Photoshop removal program. Complete removal of Adobe products. How to Remove Adobe Creative Cloud from File Explorer Sidebar on Windows

Photoshop removal program. Complete removal of Adobe products. How to Remove Adobe Creative Cloud from File Explorer Sidebar on Windows

Adobe Creative Cloud is a pretty handy app that will install the Creative Cloud app on your Mac. Apart from this, it can also help you install many other Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and more. Among other things, you can also take care of using the Creative Cloud application - Creative Cloud subscription. Assuming everything has passed and you don't want to resume or start over, it might be best to take some steps to uninstall Creative Cloud on Mac .

Benefits of uninstalling Creative Cloud

As mentioned earlier, if your subscription has expired and you don't plan on renewing it, there doesn't seem to be any point in keeping Creative Cloud on your Mac. It's good to keep it running in the background, but it can take up a lot of memory space, especially if you've installed other apps and programs using Creative Cloud. Another thing to consider is that even if they are not in use, Creative Cloud can be updated in the background. taking up much needed processing space, which you definitely don't want to happen.

Tip: If you are suffering from running out of space on your Mac, you can use a smart tool known as on Mac.

Removal using the most effective and simplest method available

There are several steps to uninstall Creative Cloud on Mac, but if you don't want to be bothered and want to choose the most effective method, then we highly recommend using one to answer your uninstallation needs.

Mac Cleaner is a great tool on your Mac and can help you with maintenance, removal, and more. Mac Cleaner is designed to make your life easier when you use your Mac. To uninstall Creative Cloud, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install Mac Cleaner

Go to the website and download Mac Cleaner, depending on your internet speed, it won't take long. After downloading the DMG file for Mac, please follow the installation process to move to the next step.

Step 2: Open Mac Cleaner and select Uninstaller

When you finish the installation, please open Mac Cleaner. You'll get an immediate overview of your Mac's current status. This is useful to note, especially if you have plans to use the Mac for a long time. It's always a good idea to note all the tools on the left side that are available for later use. Selecting the Uninstaller.

Step 3: Allow scanning

Mac Uninstaller will ask for permission to scan your programs and applications, please allow it to continue. Depending on the amount of data that Mac Uninstaller needs to remove, this process may take some time. Please be patient and wait for the process to complete, do not interrupt it by closing the program or your Mac.

Step 4:

Once the scan is complete, find Creative Cloud in the list. Select it and go to the next step.

Step 5: Checking boxes

When you select Creative Cloud, you'll see all the programs and other items included in Creative Cloud. You can select what you want to remove, but it is suggested to check all or select all so that you can successfully remove Creative Cloud from your Mac.

Step 6: Confirm the removal process

In the last step, when you have selected the files to be deleted, Mac Uninstaller will ask you to confirm the deletion before proceeding, just confirm it and you are done with Creative Cloud.

Once you complete all these steps, you can be sure that Creative Cloud is no longer on your Mac.

Using the manual method to remove Creative Cloud

You have quite a bit of knowledge about using Mac and can uninstall it yourself, so you want to avoid using any other program and do it yourself. It is certainly possible, all you need to do is take the following steps to uninstall Creative Cloud on Mac:

Step 1: Uninstall all other apps using Creative Cloud. You won't be able to uninstall Creative Cloud if other programs are still using it. So open Creative Cloud and you can remove any programs you installed from there before moving forward.

Step 2: Exit the program. Make sure you are not using Creative Cloud, you can open Utilities, find Activity Monitor, find Creative Cloud and sign out. Or, if you have Creative Cloud open, select the Exit option rather than just pressing X to close it.

Step 3: Use an uninstaller. Once this is done, look for the "Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud" application in your applications, most likely it will be in the Creative Cloud folder.

Step 4: Complete the process - follow this process accordingly and you will eventually have to uninstall Creative Cloud.

This may take some time depending on the number of programs installed using Creative Cloud. And unfortunately, you will have to manually find the temporary files that are still on your Mac and delete them one by one. As you can see, while there are fewer steps than using Mac Uninstaller, there is quite a bit of work involved, and if you're not too used to Macs, it may not be the most ideal option for you.

Final conclusion

Creative Cloud is quite useful, but if you really want to free up your Mac, you have several options available. After reading this how to uninstall Creative Cloud on Mac, you can decide which option is best for you, and what is most important is which option you choose best suits your needs.

There are many alternatives to Adobe products in the market, but often users face problems when uninstalling these programs. For some inexplicable reason, Windows allows Adobe to behave like a family of malware that refuses to go away without a fight.

Fortunately, there are no unsolvable problems. So, how to completely remove Adobe creative cloud from your computer?

Problems with deletion

Adobe Creative Cloud takes up a lot of space on the system. Even if you follow their recommended minimum requirements (8 GB of RAM, etc.), you may have to put up with the loud whirring of your computer cooler. Additionally, background processes consume vital CPU and memory.

There is no way to remove Adobe Creative Cloud from automatic launch through the control panel. Even when disabled from “launch applications”, these products return as a ghost the next time you restart.

Stubborn programs can be removed in Safe Mode, but there must be easier alternatives. Trying to uninstall ACC through the Control Panel will not be successful.

Try uninstalling Adobe products using external cleaning utilities. For example, CleanMyPC. It has a multi-uninstaller option that removes most stubborn programs. But for some reason this function does not work for everyone with Adobe products. Even when trying to uninstall one by one, some get an error message.

Luckily, the company itself provides an easy way to get rid of its products for good with its Creative Cloud Cleaner tool. Unlike other Adobe products, this program is intuitive and fast. After installation, run the program as an administrator.

Once the .exe file has downloaded, you must first select a language option.

In the Deny field, enter Y and click.

It is at this stage that you can view the entire range of installed ACCs in one place. If you want to get rid of all of them, press 1. This really, truly gets rid of the entire Adobe family. The whole process takes about five minutes and this includes restarting the computer.

Press "y" to confirm, and you will soon see a message indicating that a specific program has been removed.

Howremove Adobe Creative Cloud from File Explorer sidebar in Windows

One of the features of the ACC subscription is online synchronization of documents and user settings. While many users find this feature useful—Dropbox is used for Photoshop and other resources, for example—others don't use the service and prefer to store and sync files in a different way.

It's important to note that the following steps do not actually remove the program's root folder. You can still manually access this folder, which by default is located in C:\Users\Creative Cloud. These steps also do not disable actual Creative Cloud file storage or sync features. To do this, you need to launch the application, click the gear icon and go to Settings> Creative Cloud> files, where there is the word “sync” put it in the Off position.

To remove Creative Cloud from the Explorer sidebar, you need to change an entry in the Windows registry. Launch Registry Editor by pressing the Windows + R keys on the desktop and type regedit in the Run box. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to launch the utility and authorize all User Account Control requests.

Now you need to find the correct registry key, which will vary depending on your specific Windows configuration, but will be located somewhere in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID key. The fastest way to find the correct location is to find it using the Find command. With Registry Editor selected, press Control + F on your keyboard to open the search box. Enter Creative Cloud files in the Find box and uncheck the “keys” and “values” checkboxes.

The first result will most likely be an entry that looks like the screenshot above. If you get a different result, keep pressing F3 on your keyboard to search for other entries until you get one that looks like the example screenshot.

The.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree parameter needs to be changed. Double click on it to change its value, the default will be 1, you need to change it to 0 (zero). Click OK to save your changes.

Alternatives to ACC

Use GIMP instead of Photoshop. It can even be stylized and made to look like Photoshop.

Scribus is a suitable alternative instead of InDesign, Inkscape instead of Illustrator and Digicam instead of Lightroom. The above programs are also suitable for Linux system users.

Foxit is one of the best alternative PDF readers.

If you're looking for similar features and functionality to Premiere Pro or After Effects, Final Cut Pro is a worthy alternative.


There is little doubt that the Adobe family of products are some of the best in the design business. Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Encoder, Illustrator, LightRoom, InCopy, InDesign have left their mark with rich features. However, it is almost impossible to completely remove Adobe creative cloud from your computer without Creative Cloud Cleaner.

Photoshop, for all its advantages, also suffers from common software diseases, such as errors, freezes, and incorrect operation.

In many cases, to resolve problems, it may be necessary to completely remove Photoshop from your computer before reinstalling it. Also, trying to install an older version over a new one can cause a lot of headaches. That is why it is recommended to complete the steps described in this lesson before doing this.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the uninstallation process may not go as smoothly as we would like. Today we will look at three special cases of removing an editor from a computer.

Method 1: CCleaner

First, let's consider the option of removing Photoshop using a third-party program, which will be CCleaner.

After uninstalling the editor, it is strongly recommended to restart your computer, since the system registry is updated only after a reboot.

Method 2: standard

Currently, all Adobe software products, except Flash Player, are installed through the Creative Cloud shell, with which you can manage installed programs.

The program is launched by a shortcut that appears on the desktop after installation.

Photoshop, like most other programs installed on a computer, creates a special entry in the system registry that allows it to get into the list of the control panel applet called "Programs and Features". Older versions of Photoshop that were installed without the participation of Creative Cloud are deleted here.

We removed Photoshop, it is no longer there, the task is completed.

Method 3: non-standard

If the program is not in the list Control panels, then you will have to, as they say, “dance with a tambourine” a little, since the standard Photoshop distribution does not contain a built-in uninstaller.

Reasons why the editor did not “register” in Control panels, may be different. Perhaps you installed the program in the wrong folder where it should be by default, or the installation was incorrect, or you (God forbid!) have a pirated version of Photoshop. In any case, removal will have to be done manually.

  1. First of all, delete the folder with the installed editor. You can determine its location by clicking on the program shortcut and going to the item "Properties".

  2. In the shortcut properties window there is a button that says "File location".

  3. After clicking, the exact folder that we need to delete will open. You need to exit it by clicking on the name of the previous folder in the address bar.

  4. Now you can delete the directory with Photoshop. Do it better with keys SHIFT+DELETE, bypassing Cart.

  5. To continue deleting, make invisible folders visible. To do this we go to "Control Panel - Folder Options".

  6. On the tab "View" enable the option "Show hidden files, folders and drives".

  7. Go to the system drive (on which the folder is located "Windows"), open the folder "ProgramData".

    Here we go to the directory "Adobe" and delete subfolders "Adobe PDF" And "CameraRaw".

  8. Next we follow the path

    C:\Users\Your Account\AppData\Local\Adobe

    and delete the folder "Color".

  9. The next “client” to be deleted is the contents of the folder located at:

    From:\Users\Your Account\AppData\Roaming\Adobe

    Here we delete subfolders "Adobe PDF", "Adobe Photoshop CS6", "CameraRaw", "Color". If you use other CS6 version programs, then the folder "CS6ServiceManager" leave it in place, otherwise remove it.

  10. Now you need to clean the system registry of Photoshop “tails”. This, of course, can be done manually, but it is better to trust professionals who write specialized software.

After all manipulations, a reboot is mandatory.

These were two ways to completely remove Photoshop from your computer. Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to do this, the information in this article will help you avoid some of the troubles associated with uninstalling the program.

Lately, many questions have arisen not only about installing Adobe Creative Cloud products, but also about their uninstallation. So, let's look at how to clean the system from Adobe products using standard Windows methods and using the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool utility. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program. Select the application that you want to uninstall, right-click on it and select: Delete.

A standard Adobe Creative Cloud window will open for the application to be removed; do not forget to check the box next to the item: Remove settings. And click on the button: Delete.

The process of removing program components will begin:

Adobe After Effects CC was successfully uninstalled. Click on the button: Close.

Download the utility from the official website:
Platform version of Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool:
Launch AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe.

Select a language: e this is English and press Enter.

We confirm the continuation of work by entering y and pressing Enter.

We are informed that all files and file associations will be deleted. We drive in y and press Enter.

After successful removal, we receive the message: Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool completed successfully. Close the utility.

Log files of the utility can be found here: for Windows 8, 7, or Vista: C:\Users\\Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool.log and for Mac OS X: /Users//Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool.log.
Now let's check the operation of the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool for the Mac platform.
- Create backup copies of all files located in Adobe product directories, including installed custom plug-ins and profiles.
- To uninstall Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications, select Applications > Utilities > Adobe Application Installers in the Finder.
- Double-click the utility to uninstall the corresponding application.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall procedure.
- Restart your computer.
- Download Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool for Mac.
Double click on the archive: AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.dmg.

The process of opening the AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.dmg archive will begin.

Double click on the shortcut: Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool.

Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool is a program. The object was downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open this object? Click on the button: Open.

Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool requires changes. To allow this action, enter your password. Enter the password and click on the button: OK.

We accept the license agreement by clicking on the button: Accept.

In the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool window, select the system, and everything related to Adobe: All.

Click on the button: Cleanup selected.

Confirm your choice: Yes.

When the removal is complete, click on the button: Quit.

Download from the official website a utility that supports uninstalling Adobe Creative Cloud 2020 products (and below) using direct links:

Remove adobe creative cloud.

Today we are going to uninstall the Adobe creative cloud program. Why will we delete Adobe creative cloud? Simply because this useless program takes up space, constantly wants to be updated, sits in background programs, and starts when the computer starts.

Where does adobe creative cloud come from on pc? Unfortunately, today it is simply not possible to download official versions of some Adobe programs without registering and downloading this program!

Before we start uninstalling the Adobe Creative Cloud program, I would like to show you a screenshot... and there you can see that approximately 10,000 people a month want to download, install and even some knocked, want to buy it! Damn, what strange people there are... we will never understand them!

And further! Look, in the task manager there are 9 background programs that directly or indirectly interact with the program - adobe creative cloud.


We figured out that the program - adobe creative cloud - is pure evil and has no place on our computer!

Adobe Creative Cloud is not uninstalled!

And the easiest way to remove a program is through – control panel – uninstall programs, but let’s see what this radish gives us:

Unable to remove platform - creative cloud desktop. Creative cloud applications are installed on the computer, which require their presence for correct operation...

Hmm...well, of course!


Of course it’s not deleted, but how do you want them to just give up!? I had to suffer quite a lot to clean my computer of this junk!

To do this, you will need a program called - Revo Uninstaller Pro - download from this address. Let's go loading.


Select the desired program - adobe creative cloud and click on the top - delete!




Click select all!


Twice you are sure, yes!! Why did we just do this!?


And we are informed that some files remain, but will be deleted the next time the system boots!
