Professions of adults, presentation for children. “Modern professions” Senior preschool age children

Professions of adults, presentation for children. “Modern professions” Senior preschool age children

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Professions in kindergarten

The manager provides general management of the kindergarten. In its activities, it relies on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Preschool educational institution, Charter of a preschool institution, and others legislative acts. She is responsible for recruiting groups of children in accordance with their age, their state of health, individual characteristics and requests of parents, selects personnel, manages teachers, and service personnel. In addition, the manager is responsible for rational use budgetary allocations, as well as funds coming from other sources.

Kindergarten is fun and nice! Well, who is the most important here? Who is sitting in the office? Who is in charge of everyone? She doesn't sleep at night, she monitors the budget, she talks to moms, she's a good manager!

A methodologist in a kindergarten is like a director in a theater. Development of activities, scenarios, programs - the methodologist is responsible for everything that makes a child’s stay in kindergarten interesting, educational and developmental.

Who do teachers run to if a child in the group accidentally falls or gets hurt? Who do parents turn to when they need to know about upcoming vaccinations? Who will make a delicious and useful menu for the guys? All these issues can be solved nurse. Working as a nurse in a kindergarten is interesting and responsible, and requires a highly qualified employee. Moms and dads can safely entrust their child to a kindergarten if there is a medical worker there with extensive experience who truly loves children and knows how to help them.

The nurse has enough trouble at work; the whole day is scheduled literally to the minute. You need to have time to examine children in groups every morning, check the cleanliness of the premises, write out the menu for the next day, and check the quality of the prepared food. The medical worker is responsible for the health status of students and employees, monitors the correctness and timely implementation of morning exercises, hardening procedures, walks, physical education and music classes, where children move quite a lot. Organizes preventive vaccinations according to the calendar for each age. In addition, every nurse in children's institution can provide first aid if a child twists his leg or gets a splinter. Her good hands All the pupils trust her, and she knows all the children by name. She can be strict with some, but she can console a crying baby with a kind word and a delicious vitamin. A nurse in a kindergarten is a kind protector of all children.

Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then he’ll be waiting for you tasty food. Our cook worked all day: He cooked borscht and compotes; He cooked us potatoes, baked an omelette with peas, fried, steamed and stewed. The kids will be full!

Who dresses the artists, tries on their costumes, sews robes, sews them up? This is our wardrobe maid, You couldn’t find her better. Thank you from everyone, For the costumes, for the success. The work of laundresses is useful to everyone. Eliminates diseases, Maintains cleanliness, Instantly brings beauty

Children love musical activities. Here they dance, have fun and play from the heart. Children study various composers here. Together with the song, together with the dance, Together with the music they grow. We can’t distinguish “F” from “sol”, Not everyone is given talent, But this doesn’t bother us, There is a musician in the kindergarten. On mother's day and on father's holiday, on Christmas or New Year Even the furious prankster Dashing will sing a song.

Educator preschool institutions teaches the child the basics of independence, rules of behavior in society, prepares the child for entering school (i.e., teaches them to read and count).

It's lunchtime at the kindergarten. The cook takes samples from the dishes. But mom isn’t around, who’s setting the table there? The garden sparkles with cleanliness. Our nannies are a treasure! Their work is hard, Masha, Sasha, Tanya, Vanya need care every day. After all, all day long without their mother, they love Nanny like their own, and she will kiss them and take them tenderly in her arms. He'll even sing a song.

Who hasn't been sleeping since the morning, Who's creaking with a broom? It is the janitor who cleans, he respects cleanliness. We say thank you to you. Now we won’t litter. A janitor's dusty job - As soon as the sun rises above the ground, He sometimes works up a sweat, sweeping, sweeping, sweeping, sweeping. In the fall the leaves will cover the yard, And in the winter there will be either snow or ice. But the janitor takes a broom and a shovel, Every day for us, from year to year!

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There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic

The presentation “Kindergarten Professions” was developed for children 5-6 years old with mental retardation. It can be used when organizing group, subgroup and individual educational activities by teachers to consolidate previously learned kindergarten professions and to introduce new children 5-6 years old with mental retardation. Children are happy to accept colorful material, prepared in a creative form ( electronic presentation). The presentation consists of two main parts: consolidating previously learned kindergarten professions and introducing new unfamiliar ones to 5-6 year old children with mental retardation. You can move from slide to slide by clicking the left mouse button. The presentation is equipped with hyperlinks. From the content slide (it is presented with illustrations of kindergarten professions), it is possible to move to a slide with a riddle about this profession or to a slide with a description of it (if the profession is intended for familiarization). When answering a riddle, children rely on the illustration. If the child chooses the correct answer when answering the riddle, the transition to the “Well done” slide occurs; if the child is mistaken, then he is asked to try again. Later, you can return to the same riddle or move on to the next one. All riddles and descriptions of kindergarten professions are presented in poetic form.

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Eremenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna, teacher of MBU kindergarten No. 200 “Magic Shoe” Tolyatti, Samara Region, Russia;
Polyakova Alevtina Valentinovna, teacher of MBU kindergarten No. 200 “Magic Shoe” g.o. Togliatti, Samara region, Russia.

Explanatory note

One of the main tasks of preschool education is the formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person. For this, it is very important to develop an interest in various professions in a preschool child. It is necessary to introduce children to professions that are in demand in modern society.

Goal: To clarify and generalize children’s ideas about professions.

1. Understand the importance of the profession in people’s lives.

2. Foster respect for the results of the work of people of different professions.

3. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

I would like to present the presentation in poetic form.

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Presentation on the topic "Professions"

(43 users like this)

A presentation on the topic “Professions” is one of the most popular presentations for young children. This presentation can be used both for home viewing and by teachers for methodological lessons with children. In the attached archive you will find 4 presentations with professions.

Presentation on the topic "Professions 1": teacher, teacher, cook, artist, photographer, actors, secretary, clothing salesman, milkman, driver, huntsman, fisherman, gardener, masseur, chiropractor, carpenter, pilot, flight attendant, astronaut, musicians, flower girl, farmer, shepherd, programmer, miner, cashier, architects, music teacher, hairdresser, manicurist, worker, bartender, sailors,

Presentation on the topic "Professions 2": waitress, biologist, operator, lawn mower, circuit technician, crane operator, baker, cleaners, electrician, roller, cheese seller, foremen, croupier, technologist, blacksmith, microbiologists, high-rise assemblers, painter, businessman, brokers, magician, DJ, bullfighter , agricultural technician, builder, car wash, auto mechanic.

Presentation on the topic "Professions 3": clown, ballerina, dancers, fashion model, conductor, trainers, acrobats, juggler, doctor, nurse, surgeon, therapist, pediatrician, neonatologist, radiologist, dentist, orderly, veterinarian, laboratory assistant, priest, newspaper seller, tailor, seamstress, truck drivers, road worker worker.

Presentation on the topic "Professions 4": policeman, fireman, computer operator, potter, civil engineer, tractor driver, butcher, soldier, plasterer, welder, fishmonger, doorman, maid, plumber, mechanic, preacher, floor polisher, bricklayer, loader, receptionist, real estate agent, saxophonist, rabbi.

The presentation is intended for studying professions using the methodology early development Glen Doman. The presentation can be viewed several times a day for no more than 5 minutes. To view the presentation you need Power program Point.

After downloading the presentation file, open it using this program and press F5 - automatic viewing of the cards will begin in the form of changing slides with sound. If desired, each page of the presentation can be printed on a printer.

You can also watch the presentation "Professions" online.

Presentation "Professions 1"

Presentation "Professions 2"

Presentation "Professions 3"

Presentation "Professions 4"

Download the presentation on the topic "Professions" from the link below

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  • Ludi_professii.rar(4245 Downloads)
  • PowerPoint_17.rar(1599 Downloads)

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0#Ruslana03/10/2015 15:49 just what I needed, thank you very much


Project to familiarize older preschoolers with adult professions “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Project goal: To introduce children to various professions of adults. To develop work skills in older preschoolers. Provide initial career guidance for children with didactic and methodological...

Summary of joint educational activities of a teacher with children preparatory group on the topic “Professions”: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

To clarify and generalize children’s ideas about professions....

Project passport Type of project: – informational - creative. Relevance: B preschool years children show a keen interest in the work of adults, in play and everyday life they strive to imitate them and want to do something themselves...


Thank you for the presentation, right now we are going through different professions with the kids. On the eve of February 23, this topic is relevant for us

Material from the site

Oksana Anatolyevna 04/12/2011 at 20:18

Hello, Lyudmila Valentinovna! I liked your presentation, it has great practical significance, it solves important educational problems, it is very useful for child development! The presentation is made aesthetically and concisely, without frills.

The only thing is that I would not enlarge the mouse in the 2nd slide, I would leave it the same size as on the next slides, because When GIF images are “stretched,” the image quality deteriorates. And in the crossword puzzle I would add pictures with professions (you have 9 words, and 4 pictures) and it would be great if the picture appeared along with the answer (but this is just my perception!). Otherwise, I liked everything, the notes perfectly complemented your competition work! Sincerely...

Svetlana_Alexandrovna 04/13/2011 at 10:47

Lyudmila Valentinovna! The topic of presentation is relevant and significant; the problem of career guidance has become acute in our time.

I am pleased with the aesthetic and laconic first slide (this is the font that could be used for all the question headings on subsequent slides, since the text on a white background is “lost”), eye-catching, a cute mouse presenter, interesting, well-thought-out tasks. There is a lot of “white” in the pictures; the frames should be made a little darker. In general, the work is worthwhile, good luck to the author!

Galina 04/30/2011 at 6:43 pm

Lyudmila Valentinovna! I really liked the presentation and outline, everything is logically connected, understandable, and can be used in work. Children should not just look at pictures, but think and reason.

I agree with Oksana Anatolyevna about the size of the Mouse and the pictures for the crossword puzzle. In general I want to say. that this is the best presentation I have seen on the Internet. Wish creative success auto RU!

Angel56704/14/2011 at 23:04

Hello, Lyudmila Valentinovna! After watching your presentation, I was left with extremely positive impressions; it’s very nice that the kindergarten uses such modern educational technologies.

I think she will good help for young professionals... I would like to wish you further creative success, and not stop there!

Irina_Nikolaevna 04/15/2011 at 11:34

Dear Lyudmila Valentinovna, good afternoon! Your presentation is very interesting, colorful, and accessible to preschool children. But in my opinion, the Mouse’s voice is still missing, it would be great!!!

Good luck to you!!! Sincerely, Irina Nikolaevna

sabira04/16/2011 at 00:14

Dear Lyudmila Valentinovna! I really liked your presentation. I think we can use your ideas in our work.

I wish you good luck and creative success!

Maria7917.04.2011 at 18:12

Dear Lyudmila Valentinovna! You have a great presentation! It is relevant and colorful! However, I agree with the previous opinion that on the page with the crossword puzzle you need to add pictures with the professions of people that are reflected in the crossword itself and put them by numbers.

I wish you victory in the competition!

tella04/19/2011 at 17:58

Dear Lyudmila Valentinovna! Your presentation is very important and relevant. Parents are especially careful about the use of new information technologies in the classroom.

Your main goal is the soul of the child, these are problems of morality, this is development creative personality, as well as the problem of preparing the child as an individual. But anyway information Technology become a good helper teacher along with other teaching aids. I would like to immediately make a reservation that preparing and conducting lessons with computer support requires a lot of time and patience from the teacher, creating some organizational inconveniences, but such lessons bring great satisfaction to both the children and the teacher.

I choose a profession - presentation

Name: Presentation on career guidance "I choose a profession" Ponomarenko I. V. teacher-psychologist, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 28, Pyatigorsk Year: 2010Format: presentation in ppt format (rar archive) Size: 5.39 MB Quality: good Profession in a person’s mind it is often associated with fate, with life’s purpose. Meaning career guidance work to help schoolchildren and their parents correctly and timely navigate modern world and not make a mistake in choosing a profession.

Career guidance, which existed under the socialist method of farming and was oriented towards totalitarian pedagogical thinking, has outlived its usefulness. But career guidance that meets the requirements of the changed sociocultural situation has not yet proven itself positively.

Choice of profession, in particular, admission to a university, is very often determined by factors far from personal inclinations. For young people, this is an opportunity to avoid conscription into the army.

According to the latest estimates, more than a third of those receiving first vocational education do so. The university plays the role of a “social refuge” not only for children subject to conscription, but also simply for “career-oriented immature” people. As a result, a person chooses a profession not at school, but already at a university.

Currently, about 40% of people change their profession within two years after graduation. vocational school, technical school or university, and in general 80% of the population does not work in the specialty indicated in the diploma. There are, of course, many reasons for this, but it is also obvious that the general average and vocational education Currently, they practically do not contain career guidance components.

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to saturate the traditional content of education with new methods of career guidance. It is necessary to create all the conditions, first of all, so that a person already at school feels like a subject of professional, life and cultural self-determination, the author of his own biography and a person involved in the creation of a socially significant product.

Choice of profession carried out by a person as a result of analysis internal resources and by correlating them with the requirements of the profession, it is the basis for a person’s self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions in life. Choosing a profession is not an instantaneous act.

Choosing a profession consists of a number of stages that merge into one process. The duration of the stages depends on: - external conditions; - individual characteristics subject of choosing a profession.

Relevance of this presentations The problem is that modern youth enters an independent working life almost blindly. Most graduates have no idea about the real demand for specialists in the labor market.

Predominantly random, non-social choice of profession, entailing personal and social costs. As a result, a person loses time and faith in his abilities.

Contents of the presentation “I choose a profession”:

  • presentation of the journalist profession;

Career guidance game “What do I know about professions” for elementary school students.

Equipment: signs (for each team), presentation, sheets of paper, pens, candy. Expected results: expansion of ideas about various fields labor, the world of professions.

Progress of the event

Hello dear guys, guests and colleagues! Let's start our event. -To find out what will be discussed at our game, you need to connect the first letters of each word and read it. (Slide 1,2)

Feast rice wasp fruit spruce icicle elephant iris apple

Guys, the hour is not far off when you will have a choice of what profession to get. Now the main thing for you is study, the knowledge that you receive is the basis for your future life. The time has come to think about choosing your future profession.

At your age this is not easy to do. Your teachers, older brothers and sisters, friends, people whose opinions you listen to and who serve as an example can help you. -Who is most needed and most important, what profession?

You can argue for a long time. “All professions are needed, all professions are important” There are about 40 thousand different professions in the world: it is important to be able to understand this diversity; find out what people in this profession do; get to know what qualities you need to develop for your future profession; consider own interests and abilities. Choosing a profession is a vital issue.

It is compared to a second birth. It is useful to think about the question of your future profession. This means asking yourself a lot of questions and finding the right answer.

There are a huge number of wonderful professions in the world, and each profession has glory and honor. - Today we will get acquainted with some of them. - We will conduct our acquaintance with professions in the form gaming competitions“What do I know about professions” (Slide 3), in which two teams participate. If you know the answer, then pick up the card.

Whichever team raises the signs first has the right to answer the question. If a team gives an incorrect answer, then the next team gets the right to answer. The game consists of 3 rounds.

The team that during the game will score greatest number points - will be the winner of the game. If the teams do not give an answer, then the fans can answer and earn a sweet prize.II. Main part: First, let's do a little warm-up game.

ROUND 1: “Our professions” (Slide 4)

Competition No. 1 “Guess the profession” (guess what professions are being talked about in proverbs and sayings) (Slides 5-16)

1. Which driver looks down on the earth (soars in the clouds)? (Pilot, pilot, astronaut.) 2. Who washes dirty linen in public? (Cleaning lady, technician.) 3. The sweetest master is... Who? (Confectioner .) 4. Name the most famous veterinarian in our country. (Aibolit, because he treated animals.) 5. What was the name of the first female pilot? (Baba Yaga.) 6. The star accountant is... Who? (Astronomer .) 7. A tree caretaker is...Who? (Gardener, gardener) 8. The converter of fabric into clothing is... Who? (Tailor, seamstress) 9. Representatives of what profession constantly ask young people questions to which they themselves know the answers? (Teachers.) 10. “Marsupial” professional - this... Who? (Postman.) Competition No. 2. “Puzzle” (Slide 17) you need to (one by one) figure out the words whose names contain (hidden profession) (Slide 18 - 19) GRATER = A - - - - (theatrical and cinematic profession) PENDANT = K - - - - (fun circus profession) GAUZE = M - - - - (“multi-colored worker”)

More details

ARTISTIC CREATIVITY “There is an obvious need to improve and update the practice of “cultivating” from preschool age an individual capable of becoming a professional in his field in the future based on the formation of the idea that work is an honorable duty of every person living in our society” M. Vasilyeva Health “CAREFUL WORK-UP for a veterinarian” Try to remember all the animals that lived in the yard: Eliminate the extra item: Which butterfly flew away from which flower? Tasks for the GARDENER: Monitoring results 1 - % of children who have a clear idea of ​​the variety of professions; 2 - % children who correctly substantiate the importance of work as a social phenomenon; 3 - % of children who have a sufficient understanding of the importance of various professions; 4 - % of children who can establish connections between various professions; 5 - % of children who understand the importance of helping objects in various types labor. Opinion of parents, % They have a poor understanding of the importance of career guidance work (When they grow up, they will decide for themselves what to be) They want to see their children prosperous and happy They wish their children a “better” profession than they themselves have They believe that children need help in learning professions



Vakhrusheva Nadezhda Viktorovna, head of preschool educational institution, highest qualification category Konishcheva Lyubov Aleksandrovna, senior teacher, first qualification category

Currently, teachers face a very difficult task. On the one hand, to interest children and introduce them to professions that will be in demand in the future; and on the other hand, to instill in children the desire to become professionals in their field.

That is why our preschool educational institution has created and is successfully implementing a program to familiarize preschoolers with the world professional work, the purpose of which is the formation of the student’s personality, taking into account his mental characteristics and inclinations through the early orientation of the child to an informed choice of profession. Here we manage to solve several problems at once:

  1. Firstly, acquaintance of preschoolers with the world of professions, their diversity (ancient, constantly changing).
  2. Secondly, the formation of ideas about what work and profession are; Why do people need them and can work be “a joy?”
  3. Thirdly, instilling respect and gratitude for working people; desire to carry out any assignment conscientiously and responsibly.

The implementation of this program does not contradict the main program development of preschool educational institutions: in accordance with federal state requirements system professional self-determination permeates everything with a “red thread” educational areas. In addition, since the teacher is faced with quite a lot of tasks, and it is not always possible to devote the proper amount of time to solving a particular problem, we tried to combine the task of professional self-determination of preschoolers with quality training them to enter school. So, the preschool educational institution has developed a system play activities using multimedia presentations, during which children simultaneously “try on” themselves various professions and develop in themselves those mental qualities that are most important for a particular profession. The classes use entertaining and easy-to-understand tasks and exercises, games and questions, which are very attractive to preschoolers.

Thus, in the course of carrying out such purposeful work, the preschooler saturates his consciousness with various ideas about the world of professions, which will help him in the future to consciously choose a profession.

At this stage, a certain visual basis is created on which the further development of professional consciousness is based. That is why it is very important to create the most diverse palette of impressions about the world of professions, so that then, based on this material, the child can analyze professional sphere more meaningful and feel more confident.