Project of a workshop for the production of school furniture. Business idea - Production of furniture from natural wood. Selection of premises for production

Project of a workshop for the production of school furniture.  Business idea - Production of furniture from natural wood.  Selection of premises for production
Project of a workshop for the production of school furniture. Business idea - Production of furniture from natural wood. Selection of premises for production

The production of cabinet furniture is a fairly profitable business, since the demand for this type of furniture is stable throughout the year. For this business you will need:

  1. Premises: workshop and office;
  2. Employees: designer-technologist and furniture assembler;
  3. Suppliers of materials and accessories;
  4. Intermediaries to increase sales: furniture showrooms and design studios.

Depending on the planned volume of investment and experience in this field, you need to choose a method of organizing production. Production can be organized in three ways, depending on the length of the technological process and the size of the investment:

  • Full cycle production;
  • Mid-cycle production;
  • Short cycle production.

A complete description of the technological process is presented in other sections of this business plan.

To organize a private business from scratch, you do not need to try to cover all stages of furniture manufacturing. It is better to start with assembly from ready-made components in your own workshop. In this case, you will have time to build a system of working with clients, establish relationships with suppliers, research the market, and also develop a customer base. And as soon as the flow of customers becomes stable, you can consider expanding the business to cover other technological processes.

The range of cabinet furniture consists of office furniture (chairs, tables, shelving, etc.) and home furniture (pedestals, wardrobes, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, stools, benches, etc.).

Initial investment - 640,000 rubles.

Average monthly profit is 86,615 rubles.

Break-even point - 4 months.

The payback period of the project is 11 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

According to enterprises operating in the market, the demand for cabinet furniture is distributed between office furniture and home furniture.

The range of products offered includes:

Office furniture: racks, cabinets, chairs, tables, cabinets;

Furniture for home: kitchens, dining tables, chairs, stools, cabinets, storage boxes, shelves, benches.

Due to seasonality, the assortment may change. For example, in the summer they order large quantities of furniture for relaxing in the country: benches, stools, tables. In autumn, the demand for school desks and chairs, racks for papers and documents increases. Demand for kitchens remains consistently high throughout the year.

The production of cabinet furniture can be carried out in three different ways, depending on the duration of the production cycle.

  • First way implies a full cycle: from the manufacture of the material that serves as the basis for cabinet furniture (chipboard, laminated chipboard, MDF) to the release of the finished product.
  • Second way eliminates the material manufacturing process, i.e. Ready-made sheets of chipboard, fiberboard, and MDF are purchased. All that remains is to cut them, make an edge and assemble them until ready.
  • Third option production is organized on the principle of a short cycle and includes only the process of furniture assembly. The furniture is assembled from custom-cut chipboard, laminated chipboard, and MDF.

For organizing a small business from scratch, the best option is to work on the short-cycle principle. In this case, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and the workshop works under a specific order.

Once you have built up a customer base and the company has a stable flow of orders, you can expand production to cover other cycles. By this time, you will already have enough accumulated funds to purchase sawing and edge banding machines, which will allow you to increase the technological process chain.

Sales of finished products will be carried out in several ways:

  1. Forming applications through our own office, which is also a showroom;
  2. Through intermediaries: furniture stores, design studios. This method of cooperation will allow you to cover a geographically larger market;
  3. Sales through an online store. Delivery in this case may be carried out by a third-party transport company.

3. Description of the sales market

Consumers of this type of business can be divided into three target groups:

Retail end consumers. These are the people who will use your furniture. They can be divided by age and frequency of purchases:

  1. Young working people from 25 to 30 years old who are purchasing furniture for the first time;
  2. People from 30 to 50 years old who update cabinet furniture in their home and office every 4-5 years.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Wholesale clients. As a rule, these are private and public organizations that buy similar products in large quantities. This type of consumer includes schools, kindergartens, hotels, office centers, etc. Typically, depending on the volume of the order, they are given a certain volume discount.

Intermediaries. These include interior showrooms and furniture stores. They are interested in long-term cooperation and work with you for a certain percentage of the order. Many of them exist in the format of showrooms, which allows them to display exhibition samples of their own products.

Competition in the cabinet furniture production market is quite high, so you should not initially invest a lot of money in this type of business. The demand for your products will mainly depend on the quality, delivery time, as well as the price of the finished products. An important factor will also be the provision of warranties for products for a year from the date of installation and start of operation.

The high level of competition is due to the fact that your competitors are not only the same private workshops, but also large companies. For example, the international chain IKEA offers a large selection of cabinet furniture. However, a favorable factor is that with the increase in the dollar exchange rate, prices for Swedish furniture have increased significantly.

Let us highlight the main advantages that will allow your company to occupy a stable niche in the cabinet furniture production business:

  1. Work to order. There is no need to organize a warehouse and store large stocks of materials;
  2. Minimum set of tools. At the first stage, you do not need to invest in the purchase of expensive equipment;
  3. Small staff. To get started, you will only need to hire two permanent employees;
  4. Availability of our own showroom and exhibition samples in interior and furniture salons;
  5. Possibility of changing the product range depending on demand trends;
  6. Large selection of materials and accessories for clients with different income levels;
  7. Creation of an online store with delivery throughout the region;
  8. Production of designer furniture according to author's drawings.

4. Sales and marketing

Market promotion channels

5. Production plan

Stages of creating a cabinet furniture production business

Creating your own production consists of the following steps:

  • State registration

To open a small workshop with short-cycle production, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you do not need to open a current account and create authorized capital.

However, if you intend to soon expand production and work with large suppliers and customers, then it is better to immediately register as an LLC. The optimal taxation system when working with orders coming from individuals is the simplified tax system (15% income minus expenses). In this case, you will need to install a CCP.

  • Rent of premises for workshop and office

Since in the first stages you will not need to install large-sized equipment, it will be enough to rent a room of 200 sq.m. At the same time, 150 sq.m. accounts for the workshop and warehouse, and 50 sq.m. for an office space where exhibition samples will be presented, as well as workplaces for the designer and manager.

An additional advantage when choosing premises will be the opportunity to increase the rental area to 300 sq.m. during a year. Subsequently, as you increase production, you will need additional square meters to organize a warehouse for materials and finished products, as well as space for machines and equipment.

Premises requirements:

  • Non-residential premises

The most suitable premises for this type of activity would be industrial premises. This is due to the fact that the work of the workshop is accompanied by a high level of noise.

  • First floor, two entrances

You will need to organize two separate entrances: to the office and to the workshop. In the second case, it is necessary to have access roads for trucks.

  • Three-phase electricity 380 W.

Some equipment has high power consumption. This needs to be thought out in advance.

  • No dampness or high humidity.

This is a fundamentally important factor. Since the main material for work is wood, increased humidity will immediately affect the quality of the finished products.

Stages of working with a client

The order is carried out in several stages:

  • Client contacting the company

At this stage, the manager or supervisor identifies the client's needs and draws up a list of pieces of furniture that he needs. Next, the designer-technologist begins to work with the client. He helps the client decide on the design of the product, the number and size of drawers, material, color and texture of the facade, etc.

  • Cost calculation, ordering

After agreeing on the type and composition of products with the client, the designer-technologist calculates the cost of the order. Then the manager or supervisor agrees on this cost with the client, places an order, and takes an advance payment. The order period is standard and ranges from 30 to 45 working days. In this case, it is possible to manufacture furniture ahead of schedule.

  • Purchasing materials from suppliers

At this stage, the manager or supervisor orders individual components from suppliers.

Main material. Its role is played by laminated chipboard, MDF or solid wood. You need to order not only a sheet of the desired material, but also its cutting to size and edge. You can place an order from one supplier, or you can purchase separately: sheets from one supplier, and processing from another.

Facades. Kitchen fronts, as well as cabinet doors, are separate furniture elements. Their main function is decorative, so the range on the market is huge. You can choose to work with several suppliers by comparing prices for specific products.

Countertops. They can be made from laminated chipboard sheets, as well as from natural and artificial stone.

Back walls and bottom of drawers. These elements are made mainly from HDF, the color is selected to match the main material of the furniture.

Furniture fasteners. These are metal products that act as connecting elements: furniture corners, wooden dowels, eccentric couplers, Euroscrews, etc.

Accessories and guides. This category includes furniture hinges, lifting mechanisms, door handles, furniture legs, as well as guides for sliding wardrobe doors.

To compare material suppliers, you should be guided by two criteria: price and production and delivery time. Typically, lower prices come with longer lead times. It is fundamentally important for the company that all individual elements are produced within the same deadline, and that the entire order as a whole is completed as quickly as possible.

  • Main work: assembling furniture frames

This work is performed by a furniture assembler in a workshop. He accepts delivery of components and assembles the main body of products. Small-sized and mobile products are fully assembled. These include bedside tables, chairs, and small tables. Large furniture requires partial assembly in the workshop and final installation on site.

  • Delivery and installation of the finished product

This is the last stage, which requires the presence of an assembler and a supervisor. The manager accepts the finished work, transfers it to the client and receives full payment. The order is considered completed.

6. Organizational structure

To start the organization, you will need three people: a manager, a designer-technologist, and a furniture assembler.

As the scale of production increases, the staff will be replenished. In the future, the composition of the staff:

Working personnel - increase in employees to 5 workers and a production manager;

  • Recruitment
  • Sales organization
  • How much can you earn

Recently, Russia has seen some growth in the furniture and furniture production market. This is largely facilitated by two circumstances - an increase in the number of new buildings put into operation and an increase in the income of the country's population. The main influence was made by individual orders, that is, orders for the manufacture of furniture according to original author’s sketches. The expected annual growth of the furniture market, according to experts, is 8-10%. The main prerequisite for the development of the furniture market is the growth of the real estate market.

How to start a furniture manufacturing business

You can open your own furniture manufacturing business in one of two directions:

  1. Production of custom-made furniture;
  2. Serial release.

These areas differ sharply in a number of important parameters, namely in the general approach to organizing production, distribution channels, profitability (for mass production it is no more than 15%, and for individual production - more than 25%).

Today, many furniture factories offer sofas of the same design, but of completely different quality and at different prices. This happens because the development of Russian furniture production began with copying Western models. The thing is that developing a design, making prototypes, and researching demand on your own is expensive. Only a large enterprise or a highly specialized company operating in the premium segment can afford this.

Thus, until recently, copying furniture samples was a profitable business. The factories were not very keen to produce any original models, because the consumer was already well versed in what was being done for the masses.

However, recently the situation has changed somewhat. Buyers are increasingly paying attention not only to price and quality - they are now also interested in furniture design. Therefore, more and more manufacturers are beginning to introduce their own developments, opening design bureaus at their production facilities. In general, serial production of designer furniture is a promising business. A striking example is Italy, the birthplace of furniture design. For Italians, the price of furniture is largely determined by the name of its author or brand.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The size of the initial investment depends entirely on the “manufacturability” of production. The simpler the technology, the less money is needed to start furniture production.

The cheapest way to produce furniture is from laminate - both cabinet furniture (cabinets, walls) and upholstered furniture. The amount of investment for starting a business (purchase of equipment, repairs, rent) in this case will be 2-3 million rubles.

You can purchase equipment on lease - this is an excellent alternative to bank loans. Registration of leasing does not require a deposit, which is very important for a new entrepreneur who does not have real estate on his balance sheet. In addition, leasing payments reduce the tax base.

Ask for help from the state - today it is possible to receive free financial assistance from the state, including receiving a grant for starting a business, subsidizing part of the cost of paying interest on a loan, under leasing agreements, etc. Find out more about the forms of support in your region from your local administration or on the websites of the relevant ministries.

What equipment to choose for the production of upholstered furniture

To produce upholstered furniture, you will need sewing machines (one each of three to four different types), a cutting board and a pair of pneumatic guns with a compressor.

This set of equipment is enough to organize production with a monthly turnover of 1.5 million rubles.

Upholstered furniture production technology

  1. Cutting slab materials according to frame shapes and cutting foam rubber for soft elements.
  2. Assembling the frame and adding fittings.
  3. Upholstery of parts and sewing of covers.
  4. Final assembly of upholstered furniture.

What equipment to choose for the production of cabinet furniture

The set of equipment for the production of cabinet furniture from laminate is slightly different. You will need to purchase an edge bander, a rip saw and hand power tools.

Cabinet furniture production technology

  1. Cutting slab materials.
  2. Finishing furniture parts with edges.
  3. Assembly and addition of fittings.

If the company plans to work with veneer, MDF boards and solid wood, then a jointer and milling machines for processing solid wood, grinding and calibrating grinding machines for processing solid wood and slab materials, hot and cold presses for veneering slab materials with veneer, varnish and paint booth for finishing finished furniture.

The technological process in this case becomes somewhat more complicated and will include three stages: veneering, sanding and varnishing and painting. Organizing such production is many times more expensive, since more equipment is required. Working with laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard) requires the purchase of expensive packaging equipment, as well as large warehouses, since the sales volumes of furniture made of laminated chipboard with the same monthly revenue turnover are several times higher (300-400%) than the sales volumes of furniture made of solid wood and slabs MDF. The cost of producing furniture from MDF plywood board is five times higher than producing the same model from laminated chipboard - not so much due to the materials, but due to higher labor costs.

If there are very few funds for the purchase of expensive equipment, then the main part of the production processes, including veneering, can be outsourced to third parties. Although this increases the cost of the final product. Outsourcing is beneficial when a company specializes in the production of cabinet furniture from laminated chipboard according to individual orders, but occasionally they come across clients who want to buy something more expensive and more beautiful, and it’s not an excusable thing to miss such a client. In this case, it makes sense to order semi-finished products externally, and only do the assembly yourself. But only very small “handicraft” workshops work this way.

Selection of premises for production

Finding a suitable premises for furniture production is by no means an easy matter. The thing is that the room must meet a number of strict requirements, which is dictated by the specifics of the technological process: high fire hazard, high energy consumption, the need to maintain a certain temperature in the room (not lower than 16-18 degrees). Thus, at the request of the fire inspectorate, the main production (furniture finishing) should be located on the ground floor of the building. There should be clear access roads to the building itself.

The room must be equipped with a fire alarm system, the installation of which will cost approximately 500 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In addition, you will need to install an industrial ventilation system, which is also far from cheap. Do not forget about the presence of a stationary water heating system - without this it will not be possible to organize a normal production process.

What documents are needed to open a furniture manufacturing business?

  1. Certificate of conformity for finished products. Issued for a three-year period by non-profit organizations that have appropriate accreditation;
  2. Sanitary and hygienic certificate. Issued by Rospotrebnadzor for a period of five years;
  3. Certificates of conformity for materials used in furniture production. Their copies are issued by any bona fide supplier. It is not difficult to complete the certification procedure if you have these documents - it will take no more than three months.


One of the most effective and simplest ways to find personnel is by placing advertisements in newspapers.

Please note that an experienced carpenter will ask for a salary of at least 35 thousand rubles per month. You will not have much choice, since there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market. The vocational education system in our country is in a broken state. Even those young people who want to work in production received such poor training in schools that they do not even know basic safety rules.

The only way to somehow solve this problem is to divide the production process into a number of simple operations and assign several workers to them. In this case, the number of specialists potentially ready to work in your production will increase. However, you should know that carpenters and machine operators will not completely replace cabinetmakers.

The success of a furniture enterprise largely depends on the availability of highly professional engineering and technical specialists. However, there should not be more of them than the workers directly at the machine. As the company grows, IT specialists will also be needed, since modern machines have software.

As for increasing labor motivation, it is necessary to introduce a piecework-bonus form of remuneration - this greatly increases the efficiency of staff. But no one has canceled the “carrot and stick” method - a simple fine increases the quality of production and responsibility for compliance with safety regulations.

Sales organization

No normal production will function without well-developed product distribution channels. In the case of furniture production, there are several ways to sell products:

1. Work with private customers. With this scheme, in order to ensure a normal cash flow, you need to complete more than 15 large turnkey projects annually. When collaborating with private clients, be prepared for their temporary insolvency, failure to meet deadlines for approvals, etc.

2. Opening your own retail outlet in a shopping center. This is the easiest way to start selling your own products. The presence of a retail outlet in a shopping center ensures a constant influx of customers, while the company incurs fewer costs (for security, repairs, advertising, etc.). But organizing trade, especially for beginning manufacturers, can take a lot of effort. In addition to the actual production problems, it is necessary to solve a lot of tasks that are unusual for a production worker, including searching for retail premises, sales personnel, implementing trading standards, training in sales techniques, etc. Despite this, having your own retail outlet (and more than one) is very useful.

3. Sales office or head office. Having our own sales office allows us to serve home furniture customers (designers and architects), and also allows us to process transactions via the Internet. Even though the World Wide Web cannot yet provide a large number of remote sales (no more than 10% of the total number of orders), nevertheless, more and more manufacturers are beginning to trust this product sales channel and consider Internet sales to be very promising.

How much can you earn

I think everyone is very interested in how much you can earn in furniture production? First, you need to understand what criteria are used to determine the cost of this or that furniture. Most often, actual manufacturers calculate the final cost of finished furniture, the cost of materials (spent on the production of this piece of furniture) and all this is multiplied by a factor of 2x. As a result, this amount will be enough for:

  • expenses (purchase of parts, materials, accessories);
  • remuneration of employees;
  • rental of premises and warehouses;
  • delivery.

As a result, the manufacturer has a small percentage of profit. As things go, everyone is happy, both customers (due to the fairly low cost) and manufacturers (the clientele is increasing). As a result, receiving a small percentage from each sale (and since there are many customers, this means sales accordingly), the manufacturer has a good income. At the same time, there are also “furniture makers” - these are people who do not have high-quality production, equipment, enough workers, warehouses, etc. (they are also called “garage workers”) and calculate the cost of furniture in a completely different way than the “normal” manufacturers described above . Thus, due to the lack of organization of production, “furniture makers” have production costs much higher than those of an official organization. In prices, they charge additional costs for accessories, sawing and processing of wood (and other parts), manufacturing of doors, delivery, wages for workers (furniture assemblers, etc.). And the garage owner multiplies all costs by a personal coefficient, the extent of which depends entirely on his personal views. As a result, the cost of the product will be higher than that of the manufacturer “all according to the rules.” But they also have their own worst enemy - competition. Every “furniture maker” wants to earn as much money as possible, but due to the fact that their number is growing every day, they begin to reduce prices so that they take the goods from them, after a certain period of time their business goes into complete bankruptcy and they have to close.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a furniture manufacturing business?

For registering furniture production, the main OKVED code is 31.X. Various branches of furniture production can be used under the symbol X. For example:

  • for the production of furniture for offices and retail enterprises, the code is 31.01;
  • production of kitchen furniture - 31.02;
  • production of other furniture - 31.09;
  • if furniture is traded, then the main code is 52.X.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

It is impossible to say exactly which taxation system to choose. It all depends on some factors. If you have a large number of legal clients. individuals, then undoubtedly LLC - it will be easier for them to work with you. If you want to create furniture based on a patent, then you should choose an individual entrepreneur, but this will limit the number of possible workers.

Do I need permission to open a furniture production?

Yes need. To do this, the employer must take out a certain permit that allows for high-risk work, as well as the use of various machines, mechanisms, and high-risk equipment. You will also have to take a short course on labor protection issues and conduct safety training.

Furniture production: analysis of 9 concepts + detailed business plan for furniture production: 4 steps to building your own business.

Furniture manufacture profitable idea for business.

Expensive, difficult and a lot of competition? Yes, to start making furniture, you need to have a clear plan of action that will lead you to success.

“Why this particular idea? I can start making British beanies: there’s less competition and you can easily become a leader.”

Yes, one cannot but agree with this statement. The furniture business is a tough, competitive environment.

But here’s what you get in return for the money and effort spent in organizing your own furniture production:

    You can earn much more from furniture production than from fur hats.

    We are talking not only about the manufacture of goods: sales, assembly, dealer activities - all this brings real income.

    Regular customers.

    Wholesale purchases and long-term cooperation are the basis of the work of furniture factories.

    Sustainable profitability of production.

    Quality furniture always sells. Every year the demand for domestically produced goods in the mid-price category is growing.

    Opportunity to expand your business.

    The percentage of Russian products on the market has grown to 55-70%. Demand creates supply.

    The formation of regional production divisions will make it possible to compete in the battle for a monopoly in the furniture market.

How to open your own furniture manufacturing company without huge investments? This is the main question of the article.

Is this real? Yes, undoubtedly, it is quite possible without large investments.

When you read this article to the end, you will have no doubt about the veracity of this statement.

First step: decide on the concept of furniture production

Why do you think the demand for furniture has remained stable over the years?

Diversity is the key to success in this industry. The versatility of the market allows each manufacturer to find its own “island” of responsibility.

Let's list the areas of everyday life where various modifications of the same furniture can be used:

  • educational institutions;
  • shops (hypermarkets, trading floors);
  • official representative offices;
  • business centers;
  • residential buildings;
  • apartments;
  • , cafes, public canteens;
  • entertainment centers.

Each of these establishments has a certain interior style, which means that the furniture must have a unique design. Diversity is the basis for special product offerings.

The market is divided into a dozen sections, each of which differs from the others in production materials, furniture design, and pricing policy.

Deciding on the concept of your product is the first step to production success.

Let's evaluate together the main sections of furniture production in Russia.

1) Production of wooden furniture.

The basic option for production is the most accurate characteristic of this direction. Wood is considered a so-called warm material.

Wooden furniture is used in residential premises, educational institutions, hotels, and any service centers where the emphasis is on the client.

What are the advantages of producing wooden furniture?

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • ease of processing;
  • sufficient amount of raw materials for production + moderate cost;
  • variability of furniture design.

Also, we must not forget about the other important features of wood: it retains heat well + has a low density (the weight of the material is relatively small).

Is it worth it to produce wooden structures or is it better to find analogue materials?

There is nothing better than wood for a beginning woodworker.

2) Production of metal furniture.

Production of metal furniture: what is it intended for?

  • Warehouses requiring practical furniture that can withstand heavy loads.
  • Metal structures are better suited than others for storing medications and maintaining safety.

    Food industry.

    Working with some products (meat, fish, frozen products) requires the use of stable and easy-to-care structures.

    Banking industry.

    The main purpose of using metal furniture is maximum safety.

  • Chemical industry, metallurgy and other industries, involving the use of specific materials.

Working with metal is very different from cutting and shaping wood. Without special skills and abilities, you should not take on welding and metalworking machines.

3) Production of furniture from solid wood.

Readers may have a question: “What is the production of solid wood furniture?”

Solid wood is solid materials, i.e. boards, wooden panels that could not be processed in any way. The principle of solid wood extraction is cutting solid wood.

Solid wood products have a unique look, and working with them requires special knowledge and many years of experience working with wood.

The cost of raw materials for such furniture is high, so you can use this expensive and fragile material only if you are completely confident in your skills.

Is this the best idea for a start-up business? Definitely not! Only the most experienced entrepreneurs risk taking on the production of luxury solid wood furniture.

There is too much of a chance to burn out, especially considering the fact that serious customers turn only to experienced market players who have managed to strengthen their reputation with work and time.

4) Production of upholstered furniture.

Upholstered furniture is an indispensable attribute of a cozy home interior of an apartment or private house.

The trend of the 21st century is office equipment with all the amenities for workers, so the scope of use of this concept is only growing.

The design of upholstered furniture sometimes amazes with its functionality and thoughtfulness of details.

But, it is necessary to understand that the client’s demand is always focused on simple and understandable forms, comfort and low price.

What problems will you face if you choose to produce upholstered furniture?

    Need for hand upholstery.

    Automated upholstery equipment costs incredible amounts of money, so it will be cheaper to use the services of a professional upholsterer.

    Making the frame + upholstery of the cover takes up to several days.

    Failure to fully automate can have a negative impact on overall productivity.

    Cost of materials.

    The price of upholstery materials for furniture may exceed the cost of a frame assembled from fiberboard and chipboard.

Upholstered furniture is not a panacea for a novice entrepreneur. The cost and labor intensity of production require significant capital investment.

5) Production of cabinet furniture.

Simple cabinet furniture made from chipboard is used in all areas of human life. A bench for a classroom, a kitchen corner, a simple book table - all these are cabinet products.

The technological process of its production can be either 90% automated or manual, depending on the complexity of the design.

Why is cabinet furniture production a great idea for a small business?

    Simplicity of design.

    You don't need to use expensive designer services. Simplicity of design is the key to success in this sector of furniture production.

    Easy to assemble.

    The process can be automated, but furniture collection services can also be provided at home.

    This will serve as another marketing advantage for your business.

    High profitability.

    There will always be clients.

    With a little effort, you can establish contact with business centers or educational institutions.

    You need to choose a direction for constant cooperation; this will ensure stability of orders + uniformity of work.

6) Production of office furniture.

The production of office furniture is a narrow specialization of the “cabinet” direction. Often, the production of office cabinet furniture differs from the production of household furniture.

The most obvious sign is the rigor of the design + restrained shades.

The best format for selling your services is to place orders for complete office furnishings.

What are the design features in the production of office furniture?

  • The designer must develop a general concept for the room, i.e. Each piece of furniture in the office should correspond to the overall atmosphere.
  • Clear product outline: Yet the rigor of the work process must be reflected in every detail.
  • Materials: the use of the same type of materials for production allows you to invest minimal amounts on production.

Production of cabinet furniture for office? Yes, but only if you initially take the right position in the market.

Make furniture of a moderate price category, focusing on small offices. Then success among buyers is guaranteed.

7) Production of custom-made furniture.

The production of custom-made furniture is a separate sector of business. And also an ideal option for your own business.

The main goal of such entrepreneurship is to receive one order, complete it efficiently, and only then take on the second.

If you are an individual entrepreneur who has a garage with a minimum set of equipment, this is your gold mine. Of course, you need to have experience working with wood and be a high-level specialist to organize such production.

Clients order the services of an individual master carpenter only if there is a need to produce exclusive furniture.

The professionalism of the entrepreneur and his team is of primary importance in business development.

8) Production of children's furniture.

The production of furniture for children must be accompanied by constant monitoring. It is important to remember who you are creating the product for.

Basic quality standards that the production of children's furniture has:

    Environmental friendliness of materials.

    It is especially worth paying attention to the use of polymers.

    Any open contact of a child's skin with industrial chemicals can lead to irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

    Practicality of design.

    Furniture should be stable and practical; this will ensure the safety of the child.

    Interesting design.

    Young children perceive the world somewhat differently. For them, not only practicality is important, but also the visual component.

If you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, leave the production of children's furniture to other market players.

Any mistake in the production of an inexperienced businessman can put an end to all expectations.

9) Production of kitchen furniture.

Kitchen furniture, for the most part, is cabinet furniture, assembled from ready-made sections of fiberboard and chipboard.

An important indicator of quality is practicality. Working in the kitchen involves constant use of every element of the interior.

Kitchen furniture should be simple and understandable even for a child: no extra shelves or decorative elements.

What are the advantages of producing kitchen furniture for a beginning entrepreneur?

    It is not necessary to have a furniture workshop or factory.

    It is enough to be a good designer to correctly describe the customer’s wishes.

    Those. you must assemble a design layout, and then simply order the necessary sections and assemble them together in the client’s home.

  • The simple design simplifies production and allows for greater automation of the process.
  • Cheap materials.

    If you take apart 90% of modern structures, inside you will see a mixture of fiberboard, chipboard, glue and varnish.

All financial transactions related to the acquisition of income of an individual entrepreneur must be carried out using a current account.

Decide on the accounting format.

Now everything is ready for the official start of the project. All that remains is to think about the format of your production.

STEP 2: Determine the supply base for materials. Equipment for furniture production.

Think about the question: where to get the materials needed for production?

The best option is to approve an agreement with a woodworking shop on wholesale purchases of chipboard, fiberboard and other consumables.

The advantage of such cooperation is the ability to order cutting of the material according to the dimensions you specify. This eliminates the need for expensive wood cutting machines.

List of materials for the production of cabinet furniture

Material name
UnitPrice, rub.)
Chipboard 12 mmsq. m.95
Chipboard 16 mmsq. m.90
Fibreboard 3.2 mmsq. m.25
Edge materialp.m.2
Packaging (cardboard)sq. m.2
Cutting toolset7 800

Getting materials is not a problem. It is much more difficult to make a high-quality cut to meet the design requirements.

Don't want to pay for the services of a woodworking shop? Rent equipment for furniture production for a certain period of time.

To do this, you need to contact the administration of the nearest furniture factory and agree on the use of machines outside of working hours. The management of furniture production is interested in the constant operation of machines, because every minute of downtime costs them a lot of money.

Basic machines for furniture production

Slitting machine
Used for cutting fiberboard and chipboard panels.

It is fundamental in the work of a carpenter with cabinet furniture.

The cost starts from 100,000 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer and type of material supply, it can reach 300,000 rubles.

Edge banding machine
Allows you to close the edges of fiberboard and chipboard boards using high-temperature exposure to rolled cladding material.

Cost from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Drilling and filler machine
Used for drilling through and blind holes in chipboard and fiberboard panels.

Cost 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Renting machines will allow you to create the desired cutting shape yourself.

But if your level of professionalism does not allow you to carry out perfectly accurate work, trust the specialists of the woodworking shop.

STEP 3: “Where should I store finished furniture and how should I deliver it to the customer?”

There is no problem with storing materials if you work with woodworking production - use the area of ​​their warehouse.

The rental cost will be minimal. You only need to have an area of ​​10-15 square meters. m., price 5,000-8,000 rub. per month.

Delivery of components to the customer will also not be a problem. If you do not have your own car, use the services of a transport company.

Cabinet furniture has a distinctive quality: it is divided into convenient sections, which simplifies transportation.

STEP 4: Installation of furniture and payment.

When you have delivered sections of the product to the customer's site, there is only one step left - assemble the structure and get your money.

To do this, you need to have the simplest tools with you: a screwdriver, a hammer drill and the necessary fasteners.

The greater the level of professionalism you show during the assembly process, the better feedback the client will leave about the work performed.

“How much will I earn from each completed project?” This is the most important question that concerns an entrepreneur.

There is no clear answer. Consider a specific example and evaluate your earnings prospects yourself:

  • The cost of material for assembling a kitchen corner is 10,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a finished corner in a hypermarket is from 40,000 rubles.
  • Unique design solution at the request of the client + 2,000
  • The final price for executing your order is 37,000 rubles.

Conclusion: having spent 10,000-15,000 rubles on materials + sawing work, you receive a reward of 37,000 rubles.

This price is lower than the market average, which will allow you to win the competition + you personally receive from 20,000 rubles.

Profitable enough? The answer is an obvious yes.

Furniture manufacture great idea for an entrepreneur. If you do not have initial capital, but know how to work with your hands and head, welcome to business.

Determine your sector of the furniture business and carefully consider the basic principles of work.

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Consumer demand for beautiful, elegant furniture is constantly growing. New design solutions in the interior force furniture manufacturers to constantly expand their range. The number of furniture factories is increasing, creating full-fledged competition in this market segment. The ease and simplicity of the technological process lies in the manufacture of the necessary parts, their subsequent assembly according to the instructions for the future product, using only a screwdriver, drill, or screwdriver.

For a furniture workshop, basic equipment is sufficient, although basically, its choice directly depends on the type of products produced at the enterprise for a business project:

  1. Band saw machine. This type is used to cut metal and wood.
  2. Drying mechanisms. Its presence is mandatory for the production of natural wood products.
  3. Equipment for wood processing. A machine for aging wood, milling machines, a mechanism for splicing wood, drilling, milling and copying mechanisms.
  4. Machine tools for working with glass. Installed for cutting, cutting, edging and sandblasting, engraving and other manipulations.
  5. Mechanisms for metal processing. It is used for polishing, cutting, welding, cutting, and drilling metal parts of future furniture.
  6. Sewing equipment. Allows you to cut, stitch, trim woven elements of furniture construction.

You will also need to have other tools in your arsenal: furniture staplers, planes, hammers, pliers, drill, screwdriver, and many small tools for working with materials.

Business design. Key Aspects

Sightseeing tour

This project involves organizing your own production facility, where furniture will be produced for its subsequent sale. Individual entrepreneurship is often the main form of formation of a furniture enterprise, which is due to the sale of finished products to consumers for private use. If you plan to sell furniture to clients from government and legal structures, then additional registration of the production workshop in an LLC will be very justified.

3. Selection of working personnel.

General personnel data can be summarized in the following points:

  • Designer, order taker - 1 workplace;
  • Sales Manager - 1 unit;
  • Workers of the workshop itself - from 2 to 8 units is enough;
  • Driver - 1 unit.

The approach to selection must be careful, because the face of your organization, authority and clarity in the execution of orders will depend on this.

The office must have an employee who has experience working with special programs. He must be delicate, sociable, and tactful in order to find customers, make them permanent, and build up a clientele among consumers of your workshop’s services.

Production should be carried out by people who know their business. Their area of ​​competence should be the work with basic equipment and materials. Now the basis for the production of any furniture is MDF boards and chipboards.

If furniture production is adjacent to your own point of sale, then you need to hire another staff member in the person of a sales consultant. His responsibilities will be to provide correct information about the products being manufactured and attract potential buyers.

Finance: investing and income

Capital investment:

1. Rent for occupied premises:

Production workshop - about 300,000 annually;
- office space - from 100,000 rubles/year.

2. Equipment and computer software - from 200,000 to 1.5 million rubles.

3. Salaries for staff - starting from 1.2 million rubles. annually.

4. Purchase of materials - calculated individually. Approximately 20% of a unit of finished furniture.

5. Other expense items - about 300,000 thousand annually.

It turns out that the entrepreneur must have a capital of approximately 3.4 million rubles, without taking into account materials for production in this amount.


The payback period for a furniture production workshop varies individually, but generally ranges from one year. With a clear and competent approach to doing business, income from the sale of finished products will be about 400,000 rubles/month. It is worth noting that many manufacturing organizations are able to earn much more if they take into account consumer demand, the unsuccessful experiences of other companies, constantly monitor modern trends in furniture creation, and much more.

The financial indicators indicated are approximate in order to enable the entrepreneur to determine the prospects for the development of his own business and spend money skillfully. Profitability/expenses will depend on various factors, including the region where future furniture production will be organized.

Approximate figures from furniture sales in Russia:

  • office furniture - 22%;
  • cabinet furniture - 25%;
  • kitchens - 19%;
  • upholstered furniture - 12%;
  • Bedrooms - 12%;
  • Other - 10%.

The consumer choice is obvious. An entrepreneur must take into account all the nuances in order to purchase exactly the equipment that will allow him to produce only the types of furniture structures that are in demand by customers.

The given business project is approximate and can become the basis for an individual plan for an individual entrepreneur.

In the modern Russian market, the production of cabinet furniture occupies a quarter of all furniture production. Small and medium-sized businesses consider this industry profitable and profitable - the demand for quality products is stable. Let's consider how much investment it will take to organize your own furniture workshop, how difficult it is to lead the market and whether it is worth it for novice entrepreneurs to try themselves in this field.

The demand for cabinet furniture is currently very high. In general, it is always quite high, but the current increase in interest is due to the revival of the market for new housing construction.

When buying a new apartment or renovating an old one, purchasing new cabinet furniture is almost inevitable. This is the basis of any interior.

Cabinet furniture is all furniture made from solid modules installed and fastened horizontally and vertically. This type includes:

  • cabinets;
  • buffets;
  • headsets;
  • storage areas;
  • racks, “walls”, shelves, bedside tables;
  • dining and desk tables.

At the same time, in modern conditions one cannot complain about the lack of supply. Both small workshops and huge corporations actively sell their furniture. The furniture manufacturing business exists in a highly competitive environment- This is the main reason for the closure of most start-up businesses. Therefore, before trying to realize yourself in this area, it is worth drawing up a business plan, analyzing costs and taking into account all the pros and cons.

Cabinet furniture is all furniture made from solid modules.

What materials are cabinet furniture made from?

How to start a furniture business from scratch? First you need to find out what modern cabinet furniture is made from. The most common material is particle board (chipboard) or medium density wood panels (MDF). Solid wood furniture is less common: it costs significantly more, which is why the demand for it is lower.

Furniture made from chipboard is much cheaper, as it is essentially made from laminated wood chips. Modern decoration methods make it possible to give it a more expensive and solid look, while maintaining a low cost.

If you are planning to start producing cabinet furniture from chipboard, you definitely need a reliable supplier of materials who will provide you with workpieces for work at the right time and in the required volume. It is better to enter into a supply contract with the chipboard manufacturer rather than purchasing materials on demand yourself.

As for related accessories and other materials, it is also necessary to conclude contracts for their supply with reliable contractors in order to avoid a situation where it is impossible to complete the order within the required time frame due to the lack of components.

How cabinet furniture is made

Before you begin compiling a list of necessary equipment and other costs for your enterprise, it is important to get at least a general idea of ​​the technological process of manufacturing cabinet furniture. Simplified, it can be described by the following cycle:

  1. Preparing a product design, determining the shape and size of components
  2. Manufacturing of modules in accordance with the product design.
  3. Preparing mounting holes.
  4. Processing of cuts (film, veneer, laminated edge).
  5. Collection of the finished product.

Any furniture production workshop one way or another reproduces this technological cycle. Its minor changes depend on the equipment available at the enterprise, production optimization, and employee qualifications.

The speed and comfort of work depends on the quality of machines and other equipment.

What equipment will you need for your own furniture production?

Now let’s look at what equipment a start-up enterprise needs for furniture production. First of all, these are different types of machines for furniture production:

  1. Format-cutting. Using this machine, modules of the desired size and shape are created from chipboard blanks. They allow you to cut panels horizontally and vertically, as well as at an angle, without chipping, with precise adherence to the required dimensions. Such machines are divided into varieties depending on the technology for feeding the workpiece: manual, semi-automatic and fully automated.

    For small productions, manual ones are suitable - they allow you to service the required volume and at the same time are cheaper. When an enterprise enlarges and switches to mass production, it is reasonable to replace them with semi-automatic or automatic machines. The price for such machines starts from 200 thousand rubles.

  2. Edge banding. The name of this machine directly speaks of its function - processing the edges of the product. Several options for processing cuts are possible: gluing decorative film, melamine edge tape, installing veneer or wooden slats. For a new car like this you will have to spend at least 600 thousand rubles, for a used one - about 300 thousand.
  3. Drilling and filler. Required for installing hinges and mounting holes. The cost of such a machine starts from 300 thousand rubles.

In addition to machines, a modern furniture workshop should be equipped with:

  1. Grinding machine - for polishing workpieces or finished products. From 2 thousand rubles, but for production purposes it is better to consider options from 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Screwdrivers. There should be several of them, since every employee needs them. You will have to spend from 30 to 50 thousand rubles to purchase screwdrivers.
  3. Hammer. From 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Knives, drills and other cutting tools, about 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, you will have to spend at least 1,200,000 - 1,500,000 rubles on furniture manufacturing equipment and related tools alone. There are several ways to save money. For example, purchase used equipment or lease it first.

When purchasing machines, new or used, carefully consider all associated warranties. A good sign would be the availability of warranty service. Read customer reviews first. The speed and comfort of work, and therefore the quantity and quality of products, depend on the quality of machines and other equipment.

Where to open a furniture production

The production of cabinet furniture for business purposes requires quite a lot of space. Conventionally, the entire space can be divided into zones:

  • storage of workpieces;
  • installed machines/workstations;
  • collection and processing of finished products;
  • storage of finished cabinet furniture.

For a small enterprise, an area of ​​about 100 square meters is required. It is better to rent it in the industrial part of the city: it will cost much less. Make sure that the rented premises have convenient access roads for the delivery of materials and supplies, as well as loading of finished products. The cost of renting a room varies significantly depending on the region, but on average it will cost 100-200 thousand rubles.

For a small enterprise, an area of ​​about 100 square meters is required.

How cabinet furniture manufacturers work

The predominant part of furniture manufacturers, especially from the small business sector, prefer to manufacture and assemble products to order.

This approach is beneficial to both parties: buyers receive furniture of the right size, color and configuration, and the manufacturer spends exactly as many resources as necessary and does not work at a loss.

With this approach, one sample is made, which is displayed in the store with an indication that the sample for sale will be made taking into account the wishes of the client. The main thing with this approach is to produce furniture quickly enough and offer customers the maximum number of options.

Who to hire

The core of the furniture enterprise will be workers, mainly carpenters, whose task is to directly produce samples and custom-made products. The number of workers depends on the volume of production; for a small workshop, 2-4 people are enough.

A sales manager is needed to find channels for selling products, interact with customers and collect orders. This specialist negotiates with furniture stores and looks for clients in real life or via the Internet. Can serve as a marketer and work on the company's sales strategies. The purchasing manager does the opposite work - looks for suppliers, ensures timely delivery of components for production.

When a company assembles furniture according to the customer’s standards, an employee is needed to take orders and, if necessary, go to the site and take measurements (for example, for the manufacture of cabinets, “walls,” kitchen units and shelving). This function can be taken on by a designer or sales manager.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cabinet furniture production business

How profitable will such a business be? Furniture is always in demand, but it is very difficult for start-up businesses to gain an upper hand over their competitors. Therefore, before investing money and effort into organizing your own furniture business, carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of this business.

Strengths: high demand and self-realization

  1. Cabinet furniture is always in demand, so a manufacturer of quality products will always be able to make money.
  2. Relatively small investment in the enterprise. Of course, the initial capital for a furniture company cannot be called minimal. But first, it is significantly lower than the capital required for most other industries. Secondly, investments can be significantly reduced by purchasing used equipment or leasing it.
  3. The opportunity for self-realization as a businessman or craftsman producing sought-after and high-quality products.

Furniture is always in demand, but it is very difficult for start-up businesses to gain an upper hand over their competitors.


The main disadvantage of the cabinet furniture production business is very high competition. Small private workshops and huge factories engage in such activities. Start-up businesses find it difficult to compete, many close after a year and a half of work, having suffered losses.

What gives furniture manufacturers an advantage in the market?

Why do some workshops successfully work in the cabinet furniture market for years, while others close after working for 12-16 months? The reasons may vary, but there are several characteristics that successful companies have in common:

  1. Conscientious work with quality materials. When purchasing such furniture, buyers expect that it will serve them for at least 10-15 years and at the same time retain its “marketable” appearance. It is quite difficult to guarantee this when working with chipboard, so those companies that combine maximum quality with affordable prices remain on the market.
  2. Maximum attention to the wishes of clients, exact adherence to sizes, variability of colors and textures.
  3. Manufacturing furniture of different price categories - for greater coverage of potential buyers.
  4. Active advertising campaigns aimed at attracting new customers and loyalty programs for regular ones.


The cabinet furniture production business requires an initial capital of 1.2 million rubles and a set of specific knowledge. A small enterprise requires 4-6 employees. Competition in this area is very high and is explained by strong demand among a wide variety of customer categories.