Projects of houses with an attic and a garage: maximum convenience and coziness. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage Scheme of a house with an attic and a garage

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage: maximum convenience and coziness.  Projects of houses with an attic and a garage Scheme of a house with an attic and a garage
Projects of houses with an attic and a garage: maximum convenience and coziness. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage Scheme of a house with an attic and a garage
  • Thursday, 19 March 2015 7:15
  • romario
  • It's no secret that a car needs a garage.

    However, currently not every car owner can afford this room, moreover, it should be close to home.

    If the owner has a personal plot or a private house, then many people think about how they can build an attic garage in a private house?

    Garage with attic in a private house

    Many people will ask, why do you need a garage with an attic in a private house? You can build a garage inside a living space and not complicate your task.

    When answering this question, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of a garage with an attic.

    It is clear to everyone that a garage is inside a living space perfect solution, and most importantly it is very convenient.

    There is no need to create separate heating for your garage: the price of a pressure pipe in this case will be quite acceptable.

    However, it is worth paying attention Special attention for safety during construction:

    • Firstly, any garage must contain flammable fuels and lubricants.
    • Secondly, when the engine is running, it accumulates in the garage a large number of exhaust gases. In this case, it is possible that gases can penetrate inside the house and spread throughout it.
    • In order to avoid this problem, you can install a hood.
    • And finally, if you don't have much cottage, then the indoor garage will cause a lot of noise, thereby causing a number of inconveniences for your household.

    Thus, you decide whether to build a garage inside a living space or whether it is better to create it separately.

    The main advantages of a garage with an attic include the fact that probably not one man will refuse to relax in the garage. Therefore, in the attic you can create, for example, a billiard room.

    Also, the owner of the house can make his own there Personal Area or a workshop where he will feel like a full owner, where females are not allowed to enter.

    IN in this case the garage with an attic will be separate from the living space, and this will not allow women to make any objections.

    Also beautiful garages with an attic are perfect for children or teenagers, where they can spend time with their friends without disturbing adults.

    You can also arrange a guest room in the attic, where people close to you or friends who come to visit can stay.

    Another advantage of a garage with an attic is the case when you are building the main house. During this period of time, the owners of the house can temporarily live in the attic.

    After solving the main issues, you need to think about every detail of the garage with an attic project. How well you work out every little detail will determine your future structure.

    Usually, at the beginning of construction, you need to determine the area, which will naturally depend on the number of vehicles that will occupy the garage and also on its purpose.

    Based on these parameters, also the size doorways, ceiling heights and other characteristics will vary.

    Some people choose a house with a garage and an attic, which is built from timber, or choose. Others may not be happy with the location of the stairs.

    Thus, each owner chooses a project that suits his preferences.

    Quite a lot important point In the process of creating a garage with an attic, there are issues related to heating the room.

    Many people are also interested in whether there is a balcony and how the attic windows are located. Don’t forget about how to provide water to your building, as well as resolve issues with showers and toilets.

    Once you have thought about these points, you can begin to create a plan for the future garage, this is done with the goal that you can at any time seek help from specialists who will develop a standard or individual look project.

    Be sure to decide on the choice of material from which you plan to build the garage.

    If you turn to specialists to develop a project, the cost, of course, will be high, but it’s worth it. Since you will be provided with all step by step plan execution of the construction process.

    Thus, if you decide to build a garage with an attic, where will basement, or create, then during the construction process some questions may arise, where documents received from specialists will give you a detailed and thorough answer.

    When drawing up these documents, designers must know the type of soil, where construction is planned, whether there are any communications, the presence groundwater and other very important details.

    Typically, the project must be agreed upon with the design office. Otherwise, you will have no one to present all claims or any questions to, and only you will be personally responsible for the construction of a garage with an attic.

    A house with an attic allows you to effectively use small area plot. In addition to rationality, the attic is decorated with private Vacation home. Quite often, bedrooms and recreation areas are located on the attic floor.

    The lower floor can be redesigned in such a way that a garage for a car, or even two, can be placed on the same foundation as the house.

    The advantage of a garage combined with a house is that:

    • the car is in a warmer room because at least one of its walls is adjacent to the house;
    • it is more convenient to bring/take things out of the car;
    • appears extra bed for storing accessories needed by the car owner;
    • savings on pouring the foundation and wall materials.

    The above factors indicate the demand for such layouts, therefore we offer various projects houses with attic and garage.

    You can classify projects in different ways, but they all include 3 sections

    1. architectural;
    2. Engineering;
    3. constructive.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the projects.

    The size of the plot for the construction of such a house.

    Project of a one-story house with an attic and a garage for two cars

    If there are often guests in the house, or the family owns more than one car, then projects have been developed for them one-story houses with an attic and a garage for two cars, photos of which are presented below.

    Plan and dimensions land plot, and the layout of the house on it.

    Material prepared for the website

    The proposed projects are developed taking into account all requirements and standards of construction and communications.

    Naturally, each of them involves making changes in accordance with the proposals of a particular customer.

    • minor changes. May include changes to the size of windows, doors or their location. In this case, adjustments can be made to any of the proposed projects and construction can begin;
    • significant changes. They concern redevelopment, type of flooring, height of premises. Here the project will act as a guide. If you do this yourself, you will need to familiarize yourself with additional normative literature, which regulates certain decisions;

    The projects presented on this page are examples; we do not develop or make changes to existing projects. The materials are for informational purposes only.

    When designing a house with an attic and a garage, you need to study as much as possible more projects. This will make it possible to develop detailed project, and also take into account all the nuances so that during the construction stage there are no hiccups or problems that will affect the operation of the building or even make its construction impossible.

    Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are especially popular; photo visualizations and layouts of such projects are presented in this section. Agree, is it really convenient to have everything under one roof: both the garage and the house? In addition, this solution allows for more efficient use of the usable area of ​​the site. This is especially true for regions where there is a lot of snow in winter and there are prolonged frosts. However, in addition to comfort, we should not forget about the rationality of planning. If you choose a similar house project, pay attention that the exit from the garage to the living quarters is thoughtful, for example through the hallway of the main entrance. An important role is played by the vestibule, which cuts off exhaust gases and other unpleasant odors from the garage. Choose the project that best suits you, and don’t forget that you can always make changes if something doesn’t suit you. Perform redevelopment, replace wall material, etc.

    The foundation can be replaced, if necessary, with a more rational and correct one (geodetic conditions of the site or its differences), and the layout of the house can be changed according to the individual wishes of the customer. Any cottage or house in our catalog can be changed according to your wishes. Projects for houses with an attic and a garage are not fully developed; the finished documentation includes an architectural and structural section, but engineering systems are always designed separately - this is much more economical. We are ready to design engineering systems immediately upon purchasing a cottage project or after it has already been built.

    Cottage projects are always developed by several specialists - an architect, a designer and an engineer. When developing, all the nuances of future construction are taken into account, for example, the distance of the garage from children's rooms and bedrooms, the boiler room is always located under non-residential premises, if a fireplace is being made, then so that a group of people can fit in competently and comfortably, etc. Depending on the possibility of connecting certain types of communications, finished projects houses with an attic and a garage can be changed, for example, the boiler room can be moved in order gas pipe did not go around half the house, the kitchen or bathroom was moved so that sewage pipe did not go under the entire foundation, the living room could also be moved or expanded so that it was constantly illuminated by the sun, etc. All this happens when you really like the cottage, but it needs to be modified taking into account the characteristics of your site. For this purpose, a master plan of the site is additionally being developed, on which you will see the planting of the house, the cardinal directions and will understand from where will he go water and gas, where there will be sewerage, where additional buildings (if any). If you don't find suitable house in our catalog, then we are always ready to design a house according to individual order and develop all the necessary documentation - architectural section, structural and engineering systems.

    If there is a need to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

    The first is the addition of additional premises. But, taken outside the perimeter load-bearing walls, they can only serve as household or auxiliary ones.

    The second option is more acceptable. It's about about additional square meters due to the reconstruction of the second floor. In this case, the design of a house with an attic is the most best option. By insulating the roof, you can get additional full-fledged living and utility rooms.

    How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

    Projects of houses with an attic: “for”

    • Such housing will save on building area. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
    • In question rational use total area buildings, house projects with attic room wins compared to one-story and even two-story buildings, in which attic space not used rationally.
    • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. IN classic version the attic is a more economical option. If for arrangement full second floors you will need brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior finishing, then the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans warm attic, then the costs of insulation are added. Only in this case can you get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 usable area houses with an attic are significantly lower compared to other projects.
    • Besides, warm air from the lower rooms rises, which makes heating attic floor less expensive. We can confidently talk about a reduction in fuel and electricity consumption, and, consequently, about savings in the operation of a ready-made building.

    Projects of houses with an attic: “against”

    • Some experts claim that main drawback projects of houses with an attic - their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. The problem can be solved very simply by skylights. In addition, through them much more light enters the room than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But with the funds saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization Everyday life. In addition, there is always the opportunity to design windows and even balconies in the gables.
    • The second drawback of house designs with an attic can also be considered conditional. It is believed that sloping ceilings cause depression among the residents of the house. But competent organization and design of premises can easily eliminate this contradiction.

    We draw conclusions from the above