Profession weaver. Summary of direct educational activities in the older age group on the topic “Acquaintance with the weaver’s craft. Functional and job responsibilities of a weaver

Profession weaver. Summary of direct educational activities in the older age group on the topic “Acquaintance with the weaver’s craft. Functional and job responsibilities of a weaver

Weavers work on looms, which can be manual, mechanical or automated. The looms can be used to weave carpets, tapestries, linen, ribbons, and braid. Each type of product and type of weave requires a special machine.

Modern textile production relies on automated machines. One weaver services several looms at once: he prepares them for work, changes the shuttles with yarn, regulates its tension, and eliminates breaks. When the canvas is ready, he removes it from the machine.

An experienced weaver can detect a malfunction in the machine by sound, assess the quality of the thread by touch and by eye. The working day of such a weaver is spent constantly walking between machines.

Working with a manual or mechanical machine with a foot drive, on the contrary, requires painstaking work and means sitting in one place for a long time.

Such machines are still used for handicraft production. For example, to create carpets self made. Vertical and horizontal carpets are used to make highly artistic, ornamental and subject carpets. manual machines. The warp threads are pulled onto the frame, and the weft threads are passed between them.

In handicraft production, weavers can adhere to certain traditional patterns or work according to an artist’s sketch, using their own drawings.

Historical reference

People learned to weave even before the advent of yarn, in the Stone Age, by weaving plant fibers, vines, strips of leather, etc. In ancient Greek and Roman literature, the literature of China, India, Western Asia and Egypt, there is evidence that weaving existed in those days.

The oldest known example of fabric is considered to be linen fabric, made around 6500 BC. e. It was discovered during archaeological excavations near the Turkish village of Catal Huyuk.

In the first weaving devices, the warp of the fabric was placed vertically and tied to horizontal tree branches. The threads were secured near the ground with stones or pegs. The weft was woven into the warp by hand.

Already in the 5th millennium BC. e. handlooms were used, which became more complex and improved over time.

In 1733, the Englishman J. Kay invented a loom with a flying shuttle (“shuttle-plane”), which doubled weaving productivity. This was the beginning of the industrial revolution in the textile industry. Home spinning gave way to factory spinning.

In 1786, the English priest E. Cartwright invented a fully mechanized loom, in which he combined all the basic operations of hand weaving. With its advent, weavers began to operate several looms at the same time. In 1789, he began using a steam engine in his factory of 20 machines.

Today, automatic machines are used in textile production.

"The Weaver at the Loom", Vincent Van Gogh.


Automated loom weavers work in textile factories. Hand weavers work individually or in small workshops to make tapestries, carpets, etc.

Important qualities

The weaver needs good vision, eye, finger dexterity. When working with automated machines, you need good hearing, because... By the sound you can determine the nature of the machine's operation. Physical endurance is required.

Health. The weaving workshop is a very noisy place. This may have a bad effect on your hearing.

Diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, allergies, hearing and vision problems are contraindications for such work.


Salary as of 06/04/2019

Russia 15000—45000 ₽

Moscow 25000—40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

You need to have skills in operating machines, know the structure of the machines, the properties of the fibers used, the fabrics produced, and be able to eliminate minor breakdowns during the work process.

Where do they teach

To work as a weaver in a factory, a basic education is sufficient. vocational education(NPO), which can be obtained at a vocational school.

The next level of education - secondary vocational education (SPO) - allows you to obtain the specialty "Technology of textile products" (qualification "Technician"). You can master it at a college or technical school.

Natalia Leshchinskaya
Abstract directly educational activities in the older age group on the topic “Introduction to the weaver’s craft”

Summary of direct educational activities

V older age group on the topic:

« Getting to know the weaver's craft»

Target: to cultivate love and respect for folk traditions, the origins of Russian culture.



Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the objects and utensils of the Russian hut;

Deepen understanding of the need to preserve folk traditions;

Master the skills of weaving 2 threads, create a pattern following the sequence;

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary with the help of words: weaver, weaver, loom, weaves, potter, potter's wheel...

Practice coherent speech and precise use of words.


Develop children's speech creativity by creating words word by word WEAVER;

Develop memory, attention, thinking;

Develop fine motor skills hands


To cultivate love and respect for folk traditions, the origins of Russian culture, through folk crafts;

Cultivate respect for the work of other people;

Cultivate neatness diligence.

Preliminary work: introduction to the potter's craft, inventing cards with children that characterize the work of a potter, working with clay on a potter's wheel, clay modeling (tumbler, snowman, cup and saucer, bird) and coloring of the resulting products.

Hello, dear guests, show yourself, look at me.

I hasten to tell you - hello!

To wish you good health.

I hasten to tell you - goodness!

To wish you new happiness.

I hasten to tell you joy!

Good luck, success and luck!

To wish everyone

Have the most wonderful mood.

Let's say hello to each other and wish you good health with the game "Hello".

Guys, you came to visit me, to my hut.

Tell me, what is the name of the room where I meet you? (upper room)

That's right, this is an upper room. The most beautiful and elegant room. Let's look together at the decoration and objects that are in the upper room. (stove,...chest)

Guys, tell me, why in old times did you use chests? (answers)

Yes, in chests old times stored things and objects, as we now store all this in closets. And in my chest there are riddles hidden from you, and the answers are in the upper room.

First riddle: I was on the trample,

I was on the circle

I was at the fire

Came home -

He fed his family. (clay pot)

Tell me, who makes pottery? (potter)

The potter appears on the multimedia screen. (audio recording)“Yes, guys, you said it right. It's me, the potter making clay (ceramic) dishes And you came to visit me, to my workshop, where I showed you and told you how difficult and interesting it is to work with clay and what beautiful products you get.”

Guys, please show and tell me how a potter works with clay. What it does and what actions it performs. And the master potter will check you. (presentation)

Tell me, what does the potter do first? (First the potter takes clay.) Let's check whether it's correct or not.

Okay, what does the potter do then? (Then the potter tramples the clay so that it is soft and pliable.) Let's check.

What does the potter do after this? (After this, the potter makes lumps from the clay) Let's check.

What does the potter do with these lumps? (The potter places the lumps on the potter’s wheel and sculpts a pot or other product. Be sure to wet his hands while working so that they glide better over the clay.) Let’s check whether it’s correct or not.

The potter made a pot, what does he do with it next? (Then the potter dries the pot.) Let's check.

After the pot is dry, what does the potter do? (The potter puts the pot in the kiln to fire it.) Let's check the correctness.

Here is a potter firing a pot, what does he do with it next? (Then the pot can be painted and you can cook in it.) Let's check.

Potter: (audio recording)“Well done guys, they were attentive and did everything correctly. Well, it’s time for me to go on working. Goodbye"

Guys, there are more riddles in my chest, listen carefully.

1. What kind of simpleton is this?

He lay down on his side at the door,

On the road on the doorstep

Stops your legs? (mat)

2. The track speaks -

Two embroidered ends:

- Wash yourself a little, wash the ink off your face!

Otherwise you're in half a day

You'll get me dirty. (towel)

Guys, who do you think makes towels and rugs?)

This towel was woven weaver. Today we let's get acquainted with the profession of weaver. Let's sit next to each other and talk well. Presentation…

I invite you to the weaving factory. * In big, bright room there are looms. Works on looms weaver. * Job weavers are not simple. On a loom made of threads weaver making fabric. * The fabric is bright, multi-colored. Helps weaver at work with shuttle. * On the loom weaver pulling threads. * The shuttle runs between them and pulls the thread behind him. Look how (video) So painstakingly, row by row weaver does its job. Weaves fabric. The fabric is used to make clothes, towels, and much more. * Fabric from the weaving factory goes to the store and to the garment factory.

Guys, I suggest you try to weave it yourself, like weaver. And I invite you to the weaving room.

In front of you is cardboard - the machines have already stretched the thread on them. Look carefully, I will show you how the thread runs between the threads, and then try it yourself.

We take the thread at one end and carefully thread it between the threads. Our thread alternately ran above the thread, sank under the thread, again above the thread and under the thread.

Now let's try to weave with me. Take the end of the thread right hand. Our thread will run between the threads from right to left. First above the thread, then below the thread. ...

Smart girls, tried, did the job carefully. You and I will continue to learn how to weave, but now you are probably tired and I suggest you play the lace game.

Let's stand in a circle. Each of you is a thread and our threads will be in pairs, find yourself a pair. You and I will weave lace, and the shuttle will help us with this and weaver. And which pair will be the shuttle and weaver, we find out with a counting rhyme.

Three four five!

Stop sleeping!

The sun has long since risen,

It's time for us to go play!

The shuttle runs away from weaver, A the weaver catches up with him, but don’t forget that you need to follow every thread.

Ready? Then: one, two, three - run... (1-2 times)

Well done, we played well.

Please tell me what professions we talked about today (potter and weaver)

What new profession are we with? met. (weaver)

A woman of this profession is called weaver, what do they call a man? (weaver)

What machine does he work on? weaver? (loom)

What weaver made on a loom? (weaves)

What item helps? weaver to weave? (shuttle)

Weaver What is weaving on a loom? (What weaver weaves on a loom) (fabric, rugs, belts, towels)

You are right, towels were also woven, and the guests were served bread and salt on the most beautiful towel.

Guys, I was playing with you and almost forgot that I baked bread.

Bread and salt were served to the guests, rejoicing that they had come. This is antique tradition of the Russian people.

I suggest you try the bread, but first you need to wash your hands, and then we will sit at the tables and treat ourselves to the bread.

\Typical job description for a 5th grade Weaver

Job description of a 5th category weaver

Job title: Weaver 5th category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • A weaver of the 5th category is directly subordinate to...................
  • Weaver of the 5th category follows instructions.................................................... .........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Weaver of the 5th category replaces................................... ....................................
  • Replaces 5th grade weaver................................................. ...................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    The weaver is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • device, rules of operation and care of serviced equipment, interaction of its mechanisms
  • assortment and filling calculation of fabrics, carpets, tapes, products and their designs
  • types of weaves and partings
  • types of threading of arcate cords
  • the order of alternating cards and the correctness of their stitching
  • rules for installing cardboard for changing shuttles by color and repeat after acceleration
  • machine maintenance sequence
  • cutting quality and pile height of pile fabrics
  • types and standards of waste.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Production from various materials: fabrics, carpets, tapes and products on mechanical, automatic and special weaving and ribbon looms; decorative fabrics made using combined hand weaving techniques on hand looms; metal and synthetic mesh made of wire and synthetic threads various brands, large and especially high density, combined, twisted, single lining and synthetic meshes for pulp and paper production on metal looms.
  • Adjusting the tension of the weft wire in the shuttle, the position of the strings and the length of the wire winding on the spool.
  • Elimination of broken arcat threads.
  • Changing the knives of the cutting mechanism.
  • Carrying out preventive work to prevent thread breaks and product defects.
  • Restoring the repeat of pattern weaves.
  • Control of fabric density, quality of incoming warps, weft.
  • Development of tissue defects.
  • Ensuring the necessary tension of the root, covering and pile foundations.
  • Monitoring the operation of the lamellar device, cutting, type-setting mechanisms, monitoring the blade, cutting quality, height of pile loops.
  • Winding and running-in of warp threads in case of breaks.
  • Price binding Processing of tied and tucked warps.
  • Charging and changing the weft bobbin.
  • Distillation of cardboard on jacquard machines.
  • Threading a colored border.
  • Choosing a route for servicing machines to ensure continuity of their operation.
  • Participation in the acceptance of serviced machines from repair, care of equipment and workplace.
page 1 Job description Tkach
page 2 Job Description Tkach

4. Rights

  • The weaver has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The weaver has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The weaver has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • The weaver has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • Tkach has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The weaver has the right to submit proposals for the manager’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
  • The weaver has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The weaver has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The weaver is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits specified labor legislation Russian Federation.
  • The weaver is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Tkach is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The weaver is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The weaver is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Tkach is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The weaver is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural


A weaver (weaver) is a master who produces fabrics on a loom. IN modern form it is mainly a female profession.

Weavers work on looms, which can be manual, mechanical or automated. The looms can be used to weave carpets, tapestries, linen, ribbons, and braid. Each type of product and type of weave requires a special machine.

Historical reference

People learned to weave even before the advent of yarn, in the Stone Age, by weaving plant fibers, vines, strips of leather, etc.

In ancient Greek and Roman literature, the literature of China, India, Western Asia and Egypt, there is evidence that weaving existed in those days.

The oldest known example of fabric is considered to be linen fabric, made around 6500 BC. e. It was discovered during archaeological excavations near the Turkish village of Catal Huyuk.

In the first weaving devices, the warp of the fabric was placed vertically and tied to horizontal tree branches. The threads were secured near the ground with stones or pegs. The weft was woven into the warp by hand.

Already in the 5th millennium BC. e. handlooms were used, which became more complex and improved over time.

In 1733, the Englishman J. Kay invented a loom with a flying shuttle (“shuttle-plane”), which doubled weaving productivity. This was the beginning of the industrial revolution in the textile industry. Home spinning gave way to factory spinning.

In 1786, the English priest E. Cartwright invented a fully mechanized loom, in which he combined all the basic operations of hand weaving. With its advent, weavers began to operate several looms at the same time. In 1789, he began using a steam engine in his factory of 20 machines.

Modern textile production relies on automated machines. The main task of the weaver is to prevent unnecessary downtime of the machines (quickly eliminate accidental thread breaks, prevent defects, quickly eliminate them if they occur). The weaver checks the quality of incoming threads by number and color, performs preventive work to prevent breaks in the warp (longitudinal) and weft (transverse) threads, fabric defects, controls the density of the fabric and the accuracy of the weave pattern. Multi-machine service is common.

The weaver not only visually observes the looms, but also listens to their operation and determines malfunctions by sound. As you purchase professional experience, the sensitivity of the worker’s fingers increases. Weavers have a keen sense of the quality of thread and fabric.

The work of a weaver is not only physical. One of the important mental tasks is the correct choice of route for servicing machine tools. When choosing a route, the weaver takes into account many factors: machine operating modes, thread quality, humidity and air temperature in the workshop, information about the operation of the machines in the previous shift. Being able to take into account all the information, the weaver quickly, “on the fly,” mentally builds the desired route and, in accordance with it, makes a tour of the looms. Therefore, an experienced weaver is distinguished not only by quickness of hands, but also by thoughtfulness of actions, accurate anticipation of events, and therefore a small proportion of accidents in the workplace.

Place of work

Automated loom weavers work in textile factories.

Hand weavers work individually or in small workshops to make tapestries, carpets, etc.


  • The weaver produces decorative items and floor paths with one-color combing on handlooms.
  • Manufactures metal and synthetic meshes from wire and synthetic threads of various grades for pulp and paper production on metal looms in accordance with established state standards.
  • Prepares and fuels serviced machines.
  • Performs threading of warp threads and wires into healds and reeds, and takes part in threading warps on serviced machines.
  • He ties the healds according to the filling pattern and the footrests to the healds.
  • Regulates the feed and tension of the warp, the density of the weft.
  • Eliminates breakage of warp and weft threads, wire, and yarn.
  • Changes the spool in the shuttle.
  • Fills defects in the product, binds the bases.
  • Controls the state of the shuttle.
  • Cleans products from thread ends.
  • Carries out the removal of worn-out products.
  • Cuts and rolls mesh into rolls.
  • Collects and delivers waste.
  • Maintains serviced machines.


Important qualities

The weaver needs good eyesight, an eye, and finger dexterity. When working with automated machines, you need good hearing, because... By the sound you can determine the nature of the machine's operation. Physical endurance is required.

Professional knowledge and skills

You need to have skills in operating machines, know the structure of the machines, the properties of the fibers used, the fabrics produced, and be able to eliminate minor breakdowns during the work process.


To work as a weaver in a factory, primary vocational education (VET), which can be obtained at a vocational school, is sufficient.

The next level of education - secondary vocational education (SPO) - allows you to obtain the specialty "Technology of textile products" (qualification "Technician"). You can master it at a college or technical school.

ProfGuide material was used in preparation: list of professions and their descriptions

Details Updated: 04/14/2019 10:50 Published: 05/08/2017 11:04

A weaver is a specialist in the textile industry who produces fabrics using a loom.

History of the profession:

Profession weaver dates back to the Stone Age. The forefathers of modern weavers were people who tried to make fabrics by weaving plant fibers, vines, strips of leather and other materials.

During excavations near the Turkish village of Catal Huyuk, archaeologists were able to discover a sample of linen fabric. As research results have shown, the material was made 6500 BC. The first weaving looms were mechanisms in which the warp of the fabric was in vertical position and was tied to the horizontal branches of low trees. At ground level, the threads were fixed with stones. Small pegs were often used as support. The weft was woven into the warp by hand. Since the 5th millennium BC. uh, craftsmen actively used hand-held machines, which were periodically modernized.

In 1733, the world saw the invention of the Englishman John Kay - a loom with the so-called “airplane shuttle”. Thus, it was possible to make a breakthrough in the textile industry. Factory spinning continued to develop steadily.

Features of the profession:

Mostly women work in this field. Weavers make ribbons, braids and fabrics various types. Technical equipment is selected in accordance with the types of manufactured products and the type of weave.

Today, textile production operates automatic equipment. Manual or mechanical machines with a foot drive are used in the field of handicraft production. This is very painstaking work, which requires perseverance and precise movements from the master.

Due to its specificity, work as a weaver is quite complex. Such work is contraindicated for people who suffer from heart and respiratory diseases. Impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system or the presence of allergies also prevents successful completion of the professional selection process.


Tkach is a specialist who must monitor the level of product quality. The master services the machine, sets the optimal level of thread tension, eliminates breaks and changes the shuttles, and also removes ready product. Refueling looms, collecting and distributing waste are also included in the list of responsibilities of the weaver. In some cases, it is necessary to promptly eliminate minor technical faults.

In multi-loom service, the weaver must choose the most optimal route and sequence of work. For this reason experienced specialist distinguished not only by sleight of hand, but also by thoughtfulness of actions.

Important qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • accuracy;
  • excellent vision;
  • accurate eye;
  • no hearing problems;
  • fine motor skills developed;
  • attentiveness;
  • endurance.

Skills and knowledge:

Tkach is a specialist who must know the principle of operation of the machine and its structure, as well as - key features used fibers and finished fabrics. The ability to quickly eliminate minor equipment malfunctions during work, and to thread threads and wires is required. The weaver should be able to determine by ear the nature of the machine’s operation in order to prevent its possible failure.