Professional jurisprudence. Training in the direction of “Jurisprudence. Brief description of the program

Professional jurisprudence.  Training in the direction of “Jurisprudence.  Brief description of the program
Professional jurisprudence. Training in the direction of “Jurisprudence. Brief description of the program



Professional retraining:

Type of training: In absentia using distance learning technologies

Issued document: Diploma of professional retraining

Next group recruitment: September October

Enter the KMIDO Institute


Hours: 650 hours

Find out the minimum cost

Learning remotely
installment plan
Guarantee of legitimacy

Diploma in the database

The Center for Continuing Education provides training services as part of a professional retraining program. The program is designed for specialists who already have secondary vocational or higher education and who want to master a new direction by becoming a lawyer. The training involves obtaining the qualification “lawyer”.

The distance course contains all the necessary subjects and is designed for 650 academic hours.

About the course "Jurisprudence"

The professional retraining program “Jurisprudence” includes a volume of information to obtain the full scope of knowledge, skills and competencies for practical application in work activities. This will allow you to work confidently in your new profession.

The program includes the following disciplines:

Legal logic.

Fundamentals of Economics.

Occupational safety and safety.

Information technologies in legal activities.

Theory of Government and Rights.

History of domestic state and law.

History of state and law of foreign countries.

Introduction to the specialty.

Constitutional law of the Russian Federation.

Constitutional law of foreign countries.

Administrative law.

International law.

Labor law.

Civil law.

Business law.

Family law.

Housing law.

Land law.

Environmental law.

Financial right.

Civil process.

Arbitration process.

Law enforcement agencies.

Criminal law and fundamentals of criminology.

Criminal process.

Legal psychology.

Professional ethics of a lawyer.

Fundamentals of notaries.

General rules for drawing up contracts.

Current changes in legislation.

Course program: see the Curriculum in the tab on this page.

When creating educational programs, the Center for Continuing Education is guided by the wishes of students, the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273-FZ, professional standards and qualification requirements.


The maximum study load for a student is 650 hours, including mandatory lecture workload and independent work. Training is conducted by correspondence with the full use of distance learning technologies.


As a result of mastering the “Jurisprudence” course, the student will be able to carry out professional work activities in this specialty, applying in practice the acquired skills:

Carrying out professional activities in accordance with legislative norms and rules.

Preparation and execution of legal documents.

Consulting management, staff or clients.

Legal support of the economic activities of an enterprise or organization.

Representing the interests of the organization in court, government agencies and before contractors.

Resolution of general legal issues.

A student who has completed the entire course of study and successfully passed the final certification for this program receives a DIPLOMA of professional retraining. This document confirms the professional level of the holder and his right to carry out qualified activities in the field of jurisprudence in organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation and countries participating in intergovernmental agreements on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents. Completion of practical work requires the issuance of a letter of recommendation and/or a certificate of merit.

Block 1. General questions

Distance learning is online learning via the Internet. The World Wide Web allows you to exchange information instantly, create the necessary databases, collect in one place the required amount of information materials and make them available to everyone around the world. Distance learning today is an independent form of learning, a special method of obtaining education that allows you to keep the connection between the teacher and the student online at an unlimited distance.
Distance educational technologies are used both for advanced training courses and for professional retraining programs.

The popularity of distance learning is gaining tremendous momentum and there are many reasons, for example:

  • Learning using distance learning technologies provides a wide audience reach.
  • Anyone can study remotely, regardless of their actual location.
  • Distance learning is not tied to the location of the training sessions (building, classroom, etc.); training is conducted online via the Internet.
  • It is possible to choose any teacher who can be located anywhere in the world and work remotely, i.e. remotely.
  • Saving time and financial resources, without the cost of transportation, accommodation, etc.
  • And, most importantly, training can be combined with any other activity.

Distance learning and e-learning are slightly different concepts.

Electronic learning (e-learning) is the use of new approaches to learning, among which the main task is the use of information technology (IT) and the Internet.

Distance learning is a broader concept that includes various forms and types. Its main difference is training literally “at a distance.”

The form of education at the Krasnodar Multidisciplinary Institute of Continuing Education for distance programs of additional vocational education is correspondence with the use of distance educational technologies in full.

Distance learning is a new term of our time, but it originated with the advent of postal communication. High Internet speeds have made it possible to take remote learning opportunities to a new level. The time has come for new technologies, a new concept of “E-Learning” has appeared - remote learning on the Internet using the most modern programs.

Today, training programs that can be mastered online are gradually replacing full-time and part-time forms of education. More and more educational organizations around the world are introducing online learning for the convenience of their students.

The distance format allows you to build the learning process more flexibly, exactly as it suits you!

The learning process is structured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education (Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 23, 2017 No. 816 “On approval of the Procedure for application by organizations engaged in educational activities, e-learning, distance educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs”, other regulations of the Russian Federation).

Educational programs are developed in accordance with professional standards and qualification requirements.

Students who have passed the admission procedure are formed into separate groups according to their specialties. Training is conducted online (from English on-line - interactive) via the Internet on our educational portal. To complete the training, you need a personal computer (or other computer device) with Internet access.

Students are provided with a key to the educational portal and access to its resources: materials for familiarization, video trainings and webinars, interactive tests and assignments, as well as the opportunity to work directly with teachers and trainers.

It is possible to choose any teacher, and the teacher can be located anywhere in the world.

Today, online learning is a unique opportunity to independently gain additional knowledge and improve professional competencies using the latest information technologies.

Distance learning is ideal for active and creative individuals, working people, young mothers, and those who live far from large cities.

Block 2. Organizational issues of distance learning

Durations of training are individual for different programs. Professional retraining programs at the Krasnodar Multidisciplinary Institute of Continuing Education and the North Kuban College of Humanities and Technology range from 256 to 1180 academic hours. Advanced training programs are developed in the number of hours from 18 to 200 hours. At the same time, at the request of the student, it is possible to revise the program individually.

To improve qualifications, it is assumed that the student already has secondary vocational or higher education, for which advanced training is necessary.

For retraining, it is assumed that the student has a basic secondary vocational or higher education. In this case, the learning process during retraining affects only professional disciplines, but does not cover the basic and mandatory ones for secondary vocational and higher education in general (i.e. history, foreign languages, etc.).

An electronic course is a convenient, inexpensive and, most importantly, fast way of learning, based on educational text materials, multimedia and interactive applications. The basis of such training is virtual contact between teacher and student (webinars, chats, conferences). The entire process is subject to the curriculum; upon completion of training, a final certification is carried out and a diploma of the established form or a certificate of advanced training is issued, confirming the receipt of additional qualifications.

You don’t need to come to enroll; this is the main advantage of distance learning. You also do not need to come to the sessions to take the final exams. The educational process is conducted entirely online on the educational portal. All organizational issues can be resolved through telephone conversations, correspondence by e-mail or postal service.

For e-learning, you only need a computer or tablet device, Internet access, a webcam, and headphones. It may be necessary to install a number of standard programs required for training: MS Office, Skype, etc. (as recommended).

A tutor is an employee of an educational organization who ensures the development of individual educational programs for students and is your mentor and supervisor. He can help solve organizational issues, control the schedule, and psychologically prepare the ward for productive work. The tutor organizes group seminars, conducts online events and gathers a group to participate in them, monitors and corrects your independent studies, and advises on all emerging issues.

The E-Learning process is based on content – ​​electronic content.

Content refers to digital textbooks and recorded lectures. These are texts and diagrams, photographs, images, videos. Currently, educational simulators and the possibility of creating virtual reality at the level of information technology are being widely introduced.

Block 3: How the classes work

Communication in E-Learning is primarily Skype. The simplest video and audio communication program used by millions of people. On Skype you can see your teacher and even classmates. Skype is an excellent replacement for telephone communication. Based on this program, webinars are held - video classes that are very similar to classroom ones, but do not require personal presence. In addition to Skype, you will use email, chats and other programs, most of which are familiar to you and do not require any special knowledge. The technical support service is always ready to help you install the necessary program and get it working.

Classes can be individual or joint. In the first case, this is your independent work, completing assignments to study materials. Classes are held on the basis of an educational portal, where you are assigned a personal password and you find everything you need. Simply open the necessary documents, study, save to your computer or print if necessary.

The second type of classes are online events (webinars, conferences) based on pre-generated lists of participants, when students and teachers gather at the same time in one virtual place, consider certain issues together, perform practical and laboratory work, etc. Such classes are very close to real classrooms: you can see and hear the teacher, communicate with fellow students, only all actions take place on your computer monitor in real time.

No, a permanent Internet connection is not required. Training materials can be downloaded and saved on your computer device, and, if necessary, printed. An Internet connection will only be needed when taking tests and doing practical work, to interact with teachers and, possibly, classmates.

Interactive classes are classes conducted using innovative electronic developments and techniques. In such classes, as a rule, active communication between teachers and students is assumed. At the same time, students also interact with the online learning system, i.e. educational portal (study materials, complete test and practical tasks).

A webinar is a live video conference with a presentation by one or more speakers. The webinar is accompanied by a chat, questions are asked to the speaker, and discussions are held. Webinars are prepared in advance; the organizers notify students about the time of the webinar and issue an access code to it by email or in their personal account on the distance education resource.

Self-training is the main component of distance learning programs. Independent work is required to obtain practical skills, deepen and consolidate knowledge and information, as well as to develop the most important professional competencies. You are given the opportunity to study lecture material, recommended literature - textbooks, digitized in the course database. Also, you can watch educational films, videos and listen to audio recordings of lectures. Recordings of previously held webinars and video conferences serve as interesting and educational material for self-study.

All educational material on the training portal is divided into blocks. Testing, as a rule, is expected at the end of each such block (from 3 to 10 questions). Upon completion of the training, the student is asked to take an extended test (final certification). Online testing involves a time limit during which you must mark the correct answer options. If the listener answers incorrectly, the system recommends that he re-study certain material. /collapse]

The implementation of practical exercises is provided, for the most part, in professional retraining programs and subsequently involves the issuance of a commendable certificate of completion of practical tasks and (or) a letter of recommendation. When performing practical work, it is possible to use any available sources of information, but direct copying of texts (except for quoting) and plagiarism are not allowed. If any are detected by the educational portal's verification systems, the written exam will not be considered passed.

Block 4: Paperwork

You can enroll in distance learning without visiting an educational organization using e-mail and traditional mail. Please choose a training program on our website. Here you will find a description of the training program, curriculum, as well as information about teachers. Leave a request in electronic form and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Enrollment occurs as follows:

  1. You send by email a scanned copy of the application for admission (All forms can be found on the website or requested from a specialist of the educational organization), attach to the letter copies of your passport, the main document on education (diploma with attachments) and marriage certificate (if you changed your last name) . We will also need scanned copies of your signed agreement on the provision of educational services, consent to the processing of personal data, an application for consent to send an education document by mail (or, if you wish, you can personally come to our office to receive the document).
  2. Next, the following documents must be sent in an envelope by mail (the address is indicated in the contract):

(1) Original application for enrollment (1 copy);

(2) Original contract (2 copies);

(3) Original application - consent to send a document on education by mail (1 copy);

(4) Consent to the processing of personal data (1 copy);

(5) A copy of the passport with registration data (1 copy, with a note at the bottom in your hand “Copy is correct” and your signature);

(6) A copy of the education document with attachments (1 copy, with a note at the bottom in your hand “Copy is correct” and your signature);

(7) In case of a change of surname, name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming this change, for example, a Marriage Certificate (with a note at the bottom in your hand “Copy is correct” and your signature).

Upon payment you have made, an order for enrollment in training is generated. Based on the order, your login and password are generated to access the educational portal for the training program you have chosen, about which we send you an e-mail to the e-mail you specified in the application.

Distance retraining is ideal for working people. You will not need to go on vacation during the sessions; you can study without interrupting your work process and without significantly changing your usual lifestyle. Flexible free schedule is the main advantage. Distance learning is also great for young mothers - study right with your baby on your lap, you can be distracted at any time. Geographical boundaries are not limited, i.e. even being in the most remote outback, you can get an education in a prestigious educational organization. The main thing you need is Internet access.

Retraining programs and courses are available to specialists with secondary vocational, higher, or incomplete higher education. If you enroll on the basis of incomplete higher education (while studying at a university), you will receive a diploma of professional retraining simultaneously with a university diploma, i.e. It is impossible to obtain a professional retraining diploma before completing your studies at a university.

Distance learning is not particularly difficult. The program interface is intuitive, your actions are already planned in advance: press the buttons that the system prompts you, open files, follow links. The technical support department will certainly help you with setting up the necessary programs, and you can easily solve any difficulties with our specialists. Already during the first lessons of the distance learning program, you will understand the logic of the process and will feel confident in front of the monitor. The interface of the educational portal is quite simple and is aimed at a wide range of users.

Distance learning is suitable for most people with a wide variety of characters and personalities. Passionate and creative people with a high level of motivation and a desire to learn as much as possible find it entertaining. Here we are pleased to provide you with access to the information and educational resource “KnigoFond”.

There are also students who do not really like to study. Note that they also find the e-learning process quite exciting - the new form of delivery greatly diversifies even traditional programs. Distance courses and training programs are developed on the basis of current information, current legislation, taking into account professional standards and qualification requirements. Lectures and all educational materials are updated as legislation changes and new trends and information emerge. It is much faster to update electronic learning materials than to republish a printed publication (textbook, monograph, etc.). Each innovation (in legislation, in science, in practice) can be quickly reflected in the materials of the distance program. New technologies inherent in distance learning contribute to the elimination of illiteracy in provincial areas, which is still relevant for our country. Thus, distance education is free access to up-to-date information and knowledge!

Yes, sure. Based on international treaties on mutual recognition of educational documents. If the Russian Federation does not have such a treaty/agreement with the country of which you are a citizen, then enrollment may require nostrification of your main diploma (confirmation of education, a procedure established by law).

Tuition costs vary. In state educational organizations you can enroll in budget-funded places, in private ones this opportunity, as a rule, is not available. The quality of training in private educational organizations that value their reputation, responsibly approach the selection of teaching staff and have experience in educational activities ensures the survival of the organization. The services of a private educational organization simply must meet all the necessary requirements in order to withstand competition in the educational services market.

It's definitely easier! A free learning schedule, an individual approach and the opportunity to study materials in the most interesting way for you: “auditory learners” can listen, “visual learners” can watch, “intellectuals” can read, and debate lovers can hone their skills in forum platforms and in correspondence. You have the opportunity to study in a familiar environment, at a convenient pace and in a convenient place, without interrupting your main activity. You are provided with free consultations from teachers and information support from the Center for Additional Professional Education throughout the entire period of study.

All aspects of modern life are regulated by laws. Relationships between people, the work of companies, trade, business relations, public service... legal norms establish rules of conduct in all situations. Naturally, it also happens that conflicts arise - in this case, the rights of the parties are protected by lawyers.

To become a lawyer, you don’t need to study for five years - just enough undergo retraining at MASPC!

Professional retraining in the specialty of jurisprudence

Lawyer must be on staff of any medium or large company: it is very important for the company to ensure that all its activities are carried out strictly within the legal framework, without any violations. Any deviations from the laws threaten the emergence of serious problems, which is why managers are looking for good lawyers. Lawyers who understand both the law and the specifics of the company’s activities - only such specialists can 100% protect the interests of the company.

Good lawyers always remain in demand, in any crisis.

And this is true: faced with the need to reduce staff, managers try to retain economists and lawyers until the last minute - employees on whom the very existence of the enterprise depends. You can sacrifice workers, you can reduce the number of specialized specialists, but the absence of a lawyer in the future may result in problems for the company that they are trying to hold on to.

Do you want to get a truly in-demand legal profession and, accordingly, firm confidence in the future? The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex invites you to professional retraining courses in jurisprudence! In just 252 (or 502 if you choose the advanced program) hours, you will receive all the knowledge and skills necessary to work as a lawyer.

ANO DPO MASPC is a certified educational institution, the right to study is confirmed by a license:

After completing the retraining, you will receive a lawyer's diploma of the established standard, which in the eyes of the employer is in no way inferior to a diploma of higher legal education.

Sample diploma for professional retraining of a lawyer:

Jurisprudence is a body of legal knowledge, properties of the state and law. Being a lawyer means knowing the laws and being able to use them correctly.

As a rule, lawyers choose a certain specialization and practice in it:

  • Civil law focus (housing, family, banking, advocacy).
  • Criminal law orientation (operational investigative activities, forensic medical examination, prosecutorial supervision, criminal registration, etc.).
  • International legal focus (financial law, criminal law, WTO, maritime law, law of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States, environmental law, etc.).

The modern scientific and technological academy of ANO DNO "SNTA" invites lawyers to undergo distance learning.

Every lawyer needs to regularly undergo advanced training. The legislation of the Russian Federation is constantly updated and changing, and for successful practice, specialists need to be aware of the latest changes. It is most convenient to complete distance learning without interrupting your work.

Training takes place remotely through the educational portal. All educational materials are located in your personal account. You can study subjects at any time convenient for you. Test assignments are also conducted online.

"SNTA" has an educational license No. 034268, and the course programs are compiled in accordance with all the norms of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES). Our specialists provide technical support around the clock so that you can study while in different parts of Russia.

Requirements for students

  • To enroll in a distance course, you must provide a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education in person or by email.
  • Access to test tasks opens after studying all the necessary materials.
  • At the end of the course, the student passes a certification exam, on the basis of which a diploma of assignment of a new profession/requalification and a certificate are issued.

The legal field is one of the most common and in demand in all countries. But this profession is not suitable for everyone. It requires certain knowledge in this activity, without which working and protecting people and their rights will be an extremely difficult, even impossible task.

Professional retraining in the field of jurisprudence is ideal for people who do not have a basic level of education in this field. Or for specialists who have an average professional, higher level of education. Senior students who have been studying for the last few years can also take a retraining course. The training would be considered additional in the legal industry.

Basic information on professional retraining of lawyers at the UNITED CENTER FOR ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION

Legal professionals can research the law, teach it, study it in depth, and share their knowledge with others. The profession of “lawyer” includes many specialties. You can become a lawyer, judge, legal adviser, investigator, notary, professor of law and jurisprudence, etc.

A competent lawyer can work in any leading firm after completing professional retraining. Such specialists are worth their weight in gold in our time. Because protecting a person or a company from accusations is an important and very serious task. It requires considerable preparation, knowledge, and the ability to obtain facts and evidence; skill of eloquence to convince everyone of the innocence of his client.

Having received a diploma as a legal specialist at the UNITED CENTER FOR ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, the student will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge in the legal field and be able to use it correctly and rationally.

Your knowledge will be in accordance with the requirements for lawyers, even at a better level. Diploma, which the listener will receive satisfies all the rules and requirements that apply to lawyers in the Russian Federation. He standard established by the state and is equivalent to a second higher education.

Distance learning does not require the course representative to visit classrooms at a certain time, as is customary in universities. The main thing is to register on the official website. Afterwards, an agreement will be concluded. Next, you will need to pay for a professional retraining course. It is imperative that the student must have access to the Internet to enter his information and begin the retraining itself.


At the “UNIFIED CENTER FOR ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION,” students can easily take a retraining course in the specialization of a lawyer and receive a diploma. Which will not differ in any way from those issued at the university. Professional retraining in our center is equivalent to a second higher education and meets all the requirements established on the territory of the Russian Federation. The document is valid without boundaries. Therefore it is indefinite. With a diploma issued by the UNITED CENTER FOR ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, you will be considered a true specialist in the legal field.

You can take a course in several areas. The educational process takes place using distance learning technologies. This will not be an obstacle to attending work or another university. The knowledge will be given the same as in regular educational institutions. Only it will be easier for you to assimilate them. Of course, in order to complete the course, it is important to have a desire to learn, learn new things and put in considerable effort. The duration of the course is from 250 hours. This is considered an average duration.