mood for only a couple of minutes. After that, horror begins to happen, as a result of which the parents are dead. And they were killed with extreme cruelty. Next, Fran with a cat named mr midnight, run away into the forest, where unknown people find her.

The main character ends up in a psychiatric hospital, just in the office psychotherapist Fran wakes up. During a conversation with the doctor, he gives Fran a package from her aunt (purse and note). We read the message, according to the aunt's note, in the bag you can store items, study them and combine them. At the end of the conversation, the doctor asks to take new pills; we drink medicine, after which Fran faints. The video is shown again, in a dream a terrible monster comes to the girl with threats. Then a cat appears and says that it is urgent to get out of the hospital run away.

Chapter 1

The second time we wake up already in your room. Here you can take a look. Hanging to the right of the bed drawings about Mr. Midnight (cat), on the left - a case history. Box in the bedside table is closed, and curtain, when you try to use it, falls to the floor. But a useful one fell out of the curtain hook(be sure to pick it up). The window is open, you can look out and see not the most pleasant landscape. Looking out the window, go left and meet nurse. It would be nice to have a look at her desk. We approach her and in the dialogue we tell about a broken curtain. The nurse will go to fix it, but the table is still dangerous to touch. Let's go to the nurse, when asked about the missing part, it is better to remain silent. After that, the woman will go further to the right, and now you can return to her table and see everything. The drawer contains notes, a book, a cup of coffee and patch. We take a band-aid, and we study the records. Also in the table of the table lies box, possibly with pills, and a revolver. Upon closer inspection of the box, we see scratches, the word is written Hide. In the nurse's records, at the very bottom, a number is circled 8 and letter h. We compare the numbers and letters from the records, we get the code 8945 and open casket. We get access to the pills, if we throw them, hell starts going around. Sitting on a wheelchair skeleton, and next to it is a ball. We select knitting needle, turn off the action tablets and move after the nurse.

A boy lives in a room behind a screen. Hidden under the bed casket, pick up and study. It can be found in key it fits perfectly in the box on the pedestal in Fran's room. There is nothing else interesting in the room, but you can talk to the boy. By the way Phil, and he is paranoid, you can ask him about the exit. In the end, the conversation will come down to the fact that somewhere in the office some kind of the code. We return to the bedside table the main character and open the box. Inside we find a photograph of the family and hairpin. Well, according to the law of the genre, doors open perfectly with a hairpin. We combine knitting needle and hairpin, open the door and leave the room.

In the corridor three ways, not counting the back door. First, let's go to the upper right door. There's another girl in the room Adelaide(draws on the floor). From a conversation with her, it becomes clear that she needs pen. You can also ask the girl one of the pencils, but she refuses, complaining that she is not allowed to draw and will show wounds on the hands. Glue on the child patch and we get pencil. Nothing else interesting in the room, and under the pills too. We return to the corridor, we pass through the upper door on the left. In the toilet, under the pills, an inscription appears on the glass - The king loves drawings.

Next, check the bottom door. By the way, under the drugs, the door is closed, so let's go to real world. Blocks the road nurse. After a little dialogue fran sent to their room. Definitely need to try again. We go out to the room Phil and meet Dr. Dearn. We put pressure on pity and get permission to go out to eat.

We leave into the corridor, and go down the stairs. We go further and find ourselves in a room with a security guard. If you talk to the guard and ask for the key, he will offer to kiss him for the key. We wish him death and leave through open door. In the next room we meet another patient. Dialogue with her is completely useless.

In the right room we find more children. The girl sleeps, the child with a scar on his head constructs paper viewer. You can help him by setting the channel to digital eight(the strongest interference) and the device will start to function. Raise paper, from a bathrobe on a hanger you can get belt. There is nothing useful here in the alternate world. We leave the room and move through the door on the left. In the kitchen, we talk with another nurse and a guy in a mask. They won’t say anything useful, but you can steal it from the table bun.

Another one sits in the next room child and eat pasta. You can talk to him, but he will honor Fran with attention only after trying to study canes(guy think it's a sword). In exchange for the sword, the NPC asks castle and horse. Do you still remember that the king loves drawings? The boy is clearly megalomaniac. We unite pencil and paper and now we can take cane. Let's go back, talk to the girl on the couch, she will give the main character sleeping pill. Hmm, what if combined with a bun? It turns out sleepy bun. We should try to give it to the guard, but unfortunately, this scoundrel refuses to eat the bun. What to do, maybe something was missed in the canteen? We return to the kitchen, one of the nurses asks the other to carry food to the guard. We grab coffee and run to him. We splash coffee right at the guard, and he leaves to change clothes. We combine the belt, hook and cane. It turns out a stick with a hook, you can get it keys.

We open the cabinet with the key and go inside. FROM cork board on the right we take alarm note. Take it on the left on the key holder key. At the office door, Fran meets Phil, and after a strange phrase, he closes the office door. Fortunately, there are drugs that expand the boundaries of consciousness. After a couple of seconds of "thrash", a path will open through ventilation. Fran creeps fearlessly forward, steadily until fails in the lower branch of the ventilation shaft.

In the pantry, pulling off the fabric off the box you can take a look inside. There are only pills, but Fran already has her own. And even little girls know not to mix. Now let's go up the stairs Door can be opened with a key from the cabinet. Then suddenly appears monster. Fran faints and has another cat dream. We come to our senses and climb the stairs again. The monster will not appear twice in the same place.

There are six more doors behind the exit from the basement, counting the one Fran came out of. door on the left - operating room we don't need to go there. Behind the two doors above, they sit the patients. We go up the stairs, get into the waiting room, and find a nurse. We use tablets Let's see what's in the alternate reality. Hanging to the right of the door housekeeper, the nurse needed a key. We hang it there, and turn off the pills. The nurse immediately leaves. We follow her and find the exit from the building. Next, we pay attention to alarm, there was something about her in a note from the doctor's office. We go into the reception, there is a panel with buttons. We drive in 2932 (December 17 - 17 + 12 = 29, carry out similar calculations with the second number) and quickly run to the door. Works on the street siren, after Fran runs out security guard, but it immediately kills him daemon. Then this terribly mistaken for the main character, but fortunately, from his monstrous paws, Fran saves a toy cat. Follow the toy in labyrinth, and at the same time we watch how Fran whole and unscathed security guard.

in the maze you have to go through a mini-game and get up to the pipe. Moving along the corridors, you should avoid ghosts. By the way, the labyrinth can be skipped, but then they will not give an achievement.

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Keywords: fran bow, Fran Bow, asylum, Marcel Dearn, Duotin, Mr. Midnight, cat, Remor, My Sober Day, chapter 1, Grace Dagenhart, paper viewer, labyrinth