Examples of professionals in their field. Who is a real professional?

Examples of professionals in their field.  Who is a real professional?
Examples of professionals in their field. Who is a real professional?

I am writing down a thought following a recent consultation. This is how it often happens when a person comes with his question, and right in the process of discussion he formulates interesting idea- not necessarily so original, just not expressed until this moment in a clear and precise form. Today we are talking about professionals, professionalism and responsibility in industrial relations.

When I first got a job, I did not have any special understanding of the psychology of the relationship between a boss and a subordinate and there was no beautiful theory about how to behave “correctly” at work. On the other hand, my attitude to work, as it later turned out, was specific. I don’t know where it came from, but for the time being I sincerely believed that there was no other way to approach work.

At the same time, I was never a great specialist in what I did. He was an enthusiastic and well-thought-out worker, but he was not a professional. That is, I coped with my work normally, but I never felt relaxed - there was always a feeling that there was not enough knowledge, and therefore I constantly had to stand on tiptoe, reach up.

Basically, I had the feeling that the boss was doing me a favor by hiring me, and now I had to try hard to live up to expectations. But then it turned out that this dependent position had nothing to do with it. This state of affairs, of course, forces you to try harder, but, in essence, it cannot change anything in the matter of a responsible attitude to work - it either exists or it does not.

Important point. I wasn't that much of a maniac at work. Ultimately, he completed all the tasks, but he often procrastinated until the last moment and did not always do the work as efficiently as he would have liked - you can’t escape your lazy nature. But I never let my boss and the entire team down. If something had to be done, it was done, even if it required staying late at work or going beyond one's immediate responsibilities.

The work must be done, all the complaining and whining comes later. As in the army, orders are discussed only after they are executed. But there was also my own feeling that the work really “must be done” - not because the boss ordered, but from his own understanding of the tasks facing the team and the entire office as a whole. We can say that it was a feeling of personal responsibility for a common cause. And this is even though I worked in a junior position in the support service, which was at the beck and call of those who performed real job. That is, my personal contribution to the “common cause” was minimal, and if something happened, no one would have noticed the loss of a fighter. But this did not change the understanding that the success of the entire enterprise also depended on me.

There was no selfless heroism or special psychological wisdom in all this - on the contrary, it seemed to me that this natural attitude to work, and that all my other colleagues are not only more responsible, but also more educated and professional. In general, I felt like a child among adults and therefore simply tried to be “on the level.”

The first hint that I felt about work in some special way happened a year later, before my dismissal and transfer to a more promising and highly paid position. The boss, signing the statement, expressed his regret about my departure and said that it was very pleasant to work with me because, I quote, I “You can give an order and forget it - everything will be done”. At the time, it seemed like a backhanded compliment, almost as if the boss was deeply touched by the fact that his employee had been coming to work dressed all year. Could it have been any other way?

In two other offices where I later worked, the situation was repeated. On the one hand, I never felt at the top of the mountain - I always lacked knowledge, I always knew that the work could have been done better and faster, I was a lot of slackers and put off assignments for later - I felt like an amateur among professionals. On the other hand, if my understanding of the common cause said that the entire team and, ultimately, the entire office depended on the completion of some task, there could be no excuses - the work had to be done.

But experience in other teams has shown that one can approach one’s responsibilities differently, and that not all employees adhere to a sense of responsibility for a common cause. For many people, the situation is turned inside out - they live and work from the position that this office, headed by the boss, is responsible for their life and well-being, and they - so be it - are ready to work for it. These are the same people who blame their colleagues, boss, government and Putin personally for all their misfortunes. They really feel that they should not take care of their office, but the office should take care of them. Hello Kennedy.

In general, this old song is about a responsible attitude to work, which, I hope, is well known to everyone even without me. The new verse will be a little lower, be patient.

So, everyone “knows” that they need to treat their work responsibly, but not everyone understands what this means in practice, literally. And not everyone understands that there can be no responsibility under pressure. If a stick was required, then this is already irresponsibility - forcing yourself to be responsible means signing up for irresponsibility. No amount of self-discipline will add any responsibility, since it comes not as a result of violence, but as a result perceived need. Where the need is recognized, we no longer have to force ourselves, just as we don’t have to force ourselves to get dressed and brush our teeth - no one but ourselves needs this, so there is no external or self-violence here. If the need is not realized and not recognized as such, then there is no need to suffer and try to set yourself on the right path. Is this all clear?

From point of view young specialist who has not yet gone through all the hardships and hardships professional career, the answer is usually that the boss expects the employee to have knowledge, the ability to work in a team, the ability to learn, responsibility, and so on. The usual clichés from newspaper vacancies. Simply put, an employee must be able to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to him and get along with the rest of the team.

In a sense, this is true, but this is far from the whole truth about a leader’s motivation and not even the main part of it. In most cases, the work about which we're talking about, many people can do it, and many of them are quite capable of getting along in a team. But why then do all the bosses complain that it’s so difficult to find good worker? Obviously, because the real criterion is not diplomas, not knowledge and skills, not social skills and not that “responsible attitude to work” that everyone is throwing around left and right.

The irony is that the bosses themselves don’t really understand what they are looking for, since they have no time to seriously think about such questions - they simply go by their feelings and choose the one who wants them. I'll like it. And even if you asked directly about the true selection criteria, it is unlikely that many of them would be able to answer clearly.

What do they talk about at all professional and personal growth trainings? About the fact that you need to grow up, gain courage and stop shifting responsibility for your life and your affairs onto other people’s shoulders. The inability to bear responsibility and the tendency to shift one’s problems and worries onto other people is one of the most obvious signs of infantility, which every person who aspires to career and ordinary human happiness. Sounds like a familiar theory?

So, the boss is not just looking for responsibility, he is looking for hyper-responsibility- a person who will take on part of his leadership concerns and allow him, the boss, to relax and relieve himself of responsibility. I repeat: the boss is looking for someone to blame. Contrary to clever psychological theories that one cannot shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others, every boss wants exactly this - to remove responsibility from himself and place it on a subordinate.

We are talking about the same psychological motive that we were recommended to get rid of during the training, but the funny thing is that you cannot get rid of it. Responsibility, no matter how conscious it is, is always tension, and the psyche will always strive to get rid of this tension. Even the most mature and responsible person will gladly get rid of the burden of his responsibility at the first opportunity. Adulthood is not about taking on all the responsibility and never relinquishing it. This is not a criterion at all. The main responsibility is to consciously maintain a balance between your needs and capabilities.

This does not mean that the boss expects the employee to be in literally do his job. We are talking about a good boss - one who really cares about his business and therefore worries about and is responsible for every smallest aspect of the work performed in a company, office or just a small department. A good boss is himself a former hyper-responsible employee. And now he is obviously in a situation where he cannot do all the work himself and cannot bear all the responsibility on his shoulders. Therefore, in his employees he will always look for opportunities to throw off part of the burden - to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others.

A good employee, the lack of whom bosses complain so much about, is someone to whom responsibility can be shifted, someone who can relieve your boss from psychological stress! And this is much more important than knowledge and skills. The boss wants to solve his problems at the expense of his subordinates, and his main problem is not the work that needs to be done, but worry about what it needs to be done. Many people can do the job, but only a few can save you from worry - people of reinforced concrete reliability, who not only sit quietly and regularly in their place, but are ready to take the position of an equal or even senior in relation to their boss... but not in the sense of being right or getting paid, but in the sense of sharing responsibility for a common cause.

From this point of view, a professional is not one who performs his work professionally, but one who treats it professionally. Feel the difference! The meaning of true professionalism is not to know and be able to do everything, not to be able to do everything, and not to not make mistakes. All this is nothing more than wishes, and the requirement is completely different - to treat your work in such a way that the boss can set the task and not worry about it anymore, and it will either be completed without any supervision or control, or, if any problems arise, they will become known before it's too late. And it’s even better if an employee goes several steps ahead - he sets a task for himself and completes it himself even before the boss realized the need - that’s professionalism.

Professionalism is a deep concern for overall success. A good worker cares about everything - his personal sense of responsibility does not get stuck at the level of job responsibilities, but extends to the responsibilities of all those on whom the fulfillment of his own duties depends. All the rest who don’t lift a finger if they don’t pay for it are slobs and amateurs.

And if we are not talking about that office where everything rests on nepotism and personal connections, then career ladder It is precisely such professionals who are promoted because they initially treat their work as HIS work, and know not only their business, but also the business of their colleagues at a higher and lower level. They are the ones who are appointed bosses - because they see the big picture and are internally responsible for the common cause, and not for getting more by working less.

If you see your responsibility more broadly than your manager sees it, sooner or later you will take his place. If your boss is a parent with a belt in his hands, forcing you to work, you will remain at his beck and call all your life. Responsibility is not entrusted, she is taken of their own free will and initiative. First, a person becomes a “de facto” boss - in terms of responsibility, not power - and only then is this formalized legally. Expecting that someone will trust you and put the reins of power in your hands is absurd. First, voluntary (hyper) responsibility for a common cause without salary or recognition - only then the keys to your personal account.

On a practical level, all this can be reduced to a series simple principles which should be consciously practiced: if you said do it, do it; you see for yourself what needs to be done, do it; lack of knowledge - learn; If it doesn’t work, ask for help; made a mistake - admit it and correct it. Elementary! The work must be done, and there can be no childish excuses here, and if something doesn’t work out, don’t let your boss down - report it and give him the opportunity to correct the situation before it’s too late. If you can’t treat your job THIS way, quit... or come to terms with your unprofessionalism and all the conclusions that follow from here.

There are no those who know everything, there are no those who can do everything, there are no those who do not make mistakes, there are those who sincerely support the common cause and on whom you can rely.

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Becoming the best is a worthy goal for professionals in their field. In fact, this is a logical conclusion long journey self-development in a specific area.

But not all specialists achieve this, not everyone becomes the best or even at least somewhat good. So what does this depend on? First of all, from the very desire to become the best.

Do you want to become the best in your field?

Any movement begins with a goal, and the first thing to do is to set the goal correctly.

We start with setting a goal

The first and most important sign of a good goal: it motivates. When you remember her, you want to do something, she pushes you to work and pushes away laziness and procrastination.

If your goal is not motivating, then it is not the right goal.

When starting your movement, you must clearly know who you want to become and after what period of time this should happen. It should not be a secret to you why you are achieving this goal: for money, recognition, better conditions life.

It is also important to determine the right pace at which you will achieve your goals. If you think that you can become the best in your field in 40-50 years, perhaps you should speed up a little?

Once goals are set, it's time to achieve them. But to do this, you will have to more than once overcome your habits that have accumulated during your aimless existence.

Here is a list of qualities that characterize the best in their field - from a specific profession to a favorite hobby.

Developing the qualities necessary for number 1

Surely these qualities will not be a discovery for you, but have you often thought about their development? All these qualities can be called correct, and even though truth is most often a subjective concept, they coincide in almost everyone.

Don't be late

The best in the business is not late. It’s better to arrive half an hour early than to be 5 minutes late, and there can be no excuses here.

To accustom yourself to punctuality, you can come up with different punishments for being late. For example, as Igor Mann, a famous marketer and author of books on self-development, advises, you can punish yourself by paying the total bill at a restaurant.

Keep your word

Make it a rule to always do what you promise. Of course, it will not be easy to change your mind right away if you are used to throwing words to the wind, and, most likely, you will have to come up with some kind of sanctions for yourself for failures.

Remember one thing: to avoid having to promise too much and then punish yourself for not delivering, just don’t promise something you’re not sure about. In general, try to promise less.

Learn to say no

If you're going to be the best, you simply won't have time for extraneous, meaningless requests.

Therefore, practice saying “no” to all requests that do not correspond to your plans. Although, of course, you should choose carefully: some refusals are fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Delegate tasks

If someone can do a task as well as you, delegate it. Stop pointlessly burdening yourself with everything, as you will simply waste time. Delegate tasks as much as possible and do only what no one can do better than you.

Learn to get things done

This is a serious skill that we have been told about since childhood. Nevertheless, few people complete the work they start, starting from big projects and ending with small plans.

If you can't complete the most basic task, how are you going to change your life and become a better person?

Cultivate this skill in yourself, do not leave a single task unfinished, and it will be much easier for you to change.

Remember all your unfinished tasks and either completely abandon them or finish them.

Learn to concentrate

It's vital important skill, which will be useful regardless of the case. And to become the best, you will have to learn it.

When working in a hostile environment, there are some simple tips that can help. If chatter in the office bothers you, wear headphones with neutral music or earplugs; If you can't concentrate on talking to clients on the phone, try wearing dark-tinted glasses.

Igor Mann claims that this is a great way to concentrate: “All external stimuli are turned off, and it’s as if you see your interlocutor.”

You can also use different techniques to increase concentration, such as Pomodoro. This is a technique in which you work, stopping every half hour to rest for 5 minutes (later 10 and 15 minutes).

This technique is fairly well known, and you'll find plenty of timer apps for iOS and Android, like Clockwork Tomato, desktop options like Windows, or entire services for better concentration and achieving your daily goals like.

Learn to accept new things and constantly develop

The older we get, the more difficult it is to perceive something new. But if you decide to become the best, then standing still is no longer for you.

Try new techniques and tools, find new opportunities, develop not only in your field, but also in related ones, meet new interesting people.

You cannot win the title of the best once, and then put your cup on a shelf and rest on your laurels for the rest of your days. Only constant development will help you remain the best.

Do not give up

In one of his lectures, Igor Mann mentioned one famous saying:

Nothing can replace perseverance: neither talent - there is nothing more common than talented losers, nor genius - the loser genius is already a proverb, nor education - the world is full of educated outcasts.

Only perseverance and perseverance are omnipotent. The motto “push up” or “don’t give up” has and will always solve the problems of mankind.

Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

A person who has all these qualities already claims to be the best and will definitely become one. And now about how to understand that you have become the best.

How to understand that you are the best

How will you prove to someone or even yourself that you best specialist in your field? After all, objectivity as such does not exist, and each person judges himself and others from his own point of view.

The very first thing is your projects and accomplishments. If you have projects or things that you are proud of, you can name them and talk about them, this is already a success.

Of course, you may have some documentary evidence recognition: a lot of money, diplomas, excellent ratings, statistics.

What's interesting is your failures can also be considered achievements. Why? Because you did something, and, as you know, only those who do nothing make mistakes. Therefore, appreciate and consider all your mistakes as achievements, the main thing is that they are not repeated.

No less important is position yourself as the best in your business. Creating a personal slogan that sets you up for a certain position in life, the right original resume, 100 words that describe you as a person, and other features - all this helps you see yourself as the best and be it.

So, if you have achievements that you are proud of, have documented evidence that is enough for you to consider yourself the best, and at the same time you continue to constantly develop and position yourself in the right way, we can say that you have truly achieved that you have become a number 1, and few would doubt it.

The rules and methods sound quite simple, but the path itself cannot be called simple. After all, one motivation is missing here: today you decided to become the best, you lived the day “correctly”, and tomorrow you forgot about everything.

Needed consistent actions, regular classes and constant maintenance of motivation, and this can only be ensured by training with a trainer who himself has walked this path and become the best in his field.

What is needed to achieve results? Is it possible to constantly progress in any activity or skill? How to become better? Nowadays, a widespread opinion has already become an axiom: in order to become a super-professional in any business, you need to spend about 10,000 hours of time practicing it. It is indicated that this is approximately 10 years of life. Although if you do the math, I ended up with 10,000 / 24 = 417 days of round-the-clock practice. Of course, this is unrealistic, so if we do something full time, 8 hours, then it turns out 417 * 3 = 1251 days without holidays and weekends. This is approximately 3.5 years. If we take standard year, consisting of approximately 250 working days, then it is already 5 years. Well, when the time spent is reduced, for example, to 4 hours every working day, the required 10 years finally come out.

It turns out that according to the “10,000 hours” rule, it is enough to work continuously in any field for about 5-7 years to become one of the best in this topic. Super professional. Why doesn't this happen? Or even this: why does this happen so rarely?

Anyone who doesn’t know what this rule is can read about it in detail with many different facts and success stories, or read Malcolm Gladwell's book Geniuses and Outsiders.

Neurologist Daniel Levitin writes: “The picture that emerges from numerous studies is that, no matter what the field, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve a level of proficiency commensurate with world-class expert status. In studies of composers, basketball players, writers, speed skaters, pianists, chess players, hardened criminals, and so on, this number appears with surprising regularity. Ten thousand hours is equivalent to about three hours of practice per day, or twenty hours per week for ten years. This, of course, does not explain why some people benefit from exercise more than others. But no one has yet come across a case where the highest level of skill was achieved in less time. It seems like that’s how long it takes the brain to absorb all the information it needs.”

I first started thinking about this topic a couple of years ago, and it was connected with Argentine tango. In our Nizhny Novgorod I came to social tango almost with its appearance in the city. Therefore, I see and know everyone in this community. The first years, of course, were literally oversaturated, filled with novelty, everything was cool and a wonder. However, over time, the impressions settle down, you begin to see more, a more voluminous picture. And ask different questions. For example: why does some people’s dance never change over the years? better side neither in an embrace, nor when observing from the side? Do you really need to dance for 40 years, like the notorious “old milongueros”, in order to become enlightened without studying, to comprehend Zen on the dance floor? And in general, will these 40 years help, because judging by the stories of those who have already made a “pilgrimage” to Buenos Aires, the number of good dancers (as far as I understand, regardless of age) is several times smaller than everyone else. And finally, a seditious thought - the same old or not so old, but highly titled milongueros, in my personal opinion, could often look much better: yes, they are probably divine in an embrace, but in 40 years I think one could learn not to clubfoot, not contort the body or casually use more variations in steps and elements (the same non-occurring front cross of the girl on her left side). Then video shooting for dummies appears, you look at yourself from the outside and wonder more interesting question: figs with them, with others, but why am I not progressing despite the colossal investment of money, time and effort??

Why the 10,000 hour rule doesn't work

I have already written a little on this topic earlier (). However, for some reason I was struck again after reading the article “Debunking the 10,000 Hour Myth: What Does It Really Take to Achieve a Level of Extra-Perfection?” . The text is in English, and besides, access is blocked by the state registry - intriguing, right? But as a real programmer, this didn’t stop me. :o) By the way, if anyone is interested in how to bypass such things, write, if there are a lot of requests, maybe I’ll write a separate note on this topic.


So, according to this article, the 10,000 hour rule does not work on its own. That is, you can go to work, for example, to the library, every single day for 20 years in a row, and still not become the coolest librarian in the world, country, or even city district. Okay, you say, this is boring! And—no offense to all the good librarians out there—you’d be right. Indeed, the most important factor in any practice is not the time spent on it, but attention. Even so ATTENTION. Carrying out the same actions without bringing your full attention to it gives practically nothing as a result, no progress. And the only one real source maintaining such attention: pure, genuine interest in what you are doing. Important not quantity hours spent on the lesson, and their .

So I have bad news for those who are going to take up a job that is boring for them, become a doctor in a private clinic, a lawyer or a programmer just because they pay a lot good professionals- nothing will work out for you. Yes, the top professionals in these areas get really big money. But firstly, you won’t become such a pro, and the salary of a beginner or an average person in these professions is not so different from the salary of a beginner or an average person in others. And secondly, top pros get paid a lot in any field. Yes, maybe not as much, but also very decent. If you enjoy washing floors, it’s better to go work as a cleaner or janitor - I won’t be surprised when you can eventually found a cool cleaning company.

And one more thing about attention. It is possible to cause and maintain such a thing artificially, but it is extremely energy-consuming. If there is no keen interest caused by some need or need, you will not be able to keep your attention on the subject, let alone 8 hours - 5 minutes straight. Speaking about need, I mean this thing: remember some of the most boring lessons at school or lectures at the institute. For example, I naturally slept on some objects, although my sleep is very restless and in general it’s not easy for me to fall asleep even at home in the evening, let alone in a stuffy room. bright room with a bunch of strangers. All because I didn’t need these lectures at all. It's incredibly boring to be forced to listen to things that are of no use to you anywhere. Now watch a man in love looking at his beloved. Or a cat hunting a pigeon. Is he attentive? Are you interested? What are we talking about! It is simply embodied attention. :o) Is it difficult for him to maintain his interest? Of course no. Everything happens automatically because it is determined by the presence of a need or need that is crying out for itself (for example, hunger).

In fact, you don't have to become a cat starving for your business. :o) Although this speeds up is fantastic, it is enough that you like the process (not just the result!), it brings you joy, satisfaction and other positive emotions.

Okay, you say, I love tango. I have 20 pairs of shoes and a closet of clothes, for the last 3 (4, 5, 6...) years I have been spending all my earnings on lessons and festivals, disappearing to milongas every evening, where I don’t sit, chatting and listening to music, but dance almost all the tandas. Why am I still not Arce (Chicho, Godoy, Great Pupkini)? To begin with, let's discard the fact that 3 years is not enough for this level - they have been working since childhood or for many years, every day - while you are working, and in the evening at the same dances. And there's another one interesting thing concerning attention. The article provides an example of learning to drive a car. When you are just learning, the process of driving a car takes up all your attention completely; every time you think about which pedal to press, where to turn the steering wheel or stick the handle (we are not considering an automatic). Over time, you gain enough experience, the body already “itself” knows how to react to typical situations, this does not require constant support from consciousness. The action moves into the realm of habit, routine. And the attention goes away. And along with it comes the development of skills. That is, upon reaching a certain satisfying or “good enough” level of mastery, the skill tends to go into the background. Which is very reasonable and rational - if you don't professional driver and you don’t want to become one, it’s stupid to spend so much effort and attention on such a utilitarian skill in Everyday life. However, if we are talking about the work of your whole life, it is worth periodically monitoring the achievement of such a “plateau” in development and returning your attention to actions that you are already very good at doing. To learn how to make them even better.


The second most important development factor: availability feedback . All top athletes have a personal trainer. All successful people in any field, in one way or another, have a personal coach or mentor. Or a partner, an ally, giving this precious feedback.

Feedback is needed primarily to correct errors. You yourself or someone else, preferably with great expertise in this matter, should look at you and tell you what and how can be corrected and improved. However, that's not all. At one of the seminars I heard the term “feedback” High Quality" What it is? In fact, we often receive a lot of feedback, but in a form that is difficult to digest: criticism, insults, scolding, and the like. And we are rarely, or very little, told when we are doing something really great. The main feature of high-quality feedback is the availability of information about what we are doing well. This supports and saves a lot of time, since often we start correcting what is already in excellent condition, simply because it seems to us that “everything is bad.”

The second feature is that information about errors is presented in the most “nutritious” form. That is, not “a lousy performance”, but “it was clear that you were not prepared enough, took too long pauses, did not get into the music, your partner was hanging over your partner” or instead of “Why are you some kind of crap...” you need say “your weight is not enough for your height and constitution, you need to increase muscle mass, especially on your legs and strengthen your back,” or advise “you need to speak louder, look into the room more often, ask people questions, hold your hands like this” instead of the completely vague “the lecture was so-so.” It seems to me that almost everyone would like to learn about their disadvantages in such a correct, productive form. If you are already “pumped up” psychologically, then it is quite possible to extract the information you need from the “critic” by asking him the necessary questions.

Optimal ratio

Despite the calculations at the beginning of the article, it is difficult to imagine a person doing something with unflagging attention for 8 hours straight. Frankly speaking, this is unrealistic. Even with great interest, attention, especially concentrated attention, is a limited resource. In other words, it's energy-intensive. Using the method of scientific poking, the most productive number of hours of practice in terms of price-quality ratio was approximately determined: about 4 hours a day (in the original article, powerlifters and pianists are given as examples). It seems that this is the ratio that allows you to maintain an optimal level of concentration and, accordingly, optimal returns from training/practice. However, it seems to me, like any “hospital average”, each person should adjust this situation to suit themselves and their capabilities. Some people will give 200% in an hour, so don’t worry, mom, but others need 6-7 hours to really get tired and feel satisfied.

Hack the mechanism

Although there is a very well documented fact about 10,000 hours of practice, it is quite possible that this is not all-encompassing information. There may be exceptions. Or something you don't see or don't know. You understand, I couldn’t help but be interested in the project show of the already world famous Tim Ferriss, the author of an amazing book

Each person chooses the industry and specialization that is closest to him. Naturally, he begins to work in a certain direction, trying to achieve noticeable heights in this field. How difficult is it to become a real ace in the business that you do, is it really possible to achieve this? What qualities do you need to develop in yourself, and what points should you pay attention to first?

As soon as you have thoughts or plans about a new project or job, turn on your imagination - start dreaming about how you will achieve heights in your chosen business. Sometimes it happens that you actually don’t see any movement towards your goal, it seems to you that you are standing still, and you don’t even receive any more information in comparison with the amount that you had before. What actions need to be taken in order to see movement, create the right plans and not worry about their implementation?

  1. Correct goal setting. If the goal was initially set incorrectly, then in fact it is a path to nowhere. Then you will give up, you will not have the strength to continue working, there will be no additional incentive to move forward. In such a situation, the answer to the question is: “ How to become a professional? you will not find it, even if you have the desire to implement the most complex project. Remember that if you don't get the motivation you need when thinking about your goal, the goal was chosen incorrectly. This question you need to start solving it from scratch. If, having thought about your goal, you have a desire to achieve it, although your strength is at zero, you have defined your goal correctly.
  2. Carrying out clear planning. You must know after what period of time you want to occupy a certain position or be in a certain place, purchase certain items or valuables. You must clearly understand what action plan is in front of you and how quickly you can implement it. Conducting proper planning, you can easily determine the speed of your work and carry out all actions in a way convenient for you. Already in the process you will determine that you may need a little acceleration.

What qualities can’t you do without?

There is a certain list of qualities that are necessary for a person who wants to achieve his goals and not worry about the fact that his process personal growth stands still. The correct selection of such qualities is a rather subjective indicator, because some do not have them at all, and there are those who place the main emphasis on them.

  1. Forget about being late forever. It is advisable to arrive a little earlier than to be at least a couple of minutes late. At best, this will be perceived as disrespect for a partner or interlocutor; at worst, in the future, even a big deal may fall through due to being a few minutes late.
  2. Don't go back on your words. If you promise to do something, keep your word to the last. In no case do not throw words to the wind, since those around you remember this kind of actions very well. If you make promises that you can't keep, try to abandon this principle. It's better to promise the minimum and deliver on it than to promise something you can't deliver.
  3. Delegation is an opportunity for rapid development. If you understand that you can delegate some of the work to other people, and neither the quality of work nor the timing of the project will suffer as a result, feel free to get rid of the load. Firstly, this will free up your head and hands, and secondly, you will get extra time, which you can use to achieve greater results.
  4. Learn to refuse people. If you really value your time, then forget about the indulgences that you gave to others earlier. Initially, saying “no” to a loved one will be quite difficult, but not much time will pass and you will get used to this state of affairs, refusals will be much easier for you.
  5. Don't stop halfway and don't stop bringing your idea to life. If you learn to manage things from start to finish, then a lot of projects that you had in your plans can become reality. If you don’t learn to finish what you start, there will be no point in setting goals as such. If it is difficult for you to manage and complete several tasks at the same time, then do them gradually. This way you can gain the necessary skill, and soon you will even increase the amount of work you do.

Popular time killer

For many people, time often passes without any benefit - they surf the Internet, check email, and are distracted by phone calls that are not very important. You will have to learn to refuse this kind of waste of precious minutes and seconds, because otherwise the losses per day will be quite large. When working in the office, you can take headphones with you that will sound classical or neutral. If you find it difficult to communicate with clients over the phone, then try to minimize the source of information (for example, close your eyes or wear dark glasses).

Development of personal qualities

It is advisable to completely abstract yourself from all stimuli and fully understand the situation you want to understand. Try to rest after 30 minutes of work for at least 5-7 minutes. You can easily find timers and similar applications on both the tablet and .

You will spend a lot of time understanding that you need to constantly develop and learn. How more information you get the hang of it, and the more you can practice, the better. Maximum amount meeting useful people, talking different topics with new acquaintances - all this will help you to constantly keep abreast of events, and, if necessary, communicate with those people who can help you in different situations.

Under no circumstances should you give up or think that you can’t do anything. Compare yourself to a child who is just learning to take his first steps. He had many falls along the way, but it never occurred to him that he could give up trying to walk on his own. You should do the same. In fact, bringing any business to life is only 5% luck, and the remaining 95% consists of perseverance, work, and the desire to prove oneself in the chosen specialty or profession.

What is the difference between a professional and an amateur?

This question is asked very often in different organizations if considered as such company employee job. In fact, there will not be so many differences, but by several of them you can determine what kind of person is in front of you.

  1. A professional is hardened. He has an excellent understanding of the specialty in which he works. His experience allows him to simply do the job better than others, but to spend less physical and mental resources on it. Naturally, most actions will be performed automatically, and the work as such will not cause any difficulties. True, in this case you need to be very careful with the issue of training. Many pros think that they have already reached all the heights, and therefore stop developing on their own.
  2. A professional must love his job with all his heart. Moreover, he should derive pleasure not only from the activity in which he is engaged, but also from the big money that he receives for his knowledge. Working and putting his soul into his business, a person should aim himself at making a considerable profit. You cannot become a professional in an industry that you are not close to or do not like. It's just a waste of time.
  3. A true professional knows absolutely all the intricacies of the business he deals with.. He can talk about his chosen activity from morning to night. However, he values ​​his time, so in most cases he is quite brief. But all his knowledge will be easily noticeable by the amount of work he does and the results he gets in the end.

5 aspects that help you succeed

There is a certain set of rules, following which you can achieve the desired results.

A professional in his field
  1. Maximum communication skills. This quality will help you easily share experiences with people who are involved in different areas activities. In no case should you extol yourself above them, but you should not put yourself below other people either. Try to visit as many places as possible where you can gain additional knowledge. These could be courses, lectures, or some master classes. Remember, no person can be smart enough to give up learning and stop developing on their own. If you have the opportunity to communicate with people, then do not be afraid to exchange experiences with them. Believe me, you will receive an order of magnitude more than you give.
  2. Pedantry is very important in your business. A professional will be distinguished by maximum attention to even seemingly insignificant details. He knows the specifics of his work in detail, and is always meticulous in resolving issues. Even people who did not initially have such skills will develop them over time.
  3. Don't forget about motivation. You should always have something that will push you to new achievements. If you achieve one goal, set yourself another. Remember that the goal should inspire you and scare you a little. If you have big plans, break them down into several small pieces. This way you can track that you are really achieving what you want, albeit in small steps.
  4. 10,000 hour rule. According to a study by scientists, in order to become a specialist in the chosen field, you need to spend at least this amount of time. There is no way to do this faster. It is necessary to do as many exercises as possible, read relevant literature, and practice many questions in practice.
  5. Remember, there are no limits for you! This means that under no circumstances should you dwell on the results you received. Every specialist has moments of crisis when he is not sure whether he is doing the work entrusted to him well, or whether he can strive for something more. There is no doubt about this - every person can move on, receive information, and pass on their experience to other people.

IN in this case professional education and career will be very closely interconnected with each other, since they give some people the opportunity to learn something new from professionals, and allow specialists to realize themselves, not allow them to sour, and show that they have something to strive for.

How to determine that you are truly a pro?

It is very easy to identify a professional, because the first indicator that indicates his high qualifications is achievements and accomplishments. If you already have projects that you can be proud of, or things that you can casually brag about, then this is the right path to success. Undoubtedly, in parallel you must have some documentary confirmation your achievements. Most often, this is a good bank account, certain statistics of work results or ratings. If we talk about working in some organization, then it is possible that these are diplomas and incentives.

Usually a specialist does not admit to other people his failures; he considers them good experience. The fact is that any omission can be considered an achievement - only by making mistakes can you move forward. At this stage, it is important not only to understand what exactly you have achieved, but also to ensure that your mistakes are not repeated.

Present yourself as a real specialist. This is not about self-praise; you just should never underestimate your abilities. Remember that if you really have evidence of a successful project or good business conduct, then you can easily include this in your resume excellent quality, and add there absolutely all the indicators that helped you achieve such results.

Taking into account the above rules, as well as setting correct and rational goals for yourself, you can easily achieve success in the business that you have chosen for yourself. Don't forget about constant learning and development. If there is an opportunity to give routine work to one of the other people or workers, do it without hesitation. Let all your projects come true, and you will feel that you can do much more and can take on more difficult things.

04.09.2018 18:08

A person’s motivation revolves around three things: skills, money and status (developed by Igor Mikhailovich Litvak and Boris Mikhailovich Litvak).

For top-class professionals and future top-class professionals, the main motivation is the acquisition of skills. She provides personal growth, there are more and more skills. Maybe not so quickly, but then money and status come. Therefore, it is better to refrain from hiring a person who is interested in social package and material benefits. Fortunately, in times of crisis, when there are fewer jobs than applicants, this is not difficult.

True, even now top-class workers are not looking for work. Their work is looking for. But now they can be found floating freely.

This is the problem of problems in our society. Unfortunately, we are a society of amateurs. It’s hard to find a professional in any industry here. Each of you can tell how mechanics, tailors, cooks, painters, and plasterers let him down. How many of you have not purchased products that did not meet the qualities advertised? That is why, despairing of finding professionals, many people (I mean even wealthy people) cook, repair plumbing, hang wallpaper, and even undergo treatment themselves. But science has nothing to do with it. She is very highly developed in all areas. All specialties are at very high level development and continue to develop rapidly.

The fact is that we have very few professionals, even among those who can do something sensible. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to judge professionalism by a person’s diploma, scientific degrees, categories, etc. And if you encounter bad specialist, then don't criticize him. Try to get rid of it.

Almost all textbooks and manuals, depicting the image of a professional, give a number of requirements, in addition to the requirement to possess a set of skills in their field. They also presuppose a number of personal qualities that may not be necessary for individuals intermediate qualification, but are extremely necessary for a top-class professional. As an example, I will give a list of characteristics that should be included in the appearance of a modern professional.

A professional must be at the same time both a citizen and a public figure. It doesn’t take long to look for examples: doctor Roshal, actress Pugacheva, writer Solzhenitsyn, hockey player Fetisov, others. In addition, he must have broad education(I would say a great general education), highly moral basis of motives. Professional usually authoritative, has personal charm, modest, optimistic, truthful, fair, honest, selfless, humane, good with words.

From textbook to textbook, quotes from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov pass on that “a specialist must be mentally clear, morally pure and physically tidy.” I would also add to this that a professional must be prosperous and happy man. You can evaluate how well a professional masters one or another method in his specialty, but how to measure honesty, citizenship, a highly moral basis of motives, truthfulness, etc.? That is why the division of the qualities of a top-class professional into professional and personal is very arbitrary.

So first I want to talk about professionalism in general.

I would classify professionalism as personal qualities. Professional skills are sometimes acquired quite slowly, but professionalism can be developed much faster. Professional I call the one who knows his professional opportunities, constantly improves them and never acts outside the scope of his competence. Therefore, in life you can meet both a professional - a novice specialist, and an amateur professor. I know one very good psychiatrist who occupies a prominent position. Everything would be fine if he had not yet pretended to be a neurologist. They did not say this to his face, but laughed behind his back and expressed doubts about his psychiatric knowledge.

I half-jokingly and half-seriously say that I am a professional, and in all areas of human knowledge: I am a professional driver, a professional neurosurgeon, a professional singer (the list can go on and on) and a professional psychotherapist. Here's my evidence. I didn't have a single accident, but I never got behind the wheel. I haven't messed up a single neurosurgery, but I've never tried to do one. I'm a professional singer because I've never let a rooster fly off the stage, but I've never sung from the stage. My experience with psychotherapy and psychology is worse: sometimes there are failures. Either I will overestimate my capabilities, or I will overestimate the client’s capabilities. But every unsuccessful case for me is a reason for deep analysis. In the end, I either develop new methods, or transfer my ward to a more qualified specialist. To be honest, I do the latter with pain in my heart. But the client’s interests are more important to me personally. And so that my heart doesn’t hurt, I go to study with a colleague. And, of course, I hone specific techniques.

Thus, professionals can be divided into two categories:

  • extra-class professional;
  • growing professional.

The difference between them is not fundamental, because a growing professional will definitely become a top-class professional - it’s only a matter of the number of skills. But the price for them differs significantly. Of course, it’s good to see a professional at work, but you can also spot him at social events and rituals. Try to talk to him about a professional topic. He will willingly do it. If he doesn't want to or avoids speaking professional themes, think about whether he is a professional, because a professional lives by his profession and he is always interested in talking about it, especially since he understands it. Listening to him, you want to quit your profession, if you are not a professional yourself, and take up his profession.

Some signs of a top-class professional from this point of view:

1. A professional always treats his colleague with respect and will never offer his services unless asked, but will never refuse help if requests are made.

2. A professional promptly and willingly resorts to the help of his colleagues and easily speaks of his incompetence in matters where he is incompetent.

3. A professional never promises a 100% guarantee of success, but only guarantees that he will make every effort. After all, the outcome of the case depends not only on the professional, but also on the efforts of the partners. A professional in his field tries to specialize as much as possible. He has a "trick". He knows how to do something that no one else can do. When I was practicing medicine, I could treat two diseases like no one else in the area. I don’t name it, because I don’t intend to return to medical work.

4. A professional is constantly learning. Studying is actually renewal. After all, when we add a new, albeit in small quantity, ingredient to a dish, the taste of the entire dish changes.

5. A professional knows colleagues whose level of professional skills is higher than his.

6. A professional will refuse a case if he knows that someone does it better, if he knows that he cannot help the client, or if someone will do it better than him. So I wrote the monograph “Epilepsy” together with Valentina Savelyevna Kovalenko. But it makes the selection of medications for epilepsy better. And if I came across such a sick person, I would send him to her. And she referred to me patients with epilepsy who still needed psychotherapeutic influence.

My dear reader, I am telling you everything for you. You only need to find one professional. He will find the rest you need. Professionals know each other. Recruitment agencies also know where professionals are found. The same is true for other industries. Find one qualified mason and he will provide you with qualified painters, tilers, plumbers and others.

7. Already during the first conversation, the professional warns the client that he has the right to refuse his services if he stops trusting him.

8. A professional takes only funds for current expenses as an advance payment. He is confident in his work and understands people.

9. A professional is physically healthy, financially sufficiently secure and happy in his personal life. The higher the level of professionalism, the easier a person performs his work, the more better results, the more positive emotions, the more better health. Many prominent professionals improved their health and lived long, fruitful lives as their professional qualifications grew.

10. A professional is someone who not only masters a craft himself, but can also teach it to others. This quality is necessary in order not to be afraid of being alone. If this happens, then you can prepare assistants yourself. Therefore, ask if he has any students. As a rule, a professional develops his own techniques and usually presents them in brochures or books. Or at least find out who he studied with and read the works of his teacher. And to put it all in short: a professional knows himself.

11. The professional has a broad general education. I once heard, I don’t remember where, one remark. A woman was asked why she was so smart. She replied that this was due to the fact that, in addition to higher education There is also an average.

It is easy to communicate with a professional, because he is complex and can adapt to any client. He doesn't have bright pronounced hobby. His profession is his hobby. Due to the great general education he feels great in any society and in any life situation finds something useful for his professional improvement. A person who is difficult to communicate is extremely primitive, and it is difficult to adapt to him. If it is possible to avoid communicating with him, then it is better to do it quickly.

12. When working, a professional’s movements are smooth. It even gives the impression of some slowness. But due to the absence of unnecessary movements, it works quickly. There is no excessive tension in the body, the voice is low, and velvety basic notes can be heard. The rate of speech most likely depends on temperament. But even if a professional speaks quickly due to choleric temperament, there is no feeling of haste and fuss.

These provisions are useful to know not only for managers, but also for young specialists. Then they will willingly resort to the help of their more experienced colleagues, will not take on what they do not yet know how to do, will learn what they cannot do, and, ultimately, already in the first years of their professional activity will, from the point of view of benefit to the business, be professionals high class. If all young specialists adhered to these rules, we would have much fewer unfinished, neglected cases. Then they will quickly become professionals, who will eventually turn into top-class professionals.

Actually, I want to repeat once again that being a professional is not a specialty, but a way of life. And if a professional himself does not correspond to the principles he speaks about, then it is better not to deal with him. And if a person is not professional or does not want to become a professional, then he is also a person, according to by and large, cannot be counted.

Choosing a specialist is a difficult matter, especially if you are not a professional yourself. I cannot say which specialist you should choose. But I want to tell you which specialist you should avoid:

First of all, if your soul doesn’t belong to him, then you shouldn’t deal with him. You will always have pronounced emotional stress. You will question all his words and actions. Internal tension will develop, which will negate everything positive that comes from the specialist.

But if a specialist arouses your sympathy, this does not mean that you need to immediately begin cooperation with him. After this, you should still think a little.

If a specialist is too autocratic, insists on fulfilling all his requirements without explaining their meaning, then I doubt that he will bring you significant benefit, even if his advice and recommendations are correct.

If a specialist makes it an absolute condition for you to visit only him, then it is better not to deal with him. This means that he does not trust you, your mind, your ability to distinguish one from the other. Even if you get better results from another specialist, then, of course, the professional will be offended, but he will be offended at himself, but will be happy for you.

If a specialist claims that only he knows this method and only he can help, then this should raise doubts in you. At best, he is a conscientiously delusional person, at worst, a charlatan.

A few more caveats. Don't expect radical actions and quick improvements from a professional, although they can sometimes happen. A professional always works for the future.

In general, if in the process of your contacts with a professional your life begins to resemble a ladder along which you are constantly climbing, then we can say that everything is going fine. It's an upward climb, as if you were walking up a mountain. And even if you slide, you slide forward - that is, you have troubles that simply could not have happened before.

But if during your contacts with a professional you go in circles or even go down and roll back, then it is better to part with such a specialist.

Don't take anything for granted. If you do not understand his actions, it is better to refuse his services. Don't strain to understand it. It is his sacred duty to make sure that you understand him. “Truth is not in the words of the speaker, but in the ears of the listener,” the ancients said. The sacred duty of a professional is to make you understand the methods with which he influences you or which he invites you to use in the process. independent work. You must clearly understand the end results of the work, the signs by which you will recognize progress, and the time when the job will be done.

A professional is not afraid to teach others. After all, in the process of teaching others, you yourself begin to understand your profession more deeply and can come up with something new, while your followers continue to do something that has become uninteresting to a professional.

Now a few more words to employers.

Workers can be rude, sadistic explorers, money-grubbers, ignoramuses and angels. We'll talk about the first four below. But it is angels who need to be feared most of all. After all, there are no angels. Try to find something human in him, some shortcomings. And if you fail, then stop communicating with him. This means his behavior is unnatural. You will be deeply disappointed in the future.

If at the first meetings a professional irritates you, you don’t agree with many things, at times he seems either acquisitive, sometimes ignorant, sometimes sadistic, sometimes rude, but he awakens your thoughts, makes you object to him, and you are interested in him - stay around him a little . Then you will see its advantages, which outweigh all its disadvantages. It turns out that this is not money-grubbing, but necessary requirements related to production technology. Apparent sadism and rudeness are associated with a reluctance to spend extra time. And what seems to you ignorance is due to hyper-focus on your specialty. Remember Sherlock Holmes, who was almost completely ignorant in matters that did not concern his specialty. Moreover, soon you simply won’t notice them. But if there are only these shortcomings, then it is better to get rid of such employees or not hire them.

They know what they can and cannot do, and they are constantly trying to improve their level and move forward and upward. Don't ask people you hire about height claims. A normal employee has one dream - to take your place. This person will do a good job. But if you are a normal leader, then this will not upset you. In the end, a promotion awaits you, you will also grow, and you, leaving your previous place of work, will want to transfer your institution to good hands. A young professional will master management skills in a few years and will be able to replace you when you get promoted.

The only question is how to find a growing professional. The best time to look for him is when he is still in his second year at the institute (they often leave the first year). The selection should be entrusted to the teachers of the university where the student is studying. There they teach him not just his chosen specialty, for example electrical engineering, but they teach him how to work specifically at your enterprise. Over the course of several years of focused study, he turns into a full-fledged professional and after graduation no longer needs pre-sale training, like many graduates of our institutes. When he goes to work, he gets a position, a decent salary and housing. The costs are worth it. And I'm not fantasizing. I personally know the head of such an enterprise in St. Petersburg.

There are very few growing professionals. But they exist. I would like to describe their symptoms:

Outwardly, they are invisible, do not participate in student parties, and do not go to discos and nightclubs. But they attend student clubs, where they study to the best of their ability scientific work. Some manage to prepare a dissertation work, part of which is their thesis research. They know in advance where they want to work and where they will work after graduation. Moreover, they try to work there during the holidays and in their free time from school. Usually on future work they are already waiting. Missing skills are quickly gained as work progresses. And again I’m not telling you fairy tales, but real facts. Not very often, but it happened during my work at Rostov Medical University that by the end of their studies our students also mastered practical skills. But since, by law, they could not be registered on permanent job, they, while formally studying with us in residency or internship, actually worked already in medical institution as if in practice, but we were only registered. They didn't need graduate school.