Product for cleaning wooden furniture. Caring for wooden furniture. Special equipment for cleaning kitchen furniture

Product for cleaning wooden furniture.  Caring for wooden furniture.  Special equipment for cleaning kitchen furniture
Product for cleaning wooden furniture. Caring for wooden furniture. Special equipment for cleaning kitchen furniture

Regular wiping of wooden furniture to remove layers of dust and give it a shiny, neat appearance inevitably results in a dark film forming on the surface over time. To keep wood furniture looking its best, deep cleaning is essential without causing damage and maintaining the quality of the finish.

Regardless of whether the furniture is painted, stained or polished, it needs cleaning. Some wooden crafts are lightly coated with varnish, as a result of which they are not able to absorb oil. Others, such as rosewood or teak, absorb it beautifully and look perfect for many years.

The surface of polished wood has a warm soft glow and needs to be cleaned with oil. This is enough to make her look beautiful again.

Where to start cleaning?

Remove with a soft cloth surface layer dust. Now you can start removing light dirt. You should start with gentle cleaning products. Try mixing dish soap and water. Soak a soft microfiber cloth in the solution and wipe a small area. Try not to saturate the wood with moisture, so immediately wipe the treated area with a dry cloth. This option is suitable for painted wooden surface.

Antique wooden interior items that have accumulated dirt for years can be refreshed without resorting to chemicals. Brew two bags of black tea with boiling water and let it steep until the water temperature is equal to room temperature. Dampen the cloth, wring it out and wipe the wooden surface. Tannic acid from tea preserves wood, refreshes and adds shine.

Often, traces of water rings from glasses and mugs remain on old polished surfaces. It is impossible to deal with them with conventional preparations; after drying, the stains appear again. Try using a non-gel toothpaste. Rub a small ball with a damp cloth until the stain disappears. For stubborn stains, mix half-and-half toothpaste with baking soda.

To clean wooden furniture that is oiled or coated with wax, you will need turpentine and linseed oil in equal parts. Carefully treat contaminated areas with a cloth and wipe until the surface is lightened. The composition penetrates into porous structure

wood and removes accumulated grease and dust. Regular care using this cleaning product will help keep your furniture in perfect condition. To remove fingerprints from waxed furniture, use cornstarch.

It absorbs excess oil or wax and leaves a shiny finish. A little starch is applied to the wood and polished well with a cloth.

Simple Cleaning Tools Ink marks on wooden furniture should be removed with baking soda mixed with water in equal proportions. Good result shows toothpaste

. Apply a little paste to a soft cloth and treat the stain. Lemon oil is used for polished furniture , it returns brightness to color and restores shine. Quickly prepare a remedy at home that will replace damaged industrial varnish on furniture, you can use olive oil

(1 cup) and table vinegar (1/4 cup). A soft cloth is moistened with the prepared solution and rubbed into the varnished surface until smoothness and shine are restored. Grease stains can be removed with regular clay. . To do this, mix it with table vinegar to a thick paste and apply it to the stain. After completely dry

scrape it off with a knife, and wash off the remaining clay with water.

Wooden furniture should be periodically wiped with an aqueous solution of ammonia to reduce dirt, remove odors and destroy germs. Try using it to remove greasy food marks.

Vaseline will remove white marks on a polished surface. Apply it to the stain overnight and in the morning there will be no trace of damage.

Burdock oil is considered an affordable and effective remedy. It helps remove the most stubborn stains and dirt. Wooden furniture is generously wiped with oil, after which the residue is removed with a cotton cloth and the surface is polished.

How to clean a wooden kitchen?

Regular cleaning of the kitchen and dining room will not eliminate the need for basic furniture cleaning several times a year. The surfaces of drawers, tables and cabinets are constantly contaminated with sticky substances, crumbs and dust from bulk products. Safe and effective remedy

Vinegar acts as a disinfectant, killing germs on the surface and preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Using a damp cloth, apply the mixture to the surface of a table, cabinet or chair. Wait a little and rub thoroughly, paying attention to dirty areas. Finally, remove any remaining product with a cloth dampened with water and dry the surface.

Oil treatment helps protect wood from stains and getting wet from water. Buy any brand of wood impregnation product and lubricate the surface. For long-lasting results and surface protection, apply 2 to 4 coats of oil. Re-lubrication is carried out every 6 months.

Surface fat kitchen cabinets removes vegetable oil, which is mixed half and half with soda(2:1). The composition is as thick as sour cream, it is convenient to distribute it with a sponge or toothbrush. Light movements distribute the composition without effort, rub a little into the surface to remove dirt. Then wipe with a clean cloth or paper napkins. The same product can be used to clean any wooden furniture in the apartment that needs care.

If you use a cleansing scrub every 2-3 weeks, you can maintain appearance furniture in good condition many years. It gains shine, rich color and smoothness.

Caring for wooden furniture

Avoid exposing the wooden surface to direct sunlight, high temperatures and moisture. To keep the wood smooth, bright color and shine, use special care products that are purchased from retail networks

. The composition includes special ingredients that remove dirt and nourish the wood, allowing it to maintain a well-groomed appearance and protect it from drying out over time.

For cleaning, a vodka-based product is prepared. It can be used to remove dirt from ceramics and plastic. Mix a glass of vodka and a glass of table vinegar, add 20 drops of orange essential oil and a few drops of eucalyptus. Shake well and pour into a spray bottle. For any home cleaning of wooden furniture, use the prepared composition. In addition to cleanliness, it aromatizes the air in the room and gives a special shine to surfaces.

Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush to remove dust from the wood surface. Wax-containing compounds are applied to the surface after thorough cleaning. Wax paste evens out the structure, makes small cracks invisible, refreshes color. It is important to polish wooden furniture thoroughly.


When starting to clean furniture, carefully read the instructions to make sure for which surfaces the product is intended.

Always check the effect of the drug on small area, which is hidden from view so that in case of failure the appearance does not suffer.

Only after such a test can you begin to clean the item.

For polished furniture, do not wipe with a damp cloth, as this will dull the shine of the surface.

Do not use abrasive brushes or sponges that will damage the wood surface. The desire to clean dirt from furniture can quickly result in material damage. Try to avoid excessive moisture in wood flooring. Wooden furniture and decor create more warm atmosphere both at home and in the office. To make the wood look the best way , it must be cleaned properly. This article will tell you how you can clean wood and avoid damage to wooden decor

and family heirlooms. Cleaning wood will not be difficult if you use special wood cleaners and detergents and wax, or even a safe product you prepare yourself.


    Cleaning Wood Floors Clean wood floors from excess dust and dirt. The first step is to remove dirt from the wooden floor. Take a broom and sweep the floors thoroughly. If desired, the broom can be moistened warm water

    • with the addition of a small amount of water-soluble cleaning agent. IN selected places
    • (eg under furniture) remove surface dust and dirt using a soft, clean cotton cloth.
    • Cleaning products with a neutral pH level will not disturb the varnish of a wooden floor. But cleaning products that fall into the category detergents, have a higher pH, so only use them on older floors.
  1. Clean the floors. To truly clean your floors and remove dirt that cannot be removed by sweeping, you can wash the floors with a cloth and mop. Use a cleaner specifically designed for wood floors. the right type. Dissolve the cleaner in water according to the instructions on the bottle. Then dip a sponge or rag into the solution and then wring it almost dry. Clean the floors.

  2. Clean away stains. Before you take on any scratches, marks or stains and start scrubbing them, you need to understand what type of wood floor you are scrubbing. If the stains are superficial, the floor is probably covered with hard parquet polyurethane varnish. However, if the stain has set deeper into the wood, the floors may be coated with a soft oil varnish.

    • Hard floors varnish coating Wipe only with a clean soft cloth. Hard brushes and caustic chemicals with high level pH as well as steel wool can ruin this type of flooring.
    • For floors covered with soft varnishes, you can try scrubbing with #000 steel wool and floor wax. If the stain does not lighten, add wine vinegar to warm water and soak the stained area with this solution for about an hour. Then wipe the floor with a clean, damp cloth. General rule To clean soft varnished floors from difficult stains, use steel wool in combination with floor wax, and for simpler or oil stains, use a soft cloth and water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.

    Cleaning wooden furniture

    1. Wipe off dust from the furniture with a dry cloth. Before using a damp cloth, take a dry, soft non-woven cloth and wipe the furniture with it. This way you will remove dust and other particles of dirt that could stick even more firmly to the wooden surface after using a damp cloth.

      • Feather dusters are not as effective for cleaning furniture as they do not collect dust. In addition, some brooms have a rather sharp shaft that can accidentally scratch furniture.
    2. Get started by testing a small area. Unless you know exactly what type of finish your wood furniture will have (stain, stain, or something else), it's best to start by using less harsh cleaners on a small area of ​​the piece. Take a cotton ball or soft cloth. Dampen a cotton ball or cloth with warm water and add a drop of liquid hand or machine dishwashing detergent. Try wiping the wooden surface on an inconspicuous area of ​​the piece of furniture, e.g. inside legs.

      • At this point, you need to check whether the detergent is causing any damage to your furniture. Leave the area treated with the solution for about a minute and then check it for possible discoloration.
      • If no undesirable changes occur, the solution can be considered safe for use.
      • If you notice changes, stop using the solution and continue wiping the furniture only with the solution soaked in warm water with a damp cloth.
    3. Use a water solution of dishwashing detergent. If you didn't notice any difference in the condition of the wood's exterior when you did the test, you can take a bucket and make a water solution of dishwashing liquid. To do this, take 4 liters of water and 120 ml of liquid dishwashing detergent. There should be enough detergent to make the water soapy. Wipe the furniture with a damp cloth soaked in the prepared solution.

      • Be careful not to wet the wood. Make sure the rag is damp, not wet. Excess water can ruin the wood.
      • In addition to or instead of a cleaning solution, wood can be cleaned using petroleum jelly.
    4. Treat the wood with wax or polish. After the furniture has been thoroughly wiped, it is necessary to protect the wood with a layer of wax or polish. You can find a wide variety of wood sprays and polishes in any hardware store or supermarket. Look for products that contain protective silicone oil. When polishing with wax, use only a soft cotton cloth or a special polishing brush. Apply the wax to the wood a little at a time and rub it in a circular motion.

      • Once the wax begins to dry out or become cloudy, take a new cotton cloth or buffing brush and buff the waxed surface, working in small circular motions.
      • Various wax compositions require different waiting times before subsequent polishing. For best results, read the instructions on the product you purchase.
      • Test the oil, polish, or wax on an inconspicuous area of ​​the wood first to make sure it won't damage the wood's exterior.

    Cleaning other wooden surfaces

    1. Test the solution first on an inconspicuous area to ensure it is harmless to the wood.
    2. Means homemade It will not only be safe for you, but will also not leave behind any film or streaks.
  • To ensure that the wood cleaning method you choose will not cause any damage, perform a preliminary test on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the surface being cleaned.
  • Homemade cleaning products made from food grade ingredients are great for cleaning wooden tables, bowls and other utensils.
    • Follow the instructions for commercial cleaning products to avoid accidentally damaging the wood surface.
    • A cleaner like Mr Proper cleans wooden floors well and does not damage the wood.
  • First, wipe off the dust with a dry cloth and only then move on to wiping with a damp cloth to get rid of dust and dirt as effectively as possible.
  • Nowadays, in tool stores you can easily purchase a mini-wash, which cleans surfaces using a pressurized water jet. You can think about such a purchase if you need to clean fairly large outdoor wooden surfaces.


  • Do not attempt to clean untreated wood, e.g. wood paneling walls Untreated wood has no coating and absorbs water.
  • Do not allow water to stagnate on varnished wood.

Polished furniture in the home always has an aesthetic and representative appearance, but many people have difficulty cleaning it from dust and stains. Any marks and scratches immediately become very noticeable. But in fact, caring for such furniture is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you follow certain rules and recommendations, cleaning and caring for polished furniture will not be difficult.

When making polished furniture, the wood blank is cleaned and coated with special resins and varnishes. After this, it is polished special technology. As a result of such actions, the surface acquires a mirror-like surface.

Varnish coating of this type furniture has negative properties during operation:

  • strong attraction of dust particles;
  • rapid absorption of contaminants;
  • formation of cracks and scratches due to mechanical damage.

But knowing how to care for polished furniture, such troubles can be avoided.

Furniture with a polished finish has a negative impact high temperatures. There is no need to place it near heating devices or on a heated floor, and it is also undesirable to place hot objects on the surface, for example, a glass of hot water.

In addition, you cannot install a polished set under direct hit rays of the sun, as they contribute to its fading and tarnishing.

Since the material used to make this furniture is wood, a lack or excess of moisture can lead to damage to its structure.

In general, caring for such furniture is practically no different from caring for other interior items; the difference lies in the use of special cleaning products.

Means and items for cleaning the surface of polished furniture

To clean the surface of such furniture, the following components are used: raw potatoes without peels, flour, ethyl alcohol, vegetable oil, beer drink, salt, used tea bags, antistatic agent, plain water, brine from sauerkraut, turpentine, baby powder or talc, wine vinegar, gasoline, liquid soap, vinegar essence, milk, hair shampoo, colorless shoe polish, wax.

As auxiliary items, use cotton wool discs, a soft brush, pieces of leather, soft fabric (wool, flannel), a container, a knife, a glass, a pan.

Methods for cleaning polished surfaces at home

There are several ways to clean a polished set:

Getting rid of stains on polished furniture

Remove simple marks or stains, such as those caused by plain water. varnished surface It won’t be difficult, you just need to wipe them with a cloth, previously soaked in a soap solution, and wipe dry. Stains left by fingers can be removed using talcum powder or baby powder, as well as raw potatoes without peel.

For the most problematic situations, you need to use the following methods:

  1. Cleansing problem areas with vegetable or sunflower oil. First, sprinkle flour on the stains, then dip a cotton pad in oil and wipe the dirty surface. Remove any remaining oil with a wet cloth and wipe the cleaned areas dry. A combination will help get rid of stains faster vegetable oil and ethyl alcohol.
  2. A 9% vinegar solution will help remove severe stains. The method is as follows: heat 50 ml of vinegar in a water bath until warm, then dip a cotton swab into it and carefully wipe the stained areas. Then wipe the polished furniture dry. After this, you need to polish the cleaned surface with wax or colorless shoe polish.
  3. Stains left by hot objects can be removed as follows: sprinkle a pinch of salt on a cloth made of thin material and wrap it, dip it in sunflower oil and wipe the stains. Then rub the furniture until shiny with a clean cloth. Using the same ingredients, mix them and apply on dirty marks for two hours. Then remove the mixture and wipe with a dry cloth.
  4. Sauerkraut will help in the fight against pollution. This requires a small section soft skin soak well in acidic brine. Use it to rub the stains with a little force, then wipe until dry. After this procedure, you need to rub the surface with flannel until it shines.
  5. To get rid of wax drops on a polished set, you need to clean the wax from the surface with a preheated knife blade. This should only be done with a blunt edge. Then soak a cotton napkin in gasoline and remove traces of wax drops. Finally, wipe the surfaces with a dry cloth.
  6. If the polished furniture has become dull, the following recipe would be appropriate: clean the set from dust, wipe with non-hot water, and wipe with a dry soft cloth. Then mix 50 ml of turpentine and linseed oil, add 25 ml of vinegar essence and dip a cotton pad in the resulting solution. Wipe at a fast pace.

If the above methods do not work, then you can use household chemicals to care for the polished set. They must be used according to the attached instructions.

To maintain polished furniture in good condition, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Clean the surface from dust particles and dirt as often as possible.
  2. If possible, care furniture set realize folk remedies, since household chemicals are strong allergens due to certain substances contained in them.
  3. Wipe the surface of the furniture with soft cloth napkins: suede, flannel, etc. This will avoid scratches on it.
  4. Do not place hot dishes on furniture; use heat-resistant stands.
  5. It is prohibited to remove stains from polished furniture using alcohol, cologne, or acetone. These products cause the surface to become dull. Such simple ways Cleaning polished furniture and basic recommendations for caring for it will preserve its aesthetic appearance for a long period.

There are a sufficient number of ways to clean upholstered furniture at home so that it always looks clean, neat and well-groomed, and in the best case, even looks like new. All existing methods home cleaning usually divided into two types: cleaning using special products household chemicals and cleaning without using household products chemicals.

Read in this article:

Cleaning using household chemicals

Before you take on self-cleaning Using, albeit specially designed, but still chemical means, you need to make sure that:

  1. firstly, the upholstery of upholstered furniture will withstand such tests without damage,
  2. secondly, what type of upholstery the chosen product is suitable for.

The fact is that different types upholstery materials are required special treatment and the so-called individual approach, and for some upholstery fabrics only delicate care is acceptable.

Cleaning upholstered furniture with your own hands at home requires a thorough and comprehensive study of the issue.

  1. If the sofa or chair has removable covers, then they can be washed with regular detergent. washing machine. But first you need to find out whether automatic washing is allowed removable covers: will washing damage the fabric, will the covers become deformed, etc. But most often, delicate washing and gentle detergents can easily deal with dirty removable covers.
  2. Anything that can't be machine washed can be cleaned. by special means designed for cleaning furniture. But again, you need to make sure the upholstery product is safe before using it. To do this, perform a small test on an inconspicuous area. upholstery fabric. If the test product did not damage in any way upholstery, which means it can be safely applied to the entire surface.
  3. When applying the cleaning solution, it is important not to overdo it with wet products, because it is quite difficult to dry furniture that is too wet at home. In addition, there is always a risk of uneven application or rinsing of the washing liquid, and this most likely means that there will be streaks.
  4. After complete drying, the remaining cleaning agents and detergents are usually collected with a vacuum cleaner. Manufacturers of modern household chemicals claim that the question of how to clean upholstered furniture from stains of various origins, dirt and grease at home can be completely resolved when using this cleaning method.

Cleaning furniture at home without using chemicals

If for some reason cleaning using household chemicals is not possible, for example, if there are very susceptible animals, small children or allergy sufferers in the house, then for these cases there are several methods that make it possible to put the furniture in order without the use of chemicals.

How to Remove Certain Types of Tough Stains

The easiest way to deal with “fresh” dirt and stains. Instant elimination of a freshly prepared stain can completely remove the stain without damaging the upholstery or covering.

  • Fresh red wine stains from light-colored upholstery can be removed with salt - it draws out the liquid and prevents it from being absorbed into the soft seat. After drying, the stain is treated with a weak alcohol solution, for example, vodka diluted in water.
  • Stains from melted candles are removed using a warm iron and a paper napkin. To do this, cover the stain with a napkin and iron it with a warm iron.
  • Chewing gum stuck to the upholstery can be removed with ice. Ice, pre-wrapped in plastic bag, cover the chewing gum stain, and after it freezes, carefully scrape it off the upholstery with a thin and hard object.

Wooden furniture is found in every home. These are cabinets, stools and even decorative figures. And the kitchen is almost entirely made of wood.

This coating also requires cleaning, and not once a year, but regularly. Dust quickly settles on it and fat is absorbed, which is sometimes difficult to remove. To avoid damaging the surfaces of the furniture, you need to clean and polish it with the right products.

Traditional methods

In order not to harm the wooden surface with chemical reagents, use natural folk recipes.

Choose care products based on the problem that arises. You can read about the action of this or that composition and make your own good remedy for cleaning.

Turpentine, vinegar and linseed oil

This method is only for wood furniture that is not painted, as it may damage or remove the paint.

To carry out the procedure you will need white vinegar, turpentine, soft cloth, old Toothbrush, boiled and cooled linseed oil, rubber gloves, paper napkins, carton boxes and a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning Wooden Furniture - Step by Step Guide:

  1. Start by choosing a work area that is very well ventilated. It is best to carry out such cleaning outdoors in the shade so that bad smell didn't leak into the house. If it is not possible to remove the furniture, close one room and open all the windows wide.
  2. Prepare work area. Place oilcloth, large cardboard sheets from boxes, or fabric under the cabinets. Wear rubber gloves and it is advisable to buy a mask to protect your respiratory tract from caustic fumes.
  3. Place wooden furniture on work surface, and start wiping it paper towels to remove some dirt. Then use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment.
  4. Next, mix in equal ratio linseed oil, turpentine and white vinegar. Soak a soft cloth in the prepared solution and begin to remove dirt from the surface of the wood. Don't get it too wet.
  5. Continue cleaning with cloths only until the dirt is gone.
  6. Clean the corners of the structure with a toothbrush. Dip it into the solution and carefully work all the grooves.
  7. After removing all dirt, simply wipe the wood with a soft cloth. There is no need to rinse, leave to dry and then go over it with polish or buff with a rag.

Discard any remaining cleaner and any cloths used for cleaning. This product is highly flammable, so discard them immediately after finishing the procedure.

The melamine sponge copes well with almost any dirt. This universal remedy Not so long ago it entered human life, but has already managed to gain considerable popularity.

The melamine sponge removes traces of pens, felt-tip pens, greasy spots, paint and other contaminants. It can be used on metal, wood and plastic.

How to use melamine sponge:

  1. Moisten it with water.
  2. Hold it between your palms and gently squeeze out the water.
  3. Use the tip of a sponge to rub the dirty areas (to save money). All wooden furniture can be treated.

You should work with rubber gloves, a mask and goggles to protect your eyes. Pieces of melamine may fly off during cleaning and end up in Airways or eyes. This substance is dangerous to human health and it is better to prevent its penetration into the body.


If the furniture is in the kitchen, or simply without a tablecloth, and something often gets on it, for example, drops of fat or oil when cooking, you can remove them using a regular iron.

How to properly clean wooden furniture from grease stains:

  1. Preheat the iron by setting the lever to the lowest temperature.
  2. Cover the problem area with a soft cloth.
  3. Place the iron over the stained area for 5-10 seconds. The heat will melt the fat and it will transfer to the fabric.
  4. Change the material and repeat until the entire stain is gone.

Difficult to remove stains require repeated applications or aggressive chemicals to remove.

It is recommended to use mineral spirits, talc, sawdust and other substances that can absorb it as cleaning agents to get rid of grease stains.

Lemon juice

You can remove dirt from furniture at home without using chemicals. Lemon juice and olive oil do this job perfectly.

For cleaning you will also need a soft brush and cloth; rubber gloves are not necessary.

How to clean:

  1. The work area should be large so that it is easy to maneuver around the furniture. It would be nice to arrange it outdoors or in the garage.
  2. Remove the main dirt with towels and a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Mix two parts olive oil with one part lemon juice.
  4. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution and gently wipe away the dirt.
  5. This mixture will not damage the finish, but will clean perfectly.
  6. After going over all surfaces of the wood, wipe it with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Before use, it is advisable to test the effect of olive oil and lemon juice on an inconspicuous area.

Red wine

Very expensive and not really the usual way cleaning mahogany - the same color as wine. Even if you buy the cheapest drink, it will still be expensive compared to other products.

How to use it? First, remove all dust from the surface with a soft cloth or slightly damp sponge. You can vacuum it to be sure. Then soak a cloth in red wine and wipe the wood.

Also masks scratches and abrasions on furniture.

Methods against cigarette smoke

Wooden furniture quickly becomes difficult to remove by simply airing it out.

If you bought old chest of drawers, but the inside stinks, don't put things in it, clean it first.

To work you will need vinegar, water, soda, coffee grounds, a soft cloth, a spray bottle and a vacuum cleaner.

Products for cleaning wooden furniture from cigarette smoke:

  1. Start by mixing ½ cup of white vinegar with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle. Apply the product to the surface and wipe immediately to prevent moisture from penetrating deep into the wood. Repeat until the smell completely disappears.
  2. Baking soda also absorbs odors well and can be used in several different ways. It can be combined with water and sprayed directly onto the surface and inside of the drawers. Allow the mixture to sit for a short time, about 24 hours. For best results, seal the baking soda boxes inside. Then it is simply removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. For minimal cleanup, place a bowl filled with fresh (unused) coffee grounds nearby or inside. Leave it inside for a few days. This is a way to rid furniture of the stench, and the inside will smell of a faint aroma of coffee.

If possible, move the furniture to open air, open it completely and let it air out. The smell will naturally dissipate.

Newspapers also absorb odors and can be placed inside. The process will take longer, but this method is one of the most accessible and cheapest.

Lacquered finish

Varnished wood also needs maintenance. When it is cleaned, it sparkles in the light.

If the condition of the cabinets is good, cleaning them is a pleasure. Therefore, you need to know the rules on how to care for wooden furniture.

Cleaning the varnish:

  1. Wipe the entire surface with a dry soft cloth to remove dust.
  2. If there are sticky places, wipe them with a damp cloth, then immediately dry. Avoid prolonged contact with wet fabrics. The varnish is not waterproof and will absorb water. This will damage the finish of the varnished wood.
  3. To restore shine, apply solvent-based furniture varnish with a soft, dry cloth.

Do not use water or alcohol based cleaners as they will damage the finish.

If you apply too much varnish, wipe the wood with a rag soaked in mineral spirits or turpentine. Wear rubber gloves and dispose of rags.


Proper care of wooden furniture will not lead to problems such as mold.

However, if she stands too damp room or on the street, this misfortune cannot be avoided, but you can fight it if you take care of things in the first place.

How to clean wood from mold:

  1. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and use against fungus. Spray it on required areas, clean the tree with a brush, then spray again problem areas and leave for an hour. There is no need to rinse, when the vinegar has evaporated, walk over the surface with a dry cloth.
  2. Treat areas that need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Do not use it on dark surfaces. Peroxide brightens. After 10 minutes, walk over the surface with a soft brush, removing all traces of the fungus.
  3. Use tea tree oil. Add 5-6 drops to 200 ml of water and wipe all surfaces overgrown with mold with this mixture.
  4. Pine oil also copes well with fungus, and also smells nice. Dilute 1 tsp in a spray bottle. products with 1 tbsp. l. water, spray onto problem areas and leave to soak.

To prevent wooden furniture from becoming moldy, you need to take proper care of it. She needs good ventilation.

Professional chemistry

You can find many professional products for cleaning wooden furniture in stores, however, not all of them are good.

There are a number of products that actually clean the surface and do not harm it. They are also called “Green Products” because they are made from natural ingredients.

If you know how to care for a tree from the beginning, restoration will not be needed soon.

Natural professional products for cleaning:

  1. Oak-Y Dokey Green Wood Cleaner is made from a mixture natural oils, which will clean, polish and protect wooden furniture, and they also add a natural shine. This cleaner is safe for most surfaces, including dressers, countertops, sofas and closets. In addition, it effectively removes dust and dirt. It does not produce toxic fumes, which means it is completely safe for humans.
  2. Kate by Eco-Me Wood Polish and Cleaner. This cleansing product consists of olive oil, fractionated coconut oil and essential oils pure ether. It does not contain harmful components, so it can be used if there are small children in the house. Simply spray Kate by Eco-Me Wood Polish and Cleaner onto the surface and wipe with a cloth.
  3. Natural Shine Furniture Cleaner & Polish is another natural product for cleaning wood, which will remove dirt and polish furniture. This special cleaner is made with natural orange and soybean oils so it leaves a fresh orange scent. In addition to removing dirt and stains, the product removes soap and wax, and also creates protective film, which does not allow fingerprints and new damage to appear.

By acting unprofessionally or using the wrong cleaning products, you can easily damage the wax or varnish coating.

When caring for wooden furniture, you should not use abrasive cleaning agents, only gels or sprays.

The type of coating depends entirely on how it was cared for. Application only the right means, regular cleaning and polishing can extend the service life. wooden cabinets and shelves.

Remove dirt with folk remedies, use natural professional cleaners and then your furniture will thank you and delight you with a beautiful shiny look.