Program Kuban Cossack children's games and fun. Cossack fun. Scenario of a sporting event

Program Kuban Cossack children's games and fun. Cossack fun. Scenario of a sporting event

Tatyana Melnikova

Graduation year 2013 "Zvezdochka"

The intro to the song sounds "Wonderland" performed by the group "Smile"

Dance entrance “Magic Country”(1 verse and chorus) disc No. 3

Entrance of teachers (after the end of the children’s dance)

1 ved: Today it is impossible to contain the excitement

Our last holiday in kindergarten

2 ved: Our hearts are both warm and anxious

The children have grown up and are going to school.

1. Farewell holiday

Cheerful and sad

It's hard to contain my excitement.

Moms and dads and teachers

They came to see us off to school

“Now it’s time to say goodbye” by A. Evtodieva(notes)

2. We are leaving today,

Like birds from a nest

It's a shame we have to leave

Happy kindergarten forever

"My birds are birds" disk no. 4)

They sit down. 3 children remain

3.Everyone has known him since childhood

And it’s never boring

Everyone calls him

All: Kindergarten!

And everyone is happy to meet him here!

4. In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home

Any corners for us

We knew each other here

We will tell you today

How they sculpted and played,

Drawing and reading

How we celebrated the holidays

Sang songs, danced

5. All the guests that came to us

We invite you from the bottom of our hearts

Spend with us

The holiday is sad and happy -

All: Back to School Celebration!

1st ved: You were once kids

Brought to us in kindergarten

You often asked to see your mother

We even cried more than once

2 ved: And now they have become big

Got wiser, grown up

Step boldly into the school world

And don't forget about us

Girl: Dolls and elephants are seeing us off today

The bear, the bunny and the tiger cub were faithful to us.

But it's time for us to go to school - to 1st grade

And we say goodbye to toys now

Dance “Farewell Toys”(girls) disc No. 5

1st ved: Our girls have grown up, matured. And they no longer want to play

But how many new questions do they ask adults?

Lesson 2: Children love to ask adults

And the flow of their questions is great

But sometimes the question

Even an adult is confused

Very surprising – question mark

« Why" disk number 6

1st student: What grades await you at school? We'll find out when we play!

Game "Choose a mark"

You move around the hall along with the music, As soon as the music

stops - you pick up the card that will

lie next to you.

Look at it and if you like the rating -

show it to everyone. But if not, quickly take another one


"Select a mark" 3 times disk No. 7

Cards with ratings lie down with the rating. Mostly 4 and 5, but a couple of pieces with 3 and 2. There are 3-4 more cards than children

Dear parents! Are you satisfied with your children's grades?

Show us how happy you are (applause)

Guys, do you want to know how you studied at school?


Game with parents “Choose a mark” 3 times disk number 7

Of course it was a joke. Parents also brought from

school home only good grades.

Lesson 2: Throughout 5 happy preschool years with our children

There were excellent specialist teachers nearby, always ready

come to the aid of our children and today we want to tell them...

All: Thank you very much!

In kindergarten there is a teacher who teaches children purely and

speak beautifully

State her name and patronymic….

At Inna Broneslavovna’s speech center, ... guys were studying

You have already heard how beautifully and clearly our children speak.

This is the merit of Inna Bronislavovna

Inna Broneslavovna, this number is for you!

Poems – 3

From both parents and children, thank you!

Lesson 1: There is an art studio called “Rainbow” in the kindergarten. Who meets there

Guys, name her profession...

Our children's drawings have won city competitions more than once

exhibitions and various competitions

1. We really love to draw

We have no shortage of skills.

Here, at Rainbow, we learned

Understanding beauty and creating it

2 We painted pictures here

And then they were revived

And at the appointed time

You were invited to the exhibition

Ved: We have traditions in kindergarten and one of them is

tradition of giving and receiving gifts on holidays and days


Children: Today we want to give a gift to our kindergarten

This is an exhibition of drawings

"We Dream"

Ved: In their drawings, the children expressed their dream of who they would be

wanted to become

Guys, who will tell you about your dream?

Exhibition of drawings “We Dream”

Music disc No. 8 plays in the background

3-4 children come out in turn and point to their drawing and talk about who they would like to be

Ved: Elena Valerievna! We give you a favorite game called

Game "KU-KU" disc No. 9

Lesson 2: Listen to music, understand it

Sing well, dance well

She taught us easily and willingly...tell me who....

Tatyana Nikolaevna

For 4 times already, the children of our kindergarten have become diploma winners and

laureates of the City Festival of Children's Creativity “Stand Up

little ones, stand in a circle,”

Laureates and diploma recipients of the Big City Children's and Youth School

competition dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the city and the 60th anniversary of the plant.

Most recently, the children of our group participated in the city

choreographic competition of Novouralsk with dance “Gzhel”

For you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, our boys will play on spoons

"SPOONS" disc no. 10

Lesson 1: What is physical education? Training and game.

By doing this you will become strong, dexterous, brave!

Our children learned to jump rope, hit a ball,

perform movements on the steps, ski. Participated together

with parents even on the Ural Ski Track

But we not only practiced, but also played. Elena Alfredovna ended each lesson with a game. Shall we play?

…. But since you will soon become schoolchildren, the game will also be related to numbers.

Elena Alfredovna! Play the fun counting game one last time

E.A.: I ask you to be careful. I'll show you the number, you need it

in which the number of children must be equal to the figure - which

Do you agree, kids? the game begins!

Children stand in a circle

Game "Fun Counting" disc no. 11

We walked to the right - let no one lag behind

We walked to the left and made a turn

Clap, clap, clap what is it?

Slap, slap, slap, what's that sound?

Everyone around is having fun without sparing their hands

Shows 9

They go in 2 circles of 9 people each

4 – 4 clubs + 2 children take teachers

18 – 1 lap

Well, the last task: 2

Stand in pairs

Thank you! I always found it interesting and fun with you

Lesson 2: In kindergarten there is a person of this profession - the eldest

teacher! Do you know him?

Children: Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Ved: Why is her profession called that?


(. because it works with children and with teachers, and with specialist teachers)

Let's applaud her...

There is also a teacher-psychologist in our garden. What is her name?.

Evgenia Olegovna conducted interesting classes with us, taught us

think, remember, be attentive. Applause for her...

And so that the kindergarten becomes more beautiful every year. Whose merit?

Children: Our manager

Ved: Remember her name and patronymic?

Natalia Alexandrovna participates with us in all competitions,


That's why you often see our kindergarten on TV, reading about

it's in the newspapers

It’s not for nothing that the kindergarten is famous in the area - here adults and children are all

Natalya Alexandrovna, Nadezhda Alexandrovna, Evgenia Olegovna

we offer you and everyone who came to us today,

play in an unusual orchestra.

The song is called “Clock” - we will play with the help

disposable plates,

I see you already have them

The children start, and where they listen, you will play the rhythm.

… I will help you.

Orchestra of cymbals "Clock" disc no. 12

3 children come out

1. The closest person who has been with us all these years is

our second mother is, of course, Svetlana Vladimirovna, and also

our new teacher Marina Valerievna and their assistant Irina


2. Thank you for your kindness and kindness

We were with you and warm on a gloomy day

3. You pitied us, loved us

You raised us like flowers

Together: It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to 1st grade

At the introduction to the song, children come out and stand next to their friends and girlfriends

Song “You are our dear educators”(notes)

1. All adults were once children.

And you and I know for sure,

That they would give everything in the world,

To see childhood clouds.

2.. And the sun is a hundred times warmer in childhood!

And the friendship is stronger, the flowers are more beautiful!

And all the songs seem more fun!

And dreams come true!

Dance "Good mood" disc no. 13

1st speaker: And now a response to our specialists

E.V.: Many words were heard here:

Beautiful, sincere and gentle

We want to give you love,

What, like the sea, is eternal and boundless

E.A.: How difficult it is for us to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the world

You became family, you became friends

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better

Song "Wish" disc no. 14

performed by specialists and educators

2nd lead: Guys! Do you know what an oath is? … (Promise)

Now, here in front of you, your parents will take an oath to you,

which they will definitely fulfill

Dear parents! Are you ready to take an oath?

Parents' oath

Whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father,

Always say to your child – WELL DONE!

Parents: I swear!

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class

Parents: I swear!

I swear I will not build a child in my work,

I swear to master a foreign language with him

Parents: I swear

I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

And help him do his homework

Parents: I swear

And if I break my oath,

Then I give away my last tooth

Then my, I promise, baby

Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!

Then I will be an ideal parent

And I will never forget my oath!

Parents: I swear, I swear. I swear!

2nd lead: And now the first award in my life is being presented -

Diploma "Congratulations on graduating from kindergarten"

1st ved: Let you have many awards, but the first in life is more valuable,

than a treasure!

….Parents are invited to present diplomas and gifts to graduates

A word to parents

at the end of the holiday, children and their parents go outside and release “Wish Balls”


1. “Magic Land” dance-entrance disc

2. “Now it’s time to say goodbye” by A. Evtodieva notes

3. “Dance with pigeons “My birds birds” disc

4. “Farewell to toys” girls dance disc

5. “Why”

6. Game "Marks" disk

7. Game “Marks” with parents

9. Exhibition of drawings" We dream of a disc

10. Game “Peek-a-boo” disc

11. Spoon disk

12. Game “Funny Counting” disc

13. “Clock” orchestra with cymbals disc

14. “You are our dear educators” notes

15. Dance “Good mood” disc

16. Parents' oath

17. Awards - diplomas

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 7

Perepravnaya village, Mostovsky district

Lesson notes on extracurricular activities in grade 2 "A"

Club "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Topic: “Cossack fun”

Prepared by: Kishunova Kristina Sergeevna,

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 7 st.Perepravnoy

Goals:-strengthening the moral foundations of the Cossacks;

Formation of a high patriotic consciousness and a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland among the younger generation of Cossacks;

Popularization of a healthy lifestyle and traditional types of Cossack competitions among students.

Tasks:- education of citizenship and love for the small Motherland among school students;

Development of motor qualities of students through means of physical education of the Cossacks.

Progress of the lesson:

(Opening remarks by students)

On the ruins, in the light
Or on logs, whatever
Gathered gatherings
Old and young.

Did you sit by the torch?
Or under the bright sky,
They talked and sang songs
And they danced in a circle.

The life of people is marked by a century,
The old world has changed.
Nowadays we are all screwed
Personal dachas or apartments.

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,
And, what can I say,
It's boring to live without gatherings,
They should be revived!

Teacher: And today we will have a conversation on a very interesting topic about the Kuban Cossacks, about their customs, traditions, about what kind of people lived and lives in our Kuban?
Children : Cossacks
Teacher:- Tell me, who are the Cossacks!
Children :- free people
Teacher: absolutely right
In ancient times, 400 years ago, people from all over Russia fled to our region from a hard life. They settled along the banks of the rivers of our region. Why did people settle and build their homes along the banks of rivers? Yes, because where there is water, there is life. People built their homes, started families and lived. These freedom-loving people called themselves Cossacks. Cossack means a free person, daring.
Teacher: Cossacks, first of all, were warriors. Therefore, they raised courage, dexterity, resourcefulness, and ingenuity in their sons.
From childhood, the Cossack was taught to feel like a military man. His mother sang to him in his cradle about the battles, his grandfather and father told him about the service. At the age of 3, the Cossack boy rode a horse around the yard, at 7-8 he fearlessly rode bareback down the street, across the steppe, bravely swam, and shot with a gun. Her favorite pastime was horse racing. Cossack war games developed dexterity and courage and prepared them for future difficult military service.
Teacher: for the youngest Cossacks, the Cossacks organized funny games, jumping rope. Young boys took part in the Cossack game “Group”, where little Cossacks fought and “chopped” each other with sticks.
Cossack fun helps young Cossacks show their courage, dexterity and resourcefulness.
A game:
1. "Papakha"
The players stand in a circle. At a signal, a hat is passed around in a circle and the words are spoken:
You fly, fly papakha,
You fly, fly forward,
Whoever's hat stands up, let him go to the circle!
Whoever has the hat in his hands goes to the center and dances.
Teacher: Adult Cossacks also, keeping up with the children, played Cossack games. Cossack fighting is one of the ancient martial arts of the Cossacks and, at times, folk entertainment, which is a fight with fists. In addition to entertainment, fist fighting among the Cossacks was a kind of school of war, developing the skills necessary for defense.
A game:
2. “Drag the stick”
2 players sit opposite each other, both have a stick in their hands.
Holding the stick with both hands, the players must pull each other towards themselves.

A game:

3. “Sort out the cereal”

The guys are divided into two teams. Each team is given three types of cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet). After the teacher mixes these cereals, the children must sort them by name.

Teacher: And now for you guys,
I'll tell you riddles!
I know, I know in advance -
You are a savvy people!
Sit down, relax,
Use your mind!
(showing the presentation)

1. There is a hole at the top,
There's a hole at the bottom
And in the middle -
Fire and water. (Samovar)
2. New vessel,
And all in holes, (Sieve, sieve)
3.Three brothers
Let's go to the river to swim,
Two are swimming
The third one is lying on the shore.
We swam, went out,
On the third they hung. (Buckets with rocker)
4.Made from boards
And put on a belt,
And these dishes keep
Summer harvested from the garden. (Barrel)
5.The black horse gallops into the fire. (Poker)
6. Not a bull, but goring,
He doesn’t eat, but he has enough food
Whatever he grabs, he gives away.
He goes to the corner himself. (Grab)
7. Wooden girlfriend
Without her we are like without hands.
At leisure - fun,
And feeds everyone around.
He carries the porridge directly into his mouth
And it doesn’t let you get burned? (Wooden spoon)
8. Small piece of wood
There are only three strings on it,
And as soon as it rings
It will immediately cheer everyone up. (Balalaika)
9. Is it strong, ringing and sharp? (Saber)
10. Rides on someone else’s back, carries a load on his own (Saddle)
11. Did you lie in the sun and then run off to Kuban? (Snow in spring)

Child: Free people live in Kuban,
Free people, Kuban Cossacks,
Cossack life is all in songs.
And where the song is sung, there is a happy life!
We sang for you
And they danced for you
If you like fun,
Come back another time!

Couples fun

1. Fun with stones

a) Small stones, preferably flat, are placed on the head and

the outer side of the palm. The players' task is to force the opponent by any means

drop one of the stones, while your stones must remain in place.

The person who dropped the stone is punished (receives a fist in the chest).

It should be noted that if any of the players shows aggressiveness

in any game, he is immediately “punished” with a blow of the whip, to which he is obliged to respond

"thanks for the science" and the games continue. Compliance with the rules of the game is usually

monitored by the most experienced, respected players.

b) Stones on the head and on the shoulders near the neck. The rules remain the same (the game can be played

make it more difficult by using more stones, or on other areas of the hands).

2. "Kicks". Players holding hands on command begin to woo each other

kicks. The winner is the one who, within a certain period of time,

will inflict more kicks on the opponent.

3. "Plywood". The players agree on who gets the even or

an odd number of fingers thrown out by one hand of the opponents. IN

depending on which number is rolled (even, odd), one is counted

losers. The punishment is a punch to the chest.

4. "Take off your hat." The players wear hats. To the music at the beginning

perform dance elements, then, colliding with each other’s chests,

diverge. This is the moment the competition begins. The winner is the one who

Who will be the first to remove the opponent's headdress?

5. “Push out of the circle” (with a stick). The players stand in the center of the circle,

pre-designated, grasp the stick in the center with one hand, and the edges with the other.

On command, everyone tries to push their opponent out of the circle.

The loser is the one who comes first

will be behind the circle.

6. “Pull out the turnip” (with a stick). The players sit opposite each other, leaning

kicking into the opponent's legs. Hands hold onto a stick. They start on command, not

getting up, pull each other towards you. The one who wins


7. “Put on your back” (with a stick). The players stand with their backs to each other.

A stick over the head in the hands of the players. On command, each player tries

lift your opponent off the ground and put him on your back. To the losers

The one who releases the stick or ends up on the opponent’s back is considered.

8. "Bulldozer". The players sit with their backs to each other on the ground. A game

is to push the opponent beyond a predetermined line, not

lifting off the ground, resting on the ground with your feet and hands. The one who loses

the first one is behind the line.

9. "Okay." At first, the players clap their hands at a slow pace, why?

alternately with the right, left hand, into both hands of the partner, then into the chest alternately.

The pace needs to be gradually increased. (The game also offers other options.)

10. "Lower smoothly." Two players, resting their palms on each other, begin

slowly disperse, trying to lie smoothly on the ground together in this position.

The pair that manages to descend more smoothly, without falling, wins.


11. “Push from place” (with a stick). The players stand against each other

sideways, with your foot to the opponent’s foot, in your hands - a stick. The stick must be held alone

hand at the end, the other in the middle of the stick. On command, players try

push each other out of place. The one who moves first loses

at least one leg.

Group fun

12. "Falling from a height onto your hands." Players line up in two lines in front of

high springboard, structure, tree. One of the players stands on top

then falls flat into the hands of the players and crawls along the hands, somersaulting, and falls

to the ground and forms a line. At this time, the other player repeats the fall on

hands. Players first hold their hands, then extend them only in flight

One of the players lies down.

13. "Prepare your fists." The players choose a driver and line up in one

line. The driver shouts: “Prepare your fists!” The players answer: “On whose sides?”

The driver calls the name of one and the players. The player named is trying

run away, and the players catch and “punch the sides” of the runner. If the player succeeds

run away, the driver remains the same, if his sides are “bruised”, then the driver

he becomes.

14. “Catch the wheel” (with sticks). The players are divided into two teams, between

teams distance approximately about five meters. In the hands of the players -

sticks. The task of each team is to use sticks to catch a wooden object thrown at them.

the wheel is about twenty centimeters in diameter, about five centimeters thick

centimeters, cut from round wood. If the team succeeds, then it

remains in place and throws the wheel at the other team, if not, then

the other team retreats exactly as many steps as the wheel flies,

accordingly, suitable. The team that is pushed back loses

opponent, will reach the limiting line outlined in advance by each of

commands The losing team is usually "punished" with a twig or whip.

15. "Run". The players draw a small circle with a radius of about one and a half meters.

Then the driver is selected using a canal or a counting rhyme.

The driver stands in the center of the circle with a hat in his hands (another is possible

item). The rest of the players, standing in a circle, hit the zipuns on command

(sweatshirt, padded jacket are possible, preferably without buttons) according to the leading player

so as not to give him the opportunity to throw his hat at the players, and they run away.

The driver's task is to hit the player with his hat without leaving the circle. If it's for him

succeeds, then the one he hit takes his place; if not, then he

stays in place. If one of the players drives three times, he is put in a "run"

("run" - two lines of players), punishing. The punished person is obliged two or three times

(by agreement) run, walk, crawl among the players. The players interfere with him

do this by hitting him with zipuns. Then the game repeats.

16. "In Mishuya" (with a stick). The driver is selected by channel or counting. To the driver

blindfolded. He is taken to the center of the circle. The players stand in a circle. Driver

starts, running in a circle, waving a stick, trying to hit (hit)

one of the players. Players, dodging, try to touch, hit

or dump the driver. Whoever succeeds in this will additionally have “one

life." If the driver slaps one of the players, the player becomes the driver.

If the driver insults a player who has “one life” left, then he again

continues to drive, and the player no longer has “life”.

17. "Beetle". The driver is selected by channel or counting. The driver becomes

with his back to the players (usually 34 players) and puts his palm under his ear. Players

touch or lightly hit the driver on the arm or shoulder so that he does not

noticed. The driver, turning, must guess which of the players touched

him, while he hits the player he guessed in the chest. If you guessed right

false, then all players beat the driver, if true, then the player becomes the driver,

which the driver guessed.

18. "Arable elephant." The players are divided into fours. One four -

driving The four are distributed as follows: one player is taken together by the arms from the side

and one player - by the legs from behind. All these four, depending on whether they drive

she either runs away - catches up or runs away if the driving four catches up

running away - then they change roles and at the same time that four. which we caught up with

shouts: “Ohyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, why is this being done!” Game space

limitedly arbitrary.

19. "Stand in pairs." The players stand with their backs facing each other, with their hands

taken under the elbow. The task of each couple is to stand on their feet, and, if possible,

knock down another pair without letting go of your hands. The number of pairs is not limited.

20. "Blind Puppy." The players are divided into two teams. Some are "puppies", others

"mothers". They bet against each other. Each couple tries to remember their

partner. Then everyone is blindfolded. The "puppies" are placed on all fours, and

The “mothers”, having been led a little and confused, are released. The playing space is limited.

The players’ task, without saying a word, is to find their partners by touch.

signs. Those couples who could not find each other within a certain period

time, “punish” with a whip or twig.

21. "Worm". The driver is selected from a group of up to five by caning or counting

Human. The driver lies on the ground, the players - on him. The driver must crawl out

from under the players with the words: “I want to go to the sun, I want to go to the light!” If the driver is not

crawled out - he is “punished” with a whip or a twig. Then the game repeats

alternately, or channeling, depending on the agreement.

22. "Wolves, hunters, wolfhounds." The players are divided into two teams. First -

"wolves", the second - "hunters" and "wolfhounds". The task of each player is

being on any team, touch the opponent first. At the same time, which of

The first one to touch the “wolves” or “wolfhounds”, the opponent turns into a “wolf”

or in "wolfhound". "Wolves", touching the "hunters", only after the third

times have the ability to turn “hunters” into “wolves” according to the rules of the game.

"Hunters", touching "wolves", turn them into "wolfhounds". A game

based on speed and attentiveness. By agreement of the parties, the "wolves" and

"wolfhounds", and who became such as a result of the game, scatter to

decide who is who, and who has how many players left, and then again

continue to play until one of the sides wins completely, that is, all the “wolves” will become

"wolfhounds" or vice versa, all "wolfhounds" and "hunters" will turn into

"wolves". To simplify identification, you can use hats (say,

"wolves" in headdresses, "hunters" and "wolfhounds" holding headdresses in

hands; in case of "transformation" the player either puts on or takes off the headdress).

23. "Ketovras". Game in pairs. A player lies on the ground on his hands, the other behind

takes him by the legs. The second couple does the same and stands opposite each other

friend. On command, the pairs come together, and the opponents try to put them on the ground

player standing on his hands. The pair that touches the ground first loses.

24. "Ketovrasy". A game similar to the game "Ketovras". Only in pairs already

teams participate. The winning team is the one that puts it on the ground

all players of the opposing team, and the team itself will have at least one pair in

starting position.

25. "Spring". The players are divided into two teams. Holding each other's hands,

teams try to win opponents over to their side. The winner is the one who

manages to win the opposing team over to your side.

26. "Vezha". The players stand in a circle holding hands.

One of the players begins to entangle the entire circle as he moves (you can

roll over, crawl under your feet). Tangled until free

the movement will not stop. Another player starts a tangled "tangle" or "vezhu"

unravel. In this case, the hands do not disengage. Unraveling occurs before

starting position.

27. "Tell someone else." Players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the players

gives a slap on the head to another, who, trying to dodge, without leaving his place, passes

slap the next one on the head. And so - all around the circle.

28. "Podzabornogo". The players stand in a circle. A player stands in the center of the circle,

who is in a relaxed state, as if drunk. Players move

him in a circle with his hands, rotating him, pushing him to the opposite side of the circle,

rolling. The player, without straining at all, succumbs to the movement, which

the players give it. The players' task, without dropping it, is to constantly give it

movement. Then another player steps into the circle.

29. “Running like a top.” The players join hands under the elbow with their backs to each other.

Together they begin to make rotational movements in one direction or the other. One

one of the players begins to insult them with a stick. The task of those running like a top - with their feet

fight off blows. Played by three or more people.

30. "Moles". A large circle is outlined. The driver is chosen by channel. For players

blindfolded and placed on all fours. The driver, moving in a circle,

kicks players in the ass. The drivers are prohibited from leaving the circle. If he

came out - he was whipped by those who follow the rules of the game. Players must

catch a blind driver. If they succeed, then they pinch, tickle,

31. "In zhuta." Zhut is a rope that does not have a hard end, approximately

forty centimeters. First, the driver is selected by channeling or counting.

The players sit in a circle on their knees close to each other, the driver -

in the center of the circle, knees covered with clothes.

They are watching behind the players. The driver does not see him. The players try to deceive the driver,

If possible, hit him on the back. The driver’s task is to pull out the harness without getting up.

The players' task is to hit and quickly pass the rope to another player or hide it

behind the back. If the driver manages to snatch the harness, the player who takes his place sits

whose harness was torn out.

32. "Grey little bunny." Two or three drivers are chosen by channel or counting.

The players form a circle. The drivers are in a circle. To the round dance "Grey Little Zainka"

the driver begins to demonstrate dance elements. At the end of the round dance

The drivers are trying to break out of the circle. The players don't give it to them. In the place where

the driver breaks through, the players become drivers, and the driver becomes a player. The one who

been a driver more than three times is “punished”, usually with a twig or

33. "Get it with your foot." The driver is selected using a canal or counting rhyme, and he is tied

eyes. The players sit on the ground. The driver, not seeing the players, tries to get them

foot. The players dodge without getting up. At the same time, they also strike from

sitting position with feet on the driver. If the driver got someone from

players, he takes his place. The area where the game is played

usually limited.

34. "Stand on the plank." The players stand in a circle. There is a tablet in the middle of the circle

or other flat object. At the signal, all players try to stand on the board and

hold on to it for more than three seconds. At the same time, other players are trying

push the player standing on the board off it and stand on the board themselves.

The one who stands for more than three seconds wins.

35. "Living wattle fence." The players, with their hands on each other's shoulders, stand shoulder to shoulder in one line.

Game of hats

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity and attention.

On the court, the players sit on the ground, forming a circle, with one of the players standing in the center. Players sitting in a circle throw a hat to one another. The person standing in the circle must catch the hat as it flies from one player to another, or try to snatch it from the players’ hands.

Rules of the game:

  • the hat is thrown back or forth without observing order;
  • If the person standing in the circle manages to catch the hat, then he sits in the circle. And the player whose hat was taken away or who did not catch the hat in time remains standing in a circle.

Game option: on a flat playing field, one of the players (“the blockhead”) sits on the ground and puts his hat upside down on his head. The rest of the players jump over the person sitting one after another, and whoever knocks off his hat first sits in the place of the “boob.”

Game Cossacks

Purpose of the game: development of attention, dexterity.

The playing boys choose a leader, who orders them to line up, turn around, jump into the quarry, grab some prize while running, jump over a barrier or ditch. The players hit the target with pebbles.

Rules of the game: Those who most distinguished themselves in the game and in following orders receive ranks and insignia from the boss.

Game Grybaki (Cross)

Purpose of the game: development of speed endurance.

Children playing take their hands in pairs and stand pair by pair. The “fishermen” are selected - a pair that stands in front of everyone at a short distance from them. First, the first pair of players runs, past the “fishers”. Runners must run alone, without holding hands. The “fishers” catch and run with them, holding hands.

Rules of the game:

  • if one of the runners is caught by the “fishermen” without having time to shake hands with a comrade, then he and his comrade become “fishermen”, and the “fishermen” stand behind all the pairs; if the “fishermen” do not catch any of the runners, then they stand as before place and the next pair runs, and the one that was running stands behind the last one.

Porridge game

Purpose of the game: development of agility and strength endurance.

On the playground, children stand in a circle and one of them, throwing a ball on the ground, says: “Children, porridge!” The ball bounces and the players try to catch it. The one who caught the ball sits astride the player who reached out to the ball with him and hits the ball on the ground again, the other players try to catch it, etc.

Game “Three grandmas”

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity and accuracy.

Before the start of the game, the players touch, i.e., a stick is taken, one player clasps it with his hand at the lower end, the other takes it above his hand, etc. The last player to grab the end of the stick is called “top”, and the other “bottom” . The “tops” hit, and the “bottoms” go into the field.

For this game, three sticks (headstocks) are stuck into the ground: the first headstock, from which the ball is hit with a “bat,” the second is stuck not far from the first, somewhat to the side, and the third - 30-40 steps from the first. The players take turns hitting. You can only hit once. The ball that hits goes to the second headstock, where the others go too. If the ball flies far, those standing at the second headstock run to the third, and if possible, then run back. If there is no way to run back, then they wait there for a convenient moment to rush to the first grandmother. Those standing in the field try to hit one of the runners with the ball. If they succeed, they all rush to the first or second grandmother, depending on where it is closer and more convenient to run. The defeated ones at this time try, in turn, to hit one of the opponents with the ball, and if they succeed and run to the grandmas in time, then they continue to hit, and if not, they go to the field, and the lower ones begin the game. Sometimes mutual knockout is repeated several times.

Rules of the game:

  • you can knock out only when the players are between the second and third grandmas; having run behind one or another grandmother, the player is completely safe from being hit;
  • In addition to hitting the opponent, those standing in the field also have the right to hit the ball when one of them catches the ball on the fly.

Game Ordinary tourniquet

Purpose of the game: development of attention, dexterity, speed of movement.

The driver chosen for the game is the tourniquet. The rest of the children sit on the playground in a circle at a short distance from each other. The tourniquet walks around with a tourniquet in his hand, sometimes bends over, pretending to offer someone sitting a tourniquet behind his back. The tourniquet is placed behind the back at such a distance that it is convenient to reach it with your hand. If, before the tourniquet goes around one circle, the player to whom the tourniquet was placed does not find it, then the tourniquet picks up the tourniquet and hits the player with it. This player becomes the new burner, and the previous one takes his place. If one of the sitting players finds a tourniquet behind his back, then he gets up and runs after the tourniquet, trying to strike him several times until he makes a circle and takes the vacated place.

Rules of the game:

  • the players have no right to look around, move from their place, or inform their neighbor that they have put a tourniquet on him.

Game option: The players stand with their hands behind their backs. The tourniquet quietly passes the tourniquet to one of the players, and the one who receives it tries to beat his neighbor until he runs around the entire circle and stands in his place.

Game Millet

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, attention, flexibility.

This is a special type of game of harness. A tourniquet driver is selected and given a tourniquet. The rest of the players form a straight chain, holding hands, which, at the start of the game, are raised enough so that you can run under them.

The burner approaches the first person standing in the chain and asks: “Are you going to go reap millet?” He answers: “And the big millet?” The flagger, showing with his hand the size of the millet, says: “This is it!” If the burner shows high millet, the player says: “I won’t get it,” and if it’s low, “I won’t bend my back.” After these words, the talking player runs under the raised hands of the players to the opposite end of the chain, and the tourniquet chases him with a tourniquet. If the tourniquet catches up with the player and hits him, then he passes the tourniquet to the hired one, and he himself becomes part of the chain from the end where he just ran.

Rules of the game:

  • if the flagger fails to hit the running player, then this player joins the chain, and the flagger approaches with an invitation to hit the next player, etc.

Game Lord of the Hole.

A hole is dug in the center of the square in which the sword is placed. The ruler of the hole is chosen using a counting table. The ruler sits at a distance of 3-5 meters away from the players. Players stand around the ball (within a radius of 2-4 meters) at an even distance from each other and from the sword. When everyone is ready, the overlord shouts out the name of any of the players. He must quickly grab the sword and insult one of the runners, throwing the sword from the spot (or catching up with the player). The greasy ones leave the game. If the player named by the overlord misses, then he leaves the game. The rest again take their places in a circle, and the game continues. The one who lasts the longest wins. Next time he becomes the master of the hole.

Game of duchki.(Temizhbek village of Kuban region)

Only boys participate in the game of duchka: they play it on warm winter days and in the spring. For this game, dig a small round hole half an arshin deep and the same width in diameter; Around this hole, near the center at a distance of approximately one fathom, small holes are dug according to the number of players, so that these holes form a circle. The central fossa is called duk, and the ducts located around the circumference are called duk.
One of the girls is called the eldest (1st), the 2nd is called the youngest, then the 3rd, 4th, etc. There should be more players than little girls. For this game, it is necessary for each player to have one proportionate stick, slightly curved at one end (stalks), and for everyone one wooden ball (pig), approximately the size of a three-pound weight. The whole essence of the game is that one of the players must drive the pig into the dook, but the others do not allow him to do this. In order to determine who should stand in which chute and who should start driving first, this method is used. Standing in the same place, the players take turns throwing their sticks back over their heads. The one whose stick is the farthest gets into the eldest stick, the next one into the 2nd, etc.; the one whose stick is closest must drive the pig into the duk.
The circle together with the duka and duchki is called a city. The player chases the pig from out of town into the city. He who stands in the bow must take care of it; To do this, he holds the end of the stick in a bow. As soon as the driver drives the pig towards the city with a stick, those standing in the ditch beat it back and so
They don't let him into the city anyway. It would seem that the player never manages to drive the pig into the dook, so what can he do alone against 8-10? But the fact is that everyone, trying to drive the pig out of town, must at the same time take care of his little one; As soon as someone starts to gape, the one playing with his stick will immediately take his little girl and then he must go and drive it. If the player managed to drive the pig into the duck, then he becomes the eldest duck, and the one who was standing here is in the 2nd, the 2nd in the 3rd, etc.; and whoever stood in the last hole goes to drive it, or, as they mockingly say to the player: “guard the pig.”

Pitsva(Novominskaya village of Kuban region)

The players each take a stick. One of them puts his on the ground, and the rest take turns throwing it at the lying one so that the thrown stick hits the lying one at the end, and both take a cross-shaped position. Who will make a mistake, i.e. does not hit the lying stick at all, he puts his own. For this game, everyone should have curved sticks so that they do not fit tightly to the ground.

Games with balls (Ardonskaya village)

The balls are divided into two groups: two are placed in one direction and two in the other. Their opponents place them next to each other. One of the balls of each pair is considered the king. The player, rearranging the skating rink at random, rolls his ball and tries to hit the king or the opponent’s simple ball. If it hits the king, it has five points, if it hits a simple ball, then it has four points. If you manage to hit the king and hit a simple ball with it, you win 15 points. One point is deducted for a miss. The game ends when someone reaches 100 points.